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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1967, p. 28

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28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 20, 1967 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday BUSINESS SERV to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted BUYING Bec SELLING furniture or ap Cal 1) Elmer, 263-2294, 265-2695 COs METI CS CE DIRECTORY. Accountants Building Trad WILLIAM C. Ac. MALL, B.comm., Charter-|ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. ec Accountant, 36%2 King Street East.|Get your driveway paved by experts. Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. 2c sq. an all work guaranteed for three GORDON R. DAY, Certified General |¥* Accountant, Sulte 205W, Oshawa Shop- ping 'Centre. 725-995. ciple BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. ss Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- ROOFING, hot tar and OF coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. lrepairs, large and si I jobs. L. and THOUSANDS read Times Action Classi-|Reofing _and Construction. ee fied ads daily. EAVESTROUGHING, chimney EPH G ~|ings. Free sermanies, All work gu JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun- teed. 778-479. tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street ras buliding repairs, Roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fireplaces, |---- masonry. Gord May, Whi Whitby. 668-2774. i 2 Fi East, Telephone 723-4833. \AT CARPENTRY, recreation iggial| ts, garages, stoops, block ani HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charter-|*8r Por ed Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld-|Cement work. 725-4091, i Shanque. ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On- EAVEST tario, 725-3509; $. T. Hopkins, CA: H. E.|guaranteed work. marry Holliday. Beadle, CA; E Lukow, CA. Telephone 725-9404. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Cher-|TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in busi- fered Accountants, Licensed Trustees In Iness. Guaranteed work, .19¢ square foot. Bankruptcy, 57% Simcoe Street North, \7 Bond St. East. 723-5841. Oshawa, 728-7371. Blueprinting nae \Carpentry BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions Quality Carpentry Ltd., 52¥2 Simcoe Street North. 723- GENERAL REPAIRS Blueprinting and photostatic EO aay Building Trades Home Improvement Specialists Serving Oshawa ond District for Many Years. REPAIRS | Monee, ond eae ALTERATIONS | or 623-3411 ; ADDITIONS [aoa aporraenns vera, cee) |pairs. Telephone E. Behm 725-7066. to | HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES |Dressmaking Rec Rooms and Kitchens | le i | . alterations, a Specialty rete ne ta al ats pr James Facial and Sons |<a!_Mrs._ -6.126 |coats, Gresses. ROOFING, EL ow ail types ol Sve Satan te $5306). F FB tceg aes Osher vat sewing. Telephone 725-0865 or 207 Bloor| COMPLETE [HOME improvement serv- ce in Oshawa and area. Reliable and/ . . Ice in Oshaws and arene "cont, 725 Gardening and Supplies 3756. | CHIMNEY rY repaired, new ones made, aiso fireplaces, magonry work, concrete A floors, sidewalks. Free estimat 728- 5264. Janitor Service ALL TYPES ; OF idential, 728-9538. LEANING, floors, GUARANTEED REPAIR to all y wringer walls, windows, etc, Commercial er re Call 728-1742 or 723-001, Mortgages Mortgage "Loans First Mortgages: First Mortgages arranged quickly. Current rate of 8%. Open half-vearly without no- tice or bonus. First mortgages arranged and __ purchased. Agreements for Sale purchaos- ed. Second Mortaoges Second mortgages orranaed ot interest rate of 10% to 12%. Open holf-yeorly without no- tice or bonus. Second mort- gages also purchased. Rates for arranging mortgages are very moderate and ac- cording to Toriff. Will invite your comporison. MANNING F.. SWARTZ for over 30 yeors) 2614 King Street East, Oshawa, Ont Telephone 723-4697 | | | | | | (Arranging Mortqoges makes, new hoses, brush ---- ong Lees, pick up and GLASS Phe dtgubua 7 ilies anc wood windows and aluminum screens . Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284. Ladies to demonstrate €os- pl head chad etiteltekecdh Aiea necieaetio DOD : CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat| metics at home beauty semin- tresses half price, all sizes, headboard: jone-third off. Factory ae 723-3889. ars, or on a route, or in sal- DRUMS -- complete of or ae ons. Full training provided fae oe month nae 6 for selected applicants. Work TYPEWRITERS, new, w, used, d, sales, serv full or part time. For pers- Reha dei 78Si6 nye relives onal interview contact Mr. 12 GAU LE bai ce "gun,| Jeffrey. $55, like new, aye 12-GAUG! cu stove, GENOSHA HOTEL refrigerator and gates machine, Tele doc tc ioc Wednesday, Sept. 20th 9--Market Basket | from 11 a.m, to 9 p.m. SALES TRAINEE Two positions with growing company offer: --Professional status. --Career training program. --No seniority for advance- ment. --Pension plon. --Potential yearly earning $8,000 to $12,000. Applicants age 22-58 Positive and Sports-minded --Receptive to new ideas. Have drive for sales and public relations. For ap- pointment call. Howard Vert- lieb 725-9074 9-10 P.M. only. | ; a tal A TANKS clean Prom Walter Ward, 204" Chestnut lH. etl p ONTARIO "CAND Surveyor. | \ponevan | AND FLEISCHMANN, < prints. 11 Ontarlo Street. 725-5632. 24 HOUR SERVICE NAL TOWING FROM $2.50 maintain o tow truck at East and West Locations. [TV--Radio Repairs TV SERVICE DRIVEN IN .ARAVANS mm the Himalayas IARNESS OR REINS AND ARE STEERED 1 THE RIGHT OR LEFT BY THROWING ROCKS AT THEM 0 me Yee Sate, tase 101. Cel tei rset CONSOLIDATE Borrow Pay Mthly. $1,600 occa ce. $22.94 $2,500 .... $34.23 $4,000 $50.97 Mortgage examples based on 15 year term. Interest 1 - 113% per month -- (12-16% per annum) depending on amount borrow- ed. Interest calculated on the reducing balance. Properties limits. C.A.C. REALTY Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-1691 Ings Installed; roofs repaired. Phone 723- { | rte YOuR LOCAL CHIMNEY -- cleaner. | Chimneys built and repaired, gas tin- { | MORTGAGE LOANS 2997. | We hove immediate funds to : SUPER atta an pus loan as:Ist and second mort- l IFIED RATES je . NO. 1 Fl | gages. Free advice arrange- WORD Pee PARKLAWN GRASS MIX | ments may be made in your Cash -- | insertion ef 24 words, 1.20; SUBURBAN GRASS MIX | own home. A. ROSEN member Ddditional, words, $e eode Pi alpon TIMOTHY and ALSIKE of Ont. Mont. Broks. Assoc. i rch lga ¢ each; 6 pion MEDION BLUEGRASS 725-0532 evenings and week- ee insertions of 34 words. 5.76; eddi-| | KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS ends 728-5623 tional words 24¢ each. INDIVIDUAL GRASSES NEED CASH Charge--10 per cent additional charge GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 Mae OAR) serene oon if not paid within 8 days. EVERGREEN 6-9-6 We feature second mortgages of mo eel Method of Counting -- Less thon 24 EVERGREEN WEED KILLER cent. Also first mortgages awallable, con counts as 24 words; eoch word CAL. TURF 10-6-4 Hb dil private funds. Call 723-4631 any n figure or abbreviation counts as : ime, ne word; phone number counts two SO-GREEN 7-7-7 ai words. MILGORANITE eo ll eg BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- BONEMEAL service, licensed broker, phone 728-9) 9191, SOGiAL Sih EE ae PEAT MOSS [FIRST AND SECOND + mortgages, sal ie 2.50 per in 2 i tional leaked if not paid within 8 days. oe and Wennick Barristers, 31" King. steel | IN MEMOR! MS $2.50 for the first 25 words ond 6¢ Everything for the garden ter, \3c Per Bg of pei 25c additional charge if not paid Painting and Decorating within 8 days. ' S ith DO IT NOW while the weather Is nice. CARDS OF THANKS a . mi Painting and Pasa Slik 8 Free esti-| {mates. F. Schm' $2.50 for the first 35 words ond 7c och thereafter with 25¢. gdditional HANDYMAN PAINTING, decorating charge if not paid within lays. and carpentry work by experienced bs 16 "as ST. workman. 147 Brock Street East or 725- COMING EVENTS $2.38 per inch (disploy); $2.00 for the) 723.2312 723-1139 first 20 words and 6¢ each therecfter PAINTING and paper hanging, interior (Word Ads). DELIVERY SERVICE and exterior. Free estimates and low| AUCTION SALE: prices. Telephone 728-2834. | ORD A ' : WORD ADS ious MANURE | Plumbing Discount LOST AND FOU 149 Brock St. North ND 9 a.m. DAY OF -- BIRTHS AND DEA 9 om. DAY OF PUBLICATION iN MEMORIUMS and CARD OF THANKS 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 4 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 ¢ol- umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous, 655-3331 TIONS AND No. 1. processed top soil, No. 1 processed and blend- ed with cattle manure for top dressing. Well rotted cattle manure. Prompt delivery. $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, | . : | DEADLINES | TOP SOIL = |Plumbing and Heating | | WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing sup- plies. Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off all supplies. : 12 p.m. --9 p.m SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m > or DAY OF PUBLICATION OSHAWA GARDEN __ CLOSED _WEDNES DAY Any + nt celled befor ALL PLUMBING N rUbliestion wil be charged ene cays) SERVICE LTD. _ bles. "relepnene AND EATING sp ys n -- -- Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and En- BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 d replies to box numbers to the BLUE GRASS ps lability § i] Cc * loss | Jomaved o iieged ie sae thesueh etiort Al |-Green Nursery Sod Growers gines While every endeavor will be mode to| MERION-KENTUCKY ALL TVFEE aes and amorste.| jnew and used materials. Reasonable < a8 soon os possible, we ac- rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J aleys| ing, 255 Simcoe Street South Rug - tug - Upholstery | Service fnilure or delay in forwarding suc plies however caused whether by ne 4 gence or otherwise, The Times will not Visitors Welcome le for replies uncalled for 725-9674 --- TOWNLINE N % Mi. North Taunton. Villoge REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE | RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-| ip KAMSTRA | FER waite nor oR Mot corel THAN IN | THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD- LANDSCAPING VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE! | PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- ond SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. | GARDEN SERVICE The aaah Times reserves the right to| __ 728- 8267 J advertising according to er classification. 1 the cases of display advertisements ~GooD STOCK SOD | | Times will held res: bi Me Ee oe then teat HL ee tin The publishers} ° Excellent Quolity, Low Prices, uce all advertising| Loaded or Delivered. ovor Coll Classified Direct |NURSERY AND FIELD SOD. Free esti-|°" ai a 723-3492 |mates. Prompt delivery. 725-3325 and|RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- eins 1723-3688. lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran. |FOR FREE estimates of hedge trim- iming, demolishing old bulidings, chain INDEX TO isaw work and cutting trees, 263-2111 or CLASSIFICATIONS -- {282025 GENERAL LANDSCAPING and hon 725-0311 \Sales and Service _ RE-UPHOLSTERING 725-9332 Wide selection of Fibrics Workmanship Guaranteed (five full years) | Easy budget Terms--Free Estimates @ Over 20 years experience He FURNITURE CENTRE = | 90 Simcoe St. North | PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery Angus-Graydon tar cOnBoIIy: Gut Giahne fo libility | 728-6254 ertisement if any inaccuracies in Visitors Welcome. oe - ---- ---------~ ---------~ th bee -eBnTaIned HbFEIK | CHESTERFIELOS re-upholstered and HUNTING LICENCES -- New and used re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate IT'S EASY TO peti | JO56 9674 jrial for re-covering. Slip covers made tion and h TIMES ACTION WANT A to order. Malton Upholstering, 75 Charles 16 Bond Street, 723-7212. teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- tresses re-built, furniture re-finished.| Repairs all makes Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue./ Ray Whitaker, 150 William St. E. 728-9191. _|SKATES, new and used, , hockey r eauip- Nomen's Column maintenance, gardens plowed or ro' ona! tilled, lawns sodded or seeded 455-5054! man's Column or 723-3877. Viotorcycles : aiiers Instruction varine Equipment i and Barter | for, Sale HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Basket s Col rer CANE IN SPARE TIME es Wanted 13--Articies for Rent Prepores you to write examin- 1 ess Span ations. to receive Ontorio ; Sauce Wauied Ld Diploma. Grades 5-12. Im- 7 male Help Wanted prove your education at your e Help, Wanted own pace. Low installments je Help Want at ehate Por Sale es include books and study Summer Properties guides. Write today for FREE rms for Sale brocnure to s for Sale Estate Wanted American School, Dept. 8 outboards, all makes, oir | res Offi cas ane Storage Box 2, Kingston, Ontario. cooled engines. Parts and --Houses for Ren' Aparna tor ant Nome ' .. Age service. Largest service in ~Expo Accommodation Address . ae | een Oshawa Rooms for Rent 74 BARRIE AVE Room and ----$$--$_____--_----- ---- ented te Raat lavonsy M, ROBINSON MPSE teacher 728-2791 or 725-4633 Automobiles for Sale of dramatic art, elocution and public) FypEWRITER SERVICE -- $4.95. Serv- ompact Cars for Sale speaking. Appointments made by calling/ice aij includes cleaning, lubrication, rucks for Sale 725-0300. w ribbon, liner adjustment and repair. jobiles Brita PIANO: Classical and popular, Theory. pickup and delivery. 725-6915. obile | Repal For information contact Patricia Tuck, jan. and Found 74 Burk Street, Oshawa, dial 725-4587. IND M REFRIGERATION appiian: BALLET, BATON T owrveer Fer e eer FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES} 452 Simcoe $.--Oshowa' = |p, 41" X & GLENDALE house trailer. Own- er going abroad. May be seen at 1010 | |ces; Register|dryers, water coolers, all makes. Spec-|Evinrude motors. In Fri rag service, 24 hours|week, Marine Storage and Supply Ltd, iBrooklin 655-3641, np Everio 47 p.m, daily, Harvey Dance Academy, |lalize \Oshawe Shopping Centre. 725-6122. service. 876-3; APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE ALCAN Telephone | 723-001 1 NOW Bring me your mowers, tillers, PICK YOUR OWN tomatoes, Spanish . . onions, Bring containers. W. Eyemann,| vice, Jeandron Greeting Cord Y% mile east of Rey Nichols Garage,| Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., Courtice. Go north to first corner. | Hamilton, Ont. -|MecINTOSH RE miles marth of Oshawa on simcae sireet/ =P ART TIME |6--Marine Equipment |8--Articles for Sale or BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL United Rent-All and Marine, Goodrich, 88 King Street West, 725-4543. VACUUM REPAIRS, ail NEED EXTRA MONEY? A P P L ES Showing our beautiful line of : Christmas cards to friends, neighbors, relatives is ane of the easiest and fastest ways MclIntos of earning extra cash. You don't need experience because our big, illustrated catalogue, with over 300 items shown in full-color, helps you to get $2 Per Bushel plenty of orders. Write today for Christmas cards on ap- proval and free catalogue. Dept. 22, ALGOMA | 217°comon amin EARN_ EXTRA ORCHARDS Ltd. MONEY' Show Canada's finest line of Christmas ape ice No- : ; velties, etc. Over items. Thickson Rd. N., Whitby For free, beautifully illus- trated catalogue ,samples, on opproval and the fastest ser- REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted. for Oshawa office, Inquiries treated confident- jolly, Call W. Baldwin, ma- nager. W. FRANK RLTR. REAL ESTATE LTD. 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa 728-7585 $1.75 a bushel, 12 kes, hose: etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, 9A--Eggs & Poultry ens "DAISY. orgy Sd DAILY --| Ings in week. Apply ite Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. \e- MR. pant sult and one sport cost, size 40. In Picked up, delivered at store or home. CAMPBELL, FOR CLEANER, SHARPER a | 33 Johnson, electric start motor MANS. COMPLESE | WARDRDOE on and trailer, two years old, $1,500. Tele- SHORT ORDER COOK for weekends and two even-., TV TOWER nt Good condition. Telephone 723:5636. 16. "FOOT MAHOGANY 1 boat, | GENOSHA HOTEL , $49, a . Adders, ates. Bi new, used, sauprne: Many extras. 3966, Corner Bond and Division 2721, Licence 101-C-67. 4, 10--Farmer's Column | NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE DEAD pe CRIPPLED farm stock | EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted. picked uv Fur Farm, Texas Steak, 15 Bond St. East, Tele- Tyrone. Telephone" 'collect "Hampton 263-| phone 723-0481 after 2 p.m. _ |plus full set of controls. Good condition, |$175. Telephone Whitby 668-4734. = rifle, with sling, extra site ond case. $125. 725-1895. 11--Pets and Livestock T.V.. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a better tower OSHAWA T. V. i#" CEDARSTRIP boat and tee-nee trall- oe Se Will rade wore Hariey-Davideon (COMPLETE living room ai ind Barely one year old. condition, Must sell before August 29. "tra », Sleeps After 5.30, 728-2482. | six, fully equipped. Telephone 983-5143. VACUUMS, used, GE, Electrolux, Sing- er, Lewyt, and Juno. Reasonable. Apply | must be within a city or town | | | Pod and Barter ATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17.7 tol- |HOUSEROLD discardables removed. No systems, | charge if enough value to cover trucking. lsump pumps, kitchen and vanity units | 723-6381. ite to order and pect hal piping fit- POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing, | week, [reasonably priced. Also stud service. apply. Box 493, Colborn UNLIMITED = For Extra STUDENT MR ibalaat te nc) -- all makes; 'om. PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE--Clip-|Phone 723-3211. JANITOK Reliable energetic man re- quired for factory in Ajox. Would prefer applicant to be living in Ajax area. For ap- pointment Call 942-1540 CENTRALAB CANADA LTD AJAX, ONTARIO MATURE and reliable woman to help care for two children, light housekeeping duties, Private room, good salary. Tele- ping all breeds, poodies our specialty.| MATURE LADY Wi Free pick-up and delivery; boarding and/charge of motherless gibbela ae bg training. Doberman Pinschers and Ger- out. "Abstainer. Telephone 728-7018 man Shepherd puppies for sale. Dachurst | --------------_____v Kennels, 655-2881. HOUSEKEEPER, live In, five-day week, three children, 18, 13 and five, $25 per Responsible ee only need Telephone 668-6977. ES and trained dogs, toys and/Earnings. Become a Beauty Counselor. soar gg up. Delivered. Tele-!Openingy in eneunen end sales, Pedr 1-98 jMrs. Elliott, section manager, 725-9442. QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE ag re gui |anteed one year, $20. up. Sales and si i 728- | availab! TAUNTON RD. E. |\8--Articles for Sale Just East of Ritson) |TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-1. vii to jail. balige rmsd $50. TRIO" alee ilu Bink Townline Rd. N. 723-6216. COZY-J_RANCH. Reg'd. German Shep-|Oshawa Times. | GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers,| herds, pups. Show mare In foal to quar. re 50 and|ter horse. Pony. Pinto, Western saddles, |FULL - TIME, EXPER' ENCED hair- TELEVISION -- RADIO SIX SERVICE BAYS __ \television, retrigerator, etc., |RE all breeds. Telephone 728- 9609. |keeping duties. Must be willing to move CLIPPING specialist. Stud|'0 Toronto. Live In with all conveni- yy pupples for sale. Lun-jences. Pleasant family home in good district with two school-aged children. -|Please apply in writing to Box 74402, clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662. ohana wanted. Telephone Simcoe South, 723-0011. cds nL od CARE ERE ae | WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used |p furans ote or anything you har The | FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL BEA PS, reg Shc. field champion stock. TYPEWRITER, sta ndards $25; portabl os typewriter, $45; a ELECTRONICS correct castor "and comber- align toe - in and toe - i] SETTER, 1 papers. Telephone 623-5891. usi!), and they work with the nicest | GUARANTEED, USED wringer eed rniture, and Appliances, 452 TRI @ Ports extra if required males, females, five opie rok Pretty anytime. 62 Glen, "apartment 202, after AG OR aetna Furniture, 444 Simeoe South, 728-32 4.30. FREE! Eanes one adjusted ~ a; va an Gi Serene from Western BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars. Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, FURNITURE and FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe APPLIANCES -- late model \to 452 SIMCOE SOUTH Plus $2.00 per wheel JOARDING STABLE | for: horses in Whit. GIRL FRIDAY required for small office, Tel | Sper lence not essential, must be willing sy ise as pee learn. Applications treated with strict reared sie weeks | eee. For interview call 668-8853. CAR HOSTESSES at A and W ViIP's, Our bright and pleasant TT BABY BUDGIES, ready! es of car hostesses are very special for training, jong strain. Apply P./peopie. They are well groomed, pleasant road, 114 Elgin East and they have flexible working hours, top pay, smart uniforms (provided by months, ve people in the world -- our customers. If RISH | SETTER" pupp ar gateres you you think you can qualify as an A and W 2429,\car hostess call 728-5731. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN tc 40 loo look after two children, one school age and pvc AA ORE one POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing, e-schooler.vicinit f wit treet. semmocatly priced. Whitby. Telephone Telephone. 725.0157" ss ns atta WAITRESS REQUIRED, experienced. HORSE, gelding, elght years old. Palo-| a, t, nino 'and buckskin, $90. Alto Wo Geri ge eee King $15 monthly, Barons' man Shepherds and one hound for sale. South. Telephone. 942-3326. WOULD YOU like to spend ten days in the country? Wanted In October, re- --1 I DOG TRAINING classes, sponsored by /jjap) iT and|the Oshawa Obedience Association, In- Tete home Seen" Ne Snlere, Three: month warranty. " ae aie for the fall course. Tele-| Phone | STEEL GUITAR player wanted for West- "JOE'S COLOR TV. HOTORDLA Taarbics and Radio Service ndition. Best |WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel, cheap and In good con- dition. Telephone 723-2451. FOUR-PIECE chesterfield { suite, EUROPEAN RADIOS. AND TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK ot ite. Tel 7 COMPARABLE. PRICES rm ale. Telephone SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 ern band. Telephone 725-3696 after six. '12--Articles Wanted MATURE, responsible woman required '| SEWING MACHINE, prefer ------=------= for lunch room, hours 3-10 p.m. Prefer- bly Singer.) ably living In the north end. Apply In ONE SINGLE, BED, complete, and two peer new and in top condition. 725: \person, 948 Simcoe North. j GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, efc.lqns of chiidren te baby sit in my. fom Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeill's | afternoons 1 to 6 p.m. 668-4607 Dornibas Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526. lor after 6. TED -- reliable woman autho is $75 CASH for best refrigerator offered. FREE "ROOM available fo elderly lady, a pepe Immediately. Telephone 728\preferably of European origin, In ex- 75. change for service as housekeeper and Fast T.V. Service UNIROYAL companion. Apply 523 Drew Street. 13--Articles for Rent EXPERIENCED shirt presser. Appl |AM-FM Multiplex stereo radio, P asking $70. Telephone DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 a.m. to9 pm. rcureai-ctonge anon ot The New Home of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Road South meat scales ski. Doo, seighy coffee and cha filing pear ain Hamilton, 1985-7160. BUTTON ACCORDION, eerie In 'per- ~ and Ud di Oshawa - ay Supply Limited, + lust east of Ritson Road. | ALUMINUM ENTERTAINING GIBSON aaFRISEAATOR: across the '| ~ ELECTROLYSIS ply Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- One Hour pmrainizing: Whitby. Tele a , " Cut! GI Coff ila as es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee ee RS Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal- 18 }--Male je Help ) Wanted LIABLE MATURE lady for house- STOCK ROOM SUPERVISOR Electric component manufac- turer located in Ajax requires responsible man to supervise two employees in stock room ond to do shipping and receiv- ing. Must have experience. For appointment eall 942- 1540. CENTRALAB CANADA LTD. ~ CHEMICAL PROCESSOR We require processor with ex- perience in batch and volume chemical manufacture. Our company is located in Ajax, and provides fully paid com. pany fringe benefits. Wage level on basis of experience. Successful applicant will com- mence work immediately. DREW CHEMICAL LIMITED Call 942-0150 ATTENTION: If | can find on honest man with a car I'll set him up in his own high income sales and service busi- ness. This business repeats year after year. No money re- quired to start. Full or part time. Apply to Wesley Walmsley, 304 Posh St., Oshawa, Phone 723-6296 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted for Blackstock Arca. Prefer selling experience. Ex- perienced manager to help you. Join Canada's iargest realtor, a firm with a proven record of sales. Contact I_lyod G. Lee, F.R.I., Vice-President, H. KEITH LTD. 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12, 487-3333 SUNIOR EXECUTIVE TYPE. Perma- nent future for a sales type Indi accustomed to contact with the Three-year initial salary plus handsome Wear, Men's Formals, White ' ' Fox Furs, Mink Seles. pe ab SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 Where Will | Be 5 Years Bie Park icuhecken eee ? i? Fifty to one hundred From Now? le: Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| ® How Much Will |. Be Seertnat size range, also ei quets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, Worth? 7 sped etl EU lon What Will My Position Be? HEAVY DUTY floor scrubber and 22" roto filler, 100' 2" black pipe, four dozen quart sealers, top conditi 723-8429. Removal of superfluous hoir "IWHEEL CHAIRS, hospita! beds, walk- 4 " lon. | plies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644. Am | Fighting Seniority? Am | Being Paid Whot » reducing machines, sick room sup- VICTORIAN HIGH back bed # 6" wide, golden oak with buried wainet Dresser to match, wash ~9_P. 14--Busin on these dates for appoint- EVENISS I'm Worth? Opportunities | Nowt! Three bedrooms, living room, i = i sore "rw teed Bia World Wide Income Protec: LONESOME? We love people, « iil help you meet them. Write Confidential - in filters, mmm eye and ca Pat compe s on OUTBOARDS 4% horsepower, CITY TV televisions, radios, A wagen, rear vogege carrier, holds Maal service and repairs. dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- DISH WASHER -- GE ile never uncrated. Cost $259 and tax. for best offer. Call 723-0087. MASON AND RISCH Grandette piano, Stone front,|. tion Organization requires 4 out, aluminum ite. "On Highway 12, near} additional sales representa- Sunderiand. Small down payment or will iccépt new model car, gd or cottage tives for this area. Men sel- ected will be trained at head D two chair barber| Office at company expense in osnews: Telephone and can expect executive in- ent Tab-a146, evenings after seven. come from both new business BUYING, selling apt. bidgs., shopping] and established accounts plazas, any business. C. McCullough, W. - [Frank Real Estate, Realtor, 7237843, QUALIFICATIONS S85. e@ CAR approximately 42" high, and Service 9 a.m, to 9 pm. 5 sd ay dition, only three years 'old, ranean! |YAMAHA - | SUZUKI -- Authorized dealer. 0500. All work guaranteed. RUTHERFORD'S 3-room groups, Living Room, GUITAR, FENDER 'Mustang and Sykes with amplifiers. Set of drums. gaily stand, Reasonable. Telephone with i it k wil - Rie pee, reeks Went see an No experience necessary 204 Bond St Er, 725-6344 STENOGRAPHER FOUR years legal For Appointment Coll '115--Employment Wanted e BONDABLE MOVING, move insured, odd jobs done,| @ FREE TO TRAVEL Jal_ opportunity. Box 34567, Oshawa EXPERIENCED SALES! for ished bread route, (local), stead: ae Srplornent, " ete lus commission. Apply Brown's Bread, Oshawa. 728-261. Oni d pet slo ly experienced mn el reno DE ETI FOUR MEN needed for steady outside work, 44-hour week. Should be and over 25. Rate $1.75. 725-4 dies lounge. Apply Mr. osha. (No 0 Phone calls please.) NAILERS REQUIRED for box pi nh aC le age and experience fe REAL ESTATE career for an Indus- trious, honest and reliable person 'whe can be trained for a satisfying future. We have an immediate opening. view in strict confidence, Contact Doug- las J. M. Bullied, Realtor, 723-1168. MECHANIC wanted with Type A licence, man with MF farm and industrial equip4 ment experience preferred. Good wages and year round employment. Apply to Morrow Farm Equipment Ltd., Port Perry, Ont. 985-2181. EXPERIENCED bar tender, for dining Campbell Hotel Gen- 19--Male and | Female _ Help Wanted ual lic. and all grou; benefits. Oshawa area resident ore ferred, age 21-40, no travel. Position offers stable career with substantial in- come and to the right person manager- pail In confidence te Tim estab- guaranteed wage Inter- Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, |BEAUTY SALON equipment Reverse call, 282-4970 or nights, 839-2340. RENOVATING HOME. Inum awnings -- many sizes. sink and toilet, large Viking retrigera- , office "rigid girl's 28" bike. T full or part is Write Box 74462 Osh- : Immediate delivery or away. RUTHERFORD'S h , LOVING DAY CARE by widow for pre- 156 'Simco St. So school children, years" of experience, L|free pick-up and delivery. 576-1337, ~ YOUN JABLE WOMAN will give depend- able day care to children in my home. furnished two-bedroom, 1962 GMC haif-ton pick-up with camper. ern kitchen set, Tour chalrs,, best 'offer xperience, Position in Oshawa, PES! R, DARUWALLA awa Times. Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. RELIABLE LADY will mind children in her home, Park Road and Gibb eee street area. Telephone 576-2419. 725- _725-2551 _ ae eS Demolition Co se Sroeaikiad Rd. & King St Ww, [ANTIQUE SETTEE, antique (poe) rock- ive-day ing chair, fiberglas sree orange color, Telephone Yar5176. week, transportation provided.| To qssist manager in local TRAVEL TRAILER -- sleeps five, ex- ies i é : for picture window, 9 x uy rug, orange ice DAY CARE GIVEN fo one or fwo chil- Used building materials, bath- room fixtures, furnaces, lights, GIRLS BICYCLE, sali $20. In good hone 723-7728. ONE DOUBLE steel bed, pate onal phone 725-1077 after five. SUMMERTIME SPECIALS branch of coast to coast my home, age three or four.| Chain organization. Experi- Dianne and Olive area, Telephone 576- ence unnecessary, in educa- tion field, but must be able OF! a STORES or business places} to converse intelligently. lo perfection. All work guaran- ined 1 . 4 fee. spRetsonable rates, Please phone| Appliconts must be: 1, Aged 18-26 CHRIS CRAFT SALES and SERVICE MATIC freezer, two years old. Wilson's F Le a ie Ry isons Furn. approximately ax years' ol 'good work- Smooth top mattresses 29-95 576 2-pc. chesterfield suite 109.95 3-pc. bedroom suites 99.50 20 CHURCH STREET COLONIAL APL ae reom suite, rude outboard motors. sofe, twe occasional Oshawa Yachthaven ea ae ee oi acta die ee a a a eae ta , , ROBDORNENY tices." Tele- BUSHEL HAMPERS gH he used once, TIMES TV SALE -- 17-inch Philips, ah sia Ad ae CLASSIFIED miral, 21-inch Dumont, El 14-inch portable, new ee tube, $59, air conditioners, washers, stoves, "STARCRAFT" | GREW Traveller boats. 2. Neat In appearance 3. Able to start immediat- FOR ely. RESULTS SALARY: Experienced Real Estate Sales- man or Sales Lady urgently required for small established office. Good commision ar- rangement plus incentive bonus. All replies confidential. Call Jack Osborne 576-1200; eve. 728-5836. R. MARTIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 172 KING STREET E. ge Rene Morning pa e trice, Tecumseh, Churchill Streets area nore ane. 3874 between 5.30 and poi el atta Rosh Mo 4 ES $100 WEEKLY or more, full or part da teed eM to take over Fuller lerritories y and Bowmanvil! Phone 728-4922. tg PIANO player for dance band wanted. womi s awa and surroundin For interview call tario county with 1ck SCOOTE = Ipped, $50. All sets guaranteed. 876-3877, 639-5423, 93d ss Telephone 576 p.m. per route land, Brook jale =Plaza, Peterborough. Man_ oF In Osh- districts In One awieigh Products, $50 weekly part Meng $108 723-3492 725-254| [Sask full time. Write Rawlel $110 weekly --_ |wawrao tnonepiaracy mano to supply consumers 'Bagless REQUI TRAFFIC The Townst undertaking roads and acceptable future imprc determined. In approxim tions, It will record: the vehicles dur period on C tween 1:00 P.M. It is est person assi vehicles will approximate! hours on Oc 2:00 to 4:( struction pi hours on Oc time allows the assignec cants for tt required to 5 transportatio Municipal | counting sta 10 cents p made in add ly rate. The work w ple and sh housewives | who could be times indica' Consideratio to residents on the basis an applicatic Applicants the accompe return it te office. Cc. Loy Chairm« Co-ordinati TO; Mr. P. | Townsh Munici Kingsto Pickerit The under: available to traffie count Name (plea Tel. No. .. Address ... {pet } have trans one Box), Signed WANTED -- Ful tax! drivers, Whit 25 years of over. 20--Real E CENTI ON 19 Sime REAL E! RALPH M BROC FULL PR You will be immaculate bungalow wi "Rec"' room place and to features to | near school See this at bound to bt INCO? Seven-room, home, pres run as a dt would also : ily in need « Asking $13 $1 That is all 1 ing for this room brick fired hot w its lovely br it has o pri and a large yord for th borbecue an quiet street or St. Grego you'll have one. ONLY $: Modern 3 bungalow ir tion and tas For further once. SUBURE $1 Seven-room acre neor N Preston Roa room is onl tractive fea' cious bung most anxiou OUR FINAN( MAY HELI LIS CENTRAL ¢ 723-5221 - AFTER HOU (NO TC Allan Thon Harvey Hog Tom Houste __ Ralph Schot SPECU DEV 37 acres o sion propert college. Rig! ponsion. Fo and osk for Dick Young Ltd. 723-52 int hes

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