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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1967, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 20, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE.GLOBE Hospital Reports Jodoin Shows Slow Progress OTTAWA (CP)--Claude/ment stating that plans for, Jodoin, president of the Cana-/building the proposed new jail dian Labor Congress, still is:should be stopped. WASHINGTON (AP)-- The suffering general paralysis of! The order to shelve the plans Federal Aviation Administra- the right side of his body, the came in the wake of a recent|tion said Tuesday it will impose aftermath of a severe stroke in' announcement that the province a series of new requirements on May. would take over new responsi- the airlines, starting uext The 54-year-old labor leader pilities in the administration of! month, to improve passenger an gi gg at Foe justice in Ontario, chances of surviving airplane cent's hospital here, bu crashes. associates report his progress New Republic The new rules range from a has been slow requirement that the backs of LONDON ing because the paralysis ria's Midwest He has great difficulty speak (Reuters)--Nige-jall passenger seats be main- extends to the right side of his qec¢jared itself a republic, takeoffs and landings -- effec- Rirline Safety WEATHER FORECAST versity of Colorado, The 15- month study, costing $313,000 and sponsored by the USAF, Temperature To Dive By Thursday Evening TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|tonight and Thursday. Winds) , Patterson is head of the|for the United States Air Force, issued by the weather office at|southwest 15 to 25 shifting to|®1 2118, belleves unidentified) Dr. 5:30 a.m. EDT: Synopsis: The fine weather of the last week appears to be all|Sunny and warmer today. but over for Ontario. An intense |Thursday cloudy but with sunny} storm centre over northern|periods and warn. Chance of a| Hudson Bay driving much cool-|few showers in the afternoon or) 0 er air down across Manitobalevening on Thursday. Winds|5P@C®, but whether they areithe astronomy Separtne, this morning. By Thursday |light today becoming southwest | 20 on Thursday. evening all of Ontario will be in this cooler air mass. Meanwhile an area of cloud is gradually spreading across the lower Great Lakes from the| Windsor ... southwest and extensive morn-|St. Thomas ....... 55 70 ing fog has blanketed much of| London ........ eos 55 7 southeastern Ontario from Toronto to Kingston. will develop along the leading Region today tained in an upright position for face becoming the second Nigerian tive Oct. 24 -- to provision of Last week, theexecutive t ede from the feder- improved escape slides by Oct,\edge of the colder air mass|Hamilton . | eS ee ee : ga . : {across Northern Ontario today |St. Catharines .... 58 72°] and over the lower Great Lakes Toronto ....... seve 58 2 | council of the congress appoint-' ation, a radio broadcast from 1, 1969. ed Donald MacDonald, secre- the regional capital of Benin, Fos A ng as acting presi- monitored here, announced. | Investigation : MOSCOW (AP)--The son-in- Trial Recessed Beatles Tops law of former premier Nikita LONDON (Reuters)--The Khrushchev is under investiga- TIJUANA, Mexico (CP-AP) Beatles today were voted Brit- tion for an accident in which ~ After nearly eight months in gin's top musical group for the| his car hit a woman pushing a prison, Stephenino d'Ninio Of third successive year. Readers baby carriage across a Moscow Toronto went on trial here\or¢ Melody Maker magazine|street, informed sources sai Tuesday for the murder of his' pave the accolade in annual) today. wife chal ; Ree ae i poll and named the long-haired; The son-in-law, Alexei I. thor <illal hi r D'Ninio, 25, is charged with|foursome's Sergeant Pepper's AGGHEBAL wan ellter of the ae eee yess ee vineoa ee . My striking his bride, Margaret 1 1 d the! cav d : ' inte egions, mil- | Timmins ms Bagen Lonely Hearts Club Band as Soviet government newspaperiton, Toronto: Local areas of} --------------------------- Come on in rn og o. hap sp ee year's best long-playing record.!}7yestia and an important aide heavy fog clearing this morn- FIRST WON o 4 weigh Bes to Khrushchev before Khrush-|jng° © ' ittnes b . ge g. Considerable cloudiness ond 8 gs pupal aga ag Hopes Dashed chevy was ousted from power with chance of a few showers| ,Bess Myerson of New York end Compare! over a cliff a ' : three years ago. Since then./and continuing warm this after- City was the first Miss America Me (esiges bd Ota the tadlee OTTAWA (CP) -- Yugoslavia Adzhubei has been one of the noon and evening. Thursday|Winner to receive an educa- yyer f g ors rans . Vie : 0 he andi to subpoena nity duc- has dashed hopes of an early/editors of the minor magazin? mainly cloudy with occasional tional scholarship from the con- |S ---------------------------- nie -- h f d th init order for Canadian atomic - Soviet Union. tors who performed the autopsy| tiejied electric generators, wis the body and said' that Canadian sources said Tuesday. | d'Ninio wants to add to his ear- "the subject was discussed at Her statement ae es talks among Prime Minister WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Trial was recessed for aboul' pearson, Trade Minister Win- House of Representatives, by Health Grant two weeks. | Thursday. Lake St. Clair, Lake Huron regions, Windsor, London: Cloudy with a sunny intervals and chance of a|Muskoka 50 65 shower today. Continuing) North Bay 50 60 ing fenced-in play§tound spacious 191 Nonquon Road, Oshawa warm. Thursday cloudy with/Sudbury .. 50 60 : : ' ily 1 till in occasional showers and turning! Earlton ........ 45 50 suites, colored stoves and fridges, aya congaaue wen taba cooler. Winds light west 20 Thursday afternoon. showers and turning cooler in the afternoon or evening. Winds | southerly 15} light becoming tonight and northwest 20 Thurs- day Afternoon or evening. Timagami, Algoma, Sault northwest 25 early Thursday. | seriously. so he has agreed to|at the University of Toronto,|will determine the scale of the) Kitchener ....... - 55 70 Showers} Mount Forest ..... 55 5 yer e |Wingham ...... eee 5D 65 e re) sees sooe 58 724 Lake Erie, [Trenton ....cccces 58 72 few Killaloe ..... 55 70 becoming |Sault Ste. Marie .. 45 55 southerly 15 tonight and north- ee Scientific Study Of UFOs Planned By Professor was held because of speculation the U.S. government was hiding the truth about UFOs. DOWNTOWN ientifi f is' iver-| * DELIGHTFUL TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Gordon|amenable to scientific study',| Illinois' Northwestern Un' Patterson, an aerospace spe-|he said Tuesday. sity and a scientific consultant el} Rg ed GOOD FOOD REASONABLE PRICES Special Noon Lui Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST. WEST flying objects should be takén| Institute of Aerospace Studies|will attend the seminar which ae Montreal and Ottawa region: |participate in a study of them. We won't get into the ques- tion of whether they is or whether they isn't from outer hich will hold a stminariinstitute's study, Thursday as part of a scientific SIMILAR STUDY HELD | investigation of UFOs. ; A similar study was conduct- Dr. J. Allen Hynek, head ofjed in the U.S. recently by Dr. flEdward U. Condon of the Uni- | Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Thursday covcccs 55 70 | Hey look MONA LISA APARTMENTS Peterborough .... Kingston ..sss.00. 55 72 5 acres parkland, swimming pool, sauna room and gym, ample park- Call 723-6022 Kapuskasing plus many other extras. White River .. test ters and Finance Minister one vote, has tentatively Ste. Marie, Georgian Bay ON NORTE Roba Upst By THE CANADIAN Ontario's province leaders campaigned Ontario Tuesday for provincial election, | John Robarts stole with his annour incentive grants to industrial groy growth areas. The Progressive ¢ premier told a mee! William the gover launch the prograi ately if re-elected. payments of up to $ be made to manufa tourist industries. Robicha PC Leac FREDERICTON (( eral Premier Louis hails New Brunsw nomic growth in the years as the greates' tory. Progressive C Leader J.C. Van 3 the province the mo in Canada. Mr. Robichaud poir 200 industries worth have settled in th since the Liberals to 1960, Mr. Van _ Horne New Brunswick requ vival kit of at lea $100,000,000 in annua Ottawa. Jack Currie, provin of the New Democr says the cure-all is re Sharp and Yugoslav Premier approved a $40,000,000 increase|/re gions: Sunny with cloudy Mika Spiljak and Finance Min-|in funds authorized for rat|periods and continuing warm! Nobo ONE STOP. of the old line part Governor Fired ister Janko Smole. extermination and other state The. Yugoslav _ leaders health programs, informed the Canadians that as| If sustained on a vote sched- ST. CATHARINES (CP) George Millar, governor of Lin- coln County's 106-year-old jail, : was dismissed Tuesday after) Tesult of reassessment | shifting to northwest 25 Thurs- | the county council adopted ajtheir country's priorities fol/partially erase what many' g es urs: report of the general adminis- tration committee Mr. Millar said demand a public inquiry. j said he has not been told why ?' bill, ie he was fired. LSD Study of electricity, no decision can|mark on the House for its He ® Canadian offer of atomic owered generating plants. hydro and thermal production! members consider a black day morning. | he wil] De expected until next year on rejection in July of the adminis- ern James Bay regions: Sunny - tration's $40,000,000 rat control|and warm with increasing iw Thursday. Turning much cooler today. Thursday mostly cloudy with occasional showers and turning much cooler. Winds of uled for today, the action could/South to southwest 15 to 20) Cochrane, White River west-| rloudiness this evening. Cloudy vith showers tonight and He will be relieved ot his Priest Unfrocked | (Reuters) -- . NEW YORK (CP) -- A pro- duties today on the expiration eae of a 20-day suspension ordered, MEXICO CITY by R. H. Rittenhouse, warden Pope Paul has unfrocked Bel- fessor of pediatrics who studied of the county, after he had been/ sian born Benedictine prior) the effects of LSD on a five- approached by a deputation of Gregoire Lemercier for ignor-| year-old girl who swallowed the jail employees Sept. 1. ing the church hierarchy and|hallucinogenic drug in April, running psycho-analysis § € S-| 1966, reports she became tem- Plans Halted sions at his monastery neat norarily psychotic and suffered here, it was learned Tuesday. | psychological after - 'effects OTTAWA (CP)-- Ontario's) Msgr. Giuseppe Ferraioli, months later. reform institutions department| charge d'affaires of the apostol-) pr. Doris H. Milman, assist- has ordered a halt to planning|ic mission here, announced the ant professor of pediatrics al for a proposed new Carleton unfrocking. the state University of New County jail here, it was report-| Father Lemercier had) York's Downstate Medical Cen- ed Tuesday, ignored church warnings andjtre in Brooklyn, said the girl Bill Brunette, county clerk conducted sessions in which! swallowed an LSD-soaked sugar treasurer, said he has received|monks were psychoanalyzed to|cube she found in the family CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 Fost Pune Redio Dispetched FREE Estimates, Reasonable Rates, Repoir Specialist, Hydre 24 Hour Tonks Installed Service lumbing Service. SERVICE MADE US, Call 723-1191 @ Freezer SPECIAL ! Hind Quarters OF BEEF 67: Cut and Wrapped. Free SIRLOIN C Ib 10 LB. LOTS OF : WING STEAKS 89! lb a telephone order from R. 'T. J.| determine why they had taken|refrigerator where it had been STEAK :... ].09 LB LEAN SLICED CUTS CUTS West of the provincial depart-'up religious orders. left an uncle. BONELESS Cc Ib C Cc Ib Ib Buehler's Harvest Sale RUMP or ROUND STEAK ROAST .. PORK CUTLETS ST PEAMEAL BACON VEAL PATTIES 3» 1.00 12 King St. East 123-3633 723-5278) 1 to 5-Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN for HUNDREDS Eo LOW PRICES Ib :/ Spare is. 49° ° URI 3 om. & SUPER SAVE SPROULE' Swift's Premium -- Fully Cooked -- Ready to Serve 5 to 6 Ibs. Smoked @ Picnics BREAKFAST BACON SLICED PIECES "RIBS FREEZER FEATURES eee Red pat Beef me solar Olde Say to assure ¢ ality ----- Flayor and Natural Tenderness PEAMEAL BACON wo roxnons u. 19° §§ -- ront." 3 SIDEOF" f° MIND. FRESH WIENERS Sic 99°33 . 49°; , Gls . 73° IT 1S THE CONSISTENTLY LOW PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE THAT MAKES IT WORTH YOUR WHILE TO SHOP AND SAVE AT SPROULE'S ! Regular 4e -89 Value MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE us 1.37 SOUP TOMATO 10 FOR 1.00 CARNATION MILK GRANULATED SUGAR 5 uc 39° SILVERLEAF 1-LB, PACKAGE LARD 5 FoR 1.00 Heinz Strained BABY FOOD 8 : BOF SCHNEIDER'S SHORTENING nt 29° PKG. TALL TINS Clark's Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE 48-02. 23° TIN > PALMOLIVE PRODUCTS © Buy One Get One FREE! Fd ies ceded idem _-- FREE 'he tee. windal Rise 'n' Shine Orange pa Seens Jat ci ssivavsioeuees rd $ Palmolive Liquid Detergent RA BBE oo ciskieckic eae ; ¢ Liquid Detergent ¢ DRINK 3 mcs. OF | tre a 3 a seep 20c Off Giant Size 8c Off Woodbury ... Bath Size -- greeny ine see eeceeee 89° : € ull G jon OZ.) ow eae eeeeeeeees ; TAB...86* ; TOILET SOAP 2... 37° | rere in 7 Eg PRIZE Save 10¢ -- Kellogg's -- 8-ox. Pkgs. SPICES -- 3-0z. Tin ................ $ LIQUID DETERGENT INSTANT BREAKFAST 6° eee 4 ¢ For Topping and Filling $ 2 FOR By NUTRIFULL inv ee Save on Fresh Milk at Sproule's ad 3-qt. Jug 3-qt. Jug = Jug Homo kim 67° PLUS DEPOSIT 2% 61° 38° Country Fresh Grade A" 61/2% per ennum AND ARE Guaranteed--as to principal and interest Flexible--may be used as Col- lateral for loans. Redeemable--by Executors in the event of death. Authorized--oas Trustee Act in- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshowe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS ond SATURDAYS FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE MEDIUM E66 39 No. 1 Lerge 10-Ib. ¢ Bag ce] Tonight -- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night 'til 10 o'clock. * STORE HOURS: pen Tonig e gg lay y NEW PRODUCT -- 3%-O0Z. TIN START ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS FOR Redeem Your Coupon Now! AMPLE OFF STREET PARKING @ SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE corner ofr KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA party. These are the diver ical viewpoints given than 280,000 voters ¢ the polls in the provi tion Oct. 23. TEST FOR PROGRA The election -- thir years--not only will government but wi known the public's a toward the controve gram of Equal O made effective Jan. 1 It transferred to thi from municipalities services, abolished co cils and based real assessments on what ernment termed mar Tax rate is $1.50 pe assessment. Study Sk Delegate TORONTO (CP)-- 1 and Mail says in a story that an exami individual voting - totals from the P: Conservative convent cates that the so-calle roots delegates we elected Premier Duff Manitoba. Robert Stanfield, fo mier of Nova Scotia, leadership convention the last of five ballot: votes to 969 for Mr. R The story says t reveals a 'basic prer the party hierarchy main favored Mr. Sta the grass-roots dele; Roblin." It said the reading o BEARD BOMB Sebastian Cabe which serves him so prop in gentleman's first grown in 1950 fo of a beachcombing } film later scrapped. FRESH--NEVEI = POT RO} Blade Bone Removed Blade Ro SHOULDER ROAST Prime Beef -- 6 | | |

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