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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1967, p. 32

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32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 20, 1967 COUNTY LINES Variety Concert Held At Kedron Church Hall KEDRON (TC) -- The aud- Mountjoy, William Werry, Ron- person. ence was delighted with the ald Wery and Jack Francis variety of choruses and quartet Rabid Skunk _ COBOURG -- One rabid an-jtests were conducted among jimal, a skunk in Hope Town-| school children, Eighty - three ship -- was reported to theinew cases 5 {Durham and Northumberland were found. |Counties Health Unit in June. Two hundred and sixth-three|nuisance, a sanitary survey was acompanied by Mrs. Grant cases of communicable disease done by the health inspection Hunter, provided special mus-.were reported. These included staff, all summer cottages were! 'fectious hepatitis, six cases of ~ Durham Reports sms: ease, mee'! Tunior Plowing Match scarlet, fever, | During the first six months ;of this year 3,925 audiometer ville, caused pollution and a schools, selections presented by the Osh- jc at the morning service of 132 cases of red measles, 91/visited and facilities noted. Mrs. Anna Henriksen awa Chapted of SPBQSA at the Prospect United Church last cases of mumps, 18 cases ae To the end of June 8,188 vis-|working full - time from the |chickenpox, six cases of in- concert of barbershop music in sunday, the lower church hall, Roy At-, ----_----- kinson was the chairman. | The Durham Dukes and Dolls, coached by Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Mountjoy, also performed two groups of numbers. Dress- ed in old fashioned clothing they did several numbers typical of early square dancing and lat- er performed a group of modern dances in modern clothing. | The "Family Album" came to life in a skit with Mrs. Rob- ert Dale doing the verse com- mentary. The first picture show- ed mama (Mrs. J. Starkoski) with papa (Mrs. Percy Mount- ions tests and 1,523 color per-'Bowmanville office. . -- R BROOKLIN (Staff) -- Junior, Brooklin and at 10 a.m. Sept. of hearing defects 'coaching and plowing matches!39, at the farm of Kaj Have Following receipt of informa big ae ae re | Rabies vaccine for preventive tion that orivate sewage from |r wy be gate oe . Pg treatment was dispensed to one|West Beach cottages, Bowman-| rm ™ ws A: Salty and Son,|¢, joy) with the bridesmaid (Mrs. Charles Brown) and the best man (Mrs. Peter Willson) in a wedding portrait. Those presenting other port- raits were Mrs. Philip Short, Mrs. Harold Werry, Mrs. Ross Brown, Mrs. William Wood- ward, Mrs. Murray Jackson, Mrs. William Snowden, Mrs.| Douglas Love, Mrs. Orval Jack- son, Mrs. Ronald Werry, Mrs. William Skuce, Mrs. William Werry, Mrs. John Glover, Jr., Mrs. Stanley Ogle and Mrs./ Brian Lee. | Cub Meetings KEDRON (TC) -- Due to the demand for space at the church the Cub Pack meeting nights have been changed. Beginning Sept. 18 "'A" Pak will meet 'at the church at 5:15 p.m. and "B' Pack at 7:10 p.m. Special Services COLUMBUS (TC) -- The World Wide Communion Ser vice will be held here Oct. 1, and the Harvest Home Servi ces Oct. 15. Wins Prizes KEDRON (TC)--Percy Mount- joy has been having exellent success in showing his horses at the fall fairs. At Warkworth) Fair Saturday, he won nine/ first prizes, ten seconds and a third. Sing At Prospect KEDRON (TC) -- The Ked- ton Male Quartette, Murray » Labor Board Rirs Complaint TORONTO (CP) -- The Ontario Labor Relations Board will hear a complaint: of with- holding membership against Local 120 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Work- ers Oct. 13. The board, in a ruling Tues: day, said consideration of tht complaint lodged by Walte: Urbanowicz, a certified master electrician, was within its juris- diction. W. A. Micholls, busi- ness manager of the London, Ont., Local, held that the board had no jurisdiction in the base Mr. Urbanowicz charges he has been denied membership in the union for six years, during which time he paid $1-a-day for a temporary permit allowing him to work. | He said he had been forcibly prevented from writing exams qualifying him to join the local. More than 200 electricians in the London area were in the same position, he said. The board's decision criti- cized misuse of the permit sys- tem by unions. tue. Recalls Men | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Twen-) ty laid-off workmen at Kaiser Jeep of Canada here have been recalled to work on a Canadian government defence order for) 800 jeeps. | The pfant work force was cut) to eight men from 52 in August| when 44 United Auto Workers Union members were laid-off. Canadian UAW director George Burt said last week! "the motivation for this mess is) that the American management) at Toledo, Ohio, is not satisfied| with the prices the Canadian subsidiary has contracted for with the Canadian government for the order and is on a kind of strike." Since the UAW protest to the federal government, two trailer loads 'of U.S.-made parts held at the Canadian border have been released to the Windsor plant. | The $2,789,000 jeep order was} placed in May. First completed! vehicles are due Nov. 1. | CARPETS 0P | CALGARY (CP) --The| chicken eoop had wall-to-wall carpeting when David Kenney got through with it. Mr. Kenney took two years to. rebuild an 1882 log cabin what had served as a squatter's home, chicken coop, granary and ice house Now a guest house, the building is furnished complete with wood-burning cookstove and erank-operated telephone. PELE LD ELD LOR: LO En ee ee Ae ee Big Problem? Just preparing 3 mealsaday... 21 meals a week... is a bit of a problem. It takes time and work. But, buying all the food you need without going over your budget... that can be a BIG problem. The few advertised specials offered by some stores aren't the answer if you pay more for the other items on your shopping list. What you need is a store that offers scores and scores of low prices every day ... and not just on items you use onee in a while, : : but on those you use time and time again. WE HAVE A SUGGESTION: If you want to lower your total food bill, try A&P, : We have plenty of low prices every day on geararteed-to-please fine foods. A&P low prices may not solve everything. Bab chances are your BIG problem | 4 heeome-quill. a vit SMAT Ui.2. mace Fresh Produce Bu PPLES 19 Mcintosh, ~ None Ontario Grown, 6-QT Priced Fresh Picked Dely, BASKET Higher Faney Grede at A&P Virginia, New Crop, Washed and Waxed, No. 1 Grade SWEET POTATOES 2:25 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P Bradford Marsh, Sweet and Crisp, No. 1 Grade, Large Size CELERY STALKS 2.-29¢ NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P Ontario Grown, Yellow, Brushed and Polished, No. 1 Grade COOKING ONIONS.::.49¢ NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P FALL SUPPLY OF HOLLAND BULBS NOW AVAILABLE IN OUR STORES. WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF HYBRID TULIPS, DAFFODILS, HYACINTHE, ETC. take part in the inter Plowmen's Association in the/and under 19 at the time ei Episcopalians special Junior and Intermediate ae clic en HO : | junior y ; °n | p88 eu m - av | the ages of 14 and 23, are urged} Admit Women 00 " pernanienal Flowing, ae Cc 'Ito attend these junior plowing) C e u e or r In 14, near Barrie in Simcoe Coun-|,atches in the county in order! he c _|to qualify for the special got the nod Tuesday in the Pe members of the Ontazo championship and enter county) fniscopal Anglican Church's Conily Five Tee. ee classes at the international. A Le 4 ttle of the - county cueen of the furrow class is parliamentary battle e International. 'Competition at the Internation-| 31-5 being included in the jun-|S€xes. The, matches are open to all al, will also be 'arm boys and girls in the these junior matches. c who are 12 years of; ception tests were conducted by|age but have not reached their termediate the public health nurses in the! 23rd birthday by Oct, 11, 1967./branch competitions were new) Total operating expenses of/ 3 500,000 Winners will be selected from\at the International Plowing|the Canadian Broadcasting Cor-| wu rch's top-governing conven- {s\these classes to represent the Match last ge : ee Me at | North Ontario Plowmen's As- out very well. To compete, a)March 31, ff : . sociation and the South Ontario|junior must be 14 years of agel abolish its ban against women. "Super-Right Meats--Your Best Buy! selected atligy prize list this year. The junior champion and In- champion inter - SPENT MONEY Sal, Sorkes| poeatien. for Oe 7 at tion voted overwhelmingly to $154,240,599. SEATTLE (AP) -- Women After scrapping over the issue for more than two decides, male delegates to the member Super-Right Quality Canada's Finest Red Brand Steer Beef J-INCH CUT -- FIRST 4 RIBS ONLY PRIME RIB ROAST-89° PORK SHOULDER~-3 3/ FRESH PORK BUTT SHOULDER OR BUTT PORK CHOPS ROAST Ih ¢ SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SEMI-BONELESS, SHANKLESS SKINLESS, DEFATTED HAMS SMOKED COOKED CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, 18 OZ. MIN, ROCK CORNISH vic rac GAME CHICKENS ALLGOOD, SMOKED, SLICED, RINDLESS SIDE BACON ma Baked Foods! --aaam '89: ~ 37: wn] Se nn 40 RAISIN Pl PULL 8-IN. 43: Reg. Price each 49¢ -- SAVE 6¢ JANE PARKER SOUTHERN JANE PARKER ENGLISH JANE PARKER CUP CAKES JANE PARKER FRUIT CAKE Reg. Price each 69e -- SAVE 10c FULL 8-INCH 24-02 PIE 5 9. Reg. Price each 39¢ -- SAVE 17¢ 31.00 Reg. Price loaf 29¢ -- SAVE 13¢ RAISIN BREAD 22:10%45¢ JANE PARKER VANILLA MACAROON Reg. Price pkg $lc -- SAVE Te Bros 5 S¥ Pkg of 8 23¢ -- SAVE 6c WIENER ROLLS saves eas 33¢ may = 0Vings On Fine Groceries!) [am Reg. Price pkg 33¢ -- SAVE 4o Hostess PEEK FREAN BISCUITS = 8.07 pks 29 (Ginger Crisp, Caramel Crunch, Nies, Shortcake, Rich Tea, Golden Wheat er Digestive) White or Coloured FEATURE PRICE! SCOTTIES Facial tissue 3 pkgs of 4001.00 Maxwell House ~ Reg. Price jar $1.65 -- Save an Extra 60 COFFEE INSTANT (24c OF Dea!) 10-0z jar. 59 Detergent Reg. Price btl 550 -- SAVE 6¢ SAIL LIQUID 32-A-oz plastic btl @Qc Van Kirk Feature Nut Milk Reg. Price 59e -- SAVE 4@ POTATO CHIPS Ballet Embossed TABLE NAPKINS Blue Bonnet MARGARINE -- +» Carnation Skim Milk Monarch Tete Lee" «= ona: «SMORTEMING ibpks 37 SODA CRACKERS Vb pkg 3Qc Kraft Plain, Chocolate or Fruit Flavoured FEATURE PRICE! Drack's Reg. Price tin 57e -- SAVE 4e CORNED BEEF LOAF 12-0z tin 53 Spicy Wafers or Bread & Butter Reg. jar 20e--SAVE 8¢ YORK PICKLES 3 16-02 jars 79 (Buy 3 -- Get 1 Free) Frito BABY'S OWN SOAP pack of & bars 49 Ann Page FEATURE PRICE! TOMATO KETCHUP = 211-407 biis 39 Australian Sultana Reg. Price pkg 690 -- SAVE 4e WASCO RAISINS 2b pkg 6 5c All Prices in this Ad guaranteed through Sat., Sept. 23, 1967, at Oshawa, Whitby & Bowmanville Chicken Noodle CORN CHIPS FRUIT DRINKS Ot at Aeon a "+ , ee es a e Antiame gf PO eT aT Oe Ce ee ee ey Me a, NG Reg. Price pkg 690 -- SAVE 100 Reg. Price pkg 59e -- SAVE 4e Reg. Price pack $1.09 -- SAVE 40 Reg. Priee bex $1.38 -- SAVE 4o INSTANT MILK rowvtren 3.6 b0x1.29 MARSHMALLOWS pured pkg 31c SOUP MIX LIPTON -- pack of 2 envelopes 2 5c Prepriced at 29e -- FEATURE PRICE! Heinz 12-0zpko 5 Qe pkg of 250 5 5¢ economy pack 1 0 5 FEATURE PRICE! FEATURE PRICEI Detergent 6-02 pkg 2 7 48-fl-oz tin 3 X With Pork in Tomato Sauce LIBBY'S BEANS (Grape, Florida Punch, Orange or Orange-Pineapple) @ SUPPORT THE 1967 Nabisco Spoon Size or Regular SHREDDED WHEAT 02:55 2.7 Rose Brand Sweet Relish or PICKLES sweet mixep Choice Quality Bravo Red OXYDOL GIANT SIZE BOX DEEP BROWNED "RED FEATHER CAMPAIGN" @ FEATURE PRICE! FEATURE PRICE! 16-02 jar 3 7 Reg. Price 2 tins 45e -- SAVE 140 A&P CORN caream srvie 5 19-07 tins 9 Qe Reg. Price 2 tins 45e -- SAVE 6¢ KIDNEY BEANS = 2 09-021ins 39e Slacks Stems and Pieces MUSHROOMS Rodina Small Peeled TOMATOES wou FEATURE PRICE! 3 10-fl-oz tins 1 .00 Reg. Price tin 230 -- SAVE 7e 2 141102 tins 3 De (PREPRICED) each 89 Reg. Price bt!l. 42e -- SAVE 3e TOMATO KETCHUP 20110251 39% Reg. Price tin 29e -- SAVE 8 3 19-fl-oz tins 7% MAPLE LEAF PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT COORSH BONELESS BRISKET CORNED BEEF SX BRAND SLICED BEEF 1% BOLOGNA SCHNEIDER' : 53¢ BACK BACON 2:59 SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SLICED BEEF LIVER "AS, Seafood Buys! Fam Ady A&P Brand Reg. Price pkg @8e -- SAVE fhe COD FISH STICKS -- sorte 53 A&P Brand Reg. Price pkg $1.19 -- SAVE 106 SHRIMP ron marten 120208 1.09 Sea Seald or FEATURE PRICBI A&P COD FILLETS -- xin 39% AP ORANGE JUICE 6-FL-OZ TINS 12-FL-OZ TINS 5 89 | 3.00 A&P Brand French Fried Reg. Price 2 pkgs 380 -- SAVE 100 POTATOES oun 2 ork 25¢ A4@P Brand Frozen Reg. Price 2 pkge 990 -- SAVE Se PEAS & CARROTS 4 torr 69% Sara Lee Reg. Price pkg 790 -- SAVE 100 BROWNIES cxocoute -- worpks 69e Clearbrooke Fancy Quality Reg. Price pkg 900 -- SAVE Se RASPBERRIES 2 tor pho: 6 9c mead beauty Aid Buys! Byes Reg. Price tube 690 -- SAVE 49e 2 giant size tubes 8 Qe Reg, Price tin 85e -- SAVE 160 7-fl-0z aerosol tin r. Oc Reg. Price pkg 89e--SAVE 290 2 pkgs of 90 a9. Mint or Regular CREST tootnpaste Mennen Menthol SOF' STROKE (With Free Tube of Vaseline) Q-TIPS A&P EVAP. MILK Club Des Millionaire SARDINES Roasted in the Shell BEAVER PEANUTS 4 15-fl-oz tins 6 °F %'s tin 3 3c 12-0z pkg 29 BRISSLING FOR 40 YEARS 1867 (| 1967 DONALD DUCK JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER LI'L ABNER

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