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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1967, p. 33

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Episcopalians Admit Women SEATTLE (AP) -- Women rot the nod Tuesday in the Zpiscopal Anglican Church's varliamentary battle of the exes, After scrapping over the ssue for more than two lecides, male delegates to the 500,000 - member U.S. hurch's top-governing conven- ion voted overwhelmingly to bolish its ban against women. $1.19 -- SAVE 100 12-02 pkg 1.09 FEATURE PRICRI ge 850 -- SAVE 100 D 9-08 phos 2 5c ye 90 -- SAVE Se , Il-oz pkgs 6 iT 790 -- SAVE 100 13-01 pks 6 Ye (g 980 -- SAVE Se 18-0 pkos © Qe em » 690 -- SAVE 496 1 size tubes 8 Oc n 850 -- SAVE 160 aerosol tin 6 Oc kg B90--SAVE 290 pkgs of 90 8 Oc I5-fl-oz tins @ Orc %'s tin 3 3c 12-02 pkg 29¢ pn WAVY' IN 1867 il! 1967 DONALD DUCK ROUGH WITH SNAPPITAL. 'M THROUGH WITH YOU !! If SAYS HEE ONE OF THE RULES FOR BEING GUCCESGEPUL IS TO ME!" WHERE gf PUNISHMENT AND ) COULD | FIND YOU MORRIED ME. 40 YIRRS AGO, BY ME, KILLINK PIPPLE. WAS A LIVING /7 KILLINK PIPPLE, A GORL CAN FORGIVE !!--BUT SNAPPITAL. PUNISHMENT--NO!!-WITH SUCH A PERSON, NO GORL CAN LIVE-- ag a HOW HANDSOME IS" BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN SECRET AGENT X9 YES $1R, JOHNNY... THAT BA SIGHT TO BEHOLD... THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 20, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. Re Nas PROTECTION INDIAN ANP BANDIT RAIPS.- " 1ON FROM e « « for LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT S 7 E the all new Channel 2--Butfale Channet 3--Barrie Channet 4--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronte Channel 7--Buffalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough 5:00 P.M. 12--Woody Woodpecker Tl--Hero e--wr. Ed. 4--Perry Mason 24--Zorro 5:38 P.M. 12Flintstones Vi--Phyllis Diller %--Truth er Conse- ews 3-6--Canada Outdoors 2--Of Lands and Seas 700 P.M. W1--Plerre Berton 12--News, Weather, Sports S--How's Business AS LONG AS YUH KEEP \ NOUR FINGER IN "THIS Wo 7c HOLE! 7, World right reserved 7---Movi @--Gilligans island 4--News, be Weather He and She 6:30 P.M, 12--FBI li--He and She 3-4-9--News, Weather, Sports 4--News £-8--Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 P.M, W1--Walt Disney's World 9--Flintstones @--George Pierrot ~-- T 4--It's a Small World 3--Daktari &--News, Weather, Sports 7:20 P.M, 3--News Weather 7:30 P.M, 9--Invaders @-2--Virginien 7--Movie 612--Mothers-In-Law 4--Lost In Space 8:00 P.M, 11--Movie 3-4-12--Bob Hope 8:30 P.M. 9--Movie 4--Beverly Hillbillies 9:00 P.M. 7--Movie 4--Green Acres 2-6-12--20 Million Ques- tions 24--Bob Hope 9:30 P.M. 4--He and She 9--Mr. and Mrs. "€3 PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS VAUXHALLS and FIREBIRDS at... The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. 3-6-12--Mission Impos- i} sible | 10:00 P.M. } 11--Merv. Griffin 4--Dundee and Culhane 2-6--Run for Your Life 10:3 P.M, | 9--Sports Hot Seat 36-12--TBA P.M. 200 PLM, 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather, Sports 11:10 PLM, | | 11--Plerre Berton WEDNESDAY SVENING Se é--Viewpoint | 11:25. PM, | 4--News, Weather | Sports 14:90 PLM, +4--Johnny Carsen 4--Movie 1--Mevie V:38 PLM, 3--Untouchables 11:40 P.M, 11--Hot Line 9--Perry's Probe | 1:30 P.M, O--Let's Make @ Deal | #6--As the n---Vise THURSDAY 8:00 A.M. Schnitzel House tain Kangaree 5.30 A.M, 9--University of the Alr 8: A.M, 7--Dialing For Dollars Virginia Graham 9:00 A.M. NN--Ed Allen Time 9--Romper Room 6--Pastor's Study 4--Carlton Fredericks 2--Pat Boone 9:0 A 11--Donna. Reed 9--Cartoon Playhouse 4--Leve of Life 10:00 A.M, 11--Movie 9--Uncle Bobby $-2--Snap Judgment 4--Candid Camera 10:30 A.M. 7--Dateline: Hollyweed 4--Beverly Hillbillies 2-8--Concentration 9--Tugboat Annie 7--Honeymoon Race 4--Andy Griffith | 3--Good Morning | 2-4--Personality 330 A.M. Ci 330 11--Marriage 7--Family Game 2-8--Hollywood Squares 'onfidential | 11--Munsters TELEVISION LOG 12 NOON 12--News, Weather, Sports 11--Little People 3-4--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather and 12: P.M, N--Photo_ Finish 8--Eye Guess 46--Searcn ter Te morrow 12-3--News; Weather, s &--Merv Griffin | 12:45 PLM. Labia | Light 1:00 P.M. toe Doug! J jae 9--Movie @--Dialing For Dollars Virginia Graham ¥--Fugitive 6---Luncheon Date the Millers 3--Movie Werld Turns 700 P.M, 7--Newlywed Game 6--By Invitation 4--Love Is a Many Splendored Thing 84--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M. 12--Calendar li--Perry Mason 9--People in Confilet -2--The Doetors 7--Dream Girl 4--Coronation Street 4--House Party 3:00 P.M, 9--Maglistrate's Court 7--General Hespital 4--T The Truth e 34-12--Take 30 @-2--Another Werld 3:25 P.M. 4--News 3:30 P.M, N--Bullwinkle $--It's Your Move 7--Commander Tom 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 84--You Den't Say 4:00 P.M, 11--Super Heroes 9--1 Love Lucy @--Mateh Game 4--Seeret Sterm 3-6-12--Communieate | &-Mike Douglas 4:% P.M, Vv! &--Leave It to Beaver 4--Truth or Conse- quences 3-6-12--Barney Boomer F AOROSS 5. Melville character 10, Desert 11, Subsided 12, Afloat 14, Homes gar- 16, Pronoun ments 8. Church der official 30. Spongy CROSSWORD 3, Legal 1, Green docu- stone ment 4. Finished 5. Mosiem 9. Foreboding title grass 6. By what todry means? 7, Arabian sheep 19, Before 20. Wealthy adjunct 24, Spreads 26, Tibetan 28, Main 29. Ten- 82. Ait 33. False- 23. Kimono * |° PHOOEY! YouR MOTHERS PORRIDGE TASTES LIKE WALLPAPER. HUBERT! HOW CAN YOU SAY 4 #310985 AKO @AKS oQ4 &KQ6382 'The bidding: South West North East' 1s Pass 16 Pass 3NT Opening lead--jack of clubs. The outcome of most hands depends largely on which side has the preponderance of high cards, but there are many deals where the result is determined by other factors. For example, take this hand {where South wins the club lead | with the queen and returns the jqueen of diamonds. If West | knows his way around the table, |he ducks and allows South to jwin the trick. (If West takes the queen, South is bound to jmake two diamond tricks and ithe contract.) When the queen holds, de- jclarer leads another diamond and West again follows low. Now South has a difficult guess, |Since he does not know where the ace and jack are located. If West has the jack, South should play the nine from dum- my; if West has the ace, South |should put up the king. Presenting declarer with such guesses is part of the basic strategy of defence, and anyone ;who regularly misses such op- portunities is selling himself short. Strangely enough, if declarer |plays the hand properly, he }makes the contract regardless of where the ace and jack of diamonds are located. | All he has to do to assure the jcontract is lead the four of dia- | monds to dummy's eight at jtrick two, This play guarantees |two diamond tricks against any lie of the cards. If the eight holds, a low dias mond to the queen produces a second diamond trick. If thy eight loses to the jack, Soutk later overtakes the queen with the king to establish two dia- mond tricks, Finally, if the eight forces the ace, South again has two diamond tricks to show for his efforts, Consequently, all roads can be said to lead to Rome -- pro- vided declarer has the presence of mind to lead a low diamond at trick two. But if he makes the mistake of leading the queen and West is on his toes IMAGINE! t've BEEN TRYING TO WALLPAPER MY ROOM WITH G_Kinn f-sieree Symdicatn. ine 1967" Wo Auhee acer YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: Please explain to me about a calcified mitral valve in the heart.--Mrs. H.M When some part of the body is damaged, calcium can accu- mulate as part of the healing process, This is true of a bro- ken bone, and you can see the calcium in an X-ray film. There is calcium in the scar tissue that forms after tendon irritation or other injury. Cal- cium is part of the healing pro- cess in a damaged joint, and certain lung infections. For the same reason, if the mitral valve becomes severely inflamed, calcium will be present when it heals. The calcium in all these instances performs a valuable service. In fact, it is necessary for the healing to take place. HAS SIDE EFFECTS Yet the presence of the cal- cium also can be a detriment-- Nature has its "side effects," too! A joint may become stif- fer. Or a "'spur"' of calcification in the shoulder or on the bot- tom of your heel or some other area can be painful when sub- jected to pressure. In the mitral valve, the calci- fication can prevent the valve from closing tightly, or from ing as fully as it should-- the tissues become somewhat stiffened or misshapen. Any of the four major valves of the heart can be subject to such calcification if infection of some sort attacks it. (Rheumat- ic fever is one of the foremost causes of that type of damage.) The mitral valve is particularly important, and also appears to be more often affected in this ,| Way. The degree of calcification and the amount of interference Calcium Deposits Form After Injury By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD to be done. In many instances, it is best to accept the fact that the valve is not working at full efficiency, Therefore, a patient may be required to limit his activity so as not to overtax his heart. In other cases heart sur- gery may be the better answer: to free the moveable parts of the valve so they can open more fully and-or close more tightly. This is one of the more frequent types of heart surgery. Dear Dr. Molner: My son, eight, has been complaniing of |a sore heel for about six weeks. I have not taken him to our children's doctor because, frankiy, I can't see why it should hurt. His shoes are fitted at a good store and there is no bruise or cut that I can see or a growth I can feel. Do you think I should take him for an exam? --Mrs. R.N. POSSIBLE BONE INJURY Yes. Children don't complain for six weeks without some rea- son. There may be a bone inju- ry, or damage of some sort inside the foot which doesn't show from the outside. Your doctor may or may not need an X-ray, but I'd certainly want to find out what is wrong or whether something is wrong. Dear Dr .Molner: Have you any advice for someone like me? I have a severe itching problem of rectum and farther forward and it keeps me awake all night. I've tried everything to stop it.--Mrs. T.E. Saying that you have "tried everything" implies (to me, anyway) that you have tried everything except taking the problem to your doctor. Severe itching which does not respond to ordinary. first aid in easy opening and closing of the valve governs what needs a means that something is wrong. But what? It could be a skin -- West can present South with a mighty difficult guess. Electronics Pose Threat - OTTAWA (CP) -- Modern electronic technology saves thousands of lives in hospitals but it also has become a deadly threat to -both patients an staff. : Dr. Carl W. Walter of Peter Brent Brigham Hospital in Bos- ton estimates that 1,200 persons died in U.S. hospitals last year from electric shocks. He said medical authorities have tried to accumulate statis- tics on the subject. But hospi- tals, doctors and insurance companies "all: te hide their dirty linen" and there was no way to make an accurate count of fatalities. Several speakers stressed the need also for increased care and inspection of common appliances such as lamps and radios where frayed cords and short circuits can cause electro- cution. But most of the attention of the 175 delegates from Canada and the United States was directed at the process of ven- tricular fibrillation -- a situa- tion where the electric impulses regulating the beating of the heart are disrupted by outside electric charges. This causes a change in the rhythm of the heart beats, and the. heart, while still in motion, pumps no lood. HOT-DOGS CHANGE Japanese hot-dog vendors sell whale-meat franks while Finns prefer reindeer-meat wieners. QUEENIE proves that scientists aren't always thinking science." disease, hemorrhoids, a fungus or yeast infection. (Itching often accompanies diabetes, although it probably would-be more generalized than yours.) Identifying the cause of the itch is the important thing. om

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