THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 20, 1967 7 STOP LOOKING ER BEEF NT INSPECTED | THEY RE HERE! HE BRAND NEW '68 PONTIACS, "2, BUICKS. ACADIANS, BEAUMONTS & PKG. 1-48. ian cae pee OLIVE LOAF ee 6-02. Se PKG. 29° DOMINION VICE J Seve 5c i] C2? ua oes 7 Were Inviting You... to a gala unveiling of the scintillating new PONTIACS, BUICKS, ACADIANS & BEAU- MONTS, for 1968. Their sleek, sweeping lines will enthrall you as no other automobile can. : We're so proud of the '68s that we enthusias- 8 "25 1.00 ' son 69" * : So . S : admire them tomerrow, Sept. 21st, from 1 till JAR tically invite you to see them, drive them and 10 p.m, Seve 10c! Cie : PKG. 39 ' os ' ho Bring the entire family and enjoy free refresh- Seve Ide! B - : ee ments. We guarantee it will be an exciting and 24.02. Qe at JAR i . on ae memorable visit. DON'T MISS THE EXCITE- CLOSING SEPT 2ar¢ ef: neg" i MENT AND DRAMA ! L 9:30 P.M, WN OSHAWA AND $ TO 9 P.M. £ FREE PARKING