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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1967, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 21, 1967 26--A 6--Apartments for R. 24--Stores, Offices, Sto ent |27--Rooms fo THRE r Re ore ror ne ns ee for Rent Melede per ord fine Priltolni in/LARGE HOMEY ROOM = 30--Automobiles for Sale ,31--Compect Cars fo cr oe --o. Filo, tower, hoawe ony wird: Bue resid area, block in pleasant ars for Sale|37--Aucti Telephone. 7255132. imeve St. $. at door. Ritson South are ring, _ Bus close to Le icnen acrotsae | er uetion Sales | Sen eS WERTES ais aer| living con be seen cen gaa g age able, Telephone hen privledges, aval MORE CASH 194s LAURENTIAN, 4door sedan, auto- |38--Coming Events sisting or twee rests located et 325. King iving con be seen at nished apartment, new butiding, pat P reciente Paid for G SCs sor ceca Oe pt va fpeilicly Au i ADO. Le West for $75 per month. F |Whitby, free hydre and ing, Port| TWO furnished ligh ood Clean Cars. ivate sale. $1,859. Pho ner. ion oale parking, Call Howard Seoal oh hog |Telephone 284-6813 West {ree parking. private entrences housekeeping rooms: Trade up or down. Liens paid. tion 725-298; Phone for Inapec| JAYCEES jompany. ONE Hil, __|oor. Suit one or two cl r. Bus af! DODD . |6§ CHEVROLET Impala $8 coupe, sll; roperty of Mrs. Robert Irwi RICH -- Cyril and A ime Sas Sa FT, heated storage wea SHEAEDROGR Spartman|20n#_Ritson Rd, South. moan mr] ay4 ID MOTOR SALES _ |¥er,grey with rT impala, $5 coupe, 3 198 Church St. N., O pin | laemitce "ank rinet. 'eapetlon a wy 4 rent, loading dock, em: ) E [Telephon ; possession, |LARGE : PARK ROAD bucket seats, con titel dag (Bal Saale tot daughter, Gwendol re ---- able for lift truck, men fee adealnl db {LARGE newly furnished | rooms. for 3 6 tabi dition 668-6987 console, ec. Excellent con- on Saturday, Sept. 23, 1967, | separa, eumeonn, Hue Ae Fu between 7 a.m.-7 p.m. |ONE AND TWO -- |in . Very central. Plenty of si D rt peri, week. days on i at one c'clock : ose ' NERAL poe Pan cA eae bed 9. 33 Fairbank 'y park- 64 VOLKSWA\ | C GIOCK. | TWO STORES for rent, also sulfable for TOWERS modern apartment groom epartment In : i a OSs beige iron Le two-door, white witi| Bell piano, refrigerato | THOMAS EDG Tre ers since south, Arete Street 'N., controlled entrance n Simeoe|28----Room and Board TRANSMIS 2 Terrific second 'ar. Telephone ea Hatake cel on ce | EATH fg Page parking. 725-8964. Ample 349 MARLAND AVE. frigerator and drapes su Save, Te oar SION SER' _Car. Telephone 668-5893. | ric stove (Su- | D AT S rv! A 64383 pplied 728-2870, | SINGLE : N VICE |1958 MGA, two << preme), St. La' as Edgar F iia SQUARE FEET of 'ROOM and board lew convenie! : Teleph » good condition, wrence inboard | Ox, of floor ___|man. Abst ) for a nt_location jone 623-7482. (3 hp.) ( Street, rent part er all. 1405 King eres, TWO SELF -- CONTAINED three East or Telephon Apply 117 Adelaide 116 BOND ST, WEST 1961 MORRIS. 850, yond as 10" mp.h.), Rose- | BONNETTA, Mary th wh Oe Ea. T partment: room : je 725-2214, ) good table, | e Osh elephone 723-1605. ce [isso fe ve TAINED. three '007 ROOM AND BOARD We now have the facilitie: WE) MORRIS 48, goed condition. THE! | machine Piece yg washing | Entered into. rest in the family resi was felt a Gene ie ive ) attractive to do ties | 65 Sitka seers eS ALS, electric Hoove | dence, 97 Rosehill BI Z eld at + 25--Houses for Rent SELF TARYANIND bed Gen Soom private. Selece_bethroot panelled oe a 'Sener! repairs. |per VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, Tike new: $10 fe polisher, vacuum Sion | neaday, September Blvd, oshawa, Weds 20, at the Meintos (00M hous ment, suitable for two girl apart FOR GE : man's, 728-7351. : 99904, Well-| @F (Kenmore, like new), radi , beloved wife of John Bonnetta, Funeral Children a . 7 Gihawe, He tee Mee! Settee 128d) betore| | clean, FENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, Call 576-2610 ised VOLKSWAGEN while. Telephone record player and ice i wl Hides' tee er Thajer (Mary). and The 1 Home. Odeber 15. For appointment to see, |@ REMIER @| = |43 Garrard Road, Parking, close to bus. 725-0615. whites Telephons| Admirol TV. 21" rds, A missio Fc nag ae eee toes Mary } b service wi < | 3 URNISHED two-room apart [ROOM AND | Bese t GU 1959 AUSTIN HEALY, wire wheels. Good machine, be 7. Sewing n C Indoe, Surrey, England, iss Nessie Mc- y Rev. Dr. H. A sient ROOM house for rent, south/ 21 MARLAND AVE eg two people: Apply oe good | home cine tunel gentler BROWN running conditions "Telephone "cen ious' Good} ty and venta ne on Resting at the Mi nattong, Funeral ister of Northmi area, two bathrooms, twe kit-| jz a : 143 Ritson Road |! junches packed, M ivs0" VOLKS¥ elephone 668-2922. chest of drawers, jome, Oshawa, with funeral se Chure! oie ee 723-460). . il aioe Rooms cree geen rygreenoe rset ME Ys ee Be R ee 1 Tele ota ee condi . po wit chairs, model Two Jackpots Pape Nay esmsentag 1 September "2, . Lawn pe gl ORATED, three bed @ MODERN 1A rance, stove and refri for gentlem » or |ust room, Ti "igs . 3, Oshawa Hazelwood Dri r apply 147 , china cabinet tery. U1 jount Lawn Ceme- ° home. King -- Ritson area. A room ND 2 share garage, Tel igera-i Gu, an, near Houdaille and é RADE \UP- OR 1 Drive, Oshawa buffet with 53 and 58 y. (in tieu of flowers donati The pallbea: vallabie| BEDROOM SUITES Bus at door. Ideal on tty8100 ROOK-UP. naga, parking facilities. T south P ; DOWN. Top . |195? VOLKSWA peed neat fet, table and 6 chai the Canadian Cancer S ons. to rers one, 725-3952 8364, 863 Ritson § elephone 723-| Price paid for G "|tion, $2 GEN, In good condi.) chesterfield, 2 chai eye appreciated.) jociety would be grandsons, T. @ NEWLY DECORATED THREE ROOM apartment. wHiTs: a Cars, lien' 'ood Clean ,_$250. Telephone 668-6720. tobi , 2 chairs, coffee Bea . T. E. RE = niiiieis a i Mi btn hy nét, J. G SORNISH ; Pi " [Wilton ares x apartmen Athol and | ang rey -- CENTRAL focal Ph s paid. TERMS. 59 VOLKSWAGEN able, day bed, fur coat, ONE MUST CAMPBELL, J. : » J, G. Fo oS alan © STOVE AND FRIDGE Gerace pga pple ar ART Bhan a OTB 72876 | "resins | lamp, motines and och po patipen og gt Brown: & nepher FROaFOROOM Tore S BVH Ke| = FABRIC DR Saar SaSsoaot Sorat Ts hee esae Peta ar alee MOBILE, iva yr horaon| 32--Trueks for Sale (collector's items), reclining [sce earn" Sener ey and F. L. Wh TDI) betwee "1 elephone 725-9991 IC DRAPES phone 576-0668 pt. 103 or tele-|s) "OR ROOM and board for oe ho lights, windshield w: ~ walls, back | i9g9 bok. strane itt OAR SIs: SNOReT, trailer box, ltor with CNR ampbell, (Investiga- FU writsy -- =n S LAUNDRY FACILITIES . [URPER, ELOOR of duplex. three" coo MSGNAL aecee near 'Motors Wu 'new. "Telephone racks leone ia pinay Np ae basket, IN 50 cg Les5 a Sarginen icbani esr father of CHARLES @ 7 boncsiow with carport je bedroom} @ FREE HYDR us with three-piece bathroom, unt "rooms |5725 oo _ at 65 GMC handy van, 'ext tools, eater, garden 3 H » Gaudreau, (Winnis-Ann) of T : bie femily only. Call W. = ral. Relia (0) Ajab etic lt ah Mgt began |) 1962 PONTIAC tw __| Telephone 655-3604 atte ra seat, radio. cols, portable humidifi lornpayne, Mrs. T. McKeever, (Shi he funeral serv tor, 4 . atzman Reai- cluded, $85 Athi, hydro in AND BOAR standard, 0 door six-cyl Hephone 655-3604 after six or Saturday. 4 umidifier, and James of 0: ' aron) ee SEDO cams x maps eg IN HALL Street 85 monthly. Apply S89 Albert Eve, home, mre mine wai rom tion $656, "Telephone "7289000. te evindr bird CORVAIR handy van; 1963 | = ne articles too num- $200 nee and. anne eri he see hag rg x viwee tan R Two. '= E Soak wane served' ta dialog! Oo jonal pick-up; 1960 GMC nter- ention, Terms cash. | 1 year. Resting af the W. . , who died <n gerens. Newt Meaiorey home upet BEDROOM apartment with room, homelike atrnasphs in dining ETEOR, two-door, 1960 Chevrolet tandi MC 980 Dump;| No reserve. cash, | n announced Nos. |Funeral Chapel, Whitb' » C. Town the Os' aie "Keane" eaaiotety. sio0} © LOCKERS and retr Sonathe far'.er stove 668-8363 tre. Telephone |2¥tomatic, finished in_ bi 'six cylinder, |cury tractor, T andum dump; 1954 Mer- 2 | $25. Consolati ; [Mags in St. Johr ity, for Requiem hawa Gene 728-4 pay workin ie one or t $ ing ue with 'elephone 72: Myle: ae solation Priz lohn the Evangelist , : ¥: 721 @ CONTROLLED ENTRANCE oo Gs Sere: Penne Tele pel NB BOARD sox fing interior. Lic. 74878, Price Begs (96, CHEV, Viton, step ere ine 725 3839. sae bias | $10 per line both pained Hae intaernent Mb Seplember 23a i Clon Pr Me ET New three | @ AMPL af SE six-Ro | mily, for one or two girl '| PRIVATES i980 3 a condition, rear bumper. ph Pebble ll Ak teach ld tery, Osh it Mount Lawn Ceme- lark Se room house, available October first peed LE PARKING d JOM apartment on second fi Gry done, lunches packed. te Lavn- TE, 1964 METEOR V-8, stand- trailer tow. Phone 576-1 mper plate and "si eee sence ] p.m, Th awe. _(Visifors "commencing, 2 ventist Ch monthly. Teleph $4568 #. $135! @ CLOSE TO SC dup includes refrigerator joor in| 728-7119. Telephone| 2/9 shift, 352 motor, in 8, stand-| i953 CHEVRC jone $76-1512, 0 75 Jack t pnd ursday. Rosary will be reci lurch. He th HOOL 95 thy. A and stove, | fon. $908 chsh. Talbonene eral ohee CHEVROLET %- AUCT po diets Ne) a The servi BOWMANV egg toe ig | sie iy. . Available ed ROOM AND Telephon ph fon truck. T rvice was ae ee "icine arena. CHURCHES ond SHOPPING BRAND we ; immediately. teacher. Telephone 723 ed "ey ha 5 DODGE | coidendnn! Par ne na nod ON 920 per ling. 979 Tul) card CROOK, Fannie Elder D. L. Mict s 4 nigh vailadie. | EW 2bdedr ~~ 30 r E ert eI acess alt econ heel 'coun | Information call APPLY 349 MAR D X ego byt dg iar AND BOARD for gentiema P.M.) top, 426 fh SOnOUET, wo door herd- mem Or 576-3995. pickwp. Telephone OF 20 Regular $20 Games pa Entered into rest In Hillsdale Mi by Elder J. C. 1 pA state Ltd. Realtor, 623 349 MARLAND AVE. : Refrigerate TV. "Apply 216 Clarke Street. rien with Teresa ghey Tene S0R0d: Telephonel ag UNCLAIMED double in 17 Nos. or Fong Oshawa, Thursday, September 21 er Elder A. E. Milln a t, r ¢ rg ty em = * * i 7 U _ # wise Sox3o59 ic heat, hydro in-| 4 BEAUMONT. sedan, six : Automobiles Wanted Fannie Mitchell, widow of Albert Ed. was in Mount Lav quiet cistrict, Soh vega in aad : ar Avenue, available| 29--Wanted to Rent radio, power steering. 3.000. miles." Runs CARS WANT PROPERT Y Five $30 Games ie Williams au Canninsen View The honorary Se Scr wes erabes "Wococee, HITB : -- Peles baat ee Lic. 469471. "$1,379, ED ) farold Audley (Dorothy), Oshawa and were: § ak tine carted ot tan tal cluded i El ne Siaat aang |TWO YOUNG MEN would like to rent shok Motors, Ajax, 942-6300. $1,379. ; An ; Early Bird Game 7:45 |Willlam "of Peterborough" shawa and : $. R. Alger qrediate occupancy Bh ge college, tm RO ve and refrigerator apart-|a one or two bed 'ould like to rent\'67 CHEVRO Buying AN re auction of uncla 745 p.m. Bessie end. Mts. A ah and sister of C. Klam, L. W = Sones esawe oat YALE p freq Adults eelarrsde Tale. ment, In the room furnished apart-\!wo d LET Impala Si lew Car? property will imed England, ii » A. Bowditch (Katie) > L. W. 0 2 6.3 ed. Tele- vicinity of $75. t joor hardtop, V-8 wper Sport,| Sell roperty will be held ot th EXTRA P ) in her 87th year. Resti 4 Manuel, P. | 3800, 6-8 p.m. month, Telephone b 0 $95 per brakes, p automatic, ell your used ca "Ted" Picker patie the RIZES the Armstro esting at » P. Moore: 26--Apartments for Rent | THREE-ROOM. furnished, basem vets ele Sand scantley white" wai gn 'eats, a "Cash" 10. the ba beets tone Police awa. with ineral seve in he choral , . Rodgers, 1 - | apartment. Newly | decorat ent |TWO-BEDROOM ncarsale, white walls, wheel discs,| Car Deol " . ,, Dunbarton, at ny. September: 23 : Rae at: Sultebe ed, elect apartment ing Diplomat bive with lealer and 2:00 p. , Intermi ) at 12:45 p.m, 'ownsley, | Apartments dren Parting" one sans tom island tre. Schol ag mag eae i |S4th, sale rice 39 sane tis] TED CAMPIN aouae rob gee ia game very inursda oe ind J. Weasate OSHAWA' j rom' bus. |ably vicinity of Wood children, _prefer-|Crs-_Alax, 942-6300. eleshok' Mot-|_ 723-4494 higuctaa: les include he activa Dal RENT. dione 119 Nonquon Rd nd two-bedroom apartments, heat, decid chill pol walieye a ef "CHEVROLET Bel Airs --|WANTED: ¢ Res Leo RIA watcher een | eee | | at the Rb vibe d eed A. G, Choban oy - | R ve and refrigerator » heat,| BOARD, lomatic, | : Cars and Sad . yal Po res shee | into rest | 2: Aes AL VALUE | bs riment Apply S00 "High seek "oni |W elder iene attics oe en home sie deluxe steering. wheel, wheel mm bpaid. Ne eine Blade Hh ig Pond britney Auctioneer. ei . ore gape on Activ, states r% eeentcggenn R 1 ee ca vick comtar 6 oF 668 g nynitbyothinen dran, Roniy hates a eee Gis nig choose, both. have I. two. from/ert Nichols. jone 728-4549 anytime. Rob- | eis ae ser searent pslaue, : proves wus of . Simcock and A See | ; , tend con- |LARGE twobedroom aparimént, refrig- isons Beles Gelvery; Wri |e 0973 and 172088. $2.9 Sulenge. : | JUDIee Fav Ryton er St Oa: SO es A graphi | venience, see this outst LARGE twobedroom aparimént, retrio- ery, Whitby. \shok "Motors, "Alaxs oaassoen on Pele-|SHAW AUTO WREC | TION [zt (ean), Lindsay: David, 'ay hides, phic arts 'ec TOW | ae all-electric building "No lant Udi 'or, 723-2080 after 4. 6319 be-|30---Automobiles for Sale [ie MONARCH, two-door "haraiaas a [bought 9s" Bisor fee, tron See ene eae | BUSES Dennis' Oshawa," davaher of Jr and fields Bae Bl sit | where in Oshawa willy |WHITBY. Small apartment, hh Bower heehee a ye ight | Ne treet East. 725-2311. | LEAVIN jan Balgue, Bancroft, siste prog hives : . Maracle ER Om |. feuch vou x yur rn [earl ta des man: Fo [Brown wih beige intra' ie WANTED, cuca od vcs fer, wreck. UCTION BARN | Four CORNERS ar 7-00 |e Pog ion, Toon neal | al do a_576-35 ice $595. T ic, J79551, |Paid. owing. Be! : A ey (Betty), . the GREEN Royele. Large. balconies and [4 ROOM APARTMENT, available now. HACKNEY [tna CADILLAC" don," mahi g. Best prices! Auction Every Saturday and 7:15 P.M Sie. Mare ha Mit Sault "MRS : 9 onies an 0 , close to Shi | lent jan, Deville, ragserec a . "Avil. Sault Ste. Marie, 'Thomas Bali . JO suites e ; 112. Steven | Shopping Centre, | condition, new in excel- , it Ste, Marie, Ont., gue, ' HN Bi clout nace a extra | 6600 son Road North, or call 723-| |brakes and steering, er seat, 34--Automobile Repair DOUG GOWER and Returning after Bingo lll LE Naeatron pg Hebe Pcs yd sick foi ' ' y rooms FOUR-R: - ; TORS 15 joor ' jawa, with funeral i rs. "cae | oP ik er eat Seg A ge tl | 'a COUGAR, 43 Tire. Lead AUTOMATIC _AUCTIONEER, 728-1005 | Children under 16 Not Admitted {2m Chapel. enim a 2 20 at the family. 4 4 | ired. Apply opart- anti, 112 Staverton Ra, Nor! jopping T rad avy. duty. "sapeed, ci 1 6,000 RANSMISS US AUCTION off your |------_--_ |Oshawa. int Lawn Cemetery, R y Pa | 23 ' |} osehill Bi Swimming pool, | ment No, 104 or call 723-6600 North, or call RADE UP OR DOWN radio, whitewalls and discs console, ION household articles, Phone' Do excess oulevard , saun jone 576-267: + $3,400, Tel 728-1 . Phone Doug G gym room and rec ool TWO-BEDROOM apariment, unfurnished FINANCING AVAILABLE [ALL USED PARTS aw | Oe Pea iN ' 72 i i SUNNYSIDE | Maren, neoa hr ctiteag nthe tent M ror . eee available immed A ey ators, Spindl » tires, wheels, radi- satay NN, 8-733 ion Barn inville Auc- d emorial Hospital er Ma Our model suite is furnished 728-5282 $80, "monthly." Mrs. Lee, 668-4949, ey 67. Thunderbird; 2 door: dane spindles for trailers, springs. adi] Transmissions are ee On 9 day, September 21,1967, Neree ee Arak: the deceased was by WILSON'S FURNITURE, iWOMEDWSoa ne Realtors. hardtop, Lic. 54053E auto i CHEVROLET en Business -- Repairs, Adiate 38--Coming Events | B | N G thews' (formerly of | Prestonville) 'belov- of Mrs. Mary anl trance, apartment, private en- matic, vinyl to - {door sedan, TF automatic ton ens Exchani A e jfather of Jame 8 Chapelle, dear bert M aaa estate sa 723-0525 parking. Telephone, restit and sal console, full poi oe TEED, ern shape. He eats Guaranteed Bs Oo Ae [Airs Paul decease, Caer othe at 1924 = tbe - B sea 4 , 6-way |r -- : Mrs. Earl Slack (Med o ' r Ww, OPEN DAILY BASEMENT apartment, comple zr bs AM-FM radio. Many |dard, CHEVROLET, "six-cylinder stan FRED STONE THE TO-NIGHT US AL HO haa 8 PANE was married here | FROM 2 P.M. -- 9 P.M NOW R and. bed - chesterfigiee euvinen beds See cs ee $4,595. . [22- Teleehone 724; eee ee ; ee ananoais. A resident of ( or b ee ENING iheo ee nts io ie) fob ¥ hrysler, 2 door hard Ula "3 $275; "60 Nomad psc Rowny St. E ADIAN $2 30 Pier Acct opel chanel pp for 21 yea r o 'op, Lic. be jon, $650; 4 sta otive " aha | airvie i aw. 5 Prgeeagcorss* More and more of Oshawa' (founesou soar fgemags 67650H, automatic, |*10%._Telephone_728. and '$9 Oldsmobile,| ple egesideged 0 tay Sata ee hn tie Sah of Morris add 76-2280 or 725-9750 nicest people are Habibi |fleor. Suitable beara 70 second eA radio, bucket [MUST FSELLI Gy Ramblar Rebel Tear EBUILT ENGINES IN PRIZ year. Beloved wite BO i Ce ill ly Besides ti Furs. joying =| Day. Stove, refri ple with FE 9 (al Sa ar $2 loor hardt ler Rebel, f ES eral and de: 3 iNiam s her husb reasonable rents at th es, $10 gerator, washing faci » $2,395. op, excellent 1 four. Meaford, ar mother of Joh us! e | $100. 728-9198 before "7 acil-| "65 Bui oF best Ofer, 7O0a16 OMG emia are OVERHAUL AND pe ada Elmeda (Mrs, Howard "au ot mother, Mrs. Ma W. FRA FAIRBANKS STRE ee ulek sedan,. Lie, [eeeeee after 6 pm. Ask of JACKP ing), of 'Uxbridge, Velma (M eR oki Surre: ee ; lf eo. 7 A54467 eet mM ENGI OT N ye) of Keswi rs. Bernard y, England, s REAL FRANK R A A ling coupe, no chldren. Tel ging power, thai Mike ee 2-way jit PONTIAC Parisienne, tmaaiaer hard NE PARTS ONTARIO COUNTY ws. reap eh bert Creel gh edt - by' a daughter ' e 5 4 fj 21 King St. W., Bowmanvill fe) R P (Fwo.weon ee eG eee lee Oro o9s, jue TCOneion.. telephane 35--Lost and Found 53 and 55 Pree: Resting at. the. Bullock. nd pong Derg i o Wee manville ] "ROOM apariment, | ' ; ' 6 . jone am Funeral Chi ck and y rt, at ho: trance, sink, built-in a private en| 64 Dodge c : 61 FOR' Lost. Dark with funeral pel, Beaverton, vivi ie : 2 A [aed retrgerstor, healed, st 'Telephone | 314310 ' Acie tah ne Lesa D, $395 or best offer. Telephone |oaners' 'papers and "other Poakeey OPENING aris Chunn: 'Care 250 pm ghee non. sie. Mcindoe, pee etween 2 and 5. one} Must be , radio, | "MERE all 725-0349. 1 emetery, Thorah. pssae » surr YO R (NEW SUR REO eae : seen. One owner door BRCURY set "automatic, two: LOST, Samil brown mongrel di MEETING RED JOHNSTON , and two grandchil U L 4G Ces te on Tat UNS ev eee ay $1,798, jiterer, be Mitte, Price Mme tae {80s Guebec Rabies 10g t6 ine Cedar At Guan Wanna and John Thajer. eaald Go she Y lvoe jo bus. 728-1720, iN 63 Pontiac sedan, Li phone 666-5893, e $1,095, Tele. oe eee 1368 oh W ayiy, Charles He' Jonneioes ot fe Due 4 The memorial se 'BEDROOM apartment, wi K3338, ou dan, Lie, |'62 RAMBLER, 2-4 5. Cane CsaperaNeake "TaN NGAEN ednesda 77 ise Sa Sill temoee: uate. held at 2 TENANT drapes, stove and refrigerator alle "lowall| peu tomatic, | 2-way _|Maticr $350. Telephone DCH, WIS Te a es Aiencta Rane aon. y, 7:30 P.M. ie ate Bae Wat ie tae Arm P.m., Se to win 250 DOLLARS N E EM? ia ne Ce reecaterc SINCIIEEN | er red $1908 ee phone 576-1752 or 725- * hee afternoon. Please telephon Pray September 27th, 1967 EXTRA |eear brother of Rua his adth, years Pon ge ig ig : BOROUGH 7 "oles 62 Y% 1963 PONT -- ie T--Downtown Wi hdaicSatsantens , | Pitts) Harry irs. Claude nt w: oe apartment number N N peed wiih petocler eet ee Lic. se0asb? i! tor Ble ye Chief, auto c, Jot wg<k rer gg A La tl HOTEL | vehi |New York. va He sinaion. ct Rechenee Cemetery. oa te be drawn en January 2, [EE srt Mey] es, erect cndon $995 ke Tae nae snes ESW emis GENOSHA He ar, Rasa thon folly: minister oi ; 7: Ss a iki 'ita sean ee Re a st ani * a VAILABL a ee ndition $995. | st71 "CHEVROLET, $50. Telephone 839- 36--Legal "ci Orillia, for service d_ Coldwater CW hadld United Church Be E Octob 62 P. 3, lephone g' Th ber 22 at 2 y Septe ; » will dsitting room $80 -- Two S artment, also tioreoe il ct bedroom | 1 j ontioc, 2-door hardtop, 1959 ME ONS si I i Club will begin its requ- | CROSS cemetery Onin. interment, Sl. Andrews. service. bedrooms $119 and $129. wus set ae se aetrpem| Lic, K3367, A-I eondition " _ |t0n, MERCURY convertibl | DEPARTMEN ar winter series with<o | ; w In liew of fl ~eeepguelen dao : 6 ¢ n tn, [Best "reasonable off ndi- 'T_OF of outstandin sroun STRUTT, Idella to the C sag hydro and oe writ PHONE 728- 9724 {$30 monty. DOOM ei Seren 9 Giulio as. te lig #466 anytime ater sie. Telephone) INDIAN AFFAIRS AND pi dio itn ewan ane At St. Joseph's Hospital, Pi would pegpsences % . A a ba aM hdl he oe SOE spital, Re ak be - eating. Montrave or sages Apply 0 "61 _Chevelet 2-door, Lie, Alig ton ayer Oe NORTHERN else for the SranRGE. os on Wereeay September RA aes ie a appreciat \ a) , a a as ' arcoe': 3 an wae 'tiie Aueaielea amiiomatc, soGiy i Sena, eee a Rekha get wear Stayer San Yer, Belov wl ewe Details of draw X U RY 'RE Wi . e 725-8987 between 4 i, $2,900. IONAL AND Weed pay Ny ee mother of Phyllis s E J given with SERVATIONS taken illys Jeep, Lic. 80002 wi and 6 Septemb: Ms IS WEEK (Mrs, Re Lot) of Taunton, daughter of The death o applications only. double room in modern priv for large| cab, 4-wheel driv with |g en HISTORICAL mber 27th, 1967 s.. B, Hubbard and the Ie s ecurt E in m private , 4-wheel EVROLET Suner Spon pawer PARI Slingerland. Resti ate R, ept. 20 GOV TWo-bEbROe ones, "erie "sig wo, 30 Cia ee a KS | supet' sO ANDE EIA Pett me" ner! Seren lilac Termace, Wh ER a EDRO | four. 793-1355. tad 50. Telephone 7 72 op ANDERSON Y clock Friday afternoon. | » NOR OMS |27-- | 1958 CHEVRO sat now of Bellevil Bethesda Cemetery beaded result of a hear Oshawa's Li : 27--Rooms for R | TRA Fair LET six cylinder 0 leville formerly of : Jam argest Suites ent ILERS Fair condition. $180 or best offe radio. shawa will t 8:0 es Archibald ¢ 576-3 st offer. Tel speak on t at 8:00 P.M. MANSIONS and Best Location ATTRACTIV: | for RENT 1960 Vi _ iii Canadian Constitution. he HEEOR --> his 55th yea RESIDENCE FREE je ea | eee oe let_condtinYophone a8, Contract No, 9367, Paty 7 4 -- FREE - BROTHERS LTD Brunswick, the de E @ HEA | iM | SAT. ier .M, § METEOR, Montcalm, 2 'onstructio tober 24th a ' lec Ae eee top, 8 » Montcaim, 2-door hi ion of a Noture th, 1967 5 ® son of the | Two 2-bedroom LTH CLUB | --- 6 P.M. bral motor, power ste jerd- Centre at Wye L ; LARRY ISSION Authorized Deal ate Ge suites. @ SAUNA BA Available in privat | 1180 Si rakes, 28,000 miles. Aski ering, power j ye Lake, Mid- HENDERSON ROC clers and Anne Ja Immediate Occu TH | Coll b vate home, | Simcoe St. North bet Bie MES ee land, Ontario. well known to radi : K OF AGES i Sane C pancy @ SWIMM etween 5 ond 7 p.m. | SNORT 1p audi jadio and T.V. _ FAMILY received his educi For appointment POO ING ug 728-0031 1960 CORVAIR, good body, tires and Sealed Tenders add Building. Topic: _ 'World FREE _- 318 D MONUMENTS Newcastle Separat Siece Mun can view bein "in 82 PARK ROAD N. | = cliche moter, Needs transmission repair. Best Contracts pe vid vrecsing i ing---Canada's Destiny". | | 20 Reg. Games -- Total $300 eer 'SA ade Schools . rtments, nily and Adult Floors 7 y 4a FORD SOK al owe, 120: : Room : hitby, O ' please coll " ult Floors. 28- FORD S0OXL, meee 6, 400 Laurier Tuesday, Vv, Ont. Mr. Ca MRS. FORREST sida " Unfurnished. OME Es na aE PORT PERRY iste hag radio, dane fa od Ottawa 4, coral cod November Diet 1967 Ph aids % IN Whitby ie a . NFORMATION {> share smail business girl BOON SUED. Ree : accepted, up to: PETER TRUE . in 56 N j M M three y (resid . Swi tarnishing! house, room of you 62 RAMBLER Ambassad ae apes ; RUEMAN steh 0 ReATS BSC. 723.1712 723-5111 se etal ae ne AUTOMOTIVE | [tis wtitineene nest 3:00 PM. (E057, Topic: "What Conadions | poo" jacioot §50 full co can Mounted Police 17 weekend J ings or give trouble-free drivi os ctober 19, 19: United Nations" eg. J x ounted Poli -1712 380 GIBB STREET Ser ger ra io_per week. Li riving, $395 , 1967. ns', g. Jackpot $50 full olice b FURNISH ea 728-738 . Lic. 253857. Wellman' 50 full card | sen : the bey i E fan's: 'Seiiec Docunient : Thursdoy, $10 Each Horizontal Line |%%2" NNETT -- In loving memory of @ investigation d Us 65 sc J a dan Cc Osh ee eae se_ of kitchen if de- eK emo an be: anuary 25th, 1968 PI F Ane wh d father, Roy Ben anadian Nations snawa Rent | Ridges 8: ing space. Telephone Bay ished In bronze oor, six cylinder, fin: Obtained, on deposi N ¢ us Horizontal Lin ho passed away September 21 anatle about 26 L a 686. y One owner. Wx with matching Interior. $25.0 , leposit of IK!_ GOLDSCHMIDT es thing can ever take a ied years agi a Contessa | A ONE SINGLE "and one two-bed \Foom at local arena Price. $1,095. 'Telephone é4é-s93, <n CERTIFIED CHEQUE one Topic: "The Cultural Explo cise Bei edad The ove a heart holds 'deor A member of § Apartment | S gency Fone oes: 1830 Park Road South Tele. '3 CHEVROLET convertible, ia able, to ada CER Dit cabo ounlt a a a Game 7:45 Remembrance. keeps hime." Evaageyy Roman x ie ic, y , 'ie eg. . -- iT near. >. FY A Distinguished Address | Sacer opener accommo- | LARGE Bedroom, Sere Oct. 5; 6;..7 fil ag Bale eslieg completely ue: GENERAL OF eraptieg . Thursday, g. Game 8:00 apse" ua" bn tot wile Fredy aig age | all parts of Oshawa. entist Church, at bus st ay man's, 728-7351. Well- from Co! NEN NG ebrua: . . Goodman. rin-law Mrs. of the Close circuit TV for your VALIANT ' eee etter ate abn. ee 2 OLDSMOBILE convertible, fu tor, hoon 106, 400 cone DR. WL dokron Nov children big KINTON -- In | wana Hine protection. Choice lu DEVELOP | FURNISH sec OTORS Powered V-8 automatic, radio ly ier Avenue We: side eee : ease dear mother loving memory of @ ar he s : ees xury MENTS LTD. | IED ROOM for ean, $13 per week. Wi io, very M fest, Ottawa Th i tah and grandmother, Ell seas wit suites electrically heated | Telephone 728-6319 b gentleman. : ' eliman's, 728-7351. 4, Ontario (ph e meeting on S inton, who passed + Eliza s with the Cani ond 8 LAR : etween 8-2:30, ; 59 CHEVRO rio (ph. 992-52 A ig on September ber 20, 1 away Septem- 4 tostefully decorated. through- '" " " [LARGE furnished bedroom with tele. Disploy of cars including the | 2utomatic, real, Beasd hardtop V-8, OR Regional Director, "ni 27th is open to anyone who THANKSGIVI einer 's_ memory is a k ne pe yy i out. Parking, swimming poo! 59934 -- 728-4283 |elean, private pan faciitets In 2 quiet. all new JAVELIN $10_per_week. Wellman' yep, condition. tional and Historical Parks Wishes to attend. Admission NG With which we'll never pereake 4h e is survived Sauna and recreation rooms, |------- 723-6022 MDTRE accommodations, Sarr: HARRY new ware Nomad wagon, like | Seaton P.O. Box 1359, be hepigssed meetings will *WEEKEND We have her our keeping, wh a . BE Scie od OD 4 if . "! 2 A I 140 Nonquon Rood 26--Apartments f Viprenboaay drape Le one ae, PEEL, Siscoer week. Cie isa Wallmann, ornwall, Ontario. : pea ts tonggh lg card. The Siena eae ety dah 1040." ty Call 725 aan -- s tor Rent |phone 668-5201, Hollywood. Mot S15, Tale RAMBLER SALES 728-7351. : . Weilman's, i ae prt bg $5.00. per ys and family. _ daughter rel . Halifax; nd -- CONTA! ~ Hollywood. Motel, _ Whitby , 1964 CHEV agg e Superin- r $7. er | @) U , Mrs. C. | apartment, Boeribnvilic three room| ROOMS (or room and board) for two PO! oreen Ata 1 four-door sedan. Light tendent's Office, Pah and may be mi ile soups ' Ann) of Gaudi Telephone 723-1979 ite; 'vacant now,| Se eee Se Jules: 7 Berrien Wann RE PERRY. raion Bear otlice Teaehone:e Good Bay National Park eae treasurer M pio 0 in A_ LASTING TRIBUTE McK Pes gy a FURNISHED hi pedal all dt elephone 668-4972. 'ark, r. James Mc- : eever (Shari MODERN a Aa ousekeep 64 RA erste eld Cans For Pe ' TO Choose mniles in aM lea sqapariment 6 HAL bel ft cloths oat, roa ele eee tion, bpp peli oa aol conai| Lowest or any tender not of Re aaa: " Bank TO we suse ond dignity be * Miss Lor eparate entrance, ep cds bath. | Telephone 725953. usiness lady only. ______|si3 "per. week, Lic, 212683, ransmission,| mecessarily accepted. o id' Ww awa, Ontario, d MOU ell of Oshawa anc an mony" Road Norn Iaun grated, Har leg Brock Street East 728-7351. . . Wellman's, pted. paid when attending a Gran Ole O NT LAWN James of Oshaw Ferree ann ane aareene. S70 MFORTABLE ROOM for 1958 CADILL. ae ARE cA aca meeting. pry MEMORIAL PARK shawa, Small. family preferred. Responsible. ten- single gentleman. Telephone Caen iat AC 31--Com Wear es 2 J. R, B. Coleman Dinner avi (NASHVILLE BRONZE Kenneth of Whitby. apa rtment ants only. 655482. esponsible ten- Le ll z 536, 323 2 door hardtop pact Cars for Sale bi Director. uf rap ghrilitoes ered at 6:30 : , TENNESEE) For ee oe cE 'Also surviving a ee vcore } m, A j ved A } : re > Pere lee sole two-bedroom apart- weeny rates, neo 'Nightly "and fi power. Immaculate con: W A N ay E D Se toy os address ny se Rai be hiatee fe Higa seo se ey Office. oe 8 erica Coa i d e igerator, di Staurant pened fd : ce. itior pokes ' . 5 6 a a e| with damage deposit. Avaliable Hrapes. No|67_ Simcoe on Premises. Queen's "Hotel, Rd. he ad 165 Verdun sg clean local. cars for : Pod ee to attend the TELEPHONE 576-0246 -- a town, Thoryg trl South, Joxgeus, " |COMPLETELY furnished bedroom and : eta cash, NOTICE T jay come as man Sister Ji ADELAID OMPLETELY furnished bedro © _CREDITO! members y ° ; r Julia Campt Cable TV room 'pariah Pit lus y acd tolevialon ouried terigerator "range MORLEY STALKER ANp OvMeee iN THE the oll Bg fect the COLONY TOURS Cairn Honors J of 'Notre Dame Cor ing, refrigerator, stove, bi ent build-iman. Apply 237 Athol e for gentle- M GERALD (Di ; ; pm. i ville and Mrs small child wel @, broadloom. One |0803 ol Street East. 725- MUST SAC OTORS CLEV! inner Tickets $2.00) : rs. L. I @ FOR RENT 685) elcomed. Telephon RIFICE 13 ELAND -- PROU of Ne 00). One MEETIN j garet) of S e 5 one 725-| STN 7 King We T, the original obj G m ; ydney, | Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room THREE-ROOM ground fi ron Telephone 66 Pi igdudi teealiltcl 1966 VALIANT 723-8311 : 723 6322 LAT eal ee pi Cenedian "ae we a of the ALUMNI ASSO re Y 4 Sane a Pre and Board. Office Hours: Taleiperater, ale stove;. snare. bathe 15 BN housek FOUR DOOR ZOL : IN THE Ci : maintain the autono C., of MLOOPS, B.C. (CP) : ampbell of Che Mon. to Fri. 8:30 bua' [ealrheree Sireel. Telechoae Buh \elnetth "GReTL Weta EY bears, TAN and NICK'S ONT, OUNTY OF Conada as leh GAs the Oshawa General H cairn has been = A b. Mass., Major 8 : . 8:30 a.m. to 6 one 725-2389, | park al Motors and downt Owner movi ARIO, _ GEN fot @ nation, While lospital erected on the ; righ ies pr m. BaD ef 6 er ci eae aioaen sear Ing. Suitable for quiet oantown, ving out of town, Your Authorized Datsun MOTORS - EMPL! pd ke es still important there School of Nursing on Wed a boned a police constable E rig Thomas A. Ca a ar fl ps . A 2 . 'e 33 peranrd 5 A on laundry cites hunotion arin stove, 'siNgte furnished bedroom in el Call 942-2347 ' _ Fiat Dealer All beng : Club alte a a aad the rig 27, at 8 p.m. McLaugh- | 420 i i ot an shot 90 years 4 bl asiedeeg is es 8-1070 Dee AVAIGBE Comber tn Sie ome, gentleman jean, pecializing in Volk: ving claims ; useful in im- in Hall. Dr. , ; lous gang kno ie ren area. Telephone Ne poor: Bloor |65_Elgin East, Telephone "7256146 Apply "Rates swagen against the estate of proving our usefulness as a K. Miller will, |@8 the McLean Brothers, beg C Mr. Campbell i wil URNI = pair and Service above-n ie citizens, speak on "'C . SHELDIAN MANSIONS URRY! Sublet _2bedroom in large, |! ISHED ROOMS for MA 160 jamed deceased, lote : ' ancer of the | The four McLi ceased by a son, | 885 Oxford St guiet building, $120 mo. ars Th arash hauneening Tobin fe ork oe Ne 158) KE OFFER Simcoe South re the Township of East Whit Membership is open to Utesus'. Be sure to attend, 2d their mbuain later brothers brother, Frank ' fe - ; . i m Sublet Jeroe 2 ond 2 beds ONE Sebmoon le RIRGe honl eeo ee Re t Lelatiled Make Offer. 728-0051 py Noun hy of Ontario, who who are interested, any tured by a posse de tg cap- The deceased is room 'suites, with two bath- cation. Avaliable Se Cae foe ae LADY ONLY--=--fummished] | gcwnre®! Cae bs Noe and PEUGOT | "vf lly, {alae alee R. A. WALLACE, 0.C BIR for the murder of John onion BF Jaige dri or FOO! i-fi @ Intercom ne after 6 p.m. 648-3230. reclsh i cooking facilties, in 4 Scout rnationo ERCEDES notified to * reby a . HS constable i igo} or requiem high elevators @ Free h , |THREE- ROO ive minutes "to. Oshawa Shop. with plough. 1947 BENZ send.to the under- President. Columbi .e in the British J ydro and {pri M_. furnished apart |ping Centre. 728-8780 awa Shop-| Chevrolet, A signed on or bef umbia Province Poli i John the Evangeli: porkin: atin rivate entranc partment. after 4 p.m. et, A-1 shay General Repai r before the Sth ae olice. ; g @ Outdoor swimming [Apply 25 Division Street, [for rena ROOM, nicely furnished, Dune buggies. pe, and peng Poe ge ond day of October, 1967 their Thanksgiving Weekend GROOKS. Venn The cairn was erected b Y 10 a.m., Sept. 23 7WO.BEDROOM _|positi dg ithe 'paceanent 5 ervice names and full particulars of Seneco) are very happy t dy (nee|O. Vicars and H by D. 4 will be in Mount | CALL 728-2502 heated, with BT dies electrically) cen decent home, nece hesetil 76-1250 Jake and Bill's Garage ae cdg iounadiataly October 7-8-9 birth of thelr daughter, fo announce the/sons of a former ie Cie ied . tery. The Rosary rapes. Centrally | ove an y._723-0258, y ofter the sai w sday, September 20 a A : officer, i i ite SAGUENAY. AVE Apt. 4 or all Sages, "Cintant. wel [KITCHEN and bedsitting room. One RAMBLER iad Ritson Rd. South tate will ee aati ber: BUS TRIP TO EXPO Osawa General Hospitsl. ae ce ba 16 miles south ; i. ag : awa 1a LUCHK nching to eee : 2 bedroom apts sees |two gentlemen or Peptic Motors. Suit F = 728-0921 ing regard only to th ; (3. Days) 'A -- Walter g town. ' pts., convenient FOUR ROOM upst 7 4146 uple, Telephone 723- SA 39 CHEVRO o i jl e claims Shisko) thank G and Nina (nee| Con location, $115 to $120. bly 287 Verdun 'Road. ai |ROOMS FOR S$ SERVICE what' pg pee ie as notice has been re- Fore: $35.; includes eve! a le chil DA, Oatnlelt ioe ola ooo Ussher had formed 4 MRS. FANNIE monthly nicluding ppslianens ONE of wo art to tara sparipen [shed on SINGLE Gentlemen, "ft New o tues eats orig) eee an Brace, '95| DATED AT OSHAWA, O tg ont meals. For hie 7, be 8. prsesaturdey, ghnlel Stephens! ang cae ie 3 McLean / ain as uae and parking. One child wel- {723-50 er, partly furnished. Tel viet and clean. Teleph ust be w and Used Car: i io, S , Ontar- er information cal ° | First grandchi eneral Hospital. | horse: stealin q illsdale Manor. Fi 5033 between 7.9 plephone| fsucccee cer lephone 723-5544 s 66 DODGE Soc aoe , September 14th, 19 n call al indchild for Mr. and M tal.|horses. The 4 'i come in Tom cee p.m. FURNISHED y to Fina port 500, hardh . 1967. Shisko and Nr. | Mrs. Mike constable fou nie Crook. ' commen Tcartoin, bullings. (ORY SrRatT ok, Waa rE oe(oe ee seomonn nt wia| NICOLS MOTORS. LTD. sie cae el Aeee "BAO (ric ena re towards advanced alone was in her ath g , adults or working ¢ or telephone 72: WI erms fi in every way. or, ot any - thanks ! is Alex H " 5 am. and 5.00 p.m eee eecataneie Ne: Client ae 3-9815, HITBY -- 668 0 sult. 576-0776. by hi ds Nichalas Ostatich anks to Dr. are, the co away following a | E .m. Naren eee |WE HAVE @ limi -- -3331 or er solicitors MO ichuk and Dr. Kow of the McL usin 4 H. MILLEN Re stalners. Available now. _ cn milled number oF onits| 764, PONT! GRAND Parisi G y S alsky. eans. ness. Previ : al Estate Ltd. [BA oe available on a mont units AC Laurentian ma slenne two-door hard reer, Kelly & dei RE | mircue: i ; viously st SEMENT apartment, lfrom. October onthly rental basis|eutomatic. Excellent sedan, V.8,, many extras, A-1 condition. $2.71 vee 114 Ki nny, Bail hrstdadr ok SAD IEload di yh His revolver hol with her daugh SIMPLE THINGS TALK bath, furnished or u > three + piece |clude Until June. Facilities in-] Mos _ 942-5693. car," Phone' eve-|Siosest offer. Telephone Dun 2,700 | or ing Street East, DANCI tig) are happy to 'announce the arrival _holstered, Ussh- r daughter Classified A or unfurnished, | indoor and _outd Nf 3001. Dunbarton 839- Oshaw. g of Andrew Rel nce the arrivaije? Stappled' with law, M Pod things you don't + need dsjmodern home. Suit quiet,| pools, sau b loor ~= swimming | 1964 ---- __Oshawa, Ontario, A Capit d ilbeRk hag with Hare an ' r. and Mrs, 1 720-3492 for an Ad-wi cor fae ean erin Sire pr tne Sere ere muna, bath. exarcise room, Livelsedea TAC Parisienne. Tourcdoor| 1966 CAPRICE Coupe full power, $2,650. i, CHESTER KUTASI Oshawa Promenaders. 'Anne, on Tuesday, September PP gl stabbed in the fac d was ley, 94 Glads iter now. during ay. 728-7288. ope ctiog pad Hole rOgig ete ie oof ueon gel | heh? tomatic, power 'brakes, power Rnd ig GPE eal eal ata Molar Street Oo eh Rr te oe Clashes Won) Taasds Gshewe 'General Homital, ey with a knife. 'Then. repeatedly ihe 'enn "3 d Inn Bowmanyi g Dutchman Motor|discs. Vi io, whitewalls, _" chrome)' . '|sponsible for any det re- ; 'y Tuesdoy. Inter- | WA 5 n one of th rmer Fan , ville 423-3373 cs, Very clean ear, KI 'ome |S9_ VOLKSWAGEN, peda y vdebts contracted "| mediate and cl TSON -- Frank IcLean broth e the de , Vevenings, 942-5693, Ne eee ee eae ae meat atiatnay bars lik alos act me by anyone, cn or after this] 10: ond club level. 8 to |'*¥),,are happy, t and Marie (nee Fe | ~ ers placed ceased was a i r. '57 Ford $14 September 19th 1967, r this} 10:30, Sir Alb +f the e anhouree: the sbire | cvolver at the . the la geod cndiions Telephone 7184 Fiat Consent. Signed Chester' Kuteslere| oY ilson N. ercreye penal ers: Wednesday. September "20, 1987 "| nd fired. constable's head Mitchell Sirs <. 23-3692 -- 725-612 he Oshawa General Hospital. 967, The McLean at Th 3 p 6 | er for Frank Leo. Ma pital. A br A Lean gang later wa ie Woodland: { Beckett and. th floor sfett, Deo' Gratis -- at New Westmin. ag Ens tg ' tie BE: -- fl te a 4 97. a pti) tat ee me ss 2 +h

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