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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1967, p. 24

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at (SHACK GARR SAKA GRAAF SPAS RMR AAG SHG ARAB HK AERO Ree eB: Rages Over New Lawsuit | WINNIPEG (CP) -- Court{Toronto, Mr. Bienvenu and his} } rt = hbeaciedheteelioonndeosoreniatnsae West Bank Financial Battle! ° B' my Bat Hs FA HR kB. a cS ee inst ' | action was launched Wednesda) | vontreal associates, Fernand to nullify a decision last week . TODAY S STOCKS | y ° to wind up the Bank of Western| "#londe and Michel Latraverse. Tron workers St k S Canada. The claim declares that the : Tl e een The move was made hby|'efendants refused to accept TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS | : 10:40 Net Distributed by CP Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Canadian Finance and Invest-|the proper proxies of CFI and) Toronto Stock Exchange--Sept. 21 ' and - Gumainie Wr cents Ohleea Teried «| fe Sree ane e e e ments. Ltd. of Winnipeg, in/Mr. Stevens, as its representa-| 2-Ode lot, x8 --Exdividend, xr--Ex. 150 $25 25 25 Tl in onstruction whose name nearly 150,00) of|tive, at a special shareholders' from 'previous board.lol closing sale. | & ines he ae the bank's 865.500 shares a re| meeting Sept. 14 which voted to MINES | CSL . 29% 2938 eg |registered, and brought about pita proceedings to wind up| | CSL pr 120 $5% Sia Sa--%| ,, s . new round in the battle beiween|the affairs of the bank. | en Can, Brew os am an we v% TORONTO (CP)---A mu lt i-jhas again been halted following $1.27-an-hour increase over the Montreal financier Marc Bien-| It seeks an order declaring ? - million dollar tie-up of Ontariojan earlier shutdown. The first|current $3.44 to $3.63 an hour. venu and Toronto financier Sin- 3 Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge) CC Manag $0: $72: : x nine we Now oN € Curtiss 400 150 150 150 jconstruction projects may wor- 56-storey tower of the $125,-| The striking union men clair Stevens Acme Gas 2000 19 fe 19 +1 | € Dredge 3800 S7e 6% 7e+%isen during coming months 000,000 project is near comple-|. .. 'a4 MoS 2 8 a 1| ental 12 EG yh luniess a strike by ironworkers,|tion but there has been a four--rceve about #50 8 week sivike| Named as defendants in| SAW ISLANDS FIRST NAVY RUM 435335335 | y 2634 26M 263 % key n stry, is set-;month delay in erecting a 46- Ait. y em are s $8 C : St. Kitts, Nevis, and Anguilla, » 20 | C Imp Bnk 180 $137 137% 19% tled: storey tower and_ single-floor|Working for contractors who in Court of Queen's Bench, are three baal Lactand ah ii PALM BREEZE RUM ae ee ae Cit 722 $18 «618 the Caribbean, were first vis WHITE GOLD RUM |the meeting null and void. 0 OM 0 C Marconl 1000 $6%4 6% Ns --™% The-strike for higher wages banking hall costing $50,000,000, |have signed agreements with the Bank, York Lambton Corp. | Fe Lea Peo: 162 $62" 62% 62% | by the International Association' A bank spokesman said the|the union, Others find work out-| Ltd. of Toronto, British Interna-| j Black Bay 9 8} 4 tg) © Petrofin 725 $14 14% 14% % Of Bridge, Structural and Orna- four-month delay would cost/side Toronto. tional Finance Canada Ltd. of|ited by Columbus in 1493. Bate eo ie fe Con Tire A 100 $26 26 (7 | mental Iron Workers is shack-|more than $200,000 in terms ------ dabighs 1 Ae ae ae th jling the industry despite con-|lost office-space rentals alone. Cam Mine $4 56 + 4 | Chemcell 300 $1111 1 tract settlements by most other} The president of the Toronto me ome 4 8) eee Behe aati trade unions. It is a confusing |Construction Association, T. D. "| Columbia 2250 400 400 400 s situation, with picket lines sud-| Warrington, says it is impossi- omnes 30 $292 29% 24+ '* denly appearing at projects|/ble to determine the long-term Con Bidg w 099 3) 3 nv | i Con Paper 855 $3314 33% 33%-- % Where work had been proceed- effects on other trades, Interior * ; ver Con Pap w 200 $0 560 560 ing, and others being with- tradesmen who do plastering. | ons Gas 2? Mia a 4 rn ' 5 ron 100 $2854 38% Fy drawn at representatives of decorating, eroge | poy f 115 $492 492 4912+ 1» some employers sign separate other inside jobs will find it a Mouth Wash and Gargle 18 18% 18'S 00 S74 M4 7M nnntrac: 3 eae ' rush tn 200 $108 10% 10% contracts. long, cold winter. : . rH Cygnus A 100 370 370 370 The union's negotiating com-| Jobs not enclosed before win- "For Sweeter Breath 360 35 1 Delta Elec 200 365 365 365 +8 mittee at Hamilton, for exam- ter cannot be finished inside, he j 7 on Bg 14 0z.-Sugg. 1 09 e 227) 231 +i 13° «13 Dist! Seaa $405 $29 9 Ry ' Pete 9) 5934 , + ple, Wednesday recommended said f 4 2 4 Dome Pete 69) $60 3934 539 di . ( # List 1.40 1347 $24%8 24' 24% --'e acceptance of a contract offer| Effects on the strike are we seve jhe f* made to its Local 36 by the being felt all the way from 1025 $13% 13 13 Millwrighting and Rigging Con- lunch trucks, whose drivers a a = ae + % tracting Association of Ontario. rely heavily on the construction : Effective 30 $302 30' 30241 {The 600 ironworkers in the trade, to the giant steel indus | until 7 750 $13% 13% 13% Hamilton local had kept 1,000 try. | 2 784 Ta + ie 25 $97 (97.--««97 ; = : Saturday we ghee 1 4 5 tradesmen from jobs at Steel | TOILET TISSUE 320 E 215 $16 16a 16 i ine wy yy 535 535 + i 710 $10'4 10% ov Co. of Canada Ltd. and Domin- PICKET LINES FORMED | DRWG Gy fad ore «, September White, yellow, pink or aqua. 1s00 8 75 75 --18 Jign Foundries and Steel Corp The association is the bar- 4 23 af N10 $3614 36 36 4 ¥a\Ltd. and had halted other con- gaining agent for contractors in : SPECIAL Goldrim 0 5 200 $64 6% 6 struction projects during the Union negotiations. The Iron Gortdrm 00-283 3. 283 D1 Ws 1 last four months. Workers union has been shut- Grdroy 3 > 4 . ; Gulch - 31% 30 -1| Ontario Hydro faces a virtual it ase sgned oF else- ; leath 600 74 7 72 2 2 3 3 - . a : 509.. where in Ontario by setting up Re halt a hie 4 3 work stoppage at its $500,- WM ile tut } : Regular co. ND Huds "Bey t-- Ve ee BEE SES | '« 000,000 Pickering nuclear power Picket lines which other trade) . : rhage ¢ j bey Inf Bibis _ 30400 104 3 1 2 00 3 5 plant and $270.000,000 Lakeview Unions will not cross. Iron Bay T 700 390 385, 990 [aye 22 $91 « generating station. The ironworkers erect struc-| Super Sansmnith 7000 A > 0 $2 tural steel and lay reinforcing FEMININE HAIR GROOMER o Kerr Add Ye 147 ar 20 ] CONSTRUCTION HALTS rods in concrete. Talks are con-| Pappy ; é ae 7 s, Construction of the hugetinuing but the union remains oer ae 4 a 100 $13%2 13¥2 13 %: Toronto-Doninion Centre here inflexible in its demand for a! NAPKINS Lab Min 334 334 33 5 1% 21% : Pi L Dufault 600 $105" 105s ' or 700 330 33 30 --10 Lake Lyn 3000 17 17 1 225 $195 es 195 tet pias' | Ese Hit 8 8° Steel Executive Advocates 12's -- Sugg. list 53¢ Leitch fs Macessa 175 $69 868 +1% Match ee ee s 137 $11% 11% N%4-- "4 | Mattgm! $144 14\-- 14% Imp Oil 1113 $63% 62% 63% s » " Me Kaan a7 4 as 9) Imp Tob 250 $13% 13% 13% New Instant Dissolving McIntyre $80'2 8014 80' | In Accept p 100 $82%4 82% 82%4-- % ur. Ss n ] 0 Tl e McWat 4 48 48 +2 na W < rd ae sis im ae COLD WATER WASH Mentor 2400 «5! 5) 5) ngerso! 12 35 4 35% i" . : Safest way to wash Knitwear. Marri 500 968 OOD A Inland Gas 240 $10¥2 10' 10l2-- % aes . . | i raid oi Se ag | ime 140 $39% 39 394+1% MONTREAL (CP) -- Curbs! --Penalties for unlawful Midrim 500 154 154 154 --1 | Int Nickel $40 110% 11002 110% + 2/on the right to strike are a strikes should be made tougher i 10 1 10 int Util 385% 385 h ' ce sa ae a ar cg | int Olen 1s $3 '2 3812 -- % lesser evil than widespread eco- and enforced more vigorously. Nat Exp! 7200 12 11 11 --'%| Intpr Pipe 1430 $22% 228% 22% -- Ye nomic dislocation, H. J. Claw-| --The government should New Ath 0 21 «212 % 900 $107 1034 10% io Steel i as z | So N Hosco 300 180 180 s 665 380 380 380 son, vice - president of the Steel ensure that qualified arbitra- i N. Imperal 267 320 315 315 --10 | Inv Grp 210 ($88 984 944+ % Co, of Canada Ltd. said tors are available. | C ' , f i so s s re | m N tt 254 25 r 4 . ' ; hetaee" ae i 27 $54 su su | Wednesday. --Consideration of making a dsr 365 $59'2 5914 59a + '4 He told the 38th annual meet- written agreement, accepted by Neriex ») ® Normetal 200.380 380 eee ae aie ae * she *+ {ing of the Canadian Chamber of both management and union ALL-PURPOSE TOWELS SPRAY MIST DEODORANT ; Norpax N Coldstm 0 137 137 137 +2 Hiprecd H 7 ie Me te Commerce that free collective|/negotiating teams, binding on Northgat 700 82 + sal : sli Aly ite bargaining and the right to'membership to overcome the 'Pink or Blue -- Pkg. of k2 42 oz 4 Sugg. list 1.29 e North Can 3 1 1 LOnt Cem 700 415 410 i : ART Obaske 2000 : > 'Laura Sec 400 $134 13. 134+ % Strike are not ends in them-|problem of repudiation of set- Obrien Wag? 2 | Lau F 6w 1000 61 59 selves, but have to meet the tlements by workers. rf ke AD $i 1 L y 215 $282 28% 214+ ve rs , | if ® a " gph Levy B pr 100 $24% 24% 24% test of how much they contrib-' vy, ©, Marquez, president of q Exir Paving 0 +10 invest 190 Se ¢ 6% | jute to the general good of the Northern 'Electric Co. Ltd., told ia et eee ie ei country delegates the philosophy behind Peeries: 00 9 «(9 See > 200 $7 2 Mr. Clawson said Canadians Canadian business will have to ! : Pine Point 225 $52 S134 51% a ae ve a difficult choice involving! change if th try i Placer 250 $3494 34% 34% b 165. $17 13% 134 +3 pbs a i o c c! g : . : e eae ry is to meet Preston 1130 $2258 27'4 22 d 1 'a a+" isputes. he challen i i § Probe M = 24500 14 16 16 + 34 25 $17%4 17% Wat ta BOT iy roductivit a = aselinici as Que Chib 2000 35 14 3 M Lf Gard 85 $20 29% "If they resist exorbitant col- Productivity, ---- 1, Matiam! 9300 143 140 «+1 Markboro 300 $5% 5% $) iv | i OS reel deate 250 750 745 } Markbro w 600 240235 235 lective bargaining demands,| Optimum productivity TOOTH PASTE R 165 " 4 26% -- "A $92 y i Roman 162 $267% 264 26% Bt Mon NAL Ath L0G 1 StTIKeD ly to be contrary to the public Satellite 1700 47 Abia 4614 + 12, Moor 3 igs +% "Tf settlements are made on interest. i ' : Sil Miter 104 A ee Lar yg manufacturing, construction DIVIDENDS . \ FACIAL TISSUES Stanrek 40 4a 'i 0 $13 to rise at an accelerated and By THE CANADIAN PRESS ; , 200's Texmont 1500 8 8 | Oc 250 10% 19" 19% | "In either case, it will bring A share for each 20 common Lcd " aaeae Loe xe Sloe oz iz 4 about a very serious deteriora-\shares held, Oct. 16, record Tundra 2 2 2 * 100 $10%e 10! ---% a v 4gesed ag 10 775 775 775 Pow Cro pr. 50 $4l¥a 414 4l¥2 + ta tion." common 25 cents, pref. $1.75, iffadn , rice Com 1635 $11'@ 113 %--) 4 cord § i. Com M4 1% 11 h | Oct. 14, record Sept. 28. 2 : ; Radiore 1000 54 Sa Mass-Fer we $20% 20% 20% -- 1 strikes will continue to increase|depended on large plants in Rio Algom 3013 $34% 34% 34au+ 4 A c 00 325-325 325 é y suffer yj i " ig 4 ce are 2 a he 2 + Ras Sintie << 35 Sivan tou os, iad the counter: will su r/many industries and so "merg Family Size . Rio Alo € w 80 $2014 20 | 20 Met Stors p 250 $20% 20% 203% from the tremendous economic ers and combinations can no F Rix Athab 2000 21% 204 204 25 $22 22% 22%+% waste of a multiplicity of longer be assumed automatical- Sugg. list 1.19 Sherr 12250 825 520 $25 4 Mors: -- 7 " : 5 | Murphy 1 + %& union terms to buy labor peace.| = Steep R 750 655 650 450 WL 1 Ree j unreasonably high rate A. J. Frieman Lid., one class Tribag 4 108 108 : 2305 $19 19 + % tion in Canada's world as well) Sept. 30 Un Mactie 1000 13/4 134 1314 + QN Gas 167 $102 10% 10) ew CHECK 35 : 4 ss 2 Wye 104, NEW CHECKS POSSIBLE FPE Pioneer Electrie Ltd 9' Slivrtids 200 405 405 405 Teck Core 00 4BS 485 485 Trin 1 17 17 ; i s C 860 $1714 17% as domestic competitive posi-- Dominion Textile Co, Ltd., White Star yee 3 ce Rank Org 700 $62 6% 6% --4 Mr. Clawson told the 900 dele- class A 14 cents, Nov. 1, record| * gates that if it becomes appar-|Oct. 1; first pref. 68% cents, Wileo 3400 6583S Reichhold 100 $33 33 33 ' c Willroy 1 Revenue 13 1 3 y - i Pe R Nodwell 200 210 210 210 ' . eee i ue Seafoam foknon' Rolland 50 $101 ent. collective argaining is Oct. 15, recor ict: 1. | m . De tay mee te Renee 120 Se 1S impeding economic growth,| International Bronze Powders| gd 7 ; Baby Powder babi ) ee Salada 0 1041 "then other means for regulat- Ltd., pref. 3714 cents; é-per-| é : y ; Ae 13 aril Ba . _j9 ing relations between labor and'cent cumulative participating! SS é , , Guards powder OILS Shell Inv W 1328 $id%~ 1 management will be sought and pref. shares, Oct, 13, record) geco@r¥ ©] : IL ' GAS Shell Can 330 $323" 32% 323--%+ % found." |Sept. 30. | , > Comal § s Shop Save 220 $l4¥2 14% 14% " Alminex 100 530 $30 $30 Shully's 100 290 290 290 +10 He outlined five points: Northern Telephone Ltd., Am Ledue 500 17 Riveting: as Sak SAL z 4 a - 4 , ; Braise 200 125 125 125 +8 Simpson'$ 1078 $22% 22% Mat e\ --The federal government Sept. 29. 6 cents, Oct. 18. record | " J y y CS @ x 3%" x 6° © Homestd 241 480 480 480 Slater Sti 765 $1) 10% 10%--%ic ' , 3 7" basse efrain from passing any A ' if should refra P 8 Victoria and Grey Trust Co. °° Cdn Sup 0 3 150 $47' 472 47% bani Del 7 2 h Blas ic lb ind , slation which would enlarge , 1320 $23 23 23% + ve legislation pref. 66% cents, Nov. 1, record Oct: 13, de aR eee) n 120, $20 20, 20, + 'eithe right to strike, especially Gr Plaine 3135 $185 184 TW + V4 Tor Bm 100 sia 4 4 -- wm during the life of. a collective!" Canadian Export Gas and Oil f : tor Hel 00 375 370 7S 410 | Trader Ap zi00 ee Ae get agreement. ___________ Ltd., three months ended July| « For Upset 17] Transair 700 $614 614 64 31: 1967, $136,000, two cents a Stomach © Can PL $60. $32¥4 32 32 -- We BONDS share; 1966, $13,000, | ae a ne 0 Ranger Oil (Canada) Ltd., six 20 "a , 5 TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- months ended June 30: 1967, | =< 4 1) ie "ao Mi Alka-Seltzer KLEENEX Pinnacle P 26 5 Jr r 125 2 is % dian bond market was loss $65,113, 3.3 cents a share; | RI 6 298 298 29) 2 J ' 0 $l4 %4 1 . i g 1966, profit.$107,194, 5.4 cents. JNE- Range Fei yey ya een e ade snaiie iene vont TOWELS people describe 2's Sugg anger rts 3100 7 4 "7 4 1 A y- " - scurry Rn 710 $37! 3 ? Un F m "s Short-term Government of ; - A Sine denture _ reline Son List 79c most ust love if a . ee os oe or 57'S Canada bonds were unchanged TO WE LS : : feel like natural teeth. 1 you get your money U_Canse 4 14% 14% with the new 5!4-per-cent Dec W Decaita 925 310 320 Won GW Sis dubai Go ag (1a, 1989, issue closing at 99.25 : Sugg. list Ic vie. of dentures opted . ; eS) Sylvania 200 $11% 1% 11) bid and 99.35 asked : 2 for 55¢ Weldwod INDUSTRIALS Westc'st 175 $2) 27 Long-term Canada and prov- Bh bed Weetfair 75 Abitibi 2290 $93 94 9% 4 Ye W Cdn Seed 200 345 345 incial bonds were unchanged ; "§ 3 3 ' 7 - : irror, 6" =s > . fee Acklands 3755 $120 12 tM) W Pacific 5 Som' 04 o4-- te with the 5!4-per-cent May. 1, f Shaving & Mak sight Batteries, Sen ha FLASHBULBS Alta Gas w 200 745 7 fe Pas 100 $19 «19 «19 «= vw 1990.issue closing at 90% bid , . : Eveready #950" Outfit, 22% "Tess Algoma $1 ZS $2312 20/3 22 + 44 Woodwd A 210 $174 17% 17% and 90% asked. z Kodak AGI or AGIB, Alumin pr 218 $19% 1934 1 xeilers $3333 33 =e Day-to-day money traded at i : Household Gloves " 12's, 1 4 Ang ST Ny 4 $3. 35 $ Zenith 100 220 220 220 ke per cent. f ? ys 5 4 $ Sugg. list 1.92 a g Argus C pr 100 $10% 1 PORE aera ny Treasury bills remained 7 Knit cotton gloves rmanently , he es 3 ne - junchanged with the 91-day bills Y¢ - | "coated with an outlast from Hay 99° iano Asbestos FOREIGN TRADING closing at 4.48 per cent and te = a others. Un Keno 300 650 650 650 --80 | 89-day bills at 4.60. Subscribers To see Sugg. 1 ca ah se as if : list 2.49 e , Bell Phne R 2 46s é : : Sromoles" 30 S72 ie + oe @ BLUE CROSS Brazilian 0 $14 Sy 143 Mount Vesuvius, when it e@ P.S.I. 3 x] 2 : : on 36 i + erupted in 79 AD, covered the @ GREEN SHIELD : ad S$ Ik S$ city of Pompeii with 20 feet of J I n atin ash in three days, killing 16,000 NEED NOT BATH OIL i PAY CASH! : T V You Give Us ' jst 1 1.39 ; CROSS CANADA PAVING aWe The Doctors | ee : emer tt , has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE We datirsiscst, | Eastview | McCordick | Law's | Mitchell's | Karn's | Lane's | North Simcoe | Jamieson's Pharmacy Pharmacy FREE 360 Wilson Rd, | 1204 Wecker | 9 Simcoe St. | 28 King St. | 392 Stevenson 241 King St. itv-eWi. A 2 South Drive North Eost Rd. North 907 Simcoe Ne Payment For 2 Months After Completion City Wide Delivery 573 King St. E. . . 723-1131 St. North " ies MITCHELL'S 725-359 725-871 725.3525 723-3431 723-4621 end 2 23.341 ie call 728.9292 Oshawa PAYAL] russ Oe mason | 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 also 6- 12- 18-20-36 month to pay

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