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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1967, p. 25

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0 1907 wanice, Produetions World Rights Reserved ' ) . by King Poatures Sv; aes Wjust soup AND CRRACKERS- MON A DIET. 7 i] | BUZ SAWYER © Kiog Features Syadicate, ine, 1967. World rights reserved, 238 WOUNDED BUFFALO IS , THE MOST DANGEROUS > OF ANIMALS. © King Fentures Syadiceta, Ine, 1967. World tik ~eerved. FIGURING OUT A NEW BUDGET a YOU'RE GOING TO SAY, DEAR --THAT I CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS UP BARGAINS LIKE THESE! KNOW waar )] IT's EITHER ME BELOVED KINK, HIS NOSE. SHOULD ONLY FRIZZ TO HIS TOES AND STARVE. HIM TO DEATH £7 ORYOUR HELP YOU Sl = DECIDE AGAINS PATRIOTIC LOVE AND ROMANTIC JANE ARDEN 290 WITH THE CLIFFS IN THE REAR AND THE DEEP GORGE IN FRONT WE ARE VERY SAFE HERE, ANY TROUBLE WITH INDIANS LATELY, DON PEREZ? NOT FOR MAN 4 ka HAVE MONTHS, VICTORIO AND HIS APACHES BEEN HIDING IN MEXiCO wn BUT YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN HE WILL RETURN. SECRET AGENT X9 S a E the all new ONE CARD GAYS HAPPY BIRTHOAY, eupissouono,)| \Micay , AN WELCOME HOME AFFORD! Fenrares Syadicate, low, 1967. World TELEVISION LOG 2--Buttale 3--Barrie 4--Buttalo 6--Toronte 7--Buftalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel 9%-Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel Channet Channet Channel Channet Channel 12--Peterborough THURSDAY BVENING 5:00 P.M. 12--Rocky and his Friends 11--Jericho 8--Mr. Ed \ = HOW PARTIAL I AM T'MAKIN' A SMALL WAGER NOW AND AGAIN, Ss CHI I Know you spew ON THE HORSES couLD EAT!.., KNOW YOU SENT MAMA WASN'T SUPPOSED TO WORK-- SO. WE IT OUR RENT MONEY FUTURE ?! "THIS ONE IS VERY INTERESTING. I. KNOW YOU'RE HOOKED _ON GAMBLING, THAT'S WHAT I KNOW! NOW ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME YOU'VE MORTGAGED GREG'S Ey TOA' / é--Gentle Ben 5:30 P.M, 12--Flintstones Truth or Consequences T--News 3-6--Scouting 2--Of Lanas and Seas 6:00 P.M, 1--Pierre Berton 12---News, Weather, ports B--How"s Business 7--Movie 6--Rango 4--News, Weather, ts port 3--My Three Sone 6:30 PLM. 12--Lost In Space 1--Mothers-in-Law , Weather, and Sports 2-4--Huntley-Brinkley News 7:00 P.M, 1--That Girl 9--Flying Nun 8--Four Winds to Adventure 6--TBA 4--Movie 3--That Girl 2--News, Weather rts 7--News, Weather, Sports 7:3 P.M, 12--Bewitched 1i--Hockey 9--Star Trek 2-8--Daniel Boone 7--Batman 6--Accidental Family TBA 6:08 P.M, 7--Flying Nun 3-6-12--Hogan's Heroes 8:30 P.M. 9--It's Happening 7--Bewitched 3-6-12--Telescope cme ys 300 P.M, 9--Dean Martin | 7--That Girl | 11:30 A.M | 4--Movie 3-6-12--Man from ULN.C.L.E 7--Peyton Place 2-8--Dragnet 10:00 P.M, | 1!--Marriage Confidentla 9--Mr. and Mrs $-2--Hollywood Squares 7--Family Game 4--Dick Van Dyke 3--Ed Allen Time 12 NOON 12--Dean Martin {2--News, Weather, \l~--The Merv Griffin Shew | Sports 9--Mannix | --Little People 7--Good Company | 2-Toronte Teday | 6--Dragnet | 24--Jeopardy 3---Run for Your Lite | 7--Movie 2-8--Dean Martin |3-6--Luncheon Date 10:30 P.M. 4--News and Weather) Second Hundred | Sports Years 12:30 P.M. 6--The True North [iv Photo. Finish 11:00 PLM, | @--Eye Guess | 12-11-9-8-7-6-3-2--News |} 3--News, Weather, | Sports Weather, Sports | 11--Plerre Berton | 11:20 P.M, $--Merv. Griffin 4-4--Search For 220 P.M. | Tomorrow | Viewpoint 12:45 P.M, | 11:25 P.M, $4--Buiding Liant | 4--News, Weather, Sperte 1:00 P.M, 11:30 P.M, | 12--Movie | 7--Movie | 11--Mike Douglas | 4--Movie | 9--Movie 24--Johnny Carson | @--wiating For Dollars, 11:35 P.M, Virginia Graham 3--Merv Griffin | J--Fugitive 11:40 P.M, 4--~Meet the Millers 11---Movie | 9--Perrys' Probe 11:45 PLM, 12--Movie 6--Time Tunnel 12.00 MIDNIGHT | | 6--Luncheon Date ovie | 1:30 P.M, 4-4--As The World Turne &--Let's Make A Deal 4--Movle Newlywed Game 12:10 A.M. é-Culsine 9--Movie 4--Love's a Many §Splen- |, dored Thing FRIDAY #2--Days of Our Lives . A.M. 2:30 P.M, 9--University of the Alr | --Schnitzel House aptain Kangaree 8:30 A.M | 12--Calendar |1l--Perry Mason 9--People in Cenfliet 7--Dream Giri | 4--You and Your family | 4-House Party 8:55 A.M, | .6--Coronation Street ¥--Dlaling tor Dollars, | 24--Doctors Virginia Graham 3:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M poeaiarrate's Court 11--Ed Allen T General Hospita Par petal agg con 4--To Tell The Truth 8--Pastor's Study 4--Cariton Fredericks .. 2--Pat Boone 9:30 A.M, 11---Donna Reed 9--Cartoon Playhouse 4--Love of Lie 10:00 A.M, N--Movie $-2--Snap Judgment 4--Candid Camera 10:30 A.M, 8-2--Concentration 7--Dateline: Hollywood 4--Beverly Hillbillies | 4:80 FY M, ' Incle Bobby 9--Tugboat Annie | 9--M 7--Honeymoon Race | 4--Andy Griffith | 3--Good 'Morning | +6-12--Take 30 | 2-8--Another World | 3:30 P.M. | 11--Bullwinkle 9--It's Your Meve 7--Commander Tom 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night | 24--Yeu Don't Say | 11--Super Heroes 9--! Love Lucy | @--Match Game 4--Secret Storm | 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas P.M, | 1i--Mack and Myer jovie 8--Leave It to Beaver 4---Truth or Conse quences 3-6-12--Barney Boomer CROSSWORD 2.09 1 King St, East 725-1169 AOROSS 2. Own 21, Portion [ATH ATS] 1. Masticate 3. Level 22, Poem 150] 5. Kind of 4, Mets' 23, Rep's apartment Westrum rival 9. Bondsman 5. Musical 25, Tattered [TIR[OIT] 10. Zodiac instrument cloth sign 6. Viscous 26. Scotch 12. aureve 7. Warp-yarn landed . 8 \ WHEN TOAST POPS UP IN THE cities feet eats 'TOASTER 18, Dark ®.Coastline 27." Tenders MESIOIMERNSIEINIOIN aig 11, Stand up 29, Send Yesterday's Answer rown, 15, Phono- abroad ? trent graph 30, Fasts 37, Old . . Pen record 32, Brases! Gree! 16. 3.1416 holders print. coin 17. Sun god 18. Tree 35. Flock 39. By way of 18, aoe 19, Pant 36, Dip out 40, Gull everage 19, Fuel 'FErFArFrreg 20. Show ki as it 28,Nativeot {9 Y 24, Clings to - 26.Learning |! Gd Oe ay . i 7 Y Y io 4 | 32, Grade: WU Lo | . abbr. : 20 at j22e Y Yy, 2 83, Greek sa ne TA, letter YDB WO 34, Whether 4 ; aan 35. God of 26 [27 7" pleasure V7Ase 33 36. Canter 3 Y OD 38, Frolic 4 ba Hee 40. Italian ae bas Y sel ed explorer 3 Et) 7, As 41, Ride WY 42, Smells SEG 43, Speaks ah GY ae 44, Sash Y ry W aa DOWN 1. Apogee Vs LZ Vp, SINCE THE OTH SIDE COULD HAVE GOTTEN TO HIM ANYWHERE, WE ARE GOING TO CHECK ITOUT--AS A VACATIONING COUPLE/ e « « for LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT '68 PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS VAUXHALLS and FIREBIRDS at... The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. NO, TOBIN, I THINK! YOU AND YOUR BROTHERS A JUST TAKE ORDERS! HMMM.,, NOW, THIS ONE LOOKS HUBERT : Go SOAK YouR_* ] HEAD CRAB-FACE, BRAAACK! | DOOLEY, I'D LIKE YOU MEMO TO ME! AND EXPLAIN THIS PECULIAR ENDING TO YOUR INTER-OFFICE TO LISTEN, © King Fonteres syrdicata, fac, 1967 World rdhite reeervod YOUR HEALTH Excess Uric Acid Causes Gout Pain | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD i Dear Dr. Molner: Would you,taken. They should NOT be please explain gout and uric|used in combination with some acid? I'm sure they go togeth-|other drugs. There are distinct er, but I would like to know the|drawbacks if a patient takes cause and cure, if any. You|the drugs for a time, then stops explain things in your column |and subsequently starts them so the untrained person can| again. understand it.--L.B. Heart surgery, kidney trans- Thank you. That's what I try|Plants, experiments in chemoth- to do--explain things, When my|¢tapy for cancer and other TV set won't work, I don't want|Such dramatic progress right- the repairman to give me the} history of cathode ray tubes. I just want to know what ought to be done to fix the set, and, if possible, I want to know how I should treat the machine so it will keep working. People are entitled to the same type of answers concerning health. Yes, you are right about uric in the system, it gathers in the form of urate cyratals in the joints an delsewhere, and often you have the exquisite pain of gouty arthritis. Why some people accumulate uric acid and others get rid of it in sufficient quantities is not completely understood even by the authorities on metalbolism: However, we don't have to know all the "whys' to treat gout successfully. Colchicine (and some other drugs) are effective in stopping an acute attack. PREVENT BUILDUP To prevent future attacks, we have to find some way of pre- venting this buildup of uric acid. Diet helps some, but the big advance has come roughly in the last dozen years: discov- ery of uricosuric drugs--medi-} cations which help the body dis- charge uric acid. This isn't a "cure." One has} to keep on taking the drugs (in very small quantities, however) for life. There are well-es- |fully gets a great deal of atten- acid, If too much accumulates | /tion in the news. Unfortunately, {some tremendously successful {developments in treatment of less deadly but sometimes vast- 'ly more painful ailments--like }gout!--do not receive the atten- \tion that is warranted in view jof the number of people suffer- ing from them, Dear Dr. Molner: What is "hernia of the bladder?"' Can it be cured without an operation? --Mrs. F.M. You probably have reference |to a sagging or displacement of the bladder due to stretching jand loss of tone of the tissues which support the bladder. Childbirth is the usual cause. There is no non-surgical way to, correct it, but if the situation js | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 21, 1967 25. BRIDGE ' By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters" Individual Championship Play) South dealer. North-South vulnerable, NORTH @KIs 9AQ102 O64 &Q10843 EAST 48 @KI @KQ100878- &I95 SOUTH 4AQ1048 98 @AI33 AT The bidding: South West North Fast 1@ Pass 2 26 2@ Pass 3@ # Pass 6 @ (!) Dble 497652 976548 o~--- K6 Opening lead--five of spades. There are players who invari< ably view their cards through rose-colored glasses, and, if we are to judge from the bidding, South was presumably a full- |fledged member of this school. | The hand occurred in a team jof four championship and South | found himself in six spades dous bled. His bidding was optimis- jtic, to say the least, but he may |have»had such an exalted opin- jion of his card play that he felt jentitled to undertake the slam. - Be that as it may, West dou- bled and led a trump. Declarer jcashed the K-J of spades, [crossed to his hand with the jace of clubs, drew all the {romps and then put West on lead with the king of clubs. |. West returned a heart, but |declarer went up with the ace jinstead of taking a finesse, im effect placing all his hopes on |the execution of a squeeze: | After he had caused the Q-10 of \clubs, this became the position; | ' } | | South | When declarer now cashed |the eight of clubs, East was un- jable to stand the pressure and the result was that South made the slam. It is interesting to note that |West could have defeated the | contract by dropping the kin of clubs on the ace. This woul have permitted East to return the king of diamonds as soon as he took the lead with a club,- and in that way break a vital- line of communication between. the North and South hands. All of which is neither here? nor there, since the fact is that- South bid a slam, made ft; and then collected 1,660 points for. the ambitious undertaking. ° Sociology For Dentists: WINNIPEG (CP) -- The tra: ditional "open wide please® education of dentists is to bs: broadened by the addition of lectures in sociology at the Uni- versity of Manitoba dental school. . The idea is to give dental stu- dents a greater awareness of the close relationship between dental health end 'ural attt | tudes. Dr. C. sSOFr of operai je a survey whi ual some dentists were yming discours aged with the lack of success in promoting preventive dentistry among low-income patients. _ One study revealed that 56 per cent of patients on welfare failed to complete a free dental care program while only one per cent of paying patients failed to complete the program. William T. DeHaney, a teach- ing assistant in the department of sociology and anthropology who came here from Jamaica in 1965, has been appointed lec- turer in sociology for undere graduate dental students. a The hope is that he will be able to show dentists how to give patients the proper moti- vation so that they will under- stand and carry through with preventive dental programs. "Health is not just a bivlogi- cal matter," Mr. DeHaney says. "We must deal with the whole man. To accomplish this we must know man's relations ship to his over-all society. .., Dental students must acquire a broader perspective." HELP DROP-INS SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP)== The University of California extension at Santa Cruz ig offering a course on drug edus cation "to help teachers to teach about mind-altering drugs." : severe enough to warrant it, the operation is not a serious one. | Note to Art: I doubt if your mother's steady drinking had {much if anything to do with her gall bladder touble--but she's been warned already about her liver, and continued drinking can do nothing less than ruin the liver completely. Cirrhosis. 7 WALKED INTO RECOR Capt. Robert Barclay walked 1,000 miles in 1,000 successive hours in 1809 on a daily diet of four meals which included a breakfast of roast fowl, bread tablished rules by now as to just e" these drugs should be QUEENIE and butter, a pint of ale and two cups of tea, | i ed a | aa ae ' 'How come you're not beefing .» ~~. air pollution?" -- . *

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