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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1967, p. 18

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'\ TIMES, Fridey, September 22, 1967 |30--Automobiles for Sale 134--Automobile Repeir | 36--Legal 36--Legal 38--Coming Events \1958 CHEVROLET six cylinder, radio. Fair condition. $150 or best offer. Tele- \phone 576-3571. 3999 FULL PRICE buys '62 with rebuilt motor. Lic. 547427. trade or terms. Easy te finance _purtments for Rent |27--Rooms for Rent DUPLEX, FIVE rooms with refrigerator, [SINGLE furnished bedroom in stove and drapes on 170 Cabot Street |quiet home, gentleman preferred. Apply |dan near shopping centre. After 6 p.m. 723-|65 Elgin East, Telephone 725-6146, | Cash, e 1219, '\ROOMS FOR SINGLE gentlemen, fur-|#! Nicols_in Whitby, 668-3331. nished, clean, In private home, Must be|1960 VAUXHALL, station wagon, exeel- quiet and clean, Telephone 723-5544. lent condition. Telephone 728-3749. rooms (female). Home |i960 CORVAIR, good body, fires and MODERN TWO bedroom apartment in six plex. Avaliable September 30, large living room with copper AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchonges. All Work Guaranteed. hood over stove, refrigerator, dining area, four piece bath, $125 includes util Ities and heat. Ciose to schools. 723- 0037, cooked meals if desired. Newcastle, 987-;motor. Needs transmission repair. Best 4706. offer. Telephone 655-3706. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, for work-/$2,191 FULL PRICE buys '65 Chrysler, ing girl or pension man. Use of kitchen. |four door. Immaculate condition. All Anko rivate entrance, four-piece Telephone 728-7120. se se power, Lic. 61054E. Cash, trade, terms. Ba Mee. Suttable ri " adie. $8s|LADY TO SHARE furnished home very ig Og finance at Nicolg In Whitby monthly. Call 728-6036 after 6 p.m. close to hospital. $12.50 weekly. Tele- pea stesiemeeciensisieen fe genet re -- sain floor |Phone_after_4 p.m. 668-2685 or 728-3745.|64 FORD SOOXL, all power, bucket E --~One-bedroom m a Lo paerirarts Rosslyn Arms, available Im- HOUSEKEEPING ROOM near North | Seats, re ego pegs stl discs. Tele- mediately, $125. monthly Includes stove,|General Motors, furnished, stove | and) -------- frig. Telephone 576-3377 or 576-0791. refrigerator, recently. decorated. Park-|'62 RAMBLER Ambassado SOUR-ROOM 1 "sae tly" deco: ing available. Gentieman only, 728-1050./matic, radio, bucket seats. era FOUR- apartment, rece ~ mae ay gaa Pg willing to give trouble-free driving, vmod. bath, fireplace, serial, garden. |LARGE HOMEY ROOM in pleasant). ss per week. Lic. 253857. Wellman's, Telephone 987-4232. residential area, block north of hospital, 728-7351 pate ia a | close to bus, kitchen priviledges, avail - = -- TWOBEDROOM apartment in NeW )abie. Telephone 728-3928, 58 Aberdeen| $887 FULL PRICE buys '63 Chevrolet | building, electric yeni Neg esc Street. four door, six cylinder automatic, Lic. | Iton, free washer ani ryer. on _ -- _ 579811, Cash, trade, terms. : : LARGE, newly furnished rooms for 4 T2553 OF 723-6390. _| Gentlemen. Very. central. Plenty of park-/nance at_Nicols In Whitby ¢ WORKING GIRL would like fo 5 ing, 33 Fairbanks Street. 728-9368. 43 CHEVROLET convertible, one-bedroom apartment with sam ge | -- am . -- ee See tea0, Centrally located. Call 668-6618 |LARGE, furnished housekeeping 120m igitioned. $15 per week. Lic, 285278. Well- fer 5.30. |for. two gentlemen. Close to north Gen- man's, 728-7351 pe jeral Motors, and downtown. Parking J : ONE-BEDROOM furnished or untur, | space, Stove, refrigerator. 725-7819. pci «dis building, fing, |CLEAN, furnished room, use of house in. J i |cluding kitchen. Suitable for lady. Tele- Telephone 264-4813 West Hill ___| none 720.s60s HN apartment) " protease " Fo ee a parison. |FURNISHED bedroom for rent, gentie- ° jmer with ' $ n only, $8 weekly. 302 Oshawa Bivd a i aie nai be. a ; |South_or_telephone 728-2286 |) CHEVROLET Nomad wagon, like pct gti Eg STOO oPor simcoe SINGLE ROOM. Convenient to | south new, Gs, Deh Ae eran Street N., controlled entrance, stove, re-|Plant and hospital. Telephone 668-2662. 178.735) oF ne : 7 frigerator and drapes supplied 728-2870,|FURNISHED single room, suitable for : es" ay 728-4383, girl, Close to. hospital. Telephone after | MAKE Ore Ey oe ihe SELF CONTAINED basement epart-|3 p.m. 728-4844 age, in immaculate condition. -- Loc. ment, suitable for two girls or two men. | ~------ "| 397567, Cash, trade, terms. Easy to fi- 3) Elgin W. or telephone 728-8697 before | 28-----Room and Board hance at Nicols in Whitby, 668-3331. ete ________|5]NGLE ROOM and board for gentle- 1964 CHEVRY I! four-door sedan. Light ED two-room apartment, sult-|man, Abstainer. Apply 117 Adelaide jgreen with cream interior, radio. Good two people. Apply 195 Albert) East or telephone 725-2214. condition. Best offer. Telephone 668-4972. NEWLY DECORATED three room auto- and $395 |powered V-8 automatic, radio, very clean, $13 per week. Wellman's, 728-7351. | 'so CHEVROLET impala hardtop v4, automatic, radio, showroom condition. $10 per week, Wellman's, 728-7351. | |35--Lost and Found _|LOST. Dark brown wallet citizenship papers and other c. | papers. pegs d to fl-| COST. Samil brown mongrel dog wear- jing a Quebec matic, AM-FM radio, completely recon-| 1 oe 5, leather purse; atk lof valuable papers. Call 668-4734. "62 OLDSMOBILE convertible, fully LOST in the vicinity 'of Burk and Gibb, \ 4 Telepho Lost cat, part Persian, IImping on hind paw, white front with beige grey markings. Telephone 725-8791. cylinder, standard transmission, 212683. nd tla ROOM AND BOARD, attractive FHREE ROOMS end bath, second floor,|room, private 3-piece bathroom x ty private. e078, eee een bh pup. [ere Telephone 725- $13 per week for, ghare garage. Television hook-up. -- So | 778-735) 5 & |FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, a ---- -- Bus at door. Ideal for one. 725-3952 quiet home, parking, close to bus. 67 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, V-8, automatic, radio, whitewalls, wheel ee Ber meeereame na | COON, ONE end two-bedroom apartments. Ap-|43 Garrard Road, by K-Mart. discs, deluxe steering wheel, two from which to choose, both have low mileage, ; le- nih Ply a osse. Ave., Apt. 103 or te | = gentleman, er ET oe ONT h joking, lunches packed. Oprah Pook © gitar, ree ars |t@_ Rien Soe tah i Mone aa ease with three-piece bathroom, unfuri . ------ -- k Mo 1 Alax, Nees ite or ROOM Alg> BOARD, or lust room,|i9gq¢ PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, V-8, Excellent car. Phone eve- ecorated, heat and hydro in- pres as monthly. Apply 589 Albert |for gentlenien, near Houdalile and south) a jtomatic Street. oy Fie: Ear lca Telephone 723- nings, 942-5693. BRAND NEW 2dedroom _ apartments | ------ available from October 1. Refrigerator, stove, drapes, electric heat, hydro in- cluded in rent. $125 and up. Also 2-room apartment, 519 Crerar Avenue, October 15. 728-2256. _|& WHITBY -- Three-room upstairs apart-| ROt ment, stove and refrigerator provided. |teacher, Central location. Roc panelied "64 RAMBLER Classic, excellent condi- re ioe Lic. Wellman's, ROOM AND BOARD peck so teal 8364, 863 Ritson _>.________|sso9 FULL PRICE buys '63 Plymouth, ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen iniv.s/' sedan, License J74782. Cash, trade, Brivate Hons, jhise pie tn aining or terms. Easy to finance at Nicols in lowntown, gi ea! i ei m, e. Telephone ney. 033). 64 four-door sedan, automatic, power brakes, power steering. Radio, whitewalls, chrome Telephone 723-6301 after 6 P.M. giscs, Very clean car. K1 17668. Phove Adults preferred. Tele-|RooM AND BOARD for gentleman with evenings, 942-5693 688-3800, 6-8 _P.m. |Tv. Apply 216 Clarke Street. Telephone|i¢¢~poDGE Sport 500, hardtop, tur- THREE-ROOM, furnished, basement (728-7796. ____|quoise exterior, snow white interior, apartment. Newly decorated, a ROOM AND BOARD. for gentleman good |bucket seats. Immaculate in every way. heat. Sultgble Se ee aie tain buedimee, suncas Deexeds; Close 10 bus| Terms to suit. 5760776 cme Farrne, ow © "}stop, parking. 728-4845. 16 GRAND Parisienne two-door hardtop, 'Two-room je tor work- lephone 725- NEW FOUR-ROOM apartment in private home. Suit family with one child. Close fo bus. 728-1720. pos nile leone FWO-BEDROOM apartment, wall-to-wall drapes, stove and refrigerator, electrical-| ly heated. Telephone 728-9726. | A son Nesta handed ROXBOROUGH 206. Three-room upstairs| apartment with private bath. Newly | 3.8 decorated. Immediate possession. Apply| 723-8311 136 Ritson $. or 728-8733. 1958 CADILLAC AVAILABLE October 1, 2 door hardtop | for H stelbad ROOM AND BOARD for ladies or gen-|many extras. A-) condition. $2,700 | or stove and refrigerator Included. Children al Near shopping centre. Telephone 725-3001 treet, Whitby, : ie "er sit cia aeaetmidpciees welcome. Apply 200 en Sr ¥| 2648 __|s999, FULL PRICE buys your choice of ERT ET =~ | ROO! LARGE two-bedroom apartm: Taher Five days per week. Lunches |and six automatic, 4780E and 188630. ry "| Close to bus stop. Telephone |Cash, trade, terms. Easy to finance at) tween 1-2:30 or 723-2050 after 4 _| 648.4789 : Y 6 f ee ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman in| 1965 LAURENTIAN, 4-door sedan, auto-| refrigerator and stove. $70 8 month. Tele-| transmission, radio, positraction, phone Canes: S69 Telephone 725-6427 eic., good condition, One engineer owner ROOM APARTMENT, avaliable now.| aay Tak ROT PR PEO rivate sale. $1,859. jone for Inspec-) see iidren; clees 10 Shopping Centre, \WHITeY | ---Central loction. Room and tion 725-2987. 2%!tV, lunches packed. Or housekeepin ¢ room. Call 668-4928. ver grey with black vinyl top, 327, V-8 FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT Avail- bucket seats, console, etc. Excellent con-} ak te Lesal aS | Centre, 112 Stevenson Rd. North, or call) "* 1967 CAMARO, Rally Sport, V. ily | 773-6600. TWO YOUNG MEN would like fo rent equipped. Y ee aA 2 one ot oe vicinity, of $75 to $9 per (S574 FULL PRICE buys '60 Plymouth, pareing ie Tete a, ang dryer,|Tonth. 'Telephone between S$ p.m. anditWo door hardtop. Ready to go. Lic. Sear ae tn eeamenlal NON at Nicols in Whitby, 668-3331. nished. Two large rooms, Murphy beds | 7 room ed | mn \ a agar pn T paerememenE and bed - chesterfield, television, three-|by elderly lady. Abstainer, no children, Va. auteenatic, oweer bibetiner. cower pm guson, General Delivery, Whitby. jbrakes, radio. Completely reconditioned. FAIRBANKS STREET prmngeraie OF NEW electronic com-|sa9s, clearing st $666. Peleshok Motors, apa » sultal -- ; ing couple, no children. bedroom house close to schools 'ele-liggs PLYMOUTH Fury 11, four door, om, iidwthtal eve 8 V-8, automatic transmission, radio, jade OOM = apart 'sink, built-in cupboards, stove Phone 576-0339. avant at and refrigerator, heated, $60. et W A N T E D \$396 FULL PRICE buys "60 Faicon sta- R-ROOM terms. Easy to finance at Nicols Good clean loca! cars Whitby, 6663331, 'hardtop, V-8, power brakes, steering, MOTORS 137 King West ONE and twobedroom apartments, heat,/tiemen, seven day week, laundry option- closest offer. Telephone Dunbarton 639- eeerinent £ & S022~ <5 --Feirig.|ROOM AND BOARD for Gentleman or|'61 Pontiac convertibles. eight automatic! erator and stove. Telephone 728-6319 be-| 4 hog ° s Nicols in Whitby, 668-3331 WHITBY. Small apartment, heated, with ew home. Private television and bed. | matic raid good condition. One engineer owner. a 3. |B f OU entiemen. Parking, -- i ace ecient [12 Stevenson Road North, or eal 723-(H0Rrd for youn, @ is§ CHEVROLET Impala SS coupe, sil- able now. No children, close to Shopping 29--Wanted to Rent Cition 668-6987 after 6, week day _only. 6 Best offer. Ajax 942-0105. FWOREDROOM epariment, privete en-|® one or two bedroom furnished apart "AT, 3 16 p only. 723-3476. K5410, Cash, trade, terms. Easy to fi- BASEMENT apartment, completely fur-| = bandied hts Bh '6 PONTIAC four door stationwagon, piece bath. East end. 728-3985 after 4|Whitby-Oshawa area. Reply Miss A. Fer- ~____1* ___"_____|Like new throughout. Lic. X12850. Was furnished y, moving to Oshawa needs three\pjax, 942-6300 ment, private en- Ry green. Still under warranty, $1,650. Tele- \30--Automobiles for Sale i ' 576-0567 between 2 and 5. }tionwagon. Lic. X15071, Cash trade, MOR 5 1964 OLDSMOBILE, Jelstar, 88, two-door 723-6322 radio, new tires, A-1 condition. $1,800 or best offer. 668-6349. 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible 283, power brakes, power steering, new tires, Immaculate. 668-3587, 211 Bowman Avenue, Whitby. '31--Compaet Cars for Sale ZOLTAN. and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 % VOLVO and PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South 728-0921 'S9 VOLKSWAGEN, good running condi- tion, $125 or best offer. '57 Ford $145 also elephone TEAM. | jood condition. Tele-| 2- bedroom Tele-| | TWO BEDROOM upstairs apartment, 8110 monthly. Available now. Apply 290 Montrave or 728-4862. ONE-BEDROOM, . four-room apartment, refrigerator included, $85. @ month. Ap-| ply Apartment 2 et 273 Division Street. | THREE-ROOM, unfurnished apartment, private entrance and bath. Children welcome, $85. monthly, heat included. Apply 517 Drew St. | apartment, also storage for boats. phone after 6 o'clock. 668-6787. Full power. Immaculate con- 165 Verdun dition. Apply Rd. Apt. 6 MAKE OFFER 1951 Pontioc. Make Offer Convertible, V-8, automatic A-wheel drive International Scout with plough 1947 Chevrolet, A-1 shape, ond Dune buggies 576-1250 | RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT New and Used Cars Easy to Finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 26A--Expo Accommodation RESERVATIONS taken now for large double room in modern private home in) Montreal, $10. per couple, $15. two uples, $10. family of four. 723-1355 27--Rooms for Rent 4 S ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD N. hawo 165 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, like new. $10 + week. Bank terms. Lic. 589904, Well-| 's, 728-7351 | 1959 VOLKSWAGEN, $250, Telephone 728-2646 or |Hazelwood Drive, Oshawa. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN, in good condl- tion, $250. Telephone 668-6720 728-867) apply | WHITBY -- 668-3331 WANTED -- CONGENIAL business girl MORE CASH to share small house, room of doats| pwn, furnishings supplied, food costs eS a Shared vit pptlah A "e879 evenings oF | Paid for Good Clean Cars weekend. j Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES UNFURNISHED or furnished two} rooms in new home, use_of kitchen if de 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 23-9421 sired, parking space. Telephone Bay| Ridges 839-4686. es | ig a OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New convenient location 116 BOND ST. WEST 830. LARGE bedroom, close to Seventh-Day We now have the facilities to do a general repairs Adventist Church, at bus stop, parking, Guaronteed work electric heat, television outlet, abstainer, Call 576-2610 GUS BROWN - FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman? Telephone 728-6319 between 8-2:30. MOTORS LIMITED R.R. No, 3, Oshawa LARGE furnished bedroom with tele-| TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top vision and kitchen facilities, in a quiet.|_ eiean, private home. Telephone 723-7030 | Price poid for Good Clean liens paid. TERMS. MOTEL accommodations, weekly. e 728-7375 or 728-7376 fent body and mechanical Telephone 668-8163, after 4 p.m. $374. FULL PRICE buys '61 Volkswagen, Deluxe model. Lic, X15070. Cash, trade, terms, Easy to finance at Nicols In Whitby, 668-3331 32--tTrucks for Sale 1965 GMC handy van, extra seat, radio. Telephone 655-3604 after six or Saturday. 1962 CORVAIR handy van; 1963 Inter- nations! pick-up; 1960 GMC 980 Dump; 1960 Chevrolet tandum dump; 1954 Mer- cury tractor, Telephone 725-2156. _ 1953 CHEVROLET %-ton truck. Tele- phone 728.4549. 1962 GMC _ half-ton pick-up. Telephone 723-7711 or 576-3395. 1960 CHEVROLET half-ton with stock racks. Telephone 723-9079. 1960 CHEVROLET half ton pick-up, V-8, body and motor in excellent shape $550 728-2808 after 5:30. pie 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 3-44 shared rooms, $10.; gingle rooms, $15.7) Street East te FOr / 919. OF 4 two. rooms, $25.; three rooms, $35. Tele-| phone 668-5201, H Whitby. | COMFORTABLE ROOM for rent for|61 OLDSMOBILE, two door hardtop, single gentleman. Telephone 725-0536, 323|Dynamic 88, radio, white walls, back ROOMS ( nd bo for two} gentiemen or ladies. Telephone 723-1207.| Athol Street East. lup lights, windshield washers, positrac- one owner, like new. Telephone FURNISHED housekeeping room, re-| frigerator and cloths closet. Very cen-| tral. Suitable for business lady only. | Telephone 725-9559. Brock ! " - ition, ROOMS FOR RENT -- Nightly and | ¢6pr954 weekly rates, $12. weekly, maid service. ex fei RET v ALLEN Bs Restaurant on premises. Queen's Hotel, |'66 DODGE CORONET, two door hard-/ 67 Simcoe North. top, 426 hemi, four speed. Telephone a enter 1795-6440 COMPLETELY furnished bedroom and |-7°00 after 4 Pome kitchen with sink, refrigerator, range|ALL USED PARTS, fires, wheels, radi- and television outlet. Suitable for gentie-|ators, spindles for trailers, springs. 509 good conditign, | man. Apply 237 Athol Street East. 725-| Bloor Street East, 723-228) Res. 725-5574 \1959 M.G.A., M.G.B. engine, In excel-| condition. |~ FRED STONE Brooklin -- 86 Queen St. E. Automotive Machine Shop REBUILT ENGINES OVERHAUL AND ENGINE PARTS containing important Call 725-0349. Rabies tag in the Cedar 576-1365. in. Whitby, lady's brown $25. reward. for return large black and white male cat, extra large front paws, Childs' pet. Reward. 728-2757. Rossland - Hortop area, female Hillier-Wellington T.S.A. Board invites TENDERS for the purchase of the following properties (A) School and lot known as S.S. No. 1 Stinson Block Road P.T. Lot 9-10 comprising of VY acre Stinson Block, Hillier Township. Brick building, sat- isfactory well. (B) School and lot known as 5.5. No. 3 Melville at the east end of Consecon Lake. P.T. Lot 87, comprising of Vy acre. Brick building. Satis- factory well. (C) School and lot known as SS. No. 6 Hillier Village. P.T. Lot 20-21. Comprising of 1% acre, a two room build- ing with full basement. Brick. Oil furnace in basement would make excellent dwell- ing or suitable for small in- dustry or warehouse. Good well (D) School and lot known as 5.5. No. 8 Cold Creek situ- ated on P.T. Lot 25. Second concession of Hillier Township containing % acre. Frame building. Satisfactory well. (E) School and lot known os SS. No. 17-19 Consecon Village. P.T. Lot 108. Con. 4 Hillier, containing 134 acre. good well, The three room building on this lot is port good building stone and part frame. Building to be demol- ished and removed as well as ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE T-03028 Approximately three acres of land, being Lot 32, Broken Front Concession, Township of Darlington, County of Dur- ham, situated on the north side of Highway No. 401 just east of Oshawa, approxi- mately one mile west of the Courtice Road Interchange. Sale to be held on the pro- perty at: 12:00 NOON, LOCAL TIME TUESDAY, ACH ta 10th, 196 TERMS: $300.00 Deposit at time of sale (cash or certified cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario) balance payable within thirty days. PROPERTY SALE T-4589 Approximately oné and seven- tenth acres of land, being Lot 35, Concession 2, Town- ship of Hope, County of Dur- ham, situated at Hope-Clarke Township Line, a short dist- ance north of Highway No. 2, approximately two miles east of Newtonville. Sale to be held on the pro- perty at: 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10th 19, 67. TERMS: $100.00 Deposit at time of sale (cash or certified cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario) balance payable within thirty days. For further information please contact: THE AUCTIONEER: Mr. Jack Reid, R.R. No. 1, Orono, Ontario Telephone: 983-5914. OR Department of Highways, Right-of-Way Division, Central Regional Office, Downsview, Ontario. Telephone: 248-3445. OR Department of Highways, District Office No. 7, 138 Hope Street North, Port Hope, Ontario. Telephone: 885-6381. SALE SUBJECT TO A RE- SERVE BID. all foundations and butt- ments. Site to be cleared and levelled to the satisfaction of the Board within a period of twelve months and before de- livery of deed. (F) The sale of building by itself wtih the same require- ments as listed above (no deed). Tenders shall be for cash on completion, shall be in writ- ing and accompanied by cer- tified cheque for 10% of the amount of tender. SEALED TENDERS marked as such will be received by the undersigned until 8 p.m., Sept. 29, 1967. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Deposits from unsuccessful tenders will be returned forthwith. Persons wishing to tender may arrange for inspection of pro- perties with the undersigned. Successful tenders may at option of the Board be requir- ed to enter into a formal ONTARIO. --__ DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT NATIONAL AND HISTORICAL PARKS BRANCH TENDERS Contract No. 9367, Construction of a Noture Centre at Wye Lake, Mid- land, Ontario. Sealed Tenders addressed to 1206, 400 Laurier Ave West, Ottawa 4, Ontario, will be accepted, up to: 3:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.) October 19, 1967. Tender Documents can be: agreement of purchase and sale in accordance with the tenders. Cost of survey if required shall be borne equol- ly by Board and the success- ful tenderer, These properties will also be offered by auction at the dif- ferent schools on Sept. 30 (afternoon). Tenderers may if auction goes above their offer enter into the auction. The same condi- ditions for payment will apply as in the tenders. Rae Ferguson, Sec. Phone 399-5235 Consecon R.R. 2 Obtained, on deposit of $25.00 in the form of a CERTIFIED CHEQUE pay- able to the RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA, from Contracts Administra- tor, Room 1206, 400 Laur- ier Avenue West, Ottawa 4, Ontario (ph. 992-5234) OR Regional Director, Na- Branch, P.O. Box Cornwall, Ontario. 1359, Examined, at the Superin- Bay National Park. Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted. LAND TITLES ACT IN THE MATTER OF Parts of Block A, Plan 302 for the City of Oshawa, and part of Gliddon Avenue, as closed by By-Law 3666 of the Corpor- ation of the City of Oshawa, said lands as shown on a plan of survey of record in the Office of Land Titles at Whit- by; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that URD GRANDER, in Trust, and The Corporation of the City of Oshawa, have made an application to the Master of Titles at Whitby for a certificate of title to this land of which they claim to be the owner in fee simple free from all encumbrances. Wherefore any other person having or claiming to have any title to or interest in the land or any part thereof is Director. Ottawa, Ontario, September 13, 1967. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS | Contracts Administrator, Room tional and Historical Parks tendent's Office, Georgian not J. R..B. Coleman, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ANNE WALTON CORNEIL, WIDOW, deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Anne Walton Corneil, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of August, 1967, ore hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representatives of the said deceased on or before the 27th day of October, 1967, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Personal Rep- resentatives will distribute the assets of the said deceas- ed having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, this 20th day of September, 1967. GEORGE BUCKLEY, RALPH TAYLOR, Executors, By their Solicitors, MACKEY & BAILEY, 17 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. 37--Auction Sales BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, SEPT. 23rd 7:30 P.M 20 GAMES -- $8. Share The Wealth 4--$40 Jackpots To Go 1--$150 Jackpot To Go Children under 16 Not Admitted MODERN SQUARE DANCING Oshawa Promenaders. Classes every Tuesday. Inter- mediate and club level every Friday 8 to 10:30. Sir Albert Love School Wilson N. 723-3692 -- 725-6126 ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO | EVERY FRIDAY at 7:45 P.M. Corner Bloor and Simcoe Jackpot 57 -- $170. Two extra Games at $25 20 Games $10 and $15 Jackpot and Share the Wealth ADOPTION KING -- J. Wayne and Joan are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen , Cheryl Ann. BIRTHS BOWN -- Tom and Sandra (nee Bailey) are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Roger Thomas, 7 Ibs. 9 o7zs., Thursday, September 14, 1967, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for. John, Special thanks to Dr. D. W. War- ren and 4th floor staff. | HARNDEN -- Ron and Anne (nee Ben- nett) proudly announce the birth of a ldaughter, 6 Ibs. 1 oz., Sunday, Septem- ber 17, 1967, at Oshawa General Hos- pital. A wee sister for Laurie and eather. Grandparents are Mrs. Con- nie Harnden, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Barnett; Oshawa. Great grandparents are Ns. Rose Mason Pet- erborough and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Matthews, . SCRIMSHAW -- Doug and Carol, are very proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, Teresa Lovise, weighing| Auction Sale Property of Mrs. Robert Irwin, 198 Church St. N., Oshawa, on Saturday, Sept. 23, 1967, at one c'clock. Bell piano, refrigerator (full freezer), electric stove (Su- preme), St. Lawrence inboard (3 hip.) (10 m.p.h.), Rose- wobd table, antique, washing machine (electric), Hoover floor polisher, vacuum clean- er (Kenmore, like new), radio, record player and records, Admiral TV 21", sewing machine, bedroom suite, van- tiy and chest of drawers, beds, 2 wicker chairs, model TO SIZE 46 By ALICE BROOKS : Wardrobe "must"! Team this lsmart jacket with skirts; | sleeveless dresses, slacks. Crochet a go - everywhere jacket in open shell stitch with tailored single-crochet border. Pattern 7433: sizes 32-34; 36-38; 40-42; 44-46 included. THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD- DRESS. First al time! Jumbo 1968 planes, china cabinet with buffet, table and 6 chairs, ee ay wel he coe (ee oe oe lamps, magazines and books (collector's items), reclining DEATHS chair, smoker, trailer box, guitar, wicker sewing basket, | rugs, Quebec heater, garden genre ine ret the family resi-| tools, portable humidifier. |[dence, 97 Rosehill Bivd., Oshawa, Wed- Many more articles too rum- |teiay sera Men "Bota erous to mention. Terms cash. | mother of Mrs. M. Thaler (Mary). and No reserve. Robert, Oshawa, daughter of Mrs. Mi Myles King, Auctioneer Phone 725-3039 -- Oshawa BOWMANVILLE AUCTION BARN year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral) Nelson Street at Canning Factory Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in the chapel Saturday, September 23, at) 2 Community Sole, starts 1:15 Sept. 23, featuring stoves, p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Ceme- fridges, furniture, beds, springs, electric irons, house- hold articles, tools and many other items. No reserve on 100 items or more. Reserve bids on a few articles. Doug Gower, Jim Wood Auction- eers. Call 728-1005 or 723- 0976 for information. 7, Ibs. § ofs., on y 16, 1967, at the Oshawa General Hos-| pital. Many thanks to Dr. Halam Andres ter) lieu of flowers donations to) the Canadian Cancer Society would be) appreciated.) CROOK, Fannie Entered into rest Oshawa, Thursday, Fannie Mitchell, widow of Albert in Hillsdale Manor, Ed-| ward Crook and mother of Mrs. How-! ard Willlams (Elsie), Cannington, Mrs.) Harold Audley (Dorothy), Oshawa and) William of Peterborough and sister of} Bessie and Mrs. A. Bowditch (Katie),| England, in her 87th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh- awa, with funeral service in the chapel Saturday, September 23, at 12:45 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery,| wa. KEENAN, May Entered into rest in the Oshawa General iday, September 22, 1967, George . s. H. Merzetti (Lorraine), Toronto, William BOWMANVILLE --|Osnawa, award' of Whitey, Robert Oshawa and sister of Mrs. Tom Driscoll AUCTION BARN Oshawa, Mrs. Margaret Atkin- awa, Mrs. Madeline Thomas, F Windsor, in her 70th year. Resting at the Auction Every Saturday Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Requiem Mass in St. Gregory's DOUG GOWER AUCTIONEER, 728-1005 Catholic Church, on Monday, September 25 at 10 a.m. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. (Prayers will be held at the pie, home, Sunday, at 8:30 LET US AUCTION off your excess household articles. Phone Doug Gower, 728-1005 or Jim Wood, 723-0976 for In- formation or pick up. Bowmanville Auc- of of jembroider. 50c. -- 16 complete patterns. Send shite Nessie Me \lection -- 15 complete patterns. .|Toronto and three sons, Wil- N raft Catalog--hundreds of designs, six free patterns (includes designer sweaters) in- structions inside. Knit, crochet, Book No. 1 -- Deluxe Quilts 60c. Book No. 2 -- Museum Quilts -- patterns for 12 quilts. 60c. Book No. 3 -- Quilts for To- day's Living. New, exciting col- 60c. Book of Prize Afghans--Knit, crochet 12 afghans. 60c. A-LINE FLARE By ANNE ADAMS The exciting A-line flare -- an easy-sew sensation to wear with verve day and night. Choose round or bateau neck, colors light or lively. Printed Pattern 4604: Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 14 requires 234 yards 35-inch fabric. SIXTY - FIVE CENTS (65c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario resi- dents add 3c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- see the best of the new styles for all sizes in our new Fall. Winter Pattern Catalog. Get one pattern free -- just clip coupon in Catalog. Hurry, send 50c right now. - OBITUARIES September 21, 1967,| MRS. GEORGE W. KEENAN (Dorothy) U.S.A., Mrs. John Piper (Aleta) Following a short serious sick- ness, the death occurred, Sept. 22, at the Oshawa General Hos- pital, of Mrs. George W. Keenan, 14% King Street East. She was in her 70th year. The former May O'Connor, the deceased was a daughter of the late Patrick and Mary O'Connor. Born. May 3, 1898, at Pickering Village, she was mar- ried July 22, 1921, at Whitby. A resident of Oshawa most of her life, she was a member of St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church. Mrs. Keenan is survived by her husband; a daughter, Mrs. A. J. Merzetti (Lorraine) of liam and Robert of Oshawa and Edward of Whitby. Also surviving are three sis- p.m. riends are asked not fo call at the tion Barn. funeral home until Saturday evening.) 1, PHILIP N. PATERSON of RR 3 Bow- MACKIE, Albert Edward On Thursday, September 21, 1967, at the manville will not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name by any- Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, Al- bert Edward Mackie, of 166 Quebec Ave., beloved husband of the late Louisa Noll, one on or after this date September 22, 1967, my_ written consent. Signed Philip N. Patterson. dear father of Mrs. Mary Lockwood of} |38--Coming Events shawa and Mrs. Rose E. McNeill of} Toronto, grandfather of Mary Joan Mc-) Neill, Mrs. D. Pratt (Ruth), Mrs. W. Worching (Barbara), Over $500. in Prizes ion E. Morgan Funeral Home, Niagara- on-the-Lake. Requiem Mass at St. Vin- cent de Paul Church on Saturday morn- ing at 11 o'clock. Interment church 7 $ cemetery. STERNALL, Ella Ma AT 8 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S ! AUDITORIUM liam Lockwood. Resting at the Turner) and Porter Chapel, 436 Roncesvalles| Ave., Toronto, from noon Saturday. Fu- neral service 10:30 o'clock Monday) morning. Interment Park Lawn Ceme- ery. SLINGERLAND, Blanche On Thursday, September 21, 1967, at the Niagara Hospital, Niagara-on-the-Lake. Blanche Van Valkenburg, wife of the late Hedley Slingerland, daughter-in- law of. Mrs. Julia Slingeriand, Niagara- on-the-Lake, sister of Mrs. Stephen Kin- lin (Edna), Oshawa, also survived by ee nieces and nephews. At the Gor- NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF ALICE ANN BARTLEY, WIDOW, DECEASED. All persons having claim of Oshawa, in the County o Ontario, Widow, Representatives of deceased on or Immediately after sets of the of which they shall then hav notice. TO . CREDITORS AND OTHERS against the estate of Alice Ann Bartley, late of the City deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of July, 1967, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Persona! the said before the 16th day of October, 1967, full particulars of their claims. the said date the Personal Representa- tives will distribute the os- said deceased having regard only to claims 1967, Ella May Hostetler, beloved wife of SIMCOE ST. NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS Conn., Mrs, John Piper (Aleta), Niagara Fallg, New York, Mrs. Richard A. Bom- s Includes Tickets on 10 Turkeys to be Drawn Oct. 7th bay (Olive), Belleville, Mrs. y Berg (Joybelle), New York City, in her f | All Prizes Doubled on Admission Ticket 79th year. Resting at the Armstrong Children Under 16 Not Admitted donations to the Living Memorial Mis- sionary Plan.) Friends are asked to call at the funeral home commencing Satur- day evening. STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. Mrs. . Bray (Helen), Mrs. S, Harris (Betty) and wil-| WaS ters, Mrs. Thomas Driscoll (Anne) of Oshawa, Mrs. Mar- garet Atkinson of Oshawa and Mrs. Madeline Thomas of Wind- sor and 13 grandchildren. She predeceased by _ three brothers, John, Thomas and Leo O'Connor. The deceased is at the Arm- \strong Funeral Home for Re- |quiem High Mass at 10 a.m., Sept. 25, in St. Gregory's Church. Interment will be in Resurrection Cemetery. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Paul Dwyer will sing the mass. Prayers will be held at the funeral home at 8.30 p.m. Sun- day. Friends are asked not to 'call before Saturday evening. |MRS. ELLA MAY STERNALL Following a lengthy sickness the death occurred, Sept. 21, at Shepherd Lodge, Agincourt, of Mrs. Ella May Sternall, 33 Que- bec Street, Oshawa. She was in her 79th year. The former Ella May Hostet- ler, the deceased was a daugh- ter of the. late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hostetler. Born Mar. 31, 1889, at Kitchener, married there Dec. 21, 1911. A resident of Oshawa for 13 years following the retirement of her husband, Rev. Reuben Sternall, the deceased had pre- viously lived in many Ontario centres where her husband' served as a minister of the Pentecostal Church. Mrs. Stern- all was a member of Simcoc Street Pentecostal Church. Besid her husband, Mrs. Funeral Home, Oshawa, until Monday TO-NIGHT pale neg IN MEMORIAM Sternall is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Earl Mallory BLAIR -- In Street Pentecostal Church on Monday, September 25 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount 8 P.M. Lawn Cemetery. (in lieu of flowers, passed away on September 22, 1962. Early Bird Game -- 7:45 Though her smile is gone And her hand we cannot touch, Still we ha' Of the one we loved so much, memory Is our keepsake, loving memory of our dear mother, Audrey Viola Blair, who forever, many He daabae He With which we'll never part, CARDS OF THANKS BARASSIN--I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Drs. Halam - Andres; Dr. Doug Mills; and Dr. Cummings, all the nurses and aides on 4F for their she was) of Bristol, Conn., of Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mrs. Richard A. Bombay (Olive) of Belleville and Mrs. Stanley Berg (Joybella) of New York City. Mrs. Sternall will rest at the Armstrong Funeral Home until noon, Sept. 25. The funeral serv- ice will be held in Simcoe Street Pentecostal Church at 2 p.m. followed by interment in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Rev. R. A. Bombay will conduct the serv- ice. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Living Memorial Missionary Fund would be appreciated. MRS. WILLIAM WILLIAMS The death occurred, following a short sickness, at Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, Sept. 21, of Mrs. William Wil- liams. A former resident of Oshawa, the deceased was in her 56th year. The former Estelle Szaikow- ski, the deceased was a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Szaikowski of Oshawa, Born April 21, 1912, at Broad Valley, Manitoba, she was married in August, 1935, at Winnipeg. Besides her husband Mrs. Williams is survived by a daughter, Mrs, Thomas Flynn (Kim) of Campbell River, B.C. and three grandchildren. Also surviving are a_ sister, Mrs. John Browning (Sylvia) of White Rock, B.C.; a brother, Harry Szaikowski of Oshawa; four nieces and a nephew, Mrs. Ray Herstead (Jeannette), Mrs. Mike Muzyczka (Estelle), Misg Rosalie Szaikowski, Mrs. Rob- ert Bibeau (Lorraine) and Thomas Szaikowski, all of Osh- awa, The funeral service and inter- ment will be at Campbell River, B.C. Funeral arrange- ments have not been com- pleted. FUNERAL OF WILLIAM BARKER The memorial service for William Barker, who died Sept. 18 at the family residence, 197 Verdun Road, was held at 2 p.m., Sept. 21, at the Arm- strong Funeral Home. The service was conducted by Rev. L. W. Herbert, minis- ter of Kingsview United Church. Interment was in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. The honorary _ pallbearers were Joseph Woods and Jack Johnstone. The active pallbear- ers were Morley Powell, Ray Seger, Donald Wry, William Heard, Fred Portier, Sr. and Fred Portier, Jr. FUNERAL OF PETER BREMNER DONALD DUCK [OH.SIR, MAY T PLEASE HAVE ar required on or before the 2nd day of October, 1967, to file a statement of his claim in my office at the- Town of Whitby, and to serve a copy on the Applicant. The funeral service for Peter Bremner, 1424 Tremblay Street, who died Sept. 19, at the Osh- awa General Hospital, was held at 2 p.m., Sept. 21, at the Mc- Intosh - Anderson Funeral Home. The service was conducted by. Rev. W. J. S. McClure, minis- ter of St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church, Whitby. Interment was in Oshawa Union Ceme- tery. The pallbearers were Thomas Edwards, James Higgs, Ivan 4 Grant, Jack Logan, Alex Risnyk and Glen Eyers. ' a of Branch 112, m oyal Canadian Legion, Whit- "oh tedbnatte i a service at the ceme- great kindness and attention shown t me during my stay in the hospital. Also to the members of Westminster United Church -- the choir and U.C.W - own family and many friends for the beautiful flowers, Many cards and per- sonal calls, and to the Rev. John Porter for his visits and words of comfort. A big "thank you" to all, God bless you. Freda Barassin, Hibbert Ave. Oshawa. BLIGDON -- The family of the late Mrs. Rose Bligdon would like to express their. appreciation to Dr. M. L. Morris, Canon Ongley, Armstrong -- Funerai Home, pallbearers, friends and neigh- bors for their many acts of kindness shown to them during their recent reavement. --Eric and Helan, Roy and Pauline ike to Bligdon. WILDE -- | would opportunity to thank my relatives ani friends for visits, cards, girts and fi ers, during my stay in the hospital. Special thanks to Pastor Scott, and Mrs. Irwin, Dr. bell, Dr. Parry @ nurses and staff of sare SF, Lile Wilde, Dated at Oshawa this 13th day of September, 1967. EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO ond GORDON DAVIS, Executors, By their solicitors, Messrs: McGibbon & Bastedo, Barristers & Solicitors, 32 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ont. 0803. SINGLE FURNISHED room, location, Telephone . 668-2466. 62 CHEVROLET 327, automatic four- D: Cars and trucks for wreck- Central |door sedan, perfect shape. Telephone N19. No charge for towing. Best prices 728-5496, after 5. alge Jeleonane 728-4549 anytime. Rob- FURNISHED ROOMS tor rent, also|i961 CHEVROLET, --siccylinder stare leu light housekeeping room for one or two|dard, radio, A-1 condition. Any trial. | entlemen. Telephone' 723-6542 or apply |$575. Telephone 728-6916. bought, 89 Bl Street East. 725-2311 0) % ------ es RS iu , loor ree ast. " . 563 Ritson Road South. sg MG Magnetic, $275; 760 Nomad sta-|o-s -- : BEDSITTING ROOM, nicely furnished, |tion wagon, $650; and '5? Oldsmobile, for refined gentleman with Permanent |$100. Telephone 728-6068. jas her We have her in our heart. --Sadly missed by her three sons, Wren, Lyle, Gerald and thelr families. YOUNG -- In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, William J. Young, who passed away September 22, +1965. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, God hi in His keeping, AT HOLY CROSS SIMCOE ST. S. Snowball Jackpot $180. in 56 Nos. Reg. Jackpot $50. Full Card $10. each horizontal line. SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars bought, parts for gale. Iron and metals WANTED, cars and trucks for wreck- ing. No charge for towing. Best prices ition, In decent home, near hospital a - -- -- -- paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime. Rob- Position: ope $10, weekly. 723-0258. pual/MUST SELLI '67 Rambler Rebel, four- ert Nicols. do cachet, Sth to wining --. |door hardtop, excellent condition, $2,800 KITCHEN and bedsitting room. i as ed offer. 728-6168 after 6 p.m. Ask uit |for Bill minute from North General Motors. 723 \i46 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard- The address of the Applicant for service. is: Dr. Bruno Rohn, Box 382, Oshowa, Ontario. The Corporation of The City of Oshawa, ¢/o H. J. Couch, City Solicitor, City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario. DATED at Whitby, this 20th day of September, 1967. W. H. MOORHOUSE, Deputy Master of Titles Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while he sleeps 4 peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep. --Always remembered by wife Mabel, son Otto, daughter-in-law Isobel and grandchildren. A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office, 723-2633 Thanksgiving Weekend October 7-8-9 BUS TRIP TO EXPO (3. Days) Fare: $35.; includes every- thing except meals. For fur- ther information call 725-8470 FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying guest. Phone 723-3492 no wor an ad-writer to DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS @ 300 million coples of 8,000 are sold throughout the' weekday. es' Classified Section ...1¥8 so popular. It's the one place people look for your ad. To get your offer before 23,000 subscriber-readers at low cost, just dial 723-3: two or Couple. T pie _|top, power equipment, vinyl top, low} FOR from October until June. Facilities In-|i-en on ee oe clude indoor and outdoor swimming ue! $395 or best offer. Telephone Oshawa. Apply Flying Dutchman Motor |Telephone 725-8987 between 4 & 6 Inn Bowmanville 623-3373. jpn ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS WE HAVE a limited number of units|mileage, excellent condition. Telephone} RESULTS is, sauna bath, exercise room. Live CENTRAL) CLEAN, furnished Il ght/1965 METEOR, Montcalm, 2-door hard available on @ monthly rental basis |726-1234. 1M ar BERUMGNT THE four wweca-szme| T!MES in @ hotel atmosphere. 10 minutes from 1966 BEAUMONT, 396 four speed, $2,900. ind house keeping room, + one working |top, 390 motor, power steering, power) aF '668-3002, -MUGGS AND SKEETER sui lady, five minutes from downtown. Tele-|brakes, 26,000 miles, Asking 82,400 or) phone 723-7257. best efter j

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