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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1967, p. 22

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RA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 22, 1967 }moisture than cold. Therefore, if winter air, which holds less | muisture to begin with, is heat- led witnin the home, the relative humidity drops unless moisture is added to compensate for the Humidity Level Key tists NEW YORK -- Heat and hu-) AS KNOWLEDGE of winter micity, bugaboos of summer, humidfication increases, more concern the homeowner in win- and more homeowners are ter too, although in different/equipping their homes with combination. |mechanical humidification--ei- For a home: to be properly|ther the built-in central humidi- "air conditioned," not just heat- fie>s whict can be used with mer, a proper humidity level/tem, or a variety of portable should be maintained at all"mode!ls which make it possible ed in winter or cooled in sum-/ducted, warm - air heating sys-| For portable installations, ;again, either a central system Peshed Air King advises, gener-|or where this is not feasible, a jally two console or several table portable unit. Such filters now, top humidifiers are required to|according to the National Warm do the job in all but the smal-|Ai: and Air Conditioning Asso- | lest areas. Conscientious) ciatior, are so efficient that maintenance of humidifier units|partic'es of smoke or smog as --regu'ar cleaning, removal of|smail es 1-250.000th of an inch scale or sediment thay may)/car be trapped. bu'ia up on operating -- p - ling with fresh water and use 0!) an air purifier-germicide solu- MIXED UP |lion -- will help keep air fresh! The seashore has a head like and free of odor. a horse, a prehensile tail, a | FOR REALLY "purifying" 8 pouch like a kangeroo, external |home's air removing smoke, sVeeton like an insect, and two - -_ gy eyes that can look in different SORE boda " FOUR-BEDROOM, RANCH-STYLE OSHAWA HOME ON PINECREST RD. . +» Built-in Electric Appliances One Of Its Key Features Ontario Hydro Photo City-Area Realty Board | Proper Glue | Almost Thousand Homes Now Has 231 Members Essential _Alll-Electric Heated Here Oshawa now has nearly ajectrically heated houses in Osh- By HAROLD M. SEGAL | 8--To promote the term | The thought of glue may mak@/thousand all - electrically heat-/awa. He said that some 150 more President, Realtor" and impress upon |you hold your nose but you need/aq homes. The number of those| total electric dwellings are under Oshawa and District | the general public' all that |not look down on it at the thought! :ata) electric dwellings is in- construction or being planned. | the term implies. of using one of the many adhes-! si idly Real Estate Board ives available creasing rapidly. : Some of these total electric : MLS SERVICE : This was reported by Chair-| dwellings are in existing sub- The Oshawa and District Rea! iteineh op ok RR te Ate b nates le tubs ntl Gluing is an. easy method to\man Edward F. Armstrong, | divisi 9 Howev i 4 divisions. Some 20 all - electric "Estate Board is composed of local Ack gram oo As mend things. Success depends on|P. Eng., of Oshawa Public Utili-/ homes are being constructed at 4 separate firms with a total MIS service for all of its|/PFoper preparation and the right|/ties Commission, who revealed/present in Rosslyn Heights sub- "membership of 231 operating members, and 1967 is shaping|°h0lce Of glue. Modern glues,|the remarkable trend toward/division. Fourteen more are Swithin the boundaries extend-!n to be one of the best years | especially the new epoxies, make all + electrically heated homes.|under construction in Braemar @ing from Brock Road to the ever for this service as Multi./Siue joints amazingly durable./Mr. Armstrong stated that there|Gardens subdivision. In North awest, Lake Scugog and Scugog ple Listing Service Sales across| ¥en if you are using some other/are now more than 850 all-el-|Oshawa, in a new subdivision, River to the north, and High-'Canada continue their climb to fastener, such as nails or screws, lanother 25 total electric houses are under construction. ways No. 35 and No, 115 to the record levels as .reported by ag sry cog glue will make) s past. : eee the Canadian Association of '76 J0!nt stronger. A d D ll There are about 90 other total Some of the prime objectives Real Estate Boards. Since 1961) Regardless of the glue you! Vol u ' electric dwellings being built 2of the board are as follows: sales have registered one in- use, you will find that the rules throightdt Oshawa: on: Varlone 1--To unite those engaged (crease after another. for preparation and application in the real estate business in | Dollar volume to date at July @t€ pretty universal. Cold Colors oe oars see ares area /31, is $723,911,000 compared to| -- All old glue (if it is old " Strate that the | §598 215,000 8 iod, work) must be removed from ; ' members of this Boerd wish sage - og sy ou ie the piso is be joined: Bcranel. In this period of riotous clash- to exert an influence upon (crease, Unit sales for the same and sand. ing color schemes the occasional j matters pertaining to the real |month of July were 5,928 and) -- Surfaces must be clean. Re chee in tones of a. single - estate business which will be 5341 1967 and 1966. move: dirt. dust "grease oil or color looks fresh once again, | ,341, I irt, dust, se, especially when the stress is on! |number of additional total elec- jtric homes are in the planning }stage for lots in various parts Oshawa. Outside the city, in the vicinity of Oshawa and Bowmanville there is also a total of some 370 lots in the city and suburbs. A|frow times, regardless of whether it|/to humidify any house or apart-|causing irritant: means the addition or removal mer' tronic filter is of moisture from the enviorn- ment. Aad, increasingly, home- owners are coming to feel the really complete home con- ditioning system requires, in ad- dition, an electronic air filter) which can provide pure air in; the home at least, no matter what the state of outdoor pol- lution "IT IS A KNOWN fact," ac- cotding to the Climate Control, Council, "that people are more consc'ous of discomfort from) humidity problems during the summer. Throughout the sum- mer people say 'it's not the hear, it's the humidity,' and,| essentially, they are correct.' Iu the winter, however, the {Council says, 'this awareness |does not generally exist. This is| S| {because insufficient humidity--} e winter's problem -- makes it-| os |self felt in more subtle ways\f For the cold days ahead, count on our dependable deliveries, prompt service and top quality heating oil to keep your home es does too much of it." cozy, your family comfortable. To en- the anweer, directions at the same time. HEATING OIL Sam for That Letra Comfort We'll Bring You Reliable Warmth.. In winter, as well as in sum- }mer, however, comfort is a pro- duct of temperature and humid- ity. With lower humidities, high-| }er temperatures are required to | }give the desired comfort con- jditions. But raising the hum- jidity ir a given area, within jreasonable limits, temperature can be lowered, resulting in more economical operations of the heating system and lower fuel bills. IN ADDITION, it is generally recognized, respatory difi- culties, chapped and itching skin and similar conditions of-) ften are alleviated when dry win- ter air is humidified. Aside health considerations, | inadequate humidity is detri- mental to books, furniture,' honse plants. While too much) mvisture is harmful, of course, | toe little can damage posses-| sions by allowing them to dry joy extra convenience, investigate our service contract and our special budget payment plan. PH. 725-1212 WESTERN sus QUL, wre 725 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA out all - electric homes. Warin air can hold more! beneficial to the area. . ; any foreign matter. pale neutrals. And these tones of | 2--To encourage individual |MONEY LACK : ownership of Seen and bus- | "Reports from across the ~~ Wood surfaces should be white, off-white and pale beige| » inesses. country tell of increasing short- sanded smooth. are a particularly effective foil} 3--To promote and enforce |ages of mortgage money but| Mucilage and paste are used for for the currently popular silvery | td metallic and mirrored accent. In order, however, not to ap-| fair dealings and to encour- |real estate sales are not yetjpaper and light fabrics, light-| said a spokesman for| weight, porous materials. Ani-| Association of|mal and fish glues are still|pear dull and cold, such) age goodwill, fellowship and |affected," a spirit of co-operation among the Canadian « the members of the Board in |Real Estate Boards. | "the business of buying, sell- | "Although much of the dol- ing, ti hangi and jlar i can be attributed Managing real estate, and jto higher house prices, beeing loaning money thereon. \people than ever before are 4--To demonstrate to the |listing and selling their prop- oe public that this Board jerties through MLS. Canadians making a determined ef- |are one of the most mobile fort to help the Oshawa and |people on earth, selling their District area share in the de- |homes on the average of every velopment of Ontario by the |four years. When the supply study of assessments and tax- |catches up with the demand ation, by advocating favor- |there is every likelihood that! able legislation affecting real |homeowner change-over will be estate, and by encouraging jeven greater. around, although rapidly being|schemes must be enlivened by! replaced by synthetic glues.|the use of contrasting textures | These also are used for light-)which lend warmth. Slick, weight materials and for wood|smooth surfaces should be where there is no great stain|paired with rough ones. Sim- 'and no moisture. Clamp tightly. |ilarly shiny lacquer finishes are | For outdoor use look for some-|# good foil for rubbed worn look- | lthing specifically marked water, |/!9& natural wood. jproof (waterproof resorcingl| Upholstery and drapery fab- glues). These need mixing and/rics are a prime considera- the glued object should dry at/tion in such planning, If the sofa room temperature. jis covered in one of the pres-| DRAWBACKS NOTED jently stylish rich velvets and/ ____|there is to be no color contrast | Ready-to-use, white polyvinyl|in the room, have the chairs in| investors to invest in this | "In the 1970's real estate ac-|glues that dry clear are conven- area. tivities will hit sales volumes|ient, easy to use, and can be used 5--To expect, and insist, |several times that of today's|on a wide variety of materials. that the members will, in |best efforts. More serviced land|There is one disadvantage -- transacting real estate, main- |must and will be found because|they will not withstand high) tain the high standard of [of the increasing demand fromjheat or soaking. conduct as expressed in the |potential home owners. As con-| Cellulose cements are used for Code of Ethics of the On- |sfructing techniques becomejchina and glass but can be use tario Associations of Reel |more sophisticated and region-|on wood or other porous mater- Estate Boards. al planning more common we jials as well, They have the same 6--To establish and stan- |will start to solve the time-old/ disadvantages as poly viny] dardize the Real Estate busi- |problem of adequate housing' glues. ness in a manner t will {for our citizens." create and retain confidence | The arrivel of the Commuter | nratt cen Sree oe toe ae and respect. train to within our boundaries |oys and nonporous surfaces and 7--To elevate the standard |has helped our business con-|choyid be used where the joint of the real estate profes- |siderably and is an indication w)}| be bent or flexed. c n n it f vf fr sion by education and united of what the future holds for Epoxy resins are the miracle co-operation. Oshawa and District. glues -- strongest, resistant to |water and heat and can be use: Doing Over Bedroom rs 'nh a woven pattern with an easily | identifiable raised design. A| single-colored stripe in satin and | moire could supply a second) texture. Supplement these with an! interesting open weave at the window. Add a shagey rug and there will appear to be a great deal of variety in the scheme despite the total absence of color contrast. Wood pieces, too, being basically neutral add still | -- element of texture. | The opportunity to use an | interesting wall covering should not be overlooked. Man-made vinyl papers come embossed with all kinds of intriguing and convincing imitations of other| materials and, although not in- }expensive, wear well and are {on all sorts of materials includ- For 16-Year-Old Girl ing unlike materials. They Te /easy to clean. Today you'll find jquire the most care in applying everything. from fine silky | land are the most expensive. The|Moires to wood grains and) glue is in two parts, a resin and| White-washed bricks. | Q: MY 16-YEAR-OLD dauzh-/and green glass goblets is dis- ter is redoing her bedroom, She| Played in the room. has chosen French blue for For a change, paint wal walls, woodwork, ceiling d Cover the draperies and) furniture. There is ( , a chair in a small scale docu-| an js Stick to nothing. Together they| would be quite formal but a set and dry due to internal heat.|more casual setting could be activator. Separately they| The effect of such a room Epoxies come in two tubes.| Worked out using leather and ch and mix until the color is| fluffy fur on the floor, bamboo| KING WEST GARDEN - CENTRE THE MOST PROGRESSIVE GARDEN CENTRE AND LANDSCAPING CONTRACTOR IN OSHAWA... Mr. Herb Lamers extends a personal invitation to you to visit his modern garden centre and inquire about all of your gardening or landscaping needs. KING WEST GARDEN - CENTRE HAS FOR YOU AN EXCELLENT STOCK OF... © FERTILIZER ® INSECTICIDES © PEAT MOSS ® TOP SOIL @ EVERGREENS © SHADE TREES ® PATIO STONES © ROCKERYSTONE ©® FLOWERING SHRUBS ®DESIGNING PROP. HERB LAMERS For Early Spring Blooming PLANT NOW... All top sizes ... All new varieties... DUTCH... TULIPS... DAFFODILS... HYACINTHS ... NARCISSUS .. . CROCUS 6 ppye eg EM mentary print, one in a white Squeeze out equal strips from/|tweed on chairs and sofa, a} chest and a smal! chest ground with such colors as cop-|€a | table. We are wond to use for curtains, bedspread throw rugs, smal] chairs and) Accent color pillows, also picture frames, | COUld be in amber or green. A: A small scale Provincial! print in a French blue ground + per, amber, blue, green and aluniform. Apply a thin coat to|blinds at the windows -- again} touch of brown in the design. {each surface and join. Mix in| With the emphasis on texture in accessories small amounts. It thickens in 30) rather than color. minutes and sets in about four) Even accessories can add to hours. \this general effect. A selection of | j handcrafted ceramics: Lamp) ; |bases, boxes, ashtrays and e vases might be the ideal way to ; KING WEST GARDEN - CENTRE ? 843 KING ST. W. TEL. 728-9429 srs Rollers Shape Up Well for draperies, dust ruffle and toss pillows. Bedspread could be | 4 b French blue. Pick a green vid To Speed Up Paint J 0. S the print for rugs, picture| frames and the small chest by| The role of rollers as a paint-|ingenuity in using' them are | the bed. ing tool is rapidly broadening, | helpful. | as more and more homeowners; A ae wt ge Ly : ; turn to the "do-it-yourself';corner pa g has a ridged, wn bye Tee one ta es principle for both exterior and| angular core that fits up against a gray carpet. What color for| terior paint jobs. |both wall corners at once. walls, draperies, sofa, barrel) Quick and easy to use, roll-| J painting house exteriors, complete a no-color scheme. @ "Trust Those Who Know From Experience" ¥ back chair and a wing chair? | ers have always appealed to the) A: Pale gray would be a good|, 2° ~ it - yourselfer Now, re-| : fine t j color for walls and a Provincial ag oP sretae "bae print would be agreeable for! jobs and achieve professional- draperies and to slip cover the |!ooking results. an offset edging roller is use- ful. Undersides of house shakes should be "caught" with this roller, before painting the broad exposed areas of the shakes with | a heavy - duty, deep nap rol- ler. | wing chair. The print could have a gray grourid with clear greens, white, curry, and Bris. tol blue for example. Sofa could be in gray tweed-like fabric and Usually, the do-it-yourselfer will find that more than one roller is necessary if the finish- * job is to look really finish- For painting broad expanses, the barre] chair in possibly a| it's "merrily we roll along", not-too-deep charcoal color. \with @ large roller, deep - nap- ped for rough - textured surf- Q: PLEASE SUGGEST an ac-| ces, short - napped or stand- eent color for our small Early |@td napped for smoother surf- American living room. Sofa is|@ces. medium brown, large chair @| The "nap" refers to the wick- copper color. Hand braided rug/ing capacity of the roller cov- is multicolored with much/ering ~ how much paint it can brown. Walls are now 2 sandal-| hold, ready to rol! on. - wood but they need to be re- For angled edges, hard-to-| ~gone. What,color for curtains, a| paint corners, hard-to-reach ar-| smal! upholstered chair? A col-| eas and contoured surfaces, both lection of amber, blue, purple/specially - shaped rollers and/ A welcome innovation is the wrap - around rolier with flexible axle. It conformes to contoured surfaces, thus speed- ing painting of stair rails and newel posts, It's handy, too, for painting downspouts, lolly columns, pip- tures. Hard - to - reach surfaces such as ceilings, roof overhangs and high walls can be painted without resort to ladders or scaf- foldings. An extension pole, fastened to butt of roller frame, is the answer. A number of other special rollers for special purposes ar: available, es and other architectural en-| {| | "Asphalt Paving Contractors ® EXCAVATING @ GRADING @ EQUIPMENT RENTALS OSHAWA PAVING CO. LTD. 1510. SIMCOE ST. N. 728-0503 Som Can By | Things i today are | seem to b practiced « astute to from an must actu: or surface cide wheth There is tradition ir ating for 1 the-eye fan employed many peri it -- trom) simulate. m look heavil grain (call as much a u they strove These ar as is the f1 FIN) TIBURO} struction v ron peninst ered a ; David Fre pology pro contains | spear point bone tools centuries a

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