Dae in, either a central system is where this is not feasible, a : SOU oe on ; {| able unit. Such filters now, je 4 g conte , . . . prding to the National Warm and Air Conditioning Asso- ion, are so efficient that 'ic'es of smoke or smog as 1] ae 1-250,000th of an inch be trapped. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 22, 1967 3A a| IDEAS FOR DECORATION : I PLAN to paint theywith rose, emerald, blue andj poards. Eo Mee Nene. rege | draperies ar Capea on pctirep walls in my living room, hall|perhaps a touch of yellow. wnat color. © lend interest to walls? jand stairway. There is a ; 7 | wrought iron railing on onel @: WE ARE MOVING into A: KEEP PANELING and| A: WHAT ABOUT an antique ; " es |dado in white. Floor length|gold for the carpet and sofa \side of living room. Furniturela jovely home, over 200 years ; | ne is traditional. Wall-to-wall car- old Three walls i bi it |draperies are more suitable to|too? Extra chair could be in a jpet is grass green, sofa and) ir a, aes ®" room. Have canopy in white|small pattern of gold, turquoise |chair are natural color bro-)?edroom are papered in aj. ii) perhaps a dust ruffle in/and off white. Draperies could cade, and another chair is sage|deep red ground with small! pas ca ie ee jgreen. What color for walls,!geometric design in soft and|toe, Print. Hooked rugs cou jhave a gold braid trim. Suitable idraperies, a high back chair ahes bliek" ahd' a tegen at be in solid, deep red of wall-/pictures will help, of course, to jand the iron railing? iputty color. Dado is white and| Paper. 'add interest to walls. | A: PAINT WALLS a. sky one wall is all white paneling. | : . ms |blue and look for an 18th Cen-|!t has been suggested _paint- = . oo ooteagbeccscay ltury print, one in a sky blue/"8 the white walls and dado ajmy living room, Walls and) Inspiration for the American- bean : |putty color. Draperies wiil be/draperies are off-white, twe/ctyle hot-dog is usually credited s |ground with grass and sage/same print. Should these be|chairs are turquoise blue. Whatlt, an English-born concessions green, natural and some floor length? Heirloom bed-|color for carpet, sofa and an| si . see * lblack. Cover high back chair SPread is white. Should canopyjextra chair? Room faces east.|i"e who worked at the New land paint {ron railing in black,|P® White or be in the print?/At present, walls look very|York Polo Grounds at the turn "| Floor is original old wide|plain. Can I add something tolof the century. MIXED UP ne seashore has a head like orse, a prehensile tail, a ch like a kangeroo, external eton like an insect, and two ; that can look in different ctions at the same time. G OIL Q: PLEASE HELP with a new color scheme in our living room. Walls are off-white, sofa is emerald green, tables are topped in green leather and rug is rose. Should I add chair in the same color and pattern as |sofa? I would love something in Comfort If You Are Considering Buying ny You FOUR-BEDROOM OSHAWA COLONIAL-STYLE HOME PRAISED .--Cable Electric Heating Is One Of Its Prime Features |the.room in a deep blue, Is off- |white best for draperies? What for odd chairs? NEW FURNAC | A: LARGE CHAIR could be |finished on everything from box-| And following a tradition origi-|semi - precious stones -- par-,covered in emerald green and Some Fabulous Fakes jes to chair frames to even|nated in 18th century ele, the bright greem ma-|the odd chairs in blue. Dra- jtables are beginning to lend ajtable tops, boxes and picture/lachife and intenst deep blue peries could be off-white or be jrich note to traditional rooms.|frames appear that look like | palis lazuli. |in a print in an off-white ground By BETTY PEPIS jings on walls and doors that | SE Things in interior decoration|!ook three dimensional but are today are not always what they actually a en PRECAST CONCRETE seem to be. Sometimes even a/and adding vines and trellises is an important part of all building projects. Oshawa district wmth.. onverting to Oi Why Not Call MURPHY dable deliveries, keep your home practiced eye is not sufficiently |t0 rooms in an effort to bring astute to tell the real thing the charm of an outdoor garden from an imitation and one{0r patio inside the house. must actually touch the object | It takes, of course, an ac- or surface in question to de-|complished artist to execute im- cide whether or not it is a fake.|itations such as these success: There is a long and honored | fully, but wallpaper designers | tradition in the annals of decor-| ating for the use of such fool- | the-eye fancies, The French who) employed this device through | mdny periods had a name for| it -- trompe l'oeil. Floors that} simulate marble and walls that) look heavily figured like wood| grain (called faux bois) were as much admired as the things! u they strove to imitate. These are popular once again as is the trick of painting mold- FIND OLD DUMP TIBURON, Calif. (AP)--Con- struction workers on the Tibu- ron peninsula may have uncov- ered a 3,000-year-old dump. David Frederickson, an anthro- pology professor, said the site contains beads, charmstones, spear points, volcanic glass and bone tools discarded by Indians are becoming more aware of the effectiveness of this fakery and designs are becoming in- creasingly availahle.. These can be found not only on paper but also on fabrics: Marbélized and wood-grained -chintzes are among.available fabric. pat- terns, Furs, increasingly. popular on the decorating scene, lend them- selves particularly well to ad- aptation. Synthetic fibres sten- cilled to look like wild beasts can be cleaned in a washing machine. A more _ luxurious would - be leopard is a parinted velvet from France. Latest fake to hit the market looks like black and white snakeskin. Also | new is a nylon upholstery by the yard that could pass for a fine grade of suede but has the advantage of not crocking (color | coming off). | Precious materials of a dif- | ferent type have also succumb-| 7 constractors save time and are always assured of constant quality with these precast concrete products -- - © SEPTIC TANKS © DURA. STEPS COLORED PATIO ©. RAILINGS © WALK SLABS ° SILLS DRIVEWAY CURB : cote OASIS } CUSTOM PARKING BUMPERS PRECASTING yypneaiwle ¢ CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD, |655-331 MEMBERS OF OSHAWA BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION OIL COMPANY LTD. For A Free Estimate @ All installations carried out by our own personnel, ' @ Financing Arranged and Carried by Murphy Oil, @ Trained ond Licensed Service Technicians 4 @ Automatic 'Degree Day' Oil Delivery. A @ 24 Hour Emergency Service, SPuR}D MURPHY OIL COMPANY LTD. 78 BOND ST. W. j OSHAWA -- 725-3571 centuries ago. seinen errr ee ed to the copyists. Tortoise shell | OEE EEO TI AEE IE LOOT 4 seibbcbe A Realtor ts a member ERB LAMERS Pics TOP SOIL S GNING of his local Real Estate Board. realtor from coast to coast this emblem is your guarantee of COMPETENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL, PLEDGED TO A RIGID CODE OF ETHICS z Mais NG MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ASSURES YOU OF A multiple effort on your behalf when you offer your property for sale and a wider variety to choose from when you wish to purchase a home, ee Published in the Public Interest by the HAWA » DISTRICT REAL ESTATE 135 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-8184 LTD.