TIIOMADAAMAAADOAO ) : FAMIDIDIINAANAANANDADAAANADDAAN OOWONNHHHAVBVATHHyP Pr Pro» <X<2SSS &. 29990nwP> gengog ss E<CC3wwVAAVIVAZZzzzS=E >>> >> 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, September 26, 1967 EATON'S TRANS- CANADA SALE CONTINUES WITH SCORES OF SAVINGS Exterior Latex House Paint lasting. TS 915 --EXTERIORLATEX 'TS 922 -- BASE COAT WHITE. Ta lll rr 1.61 peo Piy oe gga 54 s s Exterior Gloss House Paint Glossy exterior covering protects against the ravages of time and weather. TS 900 -- EXTERIOR GLOSS TS 907 -- BASE COAT WHITE Quart. Reg. 1.85 SPECIAL, quert oe + cee 42 Interior Latex Flat Wall Easy to apply, washable, dries quickly with little or no paint odour. Tools easily cleaned in soapy water. Fine for living rooms, dining rooms, hall, etc. 1.39 Quart. Reg. 1.85. SPECIAL, quart .. Gallon. Reg. 5.85. SPECIAL, gallom .......0.55 00%... Peieis 4.42 Interior Semi-Gloss Available in matching colours for Interior Latex Flat Wall. Recommended for walls and wood trim in rooms where washability is important. .. 1.39 Quart. Reg. 1.85. Gallon. Reg. 5.85. Be ee ie ee ie 4.42 SPECIAL, GWAR oo 6 eee cae. Save 1/3?! VIKING Dial-A-Stitch PORTABLE SEWING MACHINES Reg. 214.95 SPECIAL, each 143.30 With 15.00 trade-in for your old machine you pay 128.30. Never before was sewing so easy. You can put all the professional finishes on your work with- out a lot of fiddling and adjusting of dials. You merely set one dial for any stitch you want . . . overcast for neat seams, to blind hem, for applique or monogram, to make a serpentine stitch for stretchy fabrics. Use one or two needles for,double stitching and to create your own decorative designs. In fact, this machine is so versatile you may never run out of new stitching ideas. Futhermore, the Viking has dozens of easy-sew features like darner and mender, sew light, drop feed and push-button reverse. From now on sew the modern easy way with the Viking Dial-A- Stitch and right now save as much as 86.65 with a trade. @ In walnut finish Arborite or walnut veneer console. 34.00 extra. SEWING MACHINES, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 570 PHONE 725-7373 & A high-coverage exterior paint, easy to use, long" Now! 25% off TECO Specified Paints Teco Specified paint is Canada's best value in moderately priced paint. Now enjoy a saving of 25% off regular prices on these fine paints from EATON'S. Easy to use, long-lasting, and in a variety of decorator colours to transform your home. The way to econ- omical home beauty . . . TECO SPECIFIED. ALKYD . couour trex sewt-ctoss "Floor and Spar Varnish WAN er oie oes . 78960 TS860 A durable clear varnish for interior and exterior use. Turquoise. 6.60... 42%... T8961 TS861 Protects furniture, floors, wooden furniture and others Petal Pink : ess T5962 T5862 against moisture and weather, - Antique White ....... . 75963 TS863 Quart. Reg. 1.85. 1 34 Green Mint .......... 15964 TS864 SPECIAL, quart ..........-..+ +0000, oe oi Laurel Green ......... S965 TS865 Gallon. Reg. 5.85. 4 42 Peden Tone «......002. TS906 TS866 SPECIAL; GeNOn: os g es a a 8 Butterctp ...........- 19967 TS867 Redwood Finish -- TS986 -- Gallons Only. 4 42 Wedgwood Blue ....... 15968 TS868 Reg. 5.85. SPECIAL, gallon ............. 2 stad: eae ry PCr ene BSL TS869 Pale Orchid '....... ead fy PL) TS870 TECO SPECIFIED SMOOTH SURFACE ROLLER SETS -- 20% OFF! Interior-Exterior High Gloss Enamel Long-lasting, glossy tough finish@e-bathrooms, kit- chens, and many others, Resists a He dirt... easily washed. Gallons in ¥ only. Quarts available in 74" Reg. 2.69 SPECIAL, 2-pce. set 9%" Reg. 3.69 SPECIAL, 2-pce. set . . 2.15 2.95 TECO SPECIFIED BRISTLE BRUSHES colours. rt. Reg. 1.85. 1" Reg. .98 3" Reg. 3.35 re 1.39 srrcikiehes TB Shecihi cs... 2,68 cae... _, 3.98 Haddon Hall Vinyl-Tex Wall Covering 'Reg. 2.98 per single roll. SPECIAL, single roll ................... 2.23 Vinyl-Tex is the scrubbable vinyl plastic wall covering that is so easy to clean, The answer to those easily stained traffic areas in your home. Resists all traces of the sticky fingers of youngsters, kitchen stains wipe off with ease, even steam from the shower will not affect Vinyl-Tex. In a variety of colours and dec- orator patterns, 4" Reg. 4.98 Galion. Reg. 5.85. SPECIAL, each ... PME UN occ eer i ans e 4.42 1S940 WHITE TS943 CARNIVAL RED S942 TULIP YELLOW 7S945 CAMEO IVORY 18944 BERMUDA BLUE TS947 BLACK S946 TANGERINE TS 948 SEALER S941 SHERWOOD GREEN UNDERCOATER Exterior-Interior Floor Enamel Tough resin base protects floors of wood, linoleum, or cement. Dries quickly to a durable glossy film. TS930 AUTUMN BROWN TS931- PATIO GREEN TS932 MEDIUM GREY TS933 TILE GREEN PAINTS AND WALL COVERINGS, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 PHONE 725-7373 PAINTS AND WALL COVERINGS, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 274 PHONE 725-7373 TECOMASTER | EXTENSION LADDERS Aluminum construction, channel-type side rails. Twist- proof anti-slip rungs. Spring-loaded safety locks, swiv- el safety shoes. Rope and pulley. 20 ft. -- Reg. 26.95. 22 SALE, each ....... woe @ 24 ft, -- Reg, 33.95. 2 SALE, enh... 5. ces () 28 ft. -- Reg. 42.95. 4 SALE, each........ ieik @ TECOMASTER STEP LADDERS Lightweight aluminum with 3" grooved anti- slip steps. Bottom step reinforced for extra strength. Folding bucket shelf and anti-skid shoes. 12.7 ¢ 5 ft. -- Reg. 14.25, SALE, each * AcE Oke ASRoKomes 6 ft. -- Reg. 16.25, 32 ft. -- Reg. 55.95. 41 SALE each 13 7 SALE, each cae & eac oh eke dsmeneie! @ HARDWARE, LOWER' LEVEL, DEPT. 253 A PHONE 725-7372 RRS Hon Of Osh ville, neighbx @rio an VOL. 26--NO. 224 A pretty girl, a miniskirt, an umbrella and determin- ation contributed to this artistic leap in a rain- Raging Threate HARLINGEN, Tex. (CP)- Flood miseries piled up. on.bot! tides of the Texas-Mexico bor fer today as the raging Rit Grande put 'More people tc tlight and thréatened ever worse depredations, Torrents gushing downstream tent water creeping higher in Harlingen, already hard hit, and the swollen river spread across ever widening areas in northern Mexico. In desperate attempts to etheck what officials said would be the worst flood in Texas his- 'ory, thousands of volunteers pushed old car bodies, rocks and other heavy debris into a fam breach at nearby Mer- tedes. Bulldozers threw up earth fikes and sandbags wer? stacked along highways and streets that intersect the over- flowing Arroyo Colorado, 15 miles north of the Rio Grande. MORE DEATHS REPORTED Reports of 10 more deaths in Mexico, meanwhile, boosted the loll from hurricane Beulah, Bank Of Can Interest To F OTTAWA (CP)--The Bank of Canada raised its interest rate Tuesday night to five per cent from 4% on money loaned to), chartered banks to. bring it in line with a general rate upturn. It restores a half-per-cent cut made April 7 when _ interest rates generally were falling. Since. chartered banks rarely): borrow from the central bank, War Focus Shifts To North | SAIGON (AP)--North Viet- namese slackened their month- long artillery battle of attrition along the demilitarized zone Tuesday and the focus of the war shifted to North Vietnam with U.S. planes stepping up their raids despite swarms of Communist jets and missiles. North Vietnamese gunners fired 50 rounds to harass U.S. marines at Con Thien,, the key to American defences, But the heaviest shelling--850 rounds-- fell on two South Vietnamese airborne battalions a few miles away. U.S. planes mounted a near maximum effort over North Vietnam after a week of bad weather and encountered _blis- tering defences over the port of Haiphong and the vital north- east rail line that links Hanoi and China, _ Of the 35 jets North Vietnam is believed to have operational on fields below the Chinese frontier, at least half and prob- ably more were in the air, ;