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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Sep 1967, p. 28

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28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, September 28, 1967 for the fiscal year ended July department of agriculture as of cols E. Cleyn of Huntingdon,| 5,-|Wednesday: A large 49.1; BUSINESS BRIEFS Que. J. D. Woods, Jr., of Har-/81, 1967, compared with $45./Wednesday: | 1 TT a4 ¢ By THE CANADIAN PRESS |vey Woods Ltd, od, A OR GS sR OD EW Yt a HY YH a kB kk es ELECTED CHAIRMAN treasurer, C. Malim Harding, of Brart- Woodstock,|076,000 or $2.57 for the previous Ont. was named 'honorary ford, Ont., has been elected EARNINGS UP chairman of the Canadian Tex-| Distillers Corporation - Sea-| TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesalejers: extra large meh 20: B tiles Institute, it was announced|grams Ltd. reports net earnings 12 months. Eggs: Wholesale price to country stations fibre cases RODUCE |quoted by the Toronto Board of P Trade from wholesale egg deal- large to retail carton eggs average|41-42; medium 33; Wednesday. Succeeding Fran-lof $47,117,000 or $2.68 a share'weighted prices quoted by thel27; C 20. TODAY'S STOCKS BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT sean Seheton |< tg nen" New B.C. Securities Act Quotations In cents unless marked $. $6214 Priva in ve B--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| CPR pr 1522 $9% 9% rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change I$) C Petrofin 869 $15'4 15' ihe from IMS. |e tes. | Stiffens Violator Penalties S Cominco 550 $295 29%% 29% 10:40 wet | Compr Ap 220 $11% 11% 11% | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge -- se mo st 'ia oat By TOM CARNEY _ Under the act, directors, sen- Acme Gas 4000 18 Hy ae | Con Pap w 325 +15| VICTORIA (CP) -- British ior officers and other insiders Advocate 3100 250 250 25 3 | Cons Gas @95 $20% on "osu ty ] rae ; : ,,j}are required to report their Aetna inv 500 50 50 S50 = 3) Con Gas B 25: $98'2 98% 98'2 + ¥2|Columbia's booming financial h ; All Pitch 2500 13 13: «13 --%) Cosmos 10 $1212 12 -- |community 'starts its business|® areholdings to the B.C. secur- Am Larder 1000 25 25 25 --11| Crush Intl 250 $10% 10/2 10% : ities commission. The reports Am Moly 500 27 27 27 --31] Cygnus A 1600 400 400 400 +5 |week Monday under a new will bé open to public inspec- Ang U Dev 300 64 64 4 -- 1) Disti Seag 2100 $39% 38% 39 securities act, complete with Area 200 310 310 310 --$S | Dome Pete 1000 $5612 Sie Slo -- 14| pee ee Sion 100 17% 174 17% ve 18) strengthened control. c Hse pried 70 2 OM re Eee gd fee Nullee' conuiter toe Insiders will be liable to the Atl C Cop on a Re i Dom Glass 750 $9%% 9% 9% violators . corporation for any profits 4 18% 18% s. H ; et pe ee | Dom Store 285 sisie ise Te po . ia ae made privately in trading Bary Expl 1000 730% 23%8 Zi -- Ws Dosco 710 $6% 6% 6 | fe new regulations haveishares of the corporation by scmtc He ty ft. | Beeea ch Sime oh Wa /Ezaren Beniee from leading Uatl-lrenson of ceatidential Inforase- mn Os 6 6 4 | seer Bt ee aa won) peeemen. |tion available to them and not Black Bey 500 10 10 10 +.¥4] Falcon, 225 S890 89% a4 «| John van Luven, president of |others, More detailed company Br Reet' 3000 37 38 8 Fer Gray 98 a7." "4 + t4|the Vancouver Stock Exchange, |financial statements must be Brunswk | 220 10 405 610 -- S| Fleet Mig 1100 205 200 00 siaae "We welcome anything/filed with the commission and Calmr 120 +13 'or nde eB €am Mine 3500 50 49 4 +21 Freiman 150 Sie 8s 8+ that offers protection to the = information will be avail- cemtlo 2500 320 315 320 Sc, 217 $94 9314 94 *| public. If it serves to tighten up|able to the public. <7 875 222 220 222 +2 'aper 275 $22% € Dyno 112 186 Tas the +6 GtW ile 2882 2 | ae a Gee the| WELL RAISE STANDARDS é no 26500 ia a a4 | Sreynnd 225 $12% 124 124 -- \4| spring session of the legislature} Standards of financial report- Cantri M 12500 21% 19% 21 +11 Hardee 400 52 52 82 +1 |h. ate G 1 jing in prospectuses would be Captain 1500 17 17%2 17% | Hawker $ 100 335 335 g35 -- 5 |Oy Allorney-Genera Robert) raised with the form varyin ni 1 13% 13% 13M hesirvile atmo a7" 36 te 4 7'| Have Dna 125 $134 134 134 Bonner, was later proclaimed| between different industries, = him 10400 125 121 123 +2) Hi "a fa Ib cabine | b Ne Coch Will $00 90° 90 | Home A 4367 $24 23% 24 + %|Dy cabinet order to become! areover bids are regulated Comb Met 1750 21 20% 20%2--%| Home B 2050 $25 24% 25: + w/effective Oct. 1. It replaces an ' anise 22200 80 9 1 | Horne Pit 2720 370 370 370 lact dating to 1948. and shareholders involved must T Shawkey 2000 20 2 2 --1 eta bd Fi bing 2 5 20% be supplied specified informa- € Han 00 hee Ha Husky ON 1950 $2280 2246 22 2% + we) MAY INCREASE STAFF tion. 4 lusky or t 4 < Morisn 3000 us 300 0 aS | Husky Dw 1924 $1212 : 4+%|,, TO enforce the new rules the; Investment dealers, sales- See ae et Imbrex 300 Bein 534 és |B.C. securities commission may|men, underwriters and brokers Cop Fields 200 138 138 138 ie SU = ring og fear + 1 |be strengthened to five mem-|applying for licences must give Coulee mn Om MB BB +3! Ind Accept 525 $20% 202 20% -- y\bers from the existing three. /full details of all criminal Dielda 24800 163 161 143 +41] [nd Minerl 1050 $i5% 15% 15+ \¢/The securities branch, which/offences. Any court action any- Deihi Pog 1000 14s Mia Mia + Me) Inglis eH fou "bu Woy, 5 %,(hired its first audit accountant|where in the world alleging Denison we 4 fi ey inspiratin 1000 10 10, 1a 8 bred six months ago, is hiring/fraud against the applicants Ci Dome 500 $48 47% 48% +28| IBM 728590 | $90 three more at annual salaries|must be disclosed. eae BY ml 7 Int Nickel 2159 $11534 11434 114% |ranging up to a maximum of) Applicants must also report East Sull 540 | Int Util 25 $385 385% 38% $8, 760, hether they hi Endako 1320 ia ee +! Int Util pr 2250 $3812 38% 38% | whether they have at any time & ner 250 Ms 16 uss al Intpr Pipe 435 $22% 22% 22% |_ The new act is patterned on been bankrupt, or whether they Ma Wie Wat Giant Yk ¥050 825 825 825 430 | Intpr Steel 300 9s away ty jOntario legislation, providing|had ever been refused a surety Glenn Exp 2000 22 2 22 Inv Group 100 $10 10° 10 --1%(Clauses minimizing profiteering|bond poeedud pd a S ti] iv Gpa si sy 9 9 + f| abuses by company officers and; The act provides for penalties Gortdrm 200 275 275 275 --10 oe a3 nag? 4 24 te |placing all share-holders on an/up to $2,000 in fines and one Grandroy 9550 96 95 96 +1] '"Setfersn w 1385 $54 | 51 7 t34/ equal footing in regard to|year's imprisonment for anyone Granduc 100 S75 575 575 " Granisie 4300 710 730 +25 | Kelly OA 850 $57 5% 57+ Ve) "'insider trading' and informa-|convicted of a charge laid 730 Labatt 1848 $302 30% 30% ec Be Lafarge 400 $15 15.15 | tion. junder the new act. For a com- islneer oo unk "Z EOnt Cem we a fe 4 41s es +5) Mr. Bonner says the new B.C.| pany convicted of an offence yds Bay 75 $61 i +wl Ce Fin 100 450 45045010 |2Ct Will help minimize inconsis-|the maximum penalty is $25,000 aoe es mK ve Fe 3 Sey. " 200 827% 2% an -- ¥|tencies in Canada's major trad-|plus $2,000 for any connected is 9000 150 145 146 +5] Lop CoB 550 some Me e+ %|iNs regions. officer or director. Jelex 1000 A » z +4] Lob Co pr 50 $402 402 2 + MI Joliet 4000 --1| Loeb M 6830 $15% 1558 15% + Jonsmith 500 FA in son MB Ltd 2545 $2834 28% 28% Serr Add ie $16 im 6 16 MLE Mills 1137 $17. 1717 'stoc ar. et eco nacon Markboro 500 $5 oF "da vers Kid Coper = 0h 2 y4 -3 Markbro w 100 250 250 : jass-Fer 275 $21% 21% ih t "gi pi af 4 or 10% Milt Brick 100 425 a5 25 th tae 108 $15 oe wee Molson _B 200 $22%4 2234 am | Leltch 100 74 1 7H " ae a 1388 Ss ie ie y y OSSES oor: A 3% -- ao Bhd 4 7: ' ae eo 25 $274 274 274 -- % ae jorse Pr 305 $542 544 544 Mack Meh 5 46 46 4b pide 375 $8% 8% 8%+%| TORONTO (CP)--The market ;Maclean-Hunter 1% to 57, Fra- ae 27 19 F re Nt Contain 352 $955 94 a + |recovered late Wednesday, wip-|ser 1% to 23% and CPR % to ihertin F=+4 oe Met Sih he ing out earlier losses on the 625%. Patigmt 250 3 $133 re 1384 Norenda ' 136 $55%4 $5%* 55%4-- %4; Toronto Stock Exchange Lake-Osu highlighted specula- lor Ct 6 $13% 13%e 13% i we fam, Me dim Gm Go| Sar SSeS ts" B'S ndbe Oui ad an mesma (erect gumRE 1 to | shares. Mewat W000 46 46 46 -- We) Souvig 7" Jog See Wie 2% _ | Advances outnumbered declines|climbed 91 Merrit 1000 96 96 (86 Salve. 225 $120 12% l2h-- clim % cents Tuesday after 200 395 395 395 -- 5 Miri a 19 14 te 9 | Soe Tey 'ou ell ad with 218 issues\the company announced it had Min-Ore fr 10ve 10% 10% Pac Pete 720 819% 19 19 unchange encountered mineralization] om, Brey Sd . a4 ~ Tt Pembine a 1s si ¥ v Brokers say the weakness in|north of Nakina in northwestern Multa 1000 158 158 158 +1) Pow 'corn oe te 18 18 the last two days is a result of |Ontario. her Expl 3000 ia i [in ¥ Price Com. 243 $11% W'%% 11% an oversold market. They say| Western oils also recovered New col nuk & pdeblgse = en th oan FF Lehi are expected to rebound|from morning losses as Scurry- a y N Harri 3000 2 2 2 +y % Relchhare? sey osmk aut ok jon the strength of anticipated|/Rainbow gained 1% to 37%, and ee, ee le 5 ne Revenue 200 $1334 13% 13% -- % increased earnings in the fourth) [Great Canadian Oil Sands % to lodwe!l 400 210 210 210 Nlund 24000 21 % 20 PP ci er ee | quarter. |15% .Great Canadian is to open Nor as ome ass 7 eg. | Royal Bnk 2751 $161% 616° 164-- ve Blue chips had held the mar-|its operations officially at the pone mon on Royal Trst 600 $19 182 18% + %/ket down during the last twojoil sands in northern Alberta N Coldstm 1100 137 135 135 --3| Salada 31320 $11% 11 11% |days, but some closed Wednes-|this weekend. Northgat 1 Secur Cap 600 365 365 365 --é0 a oS one a +4) Seikirk A 100 $174 174 174-- uw /day with fractional gains.) On index, golds were up .22 to Nudul 1000 15% 15% 15+ %4| Shell Inv p 57 $32Me 32% 32% |Laura Secord was up 2% to|166.71, base metals .11 to 108.56 Open uo sii%e'T1 11% + 46/ nee Inv w 2110 $14%4 13% 134 -- 84) 153%, Loeb 1% to 1514, Versatile|and western oils .39 to 203.89. amour 0 199 197 199 +2 hell Can 83 $31 3 3) Mlya7 Pax Int 3000 18 15 15 +4] Shop Save 225 Sida 164 16% 1% to 16% and Standard Radio) [Volume was 4,276,000 shares Pee Exp 63000 175 1462 145 --20 | Shopper Ct 400 415 415 415 +18 (144 to 3614. compared with 4,505,000 Tues- Peerless 200 8 «8 8 |; Silverwd A 20 Siéve 168 164 Royal Trust fell 1% to 18%%,!day. Pine Poin) 238 $578 52% so%-- | Simpsons $050 $33 334 3314 ba : ; Simpson $250 $22¥2 22% 2% Aged ED SMG Hh | Slater St. OBS S114 1078 > n peel: el Sia 220 $1534 15% 15% moe cia * Ga, 24 o-5 | Algoma Steel Brief Claims Carter Tax Report Injurious Que Lith 1300 210 200 Que Man 500. 22 «(22 Q Mattgml 1700 153 150 Rayrock 100 126 126 Rio Aigom 886 $3714 37: 1 Suptst com 100 400 400 400 +5 Suptest od 25 $25%4 2544 25%4-- | Tancord p 500 300 300 | Texaco 525 $3294 32% 324 -- Ve | Thom N P_ 100 $39%4 39% 39% Romen 74 $28 27% 2 Tor Dm Bk 200 $13% 13% 13) SA $' M | Satie io ue | Teen ek ay bia vs eet ay piled MARIE, Ont.|income taxes would encourage it E | Transair 350 $6 6 Plementing thejequity buying by Canadians, Tr Can PL 700 $31% 30% nM recommendations of the Carter) but it would threaten the supply +5) Tr Can Pl p 200 $é6l2 4614 46%4 -- 4 royal commission on taxation! o} Trans' Mt 745 $20. 20-20 f capital at reasonable costs Sarniorg 7a +12\ Un Carbid 300 $21% 214 21%--%| Would have "serious adverse|for housing, education, trans- ror 3; 7] Un Gas 1600 $15, 1s, Is) + \| effects" on Algoma Steel Corp.,|portation, public utilities, and | Uno Wburn 183 $7 7 To pd agar edgy a brief to|)many other businesses which 7 U Sections 200 $6 6 6 inance Minister Sharp. |finance their needs on a fixed- 875 Versaf 10 39% 4 9% "| | a7 | yeree tow 300 150 65 45 10. | 'The brief, made public| interest basis. eas +5 Versatile | 0 $174 7 1a + 'a|Wednesday forecasts reduced| It rejects Carter's suggestion via Vere ale te i314 -- %4| €conomic growth for Algoma,|that subsidies can be cheaper 50 | Weldwod 300 Sli 11% 14+ ithe Canadian steel industry than tax incentive for business Vale les 3a 8, 8 2, | Weste'st, «ton $25%4 25% 254 -- 4) Denerally, and the mining\ann can do a better job Yukon M00 126° 126 126 +1] West Ind A 400 360 440 340 --10 |industry if the report is adopt-| It says the report's recom- ; 'Westeel 100 $21%4 21% fy -- 18% ime OILS, GAS Wee caed 300 Sas a5 985 10 [ed perfucwiaow to lift depletion . W Pacific 250 $6% 634 6% Owances on the extractive | Weston A. 500 $17%4 17% 1744 -- 3 It says there are three main| industries indicates a lack of Am Leduc 2000 (17 16% 17 y = | Sant Um $15% 18 15 ,* | Woodwa 295 Sle a, 10 | "unpleasant" conclusions to be} knowledge. yi mes u| York Tom 8 260 140 140 140 +10 peaows phi ee ea ee pacha |drawn from the Carter recom-| No industry could match the cs ehite,,, 2500 290 780 288 +2 | Sales to 11:00 a.m.z 1,020,000. | mendations: postwar economic record of x Gas +5 | eae area, | Ae ; mining, so it seeme i re iba <e FOREIGN TRADING | Further increases in pro- aeely, as the Caner teat 4a Cent, Del 22% E Malartic 300 19 159 150 = De le would be retard- | that some of the resources used mii Ope 8 sf . y i 5 i pyres ae Siscoe 100 40 420 045 '| by the industry had been misal- French Pt 4 --__-------------| --Further development of | located. | owned or leased low-grade Lifting tax concessions now DIVIDENDS Pa ne Legiariond in ges | granted mining companies By THE CANADIAN PRESS | tnderiaken. | opments. from 'Canada' te" tao Dominion Bridge Co. Ltd.,) --tongterm contracts | United States, jcommon 25 cents, Nov .7, rec-| would probably have to be |------ H jord Oct. 17 negotiated to buy iron ore Federal Grain Lid., 10 cents.) from the United States "BUYERS meet SELLERS" increase of 5 cents, Nov. 1, rec:| The brief says if, in the broad , ; jord Oct. 13. national interest, Algoma Steel i Hand Chemical Industries,)/and the integrated steel indus- 1600 303 ay ale 7 f{class A 15 cents, Nov .1, record/try are to develop effectively, | W Dect w 600 165 160° 165 4 7 |Oct. 6. what is required is not only; | Reynolds Aluminum Co. of| maintenance of the tax incen- INDUSTRIALS \Canada Ltd., 434-per-cent pref.| tives to mining but also contin-| CALL 576-1411 Abitib} 2370 $94 9 9% |s1. 18, Nov. 1, record Oct. 1. uation of depreciation from the por cereals paipent eronerty yond eplends a 0 2% a ar onciniee ont , corp Chaeltal eats ee and without She hat 354 -- Vl nd constructive use of acceler- . Mena ae | BONDS ated depreciation. VJ WILKINSON meat Dal ee 4 30% | TORONTO (CP)--The Cana-/SEE SOURCES DRY UP ibe king ie: Hidde Alumin 2p "a dian bond market drifted one-| It says the proposed integra- Phone 576-1411 le te 47" half of a point lower in quiet|tion of corporate and personal! Argus C pr 1100 s. 304 + Y4ltrading Wednesday. tie cue iB tk 24 -- vl The short-term Government| lof Canada bonds were off 5 Executive Sales cents with the 514-per-cent Dec. re Me 15, 1969, issue closing at 99.10 Opportunity 46% 46% \bid and 99.20 asked. BACM Ind 400 Benk Mtl = 4015 Bank NS 725 Becker B p 250 Bell Phne 784 14% oa+ Me Bow Va! 0 Bremalee 1209 13% ve 13%44+%| The long-term Canada and MALE FEMALE Hagel = Ms a7 a Provincial bonds were lower J or CAE Ind 500 ve WY |with the 4%4-per-cent Sept. 15, . ° ° ' CAE Ind et 20 f s" er _,|1983, issue closing at 81% bid with Large International Organization Can Malt. 100 $204, 2314 Zia -- i4jand 82 asked. Must 'have a car. Age 28 - 40. Salary, commission can brew 255 74 7% 74-- M4) Day-to-day money traded a| and car allowance. C Curt 18400 185. 190 |45@ per cent. : Gin Eauty i Geta erenanty bile | were For appointment call Mr. Harwood at CGE 50 $4 40 40 junchanged with the 91-day bills 576-1 340 € imp Bnk 975 $13% 134 13% + Yel closing at 4.48 per cent and the| Gum OO ey he Ok ee ieaeday bills at 4.66. =| LOOSE ROCK WOOL Full AT OUR MALTON, SCARBORO, NORTH YONGE, AJAX, BROOKLIN, BARRIE & NORTH BAY YARDS! FAMOUS "REDTOP" THERMAFIBRE INSULATION 2" OR 3" BATTS Jl CARTON Standard ) Factor 7 hi iB SQUARE FOOT CARTON! Ty aa any quantity! 1%" NO. 1 2-0 x 6-6 5.84 5 2-2 x 6-6 5.04. STAINLESS STEEL i 2x6 x8 1 aie gra "ILE THEY _L Drilled For Hardware! Hinges Installed! MAHOG. BI-FOLD DOORS hs alg wae... 2 30x66" ........°10 Screen & WINDOWS Combination Storm and Screen! il. Parts Econoli Srotie ehedl! s sigaiet! | ttle, | Keon 4x8" $4.19 Bf cid "REDI-VUE" 20 "one atterns SASHLESS Smaller Lots Add 20¢ Per Panel! 12" x 12" | winpows 'Vinyl Asbestos | 2-6 x 2-6 11,56 3-0 x 3-0 18,97 FLOOR TILES 4-0 x 3-0 17,81 M' 5.0 x 3-0 20,68 6-0 x 3-0 28,66 ie pear Sey See 9x8" TILES 6/0 UP! | Frame! KNOTTY PI 1x6-7' bundle ... 1x6-8' bundle ... 1x8-7' bundle ... 1x8-8' bundle ... Prefinished P LYWO "Reynolds" Horizontal Sparkling White! ALUMINUM Lavan Mahogany 4'y7! SIDING SSOwGr. | Eien agi Sel 1 Gatch tin S00 Undercoated! Full 18" x 20" x ALUMINUM Combination re 1g er int CONTIN E! each | A.FEW 4x 7's $2.44 each in crates LU . Smoller Lots Add 20c per panel! 1-6 x 6-6 B07 a TOP QUALITY! KACH IN 8 cvee-anooven" " *7 § : i zexes baT MAHOGANY & CUBIC C ~ Size FOOT axe " ANY QUANTITY! BAGS! 3" ( 60 SQUARE FOOT ¢ CARTON! ) R-10 Insulation Factor Standard INSULATION SALE 3 DAYS ONLY -- FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY! HURRY?! OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER! MAHOGANY MAHOGANY ae 9.18 CRATES! Smaller Lots = | 18 $2.9] we! COMPLETE with STRAINER ene Storm RS ' 48 Hardware $2.75 Set! Louvered Also Available! MU------Mi $] 9.99 a Order Now! We Make To Your Sixes! i s- wy PANELLING UP ABITIBI "PIONEER ASH packed 6 layers te the bundle 12 vi 4,96 5.67 Milled with shiplap joint approx. 4" thick! 4'x8' .74 $3 Canadien Made COMMON NAILS 2" 35:76 314" $563 3" #5 4" 5" PER 50-LB. CARTON? HARDBOARD 4:9': vi' $1.18 .... EAVESTROUGH neme trene'-" $1.08 ... CEDAR CLOSET LINING srr sr $10.55 INTERIOR LATEX PAINT 'mar $3:85 KEY-IN-KNOB LOCKSETS = ©©$5.40 ua 1T-Galion Water Systems $91:%5 61," Clreular Power Saws $22.85 uns B9C| cuimners 522-75 FURNACES ncch, $1555 RANGE HOODS -- S22%7"Faine 14-2 ELECTRIC WIRE 1%6 "Siu "Cascade"40-gal, Water Heaters © *§ 9:25 34" CABINET 4! x"! MAHOGANY $10.80 su. PLYWOOD pinch §=--_--$ 13.16 ™. "As" Grade Arborite Overhead Stee! eagd or Formica! P ASPHALT | post ronmen | SARNGE _ SHINGLES | Counter Tops Tweed! "Red, Tweed! 6Ft, $20,965 } *0'e" $47.55 $5. 88. Ft. 27195 Jor 48,95 White "A" Grade 3-PC, BATHROOM 3' Bathtub! 17x19" Basin! Reverse Trap e Toilet! S-Pe. Bath Set $105.40 TCHALET" Oak Elm and Birch --= $595 Clearing! SELP-SEAL sgt 10 Ft. 34,95 64.75 8'x7'0" reer ea ine '. erry, Biatifien Pine While Tey is Leet ~ -- Hu Some Items Limited Quantit; Less Than $3.50 Fe.t 100° $11.70 CHAIN 36" 50° $5.88 LINK -- 4a 50°$6.75 -- 100'$13,45 FENCING Gstes Available! T-Bar Posts 98¢ each Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays To 5 p.m.; Fridays to 9 p.m. AJAX Hwy. 401 to Exit No. 66, south on Harwood to Station Road and West to 161 Dowty Road. PHONE AJAX 942-1221 BROOKLIN At Highway No. 7 and 12 North of Whitby PHONE BROOKLIN 655-3313 DONALD DUCK BLONDIE j ee prey chee SNAPPLES, » OK, DELICIOUS/" LI'L ABNER HENRY GREG'S FALLING IN LOVE WITH TAMARA ACCESSORY TO PLANS THE COLONEL MIGHT HAVE FOR JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE

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