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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1967, p. 15

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20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 29, 1967 J5 GUIDE 20--Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER| '20--Real Estate for Sale H. KEITH 20--Real Estate for Scle JOHN F. 20--Real Estate for Sale | Le McMULLAN & Co. 19--Male and Female 18--Male Help Wanted bathed Help Wanted WE PAY YOU 25--Houses for Rent 20--Real Estate for Sale 120 Dundes West WHITBY ) ADS TO TRAIN FOR REAL ESTATE Po by Ao D W h SIAHOROOM, plore Ne Itt ts many Tapio TSP : LTD: District for over 31 years t ke alto pesen Telephon ma COUNTRY "avis eae bedroom RETAIL SALES PHOTO MLS REALTOR REALTY LTD. © gd Be eee eA baartie one Year lene. Call S760, "cin 723-2265 WANTED REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR bungalow only 11 years old, Living room | -" 18' x 12; rec room, extra bedroom and|THREE BEDROOM house, fi large gar- roughed in bath in basement. Call Irene|age, possession October 1. $125 mi ly. Brown at 725-3867 -- Schofield-Aker Ltd.,| Telephone 728-0929. REALTOR 16 Simcoe St. S. 303 HILLSIDE STORE 576-0330 ASSOCIATES 14--Business Opportunities New In Canada MANAGEMENT Rapidly expanding Canadian Retail Firm with stores from coast to coast has immediate Lorge, progressive real es- tate company has opportunity for sales personnel, in Bow- manville area. Previous sales experience helpful. We are INCOME PROPERTY Two and a half storey brick home in good condition with three, one bedroom apart- ments, in good renting down- town area. Reasonable down A DOCTOR, A LAWYER, OR INDIAN CHIEF This fine' doctor's home has just been listed and featur- es a large family room, very modern kitchen and dining 723-5281 SIDE SPLIT LEVEL 1 @ This very attractive 3 bed- 14 Frank Street Bowmanville 623-3950 BOWMANVILLE: Well kept, nicely decorated, 3 bedroom 668-6201 LOTS & LOTS 10 ACRE LOT Real Estate. PRIVATE. Three bedrooms, liv room, kitchen and store. Two bay garages, re- modelled inside and out. Stone front, aluminum siding. On Highway 12, near Sunderland. Small down payment or will accept new model car, house er cottage az down payment. 728-0424. THREE-BEDROOM house for rent, cen tral, near bus stop. Available immediate ly, $115 per month. Telephone 723-5923. ADULTS ONLY, dining room, centrally located. $80. ply 136 Church between " THREE-BEDROOM house, off Sim N., in good district, $115. aay: Write ~five-room house with Ap m. - 4 p.m, Portable car Simonizing i in ladi ; interested in ladies or gentle- room, family size living room . _ i e ; openings for young men to iia WH oe daiite for Hibhe payment. For more informa- D z room home in. the Southeast! brick. BURAGIEy With. BOE: With stream and hardwood [$2000 DOWN, five-room brick bunga- oe train on, the. job for store er earnings, and who wish tion call IDSO WIERSMA, the cates perl perth ea a . eG sid Besnd+t ent apt. Owner anxious 16 bush 342 miles from Whitby. [(ra'™ncecmece beth Newly, decor Gekaanr ote - = ie ; Management, with further op- to moke a career in real es- 728-5683. ly fenced in is only 2 years etn Mee ee eet Soe geil: Gall Mies, MORDDhIS List price $8,500. He i nteetent Mew "oll fornsea: [CAGkE Streets $108 er onmne Avaliobie Fontastic demands have portunities in Home Office tate, We offer complete sole ue e Ht cnt ey ed tiled bath, fenced in large) (53 7159 ground TV aerial. 1s now vacant. Cen-\October 1. Telephone 728-5422. made it possible to own ond and administrative positions. training, together with spec- 185 ACRES--COBOURG: old. Huge double. garage, patio, Phone now to inspect this : $1,000 DOWN trally located, '2-block from school. 725- magapen ee rong ° a operate a while-you-wait car jal company benefits. For a Excellent beef farm with two ond spacious well. londscap- unusually 'beautiful home. Pric-) $1500. DOWN for 7 roomed 83 x 181' large lot'with plen- |" three-bedroom unfurnished home, $150 simonizing service, previous @ Ages ' jesir- ed grounds, Owner will ta ed ot 600, ' f ' ty of shade tr lust att is the asking price and the owner|monthly, Telephone 839-1241, Dunbarton, ' iously Ages 20 to 30 d confidential interview, please barns and a 10 room house ed grounds. 0: take d $25,600 home in village. 15 minutes $ ees, just off No, [$7178 t avallopia ene rental boss able. Single men pre- write, giving details 'of past 140 acres of good workable a reasonable down payment isu from Oshawa, Asking $11,- 12 Highway. List price $4,- hl Bg bison, ie bart Perry fe eee - _ only, ferred. ¢ A gr . and hold the mortgage on F 500. carrying charges make this a very eco- |POUR" ROOM fiat, first floor, pr : employment, education ond land, Could be used as a excellent terms pen House 600. BE eae Mi Buliiea, (entrance, furnished, newly decorated, Experience not necessary, os @Starting salaries depend age to: Dairy or Pig farm. For further | RNS 334 ACRES OF LAND Realtor. 723-1148 , "infant welcomed. Abstainers. Apply 137 we will train you. on age, education, and information call DSO WIERS- MARY STREET |} ALL WEEKEND 2-5 P.M. ble mes 4 ret 2 ie 7 fenthagibi F AChE HN OA a ta Street, Whitby, 'i | : year o ome wi carport, i well and utility build- Saag t LEAN FIVE room house, > storey 'and Start on a part time basis past work experience. BOWES and MA 728-5683. 2 bedroom frame bungalow | 85 Churchill 2 bathrooms, Electrically heat- ing. Between Ne 12 High- * $12,000 and $9,000 Ye alee |a half, three bedrooms, convenient east with earnings up to $150 a @Future salary depends OLDER HOME adjacent to O'Neill Colleg- Split Level ed. Large lot. Call George way and Thickson Rd. on. - {7807 : \Sore, "ply box M7434 Oshawe | pd week, upon the ability ond jate, completely renovated 3. Bedrooms VanDyk 623-7437 Taunton Rd, List price $5,- |BRICK OUPLEX -- two kitchens, two! rformance of the Two and a half storey older . ¢ bathrooms, seven-room brick with ga- |FARM HOUSE to rent in Lake Scugo PHONE 112 635-718 persor binky tasted: bn Adeleid inside with very modern kit- Separate Dining Room : 700. |ra0 Oh een a anti 28°| area, for couple. References. In your re- ce * 0 individual, LIMITED Hf . gy id k Liane chen, 4 pc. bath with vanity, Recreation Room NEAR OSHAWA: 120 acre IStreets Only $16,900. with $3,000. down, (BY please give telephone number. Box ' @ Extensive expansion venue. Kast Would: MaKe on large dining room and good Spacious Lawn farm, with pond. Stream, NO. 12 HIGHWAY Call. Jack Appleby, evenings 723-3398. | 5762, or write M75876 _-- programme and super- 97A King Street East excellent income home. Two ce bedioaas; Diner will Roch or Siiene. t House and barn. Asking $42,- VY mile north of Brooklin, |Bolahood Brothers Limited, 728-5123. [9 iaannes tor | pg Oshawa Times vised training provides Cobourg Ontario car garage. = ond refri- take reasonable down pay- || Sunset--West to Hortop-- 000. Terms, Call Harry Coutts 2V4 acres of land with good |MODERN BRICK Bungalow. Three hed | 6-- Pp excellent opportunity for pi eek hes ie eke $16 500 ae Nita ment and hold one mortgage South to 85 CHURCHILL 725-2649, well, List price $6,000 Park Rd § Yocati me near french 25 Sheraseauk gece aes hea ; ¥ reds 5 $ ; ioe: School n H jon, hi in ' Building F es tat sie Call GORD CHARLTON 728- | £*F the Pelonce. | ED OSHAWA: Spotless brick bun- BROOKLIN eetone eal erry. Coser vat raesste| = OSHAWA'S BEST g ror 13 : P ° 8569. $16,900 | JUST LISTE | galow at Labrador Dr. Oil Large landscaped lot, 66' x |2n¢, arrange an appointment shiiy's RENTAL VALUE Sale or Rent: { ashes ' i App c Pic ers Full price for this 3 bed- I @ Income property on One o! heated, 4-pc. bath vanity, 202' with double garage ond |, eee ee ; @ Employee benefits in- BUILDING LOT sccm brick 'banolow situer: the City's nicer streets, 1-3 bed-| About 5 years old. Lovely work shop, town water, List [3100 with Sua ee rurale. lr SEE Ritson and Wentworth 'Area. clude Pension Plan, Large building lot in the 2 room. apartment, |-one bed-| focation, Close to everywhere. price $5,500 728-2548, Keith Peters Realty ; d on Whit Cc t. All 220 and 550 service suit- Group Life Insurance Urgent al ME country with stream running baal POE Seer | room apartment an nd bachelor! 614% fnortgage N.H.A. : able for light industry. and Health Plan, Profit sable eae ai ieee through. Close to Raglan. ia ator ares ney: | apartment on third floc AFTER HOURS CALL PRIVATE SALE, two-bedroom _ brick TOWER ' ; : : g : en an amily size living ft le fl "OUNTRY LIVING 60) i eee ement with: small Telephone 725-4400 Sharing, Summer and experienced. Best pay in the $3,300 with excellent terms. Stor NG. baliek Bayon the wood and til Alc ors, r oe : peep 6r a" Tim Vipond 668-8 unigaloy ished basement w sma on BUYING, selling apt. bidgs., shopping Miiier Yerarions: orea, Apply Coll GORD CHARLTON, 728-° | ice aikee Check dnd | et Melee ol oe rh fe baat and Ges AN Ged: Alvin Puckrin 668-4335 eway, well kept Indoors and ' Ms ads i e 1 drive orn ar rage mod- ; # Simco e " ne 7 Fea ei Wot: 'beatles ena: QUALIFICATIONS ie compare! 1 Go Soery for tne ireestoentl am cconenietces, Askvy |__Doud Winstonley 659-3642 vimerma" "| the GREEN 128-7585, F | - $18.5 none @ Leadership ability. BUNGALOW BEAUFORT ST | conscious buyer. Call tonight $18,500. Terms. Call George 20 S P Z RETIRED -- with three hours of ; AL O MA : % VanDyk, 623-7437 ELMGROVE AVE ia--Summer Properties : ime every other week hours yo @ At least High School \COMPLETELY FURNISHED This desirable location is ad- Dyk, 623-7437. | Gniy 3 biccks from the Shc For Sale or Rent Overlooking the park located ran give you a return of $145. per week, education, or better. | Lovely two bedroom bungalow pant 46. Ge I RONC | ee : Lge adend on Mary St. North. | jacent to the Seventh Day O n House C NO: 2 year old brick ee sig A Bade Fe pgp LTE i aly Attractive starting sal- | | beautifully furnished, com- Adventist Church and has pe , bungalow wtih living and din | ihe agit hie ' cneheasiae | | Swimming pool, sauna bath i 5 ' | ND ; are } ving i me i Itimate in ele i } 4 1 Uh ena aries. for both High ORCHARDS Ltd. plete with drapes, bedspreads, | always been a popular loca- ALL WEEKE 2-5 P.M, ing room. Small stream in | trical iting, Living Room 17" | $5. us $] . gym room and rec room. -- Beauty shop equipment: School and University kitchen appliances and other tion for those who want some- 736 ' oieenHal hie: back yard. Asking $17,900. | x 21° with: Ho6r4o. .esiling | Boks 5 sibel ied hs | Frets Hhatig two Graduates. _Thickson Rd. N., Whitby items too numerous to men- | thing just a little bit better, Ranch: Style Terms. Call George VanDyk | natural stone fireplace pict | PER FOOT Our Marie suite is furnished ee anil yas oe ol nai ~~ HOW TO EARN ro ree FRANK SMITH, ee ee 3 badiden Heme Gast S07, | hogony plonked wall, ond | 95 miles from Oshawa, go by WILSON'S FURNITURE, Saige y™ BERLE ee TERR periodic expense-pai €eping. Ca <3 1 | year old, 3 bedroom Kassin- Pints . nia "\ at ty well becadiogm Fons | fait On Pilghwey 401 "fo | 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. 15--Employment | Wanted transfers during train- MORE MONEY EN 576-0330 or 576-1415. | ger built home can be yours. al ealteeate 1 sth | ily Rion conellad eel | Highway No. 35 and No. 115 | DAY CARE given by former kinder- ing. EN ond Woe FOUR BEDROOMS | Inspect this property mow, |] south on Park Road t | oak, broadioom, built-in li- | to Peterborough. Go north on | OPEN DAILY Bin ace Ve tae roar tee ebb IN Wavrini watina | belch te ioe weet the de Beautiful brick tri-level witk and make your offer. | Phillip Murray ~ one | brory with natural oak book- | Highway No. 28, 55 miles, 2 | FROM 2 P.M, -- 9 P.M nome, fenced yard, rec. room, reason- person to help meet the de- eautiful brick tri-level with : Ns "Gc OP hel miles south of Bancroft to | rAsigh Bb Ph 725-7136. ' y 14 | | block then right 3 t shelves. Dining Room panel- Ny Ps; Phone 725-7136. o full particulars:; Name, ad: mand for a much needed ser- attached garage located in DUPLEX | LAURENTIAN AVENUE ---- led in oak, broadloomed and Bentley Lake Estates. or by appointment [OVING CARE for one child In my dress, telephone number, age, vice for motorists, Pleasant, lovely Braemor Gardens. Two | In excellent North End: Lo- eats LTD. REALTOR Swnar wil leave dintne room Sales personnel on property 576-2280 or 725-9750 one weeny, week, Nonquon Rd. marital status, education, and dginified, good paying work. washroom corlon on the cation this pair of 2 bedroom | eee ' suite that matches. Ultra | every weekend, Sand beaches, SVS NICLINE Gat icici ae previous work experience. No experience necessary but goed ge baibreomn ms. | units are in excellent condi- | ~ LLCROFT STREET | 623-2503 mddarn. Kitchen. Huse "Rec | roads.and hydro, custom built | 2 For full information -~shaped living and dining | tion, and have s HI .E | ; | cott $2,200. complet pole small moving jobs, odd jobs, ete, a car is. For | | ee ave spacious | Room with 3 pc ashroom. cottages. : . complete. - ane TELLERS LTD. BB aN doer LAR ' Call FRANK" Sanit "76. rooms, Move in and live rent Il] @ 6 rooms, 1 storey home| Bessborough Drive -- Excep- A Geceewie with builtin Beds 10% down, 10 year open o baie bing een ENCED comptor or . es a A ad free, paved drive, detached < .| tionally attractive large home included in 3 rooms, Work- mortgage. 699 -B696 Toronto 8 < Sauires parts Hime work. Write Box 226 obliga S. CU 0330 or 576-1415. Lovely terraced lawn with s | in exclusive northwest oreo, shop ot rear of eA 20° | HOUSEKEEPING -- Cottages for gpnery | 21 King St. W., Bowmanville iNoow. nnd Weer cine 2 shawa. int $1500 DOWN GIBB ST. | trees and shrubs. Oil Mead Seven rooms with many ex- x 30' and assessed for stor- on Rice Lake, all modern conveniences, | ' , wall a joor cleaning. AND , : 2 bedroom Bungalow in excel- | For further information please} tras such as two fireplaces, 3 age. Listed at $30,000. Re- {oe hour's drive. Telephone 725-6064, | at ainting for office and home. Janitor's T brick ' | 9 nL ee »~ Re Mole Wace ea peime hae, CARETAKER. WAITERS wo storey brick, six rooms. lent condition throughout. | call tonight. | baths, patio, garage and sponsible party can name his (21 F oe Si 1 td and vinyl floor matting. Multl-Clean Experience not necessary. Large lot in excellent condi- New modern kitchen, rec. |p - | paved drive, all on huge well own down poyment and RR arms Bibs for acre Sa Move to aie Sav" Glee Sy Sua - urgently Apply Mr. Coirpbell Cano. Se eee? mulher one room and very modern 4 || OPEN || landscaped lot. terms. Call George Twaites at |BUYING OR SELLING, Be size con-| y wi r pre § wntown, Includes extra | c. bathroom. Ask 1,- | | 2 i tact Clare McCullough, W. Frank, Real! Sg ey et A lie alia required oo sable ali large garage. Only $16,300. BOGr te eran wy | ALL WEEKEND 2-5 P.M, || $1,500 Down -- Older style FeO Reig STDMAKER estate, Realtor. 723-7003 or 728185. _| Mala Glen e BB sek nd BS a. " ee pA full price. Call immediately, | " . split-level home just a bit | : __|JANETVILLE -- 200 "acre, good produc nor wit inaured, (908 Jobs, done, for Brooklin Sr. Public School. [REPRRSRNTATIVES needed to fake) PHOUG CARMICHAEL 723- a ; ||. brand new homes on north of Bowmanville, Res | jing farm, 160 acres workable, balance | Courts rt) jout truck, Rent truck with ® einascoore: ols library, oll jerders sir Tec ris mas and everyday] 7463, nie omnue canklp-renevetedsand modern: | EXCELLENT BUY bush and pasture Very good buildings. | ri ' Po! ht non cu: | roqu i ri ' Stunted in a uncet di bl Will sell equipment also, Call John) 835 Oxford S CED TY! iV furnace. Apply in writing, omer or representative. Catalogues on , ea | ized. Low asking price o itu i nost desirable --/Sandy, 725-8010. W. ©. Martin Realtor, | xfor t. home. Telephone 723-9906 after 6' p.m. Pcie ainresiete odo, (teed ome kh EAECULIVE RANCHER | KNOCKS [Bungalows 'with attached 11 ony $11,900: for this tovely, | Terth onda, on.o B85 ft, lot, Tes RELIABLE WOMAN will care for one - Ky ' nue, Toronto 8. Beautifully landscaped dream | {Still a few new homes left | | Piclavals with carports | homesite among the pines this long, low ranch bunga \22--Lots for Sale Building for comfortable liv- toed lis home. mieesy weeks perience to: ARE YOU INTERESTED in learning to} home just east of Oshawa, | lin Pinewood Terrace, Tet Bia Cbeeb Pane Taunton from and the fresh air. low offers so many extras: | : | ing, within walking distance 595. ee ieee MURRAY ROBINSON [{iRes, Sipgriceh, Sautnmmnt?, Write, Ber) Custom built maple kitchen | | Priecd from $19,675.00 | | . Simcoe to So rville V.L.A. -- Five acres of ga few to calling store fie] peas es (ee "| with built-in automatic wash- 340, | ZA 3 Ps th 7 Plve acres 0 Je place, family room overlook- ' @ Controlled entrance doors 17--Female Help Wanted eerie: Pe ai Shades Separate dining 634% _N.H.A. | now come ni rth to den Xend fruit trees in this ing the pool, double garage, | 10 acres -- $2,000. per acre, @ Modern spacious suites P.O. Box 400 sabia With vrehina: cabinet, MORTGAGES | |_our MODELS quiet little village only 13 paved drive, garburator, built- 15 acres -- $2,000. per acre. @ Lorge balconies. ( : 20--Real Estate for Sale Double car garage, paved May be purchased as low | | i LOON. LAKE miles from Oshawa. Older 3 in dishwasher, 3 washrooms, : @ Hi-fi music in every suite Brooklin, Ont. circular drive. Coll PAULINE as $1,450, DOWN } | MISE bedroom brick bungalow sit- broadioom throughout. Alt | | INVESTMENT PROPERTY ak GE a guna B PAYMENT SUBJECT TO IV @ Lovely cedar siding cot l clots. 40. 'gchool; on h 3 f 9 } @ Los closet space EAL, 725-0239. E J | ery eee ae : uated close a this and more for a reason- 20 it t t site | @ Free Parkin THERAPY ASSISTANT REAL ESTATE APPROVAL. 11 Boer folte Iyomeheds bot and! scare ret-lined Jot, Sk aod ores for a rect | ab ue seen ee) CENTRAL $2,000 DOWN | [This some style home will be | cold running water, patio, T.V.! held mortgage. Call Irene | Oshawa, . excellant: locatton, @ Extra poder room in 2 (Qualified) SALESMAN TOWNLINE | | much higher next spring. | | Tower. Just seven miles 147 Acres -- Very produc- | Brown at 725-3867 of Scho- $30,000. including all build- and 3 bedroom suites DON'T WAIT | Haliburton on large lake tive and luerative beef farm | fieid-Aker Ltd. Real Estat noe Immediate vacancy. Details Wanted $60) Oshawa: othes ONTARIO ih Ae Naelp saad INVESTIGATE | | lot 'which is beaut near Seagrave, Six room | for appointment te view. eu é Call Call Today as to salary, benefits and ; 4 . ownline Rd, N. close to No. | Boat house and fibre glass be house ond barns all in very idl Inquiries treated confident- 2 Highway. Large kitchen bed P | ood condition, Owne tir- CLARE McCULLOUGH duties may be obtained on bane Ad . CALL 723-2265 | For further information call to good condition, pr retir: Mrs. Werner oe lally. Call W. Baldwin, ma- TR S and dining room combined. PES niaht | ing DUPLEX $1 000 723-7843 personal application to. ! 1% acres of good garden NOW | gn: , ° a ae ; om: 1b. Sintoe 4 Noah lond. Ideal for VLA. Call | -------- ------_ | GUIDE REALTY | Mosport Pork -- No, we DOWN W. FRANK 725-0657 rector lersonne! : AULI A al ore not offering this now , PAULINE BEAL, 725-0239. For full particulars LIMITED turhere or fg le, 6 Full price only $10,900. | REAL ESTATE LTD. Weekdays 12-9 P.M. OSHAWA GENERAL REAL ESTATE DEPT. DONOVAN CRESC Call 723-2265 co ee ee cae ce | tae Goal) enasliel be Sot. & Sun, 12-6 P.M. i. t Sou | i er eed HOSPITAL RALPH SCHOFIELD WHITBY Irene Brown 725-3867 16 Simcoe. otrest, 20urn immediately adjoining _ this home on Olive Ave. Mortgage }10 ACRE LOTS, 20 minutes to GM, or After Hours 625-1759 M 1 ie Gs A ; : jch schools on ed ad, th REAL ESTATE LTD. Manager Three bedroom bungalow hai Rae ae | 723 5281 | beehive ot eee sere corries for $80. a month-- ote to eheoee trom: "Ail partially Hisber tia 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa situated in north end of the Gaston Twat ' acres oF lang wi POUT estat | |with pond sites. Reasonably priced. 263-| bs 4 ; eek A * ge Twaites 723-2008 | bush and stream. As a future state sale, rents for $165. |2s69 . LIGHT A 728-7585 Low. Priced Living tony ull Bess and stove Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 investment, this is it. a month. See this now. Call | PRIVATE SALE: The most picturesque! Immediate Occupancy FACTORY REL ICT ca tea | Rint tom two-storey older | Sh Coa exeliont cae | Ran eee 1 Jock Appleby, evenings 723- |)ns"paved"road, 'fenceds arse pere.| (Casq Manana i jE idence with upstairs in- fied Mel Dale 623-5638 hotles 050 : ' Prbiadsiy ach Bhs cd o J0ie an honest man with a car I'll dus mortgage. Call JIM WILSON 3398. BOLAHOOD BROTH-. [never falling stream, springs, and 2¥a . see! : t. New furnace . Ed Drumm 725-9345 : acres of bush. Priced at $9,500. For more | set him up in his own high | SOME oPartmen 668-6419 or 668-3172. ERS Limited, Realtor, 728- mati ipi WORK icra and eric bu | 5ggcne, fo 401 dum $12 | SUT Moi, Boudwou 728-2233 | REAL ESTATE LTD. | ete Redher, 72 | Girls required for new Ajox ee EEC T RIC TEA TING | Bill McFasters 725-1726 REALTOR eases sete t eRe cacaere Best rental value in the heart year after year. No money re- Hear Ye! Hear Ye! eautiful three -- bedroom 40 King St. E Same Dee of town. company. Good working con- cuired t0 start, Full vOr Ot | Arasious Oumar says SELLE |! tome in enero Tecate | OPEN Oe nea sek as 6 PLEX APT. BLOG, |g Oe ee ee ae ime. "i itby. roadloom an ) hs = ae ___| Impressive lobbies ditions and starting salary. Apply to Wesley Walmsley, SELL! Because he. requires drapes in living room includ- Member of the O.D.R.E.B. SPARKLING NEW FOR SALE \MAPLE GROVE -- best location, 10 304 Golf St. Oshawa. Phone larger house owner will soc- Gdn he alee Paved: dehie WE_ LIST AND SELL M.L.S. and only 634% NHA mort- : lacres, choice building lot. Residential) 'Controlled entrance door bared a ler a . rifice cozy back-split 5- nse ne ee carelatal MORTGAGES ARRANGED | gage, choice north west lo REALTY LTD., 728-7328 thu. Ga coat: fseee 'close, "ern Steuter" Hann, 728- as room bungalow for quick sale. inhiicdped) Abtoched shed 360 King St. West, Oshowo _ | . cation. 3 bedroom, split with R T te : ndition, Modern spacious suites BOX 220, AJAX poled spome: hessts, sin Call JIM V Sttached garage, family room '| 103 KING STREET EAS erfect, renting location: [23--Real Estate Want 'Wanted _ ; , ce nter: I th port a . WILSON, 1] St dri Bendel as Large balconies REQUIRED re interior elegance wi 668-6419 or 668-3172 and extra washr n, Fully Oves an ridges included, | large living room, finished |------>-?"~ bl th dO ha wodded:. ime REALTOR " es Clients in deporate iis cad eet a ' decorated ar dded, i well landscaped lot in quiet fi musi¢ in ev rec room, extra wash room q homes in the Oshawa areo Hi usi¢ in every suite EARN EXTRA Mon to keep A goateed make dernbatt foaindey Saved Gk W. mediate possession $26,900.00 ---- Ranch brick court, Asking $58,000, Reo- We supply the Purchasers, ane MONEY Baie saa tacora oe nent and 74 ft. nicely landscaped $2,400. DOWN Bungalow wtih pau va aaa sonable down payment, terms You <upoly ie house | ots of closet space , t . Show Canada's finest line of and great performance. Please lot. HURRY! HURRY! See to- buys this 3 bedroom bunge- | pe! erate er taved arranged. Phone 725-4466 CALL 576-0330 Free parking Christmas cards, Wraps, No- submit a full resume in own day and get your offer in. low wtih extra washroom and ape: TAS ie is in an after 6 p.m. for more infor- . This is your chance velties, etc. Over 300 items. writing to, A. Smith, Per- | Brooklin-- Only $15,900 partially finished basement, excellent north' west loca- mation, H. Keith Ltd. ACT N For free, beautifully illus- sonnel Manager, LAKE ONT- y " Real' Eetate td carries for only $118- per ro alebe (86 eehbals, bles REALTOR OW trated catalogue samples, on ARIO. STEEL. COMPANY, | [mmaculajé. s-peareom prick BERL TGR e month including taxes, 2 | Gnd' shoppin : Se ee " Call MRS. WERNER approval and the fastest ser- Ltd. Box. 330, Whitby, Ont- bungalow newly decorated weeks possession, Les C S WANT YOUR HOME : : vice, Jeandron Greeting Card nein -- Many features include a 21 King St. W. SPLIT - LEVEL -- Three aie sities SOLD NOW? oy Ld. (253 King St. E., rat ig et or BOWMANVILLE WESTMORELAND AVE. | ° bedrooms, close to. shopping Newcastle f 725-0657 lamilton. Ont. with natural fireplace. L- TERRACE Owner will accept $2,000. : ' i ; ; 1 Have CASH & TERM ee Nora Seale and dining Phone 623-3393 down payment and will carry paresis ia ocen paniave nies Paoreein ve uy ER Pag "5 ney room, Paved drive and nice- Se V4 © ace ee t Bi ric veneer with 4-piece | d Joh 728-1066 | at. un, + .M, arH Member Oshawa and District 72% mortgage for the offer with good down pay- OL ARSE Nh Cail Willar 's nston é G ostesses Mala <= 'married. preferred. ly le wig bgt Located eal eents 7 uaitey 1 pry reg OF belance 3. bedroom, 2 stor- eee pen: cl ean ot conse SCHOFIELD-AKER | or after hours 625-1759 We require one full time, APPLY hich wane lanes hg AND RD. ey home in convenient loca- : : own cabi- | ; ' Z Riso ZI0 nets, flooring -- and__ paint LTD. | nights, 6 p.m. - 1 a.m., and ; (| 55 Acres Stone House tion off Simcoe St. North. A ZION -- Modern bungalow as a : four part time for weekends. Scott's Chicken Villa Old Income Ass f Bowmanville just North EAST ON WILSON RD. real buy for a family want with basement apartment lee uy voy pe _ Ye SCARBORO BUYERS i NOW RENTING Must be neat, reliable and Whitby -- 668-6801 AB Meth beat Mac eeiariad cll of town limits. Valuable fron- NORTH ing a home for only $14,300. and attached garage, hard- ide 837 or see | ' a PROUT Sind Aire teste ted REE in good rental district, Pres- ; take Hwy. 2 to Newcastle Employees for a large Scar- M d f Osh 4, energetic. Telephone Mr. Ed MECHANIC with type A licence. Man shi end ee duplen ASK tage on 2 paved rocds (Heschvckd xe S Blbek ; SACRIFICE wood Noes Ho pasenjant, turn north at North St boro firm desires homes in rtd oe a : Jabelatde Campbell, 728-6756 with experience on farm and industrial : : room, 100 yedr old stone (Beechwood --- locks wes > F cil heating, large property 1 in : : hatge : uber. Pee or y! : H ING only $13,500, ' '| Wils i ) 7 1¥% miles. Other lots «and Oshawa area. Due to the bi th equipment preferred. Good wages, year ' f house. Barn 34' x 85' | of Wilson) The owner says, this has to 70 x 215 ft. off Taunton 2 reasonable rents at the ROBBIES DRIVE-IN Eevipment Lids art Berrys Farm Poccibilities stream. owner transferred. 2 signly. 4 bedroom Goris be the best buy in Oshawa Road, close to school. RTH nora pa cali ogaita eae Ask 42,000. -- T i f bed oil heated % KING ST. W. See MEET MANTIS] Lace se or Toot" x | Manne HA000 -- Term | i stiopan == 8 rom | fe ai ahashed cerm, | LESKARD <- TWO ACRES | fi ream trick hom, fot | Ri Gal uOUS CAR . oe ee ring.) 333'7"' with two homes pres- 140 A Osh A bungalows with walk - out g : ood buildi ite. Aski FF be MICHAEL, 723-7463. --$$$$_________ ieee No. 2 Hwy. See Mr. Lennox. pres cres Ushawa /\rea 9 a choice lot, 66 158 ft. go ullding site, "A\sKINg duced to $14 q & GMAW tole Ih MRO care fer my TINlGR RMRUVIVE TYRES Hers, Cuil. cented, ne leases, This Corner property with' stream basements, some with garages By Seimannilla north of Ross 3,500.00. daa a a ne me H. KEITH LTD., Realtor hildren, in Ajax. Telephone between 8 desirable property is located and balconies. Dey er: RG. Vener nln S A m. and 330 p.s 9406379 Peete Ene Habit yah | a Mobel ttl kite 5 Latin ba saat one pond sites. Excellent we land. Owner transferred and NEWCASTLE AREA Sev will hold balance on one mort 24--Stores, Offices, Storage i ke apor n AAA: vv - s eae is. onan ° ELIABLE, mature lady In this area nice coupentaten thy Nore building and has excellent Only 897000 Se 000 ALL HOMES READY FOR ee Se $n. acres, Wil abot 1450 ait isasale Peele ee S S R ystire, 'Complete alo" In your bones Schau aren "resize! "pre:| possibilities. Asking $45,000. | down. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY IF i. frontboe on TAGnNOY NS. 1 Se tutther information "and STORE L + me. Write B 18, erred, age , no travel. Position are ee BS . Asking $4, .00. / t : Realise ecealinani sails rein' | OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE | 110 Acre Retreat -- | All Homes ove compisely | ons"W'piew'on Simece'st. | HunvTERS & SPORTSMEN! | Bice' Garrooe, "733-3418, | Aporeximaely 2000 sf i M OMPANION, < abstal in ; fi rT 1 i . decorated and lot com let "3 * be r. WUE SO 2 4 . 1c arriage, 3-96) ri pproximate y sq " ay 1h Dood health, ee Sy Mcinaens Box sash Oshawa Times. ie BUY ash vrata bee bandh ly sodded . eee with tyes aot ft nee ahh 10 Acres mostly bush, good J, B. McMULLAN & CO, very centrally located on Sim- N E ties, live in. Write Box M76569, Osh- iene san : ; 3 wait, this one won't last. Hi ond site about 1 i R oe N. t ons- " Ate. guts Wha parttime 3180 Bh per hour, EA (eee ae ee 1 OAL HAVE NAL did) | nes ome ae ae | Ol Oe ee Ni, rex} to Simipeonis-oeare N N AIRDRESSER required immediately, Telephone 725-0394 between 6-9 p.m. conan panko nt Good stream, Ideal 'for club MORTGAGES cash or owner will hold mort- low down payment, Call 728- : 725-1932 si Seay od full time. Must be experi- WAITER FOR COCKTAIL lounge, part- a or oe fo 9: or gentlemon's retreat. $40,- DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW gage. Building could be con- 7328. PRIVATE SALE S EPEC ESOS Site ore A eee ie ie eee Moses fe vee sakedbl eine Aral AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL 000, -- Terms AS $1,436.40 IF YOU CAN verted for many uses and this ; RET BRAC orRETT pee STORE FOR RENT, also suitable for S airstylists. jl Hotel Lanceniens 7 af West, (NO TOLL CHARGE) Kendal Hills QUALIFY huge lot provides parking Haver) the: Bay CENT, MORTGAGE, 7 room, 1% storey Saicchere a 201 Simcoe St. S. XPERIENCED WAITRESS for cofine Oshawa. a for dozens of cars. late, six-month-old, three-be hi ; ithe ai nd Reed id mr ahd Variety. stores Tavechame Tos VOLKSWAGEN mechanic, experienced, Allan Thompson 728-2870 2 acres of park-like land BUILT BY x late, siemonth-old, three-bedroam home! 4 bedrooms, living room, |TWO STORES t2- rent, also suitable for PHONE 728 9724 13, Santer Ct Ones) cleus A lichen Icon Harvey Hogan 655-3663 with stream and pond, Beau- KASSI OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE |Go train, shopping centre, schools, bay.| family room. Lot 40 x 185, _[effices. 153-155) Simcoe South. Ample Sais BRDROOM aoeiment on CT AIRDRESSER ID for general sible, steady job with top pay for right Tom Houston 668-4416 tiful 2 bedroom cottage, ful- NGER Di | Eee ceay ee Immediate possession.| extensively landscaped. Must patelog: 7a __-----------= | flor, 'heated, $105 OMe Class te x, oF Vincents | gent 70 Bond Person. Telephone 985-7162, Port Perry. | Ralph Schofield 576-1680 ly furnished. Only $16,000. IQpEN THIS WEEKEND ial 728-4678 ua BUILT TAGS ROAST a "| be seen to be oppreciated, |e ae REET ai pet sireai{north General Motors, One child wel- lest. Telephone 7: Ri 4 bls three bedroom bung- Telephone 723-3050. ART-TIME ER yr pd Pie etl gg ti Terms. : John. O'Dilscol gcse alow) Se and fairigerslon® patie, ene: Ok enueta:, Phone cays East. Telephone 723-1605. pedi ade a IME CASHIER 1. Heaiiet gl Aska Hecge tha a teas 1 P.M. until 5:30 P.M ohn O'Driscoll 25-8585 |scaped, paved drive, targe recreation FWOIROOM cliice, located "a? wae Rina Oe DROOM, kitchen, living room and urs weekly. Apply 31 rhe: nd Fe ee eee Lie Welt ING Call 623-3393, 728-7518 belek tees *9U FINA. | John Howson 725-9152 |room. 'Close to schools, quiet area, 728-7535 St Walle Planiiy 6f parking apace. Call] omreccor Bper (19 Hirt inet de cies ELIABLE BABYSITTER needed im- MEN WANTED for apple picking. SHOPP N or Toronto 923-9174 or anytime by phoning pee ' Peale! Bowmanville, Call Ken Hann, 728-5103. after 6 p.m, 725-7743, Sertis vg at 725-3557, J. B. MeMul-)© RGGMapeiaieaaparteneeh ediately, thi Must be over 18 years. ona ready to A rter = = aan ERS Ps tri seat met Preschool chilaren, Must be over. 18. years, Come Seana CENTRE oe AFTER 9 PM. an Exclusive Agents Mark "Tomine 533-1206 |HEART OF COURTICE --~ Couniry| __.| WANTED: Storage ~ space" for akicdoo. [Private tath. stove oe eta Parking. none 576-286 2% miles west of Whitby on No. 2H at Yeo -30 R y. 7 ranch bungalow, three bedrooms, pan- AND . NEW HOUSE tor 'gole" in New-|Must have access in winter. Telephone Adults only. $70 monthly. 728-7871. way at the Big Red Apples : an téckin 623-5055 SCHOFIELD-AKER 'oy Yeo 25-2217 elie family room, landscaped lot. Patio,|castle, fully decorated, three bedrooms, | 576-1632, ded LE ond ARS ST ARN aaa noliday cash -- selling ' Lovely two year old, brick, J B ski 723.8787 fruit trees, priced to sell! Call Besgie|full basement. $2,000 down, full price} 35; ; LOW RENT for mature couple in ex- upperware, sold on the home party ibica piodach Gangelow: with oe Barnoski F LTD. MEMBER O.D.RE.B. Crysler, 723-2925, W. 0. Martin Realtor,|$15.900. For more information telephone | RENT Building 20° x 30%, full base-|change for cleaning duties. For further an. Car necessary. Will train. 668-6806 ge, o Roy Foster, Orono, 983-5801 We list' exclusive ond MLS, |72#:5193 728-4866, [iment, formerly used as snack bar. Sult-|information telephone 723-1671. 723-037, FOR 3 bedrooms, Lovely landscap- Weson Banister, 360 King St. West, Oshawa MR, EXECUTIVE. This large, couniry|TEN ACRES, scenic, $6,500. "Feraion peice ade east of Piekering| WANTED -- working 'girl to share LIMITED Opportunity For Extra ed lot, fenced in yard. Lo- Garden Hill 797-2215 423* 2265 Rg sg eawne meat mepre ranch bungalow has everything. Build-|Located ten minutes northeast of Osh-|Beach Road, Ajax. Ample parking. For|furnished apartment with same. Phone arnings. Become a Beauty Counselor. RESULTS : Howard Forder, ADMIRAL ROAD -- Ajax. Choice res-lers' new home, exceptionally well fin-|awa on good 'road. One lot has three|further information telephone 942-188), {723-0123 after 5. Fa Mitel, eine encore iegteg: On Viariew - Court: Biochlin. |" <65S<3853. |subes DOWN wad low Hamhiy payireriel horney Bipedlaon dirtatcsh large beer: ished with deluxe appointments through|acres of hardwood bush and two lots FOUR ROOM second 'ioor apartment. i ; vA 3, s|home. Broadioom throu: lal -lout.. An ide, ' w * id belie SLR Msial acd 12 TIMES early possession, only $19,- George Beaton, will put you In this two year old three/|tifully landscaped lot. Call John Ravary. double, SiHached garage. ome mibiireie lots mt be seid Cal es Rie AN eed bajar ttre antes hye mc ANTED -- baby-sitter for two pre- 500. with t Call Jack P bedroom brick home situated close t0|576-3701,.W. O. Martin Realtor, 728-5103. |living. Call Ernie Holmes, 728-0796, W.|Realtor, to inspect. Whitb COUENG, OF POR WEY Se ee hoolers, while mother works... Near ACTION CLASSIFIED pe eee a ee sian nobis Perry 985-2987 _ | schools and shopping. Call. John DeWith! Have three irae, 1 Martin Realtor, 728-5103. " Wlevenings 668-4003" eewieale TIMES ACTION 11 A.M. to 5 PM. 495. Simcoe North. apg hberalllt BOREL. eld 723-8869 be- Appleby evenings 723-3398. ------| at 728-2987. 0- 725-3557. J.B. McMullan|}, HAVE three tarce, four Bedroom tin {ASKING $13,900 Nice, Iwo" storey COUNTRY LIVING? Brick | TWO BEDROOM apartment to | share lb oe ~ ADS BOLAHOOD BROTHERS Li- WANT: ADS DON'T. |sesbowarn ___Htor 'choot, 'churches. All goo. quality |brick, three. bedrosm home, Close 0 one acre, three 7 Brick 'bungalow on) §=© CLASSIFIED ADS |iiving room, Kitenen, all furnished, tree UYING OR SELLING furniture or ap mited, Realtor, 728-5123 couple ee Tap geerirnents, 9 Fear, [hate ey oo ee oe ea eaTtTeN" Call' Gost Amen SICGUN wilatioter tnt room mogern keen BRING RESULTS! SOLATMENS ore ae ¥y ° s. fe " jays possession, Call|your get. Ca john rissette, 728-Icondition, Call Dost Awan, 576-3579, W.jdinette, fi natied i "4 ° APARTMENTS for rent in ) Whitby arem fences, Gall Bimer, 263-2294, 265-2695, 723-3492 COST--THEY, PAY, |Son'Schniton' 7259368, sack Ricard Lid, 4891, W, ©, Martin' Realtor, 728-5102, 0, Martin Realtor, 728-5103, Pine ro alin includes parking. cai 04529,

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