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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 29, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Quebecer Presents Bill To Replace Union Jack Fire Damage Ted McCannel, chairman of) supBURY (CP) -- Business-\and in a markedly conservative admissible. . . the gone Pera raat told 8 men who lost property in the speech warned against the dan- involving the Queen or the Goy-|council meeting in this commu-|¢1 999,000 - fire that swept a gers to the church in 'modern synod, which will last at least @ Fmile Cardi ish- ernor - General was introduced|nity 25 miles west of Owen | downtown business block 'Thurs-| mentality." Emile Cardinal Leger, Archbish day will have to delay rebuild-) n ing until the city's urban he considered threats to the'the Apostolic Palace adjacent | Quebec. ifor presentation to Highways/renewal plan is made available. |faith than on its updating. He/to St. Peter's. | | The burnt - out area is one of addressed nearly 200 bishops No date for the presentation ceyera} jrenew: OTTAWA (CP) -- A bill that}insula with the Macdonald - would allow replacement of the|Cartier Freeway. | Union Jack by the Canadian flag at Canadian ceremonies) fn the Commons Thursday by|Sound the council will ask for Maurice Allard (Ind --/the highway in a brief prepared Sherbrooke). When the Mapie Leaf Flag Minister George Gonme. was adopted in 1965 the Union Jack was retained as the royal had been set yet. emblem to be flown for the) Queen or her representative. McLuhanism LONDON (CP)-- intellectuals are having a trou.)"eF AUst bled go at understanding Cana-| Vatican's dian Marshall McLuhan. Reactions to McLuhan books just published here range from downright disbelief to cautious} Spray On Bandage 000. VATICAN CITY (AP) jActress her husband, has applied to the day: said Thursday. Marriage Null | Firm Founder Dies Cancel Seminar BROCKVILLE blocks scheduled for al. | --| TORONTO (CP) -- Rupert E.|bishops to declare themselves| -- Gina Lollobrigida, | | , ' | , ; ' C8. | edwards, 73, founder of Canada|strongly opposed to unauthor- British|already legally separated from). i Ltd, died kere Thurs.|ized developments since the ota r uction n ana a Edwards Gardens in the sacred Rota for ani ot ough of North York is|Pope Paul decried annulment, Vatican sources| Pre tedecr te apne nt por 208 orsctwmemer'oecs' "Increases By Two Percent Toronto 10 years ago for $160,-| (CP) -- A day seminar sponsored to open Wednesday conclusions that the communi:| wasHINGTON (AP) -- US| cations theorist and interpreter), Sera aa | f pop culture is on to some- Army scientists nave developed or |} a sort of spray-on bandage} thing big. which is helping wounded sol- diers in Vietnam who might three - Smokers otherwise die, The spray is a by the World Law Foundalien ' ae solution which creates a tissue -/scheduled WASHINGTON (Reuters) --)ike film over ruptured organs\at Chaffeys Americans are smoking more'to halt massive, internal bleed-/northwest of cigarettes despite a mandatory ing. celled health hazard warning on every Rebel's Son Shot package, the U.S. agriculture to wi department reported Thursday night. CHIHUAHUA (AP) -- A man Americans will have smoked police identified as a son of 551,000,000,000 cigarettes by the Mexico's legendary revolution-| end of this year--i0,000,000,000 ist Pancho Villa was found shot Locks, 25 miles nere, was can- Twenty - five members and senators of Parliament had f th thdraw because of pres- sure of Parliamentary business. Fellowship OTTAWA (CP) -- John Dief- the church "'allow free rein to more than last year--the repor! {o death Thursday in a slaying enbaker has been offered a vis- said. Part of the attributed to a rise in cans of smoking age. New Air Service icrease was Ameri- tified as ury department in Chihuahua| The of Villa and Soledad Saenz who vative lives in Juarez. that resembled Vilia's assassi- iting fellowship at Carleton Uni- nation. The dead man was iden-|Versity's Institute of Canadian Antonio Villa Saenz |Studies to enable him to write 45, an inspector for the treas- his political memoirs. former prime minister, City. Police said he was the son replaced this month as Conser- party leader, is reported to be considering the offer and sophisticated will make a decision after his|strange names like triozene and isk was return to Ottawa from a trip to uracil are going to be the latest ihe country's economy. ticking ine tor sie soni. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Air Canada started service between . Montreal, Loronto and Los Beaver Downs Line Westein Canale: P Angeles Thursday, with sched-) Qopnpnr va uled daily flights beginning FREDERICTON (CP) -- A) ® hungry beaver was responsible| Transportation sterilize 'the soll. Where they) the first quarter of this year, it FIRST WORLD - WIDE SYNOD Pope Opens Bishops Synod, Warns Against Modernism VATICAN CITY (AP)--Pope|the demands of orthodoxy and,bishops convened for the synod Paul opened today Roman select from among the truths of|wore scarlet robes and sat in Catholicism's first synod of the faith those which instinctive|rows of seats in the central bishops from around the world personal preference find nave of St. Peter's Basilica ae before the main altar. Among them were Paul Working sessions of the month, begin Saturday in alop of Montreal, and Maurice The Pope dwelt more on what refurbished assembly hall in|Cardinal Roy, Archbishop of The 70-year-old Pope's partic- The Pope and 14 prelates cho-lipation in the hour-long mass convened for the synod, herald-/sen to celebrate the opening|was his most prolonged public ed as an experiment in bringing) mass were dressed in white and! appearance since he was struck greater democracy to church wore high ceremonial mitres. [by a urinary illness Sept. 4. His government. The rest of the nearly 200/voice sounded firm and steady. Indicating he wanted the) Vatican ecumenical council, | "insidious | r smar A Divisien of the S. $. Kresge Company Limited ------ The speech reflected the Pope's concern over ferment within Roman Catholicism and some saw in the pontiff's warn- ing an attempt to mollify con- servatives of the Roman Curia, the church's central offices. Po iled the synod as © hae | ; a -- rie ve ent of the the year, the Dominion Bureau!sharply in the second quarter,| . i " isti d today. after nine months of decline, church's visible government,"| Of Statistics reporte: | ' but he conceded it did not pos-| The increase from a year| Exports also were strong. i : | But. offsetting these were sess oe ity a ower" earlier was nearly 6.9 per cent.| I s AB beg honcige tn ag " |declines in business construc- The 2.2-per-cent increase for| |; : H Pope Paul looked substan- the quarter was mostly in price a ae berg op. Pree tially recovered from the uri-| rises, There was a gain of close Se iiailetion g inventory ey oe which struck him el og cent in real eaiacad| Personal expenditures Ga een He said some persons within pe jataut snereane ln> the _ i br bahay pag ; i gross national product--total 99g 999,000 in th Ji the opinion that one may forget Yajue of all goods and services| ;, pufigarhs _-- oe Ws 4 e produced in Canad a@--w | 4g9 990,000 in the first quarter roughly in line with earlier The $800 000,000 increase mae increases when measured in the widely shared, DBS said. leurrent value of dollars. But) rere was a leperceant ne Viet Students s B d H d sured in terms of 1957 dcl- ooed, 1Sse rem rate of increase has cay pk si i erie ll digg jiiners yee | alowed, increase in almost two years, , The GNP for the whole of and purchases of durable goods $57,738,000,000, with) rose 6.5 per cent, after declin- OTTAWA (CP)--The coun-|terms, centennial celebrations try's total production was run- --and in particular Expo 67-- ning at an annual rate of $61,- had a pervasive effect on the | 516,000,000 during April, May|economy," the bureau said. and June, an increase of 2.2 per} Expenditures on new residen- ecruits in the Vietnam war. They are chemicals used to|°Ver at @ rate of $59,124,000,000 a year in the last quarter. In| HOUSING STARTS UP The government's direct-lend- ent from the first quarter of|tial construction increased SATURDAY 0 we alelelel ry DISCOUNT > BOMBSHELL Ladies' PANT SUITS Choose from 2 or 3 pe. suits in a good selection of attractive modern prints. Easy care Ribbed Cotton. Sizes 8-18. KMART DISCOUNT PRICE CLE ae 5.99 9.99 3 pc. Reg. Price 18.74. KMART DISCOUNT PRICE .................. LIMITED QUANTITY -- ONE DAY ONLY today. : : rah | : for a breakdown Thursday in| touch the earth no vegetation) 0.000.000 ling program for housing con- * ae be hd Canadian Pacific's tele raph, JANCOUVE CP) -- Tech-| grows again for up to a year. was $60,18 ates) | 9. om | Jail Conditions telex and telephone pee hae tar Ge. iia 'and. The decision to use soil steri-| Measured in terms of the 1957 fed hy tbe Raat poll fee ies _... cations in western New Bruns- administration of transportation |lants was disclosed by the U.S,| dollar, the GNP for 1966 was struction during the spring MONTREAL (CP) -- Thé|wick and west of the province|are geared to vehicles and per- defence department recently | $47,788,000,000. In the first quar-| 7 i. offsetting a dealing psychiatric wing at Montreal's|tg Montreal. It gnawed its way sonal needs of 50 years ago, a When it told of its new plan to ter of 1967 it was $48,020,000,000, whith had lasted for. aise Bordeaux Jail nas sanitary con- through a tree which dropped Toronto traffic expert told the/create a barrier against infil-/and in Canadian Good Roads Associa- trating North Vietnamese 408,000,000. troops. ditions worse than a z00's, th€/on communication lines. Quebec royal commission on Cites Drug Use the administration of justice) |tion Th SAN FRANCISCO (AP) | was told Thursday. A brief sub-| of ro mitted by the psychiatric and boys are cockroaches and bedbugs. day." abuse expert ighw High ay nicotine in his tobacco, alcohol|future. CHIPPAWA HILL, Ont. (CP)jin his cocktails, narcotics in his » The Georgian Bay regional|sleeping pills and stimulants in development council has joined|/his morning wake - up pill,"'| way linking the Bruce Pen-! mittee. us| the Grey - Bruce highway com-jDr. Joel Fort told ihe California) LON. in calling for a new Assembly public health com-/by's the London auction firm, old Vie HERE and THERE BAIL RAISED ADDRESS Stephen Carr-Harris finally The Donald McEachern who managed to raise the $50 cash Was convicted in Oshawa Mag- two or property bail crown on Monday and was re- ing a disturbance resides at 138 leased from Whitby County Jail Patricia Avenue in Oshawa, Wednesday evening. Carr-Har- eee ris, owner of a $30,000 yactit INQUEST OCT. 11 now drydocked at Oshawa An inquest will be held on joan to Chile for 23 years at Yachthaven, had been unable|Oct. 11, at 7:30 p.m., at the three - 4 to raise the $50 cash or proper-| Ajax Municipal Building into peing made by the federal goy- ty bail when his fraud trial was the July 13 death of Bertram ernment to help Chile improve Oct. Smith. Mr. Smith died in hos- its jong - distance telecommuni- 2, A friend showed up and pro- Pital as a result of an indus- cations, it was announced jn|trial accident in which he was Thursday. remanded on Monday to lnorthern Ontario clear skies) ow tonight, high Saturda | contributed to another cold) Windsor .... 40 55 - Perens us . |night,. Armstrong the coldest' St. Thomas . 40 55 SERVICE MADE US, Biggest Bear Yet [for the second night with 20| London ..... 7 Coll 723-1191 PETIT. pie degrees early this morning. Kitchener 37 52 i WHITE RIVER, Ont. (CP) -- | This north shore take Superior, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Mount Forest . leet district now hoids the provin-|Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake Wingham ... 35 50 iIDX--DX-- DX -- DX cial record for the biggest) Ontario, southern Georgian Hamilton .. 40 55 WAS black bear ever killed at 324,5/Bay, Haliburton and Killaloe, S. Catharines .... 42 55 BE WISE: f pounds. The previous record) Windsor, London, Toronto,| (OF0n'0 «.....++0+4 42 55 | - ECONOMIZE! ough nd respira 4b Idren, Says Univer- MILLBROOK WINS Millbrook High School defeat- ed Clarke District High School this week 24 to 12 in an eight- man football game at Clarke. Neil Stapleton scored both ma jors for the losers. duced the money resulting Carr-Harris's release after two Sprayed with wax. The inquest dave in jail will be conducted by P. Coath a a -- ---------- and Dr. J. O. Ruddy will be the coroner. . Milk Causes PASTOR INDUCTED Rev. T. Rex Norman, BA, Many Troubles an. tormeriy of Aiax, TORONTO (CP)--An inducted this week as pastor of te milk may be the cause of recurrent stomach tory trouble in ch researchers from the sity of Saskatcnewar In an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal the doctors reported that a 10-year study of 150 infants and chil district wed the disorder ' ; ne Bie pee 17 , revenue as 1,071 head of caitle this afternoon. Variable cloudi-| Moosonee ..... 30 55 usually set in rtly after SUBMIT LIST were sold at auction, ness and not so cool Saturday.|Timmins ...,., soe 25 55 DX -- DX -- DX -- DX! introduction of cow's milk into}, Oshawa separate school board Northeast winds 15 to 25 becom-, i naires a peabeee nace I hild's diet and occurred' fre-|has been requested by the de : ing light tonight. quently among children whose partment of public works to Opens Pulp Mill Algoma, White River, Coch- parents disliked 1 ce glean ne sidewalks that' GOLD RIVER, B.C. (CP) -- rane: Sunny with a few cloudy} ALUMINUM The children "i. vee Meal Doser age Rip a Princess Maregreihe, heir to the intervals and milder today and| 1 enced vomi ape sc the Houta? Tae Danish throne, Thursday offi- Saturday. Winds light. | OSHAWA will assess the boards slde- cially opened a $60,000,000 pulp some combina- rhich subsid walk needs ' walk Construction Program. when milk and ved The list must be submitted by ma, eczema or tion of sympto ed completely dairy products were remo from the diet Oct. 31. The researchers found 19- NO FOUL PLAY | per-cent of the fathers and 59 Oshawa police have revealed per cent of the mothers of they have reason to believe Dan-. milk-sensitive children disliked|j.)°.7 Larraby, 182 Windsor! milk. Ave., Oshawa, who disappear-| Some parents who had what ed on Aug. 17, is safe and no they thought to be a smoker's|foul play has taken place. Po-| cough found the trouble disap-| lice added that the youth is now! peared when they stopped|no longer a juvenile, Larraby drinking milk, and returned/disappeared on Aug. 17, when when milk was taken again. he told his family at noon that! According to the report, some he was going downtown and children with certain persistent/never returned. respiratory troubles remained free from such problems after | their parents finally removed} CALL OR SEE milk and dairy products from | . their regimen. DIXON Ss FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 | PAINT Buy Direct Save up to 50% TONE CRAFT King Park Plaza 723-4922 George Grant, refused Thursday to handle two paintings by Adolf Hitler. The pictures, don businessman David Roussel - Milner. refused because of the uproar in the salesroom and the press when! ; . 0 : 5 similar set by the istrate's Court Monday of caus- were sold in 1960. Loan For Chile |: OTTAWA (CP) -- A $4,320,000 Sault Ste. Marie. for its 1968 side- mill here. ursday. commissioner ads for Metropolitan'd j k -- Toronto, and retiring chairman gouged out acro wing's staff said whe 199 Men wphe average adult uses three of the technical advisory coun-/South Vietnam, iving emong rals.|ty five mind - altering drugs acil of the CGRA, told the asso-|department said, a San Francisco drugiciation's annual general meet-will be applied to the clear said Thursday.\ing that the short trip is the land to stop the thick jung 'He uses caffeine in his coffee, transportation problem of the,cover from regrowing and pro- \v ing forces. the second, $48,- tioaths. But the availability of mel gage funds began to decrease for|2nd housing starts have been dropping since May, DBS said. Prices generally rose 1.4 per cent between the first and sec- ond quarters of the year. Food prices, which had fallen 1.2 per After the barrier--whose DEMAND IS STRONG imensions are secret--is| DBS said total ss the top of| Canadian goods and services-- the. defence) and for imports--was strong the sterilants| during April, May and June, ed| and all factors of coap spon i to out- by ee ciagie mainly Cree cent in the first quarter, were "Although its effect cannot be ig another tenth of one per| full t titative| °°" | Ai tdotdonay be Ss Ms Non-food commodity prices iding concealment for invad- Hitler's Art DON (Reuters) -- Sothe- rose 1.3 per cent, and service prices 2.4 per cent. The bureau's report was pre- watercolor views cf nna, were owned by Lon- Sotheby's said it to auction them Hitler paintings) ; per - vent interest is llergy ; allers' Knox United Church, Peterbor- was a 451-pound bear killed in) Hamilton: Cloudy and cool Peterborough . Parry Sound district. White today with a few showers or River is 200 miles north of Periods of light drizzle. Cloudy --f with a few sunny intervals and Killaloe . [chance of brief showers Satur-, Muskoka iday. Northwest winds 10 to 20 North Bay Cattle Sale today becoming light tonight. | Sudbury THESSALON, Ont. (CP) -- ay The Algoma co = operative live-\Timagami, North Bay, Sud- hte . Marie .. 30 55 OL stock sale this week provided bury: Rain becoming intermit- Sapuskasing ..... 25 | $ | farmers wich $164,586 in tent this morning and endins| White River ., 3060 [Phone 668-3341 | SALES - BATTERIES - CORDS Consultants extensive through southern and central/chance of showers. Some rain sections of the province.| tonight | Between one and four inches of|cloudy with a few showers and |rain fell in the past 30 hours) cool. Winds light today north- |with Eastern Ontario catching westerly 15 Saturday. the brunt. Cloudiness and light 'sunny and milder today. Varia-! REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF AIDS HOME APPOINTMENTS BUDGET TERMS Canadian HEARING AID liminary. Some balance of pay- ments statistics dating back to 1964 are being revised, reflect- WEATHER FORECAST | Variable Cloudinéss, ing errors which occurred in Some Showers Saturday (isumzeTact ed next month. TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast ble cloudiness with chance of a} | ssued at 5:30 a.m, today. few showers Saturday. South- FREE Estimates, Reesoneble | Synopsis: A low pressure cen-| West winds 15 to 25. lf Retes, Repair Specialist. re has caused one of the most) Montreal, Ottawa: Mainly) rainfalls this year cloudy today and warm with al and cooler. Saturday Hydro |} howers will continue today. In Forecast Temperatures Service Installed Kingston Trenton 4055 | ¢ i |SISAVE $5 | Sie D | Northern Georgian' Bay, Earlton ... 25 55 Western James Bay: Mostly FREE PARKING | Aluminum | Awnings | WINTER protection | Sean SUMMER comfort &¢ Windows-Deors Prime Windows C.M.H.C. Accepted Sliding Glees Patio Deors Shelters For --Bus Stops --Parking Lote ----Gos Pump Islands Lifetime, Ventilated HooLVENT All-Season ¢ All-Aluminum DOORWAY CANOPIES AWNINGS KoolVents bring enduring color. ful beauty and extra utility to all Jolousies Aluminum Siding Reglazing ond Rescreening of Inserts for buildings .. will pay for themselves Aluminum Doers out of repair a replacement sav- 08 ond Windows ines. Beautiful color combinations. 'OND ST. E. SHOWROOM AND FACTORY 725-2771 Boked Enamel 95 ATHOL ST. E. OSHAWA Finishes Optional 3 PHONE 728-163 Tl alanelal 4 DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL WORK ~SOCKS 50% wool -- 50% nylon, Guaran- teed for 3 months' wear. Reg. 1.00 value KMART DISCOUNT PRICE SAT. ONLY. LIMITED QUANTITY Blackbird Clay Targets 135 to @ box. Comp. Price 3.78. KMART DISCOUNT PRICE SAT. ONLY. 2.98 LIMITED QUANTITY GIRLS' COTTON KNIT SLIMS with belt included. Popular hip- PRINTED ster style. Reg. Kmart Price 8.74 FLANNELETTE SATURDAY ONLY This is a real sew and save special. perry, 4 DISCOUNT = BOMBSHELL Ya PRICE eeeenee ores ee cee SALTED PEANUTS 2 Ib. Perty Peck Kmart Discount Price BLANCHED 83c SPANISH 73¢ ONE DAY ONLY. Kmart Reg Price 63¢ yd. SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE SAT. ONLY. vera A'J Rawrnvy DISCOUNT & BOMBSHELL Good Quality FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Big 80 x 100 size. Whipped 3 | ey 8 ends, coloured borders. On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whith¥ Kmart Special Discount Price PLEASE -- NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS each SATURDAY ONLY MacDONAI Futu As N By THE CANADIA A vision of fut surrounded by gre ports, monorails : an-hour trains em: day in the campai the Oct. 17 genera Ontario. The dream of a s Ontario was pi Donald MacDonak the New Democrat his eloquent best London riding of F Robarts. "Call this a drea vision. Call it wh For me, it is a gc one which I believe the people of Ontar Envisaging an O 100,000,000 populati he said the provir material and wealt job. "All we need and a government t do the job." But money, and v it, was paramount of Mr. Robarts : ~ Mayor | Of Hipp By DENNIS VANCOUVER (CI with an all - out attack by the flow Mayor Tom Campbr night announced he objections to sale ¢ gia Straight, Vance pie newspaper, exc is sold to school school property. Shortly after the ing department lifte weekly publication licence -- a move effectively halt prir hippies brought the of flower power into The first garge' downtown. courthous 100 hollering hippi with signs in what v a "Be-in support of Straight Legal Defe The hippies attrac 300 curious spect Thursday evening skirted girls moved crowd collecting fui port the newspaper | action that might fo! The hippies laid another be-in at c noon today and around that all resp pies were expected 1 CLAIM 63,000 READ The Georgia Stra claimed a circulatic on its last edition, h mess licence taken Campbell. Witness Ritual [ TORONTO (CP) year - old housewif St. Matthias' Anglic because she felt th were "sick," spoke " spankings and inca exorcise devils. At the inquiry int June 21 of Katherine from a brain absces ingitis, Mrs. Dale that Katherine, who ing at the rectory ¥ on several occasion: Moore Smith, chu and other membe congregation to get out of her. Mrs. Webb recited tion she said was us ual to banish devil: mand in the name. Jesus Christ that z and atmosphere wit bound and chained | Jesus. Christ and straight where it cé with." On June 21, Mrs. the girl was slapped by Canon Smith's v and during the spanked by Canon S: Smith, 26, her fiance Smith's son, and by er, Alex, 24, a sor divinity student at | sity of Toronto. Mrs, Webb, who_ room two doors f1 rine's, said there w of about 70 perst church who believe: Crew NV In Flash SYDNEY, NS. ( crew members of tt rier Ontario Power | condition in hospital after suffering exte in a fire aboard thei A hospital spoke Kenneth Moor Collingwood, Ont., w seriously injured. men were identified MacKay, 20, of | Ont., and Douglas 24, of Glace Bay, N A spokesman for Toronto owners sai were injured ir described as a "flas They were brough at Neil's Harbor,

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