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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Sep 1967, p. 23

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Jean Simmons and son. daily at 1.30, 3.35, 5.25, 9.45 p.m. Last com. w at 9.25 p.m. gy OQ ) am, TOR TEL Fi] te ary Tunes--Blues. UP HOTEL 723-4693 Yo LY Y over pp nerease ver DEON Phone 725-5833 490 000000000000000000000000800600000000000006 DONALD DUCK BLONDIE MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER SCORE TIED, BOTTOM \ OF THE NINTH ~ THREE ) BALLS, TWO STRIKES. IT's A HiIT---IT's gona, GOING , GONE! -I'M TRYING INOW, DON'T SAY ANYTHING, DAGWOOD TO REMEMBER SOMETHING THE GENERAL, WITH THE NEW DEFENSE LIL ABNER I'VE GOT AecHowp! TT DADY BUZ SAWYER } YOU CAN START PUTTIN' HER ETHER, BILLY, T/LL BRING UP Tere AMMUNITION, Wa Ng 7 ATTACK, MAKE LOVE,NOT WAR? DIG, BABY ? YOU'RE 17 AGINS 5 SECRET AGENT X9 S F E the all new Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough SATURDAY SVENING 5:00 P.M, 11--Zorro @--Travel Film 4--Gadabout Gaddis 3-6-12--Moby Dick 2--AFL Highlights 5:38 P.M, 11--Littlest Hobo &--Wagon Train 4--Littlest Hobo 3-6-12--Bugs Bunny 6:00 P.M, 11--Super Heroes 3--Lost In Space 2--Death Valley Days YOU CAN'T HANDLE LOVE ON A COMPUTER BASIS. I... I DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT YOU... | EXACTLY. 5 ; pe lab Oe, od \ 2--Danger Is my Business 2--T. Channel 2--Buffale Lager ah fir tt Program | --Bullwinkle a See 6--Vivre En Ce Pays Channet 4--Buftele (Camera Three Channel 6--Toronte 3--Spectrum Channel 7--Buffalo : MM, Channel 8--Rochester 'ew Channel 9--Toronto 9--Wish You were Here 8--Social Security 7--Discovery 67 6--Wilfred Pelletier Ren- contre 4--Film Feature 3--Sacred Heart 12 NOON 12--Living Word 9--Itallan Amum t--Adventures In Para- dise 7--Super Comics é--Reach for the Top 4--News, Weather, Sports 3--Cathedral of Tomorrow BA, 12:15 PLM, 12--God is the Answer 4--Let's Look at Congress 12:38 P.M, 6--A City's Story 4--Face the Nation AFTER THIS YOu'LL KNOW, EXACTLY... «--Jackie Gleason 6-12--Charlie Chaplin 3--T.B.A. YEAH...I TOAST A LOT OF MARSHMALLOWS / [I CERTAIN DEDUCTIONS HAVE 'TO COME OUT OF A PAY-CHECIC 'THESE DAYS... YOU DONT GET TO 'TAKE HOME ALL THE MONEY 8:00 P.M, 8:38 11--Seaway 7--Lawrence Welk 4--My Three Sons 1i--The Saint 7--I\ron_ Horse 4--Petticoat Junction 10:00 P.M. 9--Garrison's Gorlllas 4--Mannix 10:38 P.M, 11--Movies 7--Movie 3-612--In Person 11:00 P.M. 3-4-6-8-9-11-12--News, Weather, Sports 11,15 P.M, 8--Movie 11:25 P.M, 4--Greatest Headlines 11:38 P.M. , Weather, 11.40 PLM, 12--Movie 9----Movie SUNDAY Exhiition Hock aie 11--Exhibition ey . 9--Flintstones 1:00 P.M. 12-6--Sounds '68 11--Sir Lancelot t4--News, weather, sport Pat ag! HR 2-1 Dream of Jeannie 7--Movle 7:00 P.M, 6--Klahanee 9--Jackie Gleason 4--Amateur Hour §--Accidental Family 2-Herald of Truth 4--Round Table 3-6-12--Beverly Hill- 1:18 P. billles 12--Cavairy Calls ee 1:30 PLM. 7:0 P.M 9--Question Period 6--Maya 11--This Space Age 8---G.E. College Bowl 4--Favorite Story 3-6-12--Country Calendar oA 2:00 PLM, Pew tithid 11--Spectrum iovie P.M. &--Pro Football 4--Pre-Game Show 3-4-12--Pro Football 3-6-12--Movie 2:38 P.M, 24--Get Smart 11--Moment of Truth 9:00 P.M. 7--Dialogue y 4--Pro Football Paved one merney 2--Meet the Press 9:30 P.M, 3:00 P.M, 7--Mind Over Myth 2--Polks Varieties 11--LIttlest Hobo" 7--Issues and Answers 4:00 P.M, 11--My_ Favorite Martian 7--First Name Only 2--Quarterback Club SUNDAY EVENING 4:30 P.M. 11--Tiny Talent Time 9--Soccer 7--Custer 2--Pro Football 5:00 P.M, 11--Gentle Ben 8--Pro Football 4--Celebrity Game 34-12--Man Alive | 5:30 PLM, 11--Lost In Space 9--Political Talk 7--Movie 4--Family Affair $12--Hymn Sing 3--Gentle Ben 7:4 AM, ¥--Christopher Program 8:00 A.M, 11--Living Word 7--Milton the Monster 4--Word of Life f--Agriculture U.S.A, 8:30 A.M. 1--Father Mechan 9--Cartoon Playhouse 7--Linus (--Let's Go 2--This Is The Life 9:00 A.M. 1--Cathedral Chimes 7--Fantastic Four 4--Paper Capers 2--Captain Sailorbird 9:30 A.M, M--Italian Journal 7--Rocketship 4---Uncle Jerry's Club 10:00 A.M, 9--Marine Boy 8--Faith For Te-Day 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--The Answer 2--Mormon Conference 10:15 A.M. 6--La Boite a Chansons 10:3 AM. %--Cartoon Playhouse @--This Is The tite é--La Langue Vivante 4--Look Up and Live 3--Hymn Bock | 11:00 A.M. | 11--Continental Miniature | Meta 6:00 P.M. 9--Political Talk 4--2Ist Century 36-12--Walt Disney 6:30 P.M, 11--High Chaparral 9--Lassie 7:00 9--Monkees 7--Voyage 4--Lassie 3-6-12--Green Acres ° 7:30 P.M, 11--Movie 9--F.B.1. 4--Gentle Ben 3-6-12--Flashback 2-8--Walt Disney $:00 P.M, 7--F.B.1. 3-4-6-12--Ed. Sullivan Show 8:30 P.M, 9--1 Dream of Jeannie 2-8--Mothers-In-Law 9:00 P.M, 7--Movie 4--Smothers Brothers 2-8-3-6-12--Bonanza 10:00 P.M, 11--Peyton Place 9--W-5 4--Mission Impossible 3-6-12--Way It Is 2-8--High Chaperral 11:00 P.M, 6-3-6-8-11-12---Nawa, WHAT ABOUT "4 TOON PERBZ,,..yOU HAD BETIER THE POWDER?) SHELLS ARE FITTED HAVE TO SABOTS... tl ad CHARGE ALREA TH NS IN THE BAG, és HOUSE / I AIN'/T WORKED A HEAP OF GOLD IN THAT HARP SINCE THE WAR. Weather, Sports 49--News 11:25 P.M, 4--Greatest Headlines 11:30 P.M, Ni--Great Music &--Johnny Carson 6M 3--Human Jungle 4--Movie 2--Merv Griffin 11:35 P.M, jovie 11:48 P.M, 12--Spectrum 9--Crossfire 11.45 PLM, 7--News, Weather Sports 12.15 AM, | 7--Movle MONDAY A.M | 8:00 A.M. | 11--Schnitzel_ House | 4--Captain Kangaree | | 8:30 A.M, %--University of the Air 8:55 A.M. | 7--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham | &--Crossfi | 4--Carlto 100 A.M, N--Ed Allen Time re in Fredericks | 2--Pat Boone 9:30 A.M, 11---Donna Reed | 9--Cartoon Playhouse | 4---Love of 11:30 A, 11--Marriage 9--Mr, and Mr: 7--Family Game Life 10:00 A.M, 11--Movie 9--Uncle Bobby 4--Candid Camere 2-4--Snap Judgement 10:30 A.M, 8-2--Concentration 7--Temptation 4--Beverly Hillbillies 11:08 A.M, 9--Tugboat Annie 2-8--Personality 7--How's Your Mother « In - Law 4-Andy Griffith 3--Good Morning §-2--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke 3-12--Ed Allen Time 12 NOON 12--News, Weather and ports 1l--Little People %--Toronto Teday 3--J jeopardy 7--Movie 6--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, 12.10 P.M, 3--Super Heroes 30 P.M, 12: 11--Photo Finish 8--Eye Guess 3-4-6-12--Search for To- morrow §--Merv Griffin 12:45 P.M, 3-4-6-12--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, 12--Movie | 1i--Mike Douglas 9--Movie &--Dialing for Dollars Virginia Graham ¥--Fugitive 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie &--Let's 44--As the 1:38 PLM, Make A Deal World Turne 2:00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 4--Culsine 4--Love Is A Many Splen- dot Thi 24--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M 12--Calendar 1i--Perry Magon . 9--People in 7--Dream Gir! Gaiddad 3:00 P.M, 9--Magistrate's Court 7--Generai Hospital 4--Te T 3-6-12--T 24--Al ell The Truth 'ake 30 nother Werlé 3:20 PLM. N--Bullwinkle 9--It's Your Move 14-- 7--Commander Tom 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 'You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 11--Super Heroes 9--1 Love Lucy atch Game 11--Gilli 9M 8--Leave If To Beaver ev 4: P.M. fan's Island ie 4--Truth or Consequences M. onfidential S. LAZLO'S OCCUPYING THE SAME ROOM COULD BE, WILDA, BUT AS IT'S ONE TOO MANY FOR MY ™ SUSPICIOUS | | | | - « « for LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT "68 PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS VAUXHALLS and FIREBIRDS at... The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. | TELEVISION LOG CROSSWORD THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, September 30, 1967 23 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER West dealer. East-West vulnerable, 4987 97642 pi 85 WEST es 63 K64 @I98S 9KQ108 10874 @KI9 #10632 &KI9 4AJ10952 @A oAQs AQT 'The bidding: West North East Soum Pass Pass 1NT Dble 29 Pass Pass 4@ Opening lead--five of hearts, The finesse is unquestionably a very valuable weapon, but it is virtually useless if you can- not get to the correct hand to take the desired finesse. This question of entries can be extremely bothersome in some hands, and many con- tracts are defeated solely be- cause declarer lacks communi- cation from one hand to the other. For example, in the present hand, if declarer could somehow or other obtain the privilege of leading from dummy at will, he could take successful finesses in spades, diamonds and clubs, and thus wind up with eleven tricks. But with no ready entry to dummy, South must play well to bring home the contract. He knows from the bidding that each of the three possible fi- nesses is marked to succeed, but the best he can do is tunnel his way into dummy to take two of them. Accordingly, at trick two, he leads the jack of spades and overtakes it with the queen. (Note that declarer does not lead the ace of spades first, which would destroy a vital entry to dummy.) East is forced to win the | queen with the king, and makes the best return of a heart. |South must be careful to trump jhigh in order to preserve the |5-2 as entries to the 8-7. Declarer now crosses to dum- my with a trump and, let's say, takes a diamond finesse which succeeds. He then re-enters |dummy with another trump and jtakes a club finesse. As a re- sult of this meticulous use of his low cards, South scores ten tricks, losing only a spade, a diamond and a club. The key play comes at trick two. Not only must South avoid the error of leading the spade ace, but he must also be sure to overtake the jack (or its equiva- lent) with the queen. If he fails \to do this, East defeats him by \refusing to win the trick. | _ LEADS TOURNAMENT | GLENEAGLES, Scotland (AP)--Jack Kay of the Toronto suburb of Rosedale was the leading pro Thursday after three rounds in an international professional-amateur _four-ball golf tournament. Kay fired a 75 Thursday to go with his pre- vious rounds of 64 and 71 for a three-round total of 210, GOOD NEWS WINNIPEG (CP) -- Winnipeg Blue Bombers received wel- come news Thursday when team doctors diagnosed an inju- ry to halfback Dave Raimey as a bad bruise, not a fractured set as was feared ear- ier. QUEENIE ACROSS DOWN | la] E ee bpniae ded SOP E OMEN 5. Anthro- 2. Harbor TAPEISMEAL ISMNPIT poids 3. Impel T iF US SIE! 9, Secret 4. Entrances LAITT society 5. Than: in Sierra Ger. Leone 6. Father 10. Tibetan 7. ain priest ) 11, Freight 8. Salt 12, rts bined Yesterday's Answer 14, Blood 1L Sp. 32.Nonsense! 41. Ballot vessel 4 fortress 34. Missive 42. Cry of : 16, Melody ¥ commander 35. Specific bacchanals 17. Verb 13. A) dage dates 44, Cheese 'ppen h form 15. Sweet 38, Well 45. Irishman 18, Unhappy potato done! 47. Finish 20, oo i Te 7s [4 Y ele 17 16 U, 21, Skillful 4 S54 54 wy? Ge Y 24, Intellectual Ys Y, Z) wale ou it 33 GAD % wi 29. Recent 7 aa ic 30, Part of 46 4 across ' YUE 9 VWVJro as.venture. = |" | 7 WL, 26 36.Indefinite |* | ee je 7724] ies rine. Wal Ol | YZ A Y) ZZ 39. Akkadian Kee oma ca al ad . Best boty A/a 43. Alliance =| Wy | |W 46, Range 4 145 48. Mine 40 4m [42 Y chy 44 [4 entrances V77ab 49. English bes tee U, ' college V7AS 50, Weasel oe) Y 51. Feat 7A 52, Hebrew Y 5 m4 . Household Poisons Lurk In Many the sink ., that all medicines be kept in a medicine chest. all the time, with a latch so high or so diffi- can't cope with it. But I know a lot of people won't. heed. Even if you have a '"'poison- safe' house, watch for the "leaks." People carry pills in their pockets and purses. One expert warned me, "Mothers? and grandmothers' purses become lethal traps. "Grandma puts her purse on the floor. Children often go through purses--and we get these children, sick and some- times in danger of dying from grandma's high blood pressure pills, diabetes pills, anti-depres- sant pills, thyroid pills. A purse is a trap." WATCH DIET PILLS Watch out for 'diet pills." Dr. Regine Aronow, one of the most dedicated of poison fight- ers, tells me, "At least half a dozen times we have found a 'reducing' combination of medi- cations. which we think never' should be combined: a mixture of. amphetamines, thyroid and 34-12--Foreat Rengere By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Places heart, and really doing some-|which is a derivative of digital- thing about making the housejis, of all things, safe for children to live in--has) mix cleared stuff out from under/ sense. pice . instituted a rule) So when a baby gets it You! 19. unknown 154. }ean imagine what can happen. | is a powerful that makes no medical Some experts are just about jas emphatic about camphorated | business being in a house." At one poison centre, a bit joftener than once a month Still, here are some extrajcamphorated oil shows up in its| tainer": small dose can be lethal. It usually is given by mistake. Is it the "C" in the name that makes people carelessly reach for it instead of cathartics or other remedies starting with "Cc? Camphorated oil works on the central nervous system, causing convulsions and other damage. | 'Aspirin? You may be sick of hearing me talk about it, but I am sickened by the way people} keep on abusing it. : People think "'baby type aspl- rin" is safe. A survey of over 1,000 aspirin poisonings showed: 725 from '"'baby type", 173 from adult type; 153 not determined. Re'ad that and remember it! SPECIAL MARKINGS Put special markings on bot- tles?. Yes, It will focus your attention on the ever-present problem if nothing else, and the labels do do some good. Of 1,- 500 poisonings the score was: From bottles with warning digoxin," at aT art ; : ; | Le I hope, if not with great, Even for adults a mixture ol) (| a oa optimism, that somebody atjamphetamines ("pep pills"), a ie Se least is taking my advice tojthyroid extract, and digoxin epplication for a retiree ment community." . llabels 560; no warning label Do you keep things where | they belong? If so, are you sure lit's a safe place? There were cult to open that little fingers) oj], One stormed, 'It has n0}651 poisons stored "in the cus- tomary place," to 60 "not in lcustomary place." Significant? | Poisons "in original con- | 1,222; not in original ainer: 243; unknown: 59. precautions for those who will/role of poisoner. A surprisingly vag not to leave poison It's sprays or other things in pop or milk bottles--but knowing that isn't enough. Ten times as many poisons come right out of the original poison bottle. Don't forget alcohol. Foolhar- dy adults have killed them- selves by drinking a whole bot- tle on a dare. Teen-agers have done this, too!. It takes less for a child, ' Yes, they come in with alco- hol poisoning. And poisoned by eating mother's eye make-up or tranquilizers ('any kind you can name, we've had it," I was told). Birth control pills are poisoning more these days. And watch out for iron. Fer- rous sulfate, in medicines for anemia, is so dangerous that it required hospitalization almost as often, proportionately, as lye --41.1 per cent to 43.3, When it is in vitamin mixtures, the vita- min pills are six times as dan- gerous. I wonder if anybody's been listening?

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