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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Oct 1967, p. 5

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DE TUESDAY REPRESENTS SOCIAL CREDIT EXPECTS SURPRISE SHOWING WHITBY / AJAX PERSONALS 'Ss THE OSHAWA TIMES, Buffalo Dinner Planned For Whitby Residents 7282 Uh tm Saturday, October 14, 1967 § Guest speaker at the Whitby,be held Oct. 25. Also further Historical Society meeting of/plans were made for the an- Oct. 25, to be held in the cen-jnual Christmas bazaar to be tennial building at 8 p.m., will/held Nov. 22 at the parish hall. light en his 10 years as @ ol teacher took him to ely separated centres onto and Sault Ste. ind familiarized him province's most costly ig off the "paper" a solid family life, eautiful wife and four Idren, and church con- as a member of the iurch of Canada. s greatest liability is largely unknown, par- when compared with r Robarts and NDP nald MacDonald, who is party since 1953. weight to the liability Iness of the campagn, jom has found its way nt pages. e leaders have avoid- alities, and the opposi- es have shied away mention of the word in lignt of the disas- sequences in the 1963 Credit will luanch its major | ments ing of St. Andrew's Presbyter- , ] : Mr. Mrs. leton, ins of St. Andrews Fresbyier-|, f Dec, 2. October is Ajax ; ars ago, Liberal lead a hoo ere The Social Credit candidate ihier aout eeukeienine wilh ian Women to be held Monday. |Cwr, "pebarelip drive Bt 24 10:30 A.M, y ad- polities. Says party politics should enter i | i English Serviee and inimever ba TY Mr Mackie' it mar pur ply she ne rand Bs Chaves Betert| ane, uavline, dnuier of gad poet members wil] fogs isnt | STAFFORD BROS, on allegations that tempt in the provincial field but already are in municipal politics|Hougias, of Coraopolis, Penn.|Mir and Mrs. Walter Hazeltine,| burg is in charge of the sale rvatives were linked he was an unsuccessful candi- s0 why not openly?", he added, Blas, pons, '|161 Clements Rd., Ajax under-/Senburg 8 ih Clee Mrs. 7 P.M. LTD. rworld elements, The date for Social Credit in the 1963 The Social Credit platform in-| Guides, Brownies anl Rangers|Went &_ tonsilectomy operation) <i npson, volunteered to visit ENGLISH SERVICE MONUMENTS 5 & sweeping victory federal election in the East cludes the balanced budget, pro-|in Whitby are all busy making|@t the Port Perry General HOF atients at the Ajax-Pickering Hr ssa York riding. vincial takeover of education|final preparations for _ their|Pital. | Hospital. EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED 668-3552 i RANA CLEAR CUT CHOICE and the individual as opposed to|"Centennial Good Turn' tea and) Mrs, Jean Foster, 137 Tul-| ' 318 DUNDAS EAST Mr. Mackie feels that in On- the welfare state of compulsory|homebake sale, to be held Sat-\igch Dr,, Ajax, opened her|. Mrs. Felicity Nelson, a mem- --_---- in a balanced budget and indi- three. tain, is tea convener. Mrs, Jack} t Vee Vere eeer ys vidual rights as opposed to a SOCIAL CREDIT'S JAMES MACKIE He is the president of Mackie-|Schieder is convening the home- ena big decors, ae ee will practice Saturday at pute tee sched Sapaalls : system of compulsory welfare, Wasn't Intending To Contest Riding |Walker Business Machines Ltd.|bake table, Mrs. Thomas Wil-|nonald Winning. A donation of|? &-m. In preparation for fu-) MEN FOr Istle Whitby : competitive free enterprise as ott g ' : in East York, third vice-presi-|cox is in charge of the candy|so99 was sent to the organ fund,|ture participations in parades,| , ,, CHURCH SCHOOL F vertainly federal elec. opposed to monopoly by big) dent of the National Social|table and the Guide and Brown-|, centennial project. Plans were|teacher Bonnie Hayden is ar- 'oe RECOMMENDS ie displays in charge of Mrs. ranging special exercises. 11_ @.m. Nursery, Kindergarten, show that there are of dues-paying mem. » do not vote the socialist ticket. Why ld they be taxed for ing of a party they pport? r the procedure in- | i 5) oy RS MONDAY, OCT. 16 S, John Nursing Cadets: St Mrs James Anstey and: Mrse0ertarecting, Inled ques (eae gee at; Moneat| PRESBYTERIAN e doing - goo fF d Bi ' Mrs. Fred W. Hawes, Ajax Girl); hi orner Byron at St, John /-- the doing of what Co-Op om Bled beshieg SL Ay oe a ee s fs ship service. Arrangements Guite Pathe Dota as. ,\tion_which followed. Mniiey HOLIDAY _to be good for you eo = Hid ais Pit Lodge 132; Knights of Columbus 0 . Cc ug In | were made for the annual din-| ort talk on requirements for Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. r not you agree, vhs hatte y Council 4895; Ontario Ladies ner of Nov. 7, to be held at)prownie and Guide leaders and Mr._J. R. Robertson, FROM $369 St. Mark's United Church Wo- College Castle Chapter; St the assembly hall, with the first) aid the need is great for lead- A.R.C.T., R.M.T., Organist AWS in the socialistie men Unit 8; St. Mark's United John's Anglican Church WAL WHITBY (Staff) -- Mrs. W.|work together for the better-!setting at 4:45 p.m. and the) ors for howls packs. Mem- ys apse Nn DEPARTURES glaring. First, cer- Coe on oh Men;|Aiax St. Paul's United Church|@: Creighton, the president of/ment of the child." second at 6:30 p.m. Members| 0+ were reminded of the re- | RAR oles pas calaee EVERY SATURDAY STARTIOG individual rights of. John's Anglican Church Men's|(crr." "ajax Senior Citizens|-, A. Hutchison Home and) ane tate Mrs. McLaughlin|% the unit volunteered to assist! ions) meeting to be held Oct. there with iba' JANUARY 6 ym members are at Club; All Saints' Anglican Friendship Club: Holy Trinity|SChOo! Association read a news 5 the Red Cross at Fairview|5o t st. F is da Ralea. Pick: 11:00 A.M.--Leymens' Church Evening Guild; Blair|Friendship Club; Holy Trinity h 000 |once said education of the young|rodge, Noy lowi he|27, 80 St. Srancis Ge sales, Fic Sunda FIRST CLASS HOTELS AND there has been no , Anglican Women Church Year.|@tticle concerning the $200, Lodge, Nov. 1. Following the| ting when the centennial pag- i the part of the peo- Park Vista Ratepayers Associa-|* "ldonation made by Colonel R. S.;must cover not so much how to|meeting, the group made dres-| ant 1 ba shew Mis, ay réa HY cas Mindanseitens end: Neisery VELAS - FINE FOODS WITH , to champion. them. tion; St. Andrew's Presbyterian|HURSDAY, OCT. 19 McLaughlin to the Ontario Fed-|make a living, as how to live. |sings for the cancer society.|;eiang and Mrs. Leonard Kir-| I] Core during Divine 'Worship gr Pe Ml ad the. socialists have Women, Group 8; Ajax Royal Whitby Baptist Church Cubs; |eration of Home and School Mrs, John Harper, Oshawa Tea hostesses were Mrs. James) Everybody Welcome | aigned to have elec- butions made public, eir chance to set an io back their cam- and also to end the y -- but the party ne so. *t back to Saskatche- Cross work room; Faith Bap- ;jwhich parents and teachers|ton; recording secretary, Mrs. Invites you to worship ) the socialists, have tist Church Pioneer Girls; Whit- eg yo pave Sannin waned Leonard Pridie; treasurer, Wil- 'with them at lost out for a second by Lions Club; The Antique|night; Salvation Army Timbral MENU APPROVED liam Snowdon. Committee mem-/f FREE Estimates, Reasonable have been defeated Club; Women's Christian Tem- Brigade, LUTON, England (CP)--Lo-|bers: Mrs. D. Reynolds, Mrs. Rates, Repair Specialist, Palmerston or more le rallying under the perance Union; Almonds Unit- cal schoolboards have decided| Richard Seko, Mrs. J. W. Doble, School rise banner with the ed Church Women Evening/SATURDAY, OCT. 21 to prepare a special cafeteria) Mrs. Ralph Service, Mrs. Gor-| | having money in Group; 1st Pickering Cub Pack;| Salvation Army Young Peo-|menu for Moslem schoolchild-|don Kerr and the es Sunday t which you were mm through your own ine security. , x own food at school. 1 ty in power on the ps agg red hole ia "a Mark's United Church Hi- [the members of his staff. | Hydre NURSERY and Tries a. Liberal lab y St. ince; roup. the Mint Gantury at the tie of Parents visited their chil-| 24 Hour Tanks | SUNDAY SCHOOL H ay support has come Jesus." 4 Grea's seapective . cinssroemasy °o™" . Mi 'NIAGARA FINANCE . in yidth of the free en- ectrum, CHEWAN tried so- sed it out and found ind prosperity. On- sperous and making Ve'd best beware of lers, whatever their here. OF RFK CREASES tle over a year ago, 1966, the Gallup Poll political world with »wing Kennedy with litical appeal as the imself. This boom ntil February of this Kennedy's stock be- line markedly. It is highest: iedy versus Johnson . ed ha Allegro, a Hebrew-language| Vocabulary usages and beliefs in| & Pag specialist, said when the precur- u } | : » & saree | | : 7:30 P.M. 45 44 sors of Christianity, the Old Tes- L 45 41 tament prophets, had visions, LEWIS | FURNACE OIL | Learn the following skills EMERGENCY TREATMENT FOR--e -t robably "'taki | re ie pd : trip on LSD. or enue ands OPTICAL | OP Sa tee Uku Control ef Hemorrhage, Artificial Respiration, Polkoning, ete. to it. Established for over 30 years roc Oey itby Mae oe ; . Akes for cormmeat, Dr Saat 10% King Street West | 668-3524 H | 8 WEEK COURSE s President John- ers said: "One wonders r. 725-0444 oa i is P political trouble Allegro took a little LSD himself : | : INSTRUCTOR R. Hawkins 668-3659 n. Democratic party, é iso lost popularity country. The Poll ypothetical Republi- - Governors Nelson of New York for ind Ronald Reagan a for Vice-President against President nd Vice-President iphrey. Fifty - five | the voting public ockefeller - Reagan cent for Johnson- Four per cent were Late Entry Into Election Race WEST ROUGE (Staff) -- East ; York businessman James Mackie had no intention of con- testing the Ontario South provin- cial riding until he was pre- sented with nomination papers and 100 signatures a few days before nominations closed. Social Credit supporters in the © riding had quietly gathered sig- © natures to enter one of six Social Credit candidates in the | provincial election. Chances are that Mr. Mackie will not win the election. He agreed that a poll taken by his people doesn't give him much hope in Ontario South. However, Mr. Mackie beleives he'll make a surprise showing next Tues- day. He said the provincial mem- bership, in the Social Credit Party, has increased by 70 per | cent in the past year. Mr. Mackie admits he and his party are working toward the 1971 election when he says Social tario there is now a clear cut choice between socialism and a system of competitive free en- terprise. "There is only a slight shade of difference between the graduated from the Toronto|United Appeal. General conven-|erron, Also in office are: vice-| ia 1, A Sm A RD. 'Conservatives and Liberals." Bible College. He is 34 yearsjer is Mrs. Ronald Hawkins,|,resident, Mrs. Colin Mackie, centre. There are now 43 paid- wae Mt ita Nanton: Deseeniss "'We in Social Credit believe business," said Mr. Mackie. A resident of Metro Toronto, Mr. Mackie said he believed the particular problems of Ontario é i South. were the problems of meeting increasing expenses as a young growing community. "The province should take be Ford Lindsay of The Oshawa|Tea hostesses, Mrs. C. W. Daly marae or campaign with a minimum of expense, He said he has some literature for his campaign and » will rely on newspaper adver-|* . tising. Mr. Mackie has not yet|! ; Set up campaign headquarters . in the riding and will have no | paid staff assisting him in the / campaign. He said he was not being financed by either unions or business but had received a i Times. Mr. Lindsay has been writing the historical items ap- pearing in The Times. He will speak on a subject of historical Lindsay wil linclude in his talk some interesting facts on St. Mark's United Church, which sary in November. nterest to Whitby residents, Mr. is celebrating its 141st anniver- and her committee. Blair Park Vista Teen Club meeting was chaired by the president Barry Shaw, assisted by executive members, vice-- president Kathy Pollack, sec- retary Ginny Nichols and treas- urer, Horst Zinner. Committee members are Angela Femia, Sandy Moon, Ronny Shaw, Tony Houston, Blair Park Vista Rate- f and public utilitie Mr. Mackie is number of asked of Mr. Mackie is: "What is Social Credit?' Mr. Mackie 2 said the 'Social' means people + and 'Credit' means wealth. He said the idea simply was that : when earning $100 per week do ~ not spend $150. provincial budget is the main Social Credit theme. _ autonomy and believes individ- + ual + maintained instead of attempt- _ ing to create regional govern- contribution. jurday at the centennial build- onto and received his education| commissioner, in Toronto, Mount Forest old, married and the father of over the bulk of the property| Credit Association, a member of taxes in the area of education|the Baptist Church and superin-| Harvey Whale, District Commis-| na, bazaar, Nov. 25, Tea hos- » he said. j|tendent of the young people's pass cee Aha he ckling his|department at his church. | At the general membership dinner meeting of the Whitby Lions Club, a number of guests were introduced, It was announ- ced a "light bulb blitz' will be held Oct, 14, and a pump- kin drive on Oct. 28. All Lions were urged to get out for these projects. Lew Sherlock has ar- ranged a Hallowe'en dance, Oct. 28. Hugh Polson introduced The "Sweet Adelines"', who led mem- bers in a sing song following the meeting. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Ballard and daughters, Brenda and Heather, Hampton, along with small donations rom individuals, The question most frequently payers Association adult repre- sentatives are: Dave Brodhagen and Mrs. Pat McQuade. A Hal- lowe'en dance is scheduled for Oct. 21 at 'the IOOF hall. All) attending are requested to wear| costumes. Mrs. Herbert' Robbins, 945] Donovan Cres., is opening her home Monday to Gardenview United Church Women for its monthly meeting. Balancing the Mr. Mackie is jealous of local Rev. David Murphy, mission- ary of Guyana, will be guest speaker at the association nvter| municipalities should be A Z home to members of Ajax St.| Monica Cook, area\timothy's Presbyterian Church) officiated. Pro-\women's Guild. A new presi-| andiceeds will go towards Whitby \dent was elected, Mrs. Ernest Mr. Mackie was born in Tor-jing. Mrs. Mrs. William Nurse, Guide Cap-| secretary, Mrs. James Ingram, discussed for the annual Christ- | loner. |tesses were Mrs. Ernest Her- St. Mark's United Church Wo-|ron and Mrs, Jean Foster. WHITBY - AJAX CALENDAR Canadian Legion Pipe Band. TUESDAY, OCT. 17 Pentecostal Church Young People's Christ Ambassadors; Al-Anon' Family Group; Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club; Shrink- ing Violets TOPS Club; Red Ajax Kinettes; Pickering Pound Peelers TOPS Club. Salvation Army Women's Home League; St. John Ambulance Cadets; Whitby Chapter 248 Or- der of the Eastern Star; Ajax Happy Melting Shadows TOPS lub, FRIDAY, OCT. 20 ple's Band. SUNDAY, OCT. New Claims On Scrolls Termed 'She NEW YORK (AP)--An expert on the Dead Sea scrolls today dismissed as "sheer fantasy" the claims of a British professor that the scrolls suggest that Christianity had its roots in a drug-taking cult akin to LSD trippers. Rev. James A. Sanders, a biblical scholar and member of a 12-man international team working on the scrolls, said "no evidence whatever' has been found of such a condition. He referred to remarks in London Friday by John Marce Allegro, lecturer at Manchester University, who said his studies of the scrolls indicate the New 'Testament was "just a cover story' for Christianity's actual origins. Associations in memory of his wife. Mrs. McLaughlin served as federation president from 1930 to 1936. In making the dona- tion, Colonel McLaughlin said, "It is the only organization in men Unit 10, meeting was pre-| z sek by Mrs. Edward| rs. J, P. Berney presided a od a ber over M ; , Whitby Association Hears |iicin'Ss't tessa" a tm six St Beresete Cut |to the selected "Chef,"' the meat, WHITBY (Staff) -- A parish)who will be assisted by Mrs. !American Mining Con recently that he doubted silver project for All Saints Anglican|Thomas Henstéck and Mrs, /dollars would ever be minted Church is a Dinner," to be held Oct. 25 at the parish hall, at 6:30 p.m. to the federal government, who/te for tennial year released| Proceeds will be given to the ee |Canadian Indian Missions. bison meat. This offer was made available) to any particular or groups. From time to time, members of| supply of the promised pounds of bison meat, sidered by many a delicacy. Expert advice has been given will be marinated and given the proper treatment. "Buffalo (Bison)|Stanley Armstrong. Dinner is served to at least 200 people. A request was made in April Ticket convener is Ronald Car- r. LONDON (CP)--One of Brit All Saints Church check on their, ain's largest wine and spirit 90) makers is experimenting with con-|green stamps at its off-licence 'liquor stores. spokesmen says it is only an experiment so far; the stamps will be used to gauge customer reaction, |again. expected to he BARGAIN BOOZE A company KING WEST Garden Centre 843 King St. W. ---- Oshewe Fall Time is Planting Time! We have on excellent nursery stock on hand for your Fall planting needs. 728-9429 To add to this epicurean meal, the hall will be decorated west- ern style. General event is convener for this Mrs. Ronald Carter, by are co-converers for the ba- 403 Rosslond Road: West EMMANUEL REFORMED Rev. Harold Hesselink Created To Individual Requirements ber of the executive of the Ajax Majorette Corps, was assisted by Mrs. Vickie Watson for the enrolment of majorettes held at the new Ajax community up members, with several others having made inquiries. The | Mr. and Mrs. Kent McDon- nell, 62 Clements Rd., Ajax, Ispent a few days in Montreal,| UNITED CHURCH Primary Junior Congregation ST. MARK"S Centre & Colborne Sts Gordon Harle, B.A., Organist infant Core YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US the guests of Mr. and Mrs.| |Jacques Desormeaux. They at-| \tended the Gilles -- McDonnell) Anstey and Mrs. David Robb.| awa District Council of Home| At the regular meeting of and School Association, pre-\A}l Saints' Anglican Church Af- sided over the installation Of|ternoon Guild meeting presided| officers as follows: President, by Mrs. Donna Martin mem-| Mrs. W. G. Creighton, vice-|pers volunteered to assist with president; Mrs. E. H. Hepring-\the 'Buffalo (Bison) Dinner" to executive member of the Osh- Garden View United Church ren. More than 2,000 Pakistanis live in the town and want their) er Fantasy" before offering these historical] misconstructions."" | "This sensational kind of spec- ulation reflects more the state of his mind than it does anything in antiquity. There is no evi- dence of it whatever that I know of, or that any of my colleagues know of." MATERIAL INVALUABLE Dr. Sanders, professor of Old) Testament at Union Theological) Seminary and translater of The; Psalm Scroll of Qumran Cave 11 As For Allegro's claims that the findings threaten to under- mine the basis of Christianity, however, Dr. Sanders said noth- served by Mrs. Dwight Swerdfeger. Mr. Swerdfeger addressed the} parents briefly, and introduced| | at 11. AM. and teachers outlined the year's curriculum, Kindergarten moth- ers supplied lunch, which was D. Reynolds' Fest Dependable Redie Dispatched Plumbing Service, SERVICE MADE US, Coll 723-1191 ister: Rev. Wm. W. PATTERSON Music Director: MRS. JOYCE BAIN committee. | : 286 KING STREET W. | ST. ANDREW'S DONALD | TRAVEL 2 WEEK ALL INCLUSIVE CARIBBEAN RE-ELECT CONSERVATIVE | COMPANY LIMITED | 723-3487 ing had been turned up of that nature. However, he said the clearer) picture of first-century Jewish society, groups and _ influences concurrent with Jesus' ministry may disturb some biblical liter- alists, whatever for those trained in theology and scripture studies," he added. Allegro, 44, who once studied for the Methodist ministry but later became a humanist, has been a student of the scrolls since they were discovered in caves by the Dead Sea in 1947. published earlier this year, said the project has turned up invalu- able material. | "It is absolutely indispensable, today for the study of the New| Testament. It affors intimate knowledge of conditions of life,| FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON'S MAKE YOUR OUTDOOR LIVING COMPLETE "But it has no shock value] ; WHITBY BAPTIST 9ist ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 11:00 A.M.--The Church and Its Purpose 7:00 P.M.--A Sure Foundation 9:45 A.M,--BIBLE SCHOOL CLASSES 7:30 P.M.--BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER Excelient Nursery Facilities A cordio! Invitation 1s extended to ell former members and friends, the congregation to attend, FHNUUUSOOUNOONOOUNURAOOUAUUOSOUUEOOEEAEOOUOAUUAU OU SENIOR FIRST AID CLASS ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ANDERSON ST. HIGH SCHOOL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17th DMAUHUU HE LUedrn vu csctt etn otcttt FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street N. REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM --"FAITH TIDINGS' RADIO. BROADCAST C.K.L.B. --, 1350 On Your Dial 9:45 A.M.--OPEN SESSION OF BIBLE SCHOOL MR. JIMMY LAKE "The Gospel Magician from Toronto NS ELLS : ' ° eee . -- si _ Less to run. Less to repair. Less to 11 AM. AND7 P.M RS & CO. Why settle for more? 4) cc nts 24 x 24 ' os isa Oo acted pet Price i OB Poul tees ve REV. WM. THOMPSON, Toronto Hamilton ns iceemeael fe a ae a e Pei ELON WEDNESDAY EVE., 8:00 P.M. + Vancouver VELLON a ida bli BROWN GET YOUR FREE SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD., 334 Ritson Road South, Tel. 723-3461 PRAYER, PRAISE & BIBLE STUDY World. "ay : Tne DESiONS "Affiliated with The Fellowship of Evangelical 728-7327 TO-DAY! Boptist Churches in :«Canado ae res : :

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