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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Oct 1967, p. 24

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one DONALD DUCK BLONDIE CONT YOU EVER OF REALLY DIFFERENT GIFT SUGGESTIONS? WE! NEXT TIME YOU'RE «+ SUGGEST A FEW SHARES OF McOUC COMMON STOCK / WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING ALL DAY? YOU ASK WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING? ALL I WANTED TO KNOW WAS WHAT [----\ SHE'S BEEN DOING BUZ SAWYER BUZ, DARLING, I WAS TRYING To REMEMBER THOSE LINES FROM eee SINGING BESIDE ME IN THE WILDERNESS. © | " AH, WILDERNESS WERE PARADISE ENOW.* © King Features Syndicate, lee, 1967. World rights reserved. JANE ARDEN WE. HARDLY EXPECTED ee « for LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT 68 PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS VAUXHALLS and FIREBIRDS at... The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. S rt E the all new 'M WORE OUT READIN' IT; ONLY 4 IGGORAMUS WOULD SEND WRITTEN » NOTICES TO FOLKS WHAT CAIN'T READ J/-- Phil tries to leave the lounge to get back to Lazio's room... SECRET AGENT X9 TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buffato Channet 3---Barrie Channet 4--Buttale Channel é--Teronte Channel 7--Buttaio Channel 8--Rochester Channel %-Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough MONDAY EVENING 6:00 P.M, 12--Three Stooges 11--Maya 6--Mr. Ed 7--Flintstones 6--Rocket Robin Hood JULIET JONES tf YOU'RE A BETTING MAN, YOU'VE @OT TO FACE THE ODDS -- AND LITTLE THINGS LIKE UPSETS. HOW CAN YOU BE SURE OF RAKING IN THE BUCKS? MICKEY MOUSE 1 DON'T TLL EXPLAIN KNOW MUCH AS WE GO. ABOLT GOLF. D ey SXA val Distributed by King Features Syndicate, GRANDMA HOW. "BOUT DOING SOME MAGIC FOR LIS P CHAS KUHN- 10-16 MUGGS AND SKEETER wBE SURE IT PUTTS Goop! 4--Perry Mason 3--Movie 5:30 P.M, 12--Flintstones &--Truth or Consequences 7--News é--Let's Go 8--Of Lands and Seas 6:00 PLM. » Weather, 1}--Pierre Berten &--How's Business J--Movie 6--Film Drama 4--News, Westher, Sports 6:0 P. 12--Ironside 1i--Rat Patrol we 3-4--News, Weather, 7:00 P.M. N--Man From U.N.C.L. 9--Second Hundred Years 8--True Adventure $--Day It Is 4--Honeymooners 3--Accidental Family 2--News, Weather, Sports 7:0 P. 9--Lueliie Ball 7--Cowboy in Africae 9--Bewitched 8--Man From U.N.C.L.E, 3-6-12--O'Keefe Centre Presents 2--Movie 8:30 P.M, 9--Family Affair 7--Rat Patrol 4--Lucille Ball 9:0 PLM, 9--Country Music Hall 7--Felony Squad 4--Andy Griffith 3-6-8-12--Bob Hope 9:30 PLM, 9--1 Spy | 7--Peyton Place Merv Griffin 7--Big Valley 3-4-12--Front Page Chal- 12-6--N.Y.P.D. 2-3-4-7-9-11-12--News, 4--Movie 2-4--Johnny Carson 11.98 P.M, --Dragnet 4--Gary Lewis and The Playboys 10:00 P.M. 2-8--1 Spy 4--Carol Burnett 9---Sotheby Auction 3--Profile 11:00 P.M Weather and Sports 11.18 P.M. --Plerre Berton 20 PLM. Sports 11:38 PLM, 7--Movie 1--Hot Line. 9--Perry's Probe 6--Movie ie 12.18 A.M, 9--Nobel Lecture 12.30 A.M. 1--Mark Saber TUESDAY 8:00 A.M. 1--Schnitzel House 4--Captain Kangaree 8:30 A.M. 9--University of the Air 8:55 A.M. J--Dialing Fer Dellars, Virginia Graham N--Ed Alien Time 4--Carlton Fredericks 9--Romper Room 8&--Crossfire 30 A.M, 1i--Donna Reed 9--Meta 7--Africa 6--Ontario Schools 4--Love of Life 3--Good Mornini 10:00 AN 11--Movie 9--Uncle Bobby 82--Snap Judgment 'andid Camera 3-6-12--Canadlan_ Schools 10:30 A.M, 6-2--Cencentration 7--T.B.A. 4--Beverly Hillblilies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 1:00 12--Romper Room 9--Tugboat Annie 3-6--Mr. Dressup 11:30 AM, 11--Marriage Confidential 9--Mr. and Mrs. 7--Family Game 7-4--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12 NOON '2--News Weather Sports 1i--Little People 9--Teronto Tedey $-2--Jeopardy 7--Menev Mevie 6--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, Sports 12.10 P.M, 3--Super Heroes 12:38 P.M, V--Photo Finish 6--Eye Guess 4-4-6-12--Search for To- morrow &Merv Griffin 45 P.M, 3-4-6-12Guiding Light 1:00 PLM, 12--Movie 11--Mike Douglas 9--Mevie @--Dialing fer Bollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meat the Millers 3--Movie &4--As The W t Let's Make 7--Newlywed Game 6-4--Love Is A Many Splendored Thing 2#-8--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M. 12--Calendar 1--Perry Mason 9--Peopie in Cenflle? 7--Dream Girl 6--Cerenation Street 4--House 2-8--Dectors 3:00 P.M. 9--Magistrate's Court 8-2--Another World 7--T.B.A, 4--Te Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take % B MA, 4--News 3:30 8 MA, N--Bullwinkle 9--It's Your Move 7--Commander Tom 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 2-8--Yeu Don't Say 11--Super Heroes 9~1 Love Lucy &Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas 4.30 P.M, 1i--My Mother, The Car 9--Movie 8--Leave It To Beaver 2-8--Personality I--T.B.A. 4--Andy Griffith 4--Truth or Consequences 3-6-12--Barney Boomer ~ CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Scrutinize 5. Furnish 9) Same: prefix 10. Toward the sheltered side 11, Persia, 12. Rumple 13. Half ems 14. Sea off Sweden 16. Smothers 19. Inter- national language 1 20. Archi- tectural bases 21. Exclama- tion 23. Help 24. Witness 25. Coin 27. Pert. to sound 30. Legen- 36, Midday 37. Help 39. Body of Kaffir warriors 40. Fuel 41, Luck: Ir. 42, English politica: party DOWN 14. Egyp- fO]MBIEIRBBRI' [PIER] 1. Japanese tian eee Baa religion pleasure PaO a cal re =] 2. Mediter- god |: ranean 15. Daunt --_[NJAlT]i JOINS MRADID island 17. Dart MO MER inhabitant 18. Guided 3.Candlenut 21. Quaker /RMMIcICIOIS BAL tree founder |Ajt|t VIE ME TIAINIG/O 4, Nega- 22. Hat BERR AIL [TIE tive 24. French (SIAINITIAMEBILIAIS) 5. Tibetan coin Saturday's Answer priests 25. Wire 6. Jewish measure 33. Alaskan month 26, Peaceful seaport 7. Aerie 27. Sun 34. Spinning 8. Crave 28. Tidily toys 3. Large 29. Attempt 37. Behave worm 31. Ending 38. Hiss 2 Ys EB wie Y Y yy* 25 [26 Za 29 Li 30 YG mM 33 [34 GO AHEAD, GENERAL ....SAY IT TO THEM LIKE I TOLD You, Sy HUBERT YOUR HEALTH | Dear Dr. Molner: We live in an area where stores are few and far between. My family (six children) uses 18 half-gal- lons of milk a week. I don't drive and can't always get to the store if I run out of milk, so I have been buying non-fat dry milk to keep on hand. The children like it. Would it also be all right to give it to a baby of five months after being on a formula, or would regular milk be better? --F.A.M. Keeping a reserve of dry non-fat milk, which can be re- constituted with water when needed, sounds like a good idea in your situation, but there are two things you must keep in mind. The fact that it is non-fat milk means that the butterfat has been removed. It is, there- fore, roughly skim milk, in dry form. Reconstituted, it has the same nutritional value as that of skim milk. NON-FAT MILK GOOD With the butterfat removed, the non-fat milk does not have the same calorie value as whole milk. The non-fat milk is good for children or adults--but you still have to make up, in one way or another, the calories re- presented by the missing fat. For an overweight child, the non-fat milk would be prefera- ble, and the same is -true ef adults--either skim milk or thy non-fat type. But for the child who needs the full calorie value, which is true of most, you have to keep in mind that the non-fat milk shortch: him in that re- gard. But one other important con-} sideration must be kept in Non-Fat Dry Milk Suggested For Baby By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD milk on the market is also en: riched with Vitamin D. The non-fat milk is not. Vitamin D is also known as the "anti-rickets vitamin," andl' for quite some years has been added to milk as a safeguari| against children developing rickets (soft, misshapen bones.) Only this summer the Ameri- can Academy of Pediatrics, not- ing the increased use of non-fat milk, recommended that chil- dren who got it also be given a Vitamin D_ supplement. The younger the child, the more im- portant this is. Therefore I would not use the non-fat milk for the baby with- out discussing it with your doc- tor and making sure that the baby gets adequate Vitamin D. RICKETS UNCOMMON Rickets is now uncommon in the United States because of this Vitamin D added to milk. Dear Dr. Molner: My year- old baby swallowed a button last week, a little larger than one from a man's shirt. Can it cause serious damage? She eats and sleeps well.--Mrs. T.B. I'd forget about it. It has no sharp edges. In fact, the button doubtless already has left baby's system. Dear Dr. Molner: I assumed that the "pill" was for birth control but now I am told that isn't so, that it is an interrup- tion of pregnancy.--Mrs. J.H. You.were right all along. The pill is not an interruption of pregnancy. Rather, it brings about a change in hormone level in the body which is very similar to that which occurs in pregnancy. This "deceives" the body so that (as is the case dur- ing pregnancy) no more ovula- tion occurs. Without ovulation, mind, and this is particularly|there cannot be a pregnancy. true with the baby. Most whole Note to F.W.S.: Yes, it is true THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 16, 1967 24 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER East dealer. North-South vulnerable. NORTH $xiose @KI42 HA0854 88 A107632 KI9 ey ¢ 373 106 ' souTH 4 $iss | 109876 &KQ3 The bidding: East South West North 3 4 is 5@ J S Me De Opening Jead--ace of spades. This hand occurred in . the match between Italy and Argentina in 1958 and resulted in a 1,370-point gain for the Italian team, At the first table, where Chiaradia and D'Alelio were North-South for Italy, the bid- ding went as shown. The Argentine West led the ace of spades, which was ruffed in dummy. D'Alelio had no trouble mak- ing six. He played a club to the king and led a diamond. West took the ace and returned a second spade, ruffed in dummy with the jack, Declarer then cashed the king of diamonds, felling the queen, and discard- led two hearts on dummy's llong clubs to make the doubled M/\contract with an overtrick. So D'Alelio scored 950 points for Italy against a disappointed West -who made only one trick despite his promising hand. At the other table the bidding |was less complicated but equal- l'y gratifying to the Italians. |Belladonna, West for Italy, bid la spade after two passes. |North doubled and Avarelli |jumped to four spades. | awkward decision to make -- land Belladonna became declan jer at four spades, . North had no clearly indi cated opening lead, but made the excelltnt choice of a club, Had he led a heart or a dia: mond, West would easily have made four. Howevever, event the ace of clubs lead proved in: effective when South elected te signal at trick one with the queen South's reluctance to play the three on the ace is understand: able -- he was afraid that North would shift to another suit if he followed low--but the come-on signal with the queen proved fatal. North continued with a club, but since West's jack became a trick in the process, the con- tract was easily made. Bella- donna won South's diamond re- turn with the ace, drew trumps, cashed the jack of clubs discarding a diamond from dummy and conceded a heart to the ace to score an additional 420 points for Italy. SPORT BRIEFS STAR SUSPENDED LONDON (AP) -- Jim Bas ter, star of Scotland's soccet team, was suspended 21 days Wednesday for kicking an oppo: nent while playing for Sunder+ land against Fulham in an Eng: lish League game Aug. 23. Bax- ter will miss the European Nations Cup game against Northern Ireland Oct. 21. SIGN CENTRE GUELPH (CP) -- Butch Mar- tin, manager - coach of Guelph Regals of the Ontario Hockey Association senior A league, Wednesday announced the sign- ing of centre Terry Oliver, for- mer junior player with Guelph and Niagara Falls. It will be his third season with the Regals. STANKY GETS RAIS E CHICAGO (AP)-- Chicago White Sox today gave manager Eddie Stanky a new fournyear contract with a raise in pay. Stanky now has a contract run- ning through the 1971 American League baseball season. The White Sox were eliminated from the pennant race Friday night: NATIONALS BEATEN WINNIPEG (CP) -- Detroit Red Wings of the NHL beat Canada's national team 2-0 Sat- urday night in a fast but close- checking exhibition hockey game before 9,600 fans. Paul Henderson and Bruce McGregor scored the goals that gave the Red Wings a sweep of a two-game exhibition series. Red Wings won the first game 5-1 Thursday. QUEENIE / Ye oll pe meet Pict ou've done it this time, yan -- fraternizing while on duty, destroying a ticket, and littering!" that allergies often seem to play a part in development of polyps, so sometimes a change of climate may help--but there's no way to predict this. { South passed -- he had an . E t : t E EATC FACI. Snowy whit singles). Eac EATON BEAUT kage. Reg. 6 SALE 2 P Bath Size Soa Reg. .79 pkg. SALE .. 2 P EATON'S COTTON Very absorbent or baby needs and throw aw Reg. .98! Sale, 1 bog EATON'S HEATIN Push-button cover of ray flannel cove Approx. 12 Reg. 6.95! SALE, each

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