THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 16, 1967 24 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER East dealer. North-South vulnerable. oK1985 99972 Zi06 12 souTH @94 O365 9109876 #KQ3 'The bidding: -- East South West North Pass Pass 16 Dble 3a 46 «46 (5O4 Pass Pass Dble Opening Jead--ace of spades. This hand occurred in the match between Italy and Argentina in 1958 and resulted in a 1,370-point gain for the Italian team, At the first table, where Chiaradia and D'Alelio were North-South for Italy, the bid- ding went as shown. The Argentine West led the ace of spades, which was ruffed in dummy. D'Alelio had no trouble mak- ing six. He played a club to the king and led a diamond. West took the ace and returned a second spade, ruffed in dummy with the jack. Declarer then cashed the king of diamonds, felling the queen, and discard- jed two hearts on dummy's long clubs to make the doubled lcontract with an overtrick. | So D'Alelio scored 950 points |for Italy against a disappointed |West-who made only one trick despite his promising hand. At the other table the bidding |was less complicated but equal- l'y gratifying to the Italians. |Relladonna, West for Italy, bid la spade after two passes. |North doubled and Avarellf jumped to four spades. | South passed -- he had an jawkward decision to make -- and Belladonna became declar jer at four spades, . | North had no clearly indi cated opening lead, but made the excelltnt choice of a club, Had he led a heart or a dia mond, West would easily have made four. Howevever, even the ace of clubs lead proved in: effective when South elected to signal at trick one with the queen South's reluctance to play the three on the ace is understand: able -- he was afraid that North would shift to another suit if he followed low--but the come-on signal with the queen proved fatal. North continued with a club, but since West's jack became a trick in the process, the con tract was easily made. Bella- donna won South's diamond re- turn with the ace, drew trumps, cashed the jack of clubs discarding a diamond from dummy and conceded a heart to the ace to score an additional 420 points for Italy. SPORT BRIEFS STAR SUSPENDED LONDON (AP) -- Jim Bas ter, star of Scotland's soccet team, was suspended 21 days Wednesday for kicking an oppo- nent while playing for Sunder land against Fulham in an Eng: lish League game Aug. 23. Bax+ ter will miss the European ~|Nations Cup game against Northern Ireland Oct. 21. SIGN CENTRE GUELPH (CP) -- Butch Mar- tin, manager - coach of Guelph Regals of the Ontario Hockey Association senior A league, Wednesday announced the sign- ing of centre Terry Oliver, for- mer junior player with Guelph and Niagara Falls. It will be his third season with the Regals. STANKY GETS RAIS E CHICAGO (AP)-- Chicago y3| White Sox today gave manager ijEddie Stanky a new fouryear ,jeontract with a raise in pay. ,|Stanky now has a contract run- yjning through the 1971 American League baseball season. The White Sox were eliminated '|from the pennant race Friday ; night! i. NATIONALS BEATEN WINNIPEG (CP) -- Detroit Red Wings of the NHL beat Canada's national team 2-0 Sat- "jurday night in a fast but close- checking exhibition hockey game before 9,600 fans. Paul "Henderson and Bruce "McGregor scored the goals that gave the Red Wings a sweep of '|a two-game exhibition series. Red Wings won the first game 5-1 Thursday. QUEENIE 2 ~@e Ff 7 a et. en "You've done it this time, 88) Ryan -- fraternizing while on ne) duty, destroying a ticket, and ry littering!" r-|that allergies often seem to a-|play a part in development of n.|polyps, so sometimes a change of climate may help--but e'there's no way to predict this. { EATON'S Semi-annual Sale of Family Drugs offers you excep- tional savings on drugs, cosmetics and general health needs. IT'S OUR BIGGEST DRUG EVENT EATON'S FAMILY Save money, and be sure of value at the same time! Now is the time to stock-up on your everyday needs, so phone, or come to Eaton's for fast efficient service . . s and SAVINGS ! EATON'S LADY FAIR FACIAL TISSUES Snowy white 2-ply tissues. Jumbo size box contains 500 tissues (1,000 singles). Each approx, 7 x 8", A big sale value. EATON'S LANOLIN BEAUTY SOAP -- A soft, deep cleaning soap that's pleasantly scented. Your choice of white, pink or yellow postel shades. Toilet soap. Six 3-oz, cakes to @ package. Reg. .65 pkg.! SALE 2 Pkgs. 1,09 4 Pgs. 2809 Both Size four 5-02. cakes te @ package, Reg. .79 pkg. sar. 2 rege 1:29 8 pigs. 1:89 EATON'S "Specified" COTTON BALLS Very absorbent, use for first aid, cosmetics or baby needs. Inexpensive, just use once and throw away. Bag contains 300 puffs. Sek, i bog «19 2 ior 149 EATON'S "Specified" HEATING PAD Push-button controlled. Zippered cover of rayon blanket cloth. Extra flannel cover. In rose or turquoise. Approx. 12 x 14", SALES cath ...sccee--. DOO SALE, 2 for ee ee 1.35 EATON'S SHAMPOO A mild, thorough shampoo that leaves your hair radiantly clean and alive with highlights. Reg. 98! ROLL OF COTTON Reg. .98! 1 rel Le ES 19 EATON'S "Specified" VAPOURIZER Humidifier has adjustable control . . . high, medium or low for 8 to 10 hours, 128-oz, break-resistant plastic bottle. Stainless steel electrodes. Reg. 9.95! 4 95 SALE, each (with cord) .. Us DRUGS AND COSMETICS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212-312 Sanitary Napkins EATON'S own Lady Fair brand nap- kins at a low sale price. Highly ab- sorbent. SALE, : 4B-in pkg. oo... ccrceccees 1.29 SALE, Te 2.49 EATON'S ROLL-ON DEODORANT Fresh scented liquid in a plastic con- tainer with a swivel top that rolls evenly with no spilling, or sticking. Reg. .69! contsioet 300 2ter Lid EATON'S "Specified" Clinical Thermometer One minute easy-to-read markings. Complete with a lightweight, pro- tective plastic holder. For family use. Boxed, Oe 2 for 1.88 EATON'S "CUSTOM" HOT WATER BOTTLE Durable hot water bottle to give comforting heat. Complete with ring for storage. Every home should have one. co re | PHONE 725-7373 b- & EATON'S SKIN CREAM Phone 725-7373 Sanitary Panties Sani-pant with soft covered waistband. Moisture proof panel. In small (34- 36), medium (37-39), large (40-42), extra large (43-45). SALE, CO namo: ©@ 2 for 1.49 WOMEN'S ETERNA HAIR BRUSH Notural bristle two-toned wooden backed brushes, A beautiful way te keep your hair groomed and tural: if 6 Rep. 2.50! SAL, eoch 2.49 Eterna Men's Naturol Bristie Club Natural bristle in @ solid shade wooden backed brush, Reg. 3.50! SALE, egeh ....... 2.0... 405 D EATON'S TOOTH BRUSH Nylon bristles in sturdy plastic handles, Medium or hard bristled. A variety of coloured handies. Plain or tufted, Reg. .33! SALE ......... ' 2 FOR #8 EATON'S HAIR SPRAY Soft, style-setting spray that holds ~-- with no lacquer. Can be used on bleached or tinted hair with no ad- verse effect. Reg. 1.39 ! aoa... 99 A non-greasy formula to make your skin satin smooth. Use as night cream, hand cream or as a cosmetic base. Reg. 1.98! SALE, MOE TT 6 iv cece veans 1.79 DELIVERY NOTICE " 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 16, 1967 25 OF THE SEASON! DRUG SALE Yes, we'll be happy to deliver but -- due to the response expected to this sale, we cannot promise delivery on our usual schedule. Deliveries will be made as promptly as possible, EATON'S LADY FAIR BATHROOM TISSUE New improved quality two-ply sheets are soft and absorbent. Soluble in septic tanks. In white or pink. Packages in fours, SALE, SPOS isicccsiace. 1.09 SALE, 96 rolls ...scceees carrying handle, SALE, set... Decorated Bath Brush With Nail Both brush has 121" overall length, durable plastic and hos synthetic bristles, Noll brush is matched. Both brushes have designed handles Reg, 1.25! SALE, set ...000snvracee . -- ° ¥ a ann : Three-Piece Cosmetic Bag Set A wonderful gift for every travelling woman. Lorge size for suit case, smoll size for purse, All zippered, al! floral patterns, Large ™ has 1 Brush ' PORTABLE HOME STEAM SAUNA Zip-up 'Naugahyde" plastic cabinet has a collapsible rust-proof metal frame for portability. A water-proof floor mat and collapsible stool with a 128-0z. steam vapourizer. 40 x 33" x 26", Reg. 59.95 ! SALE, each Approx. 49.95 DRUGS AND COSMETICS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212-312 } made of SALE, 16 rolls ...ecceeseees 2.09 11.99 rac ade EATON'S Medicated Skin Cream ' Regular use will help clear your skin of blemishes, keep it free of small skin problems. Smooth, soft and good for the whole family. Reg. 1.39! od JOP o.c9.0.8, 99 FEEDING SET NO. 1736 Prepare baby's formula just once a day. Six 8-oz. anti-colic nursers with caps, nipples and rings. 32-0z. form- ula pitcher, bottle thongs, bottle clean- ing brush, nipple brush, measuring glass, nylon funnel, metal juice strain- er, 4 measuring spoons, Reg. 10.95! SALE, set 9.95 PHONE 725-7373