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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Oct 1967, p. 14

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Tn suct one ove are not uall -- ee ee en as et q@ators furniture arrangement is unrestricted since all floor space is free from obstruction. | An important must in today's | heating system is proper con-| trol of temperatures. The trend| toward spread out construction -- ranch style, split levels, fin-| Today's Heating Systems EnsurePerfectComfort iiss" utes Our Canadian climate being/liquids. It utilizes compact andjeyen temperatures. With Hy- what it is, some measure of|attractive boilers which may be|dronic heating a zoning system heating is necessary during|fired by the fuel of your choice.|may be installed whereby tem- eight or nine months of the/The boiler heats water which|peratures in individual rooms 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 17, 1967 Automatic Gas Units Valuable Ready to scrap that ancient heating plant? Here's welcome news. Your 1 year. It follows that the heat-jis circulated by a pump and si-\can be set as desired. Since all/gas ¢ ing system in the house you buy lently carried through : d { or build should be chosen with pipes to radiators. Modern ra-/hydronic heating is extreme care. It must be prop-|diators may be had in the new enough to allow these features erly suited to the house so that streamlined free standing type, at small additional cost. it is adequate in performance, the concealed cabinet type, the economical in operation for the family and the protec- ern of all, the baseboard type. tem. With modern improve-| tion of their health This latter design replaces the'ments in design, and installa-| There are heating systems conventional wooden baseboard! tion techniques it is less expen! available today to satisfy demands of the most careful buyer, no matter what type of house construction he may f choose. In addition, he may\emperature in also select a system of heat ee a a us distribution which leaves com- ya e outsi yall? plete freedom of furniture ar- Because that is where heat is home ensures years of comfort- rangement in every room 1 b The ultimate in heating facil-jouter walls warm, the best in with ities may be secured today with inated is experienced. hydronic heating says the Cana- dronic heatin: dion Institute of Plumbing and/the need for basement ducts'|the outset where I Heating. and the restriction of head comfort are involved. For only USE LIQUIDS as well as emanating radiant!sjlent, draftfree, ation, Gas your builder or ence of heating and cooling with/other rooms with baseboard ra-|in the years ahead If You Are Considering Buying fuel. ce ] > alll y and gas small/heat is supplied by one boiler,/dealer can offer comfort-minded filter and circulate flexible cost-conscious home owners an array of fully It will pay the prospective equipment that will heat, hu- to|concealed type which is recess-/huyer to check all the advan-|midify, guarantee comfort at all times ed into the wall and, most mod- tages of a hydronic heating sys- "conditioned" air to all parts of the home. ; Space - saving gas equipment the and blankets the outside walls siye today than many suppose. |is readily adaptable to panel, | with a gentle, flow of warmth {n operation it is inconspicuous, radiant or perimeter heating. odorfree and|The new units can be safely in- heat at floor level, giving even clean. It gives even heat at all Stalled almost anywhere--in @jtive with oil heat. all parts of the times and is economical in oper- basement, attic, crawl space, utility room, closet, wall, under Hydronic heating in your new Stairs or even on the ceiling. ies and automatic whatever .. the furnace. being lost and by keeping the able living. Check all the facts dealers will willingly estimate your your home heating and fuel re- Hy- plumbing and heating contrac-|quirements, based on local cli- g also eliminates tor. It doesn't pay to scrimp at/mate conditions and the constru- health and ction of your home. Gas is delivered by protected underground pipes directly into Modern controls NEW FURNACE can be set for the exact degree of warmth desired and some will turn down the heat at night and raise it in the morning auto- matically. Other reasons for re- placing obsolete heating equip- ment with modern gas units are dom from maintenance. tors as: Modern, versatile gas equip- room. It allows you to fully use,a very little more original cost ment eliminates all ied Probe EFFICIENCY Hydronic heating is the sci-\the basement as desired. In all you may avoid costly changes cans, coal bins, and fuel tanks. There's never any need to shovel coal, empty ashes, bank fires or clean up dirt and grime. No waiting for fuel deliveries, eith- er, or danger of running out of 1. Efficiency of This 3. Initial cost of blowers, etc. 6. Amortization longer any question than can be ed in space heating, using power burners. All heating oils are by nature non-explosive. They may actually be exposed to a flam- ing torch without any hazard|ceivable savings in fuel cost. 0 plunge a_ torch into a container of fuel oil and the torch is immediately extin- guished. And heating oils are completely non-toxic, they have no inherent -_ bot salad health or plant life. These safe- A ty characteristics are. distinc- electricity. If safety counts ... |does ... then oil offers unique advantages to the apartment or commercial building owner. The simple truth is that oil has high relative safety under all circum- Safety Really Does Count Oil Has Big Advantages and it combustion efficiencies operation. is a percentage of the available heat units or BTU's purchased that are actually re- leased as heat in the building. 2. Labor for firing the fuel a BTU ofisupply to a large degree, heating value in the fuel ve ¥ . 4, Maintenance charges 5. Electrical charges for run-|does not claim to be the least ning burner motors, pumps, |expensive fuel in every sector charges equalize any difference in th initial cost of the equipment Of the two major automatic economy of operation and free-|fuels, oil and gas, there is N0/+ansportation theit | that But the ultimate considera- to|fuel. Canad fuel e | this y, th hnildi r] lat. the contrary, 21 \heating plant fits: in as little as lequivalent and 'conservatively |23, square feet of floor space-- estimated at 75 per cent. It island doesn't even have to be in true that electric heat is usually|the basement. given a 100 per cent rating in gh the exor-| most important elements of fur- bitant costs involved in insulat-|nace design today. An up-to- ing buildings to heat them elec-|date gas furnace capable of trically far outweigh any con- Gas Furnaces Are Adaptable A furnace used' to take up half' the cellar. But the modern ga? Space - saving is one of the heating the average size home, takes up no more space than a t of giving architects, minor as to be of no signifi- charges vary and it could be claimed that oil-fired units require a marginally greater amount than other fuels. As to amortization charges, admittedly higher cost for oil- fired installations is confined to the installations of a storage tank, which justifies itself in the provision of on-site fuel | BTU costs of fuel are prob- ably the deciding point and oil jof the country. As a general o|aictate that the more distant |from the well-head gas is de- |livered, the cheaper oil can he |delivered. Fuel oil delivered by happens to be most accessible in Canada at onverting To Oil Why Not Call MURPHY OIL COMPANY LTD. For A Free Estimate @ All installations. carried out by our own personnel, Financing Arranged and Carried by Murphy Oil Trained and Licensed Service Technicians. Automatic 'Degree Day' Oil Delivery. 24 Hour Emergency Service, URPHY OIL COMPANY LTD. 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA -- 725-3571 New Oil FURNACE There is still lots of time to get your before the Winter! Call 725-3581 *Ask us about a Humidifier, too. Late 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA Wee, |those points which are most re- jmote from the sources of gas supply and consequently, oil is most competitive in areas east jof Winnipeg and the Lakehead and in B.C.'s Lower Mainland region. But when it gets down to |particular cases, the wise com- jmercial property owner or builder will forego the 'easy out" of consulting an architect jor consulting engineer and go to |fuel oil suppliers' technical serv- jices staff or to a utility techni- ical people for factual data on comparative fuel costs, each can offer the best case to be made for his particular fuel and basic data from which an intelli- gent estimate may be deduced. | U.S. PULLS EVEN | HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP)-- |The US. equestrian team jevened the score with Canada |Monday night, sweeping the top \four places in the second round \of international jumping at the \Pennsylvania National Horse |Show. Canada had swept the jopening competition Saturday |to take a lead of 22 points. With |five nights of competition |remaining, the U.S. and Canada now are tied at 22-22. The Canadians who scored jthe 22 points Saturday night jwere Jim Elder of Aurora, |Ont., team captain; Moffatt |Dunlap of Toronto and Jim Day lof Oak Ridges, Ont. OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-Operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ......... TELEPHONE 942-0500 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION electric heating brings | you room-by-room ed to the requirements for elec-|builders and hom tric heating could in most in- stances be heated more econom-| 46, ones. Compact styling of ically with fuels other than|modern gas heating equipment There is no labor involved injthe development of both _ firing any of the fully automatic tion, no doubt, will be econom-/fuels and in the factor of main- ics .. . which fuel is the most|tenance, the time required is so ic to use? The decision on this point necessarily in-icance in terms of cost. Electri- volves more than mere costs of|cal BTU's delivered. To be consid-|motors, pumps and blowers do ered for example, are such fac- involving burner wners com- plete flexibility in designing) new homes and modernizing water heater. i the ad- has been a major contributor in ment recreation rooms an homes without basements. "Zero-clearance". gas furs naces can be installed so that sides and back touch walls, In sulation keeps the cabinets cool to the touch. Choice of location be installed in a vertical posi- tion on the floor or in a horizon- ceiling. It is not at all unusual room, alcove, hallway, or in a corner of the basement. If the air to find new gas furnaces install-| oa nact! ed in a first floor closet, utility styled, ae can be fitted any- fice. Proper Insul the thicknesses required by th meet triple Seal qualification: are greater. For electrically-heated home: quire 8 in. 314-in. thick batt on the marke To Electric Heating Job The types of insulation used|which completely fills the sal are the same as for any con- J ventionally heated home, except Electric Heating Association to|in. of wool-type insulation or ig! Exterior walls require a mini-|be installed between {| mum of 3-in. There is now ajover such areas, ation Vital space. The revised standards to issued this fall will require: €; In heated basement areas s cueivennt installed on exte walls, down to a mi r s|2 ft. below grade in pie 4 using the unitary fixture type or|areas, and to cover the entirg. ducted systems, 6-in. of wool-|wall area of recreatio; : type or its equivalent is re-|playrooms, etc. quired in the exposed ceiling; ceiling cable installations re-|a minimum of 2 in. woo). In unheated basement areas, insulation, .or equivalent must joists vapo t'barrier uppermost. and When _ installed house lacks a basement, the tached garage. ness, ability. economy Gas Simplifies House Heating A warm house without fur- nace tending? automatic units. fi Icy winds and winter storms |; will not interrupt gas service. For gas is piped underground direct to the burner in the|+ home, ment gas eliminates fuel _ bins,|) tending. Gas is constantly available. Set the thermostat for comfort- the house. Gas does the rest--je for the entire heating season. Ordering and waiting for fuel was necessary ducts low at the furnace so that And such an arrange-| ward If your basement is in clutches of a space-eating mon- ster, gravity furnace, you.can easily release it from the grip of the old octopus by warm air gas heating system. otherwise known as & installing a Because the old fashioned Sounds almost i: ; mos'vheating system depended on to good to be true, Bul Is gravity to move the ai through quipp the house, it was necessary to househeating |e Jarge ducts to make it easy or the air to flow through hem. For the same reason it to start the hey could slope gradually up- throughout their full | hs. tanks, ash cans and -- furnace Watts SPACE The newer types of AKM air systems have changed all this. ably regulated temperatures in|blowers to circulate the warm- They use motor-driven r air, so the furnaces can be located anywhere in the house. They use smaller, narrowed New UnitsForHeating Give Basements Wide Use Basements are getting a new|ducts which can be tucked ia lease on life, thanks to a re-jamong the structural t . markable unit recently develop-|of the building. jis almost unlimited. They can|.q py the gas industry which The Mmemberg -- The furnace-freed basement" combines heating, cooling andjarea can be put to many other Re conditioning on a year/good uses, such as a hobby tal position suspended from the| ing basis. Because these units are so handsomely|and crafts studio. room, rainy-day : Dlayr model train room, ig and an arts The new furnace can be jn. where, even' a closet will suf-)stalled neatly in one corner of in the|the basement and all the Pipes : basement, they not only keepjcan be tucked up between the furnace can also be installed/ii3t area warm in the winter/joists clearing the decks for ed in the attic, crawl space be-!anq coo] in the summer, but neath the house or in an at-| snable families to use this valuable space for recreationa) Fully automatic gas heating|centres. systems also eliminate the need| Best of all, the homeowner|/homes without the work ang for storage facilities since gaS|can add an air conditioning now|worry of furnace-tending. is delivered directly to the fur-jor at some future date. nace by underground pipes.!same ductwork used for the Other advantages are cleanli- forced air heating system pro- and depend-|yides a ready-made system for jcool air distribution in the sum- ~~ | mer, many decorating possibilities, Weatherproof and more auto. matic than sunshine itself, gas" economically heats millions of In good weather or bad, gas is always on hand. It is the one fuel that/doesn't run low in sup. ply. It doesn't have to be order. ed or delivered above ground, Gas is carried right to the house in protected underground pipelines, and it goes direct} to the heating unit without" shoveling or storage. The second it enters the heat." ing unit, gas goes to work, While other fuels must be turned into gases before they can begin to work, gas re sponds instantly. It is a pure concentrate of energy which burns quickly and completely in any type of heating system -- hot air, hot water, steam or separate space heaters. And, gas burns clean without leaving ashes, soot or smoke. CLEANEST FUEL Besides eliminating the un- pleasant winter task of dispos- ing of ashes, the cleanliness of" gas protects walls, carpets, drapeces and upholstery from soiling grime. Gas heat makes. spring house cleaning virtually a thing of the past. to be delivered b s a thing of the past. | With the current trend to*| ward light colored carpeting, 2 clean fuel is essential. Gas comes into the home ready to) burn and leaves no direct soot,| or film on rugs, curtains. This means __less| sweeping and general house-| keeping for the homemaker. drapes and| as determined by individual that provide cool air condition-|} ing in the summer months. Noiseless gas heating units\a are available in a variety of\a colors that blend 'harmoniously |e cor, Exceptionally compact this/ti deal of welcome extra space in|o the home. fl Efficient Room Heaters Perform Many Duties Whenever extra heat is de- |sired in any one room of the Central heating by gas is pos-/"use, there is no need to wait sible through radiant heating injor perhaps overheat the whole the floor, panel heating in the/house. Now there are several walls, grills flush with the floor/types of heaters adapted ideally and regular radiators or con-'for these quick-heat tasks that vectors. These systems employ are highly efficient and eco- warm air, hot water or steam|nomical. With the fan-forced circula- preference and ease of installa-|tion provided by these heate: tion. Units are ailso available!they pes ental ideo for peers air and lingerie, and are wide- ly used in bedrooms and recre- tion rooms. Building experts dvise prospective home build- rs to provide sufficient electri- with game or utility room de-/cal outlets at convenient loca- ons for portable heaters and year, they allow for a good|similar equipment. Electric utlets for fans or heaters at oor level in every room should comfort control | Only with flameless electric heating can you control the tem- | perature in every room. Electric heating is completely even | heating . . . no cold spots, no rushing blasts of heat, no chilly drafts. For more information, talk to your qualified electric heating contractor, or ask... LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY - « « « » « TELEPHONE 942-2930 . « TELEPHONE 668-5878 your hydro Electrie Heating Contractors the 56 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA Phone 728-4611 'eaders in Electric Heating be a primary consideration in home planning. During the changeable weath- er of spring and fall, room heaters are especially desir able: to help avoid the expense of turning on the central heat» ing system. Even in homes which lack central heating, an arrange- ment of room heating individu- ally controlled by thermostats is often a good substitute to help maintain an even balance of heat throughout the house. Those room heaters which offer fan circulated forced ait heat are, by far, the most sat- isfactory and most economical for complete room heating. The fan draws in the aif from the upper levels of the room and spreads the heated air evenly along the floor, help- ing maintain an even tem- perature in the "living zone ot the room. In addition, the constant flow of air across the heating ele- ment speeds up and increases the transfer of heat from. the element to the air. Greater. efficiency and economy results because a larger volume of ait is heated without a corre sponding increase in fuel com, |sumption. , | Another virtue of room heat: ers is that they require nd. messy maintenance. A season check by a qualified service man will guarantee years and. years of satisfactory, economl: - cal performance. In addition, , forced circulation are We resulting from being After 385 KING ST. EAST foxier lashed with water. was CR nS: TOWNSEND | ELECTRIC LTD. Specializing In Electric Hoating _ @ COMMERCIAL e INDUSTRIAL e RESIDENTIAL all 723-2343 Hours Call 725-2903 _ i et aa a. the room heaters with fan- + protected against potential ha- ; a Useful, } Given 01 Some valuable inf the subject of oil he and heating with sented by the Natior Council. These deal | common aspects of | TWO BASIC FACTO The basic factors heating plant accide 1. The type of fuel 2. The type of he: ment which it is bui Heating oil is a re! fuel since it is noi non-toxic and, in its non-inflammable. However, heating fuel oil) is distinct types of oil fuels home--and it is part ferent in the type o in which it is burne Heating oil (No. 2 always burned in a « ing plant consisting tic controls. This of heating installed jority of oil homes | larly in the northert country where full h quired. It is the typ understood when th heating" is used. EQUIPMENT USEI Central oil heatin; relative safety. Th summarizes the tec sons for this: Central oil heatin; an automatically op ing plant with three of electric controls. If manufactures h izing liquid fuel oil- up into particles an ing it with air -- w pletely enclosed me! or similar material. Combustion occur the balancedoil-air ignited by a contro spark. This regulated he: chamber is transfer special surfaces (neé rect contact) to on transistor heat - car iums. The three ar hot water or steam- the heat via enclos pipes throughout the The heating oil oil) is stored in a | gauge steel tank | pletely separate fre ner, The oil is fed through piping to th ways under full ré the electric controls it off at any time malfunction. THE CONTROLS In automatic oil h are three interchec! controls: 1, The thermostat thermometer equip an electrical messz heating plant to or off. 2. The basic com trol sees that this executed only if th proper mixture of | and proper ignition. the burner tempora it off on "safety"' i tions are not right. Strong F For Ada New heating unit able to do more heat a home! The of having a furné keep you warm is to complete comfo round. A good furnace, | must be able to summer air conditi minimum of added Then, too, a wid other climate cont may be added to d provide just temp trol. Electronic a odor-removal and h trol are a few of th being given to the nace. How well you "'t depends upon _ tl equipment you add. ing popular today t mer cooling, ele cleaning, electric and odor-removal, to heating. > } '----Parking Lots Beked Enamel Finishes Optional Se

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