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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Oct 1967, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, October 17,1967 75 lation Vital | 1 1 a LJ ua iT] ator. It is a house that re-|fuel-cell-power generation in| s Useful, Authentic Facts Products All Gas Home Lauded quires an extraordinary amount|the home will eventually be ~~~ Heatin Job j jof energy. Major kitchen appli-|competitive with purchased cen | FIND OLD CITY entire group of ancient Roman : s 5 2 . & ances, washers, dryers, heating,itral-power-station electricity in} SIBENIK, Yugoslavia (AP)|summer houses, with pools and 1véen ut n 1 eatin n 0 uce nump 1ence lair conditioning, and swimming|most instances. Moreover, so--A dig team from the Archeo- elaborate wall decorations, on oc lie He se | pool heater all use gas. In addi-jgas mag ay Regen say, . ap-|logic Institute of Zagreb, head-|Murter Island near this north : ; or its firs' years or so, ' iS sees & aboratories in Cleve. ion, the onsite generator pro-|pears that the economics of On-leq py Prof. D ; et iat ; Some valuable information onlis backed up by the stackswitch|the oil heat industry concentrat- « For many years the vig ppc Laborainnes in Cleve wiles all sloctvicity pesdéd forlsite fuel-cell. community pawer! : y - Dr. Duje Rendic )Adriatic port. It is believed to the subject of oil heating plants|mounted the stack ich |"'all_ gas" home has been aljand, Ohio. It is useful in areas|);.),: santilati | A ft finiited ¢|Miocevic, announced the dis-\be the legendary early Roman ' ae Sj me on the stack -- whichieq pretty much on the conven-\gleam in the gas industry's|. fs A venting, .ventlating. fens, typigencration for Adnireds. et) > of siaut i and heating with oil are pre-|will also close down operations Snail hast 'ee aleve. Behind the scenes. rasearon|re water pollution is a prob- automatic water heaters, the|homes will be even more favor-\Covery 0 the remains of anicity of Kolentum. is: sented by the National Fuel Oillif the flow of combustion gases|"0"*! heating of homes an |scientists have worked dogged-|!em or where soil conditions do music system, thermostatic and|jable because of the reduced], ceo saa a Council. These deal with several|to the outside is too hot or too|%ther structures, heating water) |not permit tl se of septi -ontrol d dozens of cost of hardware per unit of : A : } | cai ; . |ly. Twenty-four years ago, there DEER SR MES, OF REPHCIEATARE CONOM, am eases : ; | common aspects of oil heating.!cold. 3. The third electric conjand providing heat for industri-\ yore ae. tie dipate pr Zas_ in|tanks. other small appliances. power in larger systems, as for quick, reliable ised|which completely fi A con- ag +4 4 Sides, i | e revised stand : cept! issued this fall will pba, 'd the] In heated basement area, | tojin. of wool-type insulation or: : ions equivalent installed on exte walls, down to a minimum of | mes|2 ft. below grade in unfinisheg | > or|areas, and to cover the entice ool-|wall area of recreation rooms, re- plagtooeis, he ~ ng;| In unheated base: Q re-|a minimum of 2 is TWO BASIC FACTORS jtrol is the limit control which|al processing. But within just ; ' | The August, 1963 issue of Research is in progress that|well as the improved load-cycle The basic factors in home| holds within safe limits thelthe past oo eee, cccnuan to re "Tr ins ae' cade ee and Garden magazine will add more information about|factor. Total energy systems heating plant accidents are: {Pressures or the temperatures|the Oil Heating Association of seven, The goal was passed|{eatures a house that creates all the economics of all-gas-power-/powered by natural-gas-fueled| 1. The type of fuel burned within the system which distri-|Canada, the industry has|many years ago jits own power by means of ajed developments. Engineers injturbines have already been 2. The type of heating equip-|butes the heat. branched out with an adventur- Today: there ae can caneee 0-kilowatt natural gas gener-|the industry believe that on-site\proved economically feasible. insulation, .or equival 4 ini-|be installed between tae re - alover such areas, 2 ket'barrier uppermost. : orHeating ents Wide Use ew|ducts which can be tucked re-jamong the structural memberg op-| of << ----, & ich e furnace-freed ba: : indjarea can be put to many othe ar/good uses, such as a hobj room, rainy-day pj; so|model train room, aud "an elyjand crafts studio. 4 1y-| The new furnace can uf-|stalled neatly in one corneal ' he/the basement and all the pipes epjcan be tucked up between the ler|joists clearing the decks - for ut}many decorating possibilities ris} Weatherproof and more auto. 1aj|matic than sunshine itself, gas" economically heats millions of er/homes without the work and ow|'worry of furnace-tending. he| In good weather or bad, gas he|is always on hand. It is the one 'o-|fuel that@doesn't run low in Sup. or|ply. It doesn't have to be order. ° m-jed or delivered above ground, Gas is carried right to the in|house in protected underground m-|pipelines, and it goes directly ° to the heating unit without" ly|shoveling or storage. he} The second it enters the heat.' ajing unit, gas goes to work, n.|While other fuels must be ed/turned into gases before they mjcan begin to work, gas re gh|sponds instantly. to} It is a pure concentrate of syjenergy which burns quickly gh}and completely in any type of it}heating system -- hot air, hot he|water, steam or separate space" at/heaters. And, gas burns clean p-|without leaving ashes, soot or smoke. CLEANEST FUEL Besides eliminating the un- pleasant winter task of dispos- ing of ashes, the cleanliness of " gas protects walls, carpets,.. drapeces and upholstery from soiling grime. Gas heat makes.. spring house cleaning virtually a thing of the past. om Heaters ny Duties -|be a primary consideration in 1e|home planning. During the changeable weath- er of spring and fall, room lelheaters are especially desir aljable: to help avoid the expense ly|of turning on the central heat- atling system. o-| Even in homes which lack central heating, an arrange -|ment of room heating individu ,lally controlled by thermostats is often a good substitute to -|help maintain an even balance -|of heat throughout the house. Those room heaters which offer fan circulated forced ait j-|heat are, by far, the most sat- -|isfactory and most economical d|for complete room heating. c| The fan draws in the aif t}from the upper levels of the djroom and spreads the heated lair evenly along the floor, help: ing maintain an even tem: perature in the "living zone" of the room. In addition, the constant flow of air across the heating ele- ment speeds up and increases the transfer of heat from. the element to the air. Greater. efficiency and economy results because a larger volume of aif is heated without a corre sponding increase in fuel con, sumption. C | Another virtue of room heat lers is that they require no messy maintenance. A seasonal check by a qualified service man will guarantee years and. years of satisfactory, economi- - cal performance. In addition, , the room heaters with fan- ' forced circulation are well- | protected against potential ha- , zards resulting from being © splashed with water. IND : TD. ; dloating . aS ots eae Ft B 2 KING ST. EAST Hours Call 725-2903 ee 4 a ment which it is burned in Heating oil is a relatively safe fuel since it is non - explosve, non-toxic and, in its inert state, non-inflammable, However, heating oil (No. 2 fuel oil) is distinct from other types of oil fuels used in the home--and it is particularly dif- ferent in the type of equipment in which it is burned. Heating oil (No. 2 fuel oil) is always burned in a central heat- ing plant consisting of automa- tic controls. This is the type of heating installed in the ma- jority of oil homes and particu- larly in the northern half of the country where full heating is re- quired. It is the type commonly understood when the term "'oil- heating" is used. EQUIPMENT USED Central oil heating has high relative safety. The following summarizes the technical rea- sons for this: Central oil heating consists of} an automatically operated heat- ing plant with three full groups! of electric controls. If manufactures heat by atom-) izing liquid fuel oil--breaking it up into particles and then mix- ing it with air -- within a com- pletely enclosed metal fire brick or similar material. Combustion occurs only when the balancedoil-air mixture is ignited by a controlled electric spark, This regulated heat in the fire chamber is transferred through special surfaces (never by di- rect contact) to one of three) transistor heat - carrying med-! jums. The three are warm air, hot water or steam--they carry the heat via enclosed ducts or pipes throughout the house. The heating oil (No. 2 fuel oil) is stored in a large, heavy gauge steel tank located com- pletely separate from the bur- ner. The oil is fed from this through piping to the burner al- ways under full regulation of the electric controls which shut it off at any time there is a malfunction. THE CONTROLS In automatic oil heating there are three interchecking electric controls: 1. The thermostat which is a thermometer equipped to send an electrical message to the heating plant to turn it on or off. 2. The basic combustion gon- trol sees that this message is executed only if there is the proper mixture of atomized oil and proper ignition. It will halt the burner temporarily or lock All these controls back eactileny array of new products, de- loth | other up, so that if one misses.|signed to serve Mr. and Mrs,|"at¢r heaters, clothes dryers,| berg is? bape ne. In central/Canada in a variety of ways. heating equipment, cooling] oi v il| . eating there is never any! Seme of the more notable oil equipment, year-round air-con-| manual operation. All adjust-/heat developments: ditioning, smokeless, odorless | ment and servicing are carried! ? } on by professional servicemen.| Oil-Powered Air Conditioning|Waste disposers, even a gas |--new equipment, employing dishwasher. Outdoor cooking PRINCIPAL FACTS \the ultra-simple absorption|equipment, swimming pool The principal facts about the|principle, enabling a home or heaters are available and in- safety of heating oil (No. 2 fuel|commercial establishment to be|Creasingly popular. oil) are: j |heated in winter and cooled in| A few years ago we began to It is non-inflammable in its)summer by the same unit, using hear about a "'fuel cell" which normal state. = __|regular home heating fuel. used gas to produce electricity. 1, No, 2 fuel oil is a refined! Then we read of office build- and stable petroleum fuel which! Greenhouse Climate Control) ings, shopping centres, huge is virtually non-inflammable in/--new oil-powered equipment! anartment house projects, high its inert state. Its fire point --jwhich not only maintains prop-|<chools and industrial plants the temperature at which it canjer temperature in a green-| where the total energy needs -- actually catch fire -- is between|house but which also imparts a | ojectricity heating and cooling 140 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit.|Proper proportion of carbon! are supplied by natural gas. (This should not be confused|dioxide to the atmosphere, thus AY te haat t th total with "flash point," the technical] 8teatly accelerating the growth At the heart of these total- temperature at which there is|Of plants and flowers. hablo Ah laced hh Maha ahr cara jfueled turbines quite similar to pcbing Mb anga agent oii Car Wash System -- new oil- aircraft jet turbine engines. not catch fire for 20 to $0. dé: powered equipment, providing They provide high * frequency grees above its "flash point"). greater volumes of hot water|power for efficient lighting and As stored in the home and until|2"%@ Steam at lower cost than 60-cycle power for motors and atomized under controls in the had been believed po§sible. convenience outlets. greet insulated fire chamber, unless! Swimming Pool Warming Beye ed patenig Bee ies exposed to extreme and unlikely oil-powered units which can to make steam or hot water to conditions, heating oil will not/raise the temperature of pool cat the buildin oparateant ab- burn. A lighted match can bejwater, extending the season's| sorption air conditioner and dipped into a container of it and pleasure an additional 12 weeks feat water for many uses the match will be snuffed out./in the spring and fall. a hint that these ahd" OGier Spontaneous combustion also is x : b 1 unknown with heating oil. | Snow Melting Unit -- portable devices 'might, before too long, il-powered equipment for the |e miniaturized for household 2. It is even more unlikely 0U- u tha A that a true explosion in home|quick and complete elimination|¥S¢ Was given at the American | Gas Association Convention in heating can be caused by heat-|Of snow from parking lots, . ; i i |driveways, airport runways, October, 1962, The entire ex- ing oil burned in automatic cen- és 1 , tral heating. An explosion is|etc. jhibit of one major appliance technically a large blast fully) histhesates sei dane are cweat socal sumi s ts ; ae 3 oc P y Consuming. all gaseous produc Sled unit for quick, convenient,|/gas - fired thermoelectric de- almost instantly and _ having . | 8: me great force, No fuel can explode trouble-free refuse disposal. vices. In the exhibit were pre production prototypes of four until it has been completely or) 'Total Energy Sysstems -- Oil- ; ; ; largely vaporized into a gas./nowered equipment which gen- sel pbs payed on rane Large quantities of vaporizedlerates all electrical power, as erator protected against power heating oil mixed in just the/ well as providing heat, air con-lfaiture b a thermo - electric right proportions with air and|ditioning and hot water, which\wit . touched off by an open flame|not only offer important opera-| Other applications of as-gen- constitute a situation which just/tional savings but free develop-| erated horeanelentric gee doesn't occur in operation of 9 ers from the land cost spiral. | jarticularl ted fur- automatic central heating sys- : porlaigy rat scope gr sicing so naci Ss, , n else- y y never rel Ly sei hg ol eating PIPED HIS WINE |where in convention exhibitions. oil in an automatic home heat-| NANTES, France (AP)--|Among incinerator exhibts was ing plant, nor has there been Pierre Mechineau has intro-|the Desroilet, a gas-fired unit with heating oil stored or piped duced wine by pipeline to this|for complete disposal of human outside the plant in the home, |Wine-producing region. He|waste without the use of sewers 3. Heating oil is completely |Stonished his neighbors by ier plumbing. This gas toilet, | non-toxic -- it has no inherent|Pumping grape-juice from his)now in proluction, has been ap- fumes dangerous to health. |Presses to his cellar. proved by the American Gas As- EATING for Maximum Heat Londer-Stork's Automatic Fuel Oil Mome Delivery Service gives you Free Annual Furnace Care and Free Emergency Service throughout the winter by Londer's own Sere PH. 725-1212 vice Staff of qualified heating technicions. WESTERN OSHAWA OIL LIMITED 725 BLOOR ST. WEST Bb Samy Vell, 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA OSHAWA 725-3581 Serious damage or injury are} -- highly improbable. To sum up, the basic charac- teristics of heating oil and the automatic, electrically-con- trolled equipment in which it is burned are such that a central oil heating plant accident, even if it should occur, will rarely set fire to a house and will not cause an explosion. Minor acci- dents can occur, but serious in- Want Competent Heating it off on "'safety" if all condi- tions are not right. This control jury or major damage are high- ly infrequent. Strong Plea Is Made For Adaptable Furnace New heating units must be able to do more than just heat a home! The old concept of having a furnace only to keep you warm is giving way to complete comfort the year round. A good furnace, for example, must be able to "adapt" to summer air conditioning with a minimum of added expense. Then, too, a wide variety of other climate control features| may be added to do more than provide just temperature con- trol. Electronic air cleaning, odor-removal and humidity con- trol are a few of the extra jobs being given to the familiar fur-| nace, How well you 'treat' the air depends upon . the optional equipment you add. It is becom- ing popular today to have sum- mer cooling, electronic air cleaning, electric humidifiers and odor-removal, in addition to heating. ' igrees of the thermostat setting. | -- @ Service Call 725-3581 We have our own staff of expere ienced, fully qualified heating technicians on-call 24 hours every day . . . Radio dispatched for quick service, All their work is guaranteed. Most of these accessories do| not take up one square foot of/| indoor space, Modern furnaces | are compact. One of the indus- | try's newest gas-fired '"'high-| boy" furnaces has a special, blower and blower support which will provide large amount of air at low sound levels. This is an important 'consideration | since the modern furnace is be-| coming a_ "building block') which may be used almost con- tinuously. The first of these particular | "highboys'", introduced back in| 1934, was a wonder in its day--| it could keep home tempera-| tures within about three de- CI. 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725°3581 The new highboy, with an op- tional "levelizer', will keep temperatures within % of a de- gree by continuously modulat- ing the furnace's gas flame. It will react to temperature changes of as little as one-| 10th of a degree. | | GET SET FOR A WARM WINTER! The weather may not be entirely responsible for your High Fuel Bills --your problem probably lies with your inadequate insulation. a | ALUMINUM | OSHAWA ' FREE PARKING If your fuel bills have been soaring with no relief in Aluminum Awnines Combination Storm/Screen Windows -- Doors Prime Windows C.M.H.C, Accepted Baked Enamel Finishes Optional End Screen and Gar Pump Islends Storm Window troubles FOREVER .. .Install || Showroom and Factory 95 ATHOL ST. EAST -- OSHAWA PHONE 728-1633 | sight, why don't you call us, for a free estimate. We specialize in Blown Insulation for Electrically Heated Homes. @ FREE ESTIMATES e : NEW ROOFS RE-ROOFING BEFORE the ravages of the Winter winds and the Spring Rains, Now is the proper time to check inte @ new or repaired roof. ROOFING and LATHING | 1664 Simece St. N., Oshawa 723-5731 | Get anew guifstream water heater Get lots and lots and lots of hot water for only 9° a day. Call onsumers Gas 128-7363. we

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