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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1967, p. 12

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, October 23, 1967 Frosty Mornings, A Sure Sign of Fall: Time for Want Ads, The Best Deal of All! Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. 10--Farmer's Column DEAD AND CRIPPLED ferm stock] pon up promptly. Margwill As Farm. |i 17--Femole Help Wented 20--Real Estate fer Sale FOR WIDOW, 8 companion, abstainer, p light " housekeep- wages, Write Box 20--Rea! Estcte for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. REALTOR 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 e APPLEHILL f . B U S N ES S S E V | b. E | EC 6 tt! Bice ce wes ' a aa aa to look ar -- @ on Emerson Avenue, ranch WANTED TO RENT -- Small barn with| WO Ay Bein t ith attached gar- Leap Be of ta e leery couple In their own home, bungelow w atta it ' ING 8 YEARS IN Aloe tren. "Surte "ox a7, Oshawe) BU ve an, Some at hgiigei ff onl gaol cy For mits aTER Mb ACh imes. foot living room ha: a en AND CATTLE RUSTLER A WOMAN fo look after two elderly hollywood _ kitchen, i ree THE LAST 38 YE YEAS OF MS LIFE 11--Pets and Livestock yrange gpg Bil Aaa REAL ESTATE LTD. a gr on sae area, and o 's E HORSES BOARDED with e spor Oshawa, « binet, recrea- Accountants Building Trades Rug - Upholstery Service |3--Sportsman's Column Lae argh "box stall' sucehen svnel eee butt 1p ering seam Ot Ser : BROKERS tion room with fireplace, thre facliities. "Telephone - Biackstock asin 18--Male Help Wanted i Hh BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service.|ALL TYPES bullding repairs, Roofing, RE-UPHOLSTERING AT LUNDILU Kennels, Pekingese, toy pierson windowed rooms, Ex rece Meron Fe tos Tots, -- bss Gord may Whi feeana 725-9332 poodies end Lhasa Apso puppies avall- 218 Dundos St. E. cellent financing, owner will coe Street ry. Gol vr Ye @ Wide alecran of Fobries pee roping one Aad see Town- aci ic Finance WHITBY carry the mortgage. JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun-|Coeneng, @ Workmanship Guerante ® ed Trustee, 17 Bond Street pentry GERMAN R Pi : Ea 'elephone Fast. Quali Car ent e hd at Voristiie CURLERS feo rang So rai, Bia ser H d rei die JUST ae buy an . . exa co] ee eeerreni Lenooed Traties in Da Res " sibel yy Shiri Coty Ranch Kennel, eSSads Credit Lt ' He ide Wick wingiiow, ond Sree tee Sree! MEM] Home Improvement Specialise | Sry FURNITURE CENTRE. Join The Reger et a's, Selena Tae chit you con be satisfied with, ones ies aie be. Serving Oshawa and District 90 Simcoe St. North .|phone 1-985-2645. Management- WHITBY 668-8826 bedrooms, a 4 piece Soe a ae a « fered accountants tah ont oo Honest inl Oona Service PROFESSIONAL gg Apert excellent an ies : TORONTO 364-6622 Be det, aaa oteciad, Orta 753509) he re Hopkin, car i. Phone 725-8576 RUG CLEANING ANNANDALE erie" ries or yan ea79. Heald Trainees OSHAWA 728-5157 heated, by-a F.A. oil furnace : &. Beagle, CA: €. Lukow. CA. - QUALITY" CLIPPING SERVICE aeulh ; a lovely lot, then give me a ca' GORDON. R. DAY, cerlies Gerara oo cngetiol CURLING CLUB SatGu aftteen® remshon Tarkon| We ore fokIng for Inteligent Grd I shall be glod to show you : t i awe 3 é pny enh Sass, ee yg bv ae funante oa Free Pick-Up and Delivery Ses iad erree,, inves e years, BF ig without 'finance experl- $16,500. ey home in the North Eas Blueprinting -- | | Angusdaraydon Memberships Se ten eee | cotues Gan tt mor | soy ita moe wa Galen OCERY AND ressmoking 728-6254 Available For BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready) [os ee een eri ae, GR a 4 sary. on St. Lawrence St. in Whit- Beit RA Tncoe Street North. 723-4661,|DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted sults, eae EY oa alate all ne pti positions offer by Selina today for His: low VARIETY STORE Dteterining_ene_ehetetic_caplen. _|soste, rome, Gaeuuty, tose 6 REUPHOLSTERY by experts. Estee] @ Ladies AQUARIUMS repaired, custom bulll|| @ Excellent opportunity for | price listed above. iil @ Von " ee] eg " ~ yn wenn" te F timat Credit t igi y tric' netur - Building Trades DRESSMAKING, desion janing, alterations, tresses ebuie tirre, et me < Goan Give original new and some old style for sale ¥ dag West bong oie auorers : ae Binge f PUREBRED TOY PUPPIES -- Chihva- , ; A to i) REPAIRS aire Net pin rive who. Isat. Pe 6 Min GUILLEMOT EGGS URED ese, 'chamolen sled, regis| experience with merit | McCULLOUGH DRIVE i Oe ee ond |Gardening & Supplies CHESTERFIELOS re-uphoistered and Ba ARE OFTEN HATCHED tered (papers Included). | Guaranteed increases. f cher ALTERATIONS 2 - aoe ee ao eewveringn sip 'eevers_made| Club Organization Nights Ty BY BEING SAT mnenle Se site @ Pension Plan S 6 shal BL od ord in extra lot included. ADDITIONS ogi 9 re-covering. Sli, covers, made ¥ ellie = WILLIAMS-TAUZIN HOUSE n Natchitoches, La., UPON BY THE aeoe Nome relay it] @ Group life disability and lungalow vy attached gor- e Sith Men, Tues, Oct-24,7 pm. || "SUN HE MINGUT RAMS CMGERED" | AAAS (Eye |fareutnncomearaa crate] © Grae, dbl Ps, Sue Siet, seat WHITBY" SPECIAL fe . Business Girls, Wed., Oct 25 enero INDESTRUCTIBLE BECAUSE ITS WALLS} = SIMULTANEOUSLY phone 725-1601 after 7. ' @ Profit sharing Bagh Midd a Li ada IV @ Executive home, custom HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES FALL BULBS Sales and Service 7 / t : OF ADOBE MIXED WITH DEER HIDES >a ae 3 Ae has been well cared for, the 3 bedrooms, p.m. 2 Car necessary, mileage re- built, featuring Rec Rooms and Kitchens 12--Articles Wanted G colored fixtures in the bath family size ' imbursed. large living room, family J tony | Ye PAN OE A Ladies: Thre, Oct. 26, waipse are hg nt, a ee Kthen with double snk, lara ames enan Late Tulips Me i 72 19.500. Call tod: den with walkout to patio, 725-6126 Botanica! Tulips CENTRE For further information 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale bow sured oe 5-6571 or: ous 24 carers ngs are : --} Parrot Tulips 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 Tv TOWER SPECIAL -- ah. cea ee ee eee cue age. Carries for ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE., ) 0 7.1.0 Transmissions are Our Only 942-3710 ALUMINU ail channel antenne, $80. TRIO Tele:| cycle nd ride-on toys, to be GEO, THOMSON BUSINESS LOCATION month including taxes, Se 0ke'h, "oll work guaranteed for thres| | bly inth ' Business -- Repairs, Adjust- M_ |fison*rabsa re-constructed and used by 'she np 6u%. Ic "4 e yacinths F BUY, SELL, TRADE. Used furniture, rden centre, renta P, years, 723-0281. ments, Exchanges. All Work Openings for Pay-os-you-play pat the retarded. Call 725-7267. , g " VENUE Crocus G @ SIDING ppliances and sporting goods, Ray A A light manufacturing, boat GLADSTONE A' 8 ind gravel, shingles, uaranteed, League Curlin Whittaker Sai ; é ' tear acta i. AN "| Daffodils |VACUUM and polisher repairs, all : ' @ AWNINGS id i GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. SALESMAN em fore ote ha yen pL Ha egret Peg Roofing and Construction, aes : : p . q = SKATES, oer ag wanted, etc, : suggestions of business, tha' t semi-detached _ ini JOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Narcissus rakes ew fee, Prank, aan roohirs HUNTINS, LIERNCES = claw and used @ WINDOWS SKATES, new and use prety 8 'ale Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNelll's could be corried out at this shld has on. upstairs apart chi ett an mia 7897 line! Paper Whites 6956. {tion and: hunting supplies. Valley creek, @ DOORS Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 725-6344, |Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526, Wanted for Oshawa office. laction on Victoria. St., in ment which rents for $100,0C jet . aan BCAAs er Ea em nRtERRR RT ER Pf cavernoUeh | 8 OTS Se mY ES baa" waarets Me ong, ERSUATE 'sea, ple|13--Articles for Rent | ingulies tect conident- | Whi. ove «lock 'end per mann ncloed in slew work," Murrey 'Hollidy.| Snowdrops prints, 11 Ontario Street. 725-8632. Wil, Gua ae FE V E N | S S trie range. Telephone 668-6689. lally. Call W. Baldwin, ma- make an offer, be oll rugs, curtains, hog Eronthi GUARA' REPAIR to all wri 217 ELECTROHOME television 1 i T.V. tower. Call tonig EAVESTROUGHING, pitimanay fiat eg . Sy Raaer ani renges, fires estinnnes 4--Motorbikes SALES LTD. |eanattion, 'picture tube two" veers Noay oi Pinlogs, Salhi 4 er spect. s 5 r - | a onal a ' " feat tere aa 728-4797 Bib" ans BI ED 008 ON eee Ge LORATION. 15_ Prince St. 725-4632 _|'elephone 7237000" WK 8%) Urns" Punch Bowls, Bridal W ANK CHOICE LOT WHITBY bf TREET G Potting Soil Septic Service Stop, cycle, 19 GAS SPACE HEATER, good condifion.| Wear, Men's Formals, White ' R Buy this 80 x 140' lot for GIBBONS S a. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv-jengine service, al FREE ESTIMATES aise Sencon nen Saree oe inte Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, RLTR $6,000. and build yourself « VI @ Come and see this beau: Wine Concentrates lee on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut|machine service. 723-934 N d Ne Yo leak cdeuk ae AB con ' LTR. home. tiful side split level home with Gallon Jugs Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 10 HOND Maat well beet elie | on bapa cobb ab D pirelrsco CHESTERFIELD, four-seater, brown SARGEANT'S RENTALS REAL ESTATE LTD. attached double garage. Thi CLASSIFIED RATES Fermentation Values Surveyors nei ae men. Tat on res peblaR kl "er humidifi- pe raversibe ,cushlons, mate moe wennne Hien Re. = cen 7 eae nore cag iced Posdaggyaiee , . + 2 ri s Rie : i » Huntin: uIpment, guni 3 in WORD ADS sertion of 24 words, 1.20;| Britannia Malt i PLIM, ONTARIO" LAND Sorvepor.jel,. in "excell lent same" ony TSS] ers, electronic air cleaners, er, floor model" older type) Coldspot coys, boats, canoes. Wilde Rental. "668- 728-7585 I emigre kitchen wit Sdditional words, 5¢ each; 3 consecu-|. pions Office 4] Prince $1. Res, 100 Bigin St miles, Must sell, $525 or best reason-| gas and electric appliances, |reltlgerstor, | fair condition; | antique 3226. arg dining room, A fniish tive ations of 24 worth. 3.24, oc rasan able caah_orer, 'rts. 576-3915 or 723-9079. KiL- |fraler, 'aceenpres, In" good "Connon | WHEEL, CHAIRS, howpfal_badh walk GENERAL OPEN ed recat room hfe nal wor . j e ers, re L e = insertions of 24 Ord. 5.76; eddi- Cooper-Smith Co. |TV--Radio Repairs | 5--Trailers Hea ee Fane Uprek aaa ria oe Tid" Rentals, 105 'Beatrice 725-16es, FOREMEN stone fireplace. The grr praia dee : by ty mo + |ENTERTAINING? Fifty fo one hundred hi been professionally lan : v7 TRAILER STORAGE -- Apartment size, 45" high, 10 id. . ave Pp Patra Get Se oe 16 Celina St. NOLOR eta te Apel ian, 70 mintes tran] DRAPERY Baro" Rebuliaing' "Cc." "Felopnons|Be0PI¢: Oshawa Tennis Club" Yorba HOUSE scoped and. ore really lovely psec ly 40 acre parkland for winter MATERIAL 942-5547, parking, 123.7726. y J A new manufacturer in Peter- You have to see this home tc Method of Counting -- Less then 24) 79319319 723-1139 or sports included with storage member- bog te Box TRAILER Ses siaiaseiisaeiaaiie toate h words counts as 24 words: each word, zB : BLACK and WHITE _ |ship__colt_6ss-021. mn large. alla 46 ehoota t Neanchs Sue Walt Vinten Geet Ane TV RENTALS -- Alcan Furniture and/ borough, Ontario has excel- appreciate It. Phone tonight in cout ¥ - i * initial, igure ene number counts two TOP SOIL--MANURE FOR THE BEST, CALL fred conion Nay be ath Fraller.| DRAPES, REPAIRED, RELINED pe tials iat ested lent openings for two general St. Lawrence St. £. hal dnadarta words, ubway Traller Park, Whitby. and CUSTOM MADE ideal » fy calite. Telephone all cheap. 15--Employment Wanted foremen with Machine Shop, Whitby VARIETY STORE BIRTHS -- DEATHS --- Nursery stock for Fall plant- WX © HOUSE TRAILER. Excellent Queen St, Al CHAUFFEUR and caretaker would like! Assembly and Finishing know- low here SOCIAL NOTICES ing. Call o te . condition, Lot 14, Subway Traller Camp, AIR CONDITIONERS Phicom sine 18 x |Work, experienced, reliable. Write Box 9 Vil @ Overhead is $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents addi- 9. Whitby, . : DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES + ONER, Fhilco, size 18" X/ a1 Oshawa Times. : ledge, salary commensurate ¢ d the and profits steadily increasing Honal charge if not paid within 8 days. TELEVISION Th Celi 28", $200. Telephone 723-2346, 81010 'ome in and see two- fi . HARDSAND LANDSCAING FOR CLEANER, SHARPER . : 4 Celina 723-7827 _|CoNTINENTAL BEDS from $25.95, met:|WINDOW, wall and floor cleaning.| with experience, excellent storey, 4 bedroom beouties. in this small business. Fixture: IN_MEMORIUMS ' 6--Marine Equipment teltes tat ceiea a! Gea beara Painting for office and home. Janitor's : ' are all included even an al $2.50 ct the first (28 P gg pois $1 725-1721 TV RECEPTION HANDBAG one-third off, Teele on, 7 rds | supplies. Waxes, cleaners, paints. Rub-| fringe benefits. Apply in conditioner, Living quarters ar *otte; gsc additional charge if not paid , Your Own GREY PERSIAN tamb Tamas |e say Vay, flee matting, MwltCieen) strict confidence to Box OPEN DAILY Seuideilale end cious witl ' For free estimates CHRIS CRAFT REPAIRS Janitorial Service, 725-1885 com spai within & days. TV TOWER SALES and SERVICE N einer articles' Newenstion aa Fille) MOVING, move Insured, edd Joba done,| 81384. | two bedrooms. Have your ow CARDS OF THAN MeVay fibreglas sail boats, pre, pray pe Si cng Mg BUY AND $ Ty Wood Used furniture ba ! oF aetaen, shold tiedone i iat leone business me ak -- ' 7 bad river, for the first 33 words and 7c beng thereafter with 25¢ i dation MERION-KENTUCKY SOD ra i and appliances. One location only. Pretty MAN tharge if not paid within 8 days BLUE GRASS : 728-5 I 43 ss ee, ee ee 395 CONANT STREET --|Furniture, 444' Simcoe South. 723.771, _|DAY CARE GIVEN FFiday, Restores onal ity tite KLUANE STREET - 'orner Bond an vision DINING ROOM SUITE $59., liquor . lanted for Bowmanville -- lot, 85 fee SE Nr inch Teisploy): $2.00 for the All-Green Nursery ae eon eve 723-9077 cabinet $40, twolece chesterfield a, rae. a ee ene iter South) Blackstock Area. Prefer sell- 70 bly peak Pa view 0 " er . enV stove eda cus eating Sod Growers 7 V TOWERS res ota : iad FOR SALE -- USED $19., refrigerator $25. modern" dining CABY WITH TWO CHICOREW 4 end 2 pi pda Page haat AJAX Lake Ontario. Zoned R2A. Car AUCTION SALE Visitors Welcome ae a 7 TV SETS foe table eet a27.n cienlen' bed' goo, |ean be exchanged by house and child] Conado's largest rural real- Dutch clean 3 bedroom brick be bought with down payment $2.38 PER NCH PER INSERTION. 725-9674 -- TOWNLINE N. "BUILT IN OSHAWA" Pid ita a asl Bremen AS chitin ove Ne bed $0, nag wautos' care, 655-3588. tor, a firm with a proven semi bungalow with large owner on ee big me Y Mi. North Taunton Vill a stov 1 Motor bike $49., tele-/DENTAL NURSE, jenced, i i comes to the door. DEADLINES Iannone, : ud en a AT OUR OWN PLANT Brooklin: 65536410 sa ig ag TRIO TE S begin CL rarteord player employment in Oshawa or aft, Writ poly G. ro ek: ago peed ig sk Bi night for further particulars. rds end up, A --_---- a : i! ¥ 'on ony PREVIOUS Yd delivery, charge on one yard.| We give you a better tower in SNO- PRINCE snowmobiles, Huski, LEVISION PIANO -- UPRIGHT, practice piano, eee cna care tor -pra-achosler preachooler| President, H. Keith Ltd., 181 Carries for only $98. P.I.T. e [Feephcne 725-0687. for less money. Diablos. Also snowmobiles, 728-5143 $125, Telephone 723-6534. or baby 'In my home, Good funch pre-| ' Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12, with Mortgages at 6% % and JWST LISTED LOST AND FOUND 1 Bs. each, Wilde Renil, 66226 vided. Five day week. Vancouver court 487-3333 only $15,500. Call tonite ix @ Lovely 3 bedroom brick ee... | ee OSHAWA T.V.. [rir arassetos Sit Bary arr a Poieeee See Weer" Give "Auaioriom, "Foephone 7 ec back split bungalow. Electricolh f ; J Fam. DAY CF FURMCATION: = REINS evaan ener a. to Soe | Kitchen and Dinette Suites WILL COOK ater chirp Howe lay Sue ealte tagten y. St ee Ger ee PS MPRRIUXS en eee Slincs amet Tove aa SUPPLY LTD. 7--Swap and Barter lovely 5 pe. suites with high Faeaenes Rend EAet aren, THePnone ary "o_sis0 weekly. T2bsist ane ae living room, This sa 6V4% > ' 0! Ye O ad TEL EVUI4ION TECUNICIAN dar hench 1 7 4 9m. DAY PREVIOUS 5427. TAUNTON RD, E. BATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17) tollets, backed chairs, wood grain agen Bh ete ole id OR di bg tts a mortgage, on a home only tw CLASSIFIED DISPLAY basins, $10; pressure systems, sume} Vinyl backs, walnut arbor- 17--Female Help Wanted |work, experienced, part-time only. Tele-| room brick home with attach- Gust East of Ritson) ide the M 4 phone Holmes Electronics, 668-5679. years old, T column--4 p.m. 160 previous; 2 sok |Money to Loan puree. kitchen and vanity Units, made to| ite tables, $69.95. Many FULL TIME bell hop required, 213 ed garage, fireplace, family: e peeks le locale ag MONEY A PROBLEM? 723-8131 723-8132 |freha, traliers. He Chinn. 7237008 or 138 sone Pokies WOMEN WANTED shir monday ="Saturdey. "Must 'be 21] room, 4 bedrooms, | stove, LORING AVENUE A tt d bt: into 7208. years age or over, nea appear- riage, roadioom inciuder CORRECTIONS 5 Saal GANION er tani hord TELEVISION -- RADIO 20 CHURCH ST. Mclntosh PART TIME ance. Apply main desk, Genosha Hotel.) must be seen to be Gppreciat- x @ Lovely three bedroon publicstion 'will'be charged 0 Paev| First, second and third mort- ah: Rout salvice 8--Articles for Sole EUMIG MM 'regular prolector, stop, Guires the partes itne, servicrs er on| ¢0: Call for appointment to nig etal bs cui ts ro , OQ Gi juire e ° ime services nm t Bertone" ve Snerged one Cev#) gages arranged. 24 hour HOLMES NOW regulator, tit splear with aor' ae To work in Own home [eergenc sina can oes ie, ove | inspect Sen roam wih fw infereet 6 BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 | service, including weekends, EC ONI Ss Spreifion, grgesoneble, 317 Windsor $2 Per Bushel Several Hours Daily -- clude the 'Airing of -cerrier boys' end mortgage at 614%. To inspec fer repli to box numbers to thel RW LAMAY & ASSOC EL TRO NIC SIX SERVICE BAYS | RtNER TENOR pia wat 5 daysa week ------_|atna fo Sos "hath, "Sintwe" fin BUILDERS viene advertisers as soon os possible, we oc- psi . TV lent condition. Telephon: and tel y you feel you would be ets we cane). th ean Gesaedy TOWERS FOR FASTER SERVICE |eHina MiNijecter, sie-1a- ecole No Selling --~ Goad me |e en vn, foes ie ee & JUST WHAT YOU a oO a ; failure or delay In forwarding such re- | _ . PHONE 668-5679 1706, q mS muneration for conscientious |19----Male and Female ry Zoning, eet cee WANT plies however coused whether by negli-lNeeD casH to your bills WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |" __ kk. tral area, priced at $13,900. x! A 4 bedroom, 1Y Se reapersele for: replies uncalled 'Jor |Buy hat new car, boat, travel expenses. T.V. Rentals Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- [Sither ge Pickup "delivery Neon pe Help Wented asia abhi close to separat eter [ig ge ge aes of 2 par NEW SETS mouth, Pontiac. We correct Bieri Viewum dervita Dula tat, Interesting telephone work for M Ww and public schools, Priced a REGULATIONS lees private funds. Call 723-4631 any ALCAN whose lonment, Inapect ond ae a ORCHARDS Ltd well-known local department en or Women $1,000. DOWN only $12,000.00 with term : r and comber- |G@LASS REPAIRS {> aluminum and . re. A nice little home at d i co very that can be arranged to sui For part time work in your THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT FURNITURE and align toe - in and toe - out to |wood windows and aluminum | screens. your budget. RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN SDvER:| | Mortgages hy Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284, Thickson Rd. N., Whitb We are willing to train. Ap- own home ten to fiften hours economical price, you'll love TISEMENTS SUNG NOT rena | APPLIANCES correct condition....$7.95 | te-suy, seiL AND EXGHANOW vied ' y ply stating -- Name -- Ad- per week con make a sub- the cosy kitchen. What would AN a Tt DE ANY AD- MORTGAGE LOANS 452 SIMCOE SOUTH © Ports extra: Hf required furniture or anything you have. |The dress --- Age -- Telephone stantial increase in your in- you say to $11,500, LOON LAKE COTTAGE VERTISEMENT NOR ND THE 723-0011 Street Soule master sides) Number -- Past Experience, come. Experience not neces- XI1_ @ Lovely cedar siding cot PRICE CHARGE FOR GLE IN-| @ Re-finonce Present @ Torsion bor adjustment peddle a. RE RY iif Ed bu | dexteri R any -- Education, sary but manual dexterity an fully furnished, hot an SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCU a Mortgage SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 extra, Ey lacie, ypewrier 495 adding me WINTER POTATORS also Spanish and asset. We will train you. RETIRE IN WHITBY Oe Aithite Water, pete, TS The Oshewo Times reserves the right to] @ Pay all your bills F. TV. Servi chine $20., electric addér $40, 723-4 'cooking onions. Apply Sack, WRITE Must be 21 to 40, bond- 4 ssify advertising according to its| : ; ast |.V. Service conten raieeee eeienemomons | TROON: Raed Spuf Phi fie south ' i tower, just seven miles fror ty caverta ng @ Make home imprivements BRAKE SPECIAL BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-|ot hydro substation, westside 80929 able and oble to work with- | Cleon 3 bedroom brick, close Haliburton on a large lake fron | First s. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695, BOX 8092 out supervision, All replies to bus and shopping, paved haere 9 lot which is beautifully treec Boat house and fibreglass boa' For further information call te Most popular cars, Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, 14°88 DOMINION TELEVISION ONTARIO NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, de- livered or apply 14 Rockcliffe Street. Telephone 723-9439. E y sin In the cases of display advertisements | ® pepene hous bu' at The Times will not be held responsible; @ Fost courteous service more space than that which the drive with carport, fenced and correspondence will yard, only $18,900, OSHAWA TIMES be considered confidential. ITERS, $49. No money down, My weekly, Adders, cashiers, new, used, ual error occupies. The publishers A, ROSEN SOEs) Sree Seegem Ol APPLES, Cortland, Mac's, Spy's and Write resume of quolifica- andeaver to reproduce all advertising| Member, Ont. Mort. Brok. | 728-5184 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Plus $2.00 per wheel Raglan: 1965710. ___! Delicious, Varmile." south. of - Taunton tions and send to Box 81343 night. Fee comtant teawy inoccorocies in| Assoc, 725-0532 or Week- | labor cost) cellent condition, One Year" old. 120 ¥en gremmune Bond. Telephone 7-608 | Farnale Wanted | shave Times. 6%2% MORTGAGE t ny form ore contained therein endsand evenings 728-5623 |TV TOWER SPECIAL -- dfost tower Peter' Stir Whitby. 6ob-2083, ES. Apply Willams mate Wante oe . IMMEDIATE IT'S EASY TO PLACE A |$50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taun- WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL GUARANTEED, USED wringer Fpl} of Hydro sub- station, west side. HOW TO EARN This clean, curbed well de- POSSESSION veloped street in popular east Serve Canada In T! erve a he end Oshawa will keep your television, refri jerator, etc., $34.50 up. Alcan Furniture and Appllances, vi TIMES ACTION WANT AD ton Road East, lust east of Ritson Road. XII @ 7 year old three bec room on Jackson Avenue. Ker MORE MONEY -- |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale agreements purchased and sold. Hennick 9A--Eggs & Poultry Including weit per wheel, $1.9 Cell Classified Direct 4 Ses 2 i' ° 723-3492 Cost pind PEA Neer Personal €0Ch vee s eee sees Peete like re Canadian C.W.A.C. 1 Wibod es bes es Pai slid Sound with eee In excellent condition. New re pel HP h duty industri lias need a or part-time edrooms, living room, dining ; ling Obkville eres fooking, for. test mort ELECTROLYSIS SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, metic tee! rectelwer nil fo, ah * FALL FREEZER Militia Corps. person to help meet the de- room and family kitchen, Ex. creation room = 7 nee Fae |gage loans, bearing fop Interest rates-- 1 - at heat that extra room. 942. Limited beh et mand for a much needed ser- tras include broadloom, Owne in basement, wire ite INDEX TO [Fifau have money to toen write Branch 723-464 COMPARABLE PRICES | HOUSEHOLD, furnishings, Colonlal_siyle | iat with the CWC. Mir | Viee for motorists, Pleasant, | er moving needs quick sole. ee ee tae CLASSIFICATIONS peal eel P. 0. Box 236 Oakville] poe ar of vying halr UNIROYAL econ ee bedroom sulfe, etc. Telephone S p E € | A L S | ae Rely pal a dginified, good paying work. Priced at $18,500. bright living room, Full pric | - Marie Murduff will be in URNS OR nT ee ; No experience necessary but | " Leow Column |Painting and Decorating Ossawa Oct. 25, 26 Nov. Ist CENTRES Aynire: Way cay Te omy: PaGesd CHICKEN LEGS Regiment Oshawa. a car is. For full information +3 $10,900 3-Sportsman's Column PAINTING AND PAPER hongine, ine Phone Genosha Hotel on The N 7 Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South, If you have typing or filing phone 576-3351, INCOME HOME FULL PRICE--$10, ° 4--Motoreye |rlor and exterior. Free these dates for appointment. 1e New Home of USED TIRES, most all sizes, B. F. Good- Individuolly Packed experiences and are willing [8100 WEEKLY or more, full, part-iime, XIV @ Two storey, 3 bedroor S--Trellers iow prices Telephone 728 804 rich, 88 King Street West, 725-4543. y +6 dnd few 4 |ledies, men, Fuller Terrtorie Whitby,| Situated close to Oshawa brick home on Jarvis St. in th é--Merine Equl sell ephone We ______|LADY WOULD LIKE RIDE to down-/ DOMINION TIRE STORE 49. Ib Oo unaer go a few hours of |Bowmanville, Oshawa, 728-4922. '| Hospital, this home has 2 J--Swap anc Barter PI bi d Heoti fown Toronto or to GO-train, Bay herd BR sco irs flea free. c per tb, C.W.A.C, training each week m te . me nas N.E. section of Oshawa, Fec ee seen umbing and Heating Hepes Senne ee ere er 17 Park Road South purchase from. Western 'Oll. Company. 5 ib, lois delivered fran On an interesting part time voca- carn kitchen or beset "t pecdoly i '2 bes af tes sec henen coum | ; : 725-1212, . tion awaits you in Canada's 7 . room with separate kitcher Hime ane Civasocn Plumbing Discount LAP vie Drivhe 4 Ba Telehone Phone 725-6511 FIBERGLAS FENDERS from 795 Wednesdays and Fridays. new look Militia, Telephone | MR. Se laa ale ads For the right buyer, this hor "4 i i ISA. tor Rate 149 Brock St. North 728-1375 or 723-7087. bolt arlrs ama oS ee iv tae CHALET rege pore oto MERCHANT ' we ott $65.00 principe iscennivnent anted | WHITBY -- Y 4 RECAPPED - E bet e Stee "i mane Meek eee | SNOW TIRES EMRE Tas] FARMS LTD. | fivure teen B pment | this sence Is Availabe KING STREET le---Male Help Wanted direct to you, P i id anteed sales and service. 728-3664, Originall " AS tonne tgp wee | sles, "Cerrhing nthe | SOMEONE TWO RITENEN. CHATS, wie WHT] ore SoS "Pockara (REGISTERED. WORE mag nme] FO Your Message ive heen XY rw sl 208--Summer Properties sible ve ee Wants ONLY 15 cribs, 'child's foboge om 'baby "walker, UNION ROAD tikieuabeee ~ ee a adaak, 5762408 ed and 2 apartments rentec 2i--Farms for Sele . , 2-inch trleyele, 724-0 time. Telephar Kd PHONE Andy Keys 728-0196 , ep iy ue Wanted 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. Y for a 775 x 14 Inch tire with TYPEWRITERS: wecng asin TUR Rei Canoe USER Oy 7 x Olive Ferguson 576-3637 pg amaatte Soeallont ye 24-Stores Offices and Storege SATURDAY 9 om. to 5 p.m. our 6 edge i 'tabs or General [nays "call your' Royal dealer, 720-9664. 655-4422 perlenced person ig rah on 723-3492 WNak A sock tion for any type of business-- 2--Apartments for Rent CLOSED WEDNESDAY " 7] 7] Motors wheel. YOUNG MAN'S overcoat, size 36, worn but not essential. Wage to ability. Good - Van den Broek 668-26 close to busy intersection, 6 26a---Expo Accommodatl D W, twice. Also four, Super Sport 14" wheel {no charge) company. benefits. "Apply "87. 'simene foot frontage on King Stree 27--Rooms.for Rent | on t ants DOM'S discs for Chevrolet car. 317 Windsor Av-/ BOOS PDA rn Cue oye va |street_Sout. Y George Abramoff 723-4871 Paeetut dan in : Wario fo Rent Jos "swirenes AUTO PARTS | matit-aus ayer wade var once Sm Settee ot oreo home. IAT AASSG Tl" Ciba "Seo oe quired. een Cue tr eee pl telah te Lit ne ull A Courteous 723-1121 exerlient "eondifion, Telephone 728-5918 Hotel. No phone calls please. A Courteous Clare Shank 723-1887 e 32--Trucks for Sale fies, in many cases the change will re Lj worn IF IT'S FOR SALE EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER to! H Gordon Whit 668-6337 GUIDE REAL T Y 33--Automoblies Wanted fo e totally new career. Ad-vi (formeily Motor City Auto Ports) jonte, size 20, Swinger camera, case and Manage and operate beauty salon. Apply Ad-Writer -- ie i 34--Automobile Repair -visor film, never used, set of four. Kollnsky AN ACTION In person to Oshawa Beauty Salon, 15 LIMITED oe tas one Pood | And the place to look for the best [obs | i 723-7567. King Street East, . Roy Soley 723-4726 beh ai lie the "Help Wantec' column in The will be ha i Pied CLASSIFIED AD Will Help a ee, Times' Classified Section, Whether you're Ppy FULL-TIME SALESMAN. Classified ags|ONE CERCOMAGIC refrigerator, ule EXPERIENCED | HAIRDRESSER wari. George Sullivan 668-6226 16 Simcoe Street South ny % 8 roster. one ere! 33--Eoming Evente une le ep wened noni ™! to help you ne wer . a 2 Vicle range. Telephone 44t-sca9, WILL SELL IT? For 'interview telephone 'S76-5060 You. 723-528

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