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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1967, p. 4

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 23, 1967 SPORTS BEAT By Eric Wesslby OF The Times Staff OSHAWA GENERALS scored an easy 6-0 win Satur- day . night at Civic Audi- torium, but for a while it ap- peared neither the Generals nor Ottawa 67s were too inter- ested in a win. The first period resembled open war- fare and referee Sandy Proctor acted as if he was going to play the part of the three monkeys throughout the night, you know, the ones who see no evil, speak no evil and hear no evil. IVAN BOLDIREV was quite upset when he was butt- ended by Ottawa's Jim Blain late in the first period and tried to cet at the latter. Both. wound up drawing 10- minute misconducts, instead of the usual roughing sen- tences, A few: more miscon- ducts like that would prob- ably get the players think- ing more of hockey. But how Proctor could miss the origin- al action of Blain is hard to figure, since he was watch- ing the action. FORMER REFEREE Hugh McLean was in the stands and made a first period inter- mission visit to Proctor. Ask- ed later if he catches himself putting a whistle to his mouth to stop play while sitting in the stands, McLean answer- ed, "'No. But I can tell im- mediately if the referee made the right call or not." That's what we've been telling him for years, we've always known whether he was right or not. OTTAWA COACH Bill Long was quite upset after the game. He exchanged a few words with Gary Young, Bos- ton Bruins' chief scout, and was second guessing himself on a trade he could have made with Niagara Falls, It looks like a long season for Tong, who has been accus- tomed to winning clubs in the past. He could hardly expect a contender in the first sea- son. But the club is young and the players will probably get their junior "A" legs by Christmas, : TORONTO AND Kitchener put on a rousing show in To- ronto yesterday, with Marl- boros_ stopping Kitchener Rangers 6-1. The first period packed more action into it than many pro games. To- ronto goalkeeper Gary Ed- wards was easily the star of the game, with Terry Caffery right behind him. Kitchener finally got clearance on de- fenceman Ab DeMarco of North Bay, and he looked good. Goalkeeping could give Kitchener coach Wally Kull- man a few headaches be- fore the season is over. Dave Hainsworth should have had about three of the Toronto goals, TORONTO ARGONAUTS have finally shaken off their losing ways, it would appear, and maybe they're on their way back to the top of Cana- dian football. No longer can the other team expect to pick up an easy two points when playing Argonauts. It's still doubtful whether the Argos can come up with strong performances in the playoffs, but in short series, anything's possible. However, although Argos aren't loosing, Toronto fans aren't completely un- happy. They can always ask, "What's the matter with the Leafs?" OTTAWA GOALIE GARY MAAK DOYLE MAKES SPLIT SAVE Oshawa's Joe Robertson looks for rebound in Generals' 6 - 0 win Lasco's Two Goal Men HOCKEY -- STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS NATIONAL LEAGUE Oshawa Generals, who have a game this season, erupted for six Saturday night' to bury the Ottawa 67's 6-0 in a Junior "A" game at the Civic Auditorium. Generals' attack gained mo- mentum slowly, as the team scored one goal in the first per- iod, two in the second and three in the third. Al Quintilian opened the scor- ing with a goal from the open- ing face-off, on passes from Ivan Boldirev and Bob Stewart. The goal was recorded at .09. It was a rough first period with Oshawa receiving six pen- alties to Ottawa's three. Bol- direy and Ottawa's Jim Blain were awarded 10 minute mis- conducts, while Generals' Fred O'Donnell and Ottawa's Wes Peters picked up fighting majors after a skirmish late in the period, Quintilian scored his second of the night early in the second period when he recovered his own rebound, after his shot hit scored an average of 2.5 Saul a defenceman's leg, and then returned it behind the Ottawa goalie. Bob Walton set up the pret- tiest goal of the night when he burst down the right side, de- Jayed long enough to draw the defenceman over and then put a perfect pass onto the stick of Brian Morenz. Morenz cut in from the left side, faked and then punched the puck into the net. Another fight broke out late in the period when Jim Whittaker hammered out a decision over Ottawa's Bill Clement. Both re- ceived majors with Clement taking a high sticking minor as well. Generals came back with two quick power play goals in the third period from Morenz and O'Donnell, before Scott Sea- grist finished the scoring at 18.43 with his first goal of the season, Although six goals were Iscored on Ottawa's goaltender By CLIFF GORDON | LITTLE BRITAIN -- Mel-Ror lConstruction hockey, team, Whitby's newest entry in the Ontario Hockey Association, got their first taste of pre-season and came out on the short end| of a 7-5 score. Little Britain which: has long been known for their rough and rugged Intermediate hock- ey teams had a little too much in last night's encounter for the Mel-Rons who were playing to-| gether for the first time. Veterans Ron Jewel and Rick Purdy sparked the homesters action last night as they in-| jvaded the Little Britain Arena John Greer will be the team manager with Fred Baker act- ing as trainer for the Mel-Rons. Mel- Ron Drops 7 -5 Game In Exhibition Action | 1 lead in the first and three in the second were just too much to overcome. | Matt Campbell started in) goal for Whitby, with Bill Bra-| General manager Dave God-| Godfrey also announced that) Wilson Blanks 67's Generals Win 6-0 Gary Doyle, he played a steady game, in facing a 42 shot bar- rage from the Generals. Dunc Wilson kicked out 19 shots to record his first shut- out of the season. Although not tested as often as Doyle, he came up with the big saves when needed, particularly in the first period. In the penalty department, Oshawa led with 11 to Ottawa's eight. Oshawa's total included four consecutive minors in the first period, before Ottawa re- ceived its first. Peter Nevin was taken off the ice with what appeared to be an injured shoulder mid-way through the period. He was on the receiving end of a heavy check along the boards. Word is today that Nevin's shoulder is only bruised and he should be back in action next game. Coach Ike Hildebrand said he was satisfied with the way the Generals played. He mentioned that his defence seemed to be improving every game out. After five season games, Wal- ton and O'Donnell are tied as points leaders for the Generals. Each have five points on two goals and three assists. Quin- tilian is the leading goalscorer with three. Attendance last night was ,515. OSHAWA -- Goal, Wilson; defence, Clayton, Stewart, Whittaker, Gyles, Bedard; forwards, Walton, Morenz, Boldirev, Slychuk, O'Donnell, Tallon, Nevin, Dionne, Quintilian, Robertson, Seagrist, Dussiaume. den working the second period) ottAwA -- Goal, Doyle; defence, and Garry Kennedy guarding the pipes for the final stanza. Blain, Nahraang, Myles, Petvin, Mur- ray, Fawcett; forwards, Jarry, Latram- boise, Duguay, Peters, Rheault, Gosse- lin, Brunet, Ostapyk. FIRST PERIOD frey said after the game that his Oi SE team learned a lot and will be Lee ivan : sé x) ready for them on Thursday|, Penalties -- Whittaker .22; Stewart, (Boldirev, Stewart) 4; Dussiaume, 8.30; O'Donnell, 12.32, nigth when the team play a Te-|poidirev, 15.25, Blain 15.25: O'Donnell turn game at the Whitby Arena starting at 8:30. (major), 19.31; Peters (major), 19.317 Petvin, 19.31. SECOND PERIOD 2. Oshawa: Quintilian 215 3. Oshawa: Morenz (Walton) 13.00 Penalties -- Bedard, 4.04; Lafram- bolse, 10.52; Whittaker (major), 12.257 Clement (minor and major) 12.257 DICK DUPUIS, defensive halfback, | hand on a pass fron katchewan quarterba ' By THE CANADIAN | ' Passing wizard Pete threw Calgary Stamped rst place in the Weste Dall Conference dt with two goals each. Ron Fish- er had a single as did Ted |Slywehuk, 14.21. THIRD PERIOD ekend while Edmont os wrapped up the las Lead In 11-3 Victory Eastern Division * ae : WLT F APt c : 0 Oshawa Minor Hockey By CLIFF GORDON ficam who had size, ut nothing)making the best of several Monreal 4 I 1 17 13 9 ftey Swiger' war" the top| SHARP 'N Smart |) io te gy sition. by. doings : else to match the Lascos, who} p; i |Boston 3151-9514. 7 see a Ss ' P 5. Oshawa: Morenz (Walton) ... 13.22 ' . i . a WHITBY -- Whitby Lasco| played a vastly improved ame| rampton mistakes, but were). York 341 '\scorer for coach Al MacDonald rs a 6. Oshawa: Seagrist (Dionne) 18.43 Mhey hadn't done for six Steelers said it with two-goal/jact ni a 8ame|aiso guilty of. several mental F 1 21 15 Tlwith two tallies. Kevin Bell, W F turit Penalties -- Myles, 7.36; Fawcett, 1 Liske increased his ¢ = 1 | ; last night. 7 : Detroit $213 #7 : ins ruturl 7 13.15; Myles (two minors), 16.44; Tallon of WFC passing record: " jmen last night as they trounced) 0 jlapses themselves. Whitby|Toronto 23 0 15 13 Elmer Tran and Lynn Middle- |thigh sticking), 17.11, Dussiaume, 19.37, er posse tt |the Brampton Rockets 11-3 at Pe i a a ne salt Of cored five times behind the| Chicago 06 0 13 32 qjton each scored singles for the) Sharp'n Smart last night won| ie nenpecare hiskge The following is the Midget|Miller, John Bradley, Rick|the Whitby Arena in Metro Jun- a od ins the sec on] -ombined goal t ndi ick| : losing homebrew Whitby team.|the Blue Bonnet's Futurity. | wan Roughriders 19 line-up in the Oshawa Minor|Day, Brule Perrymant, Bob|i0r B action. The win was the 20¢ a tay the visitorsjeombined goal tending of Rick| Western Division The Mel-Rons appeared to/Qwned by the Beegay Stable of AE. JOHNSON, 0.0, . The victory; befo Hockey Association for the cur-|Todd, Randy Cochrane' Ron|Second in five outings for the|?? in the fina 20 minutes, | Siekierzycki and Bill Woyto-|Los Ang. 3 0 2 19 13 giget off to a slow start as they|Qshawa and driven by John s in Regina, was rent season: Guscott, Ray Schonewille, Bob|Lascos and their second in a The hd pati ae ae and|wich. Brampton, in an effort rene : 320 1 12 6 ie did not have their yout Hayes, he went to the front at OPTOMETRIST 4 thon aheut ~~ ; Bell, Dwight Cumming and Bill|"ow at home. very clean with only two pen-lto stop the Steeler: alifornia 2 2 1 16 11 5)clicking and they were not mak-ithe start ove! 1 Ve Ki cS LOCAL 233 = Conch SONS ledger, , Coach Jim' Cherry, who has/alties being handed out, Majors) 09> ot eelers, juggled|pittshurgh 2 4 1 17 19 5\ing the right move when it paid|sloppy by ia ake ee 14Y King St. East Wan. Page; players: John Krbyla, | " "4 ;-|went to O'Brien of the visitor: jtheir goalies in the third frame) Minnesot 1 ee 1 hi S ; G3 Eskimos defeated | 0 | jelected to go with rookies this| n of the visitors : : ta 2 2 11 17 4joff. As a result the homesters!yaced in 2.04.3 and upped his 723-2721 A 30-24 bef Robert Lloyd, Brian Howell,| ROSE BOWL -- Coach Ronjyear, got a lot of mileage outjand McCord of Whitby at the|but even this failed to daunt)St. Louis 1 3 2 11. 13 4|took a 3-1 lead in the first 2011967 earnings to $45,835. fon ae Ramodton minutes of play. Whitby fought back gamely in the second 1 period and although they were since 1961 they had | outscored 2-1 they showed signs ay wins in a single V Larry Hicks, Chris Wilson,|Gardiner--players, Don Bracy,|of some of his 'kids' with three|16.42 mark. Whitby was leading|the sharp shooting Lascos. Sunday's Results night, marking the fi Gary Locke, Mike O'Neil, Cal-|Don Brownson, Craig Baum-|of them i ch, |2-0 at this st t no d y i isit|S i i ; ; a | , getting two goals each.|2-0 at this stage but no damage) whitby will pay a return visit|St. Louis 0 Detroit 1 vin petenes. Fee Stinson, Ray-|gartner, Alan DeLong, Eddy/First-year players notching a/Was done while the players|tg Brampton S Thursday night|Los Angeles 5 chicane 3 mond Alward, Harold D'Eon,/Adams, Terry Gibson, Walter|pair were Dave Edwards, ajwere in the penalty box. and then play at home to St./Pittsburgh 4 New York 6 Mike Harper, Gary Lonsberry;Klaman, Rick Siblock, Mikelfine lookin i "' Ci 'ali ' f getti heir pl ki ; Yj ie s 4 g prospect, Steve] The Steelers took command|Michael's College Buzzers --on|California i i of getting their plays working and Raymond Smith, Ayer, Mike Barton, Dave/Cardwell, and hard skatingjearly in the middle frame as|Sunday night. so lenuapaianated better. : : : mh NAVY VETS -- Coach Ken Bathe, Doug Bannon, Bob/Gord McCosh of Ajax. Captain|they ran the count to 5-0 by the American League In the third period Whitby s McKenzie: players: Brian Hold.(o"gstaff and Danny Gray. |Paul Reid matched the young-|9.17 mark, before Mundy finally Eastern Division held a decided edge as they Xpansio! oway, Randy Lyzun, John John-| FIREFIGHTERS -- Coach pana sod sh pe oka ree gh ly ra re gd Mie. FOOTBALL WET SMe dumnus of the twogeal ston, Danny Goodchild, Glenn|@dgar Alward -- players 'wan{erans Jim McCord and Tommy|Lang in the Steeler net. Me- Hershey 4 0.0 22 9 githe damage of the two-goal Handcock, 'Todd Pindar, Tom|Elder. John Wilson ch phere Lavender each getting one. Cosh scored his second of the Springfld 2. 02s I I te | Vermoen, Terry Andrey, Jimirie James Preston' Hende rene ee ee | Paee ss 57.00 to make © Fi sated gad i ll $ ; n n J ( Baragar, Brian Prosser, Law-|Ross Turnbull. Randy Karen! and Gene Fewster each blinked| The third session was a wide Western Division Detroit A ¥ tars rence Arnburg and Murray Ed'\act Sones. Mike: Newton, 'Soni the light for the Bramptonlopen affair with the Steelers Cleveland 4°95 10: 18 6 ane DOWN By THE CANADIAN | munds, |Lee, Joe Reid, Richard Harri- By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bechester 22152 23-5 Nip Local Bantams GETS YOU ' Any suggestions that LETTER CARRIERS--Coach 8" 2"4 David Brabin. | EFC "i 220 13 16 4 txpansion teams in the Gary Wilkins: players: David] KIWANIS -- Coach Don Eli OG, ten ers arkKie WLT FAP 15 6 eo Det eee ee ee Flockey League. would Goldin, Audy Bilhste, Jack Belcan" ph oe * a en | Hamilton 8 4 0215 186 16 Burral Sunday's Results dominated Oshawa Bantam All- B B d overs for the six es wick, John Keenan, Paul Cer-lAndy Cawker,"Ken' Macinaly, . 18 he te eimai eee hea onl [ee en en or rene SOM ange li, on, Mike Law-| : "k 'oron p ar aac ; ; a Pegi ee weet we ee! In Junior A Action ms," ,%, SE lnetbe i oheerg [Sudo Sera oa thing Seton, Jeff Wilson, Frank Alli- Emery Coscakella, Barry Peev. | Penent 3, 8 Deans eon Pg oir og Red. bel boon itor 50 d Paul N a pongo dap a 3 : : ; | WFC | SAT goals for Detroit, Jac' ed- » rookie Western divisior ee er, Bill Geigerick, Tom Parker,| 'By THE CANADIAN PRESS \s 5-0 triumph over St. Cathar-| Tot K cebelions tienes wood, Frank St. Clair, Bob 0 p day and Sunday, each CANADIAN LEGION --/No ia yim Coedy, 8] Three goaltenders in the| "Myplark Hames: Calgary «11. 3-0: 336 169 22\Providence 2 Springfield 8 Hodge and Rich Greis scored E took two victories with Coach; players: Joe Vood, oe? 8g : | Myhre's mates were outshot|Sask 'Cley singles. -) Wester yins both r ¢ Ontario Hockey Association i j Bay ea 10 4 0 298 254 20/Cleveland 1 Seattle 4 WHL DOWN Br vainst Chicago Black Randy St yay h combe, Brian] LIONS -- Coach George Nor-|Junior A series profited during|?;-5, sf oe checking prevent-| Edmonton 7 6 1222 227 15| 'i Dave Heron scored the lone) "against Chicago Black Saarinen, Brad Powes. Rand on -- piaveen Randy Ditmar te weekend from excelent SuPlcmaieny 3 "RENE nn ET an | GETS YOU noc tie Hawks, Suu : st , "|Joe Davey, Robert Linton, Ber-|port from their teams. 4 shee : [Bebe Wate' te : get sda ey ate Age rd le se a Ebanks, John Bathe, Paul] Goaltender Bruce Mullett allay be heures 0 01 seamed! Central Canada Intercoll as i 1 ° 32 is ° MONTREAL (CPL i f stars "dropping 8 53 d ; : : 1 Bennett, Randy|Montreal Canadiens blocked 23) Haini ce i Loyola Sear é ny Hebert, Eric Roberts and ;, oe ' iy| : or jfrom Hamilton Red Wings and WLT F A Pt\Kitchener 4.2.0: 38.4 y i i 4 'ings aft Steven Hercia. cen John Ragzkowski, Howie|shols in a 2-0 victory over Pe-'Toronto Marlboros smashed Wtloo Luth, 4 0 0147 11 8 Hamilton 330 26 2 clans of "Of cane otuletic Buy a Bond at Bank of Montreal (2 to Pittsburgh Peng vesbitt, John Boivin, Len Mac-|terborough Petes, Oshawa Gen-iKitchener Rangers 6-1 {McMaster 4 0 0151 24 8|St. Cath $3.0 16 15 Rha as si A ecg ' g 10F -- Coach Wyman Whalin:|V0Y, Barry Bradley, Nick Sirkojerals' netminder Dunc Wilson.! 'The victory propelled Ottawa 3 1 0163 55 6|Montreal 2 7 Sigreats as charter members of parcey. players: Gavin Watts, Brad and Steve Johns. jhandled 18 shots in a 60inty a tie with Ki ch Toronto crete ~ Jae ee 127 70 6| Oshawa 2 ; : eae Agi 4s gua ails mali ine pipet games Thompson, Randy Farmer, Ken Ae : 'triumph over Ottawa 67s and| 6, hfe Acne for! Fish 320 10 | Peterbor' ae 4\Hall of Fame. | | Red Wings scored a 1- ; / el ch: waleet ieaue want ' | $23.3 ver St. Louis s Climpson, Dan Fulli R ROTARY No Coach Phil Myhre of Niagara' Falls second place behind the ram-|TiSi0P ; 48 104 6)Peterbor'gh 1 4 1 13 23 3 pver St. Louis Blues : p ng, USS | player: s : 1S paging Niagara Falls club, un-| Waterloo 2 2.0118 46 4/Ottawa 161 14 52 3) | Henderson's _conversic McDonald, Robert Snider. Steve|Players Ron Bragg, Den Flyers turned aside 35 shots in in fi Henders Bird Barry Trews u pt Hood, Tom Griffin Steve jon Sa ere 1 Ae wa, |itacdo Id H H 4 4 " ri Rawsaa es el " DOWN ng leggy a wate ' ,_ Larry " Pea Abgi Pees na! Saturday's Results )less than five minutes Flynn, John Stauf, Raphael Ston, Dennis Grady, Paul) wae WIN-LOSS RECORD EVEN Montreal 2 3 0 84133 4) a i GETS YOU vege ner i pais. Roger Blouin and Terry Thee, _ rae 'ee Mixed Dart League Paul Lessard and Andre Gau-/Guelph 1 4 0 80103 2 en e* | cs of holaiing New York lovd. Saunders, Ne e, irk ette scored Montreal's goals as! Loyola O54 2:2 81°96 OHA Senio | isi Se ee ti ithe Canadiens evened their rec-|Laurenti | 1 | fo A clone G4 cecialoy oe 50 , ' -| an 05 0 0316 0 WLT F APU HAWKS -- No coat h -- Play-,Rockbourne, Gerald Coe and) Con inues Program ord at two wins and two losses.| 0 | Toronto 41°90 35 "I | Buy a Bond at Bank f M te er: Paley Melivcnuk . Darl Rick Mamaia |: guntee td the Woedsee park Eaters a e Saturday's Results (P 5 8 8 . | re) ontrea : eh a all cA sa th AM RAt click Ss in '. oodyiew Par' ; et es stayed one point Macdonald 0 RMC 26 |Galt 4202 8 8i TRAILER STORAGE HALL RETURNS z | Heo csi : League games ou 0 Feil basement with one Bishop 0 Waterloo Lutheran 56 Collingwood $11 6 7 K a The Eastern victor . [pare recently were: Atoms 4, "ee a tie in six starts. Montreal 6 Carleton 61 Guelph 3 2 118 16 7) AMPING | hard-fought affairs wit Ings on ces ying, Pert oo 5, Sharpshoot- / Quintilian and Brian Mor-| Ottawa 21 Loyola 0 Kingston 23127 UNLIMITED Chicago goalie Glenn uae Skylarks 3, Teenie- pis Aged Bt Eoels for 08. Bataan 34 Guelph 0 arn 3 : 0 12 16 6 | $ $ liant for the ere | 8 2. s awa | 'y and Fred/McMaster 51 Laurentian 0 rillia 20 814 2 Townline Road North | against Detroit and Le B i B * gnzuubles -- J. Kalner 4, M. O'Donnell and Scott Seigrist danedays amen Belleville 1 3 0 11 14 2/8 (1 Mile North of King St.) ff bere you g handling 51 New York @a arrie ers ie ae. g. J. E and sha he others, '|Gatleton at MeMantep arrie 1309 38 2| PH. 728-9942 | the Penguins against N J. MeIntyre 3, T. Emm, W. Niagara Falls was paced by Gyelph at Macdonald Woodstock 041 1494 1 In Sunday's other ga Dowe, A. Tapmpson and E.Tom Webster, who scoredigttans at Bishops. delphia Flyers) downec By THE CANADIAN PRESS {whipping from Galt Hornets,\Thompson 2, Syd Emm, B. twice. Dan Mackey, Gary Swaine orciur rc | ; é Kingston Aces are back in Saturday in Galt and came|Emm, D. Donald, F. Donald, and Earl Haggerty notched one eenen: at Loyola | Buy a Bond at Bank of Montreal gers re diens nz ! § 7 \E ete Be ' 3 | Bene ear and the rest of the Ontario from behind Sunday for a 4-3\S. Emm, R. Shobbrook, L, each. bynes cd at Waterloo Lutheran | SALES a SERVICE 4 PARTS . ACCES. ints Hist place Sale Hockey Association Senior A se-|triumph over Woodstock Alcans.|Shobbrook, V. Ross, R. Cor-- Renald LeClerc sparked Ham- Laurentian at Push | : Fast by handing Bost Hes hee better move over Guelph Regals _ana{nish, F. Young, I. Webb and A. ilton Sunday night in Hull with . Sunday's Results | : ce ee ; : their first loss of the se he Aces, who managed only Collingwood Kings battled to a|Kaltner 1 each. two goals. Jim Adair, Rick|Calgary 19, Regina 11 ? a Canada Savings Bonds and dropping the ade : tie for second wit one win in their first four starts.|3.3 oy i : | High with three darts were Smith, Brian Gibbons Richard Ottawa 28, Toronto 28 3 overtime tie Sunday and Hamilton 31, Winnipeg 4 moved within a point of first hoth clubs joined Kingston in|. McIntyre 134, E. Thompson Petit also scored. and Detroit. New York handed 1967/68 Series place Saturday with a 7-4/the traffic jam a point behind|!20, R. Cornish 112. R. Shob-| Bill Clement collected the Saturday's Results | inal 9 over -- Flyers in\Galt and the idle Toronto Marl- -- Fac and D. Young 100. eaten for Ottawa, playing its Edmonton 30, Montreal 24 | B Maple Leafs their thir ne of four weekend games. boros, who share top spot. | Baseball -- J. Elliott 6, R.|third game in as many nights. | sive loss, 5-3, while 1 eect tern -- heey ~~ Rinaninla sigh were agate L. Shobbrook and Gord Davies paced the Marl- wag | uy yours now for cash North Stars bounced lay twice, absorbed a 3-0| _. : D. Young 5. boros, defending \ i ri 0 play twice, absorbed a 3-0) ,tuneuons mariamen were|D. Young bores, defending Memorial Cu] ygontreal at Vancouver or by instalments. tr ertn |who scored twice--after 26 sec- Kitchener netminder Dave Saturday Only 5% down bal j S ) 0 R T S Cc 0 PE > _ ance in easy Saturday games. In the Chicago loss jonds of the first period and 35 seconds of the second frame. Trojans Trim Ajax Hainsworth faced 36 shots,|Edmonton at Calgary Terry Caffery, Frank Hamill,|Toronto at Ottawa payments over a year. Ken Schinkel scored tt burgh goals, while B 'ia TODAY eon ~~ Bey be had -- In COSSA Soccer neg King nee yer Bayes Sunday . ALL \Carty yraham an s ; 5 ired one each and Lee Inglis|Vancouver at Regina i Oshawa High School Play- esos Han any alien dang Gee dcieatat Voea: replied for the Rangers. | Montreal at Hamilton Now available at all branches. peel Bs offs (Senior) -- Eastdale at | 'i % 18% ee eee eee oy _ a a | "| x i : |WEEKS SCORES TWO |High School 7-0 Cc a: F pm: C | gh Se in a Central O'Neill, 4 p.m.; (Junior) John Weeks scored twice for| Ontario Secondary School tral Oi ~~ 4 we eS se = ae es i ie 7 } -- McLaughlin at Donevan, 4:00 p.m. TUESDAY lait which hae McLaughlin outplayed the | Galt, played one H FOOTBALL more game than Toronto, ~ lighter Ajax team most of the Local end Long Dience MUYINe Oshawa High School Play- |ceived tidy, 20-stop netminding game but the Ajax team show- e Office @ House @ Apartment offs (Senior) -- McLaughlin |from former professional Norm|e@, lois of, determination and MOVING AND STORAGE at Central, 4:00 p.m.; (Jun- ior) -- Central at Eastdale, 4:00 p.m. HOCKEY OHA Junior 'B' League -- Oshawa Crushmen vs Belle- ville; at Belleville Arena, 8:30 p.m. Barrie and Bill Reynolds and Mike Dubeau shared the others. Defelice. George Tracey stopped 30 shots and yielded a |goal in each frame. | Vance Millar, Larry Ziliotto jand Bert Brown collected the |Galt goals | Tracey blocked 45 shots in a| fine performance Sunday. - 'ciation soccer game played at MCVI Friday afternoon. sportsmanship. Nigel Allen and Vince Serra scored two goals each for the| winners, with Ian Clark, John Harrigan and Richard Mattis |picking up singles. | MecLaughlin's next game will be played tomorrow afternoon, at Pickering High School. I ' ' CITY CARTAGE | Pocking @ Shipping @ Crating City Cartage agents for UNITED VAN LINES (Canado) Ltd, Moving with care anywhere in SANITIZED VANS 725-2621 ANYTIME -.» for free Estimate! | Repairs to A Makes of OSHAWA SHAVER SERVICE & SUPPLIES OSHAWA Canada's Bank of Montreal First Bank 728-4284 | eases McL 110 King St. W. 7

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