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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1967, p. 8

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 23, 1967 ANN LANDERS Host Can Prevent Drunken Tragedy Dear Ann Landers: What is|a sober guest, or sent home in a the responsibility of a host and/taxi. Anyone who knowingly al- hostess to guests who drink too|lows a drunk to drive himself much and then drive home? anywhere must share in the It is not possible to monitor) blame for whatever happens. the alcoholic intake of guests to make sure they don't get) Dear Ann Landers: I used to plowed. Furthermore, it is next/hate it when you handed out ad- to impossible to get a drunk tojvice against going steady. I admit he is in no shape to drive.|thought you were a square old I have seen drunks become bel-/bag and I even wrote once to ligerent and nasty when some-|blast you. Well, I am writing one questions their ability te again--this time to apologize. handle the wheel. Ww My husband and I had a party| faptihae real old girl who at our home recently and the just broke up with a boy 17. We last four couples to leave were| started to go steady last Janu- so stoned they couldn't see/ary | was in heaven for about straight. When they left (in two) tive weeks, and then I began to! cars) I told my husband I was) worry because we seemed to go scared to death that they would). jittle further every time we end up in the morgue. He said.|-o¢ together. One day I asked 'They'll be O.K. Don't worry."| what he would do if I got preg- It so happened they made it/nant. He said, "Any girl who is all right, but if they had not/dumb enough to get pregnant in made it, how much of the guilt|this day and age deserves to would have been on our heads?/ figure a way out by herself." Please tell us, Ann Landers,! That statement really shook what is the solution to this|me up. I told him he was abso- ever-growing social problem?--|lutely right and I wasn't going A Party to the Murder? La wait until I got into that fix ' i ecause we were parting com- WOULD BE GUILTY pany Ges aia eee Dear Party: If those drunks} That was three months ago had not made it home, or,|and I've never been so happy in} worse yet, if they had rammed) my life. What a rockhead I was into some innocent people, you|to think I needed a, steady for would, in my opinion, be guilty|social security. I have plenty of of plenty. dates and I'm having a ball. My One thing a host and hostess|mother and I get along better, can do to prevent such trage-jtoo. We used to argue a Jot be- dies is to cut the liquor off and|cause she didn't approve of my send people home before they| going steady either. get so cockeyed they are a men-| I'd like to tell all teen-agers ace to society. Don't tell me it)who think going steady is boss can't be done because I havejthat they are kidding them- done it in my home and I will| selves. ---Been There continue to do it--and anyone} Dear Been: Thanks for anoth- who doesn't like my brand ofjer testimonial. Your lesson was hospitality doesn't have to come|relatively inexpensive. Most of back. the teen-agers who write as you Guests who become suddenly|did had to pay a high price for drunk should be driven home by their education. CHILD GUIDANCE Introduce Different Foods With Tidbits At Early Age By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD Make one by the layout diagram, then make a dozen. Christmas stockings Even if he asked for more you should be stingy at offering it. parent, sometimes in the whole| If your child happens to eat BAZAAR BEST-SELLER If you put to the lips of your|family, a-solution of the problem|°ccasionally at a home of other baby a few months old a tiny bit/May be difficult. Suppose you children, or if other children eat of food he never tasted before,|face this problem: with your|@t his home, he may easily he may make an ugly face or|Child. Try to regain composure even eject the food. But if you) yourself. It may be well for you gently try him a number of|to resolve to show no concern at choose to emulate their good ways. \Ssromaeeree = Le} Doubled sewing threads won't |tangle so easily if knotted sepa- rately instead of together. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Very little can go wrong when you have loyal backers to aid you in overcoming personal ob- stacles--as you have now. Main- tain the contacts that have value, intellectually as well as materially. In your turn, have the proper compassion for those who are troubled. CLUBS INVITED TO SUBMIT STORIES ON 1967 PROJECTS registered narcotics The annual supplement of women's club activities will SENT TO CONVENT LONDON (AP)--A 20-year-old|12 months probation with a pro. :.. British girl, unemployed and alviso that she must spend six addict,|months in a Roman Catholic confessed to unlawful posses-|convent. 3 sion of heroin and was put on be published next month. This year most organizations have held special centennial events and it is planned to make these the highlight of the supplement as a souvenir edition. Secretaries are invited to send in articles recalling the centennial project of their clubs and the full names of executive officers in this important year. Future proj- ects may also be listed. Articles must be mailed or delivered to the Social Department, The Oshawa Times on or before November 4. Envelopes should be marked 'Club Women's Edition". Stories should be typewritten, on one side of a large Sheet of paper, allowing margins and double-spaced lines. The sender's name and telephone number should be in- cluded on the story. The writing must be concise in order to have space for pictures, Short articles are most acceptable. Do not delay. Late articles will not be published. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, currently, you are in a fine pe- riod in which to advance job in- terests in such a_ worthwhile manner as to not only merit the attention of superiors, but to bring you increased profits. In fact, where finances are con- cerned, your outlook is more pleasing than it may have been for some time and, if you grasp all the opportunities available between now and the end of March, you should make still further strides along these lines in late July; September and Sinext October. Other good pe- riods for work interests: Late December of this year, and Jan- uary, late April and October of sinext. :| Personal affairs are also gov- erned by fine influences, so look for harmony in domestic and so- _ i EEE ES NESTLE SET POLES TOE EERE NRE -- - Nowtrya | gentle laxative just like new" . . cial relationships; also interest- ing developments where ro- mance is concerned. Best pe- riods along the latter line:. The current month, January, May, late June and late July. Do not take next September's '"'ro- mances" too seriously, how- ever. Look for a possible change in your home environment in July; chances to travel in Janu- ary, July and August. "| A child born on this day will be endowed with great self-reli- ance and integrity; will also be creatively inclined. are bazaar best-sellers. The simple embroidery is work- ed in stem stitches, French EDGAR'S DECOR CENTRE because it's Nature's Remedy The Tums people, as you would expect, know a great deal about sensitive stomachs. That's why they make their laxative, Nt Nature's Remedy, only with vegetable ingredients. So, NR brings easy, effective, overnight relief. This gentle action is especially important if you now take a laxative once, twice or three times a week. nN works while you sleep without disturbing your rest. There is no letdown, no uncomfortable after-feeling. Try Nature's Remedy, a gentle all-vegetable laxative. Reg- ular or chocolate coated. Ne tonight, tomorrow alright. "Omigosh ! Company's Comin'! . What'll | Do... !% On a moments notice about all you can do is grab the broom and dust mop . . . but many people de- pend on BAKER'S to help keep their home smelling and looking fresh as a daisy ! Regularly they send their Drapes and Carpets to BAKER'S for expert, ef- ficient cleaning service . . and carpets go to BAKER'S they come back "'lookin' . and ready for company at any time. And BAKER'S are quick ! How Quick? To find out, just call BAKER CARPET CLEANING CO. they do the rest. . . but fast ! : "FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY" "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" __ "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER Cleantng [ or. CALL ZENITH 9-9100 We Pay The. Charge . because, when drapes CARPET knots and back stitches. If you would like to have the instructions, send a stamp- ed, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Depart- ment, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, request- ing Leaflet No. E. 9489. 34 KING ST. W. @ COLOR UNLIMITED @ DECORATION TO FIT YOUR BUDGET. @ ARTIST SUPPLIES See Us For Paint & Wallpaper PHONE 723-7351 4 Me, fn, im, far With your older child, say of times with the same new food|all for several days and not|7, 12 or 14, you might be able, at and later with some otherleven offer the child an unfamfl- strange food, you will be pleased|iar food nor say a word related to find him accepting this food|to the matter meanwhile. with less show of resistance or] It's possible your child has, even with delight. heard you talk about his dislike You may find ways of adapt-jof certain foods and refusal ing him to new and strange/taste a strange food. All such re- foods by mixing a bit of each,/marks should cease, to be sure. one at a time, with the milk in/Before you make the next try his bottle or with his favorite fruit juice. Many a mother who, ob- viously, has not bothered to get the young child to accept an un- familiar food, writes me of the child who is 8 months, 5, 9 or 10 years old refusing to taste al- most any kind of strange food. As a rule, somewhere along the line, this mother has been emo- tionally upset over the child, you will need to be very calm and speak in quiet tones. Instead of trying to get your child to taste from a huge spoonful of food, offer him a bit of it no bigger than a pea. Count it great if he ch to a quiet companionable moment 'with him alone, other than at mealtime, to lead him to see the advantage of learning to enjoy a variety of foods, especially new to and unfamiliar ones. But such talks hardly could be more than irritation during mealtime. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q.--In using physical pain to teach a toddler to avoid certain objects, acts and places, what is important? A.--That the pain be immedi- "The finest brewed Coffee in the World" POUR-OMATIC | COFFEE BREWER =| MAKES 8 & 12 CUPS OF COFFEE IN 114 MINUTES AND COSTS ONLY Se A CUP, ---- Around-the-Clock-Service-- ONE DAY FREE TRIAL . . . NO OBLIGATION } For information call: 723-0981 | PAUL'S ENTERPRISE CO., Box 63, Whitby, Ont. taste it. Then drop the whole matter for this meal. The older your child the more skillful you will need to be at trying to win his co-operation. often revealing in his presence) that she is, sometimes trying to force into him certain unfamil- tar foods. Naturally, the older! ii." 05 other food before him. this child grows to be, the more| non tell fi : : im then he must resistant he may become to tast-!1.-+6 it but that after he does, ing a strange food rides Related to this problem may| pe may have other foods he me be the child's very strong resist- In case your child tastes the ance to tasting a food he has| long disliked. |bit of food you offer, you may Obviously, the longer you have be tempted to put much more of dealt with this problem unsuc-|this food on his plate. If you do, You might consider offering jthis tiny bit of strange food at the very beginning of the meal, MALLOW COCOA DRINK A sure-to-please hot chocolate drink for Junior and his friends. Blend together in individual mug or heat-proof glass 1 tsp. cocoa and 1 tsp. sugar. Add 1 tbsp. cold milk; mix well. Stir in 1 cup hot milk; add 1 color- ed marshmallow and_ serve immediately. Yield: 1 serving. When you wish to use cocoa in your unsweetened chocolate recipes here is a substitution rule to follow: For each 1 oz. unsweetened chocolate use 2% level tablespoons cocoa and 1 é ater the prob- : acspondtieed 2s eh you will defeat your purpose. level tablespoon butter, garine or shortening. With so long and frequent or-| WHAT TO DO | gies of emotions in the child and) |SA | | Or any of the other thousands | | We won't pull the wool over your eyes ef eclourful fabries for dresses, sults, and other fashions you are planning i for your family. thet -we---- have waiting for you to see, You can be sure, however, that we'll offer our experience with moteriols end pottern service so thot you won't be left In the dark e@bout making @ happy choice, Add some colour to your life, drop in to the House of Fabrics 11 KING EAST Oshowa, Os 725-4551 | BIRTHDAY Starts Thursday - 10 A.M. BURNS JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE NORTH See Our Ad In Wednesday's Paper LE mar-| ate and there are no exceptions. | -- aE IIIS, '1\LM, ; ----~<S) "draperies with a difference" 'MODERN? have been awarded the exclusive EXACT A DRAPE franchise which GUARANTEES .:. @ LENGTH @ UNIFORM PLEATS @ ACCURATELY SQUARED CORNERS @ NO UNEVEN SAGGING HEMLINE Have Your Drapes Cleaned Today -- ALSO -- BLANKETS BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED & BLOCKED ony 99S MODERN DRY CLEANERS &. DRAPERIES 321 OLIVE AVE. OSHAWA PHONE:728-4614 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY IN OSHAWA, WHITBY & BROOKLIN Rogar Presents ... KELVINATOR The Best Name In Home Appliances .. . Kelvinator 14.5 Cu. Ft. "No-Frost" Flowing Cold 2 dr. REFRIGERATOR FREEZER : 146 Ib. "'No-Frost" Freezer Convenient lift out meat tray Lifetime unichrome cabinet shelves Safe egg storage in moulded egg tray Two lifetime porcelain moisture seal crispers Magnetic door closure 5 year warranty on Polarsphere unit 3 year food spoilage warranty 329.50 mabey MODELS AVAILABLE | Ht) REG. LIST PRICE 419.50 MODEL K774 with trade \ 30" DELUXE %* Stain resistant lifetime porcelain interior and exterior finish. * Rotisserie brings "Outdoor cook- ing" into your kitchen. & Lift-off oven door and easy clean- ing oven, %* Oven picture window and interior light. % Drop-top surface prevents spill- overs. % Delayed cook and hold timer -- keeps food warm until serving. %& Automatic pre-heot. %& Timed appliance outlet. Kelvinator i ELECTRIC RANGE REG. LIST PRICE 299.50 50 with i trade MODEL KR350 a al nN, Val Lf | * Fluorescent surface light. % Oven and surface element signal lights, %* Extra deep, full width storage drawer. % Rotary infinite heat surface ele- ment switches, %* Broiler, roast pan and grill of life- time porcelain, % Removable heavy gauge aluminum oven liners cover bottom, back and sides of oven interior. %& One yeor warranty on all parts, additional 2 year worranty eon chromalox elements, PHONE NOW .. For A Free One Week Home Trial On The New Kelvinator Dishwasher Open Thurdsay and Friday till 9 p.m. (NEXT TO U.A.W. BUILDING) EASY BUDGET TERMS Better Quality Costs You Less .. . Or Your Money Back APPLIANCES FURNITURE 50 BOND STREET EAST -- 728-2151 LOTS OF PARKING AT SIDE AND MICvryv agarrer GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEFTER JIM A Hands ! Woes Ai By JO ALI One of the s in an age of : tainment, cann programs, is | square dancing. the pastime of has continued t wlarity in leaps the Oshawa are The reasons find, according Allen who with starting their 3 square dancing season of teach EVERY B learn how correctly an Wome! To Osh With the op than one ¥ Women's Co! Oshawa Sym has been in h tempt to mai the interests « The Women was then call ning about 196 musicians' wi wished to exp ship to one | bility as well patibility. So founders of tl were Mrs. D. first presider Eder, Mrs. | F A ' 463 RIT

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