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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1967, p. 13

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| FALL'S SHAPES By ANNE ADAMS | SE the elegant rise to the neckline of this geometrically seamed skimmer. It gives you such a lithe, poised look. |Choose trans - season knits, flowing crepe, nubby cotton. Printed Pattern 4884: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 14 takes 25g yds. 45-in. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each patiern Ontario residents add 3c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE |'NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. | FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- see the best of the new styles 'for all sizes in our new Fall- Winter Pattern Catalog. Get one pattern free -- just clip coupon in Catalog. Hurry, send 50c right now. ARIES FUNERAL OF MALCOLM ELVER The memorial service for Malcolm Elver, who died Oct, 20, at the Oshawa General THos- pital, in his 56th year, was held at 2 p.m., Oct. 23, at the Arm- strong Funeral Home. The service was conducted by Rey. R. B. Herrod, of Toronto. Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were R, Kellar, Harry Kellar, Neil Brown, Stan Head, David Munk- ley and James Stewart. FUNERAL OF MRS. ELVA GIBSON The memorial service for Mrs. Elva Gibson, who died, Oct. 20, at Taunton, in her 69th year, was held at 1 p.m., Oct. 23, at the Armstrong Funeral Home. Rev. Charles Catto, minister of Zion United Church, con- ducted the service. Interment was in Zion Cemetery. The pallbearers were Vernon Powell, Murray Vice, Walter Tink, Donald Prescott, Ray Gib- son and Keith Gibson, FUNERAL OF LEWIS KOCHO The memorial service for Lewis Kocho, who died. Oct. 26, at the Oshawa General Hos- pital, in his 23rd year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 3:15 pm., Oct. 23. The service was conducted by Rev. R. Sharp, rector of St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Robert Adamciewz, Peter Vasko, Richard Barnoski, Ron Mc- Knight, Fred Mandryk and Don Potter. Bishops' Synod In Final Week VATICAN CITY (AP)--The Roman Catholic synod of Bish- ps went into its final week Monday with action on its most mportant topics still ahead. The tasks: --Finish debate on shanges. ----Hear and pass on a commit- ee's report on doctrine and the- logy, the main issue being nodern trends and tradition. --Vote on whether to propose o Pope Paul changes in- the Shurch's mixed marriage rules, --Attend a meeting of the ope and Orthodox Patriarch \thenagoras, who is scheduled 0 arrive for a historic, three- rd Christian unity visit Thurs- lay. --Draft an appeal for world eace, Clothing Theft $36,000 Reported ST. THOMAS (CP)--A thief vith an experienced eye for the est in clothing Thursday night tole $36,000 worth of clothing = Harding's Clothing Store . Missing are 400 suits, valued t $32,000; 75 sports jackets alued raise and 25 all-weath- r jackets with an esti; alue of $1,000, -- liturgy BLONDIE LI'L ABNER GRANDMA MICKEY MOUSE JULIET JONES HENRY NUBBIN MUGGS AND SKEETER THIS ONE MAKES IT'S NICE , BUT IT SEEMS-- ME LOOK LIKE A MUSHROOM / IF TOP-HEAVY OH, DAGWOOD-- I JUST HAD nt B® oe EM BOTH!) 7 (TLL TAKE THI E TREE Is NG TREMBLIN' LIKE }? ALEAF/! oy BUZ SAWYER IT'S SOME KIND OF THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, JANE ARDEN 70 THESE BANDITS WANT GOLD..... AND YOU WILL CARRY IT TO THEM. ep SECRET AGENT X9 IF YOU CAN'T THINK OF GOMETHIN' GOOD TO 6AY ABOUT A FELLA, DON'T SAY ANYTHING! AND FURTHERMORE, Z THINK YOU'RE THE MO6T UNBEARABLE «00 THE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY I KNOW TO SHUT HeR UP // } October 24,1967 15 BRIDGE A ; By B. JAY BECKER { (Top Record-Holder in Masters' i Individual Championship Play) 3 | North dealer. t North-South vulnerable. i NORTH @K103 | GE, ¥KI105 OAl92 Te eo aa er re reve A ii WEST EAS' 'YO THE FOOT OF THE CLIFF -- gaosts . we 99632 210643 PS 4 #98763 hAQ2 SOUTH 5 @AJ642 ¥aQ @875 1054 The bidding: North East South West ; NT Pass 36 Pass a Opening Jead--nine of clubs. The most interesting hands CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. 1967 MODEL CLEAN-UP! TELEVISION LOG AN) QO VA THERES A REAL CAGE OF MIXED EMOTIONS / «..BUT ON TOP OF THE PILE IS HER PENSION CHECK. cl «WITH A HAMAER: WN Hi§ HAND! 8:00 P.M, 1--Gunsmoke 3-6-12--Red Skelton 330 PLM, 9--Ironside 7--Invaders 4--Red Skelton 9:00 PLM, 11--Under Attack %6-12--Hatchs' Mill 9:15 P.M.) 2-8--Movie 9:30 PLM, 9--Pig'n' Whistle 7--Kismet 4--Good Morning World 9--Uncle Bobby 8-2--Snap Judgment +--Candid Camera 3--Canadian Schools 8-2--Cencentration '--Dateline Ho!lywood 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 11:00 A.M, 12--Romper Room 9--Tugboat Annie ci Channel 2--Buffalo 10:00 PLM, 1--Family Game 7 Channet 3--Barrie be ere So Sen ore oe : e Prisoner -o--| quer AY Channet 4--Buffalo | 4--CBS News Special 5 Channel 6--Teronto 3-6-12--News Magazine n 12 NOON = Channel 7--Buftalo | 11:00 P.M, gps veer, i Channel 8--Rochester 2-3-4-6-7-8-, V--Little People { Channel 9--Toronto TiaHine ohare | batted Teduy ts = le a 4 Channel 11--Hamilton 1:18 PM, 6--Luncheon Date | Channel 12--Peterborough | 1) pierre Berton 4--News, Weather, Sports } | 11:28 PLM. | #¢--~Jeoperdy : 6--Viewoint 12.10 P.M, 1 TUESDAY EVENING | Fa VW: P. | 3--Super Heroes H -M, | jews, Wea' | | 12--Rocky and his friends 1:9 A 12:30 PM, 11--Combat en | 11---Photo Finish \ 8--Mr. Ed | 4_Movi geo hha le --Flintsto a --Searcl 'or - | "Tbary Mason | 7 cnmy Corson | morrow ] " So<Eronkensisin -Jr; aa :3s P.M, Merv. Griffin 5:0 PLM, pee Cue ae | 12:45 PM. ; iv) ] 12--Flintstones aren Hea P.M. 3-4-6-12--Guiding Light ' --Trut ! 7 Pe nek Of CONARRUONERS | 6 Berry's Probe 1:00 PLM, F| é--Let's Go 11:45 P.M, 12--Movie a--Mr. Ed | 12--Movie | 1i---Mike Douglas Z 2--Of Lange and Sees =| 6--Movie | %Movie é | @--Dialing fer Dellers, 3 6:00 PM, | 12:18 A.M, Virginie @raham N--Plerre Berton | 9--Movie | 7--Fugitive d Fart Hag Business | 12:38 A.M, | Luncheon Date I--Mevie 11--Mark Saber |.4--Meet The Millers sete aha nei Weather ' : 1:30 PLM, | 3-Petticoat Junction WRONSEDAY +4---As The World. Turns A $--Let's Make A Deal a 6:38 PLM, 8:00 A.M. a 12--Avengers ,| 1l--Schnitzel_ House 2:00 P.M. ay) e M--Daktari 4--Captain Kangaree 7--Newlywed Game 3-6-9--News; 6:30 A.M. 6-4--Love is @ Many Spien- Weather; Sperts 9--Unlversity of The Alr | dored Thing 4--News 8:55 A.M. 6-2--Days of @ur Lives $-2--News, Weather, 7--Dialing for Dollars, Sports Virginia Graham | 2:3 P.M, I'MA TRYING TO THINK 1:00 PAM : ' 12 Calendar OF ANOTHER WORD LIKE 9--Batman \--Ed Allen Time ScPeeple in Cant STUPID THAT WON'T SOUND --America %--Romoer Reom $8--The Bectors so i gris BUT I'M NOT MAKING 4---Midwestern Hayride via hela 1--Dream Girl IT! WHA' you $--Day it Is eta : ; STUPID>y yaad 3--Mothers-in-Law Carlton Fredericks -- | "-Spronation Street Fe 2--News, Weather, 2--Pat Boone Sports 9:38 A.M, 3:00 P.M. 7:20 P.M, 11Ontario Educational 9--Magistrates Court 7--News, Weather Tv &-2--Another Worid " 4--Leve of Life 7--General Hospital --Celebrity Billiards $--Meta seit, ee ee 9--Holl 6--Ontario Schools +i2--- Toke 0 --| lywood Palace 3G M 7--Garrisons Gorillas ond. Morning 2:8 PLM, 4--Daktari 10:00 A.M, (--News 11--Movie | j 3: PLM, | 11--Bullwinkle | 9--It's Your Move | #8--You Don't Say |7--Commander Tom % A.M. | 4-4-4-12--Edge of Night 4:0 P.M, ju ~Super Heroes 9--| Leve Lucy &--The Mateh Game 3-6-12--Communicate 4--Secret Sterm | Mike Douglas to play are those where de- Cy) THERE MUST BE HEAVY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INSIDE. ICAN FEEL THE POWER HUM THROUGH THE WALL! clearer can make an apparently sure loser disappear. More often than not, declarer accomplishes this feat in an entirely rational but relatively simple way. For example, take this case where West leads a club against four spades. East cashes the A-Q and continues with a club, won by South with the ten CORRIGAN! The contract appears to be THE ONE MOTHER totally safe at this poont, but, \ renapygy np when declarer leads a low trump ¥ to i if 5 ery oor the king and West shows out, the prognosis changes radi- cally. East now has two ap- parently inviolable trump tricks and defeat seems inevitable DOWN HERES HUBERT But faint heart ne'er won fair lady, and South attempts |to save what appears to be a lost cause. Abandoning further trump leads fdr the moment, 'he cashes four heart tricks on which he discards two dia- monds as East continues to | follow suit. When declarer then cashes the ace of diamonds, this be- comes the position: North 4108 os9 West Bast Immaterial $2987 Bouth @Al64 A diamond lead from dummy ( You WANT ME TO LOOK NICE, DON'T SUPPOSE A WEALTHY FANCY TO ME AND eee (@) MILLIONAIRE TOOK A Be compels East to ruff with the seven, and South, of course, un- derruffs with the four. As a result of this play, East must _|resign, since he cannot take another trick regardless of which spade he returns. One of his two "certain" trump tricks vanishes into thin air. You could say that declarer was lucky to find East with precisely four hearts and a singleton. diamond, but, consid- ering that the trumps were di- vided 5-0 and that East also had the A-Q of clubs over the K-J, South was not particularly fortunate on the hand. His sense | | I'M NOT STINGY, YOU KNOW= ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS APPEAL TO MY of stick-to-itiveness in over- coming a bad lie of the cards surely had something to do with the case. Hees' Daughter Weds U.S. Negro TORONTO (CP)--Roslyn Georgia Hees, youngest daugh- ter of George Hees, former fed: eral trade minister, was mar- ried here Saturday to Durwood Murphy Taylor, Negro member of a Washington, D.C. law firm. Mr. Hees, Conservative mem- YOUR HEALTH your column concerned a de- pressed woman who, among cide, The letter was signed A.B. Doctor Withholds Name Of Woman By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: A letter injreal. Yes, all are. But I would other things, contemplated sui-|changed. Now since these are my ini-|potentially dangerous for even ber of Parliament for Northum- berland and a contender in the *\party's recent national leader- ship convention, gave his daugh- ter in marriage. Among the guests were Davie -|Fulton, former justice minister who also was a Conservative leadership contender and George Drew, former national Conservative leader. The groom attended Howard University. The Taylors will live in Washington after a honey- moon in Jamaica. Trenton To Get estimate that at least a third of the time, the initials are One thing I'd like to add. It's tials and the letter did not indi-jse mi-retired nurses to go) cate the city from which the let-|around handing out phenobarbi- ter came, it has caused a prob-|tal or other drugs. Phenobarb is 2-8--Personality | 4:0 P.M, 7--Honeymoon Race 11--F Troop ; 4--Andy Griffith Bee It to Beaver 3-6-- Mr. Dressup | 9--Movie V0 ALM. | 4---Truth er 11--Marriage Confidential %--Mr. and Mrs CROSSWORD Consequences '3-4-12--Barney Boomer my husband. to me, and I do not like to worry her. Also a friend who is with some phenobarbital sug- gesting that I might try some in case of depression name or city in which she lives if it is not Tulsa. I do not wish to worry my friends.--Mrs, A.B. Of course I will not give the woman's last name, and will not give the city in which she !ives except to say it wasn't Tulsa and it isn't even in Oklahoma. There are probably several troubled women with the initials A.B. in any city in the country, so it is quite useless to try to cuess what person wrote any letter that appears in this col- umn--besides which, if there seems any possible cause for being more secretive in a par- ticular case, I often change the initials entirely, either because a writer asks me to, or because barrassment. Maybe it works the other way, too: Possibly someone says, "Look, this is my letter in the health column," and people ACROSS 2.Anthropold 21, Maltese, [S[T/AIRIEMMAIGILIEIT 1. Specks . Dye for one URIS ICI Berea: Rees =, [clAIGSMMHIOIRISIELS) 9. Great 6, Eating upon [MIAIRIY] Lake utensil 24. Youth IN/DMRAIMIAI 10. Peel 6. Scepter 25. Strike {BIDE ora 11. Slope 7. Land 26. Kidd STAIN Ia ATE | . Beginning eS 28. Leathe CIRIET loOlRIBIS| 14. Pursue 8. Irritated ers te) 15. Scuttle U1. Lean-to 29. Two jofcul 16. Verso; 13. Carry saws = abbr. 15. Go-getter bucks Yesterday's Answer 17. Goad 18. Through 31, Hospital 35. Killer whale 18. 19. Paper divisions 37. masia, design $4.Encounter 38, Inlet 19. Moist . vggi = ag" Y gt Ba i |? 20. Two- pal ge Y, Y 3 UY, 22. Magu- 9 i factured Za YY 23, Small mM Z Y), 12 13 pastry Zs 25. Quarrel 14 Y, 15 G 16 27, Newest "4 04 30, Gain 7 UY), 18 Gu 31, Marry ZA 32, Regret 29 2 7422 33. Argent: y A yy sym. Y Y, 23 24 Y, Gy, 34, Disfigure "1 4, 35. Forebodir 2S {26 Y 27 28 |29 36. Candle A 38. Thin nails 30 3 V/A 32- 39. Boun 40. land' 33] Y, 34 Gis Lawns 'A 41. Dines 36 37 Y 38 42, Talks: iy Wi a Y, 1 seis A. Ys Y DOW: 42 sa 2 Li ZZ 0-24 lem for me. Many friends know\a prescription drug--for good of the trouble I have had with'reason. In fact, my aged mother-in-/sion is involved, phenobarbital law who lives in a distant city|is not the right drug to give was quite concerned and wrote|anyway. a semi-retired nurse came over|to have a "blackout" after lying | | Would you kindly make ajturns black and I just can't see. statement in your column per-|If I stand still a moment, my haps giving the woman's last!sight I think it will save possible em-|lift weights and ride a bike five} {miles a day. Some people say don't believe it because the ini-\true?--J,A.L. tials have been changed. I am often asked whether all the letters in this column are 4 And if a true case of depres- Dear Dr. Molner: Is it natural down and then getting up? | am a girl, 14, and sometimes when I get out of bed everything comes back. This also happens sometimes when I bend over -- B.T. This results from postural hy- potension--that is, a sudden drop in blood pressure because] of changing to an upright posi- tion. You might benefit from a physical examination to deter- mine your blood pressure and find out whether you have ane- mia, low thyroid activity or some other condition that should be corrected. Meantime, change position slowly. Sit on the edge of the Urban Renewal OTTAWA (CP)--A federal contribution of $20,640 to cover half the costs of the preparation of two urban renewal schemes in Trenton, Ont., was announced Friday by Central Mortgage and Housing Corp. QUEENIE 0 ta Aan ee bn Yt tn 1024 "This is typical of my luck-- the girl of my dreams lives im a tow-away zone!" bed for a minute or so before you stand up, to let your blood pressure adjust more gradually. Dear Dr. Molner: I am 16 and bike riding doesn't do a thing to improve your body because you just ride along. But I pump the pedals all the time. So is that! cause of the heavy strain. But that doesn't mean that riding a pvike isn't good healthy exercise, too. It is. Riding five miles is easier than running five miles, but it is still good for you and your body. Note to Mrs. S.: No, pin- worms do not destroy the nutri- tional value of your food to any Weight lifting can build big|noticeable degree; but yes, they muscles--the muscles of shoul- may cause sleeplessness be- ders, arms, trunk, legs--be- + cause of irritation.

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