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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1967, p. 2

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Q TH OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 24, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Uncertain About Future PC's Van Horne Asserts 'FREDERICTON (CP) '-- Con- sérvative Leader J. C. Van Horne of New Brunswick said early today he is uncertain about his political future. In a statement at 4:15 a.m.-- his first since his personal loss Resolution Proposed NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) --Ontario counties will be asked tion inviting cities and separ- This was the day when the people made their choice. The vote indicates that they were in- terested in our program and riding-by-riding the vote was very close, But the choice was theirs. The people of Resti- gouche made their decision and I lost. "When I have consulted with my colleagues I'll have a fur- ther statement," Upstage Feared TORONTO Confederation of Tomorrow con separatism. we J. C. VAN HORNE . «+ "I'm Uncertain" : Pearson's Pledge. ----- OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis ; ter Pearson Monday promised Electrical Car te look into the dangers of air, LONDON (AP)--British| Operation Certificate pollution and possibly make a/Motor (Holdings) Ltd., maker of} VANCOUVER statement Iter. In a Commons reply to Mi- announced Monday it is design- chael Starr, the interim Conser-|ing an electric car ---- | paratism--will ference on Quebec Nov. 24-26. conventional auto battery. holders. The announcement coincided) He said federal government fe in New. York that approval to open for business with 'one in i was received Oct. 17, but the tion is involved Mr. Starr said his questions wére prompted by a_ special CBC television program on the | dangers of air pollution, Crompton Parkinsoh Ltd., Lon-/phank had not set a starting He asked whether Mr. Pear- don, has signed a_ licensing date. son would co-operate with the 1 > vith Leesona Cor' . provinces and take the piiadve ret 'at for the tinea 230 Quit Job in. combating pollution. Mr, |°! Werwics, bills Woe . Pearson said he would facturing and sales rights for all) st. CATHARINES (CP)--A- ' jtypes of Leesona zinc-air batter- bout 230 hourly-paid employees ° M s lies. of the Columbus McKinnon Ltd Diplomatic Relations i plant here: walked off their jobs LONDON (AP)--Britain and Monday in a dispute over a Egypt are likely to resume dip- work schedule posted by the lomatic relations before Christ-) , |company last Friday. mas, authoritative sources pred- ? S| The schedule called for double gy Montey, sede * (shift operations in the shipping ese reports circulated after = |\department. Wednesday to approve a resolu- ated towns back into the county in Monday's New Brunswick system. ee : election--the PC leader said: The resolution is contained in "Right now I'm uncertain a special committee report on about my own future politi- local government reorganization cally." jpresented Monday to the eighth 'The statement, issued by an jannual convention of the Asso- aide, said: : ciation of Ontario Counties, (CP)--Ontario's ference, starting here Nov. 27,} | could be upstaged before it be- gins by a conference called by York University on Quebec and The university's Glendon Col- lege announced Monday that | |Rene Levesque and Eric Kier- jans--arch protagonists over se- attend the con- (CP)--The re- Austin, Morris and Jaguar cars, cently-chartered Bank of British 1 Columbia has received its cer- 1 that will run tificate of operation, President | | wative leader, Mr. Pearson also 500 miles on one charge of a Harold B. Elworthy announced| ou tan noted that provincial jurisdic-|battery only half the size of 4 Monday in a report to share-| special envoy Sir Harold Beeley reported to Foreign Secretary George Brown on his talks with President Gamal Abdel Nasser in Cairo. Charge Dismissed LONDON, Ont. (CP)--An On- tario Labor Relations Board Monday dismissed charges of abusive practices against the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, London Union 12 and two of its officers. The hearing was held in Lon- don on charges laid against the union, William Nicholls, busi- ness agent and Fred Turner, fi- nancial secretary. Wreckage Discovered | CHATHAM, N.B. (CP)-- Searchers found the. wreckage late Monday of a Sabre jet] which crashed earlier in the day cae | . while on a low-level mavieatinn| OTTAWA (CP)--Health Minis-| Dr. he f sachen said Monday the|a guest lecture at the University mission from Chatham Air Force Base, but there was nogovernment is considering) whether to enact legislation on trace of its pilot. The search for Group Capt W. R. Cole, 44, Chatham base commander, was to teday in STARR Queries PM MICHAEL Cigaret Laws jter Mack cigarette smoking. Replying to Opposition Leader continue|Michael Starr in the Commons, Northumberland|Mr. MacEachen said his depart- County where the wreckage was;ment's educa tion program '| Accused Committed >| NEWMARKET, Ont. (CP)-- charges of non-capital murder = \and manslaughter in connection with the August death of a Uni- » |versity of Toronto assistant pro- fessor near his Lake Wilcox cot- tage. | Taivo Kapsi, 31, was found jdead with a 10-inch long chest wound shortly after he chased youths from his cottage about 20 miles north of Toronto, " " No "Proper" Support OTTAWA (CP)--The National Research Council "just doesn't give scientists proper support," says a former Canadian scien- fist now living in the United 'States. George Webber, here for of Ottawa, said in an interview Monday that the National Re |search Council is to blame for ithe emigration of from Canada. Harvison's Charge Robert David Beatty, 17, of |Richmond Hill, Ont., Monday |was committed for trial on| scientists| DISSIDENT § KILLED tradesmen of the United Auto Workers union shout and attempt to force their way into a meeting Mon- day night of the National Ford Council of the UAW. The pickets were protest- ing terms of the new pact UAW Ford membership for rati- fication. At least three per- submitted to the during the fracas. 'with Ford. sons were knocked. down and several noses bloodied The - council voted to accept the newly - negotiated contract . SKILLED TRADES OPPOSED DETROIT (AP)--The 160,000 # United Auto Workers who went on strike against Ford Motor Co, 48 days ago begin voting today on a new contract that would send them back to their jobs by the weekend. The danger of a veto by skilled tradesmen existed but union leaders discounted this possibility, The contract contains a guar- anteed annual income, effective in December, 1968, and the com- pany says it would make them 'among the best paid and best protected of all U.S. industrial wage earners." The union's leadership agrees, and the UAW's 200-member Na- tional Ford Council overwhelm- ingly recommended ratification Monday night, despite the "No! No!" shouts of dissident skilled tradesmen who were beaten off when they attempted to storm the meeting. UAW Heads Hopeful Of Ratification "Yes' Fists flew briefly. At and several noses bloodied. Council delegates and UAW representatives international came storming out in a flyi wedge as the loudly-chanti tradesmen-pickets followed te vision cameramen into a lob off the council's downtown meeting hall and threatened force its doors. least three men were knocked down mated the number of skilled pickets as 200 to 250. EXPRESSES CONFIDENCE UAW President Walter P. Reuther expressed confidence both sides would ratify the con- tract, telling reporters after the council's vote that dissident tradesmen had been working all day to mobilize a large turnout "and this is what they got." Reuther stressed that voting ng ng le- by to ot is intruders were driven on ratification ibe be limited to : : _|Ford Workers. Inquiring report- About 20,000 skilled trades-|... found many more pitckets men and 140,000 producti workers employed by Ford will separately on the new vote three-year pact. Either side by majority vote may veto the contract under new constitutional provision ap- plicable for the first time 1967, A veto would send negoti tors back to the bargaini table while the strike continued. | Policeman Gene Brestle esti- WEATHER FORECAST 'Shocks U.K. LONDON (Reuters) -- British lofficials were taken aback by reports of the uncompromising stand taken by France Monday night for negotiations on British entry into the Common Market. French Foreign Minister Mau- rice Couve de Murville gave a policy speech in Luxembourg which outlined tough pre-condi- tions for the negotiations. The French pre-conditions ex- ceeded the most pessimistic ex- pectations in British official iquarters. They appeared ex- tremely unpalatable to Britain and practically impossible to accept. | However, officials withheld comment while the tough.stand jtaken by Couve de Murville was janalyzed. Visiting West German Chen- |cellor Kurt George Kiesinger and British Prime Minister Wil- json spent 25 minutes today dis- cussing the impact of the speech. But informed sources By France a preliminary exchange of views, before studying detailed reports of the French stand. | Couve de Murville said Brit: jain must put its economy right and abandon the role of the pound as' an 'internatiofial re- jserve currency even before ne gotiations start. | Previously the French ap- peared to make these points jconditions only for actual mem jbership. British officials hoped that jthis was not the last French word and that France's five Common Market partners, in- \cluding West Germany, would discovered in dense woods about | aimed at steering young people| VANCOUVER (CP)--A for- . , 3 eight miles south of Mount/away from the cigarette habit is) mer head of the Royal Canadian a ee eee i Carleton having some success. |Mounted Police said Monday AUF: SDECE) Pnoutey Ble svi : Baal tea ere tick |the French foreign minister em- NEW OFFICERS Newly elected officers of the Oshawa Chess Club are: Frank Chumbly, president; Joe Cas- tro, secretary; Chris Thirwell, treasurer Robert _ Armstrong social convener and Ted Colvin, tournament director. The club hopes to promote student tourn- HERE and THER | NURSING SCHOOL The Port Hope and Hospital Trust has gone on rec- favor of par- ticipating in a program to es- tablish a regional school of nurs-| ord as being in ing in Oshawa. HOSPITAL REPORT ---- 'that United States crime syndi- lcates are lending money to Ca- in turn milk the public with slick nadian subsidiaries which business efficiency | Clifford W. Harvison, who re- District tired in 1963, said in an inter-| view he had learned that stock fraud and big-scale house repair jraekets have heen financed by the U.S. syndicates. Extra Expo Guards MONTREAL (CP)--Some | (CP)--Waiter Whitby was broken into Sunday An official of the 1,200-mem night. Police discovered that a pane of glass in a north end door had been broken and the births in the hospital. One hun-} dred major, 177 minor and 83 ber Expo security force said|covered eye, ear; nose and throat opera-|there was no need for "'panic"' tions were performed. One hun-jbut exhibitors had been advised|progress. The waiter was given iphasized, however, that France |has no objections in principle to \the admission of Britain into the Common Market. Meanwhile, the government jattitude in London remains one jof determination not to take \"no" for an answer and to con- tinue to knock on the Common |Mark | N ! | WEST MALLING, England Philip Seamell, ilions have hired extra] 19, thought he was going to ap- aments and to open a chess, Three hundred and seventeen|p av clinic. patients were admitted and 320\guards to protect them against/pear in a scene being shot for : saa discharged by the Oshawa Gen-|souvenir-hunters, pilferers andjtelevision starring the Beatles.| SCHOOL BREAK-IN eral Hospital during the week|thieves as Expo 67 comes to a But all that was wanted was. Henry Street High School injending Oct. 21. There were 35\close, it was learned Monday his trousers. -\dressed as a waiter and was in soggy ruining Philip's pants in door unlocked. The break-injdred and sevnty-four treat-|to take precautions a new pair. was reported by' the school's\ments and examinations were|~ See Cte : cig supervisor of maintenance. No given and 17 casts applied. The; information was available to) physiotherapy department gave| police as to whether anything 1,061 treatments and made 816 had been stolen visits; while the occupational FILM SHOWN hg department handled 202 A color film, entitled 'Pipe- line for Millions', prepared for the Consumers' Gas Co., Lid. HEAT WITH OIL was shown al the Monday meet ing of the Rotary Club of Osh- awa HONOR AIR CADETS Lievt. Git bank and four award winning members of the Oshawa (Chadburn) Air Cadet Squadron were guests of the Rotary Club of Oshawa at its Monday luncheon. The Arthur Cousins Trophy won by the squadron was displayed. The air cadet unit is sponsored by the service club. * EUROPE BOOK NOW YE DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS THIS AR WHILE GOOD AIRLINE AND STEAMSHIP SPACE IS STILL AVAILABLE Meadows Tr 25 King St. E. 723-9441 avel Service 723-7001 you too. Phone your representative today. _ %% EXCELSIOR you need xcelsior Life savings insurance because you want independence! Freedom from money worries needn't be expensive ... particularly if you're young. Excelsior Life permanent personal policies steadily build your "nest-egg" and protect Excelsior Life He's a good man to know, LIFE Saswences Coypany ae John Lennon spaghetti, | the} Authorities federal Sunday. property. out,"' V. Richardson, | into prison." PRION BREAK IN REVERSE TERMINAL ISLAND, Calif. (AP)--The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Monday it will prosecute two young men for trying to break into prison here during the weekend. said Reno Ray Ortiz, 19, and Gilbert Arrendo, 20, were found scaling a fenee into the women's division of the Correctional The FBI said the charge against the men will probably be trespassing on government "T've seen a few try to get said prison warden G. "but this the first time I've ever known someone to attempt to break Institute Extra Seat Warm Spell Wednesday Sunny Skies Due Toda Y ©N!from General Motors, Chrysler and job shop local unions than from Ford, The demonstration was spon- sored by the United Skilled Trades $1.00-an-Hour Commit- tee. Skilled tradesmen get an immediate 50-cent hourly in- crease in the new contract, plus three-per-cent increase in each of its last two years, Reuther insists tradesmen will get an economic gain equal j\to $1.02 hourly over the agree- ment's three-year span, with production workers gaining a |minimum of 58 cents hourly. Ford's 160,000 hourly-rate workers were on strike. Many |Ford workers in Canada were laid off when parts assembled jin Canada became unavailable |due to the tie-up. a in ia- ing PITTSBURGH | in recent years, month, feel the beginning," the highways 1 wheel 2 wheels 3 wheels 4 wheels 5 wheels Steel Strike Terminates | spe (AP)--Steel |said they were able only to have haulers wheel their big trucks on to the highways for the first jtime in nine weeks today, end- ing one of the bloodiest strikes A settlement, accepted Mon-|only four seats, with 31 to the \day by the majofity of 16,000 to|\CCF's 26, one Progressive Con- 20,000 haulers, leaves the steeljservative and one vacancy. industry with the chore of mov- jing out an estimated 500,000 tons of steel piled up in ware- houses, a task that could take a But the powerful Teamsters union, which represents 60 per cent of the steel haulers, may the effects of the bitter strike for somé time. "This isn't the end, it's just said William Kusley of Gary, Ind., organizer of the rebellion. 'We're an or- ganization now with recognition that the Teamsters are going te have to deal with." The strike spread terror on in eight states from the Midwest to New Eng- land. Truckers were shot at, jstoned, beaten and firebombed. ==" WNIROYAL CENTRES BALANCE ++. 3.70 ++. 545 s+0 6:60 ++. 7.50 TORONTO (CP)--Forecasts London estes Pee | |_Reuther plans to take the For Thatcher issued at 5:30 a.m.: |Kitchener ...+. soo 50 79 |Ford package. if ratification is Synopsis: Afternoon tempera-|Mount Forest 50 65 forthcoming, to General Motors REGINA (CP) __|tures will climb to the 65-70 Wingham .. 50. 65s [and 8 uaa for matching or Saskatchewan's hospital vote|"ange today as strong southerly | Hamilton tee 50 70 \exceeding. has presented Premier Ross winds bring warmer air to On-|St. Catharines .... 50 70 Thatcher with an additional seat|tario. Skies will be sunny today Toronto ...... seree 50 65 but the fate of another Liberal-|across southern Ontario but)Peterborough ..... 45 70 held constituency hangs in the|¢lsewhere in the province clouds| Kingston . 45 65 balance today. and showers will move in dur-|Trenton . 45 65 The count of hospital ballots| ing the day. The showers will Killaloe .. 45 65 in the Oct. 11 election, which|continue into Wednesday and) Muskoka ... 50 65 was not completed until Thurs- povsihly: poread Fates the lower|North Bay ....... 45 55 day, wiped out the one-vote|Great Lakes area. it . cs a margin enjoyed by CCF candi-| Lake St. Clair, Lake Brie, Sudbury FAR Hak 7 My date Neil E. Byers in Kelving-\Uake Huron, Niagara, Lake On-/--) 1 cte Marie 4 O50 ton on election night and re-|tario, Haliburton, Killaloe, Kapuskasing eae 40 45 turned Liberal Bryan Bjarnason|southern Georgian Bay regions, ; by eight votes. Windsor, London, Hamilton, To-|White River . 35 40 But in Turtleford, where Liber-|ronto. Mainly peed and EN ee soeeeeces 5 " 7. lal Jack Flack had a precarious|today. Wednesday variable|timmins .....+.... 5 . 'S \11-vote lead over Robert H.|cloudiness with a se mowers, a community Wooff, the CCF MLA in the last|or thundershowers by evening.) i house, a recheck of the entire|Continuing warm on Wednes-|* Beautify and Protect With of quiet elegance poll was not completed when/day. Winds southerly 20. ' counting stopped for the night. Northern Georgian Bay, Algo- lecoted In eshawe's Counting was also incomplete|ma, Sault Ste. Marie, Timagami_ northern residential in Athabasca but Liberal Allan Sudbury: | eres. regions, North Bay, Variable cloudiness and warm today. Mainly cloudy with a few | Guy, who held the seat in the last house, had an election-night margin. of 575 votes and ap-|showers or thundershowers to-; peared to be in no danger. br and Wednesday. Cooler) Barring an overnight chamrec Wednesday. Winds south 15 to} Mr. Thatcher was assured vf 36/95 today and northerly 15 seats to 23 for the CCF as he|Wednesday. began his second term of office} White River, Cochrane, west-| with a majority of 13. ern James Bay regions: In-| When the premier dissolved) creasing cloudiness this morn-| the last house Sept. 8, the Liber-|ing. Becoming cloudy with scat-| @ &xtra insulation tenance! e@ Free Estimates. CARL GALBR ® SIDING @ «+» by Keiser! e@ All work guaranteed 140 Elgin East -- 728-0181 |! buy... e@ No main- for information, phone 723-1194 OSHAWA AITH U jals had an over-all majority of|tered showers and thundershow-| If you are looking for 4 lot te . visit cedar ridge -- | | Simeoe end Taunton } | use o builder of your choice, ers in the afternoon. Cloudy| with showers and cooler | Wednesday. Winds southerly 15) to 25 shifting to northwest 15 to-| night. Montreal and Ottawa region: Mainly sunny and warm today and Wednesday. Winds south-| erly 20 except light overnight. TORONTO (CP)--Forecast) temperatures: Low tonight high Wednesday coe 55 70 VOTE FAVORED CCF The over-all hospital vote leaned slightly toward the CCF, padding its majorities or de- creasing Liberal margins in 27 seats and favoring the Liberals in 24. In six constituencies the election-night margin of victory was unchanged. Liberal Frank Radloff, who|Windsor ......- held Nipawin by 11 votes in the|St. Thomas ..;.... 50 70 original balloting, had three|------ a oe @ Uhf- Vhf @ Hand Wired Chassis on parts and Vital Points. votes chopped off his majority. iIDIARRHEA 'it The hospit a |) This: iy by ge yp ge | When you want quick relief, ask your | ' % C- druggist for Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild tions of election-night errors in Strawberry. It gently restores intestinal some constituencies, cli p p ed balance, quickly relieves nausea, cramps eight votes off the margin of 8Nd diarrhea. For children or adults, Liberal Don MacLennan in Last i ad ery proven for 180 years, Mountain but still left him the|pe emecn cy " winner by 27 over his CCF chal-/ DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT lenger, Gordon MacMurchy. OF WILD STRAWBERRY | @ 1 Year Guarantee @ Solid State at 17 Less Than $7.00 A Week T.R.1.0. TELEVISION BOND & DIVISION MOTOROLA COLOR @ Rectongular Tube labor LIMITED PHONE 728-5143 TV You Will Be Welcome to THE ANNUAL MEETING of the ONTARIO COUNTY UNIT The New Name of Dominion Tire Stores AUTO SAFETY SERVICES grea will et 8:15 p. Piccadilly Room, Election of | GANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1967 Mimeographed copies of Reports of Committees will be presented THE GUEST SPEAKER WILL BE be held on m. Hotel Geneshe King Street East, Oshawe Officers for 1967-68 FRONT END ADJUSTMENT Correct caster and camber, adjust toe setting, centre steering wheel, inspect front wheel bearings. 7 95 Labour Only -- parts If necessary extra, EXTRA ! Exclusive roed hazard guarantee included . . . Free adjustment for 3 months. Most American & Canadian Cars. KING PARK PLAZA King St. W. ot Park Rd. Phone 725-6511 invited... MR. MAURICE J. GRIMES | Executive Director of Ontario Division Canadian Cancer Society. All who are interested in the work of Cancer Society are cordially Refreshments will be served. Sve ea An Javitation Is extended to 4ll citizens to attend the Official Opening of the H. R. Hobbs Fire Station, No. 4 at 1262 King Street East on Friday, 27th October, 1967 at 4:00 o'clock p.m. Gordon B, Attersley, Alderman, Chairman, Social Services and Genera! Purpose Committee. NINE-YEAR-OLD 1 Robertson gives his mo Mrs. Brenda Robertso' Riverview, N.B., a big after she was elected Pearso! Confid OTTAWA (CP)--The n Liberal government face: of confidence tonight sources policy--or the lac Opposition MPs gave t ernment a grilling in th mons Monday, charging of government action to that Canadians get full v the natural wealth in the al treasure chest. Alvin Hamilton Qu'Appelle), resources ! in the Diefenbaker Cons: government, introduced tion of non-confidence 4 Commons supply debate It calls for the govern "state immediately its p national resources and set out its intentions an tives generally" on natt oil, hydro-electric pow nium, water, forestry, ture, fisheries, human r and "the extent to whi tion is endangering any these resources." New Democrats tack amendment calling for ate government action with air and water | "including appropriate standards and any n amendments to the Code of Canada." CASE FORTIFIED To fortify their cas MPs zeroed in on a tim --a natural gas contra at stake in current Nat ergy Board hearings in ver. Before the board i posed contract betwe coast Transmission Cc Canadian firm, and Natural Gas Co. 1 States distributor. Westcoast initially w approval for sale of : cubic feet of gas at 31. Drastic Re For Presby WINGHAM, Ont. (¢ byterian synods are : and in need of drastic special committee of | ton-London Synod has The committee - wi mend to the synod's 9 meeting here today | quest the church's g sembly to form a co! study all courts of the The committee has there is widespread with church courts function, and that s RULE CHANG Los ANGELES Los Angeles Board of has changed its rule Jewish teachers to ' school during their days. To avoid any ¢ conflict, the rule say teachers may have leave for any "signif personal to the em school spokesma! that 10 per cent of L teachers are Jewish. CARIBB! TWO WEEK HO Every Saturday by charter flight, as o (everybody can join). First time ever offeres SAVINGS FROM $70 PER PERSO Enquire now Four Seasons 57 King St. E. 576-3131

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