THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 25, 1967 -- BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH @AQI107 753 4104 #5109 The bidding: South West North East 2@ Pass 2@ Pass 2NT Pass 3@ Pass 3NT Pass 6NT Opening lead--ten of hearts, It would be wonderful to be able to see the defenders' hands every time you became declar- er. Presumably, you would sel- dom err in the play and would enjoy getting every possible rick out of each hand. But, alas, bridge is not play- ed that way and you have to do the best you can without seeing the adverse hands. This doesn't mean that you should necessarily suffer because of your restricted vision; on the contrary, your results on most hands should exactly parallel what you would accomplish if you actually saw all the cards, For example, take this case where West leads a heart which Hast wins with the ace. East returns a heart, which you take with the king, and you can now count eleven sure winners, come what may, There are only two suits where you can- score the all- important twelfth trick. One is "lubs, where cashing the A-K might drop the queen and make jummy's jack a trick. The oth- pr is diamonds, where you may ratch the queen by either lead- ing the A-K or taking a finesse in the hope that East has the queen. Note that-in the actual hand, both methods fail, But note, also, that correct play makes the slam. What you should do is try to get a reading of the distribution so that you will know how to deal with the dia- monds. Accordingly, you cash the third round of hearts, the A-K of clubs, the ace of diamonds, and five spade tricks. This ree duces you to the K-J of dias monds alone. As you cash these tricks, you learn that West started with one spade, two hearts, seven clubs, and hence three dia- monds. When you cash the last spade, West must discard from the Q-7 of diamonds and queen of clubs. Since he cannot af- ford a club discard, he parts with a diamond, You thereupon cash the king of diamonds, knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt that the queen will fall. Seeds Plan Advanced VANCOUVER (CP) -- Dow tors hope an international plan to sow syeamore seeds will beat fruit in the form of a memorial to Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Dr. Osear Sziklai, 43, of the University of British Columbia forestry department, says the goal is $50,000 in two years to build a house on the Greek is- land of Cos. He says the memorial house will be designed along lines of those of ancient times. Dr. Sziklai says the sycamore seeds will come from a tree leg- end marks as the one Hippo- crates sat under to write his medical tomes. "According to legend, the tree 4s 25 centuries old,' says Dr. Sziklai, who recently returned from Cos with a collection of 100 seeds, "The tree is 50 feet high, seven feet in diameter and com- pletely hollow inside, but it is alive." He says two pounds of seed is expected in Vancouver in mid- November for distribution to doctors throughout North Amer- ica in hope of eliciting a dona- tion for the cause. The 500,000 seeds are to be collected by agriculturists on Cos at the end of October when they ripen. QUEENIE "Your teeth are fine. How- ever, I wonder if I could inter- est you in seeing your dentist more than twice a year any- wavy?" trolled by bland diet and relax: ing medications, then surgery is necessary to relieve the obstruc- tion that tends to occur. Just tell your friends you have a stomach spasm. It's eas- ier than trying to explain achla- sla. i ik es Be Atuyo ret Shirt goa0 mane" i EATONIA paints ore formulated to give you the greatest value per dollar possible in a popular-priced paint. Yet this saving in the price makes no difference in the quality. EATONIA is made to the highest of specifications . . . In colour consistency . . . wearability . . . ease of application... and beauty. EATONIA -- quality point at a reasonoble price. Interior Satin-Latex Se es. , ... 9.68 Se ee .. 1.61 Satiny finish, smooth easy application makes painting a pleasure. You save time and effort. It dries to the touch in 30 minutes, and when you're finished painting, tools may be quickly washed in warm soapy water, Interior Alkyd Semi-gloss --..... 5.96 gE 1.68 Houses take on a bright new planned look, with this soft low lustre, easy to clean enamel. Application is quick, effects are lasting. Matching colours are available in Satin Latex and Semi- Gloss. COLOUR LATEX SEMI-GLOSS Bone white & 12} Eoet Heritage Green E 136 E536 Gold-colour E 131 E537 Glacier Green E407 E 507 Desert Pink E122 E 522 Colony Grey E 137 E537. Spring Yellow E 103 E 503 Huron Blue E 102 E 502 Egashell E 108 E 508 Beige E 126 E 526 Crystal Aqua E 133 E533 Coral Tint E113 ESi3 Garland Green E 134 E 534 Oyster E 195 E 535 Chalet Blue E 132 E 532 Candy Pink E 101 E-501 April Green E 109 E 509 Sand Drift E 128 E 528 Nassau Yellow E117 E 517 PAINTS, LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 Interior Satin-Latex Reg. 7.50 gal. SPECIAL, gol. 63 HIGH GLOSS ENAMEL a... Lk 6.38 pogo a 1.76 i e 64 The, answer to those heavily used and abused areas in your home. High gloss finish washes easily with no dulling of sheen. Fingerprints, smudges, stains and cooking films may be taken off with little effort. Fine for bathrooms, kitchens, children's rooms, etc. Also for furniture, exterior or interior. Baby Pink eat Baby Blue E 205 Severn Green E 202 Forest Green E 207 Adobe Tan E212 Sunflower E 206 Cornflower E 216 Ivory E 201 Silver Grey E 210 Golden Brown E 214 Orange E 204 Cardinal Red E 220 EATON'S Polyurethane Floor Enamel Reg. 9.50, ' 1 3 BRECIAL, GON. ce ei casei een ee Reg. 2.75. y) 06 Pret at, Gh oo. eyes hee o+., oe Brings protection and heauty to floors, porches, steps and decks, May be used on wood, concrete and old oleum, In 5 popular colours, Chip re- sistant, crack-resistant and mar resistant, Penetrates into floor's surface ond produces @ mirror-like finish, Pewter Grey E 803 Tile Green € 801 Fown Beige £ 804 Flagstone -- 802 Tile: Red --E 800 Polyurethane Plastic Gloss Finish hl ge oe ee 2.30 a a 82 ae De et A ee Polyurethane Plastic Satin Finish Reg. 10.75 8 06 s WO BOs oka eas Reg. 3.15 Beto AE ies i ete eee a hee 2.36 Reg. 1.10 12-pt. SPECIAL, 16:06 056020 as 82 Teco Deluxe General Purpose Roller Kits 7'4' roller and tray RON ive SCRCIAL, GON ib foe casa oo cee 3.1 6 912" roller and tray OG; Sine SPECIAL, COON Si cack uses nee 3,96 Teco Deluxe Bristle Brushes SPECIAL Gath ccs. 1.19 = drecuarfen...... 018 SPECIAL nach 5.58 SPECIAL, sah eal 1.20 PHONE 725-7373 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 25, 1967 37 i '