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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1967, p. 10

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AM 6 HO nA min er otm et "10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 4, 1967 "NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES Churches Remember Fallen Of Two hon-} |Peritecostal Bible College, Remembrance services, Peterborough. toring the fallen of the Two) 'Gg . Il be held in al Rev. George Griffin, an in-| reat Wars, wi os istructor at the college, will be mumber of Oshawa and district/the special speaker at King hurches this Sun@4y. Wreaths|Street Pentecostal Church in neopets brig Cn vies will|the morning and at the Simcoe : : s the mem-|* Church in the evening. eatin fenctuane® ® The Eastern Pentecostal ibers recall the men and womeN|p i119 College choir will present jwho gave their lives that free-'snecial music at the King St. 'dom might live. church in the morning and at the Simcoe St. Church in the ' College Sunday-- °°"""*: The congregations of Kins' Mission Message Street and Simcoe Street Pen- i Rey. E. Jenkins, of the DD, as the special speaker at both services. A pelts of Toronto, Dr. Vaughan received his education at the University of 'Toronto and Emmanuel College. The na- tional secretary of the Board of Colleges and Secondary Schools, United Church of Canada, he served as a pastor for 25 years, latterly at Owen Sound and Brantford. Wars the Church, succeeding Rev. Boomer who held the pastorate/Scientist, for six years prior to moving to/Text, The Bowmanville|"Cease ye from man, jchurch is undergoing extensive/breath is in his nostrils: interior and exterior renova-|wherein is he to be acc lof?" |Red Lake. New Pastor Rev. Grant Gordon has as- sumed his duties as pastor of|will be the subject of the Bible|Royal Canadian Legion, Whitby, Baptistilesson to be read this Sunday|will hold a church parade to the Elmerjat the First Church of Chris' Bowmanville tion. Legion Service The members of Branch 112, Christian Science "Adam and the Fallen Man" 1 a.m. service this Sunday at Oshawa, The Goldtn|St. Andrew's Presbyterian from Isaiah will be:|Church. Rev. W. J. S. McClure, Centennial United Church BOND $T. WEST AT ROSEHILL BLVD. Minister -- Rev. G. J, Minielly B.A., 0.0. Organist and Choir Director -- Mr. D. E. Thompson A R.C.T., F.T.C.L. whose|the minister, will deliver the for address. Remember Fallen Oshawa war veterans will Closing Services hold their annual Remembrance | The closing services of the Service at 2 p.m., Nov. 12, in| World Evangelism Conference|the Oshawa Citadel of the Sal- will be held this Sunday in the|vation Army. Arrangements for! Christian "and Missionary Alli-;the service are being made by| ance Church. Rev. J. F. Ost! 'tHe Canadian Corps Association. of the Ivory Coast, will be the A | |. Anniversary _ speaker | | The congregation of Brooklin| Plan Anniversary | he nited Church will celebrate | 127th anniversary this Sunday. The congregation of Simcoe|The special speaker will be| ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH (Corner of Albert St. and. Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV. HE (MUTH DYCK, B.A, FATH | SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M, and 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Crib' Room and Nursery Provided A WARM WELCOME TO ALL -- "Steps Toward Peace" | Lutheran Church | | (Eastern Canada Synod) | Sus RARRERAN RIOT. 9:45 A.M.--Junior, Intermediate and Senior 10:45 A.M --Beginner, : 11:00 A.M. Street United Church will cele-|Rev. Kenneth Jull, Woodbridge, ORGANIST-CHOIRMASTER: HAROLD ELLIS The Rev, Henry Fischer | Postor -- 725-2755 SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL | | | Kindergarten and Primary | ) i | = MASONIC | "The Christian Hope' "TEMPLE BLOG. | 91 Centre St. ! Nursery For Infants and Toddlers ! A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL 9:45 A.M, | SUNDAY SCHOOL ans 11 AM. brate its 126th anniversary this) a son of Rev. P. L. Jull, a| Sunday with Rev. Dr. Harold) minister of the church for more Ww. Vaughan, MA, BD, ThD,'than 20 years. 'tecostal Churches wi observe} 'College Sunday tom orrow. The|Grand Ligne Mission in the 'speaker at the morning service|Province of Quebec, will be the|-- jat Simcoe St. special speaker at the morn-| Church will. be g service in First Baptist 'Ratz, dean of Church this Sunday. GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU STREET SUNDAY ORD'S S' 9:00 AM.--THE LORD'S SU 11:00 A.M.--FAMILY BIBLE HOUR AND SUNDAY SCHOOL PPER 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE Speaer: Mr.'G. Swales of Midland 7:45 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Meeting A HEARTY WEL Wed The New Lyceum Modern Philosophic Spiritualism Healings Lectures Sunday's at 7:00 P.M. -- Storie Hall FOR INFORMATION CALL 725-7433 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Rev. N. Fronk Swockhommer, B.A. Rowland L. McCord -- Mus. Bac. -- Director ef Music 9:30 AM.--The Church School 11:00 A.M.--THE REV. E. JENKINS of our Boptist Work in Quebec --"CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO BE A CHRISTIAN?" --The Minister's Coffee Hour will follow Nursery and Jr. Church at 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. | SERVICES 9:45. A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP | Unite PENTECOSTAL Church 7:30 P.M. EVANGELISTIC Wednesday -- Bi Ble otey end royer -- 8 Friday -- Youth Services -- & pm For Transportation Call 723-6325 'i Atos we Missionary Alliance 459 Bond Street East, Oshawa Richard J. Barker, Rev Minister ~---- SUNDAY -- 9.45 A.M.--Bible School NOV. 5--- CLOSING SUNDAY OF WORLD EVANGELISM CONFERENCE 11:00 A.M COMMUNION REV. F._OSt, at SEVE REV, Mr KINGSVEW- UNITED CHURCH | CHUREHRHOOL ond MORNING WORSHIP TH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, 1164 KING ST, E ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY RAMILY CHURCH L, WESLEY HERBERT, B.A, Minister REV. F. J. LITTLE, B.A. Pastoral Assistant Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist THE - | SERVICE ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE SOUTH AND BkUCE STREETS Minister--The Rev. J..F. G. Morris, B.A., $.T.M, Postoral Assistant--The Rev. D. H. Woodhouse, B.A., D.D. Organist & Choirmaster--Mr, Kelvin James, A.T.C.M, 9:30 A.M.--Junior and Intermediate Classes 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary 11:00 A.M. ISAIAH--"Patriotism is not enough" Pre-Confirmation for Grade 9 Senior Discussion,Group for Older-Teens Babies and Toddlers are also cared for Which comes first; God or country ? Nationalism, internationalism and religion. Small children and bobes are cared for during service, 11:00 A.M. "Defenders of The Faith' Remembrance Day Service "They Softly Walk' (Mr, Fred Densham) "Sunset and Evening Star" 11:00 A.M. --- Church School-and Baby Care H Solo: Anthem: Tomorrow! Reveals the startling signi- "NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTERS: DR. H. A. MELLOW, 8.A., D.D, REV. W. C. SMITH, B.A., B.D., B.Paed. Organist--Mr. Ronald Kellington ficance behind world news! . . with PROPHECIES next 20 years! | Monday - Saturday | 9:05-9:35 P.M. | and Sunday 10:30 - 11:00 P.M, -- Barnby Ivory Coast, Africa 7:00 P.M Pledge Offering, Rev. J. F. Ost A.YF., Missionary Pictures and Discussion of "Youth Abrood" with Mr. Ost. 8:30 PM-- A Nursery Is Avoilable At All Services WEDNESDAY 7:45 P.M, -- PRAYER SERVICE Are you a Unitarian without knowing it? » Do you believe the purpose of religion is to help us live this life nobly and constructively, rather than to empha- Do you believe the Bible to be an inspiring human docu- ment, rather than the literal "word of God"? Do you believe that man is not condemned by the doe | trine of "original sin," but is inherently capable of im- | provement? | Do you believe the development of character to be more important than the accepting of religious creeds? "Where You Are Always Welcome" -_ EVANGEL Pentecostal Church 760 Farewell Avenue, | Pastor--Rev, Allen F, Kenney 191 Nonquon Rd. Oshawa 1350 RADIO CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS; 9:15 eles ot 4 Grades y 2 3 Junior Grades 4, Intermediate idee 9 Pe Fe Senior Grades 10 and Over 10:45 A.M,--Nursery--Age 3 Kindergarten--Age 4 ty $s Primary Grades--!, 2, 11:00 A.M: "LEST WE FORGET* DR. MELLOW will preach Baby sitting Service by the Come-Double Club. 576-2351 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSH]YP AND COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC SERVICE "How Near Is Heaven?" Tuesdoy, 7:30 P.M--Commencing Youth Services. A bright service for young people and all who feel young. Wednesday, 7:30 P.M.--Prayer and Bible Study. Friday, 7:00 to 8:00 P.M.--Children's Fun and Worship for All 12 years SUNDAY, 9:45.A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for All Ages Come, and Bring The Family! The Church SIMCOE STR Simcoe St. S. at Bagot Street in The Heart of The City with The World On Its Heart DIRECTOR OF MUSIC --- MR, R. G. GEEN, L.T.C.M. T UNITED. CHURCH ~ size the preparation for an after-existence? The Unitarian answers are affirmative. Join with other religious liberals who insist upon individual freedom of belief and the use of reason in religion. NOVEMBER STH. 7:00 P.M. speaker: REV. K. HELMS Minister of Don Heights Unitarion Congregetion Sunday School 11 a.m UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP NORTH OSHAWA COMMUNITY CENTRE Nonquon Rd. H' THAT WELCOMES YOU ERIE STREET FREE METHODIST TPN Rev. FRED C. SPRING, Off Simcoe Street (next after Bloor) Minister -- Rev. C. M. Bright 725-3872 Junior Church Up to 11 Years Provided 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--"THE MERCIFUL" 7:00 P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR Fri. 7:45 p.m--MR, R TCH of Newmarket, singing in services Tues. 6:30 p.m. -- Christian Youth Crusaders Tues. 7:30 pir --- Prayer Meeting ond Bible Study ALBERT STREET GOSPEL HALL Albert St : Oshawa ORDER OF iMEE ETINGS SUNDAY -- NOVEMBER 5th 10:00 A.M. Remembering the Lord M. Adult Bible Class 2:00 Sunday School Se» aie HEARD MY PRAYER ! OINCIDENCE JIRCUMSTANCE 9 No ! A POSITIVE ANSWER TO 'PRAYER BE SURE TO HEAR THIS PERSONAL TESTIMONY BY PASTOR SPRING 7:00 P. M. 4 NATIONAL YOUTH-DAY SERVICE MR. BRUCE FISHER Student Youth Speaker MUSIC Mr. George Wright LUS -- FEISS III IOI IOI IOI IRA ATI SAA AISA AD IAI II AI SIS IIA SISS WHANCE » Soloist Cyrelv Congregational Singi inging SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH and under, Contests. Music, ete, | 11:00 A.M. DR. CHAS RATZ Dean of Eastern Pentecostal Bible College, vas COMMUNION PRAYER FOR THE SICK ALSO-- BYNG AVE. EASTERN PENTECOSTAL BIBLE BIBLE COLLEGE ENSEMBLE / With 35 Talented Young People @ With Mrs. C. B: Smith, Director @ With Thrilling Gospel Singing " REV. GEORGE GRIFFIN Instructor at Eastern Pentecostal Bible College AREA RALLY ----- EVERYONE 11:00 A.M. 126th Anniversary Preacher DR. HAROLD VAUGHAN, M.A., B.D., ThD., D.D. National Secretary--Board of Colleges United Church of Canada --"Renewal in The Church" 7:00 P.M.--"Forecast for Religion" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--YOUTH DEPARTMENT [os A.M.--CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT & BABY CARE TONIGHT--7:30 P.M. Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & Phillip Murray Pastor REV. ERNEST WINTER COLLEGE ASSEMBLY WELCOME Peterborough 9:45 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M.-- "POSSESSING THE LAND" Catvary Baptist r ae vs * ee taf 9:45 AM.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES The Bible Is Our Text Book 11:00 A.M.--"The Reward Of Tenderness" 7:00 P.M-- CENTRE and JOHN STREETS Pastor -- REV. ROB LYTLE "The Peril Of Freedom" Evening Service Broadcast Over CKLB Radio. WEDNESDAY -- 7:45 P.M. THE HOUR OF POWER 7:00 P.M-- "CHRISTIAN CONDUCT" Wed. 7:45 P.M Missionary Conference The Church where every service is Christ-centered and every sermon is Christ-exalting! ABUOUIUUUUUUULUL LUE ULL ULL ULUUULUL OULU. UL Ane Phones: Church 728-5371 King Street Pentecostal Church 611 KING ST.' W. One block West of Oshawa Shopaing Centre REV. S. D. FELTMATE -- Pastér' Parsonage 728-6662 WIDE SICICIOIOIOISII I te Rev. FRED C. SPRING PENTECOSTAL CHURCH: 00. A.M. Sunday. School-Classes for all | Wednesdoy -- 7:30 p.m. Proyer, Bible Study |¥Fridey -- 7:30: p.m. -- Youth Service £ A FRIENDLY. CHURCH WITH A FRIENDLY WELCOME" * i LAM AAAannAeaceeeeeens 10:00 A'M. Sunday School with Special Adult Class -- BIBLE COLLEGE SUNDAY -- with 32 Bible College Students CHRIST MEN CHURCI (Anglican) Mary and Hillcroft SERVICES 8:00 A.N 11:00 A) 7:00 P.M Nursery Core at 11 Wednesday, 10:0 Holy Commun Wesleya Methodi Church Hillsdole Publie § Oshawa Blvd. Minister Rev. Walter 305 Rossland Roac 9:45AM SUNDAY SCHC 11:00 A.M PUBLIC WORSI "REACHING FOR the 7:00 P.M. EVENING CHAI ; In the Parsone "PATHWAY TO | EVERYONE WELC UNITED SPIRITL CHURCH OF ON Orange Temp Bruce St., Osh (Upstairs) SUNDAY,..NOV, 2:30 P.M HEALING and MES SERVICE 7:00 PLM, DIVINE SERVIC Guest Mediums Mr. J. Briggs ond Mrs. Fitten ALL WELCOMI REORGANIZED CI OF JESUS CHI OF LATTER DAY S (Werld Headquarters, Inder Missouri) ORANGE TEM SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSH SUNDAY SERVIC 10:00 A.M, -- CHURCH SCHOO for children and edu 11;00 AM, -- MORNING WORSF Zion Christ Reformed Chi 409 Adelaide Ave. Minister Rev. D. N. Hobermehl, | 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSE Nursery Cere Provide 7:00 P.M EVENING SERVIC Radio Ministry Chr. Ref. (CKLB) Back Te God How Sunday ot 9:15 p.m) Churches (every other 'Sur 11:00 a.m,). CHRIST. FIRST CHUR Branch of The Mother CI in SUNDA) SUNDAY "Adam | Wed. Service READING ROOM Ct Monday to (EB Listen te The Bible Sp an dd dddndddinbddddeididdnindictrtridirk | singing in the -------- = ee | ees | td I] THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ad 1 OSHAWA SF THE SALVATION ARMY BY Cc ZEN SEMBLE' - es ay Simcoe Street South KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S UKRAINIAN | és Pastor: RI r end Mrs. John Wood siieca WERT bela Sincod 6. Sauk } -() ev. George Griffen will Preach. ~ ant : . -- our clocks: tam Whe) ossiond Rd. W. at Nipigon | Wilson Rd. N. ot King St. E. : : rc DAY METI ou! cks from King) Minister: Minister Rev. J. Jacenty i * The College Choir will Sing. AU \ NGS Minister Rev. G. W..C. Brett, B.A, REV. 'THOMAS GEMMELL Rev. Walter Jackson | e A. a . r MoM 9:30 AM.--"GOSPEL TRUTH" Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.LEM, BA, BD. a ce 9:30 A.M--Church Schoo! Special Numbers by the Students aso Radio Broadcast, CKLB--1350 ©n Your Radic Dis Music Director Poe heat ie Bikeetor 10:00 A.M.--Ukrainian Service 91 CEN ° 9:45 AM --Sunday School and Bible Clase Sree | 11:30 A.M.--English Service | 00 * Dr. Charles Ratz will Preach. ' unday School and Bit Class be | : * The Choir Will Sing. 4 9:30 A.M i : 11:00 A.M.--HOLINESS MEETING 4) < 9:30 AM * Orchestra Music. Speakers: Mr, Walt MEeeAGE ove a le as Shine SAURCH SGROvL. CHURCH SCHOOL CHURCH SCHOOL HUNGARIAN > P M * Pictures of Palestine and the Middle and Far East Rey. Mrs. LINES VARY 11:00 AM, | 11:00 A.M. Minister Rev. E. Seress 1 : : Hong 'Kong, etc.) 2:30 P.M.--Healin 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC MEETING PUBLIC MORNING 11:00 AM. at Knox Church > cd mie rae le MESSAGE-- "AN OPEN DOOR" WORSHIP WORSHIP "TWO MEN Simcoe St. North ! ORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--Divine | Waihrey 00 PM. -- Pro on Bb Su nes tga WHO bie' | uh=wonb se > ITH US AT FRIDAY 8 P.M November 18 ond jongster Weekend with Windsor Citadel WE CAN LOVE" PRESBYTEENS ' ngsters and Dovercourt Citadel Band. Tickety avai Babe 2nd and 4th k OSHAWA'S FRIENDLY FAMILY FULL- ; o esl iaaly ns ening patent 4 ane: for Come and Worship With Us | Nursery available at 11 am. SUNDAYS . , , GOnre, CHURCH ee f { :

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