DONALD DUCK NOT UNCA HE BUSTS 'EM | -- DONALD--- } IN FAST! / HI, LOUIE / HOWYOKAY, I GUESS orth V aaa sa DOES DONALD) - HE JUST [LIKE HIS NEW) TOOK IT OUT || 4 VW CAR? a0 Bus rin) EXT PHONED y" | ; ANo EVERY TIME] [WELL, IF YOU WOULDNT | THIS HOUSE THE LINE WAS; |CALL 80 MUCH, AT LEAST | bate BUSY YO WOULDN'T ( TEN TIMES ) q - Sf HAVE THAT Ny TODAY AS 8 1] | S¥ean AU 1 It PROBLEM ANNOYED 4 > AS % y) os WM ms é Bs | | f B | jean) i | i | io S| {| | a Ee pers RR = tata | Hegel « ) we ta | os. Lb bee F? | iberns oe -- | a Big, Bee ol bi ¥ Aye | vel 4 Pung, | /, --/ ITSAFINICASAURUS!! )| /-SONATURALLY, ITS VERY \ | Uf f P| A PREHISTORIC MEAT FINICKY WHEN MEALTIME EATING BIRD, WHICH COMES/' _\T EATS ONLY | ( DINES ONLY ONCE THE BEST // | EVERY S,000 YEARS!! oh Se = | fa | = me ar SECRET AGENT X9 AND THIS 1$ MOVIE BUZ SAWYER Fae WE BRING HER ALONG UUST FOR THE SCENERY, £ MIL SCRABA OF CIA. SPEAKS 8 LANGUAGES AND TEACHES JUDO, SUM] ACTUALLY SHE'S r YOUR MINI-SUB, SIDE AND YOUR 'THE OLD TUBS UUST OUT OF DRYDOGK WHERE THEY BUILT A SECRET *WELL" INTO THE BOTTOM TO HIDE AFTER DUSK, WE'LL ANCHOR OUT A MEN WILL SLIP FT ABOARD. TT <a JANE ARDEN A ERAL/ A GENERAL OF AN ARMY.....REDUCED TO STEALING FOR A PAIR OF THIEVES' YOU DON'T FRIGHTEN ME, MRS. MURKLEY! I DOUBT YOU'D RISK MY CAUSING A DISTURBANCE HERE IN THE LOUNGE.. IT 6 A GOOD THING IT BROUGHT THE EXTRA ROPE WHEN I CAME DOWN THE SIVE OF THE CLIFF, CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. Y TAKE MRS. CORRIGAN TO MY OFFICE! SHE SEEMS TO HAVE FAINTED! =p NOW I AM HERE...,.I CALL THEM... THEN JT BEGINS... 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 4, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BEC (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH Q7T2 @AK10 @KQ1083 &KI WEST EAST K6 854 @ 954 9873 a eines Zi bees 108 &Q rH @AJ1093 9962 o554 15 'The bidding: North East South West 1@ Pass 1@ Pass 2NT Pass 3@ Pass 46 Opening lead --two of clubs. The underlying force behind high-class defensive play is a jsteady and _ unfaltering belief |that the contract can be defeat- ed. Most of the time this assump- tion turns out to be false, but that does. not prove that the |approach was wrong in the first place. All it means is that what you hoped for did not material- ize, which is quite a bit differ- ent from giving up at the start on the lazy assumption that declarer cannot be stopped from making the contract. Take this case, where the lopening lead is a club and East wins the jack with the ace. From East's viewpooint it cer- tainly looks unlikely that his side can take three more tricks. If-he adopts-a give-up attitude by making a neutral or indif- ferent return, his expectation | will eventually be realized. | But if East starts to think in terms of what kind of hand his {partner must have to make it possible to defeat the contract, jhe is bound to come up with the winning line of play. He ONE PERSON that im: gran{s miss particularly wh settling into a new life their family doctor, | trusted confidant and advi: who has guided their medi history often for more than generation. How fortun: were those newcomers to O: awa who found a counterp: in Dr. 0. G .Mills. Dr. Mills was honored at testimonial dinner on Wedn day night in recognition his forty years of practice Oshawa. The Ontario Minist of Health, Dr. Matthew Dymond, colleagues and lea ing citizens were present express appreciation and ce gratulations but none w more proud of the significan of the auspicious occasit than his own family. The guest of honor, a quie ynodest man, accepted the a yolades with some incredulit while his wife, Opal, his so Dr. Douglas Mills and h daughter, Mrs. R. C. Ro (Dorothy) glowed with prid Among the first to exter congratulations was Dr. Mill brother, Dr. J. R. S Mill who with Mrs, Mills was pre ent from Toronto. Presentations included cuf links from the Ontario Med cal Association; a memor book and a colored televisio set. In expressing his thank: Dr. Mills revealed his dedic: tion to his profession. H spoke of the miracles the medical research had -wrougt during his years of practic and predicted that they woul be far surpassed in the nex twenty to forty years. He i not even thinking of retire ment. He is as eager for th newest medical science as h 19 M DE LEAN " ? / toads soh's nian & Ng on er re ee ] L jdiamonds and a high trump -- @ both of which assumptions are AS A NEWCOMER fron entirely possible on the bidding England, my first encounte ae vg nschesge os with Dr. Mills was somewha Ge iss e returns the nine of dia- disconcerting. It went some PID YOU BRING 5 QUA TEPD CNTY TENT pppoe LUT FTV A TY] HAAN monds at trick two and declarer thing like this: "How mucl etsy) "Pao wer lI!" | TELEVISION LOG | crossworp meena comecger ne i ew a | BEEN HEAPIN' NORTH, Hu @ i ti! pps ' West do ged Senn " half stone." "How much it: OWN 22. Nor: the ace and returns a diamon that?" "Sev : y Channel 2--Butfalo | 3---Sacred Heart 4--Movie 1. Bake 1, Harvester hig in the hope that the nine was sori " rae paced this =, Channel 3--Barrie 2--Insight | 2--Merv Griffin 6. Fellows 2. Onset 23. Loose = [HIA a singleton in pounds?" ts | don't ats : | 11:06 A.M, ' Z . a D : . ; ' Ww --_-- pees ris 11--Continental Minature | g Movie PM 11, Boredom 3. Cape and hanging Va [AIEIAIR] Declarer wins the diamond you'll have to multiply by 14' - @ Human Jungle | 12.Great Arbor point return in dummy and leads the and while he worked it ou Channel 7--Buftalo opher Pregram Lake 4. Pri " en Sheial caeeaciar inkle 11:40 P.M, . Prosecutes 24, Fish queen of spades, but he is doom- was thinking whatever kind of 4--Church Service 12---Under Attack 13. Female 5. Bind 26. Slice d -- wheth t he elect 4 i , Seanee P>Terene 6--La Langue Vivante 12:10 A.M, wild buffalo 6. Agitate 27.G ed -- whether or not he elects doctor is this that doesn't Channel 11--Hamilton 3--T.B.A | 9--~Crossfire of India 7. roeme to finesse the queen. In either know how much seven stone Channel 12--Peterborough | 2--Faith, For Today | 12:18 A.M. 4 fem a eg < ane levent, West plays a third round is, 1: AM, --News, * * y . - % : | iMaekee Sports for one light 29. Can m of a an a sag gets Now I know that I was the | SATURDAY @VENING | F--Wish You were He 12:35 AM 15. Face 9. Micro- 30, Defeats Yesterday's Answer Ry ler] the hast tsa th" and greenhorn. I soon discovered a i PM, | 7--Discovery 67 s 16, Skill spores 31. Skilled 88. Archi- Nase result is that South goes what kind of a doctor he was J | §---Willred Pelletier 17. French 10. Kerchoo 83, Concerns tectural OOnn ORE. and with all his other patients rete ay "Oi | * na cash wi -- . Sotho 36. Girl's pier : aang 1 prescribe for him a double | 2--AFL Highlights | sche keen . Plural . Opener name 40. Metal | dose 6f sincere thanks and ap- aL F-SERYy i eum ee | Stowling : poe Aa 20, Tender 87. Corridor 41, Fairy queen | NEWS IN BRIEF preciation. 8--Wagon Train 6--Reach for the T : ; | h tiga 3-6:12-Bugs Bunny News, Weather. | In Kangaree ae we bl rr err NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS IT WAS A HAPPY arrange- : ' a athe of To | e--univeran Po the: aie "cap N 12 mee Conntes eye Si real ment, at least for Oshawa i c | icssueet Harber lad | 1:5 AM 21, Greek VA; "rai Ohanian, "'sounds Irish Symphony Orchestra, _ that ; ae | 9--Stingray pa ah | Dialing fer Dolla island 13 14 but it's pure Armenian. when the theatre at Eastdale b> i | | 126 This hand ie QUN | icles" Unck at Geom Virginia @ 24. Strobile 4 LITTLE TO DO Collegiate was built the plans & , | Sports : sex oer Vice cine tie 25. Date is V6 yy George Lindsey, of the Andy included a full-size stage. With Fe fj ll wl staeet we. | temanteate, Bur | PoRemper Reon 26, Against bebe L- Griffith Show, says there isn't the addition of five supporting Mu 4 me oy | 6A City's Story Crossfire 27. Cricket 18 Y Gl Vj20 too much to do in his hometown musicians from the Toronto i} ; SS. Sy: Hee i gia i 4--Carlton Fredericks 29. Botch of Jasper, Ala. "On Saturdays Symphony Orchestra. the 65 "| | 7 pee | . sa Bd 2 Good Morning 32. Flowed 2\ 22 [23 24 we watch the food truck unload players completely filled the g| | SY | 11--Sir Lancelot macalhe 33, Feline and then w to the b i Stage last Friday night for °| wp ae i 9--Spectrum ; ese He 34. Quadruped (//W/J25 26 Y s n we go to the bakery to th cert of th 1 Tournament 8--Tom Decker ' "Ed Allen Time % pe YW, 17) Vp. smell bread." he opening concert of the € J --Ontario Educational 35. Ahead " Z seaso 7:00 P.M 7--Movle TV 5 son | 4 Y--Jackie Gleason | Showcase Sica ies pinvnaiie 36. Place 27 |28 29 30 |3\ TOOK LESSONS The archesiva ie tare 4--Buffalo Round 4--NFL Pre-G 37. is larger and Ee <== EES AAEY" Re IA UPN sii re-Game Show | 3.6--Ontario Schools + Book clasp Shiela MacRae took method sivonder: Laden tha dle en, BuT I'VE GOT To YOU GOT ANY eh ra pap lata dS 4-Love of Life 39, Speak 32 133 V//434 acting lessons. from Michael ae ae anh ' 'aia OVER RIGHT TACKL \ SEE GREG DELMONico-} ZOBLEMS YO! L'VE Got I. 10:00 A.M. 41, Ministe: "*hekhov : : is : eure ate [THE ROUTE, DEL MON Fo THEIR HE'S MY BROTHER | WANT To Discuss } PROBLEMS T. cin iS Bee Mga cones house a 35 36] | 737 [38 suas' quired sureness, control and a TACKLE 1S SLOW AND THE DELMONICO? WANT TO 'Jackie Gleason This eoace" Ase ae done 42; Fishing BORN LUCKY more polished technique, It | oo =KERS ARE RUNNING piscuss. Padre gh Chaparral 9--Question Period 4--Candid Camera net 39 40 Y 41 Beth Brickell says she was has also attracted a number D FALLING opal &-GE 'College Bow! 24--Snap Judgement 43. Change born on Friday Nov. 13, "a date of young musicians which is HA | 3-6-12--Country Calendar | &-2--Concentration 44, Miss 42 43 that has been lucky for me." a healthy sitn ' 7--Dateline Hollywood = pea ; bate = AST rade Beverly Hillbiilies clelgnlass 44 a5 TWO-TIME WINNER The Barber of Seville over- oO College Football 3-612--Friendly Giant amesakes Eric Sev. 1 ture with its sparkle and = re 45. Explosion cric Sevareid, of CBS news, ighlights 11:00 A.M, . Exp. 3 two: : grace beautifully phrased, 8-Pro Football | 12~Romper Room ine a two-time winner of George b~ 2~-Pro Football ( %--Tugboat Annie HES RARE BP Re tel ie Cede ee AACHEN ORO ge ws oster Peabody Awards--in alerted the audience to good ial 2.4--Personality E 1950 and 1984 things in store. The strings VW Honeymoon Race is j 5) , . | jobenemean F ze combined sweetly for Eine > on. peyg lets YOUR HEALTH | SCORES ADULTS Kleine Nachtmusik. The con- =4 ae 11:50 AA Henry Morgan said; 'When I ductor set a sprightly tempo Mind "Over Myth }>Marriage | Confidential \was a young man, I thought for the allegro movement but 3-Pro Footbe Ars : ' Nay F ae 7--Family Gare H m E adults knew something. They the lyric quality of the second 2 PM, ed 19:00 P.M NaLittest Hobo of ey da Lak I or ones ase |don as oe = - ------ ssues and Answers | sy ene 3-12 News. Weather and E d t i i UEE ay 'Seria' Marien | Nes ndometriosis QUEENIE Film Feature 11--Little People ------ *--Teror T ee " . oa | ta Jeoperay By JOSEPH.G. MOLNER, MD ba ZNGLERS/| SUNDAY EVENIN® | g Luncheon Date Dear Dr. Molner: I have been|symptoms. .If it troubles a S DISE e 4:0 PM. SEN Seater told that I have endometriosis,;woman 'too much, then surgery 5 = =a 'aiieoa } Tiny 13 lent Time 3---Super Heroes and have been bothered with it|is.the logical answer. S xt 9--Best of Probe oC uster 12:30 P.M, for about eight years. Having) If the trouble is not too se:| 4-Grealest Headlines 4--Pro Football Mart ata had one child in this time has|vere, then it is réasonable to} bal Pee aie Sa Fe aleul 3-4-6-12---Search for Te | helped some. wait for menopause--hecause bain 7--News, Weather, Something: Special .Morrow How. long can one have this when menopause 'occurs, and he eg. | 3-6-12--Man All | pmieaiendulu' without an-operation? Could one the hormone action is altered wv &Movie ded. 3-4-6-12--Guiding Light get through the menopausejand menstruation ceases, that = | eae 40 PLM - 1:60 PLM. without surgery for it? Would also is the end of the misplaced Epes . Vcoine Bousias the trouble then disappear?--|tissues reacting and causing 71 CEL " 145 PL 4eamily Ata 9--Movie Mrs. J.M. trouble. , 2-4--News, Weather, 3--Gentle Ben See alba ter Dellara You must understand the na-| Thus the basis of the decision ae | ele RK a aie oP mM. | ¥--Fugitive i" re of endometriosis in order tojcomes to this question: How un- $--Movie : Gaaie) century | :-S-buncheon. pate e able to understand the!comfortable are you? TY told | B-Movie | 2-6-12--walt "Dianey ioe eae answers to your questions. Your age also is of some sig-| m: scold have you about | 12:00 MIDNIGHT | -28--Galt Tournament ewe & 7 knee--the trick is | #.2--Movie | i' oh soya ae PM | The tissue which lines the in-jnificance. If you are close to} not to stare at it when oe | 19:15 AM, | 11--High Chaparral pearly wis 2 Peal. | side of the "uterus is called the|menopause age; you (and your| trying to dictate." | || 2--Movie 9--Lassie 2:00 PM, endometrium. This type of tis-|doctor) may prefer to wait and| Peel ; Menitee P.M. T Newlywed Game | Sue, as you undoubtedly already let menopause take care of the} ---------- | = | SUNDAY 7--Voyage Gaanierad AY realize, responds to the rise and|trouble | Cataracts flon't come and go; ~ Qa | 7: AM, 1 * pis Weajher, 24--Days of Our Lives | fall of certain hormone levels in| But if you are some years/they just get gradually worse. { = | dl Se | 3-6-12--Green Acres 'aa e the system' which govern the|away from menopause age, it is|So I don't think you have cata- =| rogram 7:99 P.M. | }TecParey Alien menstrual cycle. ee likely that the problem will tend/racts. You may be encountering and es Swan Ecos | Me in Conflict Sometimes some of this tissue|to get worse through the inter-\some irritation from your wo : J} |*_Milton' the Monster | 4 Gentie. Ren sclarahation btrest mecneses gna ne Iivening years, ve lenses. Perhaps you are wear Did you ki a --Wor le 3-6-12--Flashb 4--House P. 4 I is: Ss . icat-|i i a |XeatiMoas. | Soaisene | SUB [any dlannced? Patches of It fo] The decision aon Is complicating them for lnget periods than have' bette z 6:00 PLM. 3:00 PLM, iA ' RP: snion, § P| 5 J ying tojyou should. Next time you no- looks bett 7 we cas 1 FR ML ee | sccMegtotratete' Court times find their way into other|predict when menopause will/tice this cloudiness I'd have the ial de pNSIBG Tire tices eG 3 cDNA g | 9--Cartoon Playhouse | stele Ed Sullivan | i pelea Hospital ee areas of the abdomen. ibegin, since there can be aleye doctor take a look--but and actual Epis ty ae wy ie 7 7--Linus | fear Siiectake te oY This seems to do little harm|4ifference of several years from|don't expect him to find cata- the years | TWRTY-FOUR ton! 6 uy. y™~ 1, CaN you WERE 'an th ice Spsny Pie 9-1 Dream of Jeannie | #-4--Anether World except for one important fact:|0ne person to 'another. If youlracts. puna eanine a | pes K 'Down N'our'| | *¢ KICK! s wel } SUPPOSED TO : Pr epee lier oa 2:25 PLM, These migrant tissues, wher- know your mother's age al men- . help you fF i. MUP! 7 al PATTERN! Sy a Kc \1--Cathedral "Chimes ait mn He ever they are, still respond to/pause, that may give you a} Dear Dr, Molner: Should a our home el ay Cae) of " nee ona Zl, Lope cre, 4--Smothers Brothers 11--Bullwinkle the hormones. Hence there can|hint, although it is not a certain-|decalcified spine have ultra vi- be : Fu ' \ & ia, deus, ia | 24:3-6-12--Bonanza , be bleeding, just as though the|tY that you will reach meno-jolet treatment or any other ap- enjoy doin, I AN), 'I Leas Jaorh a} [ secmpvlen Pisce tissues were still in. the uterus. |Pause at the same age. jpeeation of heat?--A.N.R. 77) Ry "st; ne dock Un and Lis | 9~Russian Revolution This, obviously, may cause irri-| : presume you refer to osteo- = RE, \\7AN4 | Sonya Book cL gapission: Iippoeelble 0 PM, tation and hence pain, until the|,. Dear Dr. Molner: I have/porosis, which involves a loss of = =< Wf 100 AM. 2-8--High' Chaparral Vessuper Hecoee bleeding has had time to be ab-/Meard that cataracts causejcalcium from the bones, Neither 9--Marine Boy 11:00 P.M, waits bine sorbed. cloudy vision. On certain days|ultra Violet nor heat will help : y Faith For Tédey. pears News, 4--Secret Storm {both my eyes become 'cloudy.|this condition. Treatment is a oot oil nae | do cNeeR Ce | eSireonnie Prudden | DEPENDS ON TROUBLE |Then in a day or two they are/high protein diet (and being ~ ¥ 2-The Answer | 11:25 P.M | : How long one can have this\clear again. I'm 19 and wearjsure to- get adequate calcium), Interior Decoratir 4 thie AA eee ernie icant tine "without an operation' depends)contact lenses, Could I have cat-|hormones, and appropriate ex- . 9--Cartoon Playhouse W--Teach-in | 9--Movie entirely on how troublesome itjaracts? Or could my _ lenses/ercise, the latter two encourage > = le Te Laue Vituite By peel ubaldiat pri Hd ABLE er gs {i8, and on whether treatmert/have something to do with it?--|ing the deposit of sufficient cal- 15 KING STREET E/ | 4--Unele Jerry's Club &-Jonnny Carson 3-4-1a--Forest Rengers with hormones can ease the|K.G, cium in the bones,