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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1967, p. 14

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|38--Coming Events COLONY TOURS es -- PACKAGE -- | FLORIDA TOURS $246 American 14 day GUIDED Tour, 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, November 4, 1967 A 30--Automob for Sale |36--Legel 44 CHEVROLET 55 converte, V8) Sane andition $1,700 after & p.m. 725-| NOTICE | TO CREDITORS | ing ron comty sears eewetes| AND OTHERS ort %2 OLDSMOBILE, two door hardtop on. sele cheap. T On ner " . ae a Telephone 723-0043. ' S re Sé DODGE sedan, six, automatic: tly! In the Estate of ROSE | baer ae pieted quipped radio, mo fu: le to Sound old timer $iss. Apply 1827 Lake) CHIOVITTI, also known | i urs included tide Street after 5 R G : ee , is - e Giovoanetti, de --NOV. bins 76) KARMANN GHIA, mechanically per-/ as Os Uy OV 24 fect, $325. Telephone 983-520, Orono. | ceased WWVA_ SHOW "CHEVELLE SS, V8, eutomatic,| ° pre pape ee interior, radio, white) All persons hoving claims Wheeling, W. Virginia walls. A-l. Telephone 725-7994. against the estate of Rose $29.75 American For Further Information Call | COLONY TOURS Chiovitti, also known as Rose Giovanetti, late of the town- ship of Whitby, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, Widow, de- ceased, who died on or about 7962 RAMBLER station wagon, good condition, 6 cylinder, gtandard transmis sion, blue with light Tele phone 725-984 47 MUSTANG Fastback excellent condition, See at bive interior 390. cubic Inch, 12000 miles. | 201 Cadillac S. after 5 : __| "the 25th day of July, 1967, | OSHAWA 1964 CHEVROLET four-door standard, ¢| are hereby notified to send in cylinder, 40,000 umiles rae, | to the undersigned on or be- 576-0246 Hn a9 fran © nrg Felepnone| fore the 30th day of Novem a : roses ber, 1967, full particulars of THE RESIDENTS OF --fourdoor sports! their claims immediately PARISIENNE miles steering and ofter the said date, the un Telephone 576 dersigned will distribute the estate having regard only to power HILLSDALE ee rea good condition.) Claims of which they shall MANOR ee then 1961 PONTIAC st DATED at Toronto, this First dae ig Cordially invite you to attend doy of November, 1967 | oe ROCCO GIOVANETT! and Sian S their a ee ee OSEPH GIOVANETTI, 1961 PONTIAC by FRANK D. NASSO. owe ws ' ANNUAL BAZAAR Wednesday, 8th 2:00 P.M here ERT F. DINGMAN of 18 George r be responsbile Brooklin, will not nm my this date No' ritten consent name November At 38--Coming Events Centra! Council of Sale of Work, Afternoon Tea, Y Home Baking and Door Prizes BINGO St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL we Ne ghborhood Association OSHAWA-EIVIE AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. E, Friday, Nov. 10th be Over Pet $5,000.00 20 Games -- Jackpot -- PRIZES $1,500 Jackpot $500 Snowball! $150 Special Game $1,000 Escalator 20 Regular Games $50 Each 9 Early Bird Games 5 Late Games $50 each Admission $1.00 cord for regulor games) | All gomes 25c double card NOVEMBER 4 except jackpot In The Evening 8 pm $100 in Door Prizes KINETTE CLUB of twe 1967 RAMBLER American Rogue, V-€ @utom bucket seats, two tone, white hardtop. $1,900. Tel. 668 oor Snowball and Share the Wealth 1963 PONTIAC, ses Free Admission tires, bod S76-1404 es z 1962 CHEVROLET 'impeie 283 automatic. Power equipped, excel: lent condition. Telephone Nestieton 986- 4320 after 6 p.m '59 KARMANN bert Street, 31--Compact Cars for Sale * Volvo and Peugot * Mercedes Benz General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawo 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Ybur Authorized Detsun ond Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service convertibie EUCHRE BATHE. PARK CLUB HOUSE SATURDAY ja, $150. Apply 318 Al- receive one Oshawa 160 Simcoe South All gemes 25c double card presents a 728-0051 double cards KALEIDOSCOPE 1963 VOLKSWAGEN foal shel Chale: tHe wealth 748 em OF FASHION ond car. N n pay! Regular Games -- Start im- by Walker's of Oshawa medictely afte r ohare the Wed. Nov. 8 8 P.M. Weelth Tickets $1.00 door prizes 723-5505 BUSES KINSMEN CENTRE edded excitement the St Syxth Dimensions" p.m., 7:30 Sere ------ HALF TON trajle Available RUMMAGE SALE - complet® with, ~ Simcoe: Hall s elephone Co pan ee WOODVIEW 387 Simcoe S 33--Automobiles Wanted COMMUNITY CENTRE WED. NOV. 8 eee Ere 3 eee 1:30 P.M CARS WANTED Golden Jubilee Chapter ODE Buying A New Car ? Rad acih Biddle W.W.V.A JAMBOREE Wheeling West Virginio November 24 - 26 For Your EVERY MONDAY Information Contoct Local Burley Bus Lines 723-7171 HARDINI, the magician and ORVILLE, the clown are now booking odult shows, children shows 728-1331 DEATHS GIBNER, Otto L. Entered into rest suddenly at the Ajax Trovel Agent or 34--Automobile Repair e FRED STONE | Wueen St. 5 REBUILT ENGINES OVERHAUL AND GINE PARTS AUTOMATIC ~ daughter, ! F our Prime Seven Premiers In Canada #22. 3,5 = By MEL SUFRIN Canadian Press Staff Writer Quick, now, how many prime' ministers has Canada I one of the you re many Canadians who figure Lester Pearson is the you're wrong. There are four, and the lat- est convert to this select group is W. A. C. Bennett, who heads British Columbia's Social Credit government. The others? Daniel Johnson only one, of Quebec, John Robarts of Ontario and, of course, Mr, Pearson The chiefs of government in the other provinces? They're premiers. What's moré> a Cross-Can- | ada Survey by The Canadian | Press shows, they don't seem inclined to stop being pre- miers and become prime min- isters The top men in Quebec and | Ontario politics have been prime ministers for a long time. In Quebec it's largely a matier of language. The French term is premier min- istre which can be translated as first minister or prime minister. In Ontario it's a matter of traditional practice. On for- mal occasions, says a protocol expert, Mr. Robarts should be addressed as Mr. Prime Min- ister, never Mr. Premier. But you'd never know that from reading the newspapers IN MEMORIAM CLOUTER -- in loving memory of a dear sister, Judith Pike Clouter, .who passéd away November, 4, 1964. A darling young sister Was called suddenly away By her creator and maker Who saw it better that way | She Is loved and remembered | As she lies there sleeping While her friends who were many Were all left weeping --Sadly missed by brother Eric, sister n-law Muriel and family and dear friend Jessie. DART -- In loving memory of @ dear aunt, Margaret Dart, who passed away November 5, 1961 We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near. Ever remembered by niece Doris, Don tnd family .». EVENDEN -- In loving memory of George Frederick Evenden, who passed away November 4, 1947. So many things have happened Since you were called away, So many things to share with you Had you been left to stay Every day in some small way, Memories of you come our way, Though absent, you are ever near, Still missed, loved, always dear. --Sadiy missed by Mom and family. McCORMACK -- In loving memory of @ dear husband, father and grandfather Ernest Howard McCormack, who passed away November 4, 1965. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. --Always remembered by the family. MCMAHON -- In loving memory of my | darling granddaughter, Margaret Jean, who passed away November 4, 1963. Till memory fades and \ife departs You live forever in my heart. Sattiy missed by Grandpa Bingham. MeMAHON -- In loving memory of our Margaret Jean, who passed away November 4, 1963. Gone from the earth so swiftly, Just like a flower in bloom, So young, so fair, so loving, Yet called away so soon Constantly missed by Mother, Dad and s, Barbara, Leslie and Joan s o McNAUL -- In loving memory of a dear mother, who passed away suddenly on November 4, 1964 Of; and off my thoughts do wander To the grave not far away Where lays a dear mother Who passed away just three years ago today Life S not quite the same to me passed away that day, 6 last farewell n said goodbye, were gone before | And only God knows why Sadly missed by her son, William realized A LASTING TRIBUTE anence ond dignity CARDS OF THANKS on, Courtice bors and relatives, SAGRIFE aHuniy Gignac, C.D . Mrs. Myers and al thanks to Holy C | and Alberta's greatness does | also prefers premier as "'an |j5f)" 734.2 - OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS CROVEN LEAGUE High Scores -- Penny Wethere!! (616); .Barbare Calberry 21), Nv (606); Carol Radertord 214 (S78) 18 Centen-|paplinski $46; Theresa Tromiey 213 (338 jand Margaret Damant, 207 Ministers, SUNDAY SOCIAL standings -- Mixer: Bobcats 31, Expos 27, Team 34, Aces |Up 31, Dumbeils |nials 18 and Desperates 17. ' ; . radia |. High Triples -- T. Hobbs 731 (3179, T. or listening to the radio. |tromiey 647 (228), E. Rouse 646 (291),| There it's just about always |D. Galea 643 (247), G. Tromley $35) 7 (258), EAGUE L, Parish 630 (229), H. Weroski| ee Premier Robarts. 626 (226), J. Meikle 626 (233), C. Clem-|_ High Triples -- J. Cardinal #21 (25) ents 622 (284) and ..P. Skidmore 620/295, 275), Art Cardinal 757 (251, 281), M. | MARK OF GREATNESS (264) |Brady 749 pia, 8 Schacter 5 esol , , s 238), H. Dickison 709 (289, 229), each In British Columbia it's also Fides a ead 2h, Bainsra aes, |709. (241, 212, 251), G,. Tammi 705 (330); | a matter of preference--Mr. (rR. Viieger 240, M. Clements 233, | J.|J. Brady 705 (275), A. Richards 679 (235) | Bennett's. And it dates from |Weroski 23) and W. Ripley 231. pee es Ae ae Soe 20) e High Singles -- the middle of October. . J. Rorabeck 283, O. Arsenauit 271, 249, The B.C. premier--as h RAINBOW LEAGUE |M. Peters 269,'L, Doyle 269, M. Marshall re th Ae : lined a. High Doubles -- Lena Burkhart 439/255, J. Chipman 253, E. Marshall 247 was en known--lined Up (271), Jennie Petron 438 4271), Flo Lottiand J. O'Malley 242 with other provincial leaders |416 (268), Bhirtey '[fioer ab (255) and! points Taken -- Champs 4, Hippies 0; | r ary rees Margaret Flinto! Tigers 3, Swingers 1; Gliders 1, Alou-| for their honorary Sretbes a High Singles -- Ann Mcleod 227. eites 3; 'Night Hawks 3, Leaders 1) Jet a McGill University convoca- | Joyce Osborne 227, Shirley Thompson Set'3 end Pin Siumshers 1 i i " 227, Joyce Davidson 219, Rene Reddoch tion in Montreal. All but Mr. 214, Merle Smart 211, Marg. Hall 209, Robarts and Mr. Johnson were introduced as premier. |Marg Wise 208, Joanne Huston 206 and |Marjorie Freeman 205. Team Standing -- Yellow COMMERCIAL LEAGUE High Tripies Ye B. Giroux 722 (279, Purple Back in Victoria, Mr. Ben- | 12 'Tan 12, Green 11, Silver 10, Red' 9,| 204 773); 8. 72, 2591 nett got to thinking and on |Mauve 9, Coral 9, Beige up Black & egies ne fa a 1 Ga. Oct. 13 he delivered his ver- |OPiive s"srown's, Blue 5. Pink & Rose |225,. 232); J. Van Dyk 685 (205, 236,| dict 4 and White 3 244); S. Lawrence 677 (212, 278); A. ? : |Joynt 652 (210, 255); J. Petyko 649 (257, 212) and K. Jackson 645 (219, 257). High Singles -- D. Shewchuck 258, R 250, "In view of my feeling that | B.C. is one of Canada's great- | est provinces (we) should not play second fiddle to Ontario [this week and Quebec and therefore the | Senior Boys 7 ier w y , is . |!o DeJong 260, premier will now be known as liey Welsh. 170, Bobby Henning 210, Da-| GLENHOLME SCHOOL LEAGUE Carlo DeJong and David O'Boyle were Wright 251, K. Dubeau |Hickey 239, P. Wayne Vennor 200, Car-|and D. Dow 23: John Wilson 190, Stan-| Patte's Paint 19, Honyoker's 18, I'm |Jimmie Swayne 190. pfieet |16 and Hambly's Beverages 9. feel this way myself. . Senior Boys and Girls: Christine Stra- only thinking" about the people |szewski 205, Glynis Gard 170, Wanda of British Columbia as their |Mather 180, Lorraine Marshal! 130. Bar- |bara Freiter 80, Helen Renaud 120, John, OLD COUNTRY CLUB premier . . , 1 mean as prime |Bisschop 200 and Billy Nichols 210 : yal minister." | Intermediate Boys and Girlt: Freddy|, High Triples: Bob Shelley 769) Alt Apaied Johnston 45, Mary Polacok 115, Ricky |Liles 757; Stan Redfern 689; Phi a Actually Mr. Bennett's |peyton' 190, susan Lazin I te briefcase has for years car- |Brown 100, Joe Holkema 180, Michael = vig vords "Pri Mi |Polityka 95, Terry Clark 155, ROSS) ree erie aoe ried we words Frime MInis- |kane 150, Debbie Bartlett 155, Dennis) live, Min ee ter. Bennett'? and buildings (Boivin 170 and Walter Kaschaub 60. |, High | Singles: Y opened by him have had the prime minister title on' their MEN'S STORE LEAGUE [Frank Linley 264; C, MacKinnon 281, 238, R, Holmes 741 x J. Garland) ur highest scorers for Glenholme Schoo! | 250, S. Rivoire 249, R. Subiotto 248, D. | Small 238, G. Scott 237 7 Team Standing -- Maple or yg >; j i ', " Dodgers 37, Beatty Haulage 33, Genera prime minister. It's not that I |vid O'Boyle 230, John Martinelli 160 and Briers 30, Doyle's 23, Western Oil 20, Rebels i ton 682; Ernie Mcilwraith 675; Keith 180, Michaci|Alderton 668; Frank Linley 659; Audrey rb Harwood 402 om | Liles 283, 230, 244; Bob Shelley 274, 272; Barb Harwood 251; OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | : KNIT 1, KNIT 2 By ALICE BROOKS | Knit 1 or knit 2-piece set to Phil Addington 268; Keith Alderton 265;/ wear together or separately with| skirts or slacks. leat Elsie Buttle 245; Ernie Mcilwraith 245|/SMITIS | j ee dedication plaques. aay We a8) 'S. clea Tre (508), mt. jand_Ann_ Brown 231. Fall's new match - mates. GREAT SHAPE! Having made his decision, Anderson 769 (315), J. George 769 (295), Pg lad ede radi it sonlars x Cables, openwork create tex-/ . he had the sign on his office aah cr min ar aay Mgr fon Nuts 27, Corner -Pins 25, In Crowd 25, ture you love to see, touch, | - By ANNE ADAMS door changed. And his letter- | (308); L? yuil 727 (321), B. Lavergne 724 Racers 25, Blunders 21, Goons 18 and/Knit of sport yarn. Pattern 7075;| Going to a party? Go in fash- heads will henceforth an- eat Lis ig et ae me | sizes 32-38 included. : jion's great shape -- the flared nounce that the writer is |}io) irae 'W. Gutsell 288, C. Nor- : eat AgOUSEKIAL | Thirty-five cents (coins) for| princess. Pure and simple flat- prime minister. ton 287, M. Adam 287, H. Dervent 286, C. | . are Ai ene Geb each Pattern (no Stamps, |tery, quick to sew in blends, | , However, he's not all that 73"5! Coulson "a4; T. 'Bathe 272, A.| Doyle. 777, 0. Willlams 375, c. Winacoti|Please) to Alice Brooks, care of | tissue faille. hidebound about it. Two Shortt 267, s. Sargeant 266, R. Pearse|761, G, Gaudet 726 a Panel 0, The Oshawa Times- Needlecraft) Printed Pattern 4742: Misses' v y: 264, L. Vey 262, S. Selmer 261, . | Sm , F. Lintey ys * " 'i women- who met -him--in- the [244 L. Davéy 262, §. Seimers S10 ana F. Hayward. 668. '|Dept., i cor Street West, | Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size | corridor the Monday after the|~ Team Standing: National Grocers 28,| High Singles: Phil Cormier 323, G-|Toronto. Ontario residents add|14 requires 25g yards 54-inch ing ot J q sai Old |31,196; Annettes 26, 31,640; Oshawa Tune-|Gaudet 305, H. Canfield 301, D. Williams vt adele , aM i : | UP-22- 30,402; Central Pharmacy -22- 30~/299;-M. Thompson 294; D. Doyle 279, C. them "he~doesn't really "mind™|33)"Schenieys 21. 30,560; Acadians --20,|Winacott 277, W. Smith 275, G, Stickwood "The terms have exactly |30,268; Oshawa Bakery 20, 29,221; Ped-|267 and V. Mastroiani 264, wens 3 . i ex Fy > : 7 > lars 20, 28,930; Dixons 19, 29,648; Adgers| Points Taken: Russell's the same meaning . , . there- | 58; Hallidays 16, 29,893; OMS 15,|Tony's 0; Motor City 2 Reynold's 1 fore the premier of a province (29. Cross Canada Paving 14, 29,822; |Dairy Queen 2, Westmount 1; Playboys | could use either title." Cable TV 12, 29,749; Coulters 20, 29,415/2, Pic-O-Mat 1. ' : and Gochs 7, 28,930. i Motor City has won the first section. The other seven provinces Pha Ui still have their premiers and |-~ suworgsaue BLIND BOWLING DUPLATE SPORT AND SOCIAL they generally share the feel- | igh bowler for this week was Rolly High Triples -- M. Schmah! 903, 8. ing of E. C. Manning of Alber- (Cousins with (133, 127) 260, followed by|tonkin 766 (302, 248); Josie Waldinsperger with (111, 86) 197/751, T. Rossi 725, A. Podlowsky 710, N. ta Ada McDonough (82, 96) 178, Clara Sud-|pohribny 497, B. Evans 687, 0. Baum. "This is a matter of no con- (dard (103, 71) 174 and VI Pike (59, 68) howr 676 and P. Mason. 667. : » <n 127 cern to me,"' he says. "The h with handicap wag Vera Siblock|,.tligh Singles -- M. Schmahi 308, 306 aa Hiway AL ; 298; B. Tonkin 302, 248; P, Mason 295; title has always been premier (53 52) 105 followed by Sonia Diaghenko 1" chesebrough 275; W. Miles 273; F. mt Hill 270; .D. Baumhowr 268; A. Podlow- i sky 265; J. Conboy 263 and T. Rossi 260. LADIE JOR "BY Team Standing -- Hooks and Krooks 15, High Triples a are 706, Anne Smashers 14, Abstainers 14, Dodgers 13, Knop 700, Marge Hickey 670, Vi Rorrison oy cats 12, Hippies 12, Losers 11, not depend upon a title of pre- mier or prime minister." As in legislative buildings of other provinces, his door has |617 and Jean Brown 603. =H Chains 11, Surprises 10 and . " " High Singles: Celia Wigg 255, Ena ' the word "premier" on it and [picrte 2," Betty Campoer 233, Olive | his letterheads say '"'office Of |Anderson 228, Rose Stovin 225, Peart| the premier." Peacock 224, Bert Cole 218, Bea : Spa ander 218, 209 and Cathy Jay 215, 212. | High Triples -- Wes Stata 725 Ross Thatcher of Saskatche- | points Taken: White's 3, Flowers by|229); Claude Glasstord Jie (256) 259); wan goes further and says he | Penrose 1; Burn's 1, Motor City 3; Mis-|Don Lounds 707 (258, 232); Molly Harts- wants to be called premier ter TV Towers 2, Henderson's 2; Say-|horn 672 (249, 238); Norville Buck 668 $ ta He p . |well's 4 and Mitchell's 0. |(250, 221); Jim Muir 643 (269); Don "As far as I'm concerned |_ Team Standing: Sayweil's 22, Mister'! Robinson 633 (216, 240) and Bob Miller there's only one prime minis- |TV Towers and Flowers by Penrose 18/600 (224), 253), rem Boddy .735 (244, 231, 260), | easier differentiation between |Doreen Goth 728 (233, 298), Isobelle King | apy % aq] | 725. (247, 289), Loretta McLean 719 (247,| Pot ay fie " pe Soong |248), Helen Troft 705 (289) and Laura] Status "Cc Ss the |Mckinley 702 (281, 240). ac 4 y ri Team Standing: fact that when people write tor |,,7<am stand 3, 18; Strouds 3, 16; Young him in French, or at least have French as their first lan- |Moderns 1, 15; Cross Canada Paving 1, 15; Nu Way Rug 1, 12; Horwich Jewel- guage, they are inclined to.ad- dress him as prime. minister. |lers 3, 9 and Scugog Cleaners 0, 8. Anyone looking for some INTER-CITY LEAGUE 609 and Dale Harten 608. High Singles -- Jim Melkie 281, 264, 237; Jean Hubbard 276, 261; John Hub- bard 250, 216, 203; Dale Harten 240, Ed Flagg 236, Wayne Johnson 235, 234; CENTENNIAL UNITED CHURCH High Triples: Henry Veenhof 623, Mar-|230. sort of statute as a guide in (go MacDonald 651, Marilyn Martin 607,| Team Standing -- Aces 37, Hank of n a m Velva Dean 647, Joyce Lamb 797, Ken|Montreal 33, Crystals 27, Watffers 21, determining what to call the | Cony gs Jean 'Lauti 60s Mabie' Sra Wheelers 1& Gris end Grinde ta chief |791, "John 'Slack 625, Murray MacPhei gon 641 and Gord Halbrook 740. | High Singles: Cecil Lamb 223, Betty| Smith 203, Betty Cearl 201, 224, Howard | Kelloch 231, 223, Barb Owen 238, Harry; Bennett 202, Betty Somerville 222, 2 Smith 222, Laura Genge 203, 208, Marg |753 ee 268); R. Wright 662 (233, 219); Veenhof 238, Nadine Woodcock 200, Thel-|T- Lyons 650 (238, 218); R. Subiotto 644 ma Owen 232 and Irene Rahme 200. (266, 208); D. Down 640 (265, 224); S. Lawrence 638 (263, 188); D. Duncan 633 (250, 208) and K. Bint 21 (271, .204). provincial government will have difficulty. The Brit- ish North America Act con- tains no reference either to premiers or prime ministers. COVERS OTHER POSTS In the section dealing with COMMERCIAL LEAGUE High Triples -- T. Cusack 804 (295, governments in .Ontario and UAW LADIES AUX, NO. 27 id: aiiaes : G. Lintlope (286); A. ' an High Triples: Olive Clark 618 (276, Lupton # L, Csizmedia (244);, D. Quebec it provides for such |,39'%3), and Ellen Burrus 201 (170, qos, {Cotton (250); J." ice (242); G. All- ministers as attorney-general, /227). jchurch (237); P. Cormier (236); 'auinola i 7 rov- |, High Singles: Joan Hall 233, Fld Pan-|Holmes (234); E. Thibodeau (277) and provincial secretary and prov- |, (90, Siiales: Joan al) 233 |W. Walters (226). | incial treasurer and, in Que- | Team standing: Locals 22, Busy Bees| Team Standing -- Dodgers 35, Mapie| bec, solicitor-general. 19, Tinkle Bells 17, $ and H 15, Go Go|Cleaners 35, General Printers 23, 13 and Stars | Doyle's 21, Beatty Haulage 28, Western {Oil 18, Patte's Paints 14, Honeyocker's td Rebels 13 and Hambley's Beverages : Girls 15, 4, It also permits each prov- |7,'" meee imps ince to add other ministries but doesn't name them. And | iperr st. united CHURCH the closest it comes to identi- | High Triples: Keith Pike 718, Fred = 5 jg |Coleman 695, Marg Jacklin 689, Eric fying the government head is | Trin seo, Gord. Ghemlit 665, Ret ail igh 'Telpless ll bel in providing for a person ap- |man 643, Glenn Maunder 640, Dick it yngrenne Taz, Bath Lyctines tes wie pointed by the Governor-Gen- PSL ag Ernie Rundle 630 and Perce |Partridge 720, Bob Lavergne 718, Cars jHurren 711, Rich Wilson 694, Paull High Singles: Ken Mossey 259, Mike! v Pauline Pridie 239, Pearl Cooper 237, Marg Mas- eve 688, Jim Ferris 681 and Carl Burrill Sey 234, Walt Tippitt 223, Agatha Milan-| 44 h gon 223, Don Parker 223, Evelyn Scolt! johnston 286 CI Huei 2m, Jim. Scott 211 and Frank Cooper | Gledhill 262, Harvey Singular 261, Cyrit 20 | Weeks 249, Marion Black 249, Lew. Nevill T Stai Comets 24, Aces and| H we provinces generally {king Pins 32, brite ners. 20, | 240, Wayne Gannon 238 and Clara Dub WIRE AND HARNESS eral to the office of president | of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, the effective working part of which is the cabinet, Flo Bob The Drifters 21, Pinners 20,) biestein 21. have statutes dealing with sal- [stare th, Gone ie Chiefs and Waves! team Standing: Hi Los 36, Lucky aries for their first ministers | : [Head pine, 2h igaes Beinn ee fi x rs 20, but, in Alberta at least, the of- LUTHERAN CHURCH LEAGUE Hi Balls 19, Jesters 16 and Alley Gs 15. fice is referred to that of "the High Triples -- Mike Peter 736, John president of the executive Hamacher 725, Frank Macko 703, Steve CLUB 48 ' "il." He's . . Peter 636, Ken Hoffman 628, George : council.' He's the premier. Brodofske 618, Millie Koss 598 and Elmer ,, High Doubles: Georgina Harding (227 One man who would like to |Behm 597. : F Sy. |, High Singles -- Mike Peter 305, 230,|Micky Weroski (204, 204) 408. Settle the whole issue is Eu \Bob 'Whalley 286, John Hamacher 268, piiigh Singles: Jeanne Regimbal 252 and gene Whelan, Liberal MP for |230, Frank Macko 255, 248, Steve Peter | Pe ae Pe are Mecoy S who.-inte : 249, Norma Scott 236, John Reid --234,| a : jots 13, . May- oF sex South, who introduced |Bob Baier 233, Ken-Heffrnen 229, George | bees 13, Ti-€ats-11, Lucky Strikes 11, a private-member's bill in the --| prodefske-228 and Elmer--Behm 227. lootnannys 10, Happy Gang 10, Happy House of Commons to restrict the title of prime minister to 222) 449; Pearl Anderson (248) 440 and 8. Team Standing Daffy-Dillies and |Hippies 9 and Polly Wogs 7. Schnitzel-Six 16 points each, Expiog 15,|_ Congratulations to the Hot Shots, win- G. Chesebrough | | CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS | (293, | High Triples -- Jim Meikle 782, Jean Hubbard 728, Stu Reeson 685, John Hub- Hayden Macdonald 4,|bard 669, Jeri Harten 627, Wayne John. son 622, Terry Waterhouse 615, Ed Flagg Larry Henderson 234 and Barb Downey {292); J. Huband 773 (267, 287); J. Petyko 2c sales tax. Print plainly. PAT-| fabric. TERN NUMBER, NAMB, AD-| SIXTY-FIVE CENTS (65c) in DRESS. First time! Jumbo 1968! coins (no stamps, please) for ;| Needlecraft Catalog -- hundreds |each pattern. Ontario residents of designs, 6 free patterns (in-|add 3c sales tax. Print plainly cludes designer sweaters) in-|SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, structions inside. Knit, crochet,| STYLE NUMBER. embroider. 50c. | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Book No. 1 -- Deluxe Quilts--| care of The Oshawa Times ,Pat- 16 complete patterns. Send 60c. |tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Book No. 2 -- Museum Quilts | Toronto. -- patterns for 12 quilts. 60c. FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- Book No. 3 -- Quilts for To-|see the best of the new styles day's Living. New, exciting col-|for all sizes in our new Fall- lection -- 15 complete patterns. | Winter Pattern Catalog. Get one 60c. apt free -- just clip coupon Book of Prize Afghans -- Knit,|in Catalog. Hurry, send 50c right crochet 12 afghans. 60c. inow. ; Canadians, Americans Close In Total Expo Attendance By JOSEPH MacSWEEN 27,144,280 for April 22-Oct. 18, : Motor, City 15, White's 14, Henderson's| High Singles -- Joan Dart 254, Lorna | 1964, and 24,458,757 for April ter and he's in Ottawa. ; think | 10, Mitchell's 9 and Burns 6. Bacon 240, Beryl Miller 231, Arlis Smith) MONTREAL (CP)--The 91.o¢4 17, 1965 making a 7 2 province gov- |222, Garnet: Paimer 221, Jim Car-| otwi Yanadians ¢ = : &y ene nan , cual iene kon a LADIES MAJOR "A" SGM bor hee wien aban eeu. fs Ep Ray ps fay et tise ec, bene | ents § d as $ , |Smith 209, Ted Varga 208, Neil Palmer ms) "nc- 1962 show went to only 9,- premiers but it is up to the in- |, High Triples: Olive Frise 627 (257, 317, |296, Diane Lounds 204. ance was "very close' when rar "i y dividual." 253), Joyce Bell 804 (264, 318), Lorraine) Team Standing -- Quits 13, 67's 12 estimated' oa the Bails oe tial 600,000 in its April 21-Oct. 25 . Murphy 785 (257, 263, 265), Ev Harding ; Pied vt es h s Saat Duff Roblin of Manitoba (779 (293, 226, 260), Mavis Taylor ig |Darts idee avo Deter" vidal visitors, anya at Expo a ; ' 284, 234, Joan Jackson 738 (254,/2"9 Rums 6 an s 5 points. sci ied kota af The 210-day Paris fair of authority. M. J. Clarke, head of Ex management reporting, computers counted only visits, not visitors, and the total was 50,306,648. But his. educated guess is that between 11,- 000,000 and 11,500,000 different persons attended the fair--"I regard that as a conservative estimate." Comparisons with other world fairs can be tricky be- cause data is incomplete but it is abundantly clear that the Montreal exposition easily smashed records for a six- month show. Expo, which opened April 27 and closed Oct. 29, set a new attendance record every day after Sept. 22. On that day it passed the 42,073,561 visits es- | tablished by the 1958 Brussels fair, For budgetary reasons Expo's surveys to determine 1900 claimed 51,000,000--Expo lasted only 185 da and the 1939 New York fair had only 27,000,000 visits in 348 days. Mr. Clarke says it is a his- torical fact that world fair audiences are drawn from within a 500-mile radius--'the Magic circle'--and he be- lieves this was proved again in Montreal whose magic cir- cle embraces a population of 70,000,000. The last percentage break- down of attendance was. is- sued Aug. 18. It said Canada accounted for 53 per cent, the U.S. 45 and others two. Expo consistently exceeded computer predictions except during the strike. Original forecast was for 26,000,000 vis- its but this was increased in 1966. to 35,000,000. In July this year, Philippe de Gaspe Beau- bien, operations chief, put it , a up again to 43,000,000. Later the origin of visitors ended in he said attendance might mid-July but Mr. Clarke says have reiched 52,000,000 with- he believes the bulk of attend- out the strike. | ance during the Montreal - As transit strike came from out- APRIL 30 TOPS of-towners. Attendance sank lowest on His belief is borne out by Oct. 10. in the depths of the the fact that gate revenue, strike, when 97,870 turned out, while reduced, remained but bounced up to 475,082 the fairly constant in. proportion first Sunday after it ended. during the strike, which began. That was the highest figure Sept. 20 and ended Oct. 21. It since the initial record. of would have been a different 569,500 set on the fair's first story if Montrealers had come Sunday, April 30. in force with their season Expo officials estimated the | passports strike reduced attendance by Some Montrealers went to 600,000 a. week. Nevertheless Expo 100 times or more and season passports were used on the average 22 times, Sev- average daily attendance for September was 235,578, Expo gave this geographic en-day passports were used breakdown of visitors in the an average of 5.5 times. May 2-July 416 period: Montre- |__Expo in six months at- alers, 8 4,578; Quebecers | tracted almost as many visits outside Montreal, 1,278,270; as had the last previous world Canadians outside Quebec, TRANSMISSION and Pickering Hospital on Friday, No Castaways 10, Hippies @ and Town "ers of. the first section, 'in pas ae : ANSMISSIO vember 3, 1967, Otfo L. Gibner of $A FUNERALS the leader of the federal gov- |Criers 7 pol ERE gene cae ln | fair, New York, in 12 months. 3.531.492: American ee BS CENTRE NORTH OSHAWA Wingsor Street, Ajax, beloved husband eininent Lemon Leaguer -- Otmar Eller, 98. | | The New York figures were 4 others, 541.840 m ' - ye hildren Under 16 Not Admitteqiof Elleen McAllister and dear father of i % = i et ' CENEN 6 t e St. N 7339 vs €0! Murray of Ajax, Lorraine (Mrs D. Pal ' The more people runnin A f | eH : Es farsont oF ToniIs | She sentalber "oF FUNERAL 0} Sal add de oak o eat town ano country tanes =| U@MONSIYa ors 7 nt Finn, Aleks JOSepN aNd" Mareoret (Mire FRANK FE. BAKER BTOUNG € O11 tS tEMSENVES+ High Triples; Lisa Hachey 682, Dar=| | P rs, Adjust Roote), loving grandfather of 15 grand a 1 ' prime minister the More lene Williams 645, Dot Brabin 638, Jackie a Ranetiots K| Idren and dear brother of Charles 'of| The memorial seryice for confusion there will be in the {Legere $29 and Pauline Starr 611 | nape Kitchener, George of Toronto, Rheal Frank E. Baker, who died Nov , High Singles: Lisa Hachey 275, 221, our 00 } FRIDAY, NOV, 3 S-Guinen 'Mite; Geisel Mrs, Larmer) of Gormley, Isabelle a : minds of the people about na- (shirley Hume 270, Dot Brabin 275, Dar. T a ee f 370 CITY-WIDE COVERAGE a1 iow cost 1s (Mrs. Tomlinson) of Bowmanville, Ada|l, at the Oshawa General Hos-).:0 007 0. 0° 1 suid lene Williams 247, 205, Marjorie Zealand : FIRST RACE -- Mile pace purse ss00 Also Started: King's ; what you get with Classified Ads. Phone |(Mrs. Long) of Oshawa. Mr. Gibner will|/pital, was held at 2 p.m.. Nov 4 se ae 240, Earline Keeler 230, Jackie Legere) IOWA CITY, lowa (AP)-- conditioned Queen, Miss Star. Ma ic, Bes wae 23-34 " an ad-writer . test at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28/3 a1 the Armstrong Funeral Mr. Whelan's problem is: (2:9, 210, Sharon Burke 218, Audrey Hep- Demonstrators d blood/ZKelly, Mac Hal, Varcor 5.00 2.80 2.50 and Tuffy Tee Orc Nant none 3 F a |Kingston Ro. W., Pickering after 7 p.m B ' ° 'that private members' bills |burn 212, Pauline Starr 213, 205 and Myrt that Thee Ain Bo Hae 00d !2.superior Richard, Hie 3.00 )'90 -- Saturday. Funeral service in the chapel| Home en ape young McGhee 210. jtha ney sald was their own on|7-Brothernoble, Feagan 2.80 SIXTH RA -- Mi 5--Lost and Found Jon Monday, November 6 at 2 p.m. Inter' "The service was conducted) 'arely become law and the |Mgghee wo Thelins 'stam of ie Universite ottae ae oe coiATH RACE -- Mile trot purse $1,400 LOST. Darx w containing 2 -- $200 JACKPOTS |ment_Erskine Cemetery ne ; Mel chances of him getting his bill | Searchers 17, The Rolling. Stones" 16,..The} & DIVErSit) Also Started: Glantord Maid, Josedale 3-Sudbury, Larkin 8.90 citizenshi> unportant - -- by Rey. Dr. H. A. Mellow, min.) Tiagces Ol slight StitchN-Times 15, The Monkees 14° and|TOWa Memorial Union Friday to|electron, elmiown, Tar Grattan ag ane ay, Waddell ae ee papers, Ca Z 52 - 50 STAFFORD ister of Northminster United BW are Sunt The Supremes 13 make persons seeking : inter-|Vir9ne's" Gypsy TFanny Symbol, Witte in LOST -- Wallet and car keys.in Wick or | staal en Church. Interment was __ in |views with U.S. Marine Corps| secono race -- mii iRise "tartee dag oR ght et a apnea gid | BROTHERS LTD. Mount Lawn Cemetery. * 3-3 DEADLOCK OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE recruiters "walk through |s1.000 conditioned eee Tee iay's Jaen a hel High gr please ce 5 9S, One Must Go Authorized. Dealers The pallbearers were Ernest) SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)-- pe ee canie vee Bil Creamer human' blood:"' pe, David, aatitton 1 769 410 3.50 Exactor, 3 and 4, paid s2i.10 ; : ate | e '-Da son, adde 0 . GLASSES, ledy's bifocals wih bieck| | ROCK OF AGES |Peeling, Richard Smith, Stewart|Victoriaville Tigers and|tripie of games of 210, 221, 295. Following About 50 members of Students|5:"2rk Ten, Hill ae in SEVENTH RACE frames = tern vicinity of| . 4 FAMILY MONUMENTS INorris, Bruce Clark, Ford Mar- Sherbrooke Beavers battled to alhim were Ti Draper ar eprays for a: Democratic Society Seo Tne 2:08 35 $1,200 claiming -- mile pace purse n J r . '. 4 3 i ¢ 1 246, 3 s : 7 : Sutllee oe talectohe hice PLUS 318 .Dundos St. E., 668-3552 'tin and Arthur Howard. 3-3 overtime deadlock in a Que-|71) Estabrooks 62 (256); 'Robin Mee presented a petition to univer-|and er ea IR LAR poeta nein pass: Davies 6.00 3.70 3.30 f Whit int bec Senior Hockey League|Laren 625 (260); Bob Burns 618 (235); |"; ; Daily Double 3 and 4, paid $27.4 8-Chi Sen 3.90 2.20 $10 | : 4 4 two| Tom Edwards 607 (239) and Bill Branton |Sity President Howard Bowen, fos ad Chief Widower, Crowe 110 per line a FUNERAL OF jSame Thursday night. The twoj,om ify signed in what they said was| THIRD RACE -- Mile pace purse s#00 VNlee anaitee; Jipa, Both Games é SYDNEY T. MARTYN |{lubs were tied 3-3 at the end of] "Girls: Mary Root 569 (197); Judy their blood. It protested U.S. in.|¢!2imi rose Abbe, Mr.- Dee Dee ana bite ot Sor eone $25 IN MEMORIAM NRS. SYDNE eagr lregulation time and neither club|Sercoran 490 (171); Ann Edwards 520 ig oa ore S-Lady Vilt Drct, <Hlird -- 6.00 3.70 2.90 vor wee. Oe And BenC rey Consolation The funeral service for Mrs.| (209) and Sylvia Burns 437 (166). volvement in the Vietnam war|t-superior Mark, Wellwood 3.80 290| EIGHTH RACE $150 Jack . ' Park| 2 able to break the deadlock' "juniors 275 and Over: Glen Uens 370land what the petition called the|4Captain Dillon, Varcoe 4.50 | $1,600 -- Mile pace p.rse Wa nts oro Game CAMPBELL -- In loving memory of/S/dney T. Martyn, 43 Parkiii' 2 49.minute overtime Period. | (20, 262); Danny Clermont Ss) (188 niversity's "implici Jon! tea aha cs |8-Roda, Wellwood 20 REGULAR @ dear dad, Matthew E. Campbell, who|Road South, who died Nov. 1, at! 171); Ron Adams 392 (188), Dave Peebles |university's "implicit sanction! Also Started: Battie Royal, . tT. Gola, {eee judy, Boyee are 6:70 y GAMES AT $20 passed away November 5, 1957. ithe Oshawa General Hospital,| PLAYERS SOLD eid OTe a)? ain Webaler 2 (218) and |of that involvement by allow:|Ora! Hi, Jerry Hat and Best Pick |3-Gina Guinea, Novels" 4.00 on We cannot bring the old days back, | ~* | Prague aaa ewar! jams b, . ; A ; Time 2:08 3 s our | 2) 5 When' wa were all together, was held at 2 p.m., Nov. 3, , INTREAL (CP)--Montreal| veading the Junior. Girls ine Recgeseed ing the marine recruiters on Blade tal RACE -- Mile pace purse| Also Started: Beverly Dillard, Arribre tI ' FO Be emes | Bi SRE Mare and eving'*mouants |the MecIntosh-Anderson Funerdl/Beavers of the Continental Foot-|H"iam. ms (035, 131. ond tallowing. her |campus. loyal" Ben, Woptes so 20 n0n/(tiiagy, Gracie Locnmver, ara ha on t ants $30 Per Game |-Sadly missed by 'daughter Florine. |Home. |ball League Tuesday announced|14) and Lynn Hollery 233 (117, 1). bead oie pacsineetgha gd here Oey, rust, Wellwood , 3.10} neal ay j - Servic: 7 | "te the p > ~ Wo or a Bantams Doubles: eigh lencearson 'e sday erw i : .|7-Scottie Purdue, Furness 4 y Early Bird 7:45 Sharp CLOUTER: = In levine 'wemory of 6 The gi ag olay ted A ba flanker Mike Haffner and 36) (197, 164) and Synth 'Uens 355° (0b ba gre Be ace gating sll sa Rea RACE -- Mile trot purse $1,000 AC t $25 full card dear sister, Judith Pike Clouter, who|Rev. N. G. Siblock. Interment/halfback Ron Lamb were sold|145) : ging, » pushing melee Also Started: Fancy Knight, Sillf Boy,|6-Ro. Juan, Walker 4 ourteous Gua passed away November 4, 1964 jwas in Hampton Cemetery |to Denver Broncos of the Amor-|. Top boys were Tim Nicholls 348 (201,|there was no violeyce Friday. Dan Congress [V-Josie Atac, "Barrios 2240 8.10. 7.80 Ad-visor uaranteed $5 a line It broke our hearts to jose you |_ The pallbearers were Raylican Football League and both pi)i,ken Elder 228, (67, 1ai)i David/There was soni jeering and|Sf'ched:, Almost, and Duke of Atom, |3-Madam 'Victor, Arthur sae ill be hi TUESDAY | For part of Us went with you jStainton, Len Marshall, Haroldjhave left to join the AFL club.|(90); Eleanna Vinsen 310 (193, 117);|some of the 1,000 spectators FIFTH RACE -- Mile pace, purse s900| Also Started: Lady Ezr ' wi e nappy The day God called you home. Martyn, Lloyd Prescott, Ted/Haffner was Montreal's most|Jim /McClimond 287 (161); Tom Herlos|hurled coins at the protestors|<!2iming |lar, Haul Away, Roy G2%@ Diller A Dol. hel Admission 50 --Sadly missed and always remembered | ' Sriah aca aluable Glaver te ' | 282,081); Ken Tripp 265 (147) and Ed during a skit {Unique Richard, Wiwd 30.90 10.50 5.40] Valley yn Girl and trish to help you c by brother Ray; Velsand children, Glover and Allan Foran, valuable player last year. Zylka 264 (151). . -King Grattan S., Coke 620 44olaftendance 3993, Handle $232,901 ART GALLERY IN CITY... THE TIMES put tion "'What value d in an art gallery? awa to students, | cials and other citiz are their replies. wards, Grade 9: gallery is alright i art. I didn't know th gallery in Oshawa. have gone to see th if I had known th any." Con, Margar "As far as I am moments City Gra To Galle In Offin« Although the Art Galle Oshawa has been founde veloped and opened witho financial assistance fro1 city, Mayor Ernest Mar! hinted a grant may be offing. "It would appear, . fro quiries which have been other cities usually suppo galleries with grants an probably should be done he told The Times in an view. He gave Windsor as a ample saying it gave $25, its art gallery, It goes to ing and maintenance, he ¢ Mayor Marks said he w lighted so many people worked so hard and so f producing the present g: The climax to their wor said, was the gift of a nev lery donated by Ewart Laughlin. Speaking of the. new g he stated "It should be a thing. There is certainly a for more cultyre. It will tremendous asset to the c The new gallery will c the neighborhood of $200,0 The processing of pape for the new gallery has delayed since July 25 whi McLaughlin architect s! proposed sites. Three favored locations have been discussed at bo: control are: south of the p1 city hall on Queen Street southeast corner of Bagot Centre streets, and at th Legion Hall on Centre Str Mayor Marks said he hoping for a site on city since it would cost the city and would improve the cit; complex. "The painting on the b around the city hall con: tion has put art in the front,"" the mayor said, "'p are thinking about art." We can't. You don't The best laundress | keep several irons-qn day. With loving ca rub away to polish tt shirt to a high gloss. But you don't have tl like the wear on you! scratches your neck. That's why we inves machines that do the faster. The machines So collars are pressec The shirts are presse means no rubbing t It also means a fine: could get with her sc Come in and see o They're fascinating. / even want to make back. If you do, we promise did. Every time. PICE Cleaners ant Shirt Laundere 728-5133 434 SIMCOE SOU'

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