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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Nov 1967, p. 3

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4 | Takes iction (CP)--Charlotte al action Friday mediate byelec. srmanic seat she esign last month "ROTTEN MANAGEMENT" CHARGE REVIVED CBC PRESIDENT WANTS FACTS |,,,,,,,, 770 OMAWA TIMES, Soturday, November 4, 1967 3 Ouimet, LaMarsh Swap Angry Words .::2° 2. Upham felt the government's win again. _By TOM MITCHELL Mr, Ouimet and Miss LaMarsh.|sion" on which she based the,appointed officials, but to theland presumably some very ©. 0momc policy was "'bleeding las set Dec. 16: OTTAWA (CP) --Open postal] The CBC president submitted charge. |prime minister and to Parlia- great changes within the corpo- the country. white." To prove | Capital Ward, warfare broke out Friday be-jhis resignation 13 months ago. The CBC "'cannot allow your|ment." ration's management." his point, he sent Prime Minis-° an Ontario Su- tween J. Alphonse Ouimet and|but agreed to stay on until new|public charges to remain iinsub-| Miss LaMarsh, who reports to, The debate in the ' Commons fer Wilson a bottle of his blood. uling that Miss Judy LaMarsh. broadcasting legislation now be-|stantiated," he said. Parliament on _ broadcastingjoften touched on the conflict be- I asked oe, doctor to drain off 1 it by bringing Mr. Ouimet, president of the fore the Commons was put on) "If your charges are correct, matters, thén flatly rejected the tween the two personages. some blood," he said. "I fainted sainst the city, in CBC, wrote a letter to Miss|the rails. Miss LaMarsh has|they must be confined to those Ouimet request for information., Miss LaMarsh elaborating' on pier he nea in legally be re- ' = LaMarsh, the secretary of state,|talked about leaving the cabinet/responsible and the corporation, On Thursday in the Commons, |her television remarks in the |demanding that she turn overj/and not contesting the next fed-|will take appropriate action. If,when she was asked what she|House, said they derived from | jthe facts on which she basedieral election. they are not justified then the had done about instances of|things she learned only within HEAT WITH OIL jher public statement that many; The paper war brought Miss reputation of the corporation poor management that had been'recent weeks. Her discoveries jareas of the CBC are subject to\LaMarsh and Mr. Ouimet down!and its people must be cleared|brought to her attention, Miss were much worse than anything DIXON'S Assaly said he pplication which it the Dec. 16 btain an order Bigg agen squarely on opposing sides. at the earliest possible mo-!LaMarsh said: she had known before poner. n a letter of. reply, Miss ment." Such instances have not been But she stressed th 4 ' ' ' a? | § at there d spinster said a LaMarsh categorically refused.| ROTTEN' CLAIM | Miss LaMarsh ticked off Mr.|brought to the attention of the was nothing new in her alain OIL ¢. 16 was "a de- Decal In the Commons she described) Mr. Ouimet referred to Miss|Ouimet for "the implication in individuals concerned since the\that something was wrong with 313 ALBERT ST. to defeat me f |Mr. Ouimet's letter as "arro-/LaMarsh's statement on the|your letter that I, a minister of bill now is béfore the House and|( RC management %g if nen will be too gant." Pierre Berton television pro-|the Crown, am in some way re- there is at least a reasonable; The Fowler co. t § of P I mmitiee study - stmas shopping Speculation about immediate|gram of "rotten management"|sponsible or answerable either probability that within the next of broadcasting the standing neh eee art ih & Came resignations of the two was tem-|within the CBC and asked for|to you or the corporation. . . ."' few weeks or months there williCommons committee and the 723-4663 pered by the positions of both|"all information in your posses-| 'My responsibilities are not tojbe some changes in personnel Glassco royal commission or i a] government operation had all SERVING OSHAWA OVER [tna this clear, Miss LaMarsh 50 YEARS lee Heraits Ottawa Stoutly Defends - = ew Ta | ae . Y | vomsn cetee Aid Program In Vietnam era in U.S. television is being |heralded with the launching pray Sunday of a two-hour color pro- TAWA gram for 45 weeks. ea alon 128-4704 and clientele McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY and BOOKMOBILE Mr. Martin said the figure helequipment he had requested Rave came from = Australia's' But it had never been used high commission here Dr. Hall, an orthopedic sur (CP)--The govern ment launched a counter-attack Friday against charges by Dr $2 00 wba sates ee or ieee Michael Hall of Toronto that) wr Strong began his testi said he had been sent 1 oe y lona and it plans to stride|Canada's foreign aid program mony as soo: y : 'i : ' & = y as in. as Mr, Martin fin- bz es and rubber gloves but 50 $2.75 Poa ie teers Moers Celts. Viewam is ungenerous, 4) ished not medicines he had asked for SATURDAY NOVEMBER 11th 1967 $10. Cee te ron Or ais |Poor quality and @ "mess The opposition claimed it was He also said some equipment : ? .. $8.00 .. $6.00 sensitive to sponsor foibles) Maurice Stron irector aes PENN fa al . often admittedly fear to tread genatal at foreign' sid, described| Ci" dues enone to (UES had not Gear jac oy wart ir R b D It will correspond to the CBC or some of Dr. Hall's criticisms as| non mt Ret ast ang | Aer itch to practise. emem rance ay the BBC inaccurate misrepresentative,| jody end stat A tly teen There won't be.a commercial distorted and deprecating. roller" 'hed yaye Hy in if in sight, of the normal variety, Dr. Hall worked for three|.. P n question at least. But planners have pre-:years in Vietnam for the Exter ten pared what they call the anti- nal Aid Office. He returned last) The committee is not sched commercial which in heavy-hit-.April. uled to meet again until Thurs ting satire may attack the; Mr. Strong said in the Com day health hazards of tobacco, for mons external affairs commit Mr. Martin said he received a example, tee that South Vietnam's minis-;message Thursday from a Ca Its first program, to be seen 'er of health expressed his|nadian medical team in Viet on a first-time-ever network of |gratefulness to a Canadian offi-inam saying current Canadian 126 National Educational Televi-|Cial--identified only as a Mr-.\projects there are timely, useful i sion (N.E.T.) stations. may well/McLaren--that the aid office and deserve support include these controversial top- had arranged for Dr. Hall's re-" ye said the team has recom : C turn to Ce da. 'ang xend A laney C.L.U, COL. McLAUGHLIN BOOSTS CHEST FUND NEAR TARGET The influence of the so-called "Bx te tna 1 Affairs Minister Se aeeptte ing Oshawa Art Gallery Presents an exhibit of Sculptures 1ch Mgr. militany-industrial complex; |Martin said Canada ranks third/py Hall's criticism that some : The Greater Oshawa Com- keen interest in the agen- cheque for the chest. Mr. |marijuana; the Negro soldier|among the 24 Colombo plan na- equipment in the first 10 units is from leading galleries throughout Ontarie munity Chest has received cies' work and each year Kelly is urging citizens who (back from Vietnam confronted "ons in aid to Vietnam _;not suitable for Vietnamese pur to ensure $330,000 in donations and one makes a substantial contri- sion not vet donated to add by the big-city ghetto; or Amer- He said later that among all poses bad appens-- person who helped push the bution to the chest cam- f eee ivan students interviewing rep- nations Canada ranks "'fourth of Mr. Martin said Dr. Hall had NEW WORLD PERFECTION Ow Showin ave the ' total near the target was paign. With,campaign chair- _ their support in raising the | recontatives of the Viet Cong. _ |fifth i been supplied with the medical' (ll isa the Col. R. §. McLaughlin. Hav- man Terence Kelly (left) final $28,000 needed to push | The production will be from). Dr.. Hall Sige does questioned fe : : LAR RANA R ing assisted in providing and T. L. Wilson, chest spe- the chest drive over the (the Public Broadcasting Labo-|Mr. Martin's Oct. 11 Commons | 4 eens . hem. facilities for many of the 20 cial names committee chair- target : i ratory at New York, the action| Statement ete eee We Benet GALLERY HOURS: Community Chest agencies, man, watching, Col. Mc- : end of the N.E.T. network. 'Fi-| Canadian aid to Vietnam in 195: j hat your * Col. McLaughlin takes a Laughlin signs a _ $30,000 --Oshawa Times Photo nanced by a $10,000,000 Ford|we have allocated - as much BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE Saturday and Sunday; 2 to 5 pm home to moon PE iC Lae Re oe en ee scaricare: ----| Foundation grant spread over|Money to assistance in this area NOVEMBER 1967 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:30 to 10 p.m. |two years, the laboratory has|48 any other country but two. 6 Wednesday: 12 to 5 p.m. e . i x lured some major names from| Dr. Hall said at least six Wilson Plaza (Wilson S, & Crerar 1 & 1S & 29 2:30---S:00 1c] i 1e ecad commercial TV. couptries have given more aid) ake Vista Plaza (Cedar & Wecker 2& 16 & 30 2:30--5:00 Edward P. Morgan, for.nerly|than Canada--the U.S., France,|@ oy. c, F, Connon School (Oxford & Emerald) 2 & 16 & 30 S:30--8:00 with the American Broadcasting|Japan, Germany, Australia and Braemor Plaza (Stevenson N. & Annopolis) 6 & 20 3-00--8:00 \ e e ° Co., is chief correspondent. Oth-|Thailand. Power Store (King E, & Wilson N.) 7&2) 2:00--5:00 1S OT1C ession n ers. include Robert (Robin)| Mr. Martin gave these expen- A, & P. (Simcoe N. & Tecumseh 9 & 23 2:30--5:00 U.S., $1,- Simcoe Plaza (Simcoe $. & Ritson $.) 10 & 24 2:30--5:00 MacNeil in London, a Canadian|ditures for 1960-66: caus ' | : a9 -|Q Eastview Park (Central Park & Fulalie) 10 & 24 5:30--8:00 OTTAWA (CP)-- Parliament| The first sitting, with Sir John) With the Speaker selected, the Pehle okt D A Pee me NABARE to he path heg Rosslynn Plaza (Rossland W. & Stevenson 25 10;00--12:00 Monday will modestly mark its/A. Macdonald as primp minis-|Commons adjourned until the The individual stations have)$1,300,000 and Britain, $891,000. |) tiarmony Church (King E. & Harmony N.) 14 & 28 2:30--5:00 . OSHA first session 100 years ago to thejter, was a continuation of the|next day when Lord Monck peony the poor relations of the| He gave no figures for| haa Nellis Suse (heacld A: Rincon 'Fk on $:30--8:00 Telford day with a little speechmaking (Confederation experiment. |made a return trip to read the! world, usually community-|France, Germany or Thailand| ae re en , ; 7% SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA, ONTARIO ceremony and the showing of a/\ After Lord Monck departed,|throne speech, containing g0V- cunnorted on budgets as low as/and officials of the External Aid|¢ Please note -- Bookinobile will not stop at Rosslyn Plaza en Soturday, E we so dius took ck wil to Ue ee nT" I orto tae ay tee the now (PRON, 2 TeRt, SID ee Ee tear cae "not| Maverier1), Ramenibronca Dey, art of the look back w : peaker to preside over the n e on local tal-/available. 3 LY clude a ceremonial visit to the] fs2-member Hodee, Sir John/capital. Most of the 20,000 yeak oe cones film. They/France and Germany are not; --~~~~***S*\\YyYY = ana Senate by Chief Just R.|Chose net minister from|dents lined the route to Parlia-|},9adcast on ultra-high frequen-|members of the Colombo Plan. BR ae aie Cartwright to give royal assent/his Liberal-Conservative- coali-/ ment Hill to watch Lord Monck|cies. Previous live network| Dr. Hall had given the Aus- ei to some parliamentary bills. He'tion government, James Cock-/pass through the ramshackle| shows have been rare. tralian figures as $12,000,000. AMA K TIED, KM AW) is acting for the Governor-Gen-| burn, hia town on the Ottawa! ibaa sensational ' sh tlipeees ese | eral, who is touring Alberta. Joseph Dufresne, MP for the 'ver. : Hs The same day, the premiere Gusher riding of Monctcalm pea ony ged mk ag auiience ay AT T ENTION FARMERS ! | ----------, of a National Film Board film! objected on the grounds Mr.|c!uded almos gowne 4 | on Parliament will be held in'co¢k burn could not speak| women besides MPs and sena- WHY PAY MORE ? the Parliament Buildings. " French well enough. tors crowded into the Senate The Cartwright visit to the chamber, PREMIUM | upper house is reminiscent of CONFLICT BEGINS ' : ; SAVE $ $ (@) ITY | the trip made Nov. 6, 1867, bY @ ys, Cartier, sir John's mil: DENTURES HURT? QUAL MESSAGE FOR THIS NEW AGE! the British-appointed governor tia minister, defended his col- | spots...helps prevent « drove to the Senate building in!flict in Parliamtent over|odor and infection, Ask > Farm Tanks And Pumps Available a carriage to perform the open-| French-Canadian rights in the '°"" Peete er Sacco ee Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District ing ceremony that Jaunched the| ynited Canada. ite re Seven of a just-united | ---------------------------- -- Call Collect COLONIES RAISED UP CITY OF OSHAWA 663-3341 g 5 Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, REQUIRES A QUALIFIED FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY | Ontario and Quebec had been PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE $ $ §$ $ $ $ $ | | general of the time, Lordi .ooue and Mr. Cockburn was, Evetthe best fitting dentures can hurt. Keey . H H | | hh oa ws <P , *k re ora-~jel® di handy for fast, Jong-lasting re G | . D t | | 1 Charles Stanley Monck voted in. The exchange was the| re nae aie carey dor fast, long-lasting re) WQSOUIRG lesei an oror Viis | FE NEA WI N YT a Lord Monck and his party|beginning of a century of con-|s7t2ble..,soothes sore gem mivinn ny, | ear é i | | Bible Scholar and World Traveler , DISCUSS "WHY MODERN MAN NEEDS THE BIBLE" Tia IVaNieviVaLvaNivevigat pavivariiva raised up from individual colo- nies to members of a largely-in- dependent country by an act of | the British Parliament SALARY RANGE -- $5,658.00 to $6,507.00. 5 Plus 14 Other Timely Topics Including: _ ae | . : ----= EB "New .Morality and Situational Ethics" 5 Duties to commence as soon as possible, Generalized 'pro- He 5 ' yi P: gramme in an official agency. Beginning salary according to i) "The Sin That Will Pack Hel! , etc. K | experience. | Ey =H Liberal personnel policies and fringe benefits. Apply to: Personnel Officer, City Hall, Oshawa. 432% The public is cordially invited to SAVINGS fT COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES ACCOUNTS A% éhtouinc | Saturday, November 4,-8 p:m. ACCOUNTS PERSONAL GUEST SPEAKER s and LOANS DR: G. E. WILLEY - lired, ; CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST | President of Durham College of Applied Arts & Technology & SAVINGS CORPORATION # 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa ] 723-5221 arn 23 King St, Wo, Bowmenvine | The R. S. McLAUGHLIN IN A NIGHTLY TWO-WEEK CRUSADE NEAL C. WILSON The First Presentation is on Sunday, November 5. at 7:30 p.m. when the subject will be: "STRANGE SIGHTS IN THE SKY" Opening Night will include Special Music by the Kingsway College Choir directed by R..C. Coupland hoe SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M: VUE TI PORO TE ure = CLEMENT'S SUPERTEST STATION 102 SIMCOE STREET NORTH LAWLESS SHELL STATION 227 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH MEADE'S SUNOCO STATION 588 KING STREET EAST JIM CROWELL'S B-A SERVICE STATION 263 KING STREET WEST SPECIAL PROGRAMME "4 FREE: Each Evening for Children Ages 2 to 12 ment : : : . | To Every Adult _ % OPEN . Collegiate and Vocational Institute KEMP'S SHELL, STATION rye COME AND BRING THE FAMILY NiGHTS 1047 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH and Young Person -- : IB over 16 years of age round cap SATURDAYS REFRESHMENTS AND DANCE WILL FOLLOW SID ASHTON'S SHELL STATION | : nailed & 480 PARK ROAD SOUTH WHO ATTENDS THE OPENING NIGHT COLLEGE PARK SUNDAY ---7:30 P.M. } SEVENTH-DAY sd iii CLIFFORD AND DODD TEXACO SERVICE CENTRE -* 1080 SIMCOE STREET NORTH EVERYBODY BENEFITS*..:. EVERYBODY GIVES rs s } I re . COMMUNITY CH EST | McDONALD FORD SALES a This Beautiful" * ADVENTIST CHURCH ; " * os ; | KING STREET War ast trvnion ROAD 256 Page Book... 1164 King Street Eost, Oshawa -- MANY cameaicns in ONE, :

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