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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1967, p. 9

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of Ted Gerela, ecord with five Canadian rook- ed on kicks of | 25 yards with leliv [uli conn FLIGHT PIERCES MORNING STILLNESS -- By DAVID WATTS of The Times Staff A snowstorm forced Oshawa air cadets to cut short a navi- ti is s y, 5 kc yer. . > i > enon exerci, yey, Cael Gay Ole nk rer, Sana agus Seite a tency one gators had planned to fly to headings and map reading was COBO te: reer. Bue Ee freight train slithered through ; Lindsay for a belated break- Cadet John Morrison ed on watches as the cadets the frosty countryside and a fast and then set course for The sun glinted off the lake's TOUGHER Sow Th A. BEN took Piper |Apache ,twin executive 4 Buttonville. a surface as "the aircraft skirted pooped -- i oS plane swept below. ; a4 But, 15 minutes after take- the great-white wall of the edge Libel et ice et rd End eth AB ala And just smder 15 minutes off, the lead aircraft, flown by John Evans, flew into a snow- storm a few miles east of Lake Scugog. After a call over the radio from John, the eight Cess- nas and one Chipmunk changed course for' the north of the lake's island and then south to- ward Buttonville. flight in the early morning still- ness and while Jotm flew the aircraft most of the time he took a few minutes off to let of the storm and John said: "It's right on the deck. We could never get through it." Port Perry slid by beneath the aircraft and then Toronto came in view on the far horizon. Plainly visible below was a light covering of. snow. Next Stouffville came and went and circuit at Buttonville's prosper- ous little airport. The new. building gleamed in the harsh sunlight as the Cessna bacon and eggs took a ham- mering from the hungry crews, while they watched other pilots' antics on the. cross-wind ap- proach. Fit.-Lieut. Ted Gilbank round- ed up his '"'squadron" and by 10:25. the aircraft were lifting sky-wards again. 120-knot cruising speed, the planes flew parallel to Highway 7 and everything went smoothly till the Ajax air proved rough-- downtown Oshawa ap- peared below the high- wing Cessna and the planes banked round to the left as the tower warned of a five mph later, " wind. Seconds later the planes touched down and taxied in. "It was terrific," said a first- time cadet and most everybody crt It was a "smooth as cream" soon the planes joined the busy Maintaining 3,000 feet and a agreed, mn Battalion Reunion Here Friday r, too. Veterans of the 116th Battal-| % jion of the Canadian Expedition-| ,, jary Force will cdmmemorate| ithe 50th anniversary of the bat- | le of Passchendale, Belgium, 0 ape jat their regular reunion Friday AWA at the Hotel Genosha. | More than 100: persons will at- |tend the dinner and social hour _ including Lt. Col. L. P. M. 'Tig-| |gelers of the Ontario Regiment land Mayor Ernest Marks. : British Columbia's Lt. Gov.} G. R. Pearkes, formerly colonel of the 116th battalion, will not at- |tend. He said in a letter to |reunion chairman W. L. Pierson| |that he dedicated a memorial] jat Passchendale two months ago| _|which also commemorated the ~|World War I battle «| Herbert Cook, honorary Col 1 of the Ont g 7 Ba ard 7 NTTAT ' tier ' seat -peetho fenuint "ia tie tnt ae CADETS IN NINE AIRCRAFT SKIRT SNOWSTORM NEAR LAKE SCUGOG '|talion, will be guest speaker at - Planes Start Journey To Buttonville From City Airport 3 Pp {the dinner. | "Last Post" will be played| by a bugler of the Ontario Reg- jiment, and members of the reg- (Oshawa Times Photo) Che Oshawa Cimes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, NEW ZEALAND GIRL MAKES MANY NEW FRIENDS, INCLUDING HORSE «+. Girl Travelling On International Farm Youth Exchange liment's pipe band will enter- tain SNOW FLURRIES, | Reunions haye been held in j|Oshawa every one and one half |years since 1948. Prior to that The first snow flurries of |Year, veteran soldiers met in the season arrived in the |Toronto. city Sunday -- exactly 50 Veterans are expected to come| days before Christmas. _ \from several parts of Canada| _ It was cold and mainly jand the United States. during Life In New Zealand Described By Visitor FIRST IN CITY 1967 the day Durham County Junior Farm- ers and other groups in the area are learning about life in New Zealand this week. The junior farmers are host to Miss Geraldine Miller of Uruti, New Zealand, who has been trav- elling in the United States since} the middle of April as part of bal dances and native costumes, Elementary and secondary are only brought out on cere-|schools have a 13-year course monial occasions. as in Ontario, but all schools "There are no native ani-|have a pool, and swimming is mals in New Zealand, and sey-|part of the physical education eral of the birds, like the noc-|program, said Miss Miller, a turnal Kiwi, have remained|grade seven teacher when at sunny although north of the city the flurries turned into a brief snowstorm leaving "white | evidence" on the ground. The temperature in the city at 7 a.m. today was 30 de- Legion Sells 30,000 Poppies Each Person Is Unique, flightless." home. grees. Last night was the coldest Oshawa has had this the International Farm Youth fall, a spokesman of Weather The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, raised approximate- ly $5,000 in poppy sales between Says College President gouge wehe tells about a emall coun- | Meee Inquiries at, Malton, Airport [s'pm, Friday and 6 pam. Satur try of two and a half million 'e lay. 20 pools which is first in world] FA ge el at fe About 30,000 of the 35,000 por- NIAL CERTIFIC ATES Traqaua ion vercises .080 gauge. export of butter and cheese and : of 24 degrees in the Oshawa eee ery iy -2 fo gt ad CENT EN oo pong ig coer, 'escent in ; area and to 19 degrees in [or thé legion will not canvass A Th Hi h h -- pfeil and where Christ-| | il southern Ontario. re- thi week, but poppies may be WILL BE D I 5 TR IB U 7 E D t ree 1g C. 00. {bought at the Legion Hall at 080 gauge s is in the summer _holi- ba F i wach. 18 days. BP get cogs ny Soke [471 Simcoe St. S. | Certificates marking the born to On the occasion More than 540 Oshawa higtied if the hare had sat on a ' Bolom wie aves on FO change "a great deal" today |, The poppies are made by dis-! with of all babies born in of beginning life as a citizen |SC%00! students participated in/thistle. Y%x4x4 Miss Miller says she would be bled veterans at Vet Craft) QU" ; . ' ; graduation exercises at three} He concluded his speech by ee hi ictures and talk or tomorrow. foes s in Toronto or at Ste.| Oshawa during centennial of Canada and a resident of /Ochawa collegiates, Saturday. |savine. "When you meet ha eq. 1.22 oe a Jesland i ay lanne de Bellevue in Montreal,| Year will soon be ready for Oshawa, in the province of Br 3 Bosses Callens ships" moet" pee a sts pet Dee nae work late hae : Branch 48 of tha Noval Cana: distribution from city hall. Ontario, we eae child had aout 910 ibdlintes; Bile and: courace.' CARRY t The large mementoes are every gift of health, happi- |") © uv" @ ohli iB . schedule. ae oad Parag Pi Development, dian Legion spent $1,200 last) in two colors -- blue for a ness and good fortune in the espa a mere - AT DONEVAN N a0i8 inte : Hee need ve oe ns ilies; boy and pink for a girl. as ee ee spectively. i : | At Donevan Collegiate, A. B. 2016). Mailler eave the Iaand'é jveterans and their families;| 4 small amount of letter- The certificates will be is- | nl Woods, secondary "aphoot" fe Miss Miller feta yada nted 40 prove $1,100 for ; Christmas Cheer ing work: and insertion of sued in the name of the city | Guest aa ner' at arctan in oecton SOOKE 46 the Se Gates prepended J shee farming with | apie Ne me widows! the babies' names are need- centennial committee ciel ee Ea bibs on the basic theme of individ- ee a is ee i fe Die | APP SE onntral: decided: al of veterans; $500 for rent, and ed. signed by the chairman bad president of Durham oo ies of ality) He sald they aigdli noe ature Gat vemnies bove freez- ts last meeting the city has no|! the balance of the money) re) They read: "In testimony the mayor, ABpIeR ATS An ecHneee become conformists and follow reps hg Pe gel sded "a 4 Lint st in the land at the) jeelved-Hrsugn DODpIPS 18 SDen to the fact that in the year They bear a drawing of a |who told the students receivins ag crowd and "hop on every . : a 2 ' sc Bait re 1 p enh a ee ie pint bey By the hill in the proposed '®, Pay bisa nel ag Ryton 1967, during celebrations of sacs bootee . the Jeft pons tae ture ha Bandaacen : 7 ments y 1] Canada's 7e¢ i d and corner, wi a . diene milking parlor can milk 150 subdivision of Ralna Limited. | dues, and sick comforts to vet races Digs os ne 'ea tennial flag. | "The significance of being} He encouraged the students cows in an hour and a half. DOUGLAS KLEIN ROBERT HOGG | The board adopted a recom-| jerans when they need them. _ | 8 : ee unique," Dr. Willey said, "'isjto be individuals and use their Very nag det ee al «+. joins Times - +.» to Toronto bern gg BB RE ag) 'the| -- not growing a beard -- any i ne Sy support their princi- grown ie cows pasture 2 roperty | man can -- and is not growing/les and ideas. year in hilly fields that are er- jdeveloper be free to develop} 500 Att d 100 D St d t jlong hair -- any person under} "Don't take a position with ssi isn't ace' TIMES ANNOUNCES CHANGE |* "xm " ONevaN OtUCeMtS ee od eee carnal flat a go off on holidays in ed tree mn sane ye Fs | |grow it to any length." "but be shrewd enough to iso- winter months when he cows u Vv t Sh . ly a aa ate agtat- ip rte ete uae ION DEPARTMENT (..2zs.2 7 2s) Vanlety show Ik For Chest Campaign onic iience? sittin: Sinus" corage 1 Boel Marri 'people Adie Fe hes also adonied. the city, in About 500 danded a id developed through a rede o-|of your conviction." p etely integrated iss Mi i an) Abou a persons attende . } 1 e} ys ki said, "There are Maori in Mall Douglas J. Klein has been culation manager of The |conjunction with the Central/,, jiajian variety show last! About 100 high school students|numerous at Ajax as when they eg called perception, h gine tas, no, muaet speabae businesses and professions. Tri-| appointed new circulation Times for almost three |Lake Ontario Conservation Au- night at the Marks Theatre, from Donevan, Collegiate walk-jleft. 'They must have picked) pe ; a S pak ttony a ebch an elven manager of The Oshawa years. Mr. Hogg will take a |thority, negotiate the purchase/™8 led to Ajax Saturday to raisesome up along the way, No two ao i dl oe ete Conner ares Times. Mr. Klein assumed position as assistant circula- jof landg lying east of the Osh-| The celebrations were to mark} - oney for the Greater Oshawa |said. lobject the same, No wo p es é a: aiahek | his duties today tion director at the central |awa Creek, north of the swim- | Victoria Day, an Italian holiday nunity Chest campaign,) Two policemen on motor ple even have tle same experi- schol: arship winner and win ervice Be ; "( |Community Hes pare are thus unique in - the University Women's Club SAKRETE Formerly an Oshawa resi- office of Thomson News- The|4, since World War |ming pool and west of the pro-| \celebrated each year on Nov. which onde todaw: One, cycles and one on foot escorted|ences and limits|this regard.' to, was killed. prevent the true story of the vard and Oshawa Home and dent, Mr. Klein worked at papers, Toronto. \posed Ralna_ subdivision. The walkers carried adver-jthe students to the city al murgererier ea mer) "MENT . The Times 10 years ago as Prior to his post in Osh- jexact area will be defined by) An Italian movie calledijiement signs for retailers who| where the Whitby detachment! Dr. Willey said each person|Sch : tor enie | circulation representative for awa, Mr. Hogg was circula- |the planning director and the| "Age nt 001 - Operation Gian-\caye them donations for thejof the Ontario Provincial Police|has knowledge which others! | two and one half years, and tion manager of the Daily |chairman of the authority. jacia" was shown, Pop singersiCgmmunity Chest. At press|took over. The Whitby detach-|don't have, and can thus con- a keke ovelae tue MIX Reports that Ontario's Go| then six years at the Daily Press in Timmins for five ----~|Luciano Virgili and Nico Fiden-|time, a figure of the amount|ment of the OPP escorted the|tribute in their own way to A st ee es Ly transit line will be extended Packet _ Times in ide Hacteg Bod aie 5 ees TOP STUDENT Petyous ay gino sits ne lat money raised, was not avail- jwalkers to Ajax and back to! ete Pe problem and ado thelr best in the future east of Pickering to Oshawa, as circulation manager. He aily News, Kirkland Lake, PORT PERRY -- To student| and Enzina Beri were a hus re shawa, ach person 1s unique andiu7,"0,0 s have been denied by govern-| was also circulation manager for six years, as assistant |trophy for grade eight Raglan|and wife comedy team for the! Aho 50 students, who left, 'The students- overlooked can stand high in his own area ge sss rar core of Rigas meént. officials. at the Sarnia Observer for circulation manager and public school was presented to| Show. ithe Oshawa Shopping Centre atlaching muscles to_run_ the last!o¢ competence," he said, add ae ee eee haa ae ae "The report. (first published, two and one-half years. manager. .He 'has _.also--had_7.4he]) Fett. daughter of Mr.}--Miss Toronto Italia' 1968" and|9:30 a.m. Saturday, did not| imile to Ajax," said Mr. Schell.| ing that people: spec Sane RaucatiOn ad d_only water, by a Toronto newspaper) is-ab-- Mr. Klein succeeds Robert 'short stays at other Thom- |.nq Mrs. Robert Flett, RR 2,/Miss Italia Montreal 1967, who|make the 20- odd mile hike al- "They chanted the school song,|co-operate in bringing pro an_are ch at a doorway one last solutely without foundation and| J. Hogg, who has been cir- son newspapers. Oshawa, at Port Perry junior|were scheduled to appear, did|though principal Arnold~ Schelljtoo, : he A eso It a a press, ne Tt a a ek ) Ib. bag may eed oe iat pei commencement. not attend. says the 'walkathoners' were as mendous boost to school sy [INTENDED Te WORK SOON Teaue 10° higher" educa: an for the con r service |_---- ee mn ME ' y also told the stu ¢ along the Lake Ontario shore-| Dr. Willey a {49 S oe l 99 line said in a statement Satur- ie? 000 AT CEREMONY WREATH AT MONU. NT boa io ef ssa en poets ie -- everything we sre; Lucille Bak ¢ irahe a} a a ne -- things grow and}lor were also presented with in Oshawa; Gh euig reNaugh g an-/Ontario scholarships. The in Oshawa, Charles MacNaugh- pak from cra stage to an - gio scholarships, a See shawa ungarians Mark Rev Se "Sag aa a Ee minister, said a decision to ex- selves out of phase with the| gre 3 st 7 : page 0 of more than 80 0 per cent. tend GO would not be made Tnivetea" f more than | tL i i i Z action until 1969, after studies were 5 g Bs i f the patri- izers and the fighters against tion at homes "and hospitals, There is a great satisfac | F U : rk the 11th anniversary massacre of Hungarian freedom The massacre of the pat zers g 1 ' Joe t sae made on the first few years of fe daca uprising being told," he 'paid. "but the ots in front of the radio build- Red, tyrants. killing _and wounding bs Hb ee bi geluecne George Roberts Sree ae ae ee ae against the communists on Nov. 56,000 deaths, the 36,000 deport- ing in the parliament square , Red stars and Soviet relics and children behind i wa a shag ate 2 Po se HB eth -- vei bal sataad asta -- 4, 1956, about 30 Hungarians ed and the 200,000 refugees are and at the town Magyarovar, came tumbling down all over Big oda Fg gis bag Fi as Wie ee Named Chairman from Oshawa and district trav- the accusing voices and wit- united and welded together the the city and the 25-foot bronze hee gg im Oe doer: mcnidine for spiritual and men-| B ill Man elled to Toronto Saturday to lay messes of that: monumental Une) sapere 0 epee statue of. Stalin, erected on-the janes a hangs th rows from tal uncer tainty. TORONTO -- George Roberts owmanvene a-wreath in Budapest Park at crime of 1956." against their enemy," Mr. Zav- site of the removed Regnum street lights and tas poles "Happiness," he continued, of Oshawa was elected chair- In P Condition Whe ees, monument ue panne. ae conten oy Live rig tional up- pe baal ane x lias is at Caroue Yet, in the early days of the "eomes from strengthening spe- man of the Canadian Education | wie an a ee Be ey aa ae at ca a c Uirony Wes Smashed: rising, the Red Army and cial talents and recognizing, Week Committee for 1967-68 at a TORONTO (Staff) -- A To- ians took part in the ceremony. 23, 1956, in Budapest, when 200,- rising was a revolt in the class- "The fall of this idol was the eS et Hen Wie de. aiibueness. the| annual national meeting % ronto General Hospital spokes- Leading the local .cntingent 000 Hungarian men and women, ical sense, a supreme, protest fll ol a dew Bastille? he sald. : rye a Be ae ol Mere vouk. caiebiy | snlate | man _ this morning reported was Ott Zavesiczky of Oshawa led by intellectuals and armed of oppressed human' beings eer ue Aaa - e 4 "4 Ss nap eafieatoane si aT ban 'vaur Mmeniem | May Roberta: is directok af Richard Robinson's oondiHoe es cree of ee Cones Er ye a ice pocorn Racanintig oo Pia wee how Saige iar anybinig but fel ras Mr. moments follow an achieve-jeducation with the Oshawa * : P deration. country's national flag, organ- oreign bayonets. ; of their gary, Sho bD , Mr. s 'e not truly edu-|School Board and past presi- ¢ "Beinn 19, 31. King St Tr aan said the mem- ized a Solemn march. i i He nag ea a hae who, ee g Hvlea Many ee tains coe cnt bans so ot nto doldent of 'The Canadien Teachers » Re aay ek at: this demon- ad been the subject of sci- ntire 8 i , h e de hope re yc m Penaratibe: ARD Bowmanville, was injured Sat-| \ ory of the Hungarian patriots In the course of 1 bee > SU e Sa tn ti Ae houte at Nod tha Keema ie that Wie crime something excellently. : : wee | ' i kless entific indoctrination were the and, in the early urs of Nov, he. s Ss sad t The committee is responsible urday in-a two-car accident at who laid down their lives in a stration, fhere was rec ti tion a ae : ; ST ae an ae, Te heck up tis mpaeaiteits : _responsibl aa ; ' faite He was driving one heroic fight to make their coun- shooting by the secret police, he first to man the barricades. The 4, 1956, they a Ag om tol a i a Dee weaee Te egested the stu:fat the national level for the Hoth, Me nee , of 'car' ; try sovereign and free deserved claimed, and the massive comminist educated youth, slaught with $3 anks an Laves y, is ila Tents cbt tie gary of 'conduct HE CANGALIGR weak: Held splinter ee ar . j : ef or i armed intervention of the Red members of the army and more than 200,000 soldiers. tion will be foiled. The univer- nM the tortoise, andlevery year during the first week ; 5 ee ee Moe al Ar iberal- yorkers in wh ame the re- Soviet tanks roamed Buda- sal conscience will not lend it- jthe hare an he a : y "Sigatiaan * Whenhc "TI viet did everything to Army nade the peaceful liberal workers in whose nam 1 i lend il Me Rave REDDER: lof March. : Sy ee B tweliees, Tare one y g izing process impossible. gime ruled, became the organ- pest, shooting without discre- self thereto, nor will history. think what wou %

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