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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1967, p. 11

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any or firm where you d a career. st cases, the best way is is'to research news- advertising and trade to discover job fields e growing so much ffer a chance to part- orkers who skills. hope AWA TIMES PICTURE E-PRINTS . Discount on Orders 5 or More Pictures Available ot WAY PHOTO SERVICE King St. E., Oshawa 10 -- 1.50 each (7 -- 1.25 each S 44th ONTINUES BROS ATE LOVELY DRAWER CHEST $29.95 E for 8 8 5 O'CLOCK TEAS TAL CES SUGAR BUTTER SPOON KNIFE REG, «SPEC. «SAVE IFE 4.00 2.40 1.60 RK 2.50 1.50 1.00 5 50 90 80 MANY OTHERS Ltd. ORTH 9:00 P.M. Art lovers denuded the walls. of the McLaughlin .Li- brary auditorium in short order, following the opening vice-president of the Art In- stitute of Ontario, intro- duced the exhibition. He is seen above, right, explain- of the introduction "of the ing fine points of his paint- second collection of contem- ing, 'Rocky Mountain Lake- porary Canadian paintings shore', a composition of assembled for picture rent- rock and sky, and below al service Alan Collier "Neil's Harbor Light', an ] DISTINGUISHED CANADIAN ARTIST OPENS NEW RENTAL east coast landscape. In his statement of an artist and address, Mr. Collier gave therefore was "abstract" to interpretations of today's the viewer only. His own forms of art. He explained personal statement speaks "Op", "Pop", representa, of the Canadian landscape. tional and abstract. He said Several of his paintings are that he felt reluctant to use in private collections in the phrase "abstract" as a Oshawa. The evening was a homeowners -- Carrying $150 paintings to rent for $3.00 per month. Seen with | Mr Collier are Murray Hofstetter, MCVI art: teach- er and Miss Enid Wallace; chief librarian --Oshawa Times Photo off painting was a_ personal great success with many Mrs. John Reardon opened;Grand Matrons in attendanceyand Mrs Clayton Orpwood, her home to the Women's Aux-jand twenty-one past officers)Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald iliary of the Oshawa Police|from' the Sunbeam Chapter.|(Jerry) Orpwood, and Mr. and Association last Wednesday for|Out-of-town visitors were from|Mrs. Gary Plumb, Oshawa.| lits monthly meeting. Final ar-|Whitby, Markham, Bowman-!Mr. and Mrs. Orpwood were in November. Stouffville, Peterborough, the Reverend C. W. DeMille. china or glass together while Warkworth, Ontario; New They received many anniver- the mending cement dries a | Mrs. L. S. Peacock held a Brunswick, Scotland and Ber-|sary gifts from their family _ a su -- wants postnuptial tea on Saturday|muda. at their home following the din- Ss ! ! ! | afternoo for Mrs. Herbert r y ale Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 6, 1967 I] parnes. Toronto, the former, Mr. ard Mrs, Kenneth w. "°" Patty: . ! Sale! _\Miss Elizabeth Gertrude Pea-|Farrow, Christie Avenue, Mr.| Michael Jor Yearsley, son of SOCIAL & PERSON 4 Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nathan, Miss Anna Warcholak, Bond Street East, have re-|awa has been granted an awar turned from a three-week vaca-|of $200 by the Golden Jubilee} tion they spent in Hawaii. Chapter IODE. Miss Warcholak Six members of the Catholic Women's League attended the Spiritual Communication Day held at Lady of the World Church, Scarborough, recently. The speaker was the Reverend Daniel Donovan who spoke on the "Christian Renewal." in Toronto, ter Sunahara, of Toronto, jauthority in Oriental Art, wh jwill discuss and illustrate | " - Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mowat)Arts and Crafts of Japan'. Mr Mrs. and their daughter-in-law, Mrs.|Sunahara is a top Canadian ar- John Mowat, were in Hamilton on Friday for the convocation of McMaster University for the conferring of degrees, ' Hye si which John Mowat received his|at the National Art Gallery and bachelor of arts degree. scholarships for four and a half years in Japan and South East rangements were made for bazaar and tea to be held later wood, | Peacock, bride. The guest of honor also| greeted each guest on arrival. Osh- Pouring tea at a table centered ard with an arrangement of brown, igold and yellow flowers and foliage i 4 candles, is attending Teachers' College Myers, Mrs. J. Clinton Fetter-| an|son, Greenwich, Connecticut; | Ann Specht, Miss Janet both of Toronto; o| Miss «phe! Archibald, ae Mrs. Harry Campbell, Minden; rry Gay, a ace eed. Cobourg; |Taylor and Mr. Gay, both sen-|@ cousin, tist who has studied abroad on' Mrs. during|Asia. His works are on display Chapter, Belleville, Port neth Farrow's niece Miss sister-in-law of thelot Lakefield, Brighton. Mr. and : Mrs. and golden - brown | Farrow. were Mrs, | Harvey Mrs. Robert Mrs. Murray Mathe-| many. Joseph Chapell, Belleville.|ior citizens, have had a the officers of the Sunbeam Bath, Somerset, England. Number 73, of the Order of the Eastern Star at tended the wedding of Mrs. a ville, Toronto, Keswick, Colling Ken- Eliza-|the beth Simpson to Carman Riel) on eerine ed tended ONeill neth Farrow also attended the {25th wedding anniversary cele- bration of his brother and sis- jter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Guests from out-of-town who ly, Mrs. Ewart Alger and Mrs. | attended the Fudge-Scoville wed- The University Women's Club|Eric Y. Green. Serving were/ding I: t Saturday included Mr./..q Mrs. Harold T. Brain, for. will hold its general meeting on|Mrs. Douglas Kemp, Bowman-jand Mrs. Wednesday at Adelaide House.| ville; The guest speaker will be Wal-|Oshawa; Boudreau, Sheffield,|from Trenton, formerly of Ger- Mrs. Charles Taylor, To-|Mr. Ferry.. Robert Brain, broth ronto, was a Sunday visitor ofjer of the bridegroom, was the Burk Street. Mrs,)best man and James Wilkinson, long- standing friendship since their| Mrs. J. J. Mrs. Gordon Wight installed young days when both lived in W. H. Gifford, grandmother and hi + af To celebrate their 40th wed-|John Wilkinson and daughters, |have been exhibited at most Of/an installation ceremony held ding anniversary Mr. and Mrs.|Pamela and dinner Mrs. James Toppings |the well known galleries in Can-4, Thursday. The officers in:|Hanry Otowood. Park Road The Misses Betty and Winni-/ada. stalled were Worthy Matron,'South, held a family fred Thomson attended the) @yt-or-town guests who attend-|Mrs.. Thomas M. Hanna, and party at the Hotel Genosha on autumn convocation of Mc- fantit O Gaciaaki. wade Worthy Patron George Taylor. Saturday evening. The gather- Master University on Friday /¢4_ the Neault - aCe Other members of the execu-jing included their daughter,| when the degree of Doctor of ding Saturday included Mr. and tive included Mrs. Brian °C.|Mrs, Joseph Domino of But Philosophy was conferred upon ae Dans ay % a a Curry, Brian' Curry, Mrs. Clif-/falo, New York, and grandson, their nephew, Robert Kenneth rom bale Gs 48 z eens af ton Moore, Mrs. Richard Wil- Danny Domino of the -Univer- Allan. Dr. Allan is the son of and. Mrs. Felix Nizman, \liams, Mrs. Gerald Lohnes,'sity of Bideford, Maine; Mr.| Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Allan as Rego ane nye Maney Rist Mrs. Henry A. Bickle, Mrs ; : mae : and Mrs. snoyer, : ilig Mine oS of Dundas, formerly of Oshawa. Pierette Le Brun, all of Corn- ee ie a CAN'T TALK ' ie ' . wall; Henry Nizman and Law-\My< Laverne Wilson. Mrs. Ger-) CARDIFF, Wales (AP)-- pena neeageageraat . rence Nizman from Ottawa; Mr. a Beat Mrs. had Seed, Some five-year-old children ar- the members of the North-\anq Mrs. Leon Piskonowicz Mrs. Clayton Pritchard, Mrs.|rive in British schools virtually minster Come-Double Club and Buffalo, New York; Mr, and guq Kemp, Mrs. Stanley David-unable to talk, says Margot their guests.was/ held recently Mrs, Leon Galant, London On-\<on and Mrs. Robert. Wi on.|Woodward, a schools inspector. in the lower hall.of the church.|'atio; Mr. and Mrs. | C hester Honored guests at the instaNg-/She said most of them come| Mannequins dressed in fashions Kuriata, Kitchener, Mr. and tion ceremony were Mrs. Ednhifrom homes in which the par-| from over a period of many Mrs. Albert Tisi from Welland, Anderson, Mrs. George Thrasttients are inarticulate and the Ontario. Toronto guests are Mr. er and Albert Lowry. TherAonly words the children' hear years looked down from their ¢ ; z places on the siege, On a sp en Pig aoe Mr rural setting complete with rail 4" amily, ' hoe fences and lanterns. The tables |2"d Mrs. Joseph Szubert, Mr Siemiasz w ere six Past District Deputy are shouted commands. auahe ned ed with an assort-and Mrs. Rene Dicairi, Mr. and ment of gourds and pumpkins. Mrs, Stanley Strus. The dance program included) ,, a ae Pa d embe eting of the both round and square danc The November meeting ¢ he ; il as a number of Lyceum Club and Women's. Art ane ae ee Association will take the form novelty dances directed by Earl Brown. A barbershop quartet consisting of Mervin Scott, Roy Weldon, Roy Beckett and Har- vey Tremeer provided an inter- esting interlude. After the danc- ing everyone sat down old-time luncheon of yiedioe : ecto and freshly baked bread, of the arrangements followed by an_ interesting assortment of muffins and rolls and homemade jams and jell WomEN SUFFER ies. The serving of a Centennial WITH BLADDER IRRITATION Cake by the pesca oc we Common Kidney, or Bladder Irrita- | swell, brou tions affect twice as many women as | Mrs. James Dos lose. 8 men, often causing tenseness and | the evening to a Close. nervousness from frequent, burning, | itching urination. Secondarily, you | s of a bus trip to the McMichael Conservation Collection of Art at Kleinburg, Ontario, for mem- bers and guests. The bus will leave the Farmers' Market next Monday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. baked Mrs. BE. H. Heavens 1s in charge Gilbert Evenstein, son of Mr and Mrs. Meyer Evenstein,| 5 ssed. In such eases, CYSTEX usu- pre Alma Street, has just returned | ally brings relaxing comfort by curb: gentle laxative from the makers from a month's tour of Israel | ing germs in acid urine, and easing pain. Get CYSTEX at druggists today. SUZANNE HAIR STYLING Anniversary Special and the Holy Land. -- | » Perms: | Reg. $20 for ...- $16.00 Reg. $17.50 for .. $14.00 Reg. $15 for .. $12.00 Reg. $12.50 for $10.00 TUES, - WED. & THURS, TILL NOY, 30th 725-4541 jj 5 John St. W., Oshawa ~~ Its called IR... because it's Nature's Remedy The Tums people, as you would expect, know a great deat about sensitive stomachs. That's why they make their laxative, NW Nature's Remedy, only with vegetable ingredients. So, Ne brings easy, effective, overnight relief. This gentle action is especially important if you now take a laxative once, twice or three times a week, § works while you sleep without disturbing your rest. There is no letdown, no uncomfortable after-feeling. Try Nature's Remedy, a'gentle all-vegetable lax&tive. Reg- ular-or chocolate coated. Nt tonight, tomorrow alright. married November 7, 1927, in Perry, King Street United Church by freezer tape cock of Oshawa, whose mar-\and Mrs. Arthur Farrow and\Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pearce, riage took place Jast month./Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mittler at- The hostess was assisted in re-|+,,- : i jeeiving the guests at the Osh- awa Golf Club by Mrs. Edwin jSussex Street, received -- his |Bachelor of Arts degree recent- jly at the autumn convocation of University of Western On- \tario, London. Mr. Yearsley at- Collegiate and Relatives and guests in Windsor, garet Ann Ferry and John Ter- }ence Brain, youngest son of Mr. | merly of Oshawa. The bride is |the daughter of Mrs. John V | Ferry, Windsor and the late one of the ushers from Oshawa were Callaghan and Mrs jFresent Mrs Mrs the bridegroom; Mr aunt of Robert Brain, and Vocational Institute. He and his| wife, Maureen, are now teach- ing at Exeter Secondary School. from |Oshawa attended the wedding Ontario, of Mar- few creases of|/years ago. If you-find tha? some your lids of the softer tones change on Nothing gives your mentaljyour lips, then first use a age away more quickly than|smoothie stick which not only the shade of your lipstick. For|keeps lip tissues soft and un- he teenager, nothing but thellined, but actually serves as @ rosty pallids, For the rest ofjcolor stabilizer is who need aNmite more ac-| On your nails, try the paler ent, creamy pastels with depth|shades, preferably with the ind softly rich color. Never the/glace look that is so very right lark and bloody affairs, or thelthis year as face powder -- and won't/too bright-brights of accumulate in the An Woman jdust-ons which give a natural a's jzlow and radiance to your en \tire face instead of concentrat © Can Acquire jing color in one area, Simply jwonderful if your skin looks a \ ' jlittle sallow, or you are losing A New Look your tan. Try face-lights brush ons; they illuminate your skin Your husband likes the way/make it look loaded with deep you did your hair when youl'down moisture like a baby' were married and begs you to skin. "keep it that way.' Your boss) Eyeshadow? Discreetly, subt than 'swinging, with the accent\Y, done it makes all the differ § , jence in your visual impact, Bu' on conservative dressing andidon't consider eyeshadow onl: make-up. Result--you look, Jet's|\for accent. It can reshape yout face "it, a little old-fashioned. /eyes: Use a creamy shade to Nice, but not with it, No look Of bring out deep-set eves: a today. No feeling of being part taupe 'to tone dawn a bulging of the exciting new scene, lid. You'll find these shades in Drastic changes, .you realize.) brush-on powdered shadow would throw up impossible road'dusters so that even a novice blocks. Then' do the change,/can do a proper reshaping job little by little, starting with)Shadow dusters go on as easy your hair and your skin Try! : adding a few exciting | to your hair. Perhaps auburn, spun gold or rich brown. Aj} semi-permanent rinse in the form of a foaming color sham poo does thé trick so easily) and keeps it going for you through several shampoos. Go to a good hair stylist and! get him to update 'your coif-| fure. Don't hedge him in with restrictions and taboos but} talk over ideas with him be fore he snip-snips and it's too late. Remember that your skin I ; tones change with the passing ' : years. Maybe rachel was right i : for you several years ago. To ii day your shade might well be DRAPES | | 4 one of the new basic beiges , aT, ' which have less pink in them If you. question "'beige", know BROADLOOM & that there's a. tone of these new beiges for every skin color SLIP COVERS ing from the blondest blond down to the more olive and § for tawny tones discriminating Experiment with the spectac- § decorators ular new cosmetics to top your regular make-up. The bloom WIFE PRESERVER | Fi ent Me s and installing'... Interior Decorating Service in yout Pyreen 0-20 | HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 725-3144 Use adhesive, cellophane or to hold broken 926 Simeoe N Full Length Formals AND BRIDESMAIDS GOWNS SARGEANT'S BRAND NEW $19.95 FALL ARRIVALS 463 RITSON RD. S. 725-3338 food service | operated by tony s refreshment service Itd, OSHAWA it iG wieenul hota Our expert hands. We're adept at for fabulous food. Cal Just leave the details in mooth service .. . famed today for estimotes @ HOUSE PARTIES @ COLD PLATES @ COCKTAIL PARTIES @ SALAD PLATES @ COLD BUFFET Thank Goodness It Didn't Take Long! | simply had to suffer! Even though our rugs were away for a very short time, my poor knees were getting "floor-worn". But then it was worth it. When the rugs were returned from Baker Carpet, | pranced with joy. They were so clean, so soft, so éasy on the knees. You know, of course, that Baker Carpet Cleaning did the job . . . and did it the way a rug cleaning job should be done. Call Baker Carpet Cleaning Co., they'll tell you all about it. "FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY" "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" OPENING Adele; Mr. andj Mrs, C. FE. Egerer and Mr, and} | | MOVED HEADQUARTERS | BRANTFORD, Ont. (CP)-- "|Brantford senior citizens this) month moved into their first} permanent clubhouse since they organized 1M years ago, The members aided their own catise by raising part of 'the cost of buying an old church and con} verting it into club rooms and a day centre. The city and prov OF OUR NEW STORE THURSDAY, NOV. Sth-9 A.M. @ FANTASTIC OPENING SPECIALS @ FREE GIFTS Vn ince provided the rest of the : funds = Ancus-GRAYDON weer fl See wool over your eyes a FREE PARKING OF shy, of the other :thoussnde Aluminum ef eclourful fabrics for Awninas dresses, suits, ond other SS nt See PMT Combination beat gtd Goede leg Raniah Storm/Screen fer your family that we = Windows --~ Boor have waiting for you to see. You can be sure, however, that we'll offer our experience with materials ond pattern service so that you won't be left in the dark about making « happy ehoice, Add some colour to your life, drop in to the House of Fabrics 11 KING EAST Oshowo, Ont. 725-4551 | Prime Windows C.M.H.C, Accepted Sliding Gloss Patio Doors Shelters for End Screen and Storm Window troubles FOREVER . . .Install ~----Gas Pump Islands Jalousies Aluminum Siding Reglazing and Rescreenina of Inserts for Aluminum Doors and Windows Mev Showroom and Factory 95 ATHOL ST. EAST -- OSHAWA PHONE 728-1633 Baked Enamel Finishes Optional "Over 80 Years Experience" | toe Cleaning Co. CALL ZENITH 9-9100 We Pay The Charge by MODERN A new concept in dry cleaning HERE'S WHY MORE PEOPLE ARE USING Modern's 'CARE CLEAN' Services DRAPERY CLEANING: our "Exact A Drape" pro- cess guarantees the length of your drapes; it's exclusive in @shawa and area with Modern SIZING: We Restore that size every garment free of charge ! feeling to your voluable garments e brand: new" SHIRTS: D your shirts stproof cellophane packaging returns e them. just the way you FAST. FAST SERVICE: At no extra cost. Bring them In the moming = -pick them: uN-et hight. (Monday te Friday) to drive in Try "CARE CLEAN" by FREE PARKING: Ladies! It's so easy DRY CLEANERS 8 our spacious lot. a. 321 OLIVE AVE. OSHAWA PHONE:728-4614 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY IN OSHAWA, WHITBY AND BROOKLIN.

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