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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1967, p. 5

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yoncem [o Expo laurice Chevalier, Jack y and Marlene Dietrich the wing of the World val did nightclubs no at all, an added boost to Expo ssionaires, the Quebec ' law was amended to t the fair to set opening 'losing hours for liquor- ig establishments, This ked nightclubs, ing places on the Mont- approaches to Expo did as did short-order , but downtown restaure lidn't pick up until fair- began fleeing the Ss. DEMAND Novek says Expo d for a 21,000 seating ity but had only 18,000 ening day. "By early ve had raised it to 29,000 and were able to supply ) meals and snacks @ ufficient for demand." iz business in excess of 000 were the Canadian mn; with 1,346 seats, the pavilion, 450 seats, the pavilion, 1,400, the Ger- avilion, 700, and the Ba- beer garden, 1,500. » of the big things was lespite the volume no outbreak of food con- ition occurred. I think unique in a fair of this here were problems in- . staff and price. Of the persons employed |in ervices, only mne-third out with proper quali- is > was early confusion ger about 15-per-cent charges being added pill without being noted menus but this was ly remedied in a week or prices, Mr. Novek ave to accept that a sioner-general of a ar nation knew full at he was doing in as- in advance what a vel was going to do to ge of his country, e was nothing in our ons that said they charge $15 for a meal se was commensurate at price. Our prime was a good mix n estimated earnings ors. ... We did not superabundance of al restaurants and no e places. I feel we had s00d mix." STORY -asschendaele after @ battle in which both iffered heavy casual- Mosselmarkt and rg were also occu- nd Gen. Stanley ; force in Mesopota- feated the Turks at 'ond World War v-five years ago to- 1942--B ritish &th yrces pushed beyond a, 30 miles west of nein; in London the ty announced six xis vessels had been the Mediterranean; mbers attacked ind the British cam- n Madagascar offi- ended when Vichy itatives accepted terms, RAPHS r says the maximum human being is caus- . extensive burn by e. This probably ex- y the ancients some- ed their enemies in ; understood that a o survived being boil- never forgot the ex- " says @ person can If quicker by over an by overworking. 0, but he'll have a e doing it. NAAR A PENT MOUND FERBOROUGH, or E MOUND SHAPED RPENT WITH FOUR 1 BUR/AL MQUND DDEWELL INDIANS. LT MOUNDS /N Tk o PURTLES, MEN & ' ONE oF Ti/E1R OVERS Ib ACRLES* ) HAVE TAKEN 1000 EARS 1 COMPLETE, KNOWN OF THESE C PEOPLE OUTSIDE AT HAPPENED To tas eae a a at K; if Sa THE GROUND -- BEE NE<T FLY INTO THE "AND DROWN PIC-AX PLAYERS PRESENT WILLIAMS PLAY | quray any curswan inches a MONDAY, NOV. 6 |CWL; Ajax St. Paul's United Co-Op Credit Union banking Church CGIT; Ajax Senior Citi- Dies In England night; Whitby Baptist Church)zens Friendship Club. 2TH) Pas dads |Explorers; Ist Whitby Scouts; proer a ye adam a4ll Saints' Anglican Church) THURSDAY, NOV. 9 wife of George Sanders and Evening Guild; Whitby Curling) Whitby Baptist Church Cubs; eidaw of Ronald Coleman, has Club Ladies' Section executive|Salvation Army Women's Home died after a six-week illness at meeting; Ajax Royal Canadian|League; St. John Ambulance ; : Legion Pipe Band; Firemen's|Cadets; Whithy Garden Club; |% fe yee said Persie Po Wife Association Pickering/5th Cubs and Scouts Mother's asaya d Aree gi t Beach Community Church/Auxiliary; Christian Reformed ,.)"¢ Cause of death was no' Pickering Ladies' Fellowship|Church Ladies' Society Work dis osed ED Group. Pray; St John's Anglican Church Parish Helpers; Board | TUESDAY, NOV. 7 of Directors' Whitby Co-Op | Pentecostal Church Young Credit Union; Ajax St. Timothy {People's Christ Ambassadors; !Presbyterian Church WMS Al-Anon Family Group; Whitby/Ajax Happy Melting Shadows Whittlers TOPS Club; Shrinking TOPS Club. | Violets TOPS Club: Red Cross workroom; Faith Baptist FRIDAY, NOV. 10 Church Pioneer Girls; Whitby, Red Cross Senior Citizens Lions Club; St. Mark's United Club; Co-Op Credit Union bank | Church Women; Victorian Order ing night; Salvation Army Tim - : of Nurses, Whitby Branch; St.|bral Brigade | John the Evangelist CWL; St : TELOND n |Andrew's Presbyterian Women SATURDAY, NOV. 11 / | Group 5; Blair Park Vista Teen; Salvation Army Young lClub; Pic kering Poud Peelers People's Band i 4 \TOPS Club; 1st Pickering Cub) SUNDAY, NOV. 12 Pack; Ajax Ladies' Pipe Band.) ¢+ Mark's United Church Wien Pot WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8 Centennial Voyageurs WAINRAUBEE LONDON WINERY LIMITED | Whitby St. John Ambulance, |" sai St. John Nursing Cadets; Salva- tion Army Prayer and Bible Study; Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary; Whitby Kin- ette Club; Unity Club Past Noble Grand (Rebekah): Ajax " i Royal Canadian Legion Branch : 322 Ladies' Auxiliary; Ajax St Township of Whitby Ae White Deve eas Electors . . GLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST | Whitby Police Charge Youth POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST WHITBY (Stalf) -- Following Voters' List, 1967, Township of Whitby, an incident in which an Ajax man was injured on Brock County of Ontario, Street North early Saturday Whitby town police have : : F charged Ronald Wannamaker, Notice is hereby given that | have complied with 19 of 141 Simcoe Street South, 1 , Oshawa, with failing to stop Section Nine of The Voter's Lists Act, and that | after an accident and as a minor having liquor. Deputy Chief Gerald Robin- son said Richard McInnes, 24, have posted up at my office at Brooklin, Ontario, on the 31st day of October, 1967, the list of all 12 Cedar Street, Ajax, had persons entitled to vote in the municipality at both legs injured when he was flung over the right fender of a municipal elections and that such list remains there jvehicle onto the pavement. He was treated at Oshawa for inspection. General Hospital for a frac- tured little finger on the right hand and bruises to both knees. And | hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any ommissions or errors cor- j Rg ae i | , TRY i \ the last day for appeal MEMBERS OF the Pic-Ax Heart" at St. Andrew's aud- Bateman were two of the MAKE-UP application for tic lead in Emlyn Williams' ing of the group will be | WH ate. van + nw rected according to low, Y PP! Players resented Emly itorium in Ajax Thursday, actors taking part. Harry Russell Morley is provided "Light of Heart', which was held Sunday to discuss fu- nilce called: 46 the conch being the 14th day of November, 1967. William P 1s "i "ii fe Friday and Saturday. Jack Chapman directed the play, by Mrs. L. B. Bateman. Mr. presented by the Pic-Ax ture plans. Psaae' vekturant OUR a 5 ay, (Ta i 7 lay ; ' ; 5 A ' : 4 ; play ght o! _ Vickers, : right, and L. B. which was well attended. Morley played the roman Players. An executive meet (Oshawa Times Photos) Streat West' Satirday morning, | Dated this 31st day of October, 1967. | found the cigarette machine in WM, H. WALLACE, Clerk, Two Candidates Certain {Few Expect Extra Holiday, sittin of ome"age"s gmat rent form the boundary between the|had been gained by forcing a | United States and Mexico. rear window. Township of Whitby | Box 160, Brooklin, Onterie In Deputy-Reeve Race This Remembrance Day sedaeeri puna dai aceagcemeansinan a = PICKERING (Staff) -- With|reeve in 1965, says he will also| Rouge area, which will be left; By THE CANADIAN PRESS elections less than a_ month|be in the running. }vacant with. Mr. Chatten mak-| Provincial: civil] servants in|Prince Edward Island, Mani- away, a two-way race for The deputy-reeve's spot willjing a bid for deputy-reeve, ajSaskatchewan and Alberta are|toba and British Columbia civil deputy-reeve is developing in|be vacated by Mrs. Jean Mc-|three-way battle will be waged the only provincial employees in| servants will work as usual Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Pickering township. Pherson, who has already de-|between John Kruger, Miss Vio-/ Canada who can expect an|Monday, Nov. 13.. There was no Ward 5 councillor Ronald/Clared she is in the race for|let Swan and George Gomer-!extra holiday this year because report of a decision made in ei- Chatten has already declared (CeVe, along with former reeve/sall. Remembrance Day falls on alther New Brunswick or New- RANCE sd emmbanase eciared' Sherman Scott, reeve Clifford) Miss Swan is a lifelong town- Saturday. foundland. himself a candidate for. the/Taycox and Ward 3 councillor|ship resident and teaches in| A cross-Canada survey by The| Chartered banks will be second spot on council, and! John Williams. Metro Toronto, specializing in'Canadian Press shows that only,closed Nov. 13, under provisions school principal Donald Hop-, Meanwhile, in Ward 5 of the swimming instruction. in those provinces will publicjof the Canada Labor Standards kins, , Who | ran for dey outy- ~ township, covering the West, Mr. Kruger resigned as pres- jemployees get a holiday on the} Code. : Sar -- jident of the West Rouge Rate- | following Monday, sharing it} Unlike other statitory holi- |payers Association to run. He is|with most federal employees|days, Remembrance: Day must Expo Deficit | Strike Curbs . |39, married and has a daughter) and workers in industries sail 4 law be observed on a fixed] Ww. - laged nine. Mr. Kruger is an ex-| federal jurisdiction. date. | t cae Praia ; i vith a | f ee ' j Mr. Huffman (s yun; n| Fae TONGS eG hi «ee iene : © somabisepreientf Said' 'Disgrace dda ~~ gy a The third candidate in the BROCE 0 pest hae eel v Begins 723 7:30 | . Ee pee giant Anaconda Co. announced ijargely urban ward is Mr. WHITBY ne Complete rogram Be PORE i bs VANCOUVER (CP)--Premier Slnday its 1967 earnings were|Gomersall. a milkman. with cee Co-operators Insurance Association (Guelph) and Co-operators Life AWAR iS ONE TEST OFA MAN AWOMAN ANOTHER! vein i? gece acimiancee Anth Virna Quinn Lis "'THE25th HOUR W. A. C. Bennett angrily told|"substantially affected'"' by the Donlands Dairy, who. has re- the British Columbia Social|/ U.S. copper industry strike. sided in the township for the Credit League Saturday the| Estimated consolidated net in- past 18 months. Mr. Gomersall huge deficit incurred by Expo come for the first nine months is married, with three teen-age 67 is 'a national disgrace," of ng is I cent! children. The premier lashed out at a from 1 to $7 i i ian Liberal government's) This compared with $100,- ees tee Py gens while handling of Expo.finances in a 499,000 for the same period last'. Chatten received 495. speech at the closing banquet of year. an pot the league's two-day convention. 'The nationwide strike in the "Expo was terrific, better\domestic copper industry has NEED FUEL OIL? than anyone expected," said the closed our entire domestic cop- Insurance Association (Guelph) are the principal companies in the Ontario insurance co-operative known as CLIAG--Co-operators Insur- ance Associations of Guelph. } In the 52 CIAG offices across the province competent staff roll out the red carpet for hundreds of visitors every day . . . people who seek insurance information or assistance, pay premiums or report claims, | CIAG handles 30,000 automobile claims a year Pre song io have's auc ies, prachealy al of our| ENE Gee et | ee ee : you budget for it 'and it reflects brass plants and four of our x METROCOLOR olders to report their emall claims as well as the ist Vice Present ye Bos ba) er atemenhe , psc Cherice Bi rlekerholt er Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT big oS CIAG's plan minimizes concern and doubt Outses Grattt Dass Keane ismmiy beaueea He erg said in a statement. site nana _'| ~~~ PLUs -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION for the drivers the Association insures--good drivers oR idol loss on the world's fai, ; Ret eos : : "DIMENSION 5" who may have the misfortune to need claims help. ' eir eStimates. now had) Starring Jeffery Hunter -- Frances Nuyen -- In Color -- BEGINS 7:30 climbed to $25,000,000 "and it's iin whentne nat eons ¢ LOW Cost Mortgage Loans CIAG is sponsored and controlled by democratic organizations which represent a million Ontario galnulated. " people. The Association's nine directors are nomi- Premier Bennett devoted Get cash fast for house repairs, a new Car, nated by much of his 40-minute speech to} ther good reason. a scathing indictment of Liberal vacations, or any other g H Ontario Credit Union League Financial policies, which he Monthly Payments ; ' é says are leading the country, You Borrow As Low As Ontario Federation of Agriculture down the path to disaster United Co-operatives of Ontario | acne PASSPORTS' | $2,000 $37.05 LONDON (CP) -- Registered | $3 000 $55.58 drug addicts may soon be is- ' sued with "narcotics passports" $4 000 $74. 10 for free drugs from treatment ' Te ae ee nes an oe $5,000 $92.63 at adetts gr ty ie yt ; | Above payments based on 14% per annum for 7 years d from several sources and : allie what they do not need. WHY OUR PLAN Is BEST: : NO BONUS CHARGE OR HIDDEN FEES? With the Associates, you get a mortgage agreement that One-Stop is crystal clear. No bonus or hidden fees are ever D ECOR ATING charged. Prepayment privileges. Confidential arrange- ments. SHOP : SPEEDY SERVICE: Just tell us your needs and we'll set up a plan for you immediately. GRAND OPENING OF OUR NEW STORE THURSDAY, NOV. 9th-9 A.M. @ FANTASTIC OPENING SPECIALS Kenneth W. Weatherley, Ottawa President of the Ontario Credit Union League Fenton G. beth baed Thamesville Second Vice-President a esident of _ Unite ed Co-operatives of Ontarie @ Wallpaper and Murals : @ FREE GIFTS : eae rasa EALTY CREDIT LIMITED ~ @ Broadloom | ASSOGIATES R Aubrey '. Dalgleish, Burlingtoa Charles 6. Munro, Embro Tyson Langan, Hawkasiene . ee E, Opel, come A od 5. Metlenber, Dea @ C.ILL. Paints and Varnishes A director and former resident of the director o president o! an Tesidem eee ; ident of th ti tt ited C. Ontario a director of the ___ Vice-president of © Penjamin, Moore Paints 111 SIMCOE ST. $., OSHAWA ANGUS- G RAYDON Ontario Credit Union League havi Federation of Mg ee Ontario Crit Union League United Conperativen ct DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD, PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 725-6531 | EAST MALL SHOPPING CENTRE, 600 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA

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