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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1967, p. 8

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as. : i ted i single sea:tpasses for 336 yards. The Lions|place on the toe of Ted Gerela, ee ee ee wtees e pae goer a good performance srom|who tied a CFL record with five 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, November 6, 1967 ! : e e e aesieeieuione . | son before he entered the game. : m | W pS s ~" mois i ome | '@ | f | IDs lI 11S 1rs His favorite target in the veteran Bernie Faloney nd a _ ose tip Canadian rodk : E igh-scoring ¢ ; 93,- f 27 pass attempts for 263) The West's anadian if : ~~ 4 high-scoring contest before 23,-\on 14 of 27 p P ities cone eenved' Ga KGa Gt a 706 fans, was Terry Evanshen|yards. pd year aon Ke The Lions also came cloge to/50, 48, 47, 27 and 25 yards with who scored two touchdowns to I } ; ver salt away the Western Confer- kicking Calgary out of firstlhis soccer-style delivery a tera By DAVID W . i ® Rou hies Pla Eskies ence's scoring crown with 102\5 waa nowstorm for ence's A snowstorm fort air cadets to cut st His two touchdown receptions : e e ti p By THE CANADIAN PRESS jyolved in a fourth-quarter fra-}* On the ground, Reed carried gaye him a season mark of 17 There is still ga ~ exercise yest Saskatchewan Roughriders)cas with Roughrider centre Ron | 12 times for 75 yards to set a to tie the WFC mark set by Sas- " 9 lozen cadet pilot kept their momentum going to-| Atchison. |Canadian Football League mark katchewan's Hugh Campbell elgg A argc 4 ) ela ward Saturday's sudden-death| Saskatchewan used the long|for number of carries in a sea-|jast year. ® ¢ ae B. His for 1,471 five ots o time fast 'and, then set ittonville. a5 eg ree tn gt ttt ae playoff clash with third-place|pass to chalk up their second/son. 302 carries Evanshen also caught Edmonton by thumping Winni-|straight win after two losses. yards were six more than the/ i. passes to set a CFL sea- : peg Blue Bombers 24-14 Sunday) George Reed scored twojold mark shared by Johnny oy Fe as. eight more than 2 Dag 15 minutes | in the last Western Football Roughrider majors and Gord|Bright of Edmonton and Cal-\the old mark of 88 set by Hal to et your pid the lead aircraft Conference league game. Barwell collected. the other|gary's Earl Lunsford. lPatterson in 1956 when Prince rh n Evans, flew in The Riders, defending Grey touchdown when he grabbed a} More record-setting was done|}al was a Montreal Alouette. e es bahia a few miles e Cup champions, were forced to/Ron Lancaster pass and ran 88\in Vancouver Saturday night aS! Also on the receiving end of pat a a bey o y Teki-'wards . ick 'eo nye sharn- one 4 ° d4 d in, e meet the tough Edmonton Eski-|yards. Peter Liske, Cal 'pe Peg |Liske passes into touchdown ter- o eae Z nas and one Chipmur soyae gs fo were Ben Woodson, Bob course for' the nor mos after Calgary Stampeders) jack Abendschan kicked three shooting quarterbac' jritor beat British Columbia Lions 35- conyerts and a 27-yard field touchdown passes to finish the ps dene a Lovell Coleman PAR 30 Saturday night in Vancouver) oga} i season with a total of 40. McCarthy and L i tod all fiv Jake's island and the: ach:-thelr_ second WEC goal. Th A thocnid Ghat cas Bill Goods converted all five ward Buttonville. Pe Cn ee ee The Bombers, who closed out That topped the old CLE sea- it, complete the scoring. * 4 It was a "smooth ; ot Son mark set in 1960 by Tobin 4 : ES gq jcrown in three yens: their season in fourth place, g ba But the Stamps needed i a ee touchdowns from Dave Raimey Rote of Toronto Argonauts, Liske's arm to snatch the game * tie with ide and Ron Kirkland. ADDS TO LAURELS laway. from the fired-up Lions, He Mn ISR Ea aS comes) Ernie Kuzyk booted a convert Liske, the West' e for,who were trying toescape the hs iz . | # 'the Stamps earned the title be-| /rnie Kuzy e CONYEE! aaa rll Oe a | ps ae ; i f t WwW t = cause ies better record against and a single. the CFL's Player-of-the-Year|cellar for the second year in a e ore e in er e The Riders generated 286 award, had already set records|row. th ider: ver the season. Tae ee ee pee big yards in offence, most of them|for number of passes thrown! Liske completed 20 of 29 stumbling block for the Rough- -- e the air Linge acd ~ is bah atthe che A Call 725-3581 riders. They have won their last and reserve quarterback Jessi * one | What else with chili con carne? including a 20-11/Kay combined to complete nine pleargag sey' 91-17 of 20 passes for 225 yards, Or a ; ary. and, 2117/01 20 DANES TO Sey Cresta Roja is a deliciously medium dry red four gamés, win over Ca | victory over Saskatchewan. FAVORITE TARGET | table wine made * Ask us about a Humidifier, $60, The game, however, will be Their favorite target was Bar-| i «Brights from French hybrid : played in Regina. jwell who caught three for 130 Ss ig orn grapes grown in OFFICIAL MAULED yards, inet < > PP Niagara. Saskatchewan's, last confer- The Bombers collected 16 first 2 et pa ence game, before 11,015 Blue down, six more than Saskatche- CRESZA Butt: Le, Bomber fans in Winnipeg, was a'wan, as quarterback Kenny #HO.FA. GEDRGE REED of Sas- the third quarter of the last like his club couldn't be jrough one. Referee Al ag tee a on 19 of 30 aerials for RED TABLE WINE v i ders egular season western foot- contained. Saskatchewan (of Winnipeg was attacked by/198 yards. Suis me 3 Watior Blue ball conference game in won 24-14 several fea at the final gun Three of Ploen's passes in the Se ON 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA Bomber defender on an Winnipeg. Bill Van Burkleo (CP Wirephoto) (after he ejected Bomber guard final quarter were intercepted, ' ' Dwayne Crozier, who was in-'two by Bruce Bennett. = EES eight-yard touchdown run in tries to push Reed back but J tise iace eh Rae YOUR nigh ILLWORK & BUILDING Supplies Ltd, ame FRI. TILL ) P.M. 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE HEADQUARTERS INVENTORY CLEARANCE {| Fir pLywoop | és HEN. i." Beauty Underoor | Good two sides ie cm a: rE, =a oe NEW ZEAL. pale a | ! ewan -- Ss A ns ceuwe ee Tee < J . . = ' ae : oe PES -- Aluminum ---- uf Life In RITCHEN CENTRES | step [gS Descrik Aaa iehgs? Prefinished in cherry tone; complete with post LADDERS Dian 6 ce fe ss ; formed, arborite counter top. Ideal for homes, ers tl de eo hag RN SRS i cottages and rumpus rooms. ; on Fa learning about life in ew Zealand this week. AVAILABLE IN 6 SIZES oo Te FLORTILE The junior farmers are host to We carry the bail for * 9} This Week .. HEs pa msl man i Miss Geraldine Miller of Urut i I a CO 4K 4 XB Losi. UPPER LOWER VINYL ASBESTOS .080 gauge riggs eg adele Regal lower prices on all your fall 6' -- reg. 17.95 ye a elling in the United States since ; hae ing, FPO Re s4'--Ros. 60.95 ABQ? REC 10880 BEGG HT Thi Weck DGeAD Bh iiew ony 12 fo Tana adP Fate out eaeee i. oeeweseee e SO ee ae sal tas Sia eee AE ee repair and modernizing materials. } ¥>*4*% .------- ' . VINYL ASBESTOS .080 gouge +{ Exchange program. 60"--Reg. 67.95 REG. 116.50 : She tells about : a small coun Las care es . Sale .. ara ° Sole ... ins . 16' Push Up -- Me td shige eis ; .23 , try of two and a half million We inventory over 70 different pre- 66'--Reg. 69.50 BA BG REG. 123.60 gy ge Ef res. 24.95 Go cue ses people which is first in world Bee . "Se ane i ys algae Ss ' This Week n Be gauge. export of butter and cheese and finished panels including Burmese Factory Grade .. 9 x 9 Agatine, Reg. 186 second in wool; about a country i. 'whet 72"--Reg. 74.50 58 68 REG. 128.40 103 43 each. Now Only ........ # where it never snows, except in Teak, Brazilian Rosewood, Black Cir Ge ie de : bie, ' She ° 20' Push Up -- VINYL ASBESTOS .080 gouge the mountains, and where Christ- seees 5 ch ac aace ae Heritage, Reg, 20¢ each, 18 = is in the summer holi-| i i PEC EK Ga ss cries F --Reg. 84. . reg. 31.50 ays. American Walnut. Architectural Sele se 115.87 Th Week 23 69 mney yey he Before she leaves on Friday, Grade, sequence matched etn8 5. .5.: 96"--Reg. 99.00 REG. 179.15 genni c oe ta eae Miss Miller says she would be 7 Seq . ' %x4x8........ : ogg eg. 99. 78.03 Says . 137.20 OTHER MODELS sheets. Reg. 1.35 ea. 1 22 glad to show pictures and talk sgh ae thegatos Ore AND SIZES THIS WEEK . 4 about New Zealand to any CASH AND CARRY t groups she can work into her ' schedule, She can be reached at CASH end CARRY Standard Sheathing ON DISPLAY IN OUR UPPER SHOWROOM AVAILABLE ' | oN ag of Harry Rose (725- PREFINISHED Reg. 7.75 eB aad ae i : | Bex OaB .. ce. : pea ior 30" ' Miss Miller say sland' Only 5 80 ee oe peers . SPECIAL F i j : p << Superior | climate is pavecly adele' 4h . Fer HT Seeanees | i Ad (6¢@5) nance Hoop een apg he DECORATIVE PLYWOOD PANELS PER 4 x 7 SHEET Stanley ; iw _ nai COPPERTONE per g ene [ane ear ; Ke ae : men in an efficient open-air milking parlor can milk 150} WITH WALNUT INLAY re N FLING S a a ; . a ne Carpenter 1 i} ee 18.95 cows far as a Te XOXO ci cics OAK, ELM, ASH & CHERRY ae % x4x8 8.35 grown; cows pasture : Ax 8 Sheet R 15.68 ANTIQUE BIRCH 5 4x8 ees , s 2 : year in hilly fields that are fer- Biko ioos, tack ie 12 80 Above price in lots of 24 sheets Stun HAMMERS i St ee ne 10 sheets or more. Each only ......... Pees P) ok qiore. Loser loka dd 26¢ . / _ Rear wa Fe: go off on holidays in the three| galas . aise ; Y winter months when the cows aren't milking. "The -Marri people are com- { integrated,"' Miss Miller pletely Lesser lots, add 20c per panel -- Cash & Carry per sheet. i Concrete Form said, "'There are Maori in all ; s remy BE Mm 0Gu8 i... Oe 4 q 4 NG , £ C El LI NG A K-LUX j Be p { i i | ' ; ans 'a businesses and professions. Tri- a : aa 'ye b ; | a 7 rer : 11/16x4x8..... 10.75 TILE eee ee ere ame: 4 eta J w in room dividers. 4 i he uk GO Service B; Wl Ce oF ae Sheathing Reg. 2.45 td "ad 12 x 24 Tongue and $ se sss 4s ae F WHILE THEY LAST A re Al | CEMENT St D . d 7 Groove (white) 64 sq. ft. j pe ee ee reeks ; nee, Ue are Q ory enie be He : as : $ Bk : . u +} tv per carton. ' 1 bs PER 'axes : | BS ere sos ' { : . : MIX Reports that Ontario's GO} th R hd 2 PANEL Benes k e et transit line will be extended) P: ONLY e - CTN, d ie : east of Pickering to Oshawa,) as s i c NaH . . . Toke of -- thos have b leni by govern- w carton lots only) Cash ond Carry : zs s Aluminum Combination all saad (abs wy a60s a. St dN at g | CASH and CARRY. : SHOWER STALL repairs, Add only water, "The report. (first published) tw 12 12 4 = "< STORM WINDOWS a a eg newspaper) is-ab- . a Caval Mand Del 30030°:72" $0 W. beg stl without founation ' : categorically denied," a spokes-|---- i ee ier, an arin ; e uxe BY -- REBMEC -- 48 95 rhe for the commuter service |-- ACOUSTIC COLOR CONTROLLED necraonid sean only .. 40, 1.99 sane fae a Seg " e@ Exclusively engineered Box Frame Cone White Enamelled * day. $ One year ago during a speech Classic Prefinished Random V-grooved : struction. Eliminates deflection @ No tracks to ETA EE ADR EE SRR in Oshawa, Charles MacNaugh- i ' 4 x 7 -- per panel Reg. $4.20 ILE Fi Gist 1c cerca. 7 $ remove. Inserts come out easily. @ Every win- ~a ton, then Ontario's highways OOORS ees Ras oreo' EEOC E a Oe ere Tar sane ee ae MOG Tecmo minister, said a decision to ex- di is custom made. Four different expanders ALUMINUM tend GO would not be made 64 sq. ft. per ctn. ees ae i to fit off square sills. @ Newly designed screen until 1969, after studies were PER ie : ie 4x8 IR 4.80 i ? : A} per panel Reg, $4. Beet a ea i icdity, C ock made on the first y years oie TL on: acu dete 4 cua enw Storm & Screen sate fe ee ae tee hn Crate Lot: SPECIAL, each 3555 2 48 APE ARON eee err a ,, sash eliminates rattles and enables removal of : publicly been altered. Carton Lots -- CASH and CARRY [ff oe 4 : #4 screens during winter if desired. painted white, 32 x 24 COLORED, AS LOW AB 5 ee et ik in ee Se eia Bowmanville Man Building Products [, = 4 ie: : recessed ff EACH............ "In Poor Condition VANITY TORONTO (Staff) -- A To- FLORTILE ALUMINUM Tonto General Hospital spokes- AUL : : : 1/16 gauge ot en ~, © Covers to 500 sq. ft. Sines : : sig Bichsd Hoblescn's aoadiion o- 9 x 9 vinyl asbestos PRE-HUNG DOORS { 25 Ibs. makes 3% gallons Reg. 23.95 '% J GUN & @ Poor. : / Robinson, 19, 31. King St., CARTRIDGE PARTICLE BOARD 5 Bowmanville, was. injured Sat-| \ urday in-a two-car accident at 80 Pes. Per Carton full 114" thick 1 95 at : AVAILABLE 2: ' c é I § ¢ 10 x 6-10 only ' oe eo Concha 6.95 ao as LORS Oe only : 100% useable smooth grain-free finish. No hidden Newcastle. He was driving one ONLY . PER TILE Reg.'24:95 A 5 COLOR : Bee 4 poate " sre voids. Will not splinter, check or of the cars. Guaranteed WATERPR: l 39 crack. Ideal for flortile underlay. A passe in th ther ce Carton Lots--CASH ond CARRY CASH and CARRY ERPROOF ob Maney Refentied (5 Colors) . 5/16 x 4 x 8. Only, cach 3,90 | Mrs: James §, Sweitzer, Toron: t , Was killed. This Week co)

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