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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Nov 1967, p. 15

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wf THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, ves | YOU'VE HOOKED A SHA\ YEAH, BUT THAT MINI-SUB | | "NO. THESE PRE-TEENAGERS, 1967 ; |! TWELLNO. SINCE Saal | Suet ceT Anny Ate HERE, LET ME CUT WIM LOOSE? }] Soren... DONT LiKe PY PRE Ra iecuahidid nt 5 a peaE! 2 saree Hist Sant amon es {Let oecemen sed & RODUCE Bd |BEHAVE, NANCY ?/-- = ESPECIALLY : a - "a 1 ae ts) Ca BAD? { 8 AN , ro. --- (CP) --Wholesale = 3 ; | ; carton eggs averaze a H 7 é | By B. JAY BECKER prices quoted by the ber ' < . (Top Record-Holder in Masters' t of eT af --< z be i Individual Championship Play) A large 45.7; me- z } A small 28.7 = z & ' | North dealer, Wholesale «price to (=) j ins) ile North-South vulnerable, tions fibre cases quot- -| Se ymmittee of wholesale i NORTH 's: extra large 38-39; " . | 1g wh eS . JE . 7 3 Pe: 4 A106 8; medium 31-3149; a , 3 Wy he @K53 > B27.-C 20. nl : I TIE ME TO THE ROPE Fir: I USE THAT To TIE THE GOLD TO } ; Abs ees: Ee erie Ve See) Sol eee NE SRO, JOHNNY, REMEMBER THE ae ME, YOU PULL ME UP FIRST... west * ee -- 1 catesapaptst ee bai WHATS WRONG, GENERAL? we \|| ROPE I BRING WITH ME WHEN THEN THE GOLD FOLLOWS, On THE Pants CAN'T GET THE GOLD UP HERE YOU LOWER ME DOWN? ving 39 score 62; buy- Ber e 63; selling 63. , Ro : f TION ESTIMATE RY TO THE ROPE! Oe IF YOU WON'T TIE THE BAGS nt > eh '3 ' TION ESTIMATED ed Nations estimates tion of mainland mid-1966 was 71f,- increase of 10,000,000 3 i The bidding; North . Fast South Wi INT Pus $@ Pane JANE ARDEN | Opening lead--queen of clubs, Let's suppose you're declarer at four hearts and West leads a W EUatiC? Vin mn ee] ithe queen of clubs. How would 34 NOW EveTio! } 3} |\you play the hand? GET HIM! / A i '* The obvious losers ate two » i 3 |spades and a heart, but there | lis also the possibility of losing er spade as well as another ip trick if things go badly. t } ie ) >. x is impo to know so Cae | a) 7 PONE A early in the play how the op- iF yi a ponents' cards are divided, but your first thougtit should be to cater to the most likely division of their cards odds favor the hearts jbeing divided 3-2, which occurs ' \-| {68 per cent of the time, and the eaiiiisintilaower S' | \ . rh F , let \w |spades not being divided - 3-3, a d wo doe ae é 1s kates ae t |since that distribution occurs . only 36 per cent of the time ever tasted p | The best way of proceeding is to assume a favorable trump division, since any division other than 3-2 is likely to make the hand unmanageable. Once you jassume this and follow the pro- On |per line of play, the question S; jof how the spades are divided / e 5 becomes academic. The first thing to do after 0, jwinning the club is to ruff a Wy, 0 club. This is the beginning of a . 4 campaign to make the maxi- = a Nry mum number of trump tricks |possible. Then, after cashing the |K-A of hearts and noting the = /3-2 division, you enter dummy jwith a diamond and ruff en- wait! youre Nog | [eur s AMNoT UNDER ANYTHING, _ shat eth, se ec cock) |/ ofa MA aC SES MOH. [case TELEVISION LOG Va a norte AND_ WHAT ITH *JAYWALKING," THIR 2 Eee D | y lprocess by Jeading a diamond OH, PLEATHE TELL ae sue | Ceaser counts 1400 Mr cress CAN You GeT_\ _/ MY BRIDGE CLUB COMES | |and ruffing dummy's last club, ME/ AND WHAT ABOUT peta «kimi 3612---News Magesine | in:39 AM YOUR OWN //7y TODAY AND I WANT TO CLEAN 4 |you find yourself out of tramps y Lh 8 10:30 P.M. 1--Marria onfidential | pease (dummy still has one), but, THAT WOR? "HALT coe Channel é--Toronto 3-6-12- Hts or Soh BREAKFAST, . pe ag eB 3 | THEN YO'NEEDS ALESSON } 4 / IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE. othe wrareed IN COURAGE -- RIGHT INSPIRED BY TH' STORY O' rm SNe IA He Now !! GEN'RAL JUBILATION J. vat crue Jbl ies fan : CORNFONE OUR BELOVED . é oe Sis see HERO, SETTIN' THAR ON Tobin reaains } Be HIS EVEN MORE: consciousness | and leaps onto | the G-Man. LI'L ABNER "SECRET AGENT X9 - ep | hey Mb yar eae ) ? jmore important, you also fing Channel 7--Buffalo Anniversary | 7--Family Game HUBERT 7 Oe you have scored eight tricks Channel 8--Rochester 11:00 P.M, | 4--Dick Van Dyke 4 ' te Channel 9---Toronto 2-3.4-6-8 jeer Hellwead pauares i -. in the course of your travels IOLSTER ... 4-6. " 1" | se LIKE NEW" look Channel 11--Hamilton LAU ea 2 sere ee rag hfcléy ag |back and forth. Channel 12--Peterborough | 7-Election Coverage | Spoi | This means that the contract rts ll--Little People ING SPECIALISTS AT ONABLE PRICES. Refinishing & Restoring Built Furniture, ton Upholstery Sowmanville 423-734) © King Festres Syed Ina 1967. World nghes teoerr 11:10 PLM, TUESDAY EVENING \--Plerre Berton 5:00 P.M, W:15 P.M, 12--Rocky and his friends 7--News, Weather, 11--Combat Sports &--Mr. Ed 11:20 PLM, 7--Flintstones ¢--Viewpoint 4--Perry Mason 11:25 PLM, 3-6--Frankenstein Jr. é--News, Weather 5:3 P.M, 11:38 PLM, | 7--Movie | 9~Torento Teday é--Luncheon Date , Sports 3--Super Heroes jis made because you can now \lead the ace of diamonds and jace of spades, not caring wheth- jer either one is ruffed, and, more particularly, not caring whether the spades are divided 3-3, 4-2, or in any other way. By ruffing dummy's club it. Ww. 14--F lintstones | t---Eye Guess ' ger, 26 Bireh, Alox &Truth or Consequences | 4-Movie 3-6-4-12---Search for To- losers and deliberately weaken- TN 2-8---Election '6 please Bp 11:35. PMs 1a len erin ing your trump holding, you 3--Outer Limits : : 101 mei (Ps : a Cae dn, 12:45 P.M. ; i THAT WAS avoid the danger of an unfavor. j SN ; 9 / 1cHot Like 3-4-6-12--Guiding Light f able spade division. Used Car ( . i $ :00 PLM. 9--Perry's Probe 1:00 P.M. : SILLY OF ' g } 11--Pierre Berton 6--Movie 12--Movie 4 a r 6--How's Business 11:45 PM 11--Mike Douglas . rf . i fe "I > DY. 7--Mevie 12--Movie 9--Movie 623-3396 : 4 \ . 3 p x 4--Reacn ter the Tep | 7--Election Coverage | @--Dialing for Dollars, r 5 ' 3 | 412--News, Sports, 2-8--Tonight Virginia Graham x Weatner 12:00 Midnight 7--Fugitive 3--Petticoat Junction 7--Mov 6--Luncheon Date | 6:30 P.M, if 12:10 A.M, 4--Meet The Millers NEWS IN-BRIEF GAVE UP DENTISTRY If Craig Stevens, who plays 12--Avengers 9--Movi 3--Movie Herd HEE wine a" bias the World. tur Peter Gun, had. not become a Weathers Sporte OS Pere slate Make Re heel fn star he might bs pulling | 4-News ib | 2:00 P eeth since he once atten a » Weather, | WEDNESDAY 7--Newlywed Game i | Galore @ Wary Slens school of dentistry. y Sop | 9-Bat +L alescnmbeal. te 'thsonn THROWN IN PART YOU HAP TO MAKE | eye eamerice | "s--Ceprain Kangeron | Oe Mata paw, "ve hea A ACKOOK Out I. DIDN'T TELL GREG TO DOES GREG 4--Midwestern Hayride : 1 er - Mt Robert Mitchum made his 38 AM, 2--Calendar : ieee eee 1} | eae Seow! )| | S| sunt er ERIE gg motion picture eh at 1 ef mouldings end Pee ONES I SWEAR IT! : 4 "HAT Pag 2Naws, Weether, 55 AM, | Sac aae oe Con lain in a Hopalong Cassidy film choose. _ COULDN'T YOU BE ; TO STEEN FROM DELMONICO | Sports th i Sd 1--Dream Girl rn _ and was thrown by the first HAPPY JUST BECAUSE : KNO' 4 COVERED 67 YARDSI#| | car mate | : | &--Coronation Street horse he was given to ride, timation ney Lee by a ee | ee dig her YOUR HEALTH "wo / 3 7: P.M. 4 en time f M. "DG 376-2980 ' ra by, W--Cimerron strip 4--Romper Room | sccasgiaieaten Court REDGRAVE HONORED 9---Jerry Lewis 8~Crossfire | &2--Another World 8--| Dream of Jeannie | 6--Meta |7-General Hospital i e , ' Lynn Redgrave, curren be- 7--Garrisons Gorillas 4--Election Results | 4--Te Tell the Truth C t t E 4 'ore the cameras for ara- VEST ena sha L spar tna," VE12-- Take 30 onstan Xercise ; mount's Smashing Time, was | 3--Rat Patrol # 9:30 ALM. 2:25 PM, ee) |honored with the British Cine« | 2-High and wild }12-Ed. Allen Time +News matograph Exhibitors Associas 3] ps way ac. tion's silver Oscar, called the 2-8--Jerry Lewis | ida |e eine | rite Your Move $:0 P.M. 10:00 A.M | ee T By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD 3 . ie | ptronsae cea ten | SEES hla SEVEN SIGNED j $08 2M, Gassnak luasinent 11--Super Heroes have swayback and hate it! |will do a great deal to help been signed for featured roles in y | N--Under Attack Candid Camera Bes Lay, What can be done to stop it? I/ Depending on how extensive! p nt's film version of FOR SAYING Ni | | &The Mateh Game 2 Sunnie Y I SIVe | Paramou m ve 6 J eee haat mid 10:38 AM. 3-6-12--Bonnie Prudden [have been doing exercises, but your problem is, you may Or) Romeo and Juliet, which begins THINGS ABOU | | &-#--Cencentration | 4--Secret Sterm isn't there an easier way?--lmay not need further recom-| production in Italy shortly. JULIET JONES 1i-Ontario Schools | ad | 4--Leve of Life 3:20 P.M. 4-6.12--R Ske itor "4 11--Bullwinkle My "jerry ew ' Ceasa, as star of the future, -- - | ¥ ; ercis | ZoInvagers iMovie i | ae BM. Dear Dr. Molner; 1 am 12 and|the way of vigorous exercise) co 4, English actors have incle Bobby diene |'--Dateline Hollywood | $--Mike Douglas ; M. | 4--Beverly Hillbillies Looe aren NL: A.N.N. mendations from your doctor. 9:38 P.M, : 9-Pigin' Whistle | 3-612--Friendly Giant M--F Troop Swayback is most common in | LEE IN NEW ROLE LING -- 4 GOA Morning world: | ja_Rombaee Ft | &Leave It to Beaver girls from 12 to 14. The possible} pear -Dr. Molner lease] Lee Remick has signed for @ RENTING -- | 10:00 P.M. 9--Tugboa! Annie | Truth or causes are imbalances of the/answer two questions. What willlstarrind role in Sol. ©. Siegel's 7 | 11--Merv. Griftin 12 --Parsonality | Consequences back muscles resulting from|happen if one takes Vitamin B6/production No Way to Treat a Use The ia a Saal id Honeymoon Race __412--Barney Boomer | rapid growth, poor nutrition, or/and does not need it? lLady, which als stars Gerge faulty posture, whether sitting) noo; one color attract the|Segal and Rod Steiger. CROSSWORD bathe 4 looking for "an eas heat of the sun more than ete + ae Bowie " Bens ri jer? riend complains terribly ACROSS 8. Stair 27, Hate ier way," you'd better stick to cout ie heat and I notice she| QUEENIE . Insipid .9. Geol. vein the way that works in correct- wears red clothing much of the . Marine angle ing swayback, time, Would-that-be a factor?~-- dwellers 12, Entertaing Exercises are the firs treat iMirs. H. . Irregular 14, Pungent S ACTION NT ADS 3-3474 MICKEY MOUSE ment, the most important, the!" 4 Pier vegetable DIS] Imost effective. And they must| First question: Nothing would | ORE for: OH, WILBUR WAS JUST | |THE LITTLE FELLA qj |... BY HITTING ME IN THE KNEEG . Culture 16, Fish sound je MATS | he cantinuad happen, except that your body) HERE PLAYING DOCTOR] | SEEMED CUTE TILL | WITH A HAMMER ' Baga would, without trouble, get rid} t Milk Store Prices-- ead -- Patent Drugs | Gitts -- Hallowe'en HE TESTED MY of REFLEXES. 20. Needy 4 SIElelt| T agree that you will not no Greek tice any sudden improvement, /%f any €acess | SE SteMtetsiris} [but if you keep on with proper REFLECTS: MORE . Dispa er F bs exercises, you can be sure that cond: Color of clothing will) Spawnof 89, Cicatrix Yesterday's Answer | 04, will improve.. You'll never ant ateraee heat as stich, But 9. ppg we 2 Sin, "oo. sg bo ga see a difference from one day to j¢ it is radiant heat--bright aun ; ' ae the next, or even one week tojicht being the prime example the next. Yet after several) "ight-colored or white clothing] Treots 4@ Smoke ond Y S Gift Shop se St. $. 876-0790 d son . Debilitates for one 42. Paradise 48. Close to . An MON?'S = ieee ya |e "wy | I(t months, the truth will dawn on|wijl' reflect more of the heat, Lariat WA val you: You are improving just as it-reflects more hkght.| L SERVICE & . Fish nets "L NEED EXERCISE That is why white is worn in the | So 3. Pause 12 cy Exercises for swavback con. 'Topics, because white fabrics} "she has a marvelous persone : 4 f ~ hide! . Story , ist Ay aa ; reflect the light and heat in ality from over here, 97 King St. E. : ' '3 : idee haat , . Pen name is 7 eee ' stead of absorbing them. hasn't she?" et Ma SME s fi ft : i isl x of George GY Lying on back, arms across : ce | = f 11 y Russell 1 20 your chest, then sitting up. | Dear Dr. Molner: Because of| --$<$<<--$ 576-1360 1 hg Yj, \\¥ 7 at 7, - Fuel Lying face down on the /tittness of the neck, I have! your age which cause the aches j , . Conferences floor. and raising head and |poen advised to exercise by ro-|: ge nd pains. This type of joint Sy noounter 4 shoulders. tating my head in a circular) sain invoives a thickening of the plete Car Care Hr Red: Hons & Tune Ups ua Ag : Lying os down and raising | motion bazes of the bone at the joints, seus omnes bg 7. Roof edges ems Ye TOO I can't bear the "crunching of|and the crunching sound is the as . Withered Lying on side, raising leg jpones' noise that results, and/result of these thickened edges ha . Task and flexing it at hip and knee. |wonder if my ears magnify the|]coming in contact. This does no ie} DOWN /} Repeat, lying on. the other jsound, or if I may_ be doing|harm. The exercises are prima- E DINNER = 1. Stagnate Side. lsome damage. I am 55 and havelrily to keep the joints from stiff- 2. Irish Of course, it is essential also, been subject to aches and painslening, and to limber up muscles Pat er 3 pee to pay attention to your posture|in joints for some time--U.M.L.|in the area nt, bring it in to wr . Harbor every waking moment, whether! 'The crunching noises may be| om and receive one 4. Exists you are standing, sifting Orannoying, but I can see no rea-| Note to, D.V., age 13: Very Compliments of th > aoe walking. son to think the neck exercises|often when menstruation starts, | : : : E 4 7. Paruvien Physical activity or any kindicould harm you. You probably|it will be irregular, maybe ie a VOSHA a ws "Indian is excellent: Sports, calisthenics |have some joint changes of thejyear or two, before it settles (pushups, etc.), or anything in'osteoarthrilic type that occur at into a regular pattern. 4OTEL ) 4 , King St. E. nson, 115 Agres

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