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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Nov 1967, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, 49 ; ES I ' i bk We : aa) @ WHY, PRACTICALLY NOTHING! -- AND HAD HIM THROWN HEY, ISN'T SOMEONE GOING CHRIS. WE'RE | Viidey, N ber 10, 1847 i 4 fe i . ° f 'y, November 5 92; to date 1967 55,849; to ; of - THE A OUT ON HIS EAR / TO HELP ME WITH THIS SNLE rT N ot ae : : ie : 3 Se | e 1966 62,341; this week last Re YY THE FACT THAT By B. JAY BECKER I WAS TOO DIDN'T GIVE HIM AGGRessive! Fy FAT LIP! j P a (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) ir 2,220. ROYAL BANK APPOINTMENT 5 BUZ SAWYER BIDDING QUIZ You are South, both sides vulnerable, The bidding has |been: DONALD DUCK West North East South ? q THAT'S THE WAY 1@ Pass Pass EY DO IT : : ; é THE S : NOW IF I CAN SNAG THAT OUT- What would you bid now CROPPIN' UP YONDER... ay, win each of the following five rv Ss: - @82 9 Q954 @ AIS3 & KIO . @QITZ @KS4 @ KOS & A62 - @9 9 AB @K763 & AKQO7B - &64 YAKII2 © AQE & QA » & 19842 YAN © ATS & Q8B 1. Double. The hand does not jconform to the usual require- ments for a_ takeout double, but the situation is not usual. Whenever the bidding dies at a low level, the last player to JANE ARDEN yi 41 & © King Feces Spetenen, inn, 1967. World sighas moerewh, C. F. SPENCE eee taiatcing okie). Mey. Sour he t of C. F, - ------ uae cing position) may id ce os. Supervisor, Commareials (FAH HAD MIS BLOOD "HIS GREAT-GRAN'SON, | | AN WNITATION ) SEND IT TOTHE Tw WHAT WOULD ANOWiLLARDS "@ lerly shade his bids on the as- strial Development for the A-POUNDIN' THROUGH YUBILATION TH'THIRD!! HAWKINS DAY {7 FACED THE SORDID Ji RB YOU DOWITHOUT | | GOT TO CHANGE jae WES BRAINWASHING SYSTEM @ jsumption that the opponents rio District. Mr. Spence hod MAH VEINS, AH é TOBIN! h CORRIGAN'S QQ v / | WILLMAKE WIS WIFE |have indicated limited strength Assistant Supervisor and WOULDN'T BE. EUSTIS! WILLARD! we _ CLOTHES, 1) S \ CONFIRM THE |by. their early stop ager of the Department since SCARED O eFiethnk } \\y --, CU f ( , | He may therefore reasonably So . 1965, and immediately prior at was Monoger of the bank"s nto, Yonae & Richmond ch _NOTHIN Lied i \ 4h I assign values to partner which Cy ' it would otherwise be dangerous Uy. ' : i} jto do. There is a good chance here of making more tricks in YOU'VE BUNGLED 3 Sa A \3} SI De \ | : our best contract than the op- ts j IM AFRAID 'XN : | ? ag |ponents can make in theirs, ' / eee E Lacey | The rotective double is con- WHILE ENJOYING OUR | gees in order. \ HORSEBACK-RIDING }. '4 2..One notrump. This is an FACILITIES! extension of the same principle. Pie. \ g |Generally, a notrump overcall |shows 18 to 18 points, but when it is made in the protective po- sition, it may be shaded by ¥ wt NI' several points. The doublé is not. used in this case because we are not. particularly inter- at the CIVIC AUDITORIUM -- SUNDAY, NOV. 12th geile |chance for game appears to lie JUNIOR TA HOCKEY -- 7:30 P.M. jin notrump, and the jump to |three clubs urges partner to bid . i three notrump with spade | PRIZES SOUVENIRS GIFTS strength and other appropriate ' values, We have more an jample values for a_ takeout EACH BOY OR GIRL -- UNDER 14 WILL RECEIVE A FREE COKE OR ORANGE DRINK. | THE PEACE COMPLIMENTS OF TE dnl, Tat the thee cb bd . | paints c J hand 4. Double. Of course, the bal- LI'L ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 HOW LONG WOW, THIR ? TEN vee NINE soe TELEVISION LO HUBERT lancing player may have values sigan a ela Ray ey = THIRG! WHAT TIME ITH ] | Channet 2--Buttale | 9:00 PAM. 4--Space Ghost > AB ' wre Wu Lone WILL IT BE2/ Channel 3--Barrie | 12--Movie | Sac Sarcen ane Gotten OH, NO! I THOUGHT the protective position. Theres |; & cs 3 . / Channel 4--Bustale Mossel | dese ieenaestiey YOU WERE GOING fore, when he doubles for take- 5 P Channel ¢--Toronto | Movie |" Service eS TO TAKE LESSONS: out in this position with full Channel 7--Buttalo | 9:90 PAM, j 11:00 AM, a " strength, he must later on take Channel 8--Rochester 11--Dragnet ; 1--Remembrance' Day a action to show that he was not Channel 9--Toronto | 7--Will Sonnett | Saree Man y merely protecting a part score. pene parece are "rei 7--King Kong 6 With a lesser hand, say with- 'e ] vesmained wotsadecydacduitaalin PRETO tay h/t 0 lee out the ace of diamonds), ig ] FRIDAY SVENING | Big, Valley Beaties vide would bid two hearts directly. | NBC 7--George of the Jungle 5. Pass. The fourth player {s 5:00 PM. 2---NBC News Special --|'g ey ; i bi 12--Rocky and His | sid Wak. \Ecouen BI under no compulsion to bid in ; pried 2-$-4-6-7.8.9-11-12-_News 4--Superman the protective seat, and he is Merrlag Weather, Sports |. ,Aqueman free to pass whenever the cli- of * 2 | &-Littliest Hobe age 7_--F lintstones 1.18 P.M, | 2--Ant-Squirre! mate appears uninviting. Thus, % yt Ves rg | V=Plarre. Barren 12 NOON in the present case, a consider- " 3--Mevie | Viowltime PMs it Ontario Schools able amount of steam is taken 5:38 PM, Buhne 54 | ¥--Movi from his hand by West's spade 13--Flintst 11:88 PM. {fe ee ones ia" "eee | eae To f JUST WHEN I WAS BEGINNING gee New: Ag y § . rNews | pe lah iy | Top cor i TO GET THE HANG OF IT, SOME West, the high - card values Let's Go ess eel 12:38 P.M, ; would justify taking some kind OF Lands ene seas | "28--Tonight Nasa dig Sill dg u gg soyegiente pen a el a of protective action, but the eee | 4--Jonny Quest STRUCTOR' : ve , 12--News, Wester, | schoo Serer, serene i sae ursecinnicahbae® spade bid clearly puts the hand " se hark 0 PM, Tyas hah P into the defensive category and c Se Basie | 12--Movie | 11--Gadabout Gadd! q the best thing to do to avoid bi ' How's Busi ? adabout Gaddis e 4 = ale pasta | eaves 'esas Toes Roce Fi trouble is pass and hope thus : Chea Werte | 11:45 PAM | $412 Tennis { to produce a profit. x Sports | éMevie --U pbea' 33 6:0 PLM. | 12:10 AM, 1:38 PLM, i 12--Road West | 9--Movie | 11--Wrestling ; " se | ' is) President f baa Nene weeter, | SATURDAY \¢ CRosdrunner: sy 1 een-agers Sports | 8:00 ALM, 7--College Football TWO MINUTES LEFT AND IT'S YOURS, STEEN-- THE SHORT FAKE, 4--News | 118chnitzel_ House | 2:00 PM, h THERE'S A QUARTER OF A L-B, WE'VE BEEN SAVING. : He Huntley Brinkley -- | S--Davey and Goliath -- | 4-Movie e \s Steal Ar t x | 7--Spider Man ide World of Sport | gi me estes worn PM | 4-Captain Kangaree | 4 pons Rangers rol haat aa 7 4 " / ETY... BUT STEEN, | | 1)_Tarzan : 4--Cluteh Carge | 3.6-12--Water Polo : # Be. SCORE AS I6! Gee ' a \n HIS LEFT ENDIS "1 | 'S--onte'ses the wizard 9 AM | 2-Greates! Show | NEW YORK (AP) -- Siz He ; dase fd t-America West j i=Ontario' Schools limonene oe ie |teen-agers who wouldn't know a see - | t of Lh x " oN Peeps are Funny | SoEarten mine | Uli Hebe YOUR HEALTH Picaaso froin 8 eoene Some 3--Voyage i . Y s - 5 KEEP His BAC oe inese' cmc joyriding when they stole a -- 7:8 PM, 9:00 AM. Bi sgetl rest hl di ruck from which art wor! T--News, Weather, Sper | 6--New Generation s2--Topper ee urs ause valued at $250,000 disappeared, | el Spot 4--Frankenstein Jr, 6 PLM. ai ' i " 2--Mr. Magoo 1i-Spottiont police said today 7--OH to See the Wizard =| Fig 9:30 AM, 6--Wrestling s e Twenty-three paintings and a = TE dies | stra aa) By Calcium Deposits bronze statue have not . ! . ronze statue have not been re- 3-6--Ontari School: 1--Little Pi = ne ar i Romine taco i) cater Four ' covered. my Three Sons nore Wee AM eueecese / By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ' The six youths, arrested Tues 36-12--Get_ Smart Res Bbceeg cleus -~/ Dear Dr. Molner: Pleasejenough to solve the whole mat- pn they Sa adic beg ie! ain ie rae Line Popeye, Gumby beatae Menace | Write more about heel spurs. Dojter. It would be wise to avoid works in ihe: tackeand HIAnte 8--Star Trek | 4--Shazzan 9--Wide World of Sporty|they get larger? Do they ever|putting on enough pressure to]. si & peel) | Pees &--Wagon go away? Is surgery needed? |cause pain, since you may in-|kNOw what happened to them. -- Peeree Lye UONG Oo ee eras errata se The lump in my heel doesn't/flame the area enough to re-| Police disclosed that two Pi- 2--Star Trek jobby Time | 2--Washington Inter: | s 3-6-12--Tommy Hunter | 9--Batfink national hurt for ordinary walking but|quire a new period of healing-- evita 12 agra oP ang po eee eae «| pressing on it does hurt. Shouldjand thus enlargement of thejOther works including a Tou- Ww I have it removed before it gets| spur. louse;Lautrec poster had been s CROSSWORD larger?--Mrs. .W.B.S. | Itis true that in severe cases,|Stolen from the ruck, (=) ACROSS 4. Snow 22. Pro- MJATOTRTEMNCTATR A heel spur is not a "growth" |when the spur is unusually} -- The truck had been parked way windshield wipers... = 1. Pocketbook vehicles tective [alninlalvMMalclointal. |in the ordinary sense. It is anjlarge or sharp or strategically|Saturday afternoon in the ware- 6. Auctions 5. Miss arment |LAIVIPIEMERIE IL Tr accumulation of calcium at allocated; surgery may be neces-|house garage of APF' Inc., a : : g t : 5 : ~ 11. Ring- Lanchester 23. Russian tema SIE MBE 'S point at which there has been|sary. For a small spur, surgery;major firm in the business of . er package. SIWIEJEITIS: aah | ; nae sige ae h ingan : M3 shaped 6. Quiets mon- [ploMMlalwiiminiulsi<] |Some injury, or sometimes anlis a rather drastic step in com-|repairing, oe ee shipping z* : : ew << island 7. Macaws archs [O/R/AIL[EMMET/alplelr infection. The calcium gathered|parison with the problem. It/Palntings and sculptures. ' < there's a oS 12. Sultan's 8. Bash 25. French SiC MBOIAIKMBAIA] there as part of a healing pro-|may not be easy to find and| The truck was found aban- ane Sree S YIEILILIO!W A -perform- = Nie ay = decree 9. Dutch satirist [iplemmi io nIGhe cess, jremove a very tiny spur, andjdoned Sunday more than a hi Nhat' WO ard, iy Nhe 13, Fruits commune 26. Farm = [vial OMS Talcle} Therefore, if there is no fur-|besides, the healing of thejblock away from the garage. ie at's all Ss SSSA 4 of palma 10. French animal [alPlalcleM@KIOIRIElA! | 410, injurv. there is reason| Wound, itself may give rise to} ------ 14. Cripples nesiniiin 28. Music (lAtlelei Inielele her injury, there is no reason seen and iB Lite 16 Pight Song "Yesterday's Answer (for the heel spur to grow any|Mew discomfort unless great QUEENIE re xf 68 Beau- valleys See $1: Andean : larger. If there is further in hee arg ered . the ~ tillin tele 1%. Arabi i : jury, then the spur may en-juntil full. healing has takpn # \% | re wraps 17. fe 35. Png . seg Wipe place. ni " fas . Half an late 36. Leather 40. Loiter hese spurs as a rule are| My answer, therefore, is not k 4 em 18. Tree flask 42, Father very tiny. If you injured your)to resort to surgery unless pad sf id i 21. Vampire 19. Worship 37. Comfort 43. Miss Arden | shoulder bone, for example, and/ding under the heel simply can = el segoniggrel 21, City in 38. In what | 44, Indian a similar spur formed, you'd not cope with the trouble aor " Ab an: abbr. Montana manner? weight never notice it. | & =a ------ > ie dante Ae 5 Ba 3 CR SRE 7 T1819 10 On the bottom of the heel, it's) Dear Dr. Molner: I have been x a { 30, 'Additional Y, different. Your. weight presses|reading about the new vaccine A eee Coa, 30. Pennien it Viz on it. You might compare it to|for measles. I am 19 and have ay § U : 32. High J, having a very small pebble, or/never had measles. Do I need 2 i 8 crage 3 14 even a sharp grain of sand in|this vaccine so late in my teens, ig 4 hill your shoe. It feels a lot biggerjor at 19 am I immune to 33, Pronoun GY GY , 15 16 V, Y Y than it really is. measles?--A. R. : 34. Spanish 40// VA, LYALL LA KEEP WEIGHT OFF | Age is of no-particular signifi- nt dealer, article tT ]16 719 Oi Oe 22/23 Consequently, the best treat-;cance. If you haven't had the : 35. Lairs [-- 4 4 ment for a heel spur is to find aldiscase, or the vaccine, there is ; " et ------_--_. 36, Of greater 24 Y as 26 way of keeping weight off that/no reason to think you are im-| "The Board of Directors isn't VA : ; a } age 2 28 7729 spot. There aren't many ways|mune. (You may, however,| exactly MEETING-- they're all 3-168 Ea ! 38. Shout Y of doing it. Some sort of pad orjhave had a light case that was! out looking for the treasurer, fal ; oo 30 Cv mL gcc) soft innersole, in fact, is about|mistaken for something else.) S| F erica WY the only method I know, al-| If you don't think you've had adheres Hahtly t6 the gles > 33 V7/\34 pT though the padding may take/measles, I would certainly have|a¢ S Usnus : : 7) : 2 eahiysen GY different forms. A piece of felt|the vaccine, because the older|Would this substance form z 46. an (, 4, ; : the kidneys?--F. H. el (=) i 47. Salary YU 37 WY Y4Y to fit inside the shoe, with alyou are, the more severe the|Stones in the Kidneys:--®. B. ' V4 hole cut where the spur is,|/disease can be if you catch it. This is probably phosphate { 48, Senior ; 4 39 140 G 4) 42 143 [44 would be one method. A small precipitated from the urine, as " wn 7 DOWN sheepskin or other soft padding] Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any|this occurs when it has stood o | 1. Tablet as 4 is another. significance in a yellow-orange|awhile. Microscopic or chemical oOo : 2, Lizard When ordinary walkingjdeposit in a glass container inj/examination of the crystals will = ; genus "1 VZA% doesn't cause pain, but only spe-|which urine has been left over-jidentify them. It is doubtful if 3. Deca; cial pressure on the heel, then|night? It resembles calcium, orjthey are related to kidney stone y pressure on the 1 g , 1-10. hie very minor padding may be!perhaps pumice, in texture, and formation, SPY ES SSN AIRS" : ' \ r ! » {

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