Come Take A Look See the Home Newspaver Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- Ajox, ville, Pickering ond She Oshawa Times : neighboring centres in Ont- Low tonight, 38; high to- At EATON'S ario and Durham Counties. morrow, 52. TODAY! VOL. 26--NO. 261 oes not CSE LY vance ~ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1967 ha ae TWENTY PASES x Saturday, Weather Report Scattered showers tonight and continuing mild, oon | JITTERY EXPECTATIONS FEBRUARY CONVENTION? Liberal Crisis Of 'Adhesive Leadership (EDITOR'S NOTE: Prime Minister Pearson moved late this week to cool the enthusi- asm of his cabinet colleagues who are campaigning for his job. At his insistence four of of Lester Pearson's track rec- ord. But he seems to have lost his track form, and he is stick- ing. around--very adhesively He indicated many months ago that he would continue as Parliament Hill's jittery ex- pectations have been fanned by two recent episodes. Two weeks ago it was confidently whis- pered among the Liberal in- group that the prime minister What would happen to Parlia- ment if the prime minjster were to make such an announce- ment? Could departmental work carry on, and Jegislative .pro- gress be made, if the covey of today there is no dominant can- didate. Mitch Sharp and Paul Hellyer have been actively campaigning for the or rather, leadership for so long-- their backers have them cancelled plans to at- was writing a formal letter ex- cabinet candidates took off cam- rime minister through centen- Weg 8 been, on their behalf--that the tend a Liberal convention in ate simmer and retire soon pressing his desire to retire, paigning across Canada? How look a little stale today. 4 Alberta. In this special Satur- after. That is over now, so he and that he planned to hand the could a leadership convention Ailan MacBachen look day article, Ottawa correspon- has reached the status of lame letter personally to his friend, be held while the House of Com- : cepopaer nena ah Acid dent Patrick Nicholson' tells duck ender achlch was creeping the president of the Liberal fed- mons is in session? ising as an intellect and as @ i eh rat S tor J N 1, i ry. of the dilemma facing the closer every time another cen- eration, Senator John icho The way out-could be an 'early parliamentary strategist, but Liberal party and Mr. Pear- son.) tennial firecracker exploded. Now the crisis is of more than Then, just three hours before that scheduled meeting, he tore the letter up, say the whispers. December announcement by the prime minister of his pending somehow his leadership image has not yet jelled. By PATRICK NICHOLSON Party morale and government : retirement, followed by a par- Bob Winters has suddenly OTTAWA -- The Crisis of the doldrums: it reaches out to en- ib geek tides Mitch Sharp liamentary adjournment until come into the contest. The Con: Adhesive Leader is bigger than compass business and employ- made - ee at Cal Jate February. with the leader- servaltise' Wanl: marae y pier to SAMY Libbiaie on Bak ment plans, for while there's Bary, which Caused a veritable ship convention in mid-Febru search for an outsider, yielding liament Hill, uncertainty at Ottawa, there's stampede of leadership aspi- ary nothing more promising than "Mike isn't hungry fof power; little enthusiasm in business cir- rants NO LEADING CANDIDATE Eric Kierans What about Sas- s the gaily decorated cen- he is not the sort to stick around cles to implement expansion "There is no doubt Mr. Pear- : katchewan's Ross Thatcher? e for Christmas cards and longer than he feels a call to projects. son intends to retire soon, and it What is the form of the posst- Pail Marin deaoites the . ' le y - ¥y " - a8 unt So} té ft wrappings. You can | duty, and certainly not to stick Any prime minister in these is just a question of when,"' Mr os 4 TUNDSTS for a February creeping years. still has all the joose your greeting eards, | around longer than his party circumstances should either kill Sharp is reported to have confid- edisinreet det race desired qualifications, and, in ft wrappings and other | wants him." speculation by declaring that he ed to a meeting of Young Liber- Today it is completely fluid: the absence of a formal opinion aristmas station | | Nobody would disagree with wil] not retire for at least a als in Calgary, apparently una- there have, over the past three poll, msssive dominatination i \ ary Suppres 4 | that opinion so widely repeated year, or else should bring mat- ware that reporters were years, been times when one or of the daily votes at Toronto's your leisure and well be- | here; it rings true on the basis ters to a head. present other seemed easily ahead, but CNE was impressive. re the seasonal rush. Selec- oe ; ns are at their best now, arkling with Christmas jiety, a-glow with Christ- as colour... and all con- niently located on the Mall seen As Fan fg TAX BOOST To Inflation BY : OTT AW A ANNOUNCED ,= PM Rebukes Top Men | Restraint ; : On Inilati = For Leadership Hopes ation ae _ OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min-!of their plans reached Mr. Pear Says Sharp Chrysler Corp. in Detroit that} ister Pearson has told would-be son DR. BRANN WERNHER VON (right) and Air Force Maj. Gen. Samuel C. Phillips, designers of Amer- ica's man-to-the-moon pro- | Saturn 5 Feat Brings | | gram, talk of the success of yesterday's Saturn 5 rocket flight which put an Apollo spacecraft into orbit and then rammed it back through the atmosphere to an almost pinpoint landing in the Pacific Ocean. we --AP Wirephoto workers would be Man-On-Moon Closer CAPE KE EDY, Fla. (Reu- reached by June, 1970 George Burt, Canadian direc- tor of the United Auto Workers, said wage parity for Canadian workers will put more money in the hands of consumers but it should not hurt the Canadian Boxed Gift Wrappings 'op them up in figured, in or elegant type wrap- gs. Featuring handy rell -ks in various lengths and ths. maiden flight of a towering Sat-;recovery ship U.S.S, Bennington ters) -- U.S. spdcemen stood a urn V rocket. |showed that the heat shield of) ase disparity between Cana-| giant step closer to the moon) The Apollo flight "clearly|the spacecraft was subjected to dian and. United States auto today after the successful test/demonstrates that this team had|jtemperatures even higher than) workers brought a warning unmanned Apollo space-jthe competence to take on ajthe 4,500 degrees fahrenheit €X-|feom Montreal Thursday of the craft and a perfect lunar land-'manned lunar landing program|pected ls its 25,000-mile-an-hour! ganoers of inflation ... and also any other pro-!|plunge back into earth. igh cs ag economy. | ; The unmanned Surveyorgram this country believes is! Officials said the craft landed ge Rigg taal a of! "My attitude towards inflation touched down gently on the|worthwhile," said Robert Sea-/18,500 yards from the target) the cane ian Chamber of Com- js to take a look at a company's moon's surface at 8:01 p.m./mans, deputy administrator for|area, 600 miles northwest of Ha-|™Merce, said lee pees that) profits which are so high there EST Thursday and within~anjthe National Aeronautics and waii. [Wage parity "at this time" only/is no necessity to raise prices. hour was sending pictures of a|Space Administration. | Surveyor VI made a soft land-|Serves to 'fan the fires of infla-| "Increased wages are no cliff which scientists described] Dr. Werner Von Braun, fatherjing on the rugged Sinus Medii,| tion. a ; : more inflationary than in- _ as '"'the most rugged feature welof the giant Saturn V rocket,|or Central Bay, one possible site Inflationary pressures, 1f\creases in company dividends to have yet seen on the moon." said he did not know of a single|for the manned Apollo Janding,|(hey xemain unchecked, will) shareholders." The Apollo command module,|incident during the space mis-|after a 65-hour flight from Cape) damage our competitive Posi-| Mr. Burt said General Motors fn which Americans will eventu-|sion that would have endan-| Kennedy. jtion, threaten jobs and evenin Oshawa and Ford Motor ally ride to the moon, splashed|gered astronauts if they nad ie i : jlead to a lower standard of liv- Company of Canada Ltd. are down in the Pacific eight hours,|been aboard. RUGGED LAND MASS ing for all citizens. expected to follow Chrysler's 36 minutes and 54 seconds after| Flight director Glenn Lunney, Pitted with craters and "Matters of productivity, lead in future collective agree- s being launched Thursday on the]said first information from the Strewn with rocks, this area ap-|wage rates and other related 1s-|ments and grant wage parity ; UN Adjourns Debate For Private Discussion would eliminate the current ing by Surveyor VI. ¥ é H i The prime minister is said to -|parently has a different struc-| cues should finally be deter-| Last month, the president. of successors in his cabinet to stop OTTAWA (CP) -- The gov- |ture than the smoother landing) mined by Canadians for Cana- the Canadian Manufacturers : their leadership campaigns asifeel that attention to govern. ¢'nment 'will introduce tempo- |areas already explored and ex-|dians." Association, R. A. Engholm of long as he is leader of the gov-|ment matters must prevail over,'@!Y, 'aX. increases later this |month, Finance Minister Sharp 'told the Commons today. Mr. Sharp, in a brief state- |perts must know if its surface) The three-year contract with Toronto, said in a speech to. the | would bear the weight of a'cChrysler signed Wednesday pro-|annual convention of the Cana- jmanned craft. vides for a step-by-step disap- dian Export Association that Apollo planners hoped to have|pearance of a current 39-cent|wage parity will adversely af a number of landing sites chart-|hourly wage disparity betweenifect Canadians ed along the equator of the ---- eee PUREE SR UTED 5 a ernment, informed sources say.jany leadership activity by cabi- The prime minister is re-/net members. ported to be greatly annoyed! A day or two after the Com : i : ";ment, sa t i i that some of his ministers have | mons reconvened Sept. 25 he taken as fg oS apparently been working harder/for its poor attendance in the! check inflatio Pri P pe +4 for the Liberal leadership than|house, have ocr pH dered a a shristmas Tags n your parcels with @ sonal touch, so they could pick one UNITED NATIONS (CP) --ydiluted" reference to. the issue|moon e . . in running their departments. | The pr ister i re eat : The United Nations Security| of Israeli troop withdrawals that best suited a ae time| Le er ults Comfort Of Cit Sources said Thursday Mr.|tee! that no beaten. Said to] which 'clearly require some re- Council adjourned its Middle! The American formula--link- on the earth and sunl£ht'condi- g y Pearson's instructions have re-|ticked off the cabinet in general 22!" East debate early today amidjing withdrawal to reciprocal tions on the moon. : Y sila sulted in quick cancellation of|should begin until he announces fet pveenl: ree would be a QUENCHING FLAMES pelier abd fairey Mens Of new hope that private discus-/measures by the Arab states--is| The space successes gave a . s sions could bring lasting peace|"a faulty approach" which|tremendous boost to the morale/ F H h L { W th L to the area. serves Israeli interests,lof Apollo officials, severely crit-| or ars ] e | e ers The council agreed to defer Kuznetsov charged. icized the last year for alleged! | Promoter its public debate on the matter| Goldberg replied that the aim inefficiencies which led to the) MONTREAT,' (CP) -- Paul-| Cardinal Leger, 63, who plans until Monday after a protracted |of the American draft is "to/death of three astronauts during Fmile Cardinal Leger is turning to leave for Africa in mid-De- session, called at the request of/open a new path to a state of/an Apollo rehearsal Jan. 27. The /his back on the comforts of city cember, said he has "reached| Egypt which began Thursday. _|just_and lasting peace in thejaccident delayed the Apollo pro- jife io face the harsh challenges| the age where a certain scleros-| " U.S. Ambassador Arthur J./Middle East in which every|gram a year. of the leper colonies of Africa. is of soul and body might set} In ured Goldberg, who formally intro-|state in the area can live in se- The Roman Catholic Archbish-|in."" J duced a resolution to send a curity, justice, honor and dig- HIPPIES NEED op of Montreal told a press con-| 'The sput must be used to get jplans by Finance Minister his retirement plans. ; ; Sharp, External Affairs Minis-| jo gych announce ere raising the money, than by in- iter Martin and Transport Minis-|.¢ +04 ncement is @X-/ creasing government borrowing, | I pected 'until after the federal-'th ter Hellyer to attend the Alberta i e minister added. < provincial conference here in} Mr. Shar : ; ; liberal convention in Edmonton late January oF Jv Pebruat Mr. Sharp also said that if this weekend . ah ine early Fe sip medical care insurance, sched- Registrar-General Turner is mca fue if the confer- yled to be made available to the understood to have cancelled eee provinces next year, entails a out Wednesday before Mr.) 4" informant said Mr. Pear-|further federal outlay, new tax Pearson put his foot down on 52'S instructions may backfire levies will be made to meet its leadership campaigning by)!" that they might give the!cost impression he is trying to hang) 'We will not increase our bors some of his cabinet ministers. 3 om Mr. Pearson's crackdown is|°" '© Power. 'rowing to finance understood to apply nart ++. caused by bomb Gift Seals colourful proper finish special UN representative to the nity," ference Thursday that he was out of the rut... . Middle East to try to bring) Indian Ambassador giving up "the position of com-| "The confrontation with pa about a climate of reconcili-|Gopalaswami Parthasarathi in- mand to become a simple mis-|sanism may stimulate faith ation, said the U.S. would throw|troduced a draft resolution, also Furt! oe rap your parcels, Assort- packages available, icularly o Mr. Sharp, Mr. Hellyer and its "diplomatic and political in-| fluence" behind the efforts of an, sponsored by Nigeria and Mali,| which also called for the dis- envoy "to achieve a fair and eq-|patch of a UN peacemaker. But uitable settlement so that all injit gave first priority. to demands the area can live in peace, secu-} for the withdrawal of Israeli WASHINGTON (AP)--Can you get on a commercial air- liner barefoot? Hippies show up at airline sionary priest." The press conference followed an announcement from the Vati- can that Pope Paul had ac- cepted the cardinal's resigna:| tion as archbishop and acceded} Furthermore, it is good to re- turn to the practice of obedience after having been placed in au- thority." t TORONTO (CP) Police + today said Myer Rush, badly in- espe jured in the explosion of a time HURRIED TAL bomb in his hotel room, was re-| There were reported to have vived in hospital after his heart/been hurried talks between Mr. 'NEWS HIGHLIGHT University Students Charged ristmas Napkins rate your table in the /e air when guests ar- - 16 or 20 napkins nackage . . . tablecloths able to match. Bow Maker anyone can mak= +°> ssional bow low instructions show to make every . ' the simple star bow to rose bows, -E RED BASKET SHOP, ATIONERY) MALL EVEL, DEPT. 208 we r aigeeit a dete : joke 'i Bebe poernis ad st ed beating at 11-a.m. Sharp, Mr. Martin and Mr. Hell-| rity and tranquility. troops from positions occupied| ticket counters with guitars, aoe ; | 7 ll nag Senped tae ' iG _ Russian Deputy Foreign Min- during the Middle East war in long hair--and often no shoes. Cae He WORK among) eaway 0 $ ps neecation at ihe bearibaal oe ee MONTREAL (CP) -- Two McGill University students raglan § na eoreapeg it see ' etal ne Tues may Elected to the Sacred College had led to reports that Rush! Mr. Pearson's orders before all were charged with assaulting police who moved in early Se 2 i en Egypt had a clear field, PA encpiae a mol gree of Gardiniais in 1oes; three veurs! C iticized wae dead \three cancelled their plans | today to forcibly evict about 30 dérhonstrating students & : against Israeli in the Security| CeP pee ft t ) after being named Archbishop rl 1 tush, a business man and! The only Alberta Liberal MP} from the office of Principal H. Rocke Robertson. The eignty and territorial intregrity of all states, meet the principle of self-determination for the peoples of the area and lead to the establishment of a stable peace. DRAFT 'AMBIGUOUS' At the same time, the Soviet minister denounced the Ameri- can draft for its "ambiguous, JENNIFER JONES «ee found unconscious '_j Council as the Israelis refused to debate because a Soviet ma- noeuvre had placed them far down on the speaker's list. A US. effort fo let Israel speak directly after Egypt was defeated in a narrow vote. Incensed at being relegated to seventh place, Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban issued a ~|statement to reporters that he "declined the offer to address the Security Council at midnight in conditions prejudicial to Is- rael's position." He will speak when the debate resumes Mon- day morning. old, the mentally deranged, anyone with a contagious dis- ease, or drunks. But someone without shoes? Or someone who needs a bath? "We don't want to dictate fashion," said an Eastern Air- lines spokesman, "but we now require shoes." An industry journal, Avia- tion Daily, says "airlines should exercise their right to refuse passage to those not meeting cleanliness stand- ards,"" of Montreal, Cardinal Leger de- scribed the church as_ essen- tially '"'a missionary body," add- ing: "The day when she ceases to go towards those who have not} yet received the Gospel, she will have turned in on herself, she |will have become a ghetto, and) |will have been unfaithful to her! | mission. "But if the Gospel must be. proclaimed to all men, it is di- rected first of all to the humble, waterways need "fair and -qui-|\downtown | Ito the poor in spirit for whom, jour Lord always showed a Rar) |ticulat concern. iLakes ports. CHICAGO (AP) -- The Indi- ana secretary of state said Thursday there is a "need to erase the discriminating tolls and user charges on the St. Lawrence Seaway." Edgar D. Whitcomb, who dou- bles as chairman of the Great Lakes Commission, addressed 250 waterway leaders at the na- tional waterways conference. Seconds after the blast' sent -- oe Whitcomb said that users ofjglass and debris flying into F Nin conditions throughout | Ray Strect, firemen! gggenato ' table treatment on inlandiresponded' to alarm bells and end freight rates to and from Great ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Jennifer Jones Pulled From Ocean HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Jenni- STARRED WITH BICKFORD promoter, was to haye appearedjis H. A, Olson (Medicine Hat) in court at 9 a.m. today on ajwho deserted the Social Credit} $100,000.000 stock fraud charge.|party. in September. i He was reported in poor con-| Last winter Mr. -Sharp,-Mr4 dition at noon after undergoing|Martin and Mr. Heilyer pre- an hours-long operation, Explo- pared to attend a Liberal con- sion of the bomb beneath his| vention in Quebec City--without bed in a sixth-floor room of the invitations--to push their lead-} Sutton Place Hotel left him with\ership aspirations. | extneisve injuries to his chest.) They cancelled out when word and face. = 5 seer z a forced its of a group continuation TORONTO broke down the door to Rush's iblazing room, j from hospital officials on her 1941 | 1 | and in 1949 married way into the office round-the-clock versity "administration Unsettled Weather Coming (CP) fer Jones, Academy Award-win- ning actress, was rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital today after sheriff's deputies found her "near death" in the Pacific surf at the foot of a 440-foot cliff. The shy, beautiful: actress, found unconscious and not breathing, may have fallen about 100 feet, said Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies, A deputy restored her breath- ing after performing mouth-to- mouth resuscitation for two or three minutes, The deputies found her foot- prints winding down a_ 1.000- foot-long path to the surf and said they ended about 100 feet from where she was 'ound. Her stomach was pumped at the Malibu Hospital before she was taken to Mount Sinai. A sheriff's spokesman said Miss Jones, widow of producer David O. Selznick, is reported to have called her personal physician and said she was about to take some pills. CONDITION UNKNOWN There was no immediate word condition. Sheriff's deputies found the 48,year-old actress after spol- ting her sports car at the top of the cliff. Miss Jones won an Academy Award for her performance in her first film, Song of Bernad- ette. She was found just hours tures were: Since. you Went : after the death of her co-star in Away, 1944; Duel in' the Sun, we that film, Charles Bickford. 1945; Cluny Brown, 1946; Ma- Miss Jones, born Phylis Isley in Tulsa, Okla., mafried the late actor Robert Walker in 1939. The couple had two sons. She was divorced from ascas| in Selznick. They had one daugh- ter In 1954 she made her stage debut in the Broadway. play Portrait of a Lady, which she later confessed was a failure. Among her other motion pic- dame Bovary, 1949: Ruby Gen- try, 1952: Beat the Devil, 1953; Man, in the Gray Flannel Suit, 19564; and Tender is the. Night, 1962, CHARLES BICKFORD, 78 + > « died last night "Guess what dear! They're recalling our car!" students were two of three taken into custody after the late Thursday in a at the main uni- sit-in building. - Fair southern unt .. In THE TIMES Today .. '67 Committee---P. 9 Whitby Election--P. 5 Generals Lose 4-1--P, 6 Ann Landers---10 Ajax News--5 City News--9? Classified----14, 15, 16 Comics---19 Editorial---4 Financial--18 Sports--6, 7 Television--19 Theatres----12 Weather---2 Whitby News-----5 Wommen's--10, 11 Pa u me weather over much of On- tario will give way to unsettled conditions today as cloud and rain spread toward the lower Great Lakes Saturday are expected to taper off leaving partly cloudy Ontario Sunday. Tempera- tures will be mild, ranging in the 50s, during the) week- Showers