10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, | iene ey November 15, a No nlutien Seen For Viet a oe Institute of Advanced Stydies, | Gen. Fernand Gambiez¢ said} today there is no military solu-/ tion to the Vietnam conflict. 'I only see a political solution," he} said Gambiez, chief of staff in tel French command in Indochina} from 1953 to 1955 and thus a top-level veteran of the French; struggle in Vietnam, said in al radio interview that "there is no} dishonor in stopping an absurd | conflict." There is no way of defeating a yguerrilla force genuinely in- spired by a nationalist ideal, Gambiez added. Right To Strike Plan Studied PITTSBURGH (AP) leadership of the United Steel- workers union is considering a n to surrender its right to ke in the 1968 contract talks pl st with the basic steel industry. I, W. Abel, president of the union, is pictured as the chief architect of the plan. Abel has been a critic of the growing role of the government in important labor disputes in recent y fearful that union- ism is los its independence. With the war on in Vietnam, Abel feels the givernmeet would quickly -declare an emergency and step into the 1968 talks if a stalemate developed Man Kills Wife Takes Own Life BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (AP) -- A distraught Battle Creek man killed his estranged wife and another person Sunday, wounded two others and com- mitted suicide with an M-1 car- QUALITY FOODS AT DISCOUNT PRICES- EVERYDAY AT STEINBERG'S -- The RESH HICKENS Plump'n Tender: 2 to 3 LB. AVG. "Top Quality Imported Spring Lamb Legs of Lamb Whole or Butt End ib. 49C Mary Miles Vacuum Packed Wieners' LLb. Pkg: 49¢ Top Quality Imported Spring Lamb Lamb Rib Chops Davern tb. 49C Bologna By the Piece ib. 37C Steinberg's Pure Pork Ready to Eat Vacuum Packed bine he had bought a quarter of an hour earlier, police said. Police Chief Clifford Barney said Anderson D. Nunnally, 28, broke into his mother-ir-law's rooming house, announced he was going to kill everyone here and opened fire. Killed were Nunnally, his wife Erma, 27, and M. T. Fant, 41, a roomer in the house. Robert Lee Spraggins, 53, an- other roomer, was taken to hos- pital with a superficial head wound. Loretta Moore, Nunnal- ly's mother-in-law, was listed in critical condition with wounds in her left shoulder and side. Police said Nunnally shot Nrs. Moore, Fant and Sprag- gins first, then chased his wife out of the house. After a strug- gle for the weapon, police said, Nunnally shot his wife in the back of the head, then shot himself in the head. "It was some kind of domes- oe the police chief said. Two Of Habs Rap Air Trips | MONTREAL (CP) -- The|; Flying Frenchmen haven't ex-|/ actly been flying, in the figura- tive sense, during the early part of the National Hockey League |? schedule but two members of| © Montreal Canadiens are Iter. | ally getting up in the air more | : often. and defenceman Jacques Laper-|: riere have years, even on the limited air trips necessary when the league |: had sity for all clubs, and both Wor- \E sley and Laperriere have made} real efforts to overcome their fear On a recent series of home- home .games with Phila-|? phia Flyers, Worsley spent u of the flight time in the of the Air Canada jet. "When you know what's going on up there it's not so bad," Worsley says. "It's nice to see where you're going--like sitting | In the f of the Laperriere's terror of flying was reduced by visiting the coc kpit on a 16-hour pre-season ight to Germany to visit Cana-| dian troops. t seat of a car instead |! He has also been helped by|i defence mate Terry Harper, who has a private pilot's li- cence, "I went up with the Harp a q few times and it really helped|? being able to see where we were going. Terry is a good pilot and now {t's different in the big planes." Thailand ie Combat Division BANGKOK (Reuters) -- Thai- land announced today send one division of combat troops to South Vietnam A communique from the| prime minister's office said the South Vietnamese government asked for the division. A divi- sion usually has 20,000 men. | Some 2,200 Thai soldiers are currently serving in Vietnam. PUP EASES THE PAIN DALLAS, Tex. (AP)--A small tan puppy of mixed breed has arrived from Vietnam to help ease the ache in Mrs. Clinton C. George's heart. Her soldier son, Michael George, adopted the pup soon after it was born in Saigon and named it Frances Her son was killed ih action June 4 meen gape sti cr senepent poseangse CARNATION Goalie Lorne (Gump) worse shown a_ distinct}® aversion to air travel in other | it willl Dinner Hams Easy to Prepare w. 99C Sausages Small Link ib. 5QC NEW BRUNSWICK Canada No. 1 Grade TABLE We reserve the right to limit quantities. No dealers please. POTATOE Lb. Bag | California's Finest Canada No. 1 Grade Grapes Ribier, Calmira, Emperor or Almiria Lb. 29¢ Local Grown Washed & Waxed Turnips Canada No.1 Grade ib. §C Canada No. 1 Grade California's Finest Fresh Celery Stalks Crisp torge MILK 16-0Z. TINS vatrnncany eepenaseermemeamaaes Aap TISSUE 33° Herpes smn sonapnegnatot et ees Lz MER CORRE fa SB NRE, BATHROOM TIE PEE ELLER 2 ro. 206 AMEE ar chat thane rear ee CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP | 25° 10-0Z. TINS PAPER TOWELS Leamington Grown No. 1 Grade Hot House Tomatoes Medium Size ea ane ee ROYALE ASST'D. C colons 4) g ROYALE 2 rou ST ASST'D. ROLL PKG COLORS Ie SMR I I 5 FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON POLARIS Cc GOLDEN 734-02. CHURN TIN = OEE LEONE EL ENE LIE CANADA FIRST GRADE BUTTER 65° | LL LELEEG OLE OOOO NESS LEE IIR SEEN EINE IER LEN: NUE HE soem ee : & % EOS sneer b.29C ~ MIRACLE | WHIP FANCY APPLESAUCE 14-0Z. THIN gm OLD FESTIVAL FRUIT CAKE és STEINBERG size for '| Do COME IN- SEE FOR YOURSEL SAVE OPEN MUCH MORE EVERY WEEK WED., THURS., FRI. TILL 9 P.M. FREEZER BUYS RED BRAND STEER BEEF Full Fronts }Avg. wt ¢ 175 Lbs. Full Hinds} Avg. wt. of Beef 150 Lbs. of Beef 69°, "Full Sides with Flonks 59° of Beef Avg. Wt. 325Lbs, UU Lb, i Flank & Points Sides Removed 63° of Beef Avg. Wt. 275Lbs. VU), Allow 7 days for processing. We will gladly evt & wrap to your specifications. Pick up a complete Home Freezer Price at any store every week. ORANGE JUICE 6 for ' FROZEN 6%-OZ. TIN ORCHARD KING CT ee ne te MAXWELL HOUSE (9° GROUND COFFEE 1-LB. Cs i i a ee ee Ona ced SWANSON TV DINNERS 11-02. FROZEN ASST'D. SLA LE ef: a] Jim Pappin Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Star $100.00 LUCKY PUCK WINNER MR. ROBERT DUNCAN, 99 Keewatin Street, Oshawa RARE LEP ENERO $5.00 Lucky Puck Winners EARLE RICHARDS, 110 Briar Court, Oshawa S. PINA, 30 Wallace Avenue, Oshawa ERIKA SCHNEIDER, 151 Oriole, Oshawa MR. DONATO RANIERI, 600 King Street, Oshawa ELIZABETH WESTON, 852 Carnation, Oshawa MR. FRANK CRISTIANO, 600 King Street E., Oshawa Ist Week's Winner of the Portable Colour TV Set Mr. R. Rennie 105 East 14th St., Hamilton 600 KING ST. E., OSHAWA \ ----" _THE ost OSHAWA THARS, We OPPOSITION TEN tary producers giant asked Miss Threat Ox | By STUART LAKE OTTAWA (CP) -- State Secr Judy LaMarsh Appearing Tuesde stoutly resisted all temptatior fo fire another volley at tl CRC board of directors. before the Cor mons broadcasting committe she also sidestepped an invit _ tion to start.a row with CB who kicked broadcasting fuss la year over the Seven Days pr gram. Harold Stafford (1. LaMarsh wheth up Elgir she agreed with him that tt producers never should hai heen allowed to take their ea: against management to tt Commons committee "TL just get out of one contr versy and you're trying to z me in another,' answered smiling Miss LaMarsh Miss LaMarsh has bee pelted with questions from opp: sition MPs since Noy. 1 whe she. said on the Pierre Bertc television show that there is ro ten management In some par of the CBC SURVIVES INQUISITION Mr. Stafford, a St. Thoma Ont., lawyer, tried severa times without success to hav her comment on the press r lease At one point she did say t'< her criticism of CBC manag ment had done some goo¢ Some members' of managemer had been awakened "and that helpful, very helpful." All TV Viev Have Choice By TOM MITCHELL OTTAWA (CP) -- The Boar of Broadcast' Governo marched into a tangled thicke Tuesday on the question of ho second-channe| television ser ice should be brought to seconc ary cities in Canada The only clear agreemer among private broadcasters the privately-owned CTV telev sion network and the publicly owned CBC. to emerge afte seven hours of discussion at public hearing was that viewer everywhere would like to have choice of program fare. At the core of the discussio was a submission by 13 private lv-owned TV stations, now CB affiliates, serving in area where they broadcast the onl Canadian signal. They expressed fears thz they might be sink financiall with second stations in thei Aluminum Awnings Combinstion Storm/Screen Windows -- Doors Prime Windows €.M.H.C. Accepted Sliding Gloss Patie Doors Shelters for | Storr FOR --Gas Pump Islonds Jalousies Aluminum Siding Reglazing ond Rescreening of Inserts for Aluminum Doors ond Windows s Baked Enomel Finishes Optional | BALL: Meat 46 SIMCOE ST. 725-3564 -- @ OPEN DAILY 8-6 @ FREE HOM © These Are Som FR PORK SHOUI PORK BUTT PORK BUTT SIMCOE BAC FRESH PORK © FOR THE SIDES OF YOUN( HOLE CARCASS CUT -- WRAPPEI Custom Cutting «