1967 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 15, SIMPLIFY FAMILY CHRISTMAS $HOPPING & $AVINGS WITH WANT ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to 12. Ng BUSINESS SERVICE DIR ECTORY 9A--Eggs & Poultry FALL FREEZER SPECIALS! pau -- Believe It or Not / CHICKEN LEGS Individuolly Packed 115---Employment Wanted '|18--Mole Help Wented _ |FREE PICK-UP and delivery, day care! jt ape Sis, over Yt] PXDANDING COMPANY MOVING, move Insured, odd jobs done,| |with or without fruck. Rent truck with| Has opening in mainten- ance department for sew- = idriver. 728-2882 |RECEPTIONIST -- recently mo to [Oshawa desires position. Five years' loffice experience. PBX, Telex, typing.| filing, invoicing. Box 2, _Oshawa Times.| ir Windows | [LAST CHANCE to have your windows Accountonts -- Ph jBuil ng Trades Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs |and storms cleaned and put up betore| . hi mechanie ae ee - |winter, Multi-Clean Janitorial. 725-1885. ing machine BOB | Cc are ; EVISIO 49c per |b. | Comple uality arpentry | MORTGAGE LOANS TELEVISION ---- RADIO |MATURE WOMAN desires pos in| with several years exper- con Sieeel Nl 'i | office. Book i vedi GENERAL REPAIR: @ Re-finance Present 24 Hour Service 50 Jb, lots delivered free on [ne of twa, Gly ies. HonkeerPieeeeter.| ience. Only experienced Home Improvernent Specialists Mortgage | H L Wednesdays and Fridays. jough, Telephone 264-4473 after 5:30 persons need apply. Write ib tat @ Pay all your bills 1 ORCHESTRA with vocalist open for! Sten Ea Serving Oshawa and District } O MES ith vocalist ope ior THEEPN GGTMANN, Chartered Account Be ea © @ Make home improvements CHALET jbookings for weddings, banquets and| Box No 84210 are Trustee, 17 Bond Street TOF Many "vars {Christmas parties. For more informa-| . ant, Licensed Trustee, 4 as ys dabie S @ Expand your business tion telephone 725-4337, East. Telephone 723-48 Fiebest one Pepeneanie aeiviet |. og Fast courteaus : FARMS LTD POR ar ai OSHAWA TIMES nerd eae 125 8576 or 623.3411 ¢ irteous service | | HOUSEWORK or ironing, by the day, In A YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Cha e 725-8576 or 62 BODSERORK s by: the Ru Sears psa fered 'Accountants, Licenced, Trustee i A. ROSEN RENTALS Originally ibipy, 75 cants. an hour. Phone 668-2205 bankrupt Simcoe Street Nort ? ' , tes i ggg BUFFAM'S | Member, Ont. Mort, Brok, | TOWERS AAG ccay te ae Wanna | VPC? YOU MIRE preerie BEADLE rer} MAINTENANCE SERVICE | Aisoc. 725-0532 or Week IRD UNION ROAD Aiko ematie elp ante MORE' MONEY? laa Aceon n ends and evenings 728-5623 PHONE 668-5679 PORT PERRY Building k himneys cleaned and repair " INE ys. | f Ontario. 725-35 T. Hopkins, ed Fovestrough cleaning - = ---------------- COLA TESLA 655 4422 | EXECUTIVE | c AC E. Beadle E. Lukow, CA PUorathel rv hah 18T AND 2ND mortgages available, We T.V. Rental Ni (1858-1943) 2 | | OAA SUPERVISOR for Osh- ae: mr Windom cleaning---Coul- buy, Matt 'ang 'arrange. _ For Berson ew sell Neat AN ELECTRICAL GENIUS, ie ie SECRETARY | awa needs full or part-time Blueprinting : Bs artag service, licensed broker, phone 725-1423, | NEW SETS OFFERED THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR PHYSKS 4 | men to help him meet the BELL DRAFTING and Revroduct 576-2876 FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale| ALCAN IN 1912 JOINTLY WITH THOMAS EDISON, EGGS "Daisy FRESH" DAILY --| : | demand for Ontario Automo- tia, $2" ne Stree! North. 777-446) ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE bie Wennicke Sartisters, 1" ting Street FURNITURE and REFUSED TO SHARE THE PRIZE THE STRANGEST SALVAGE [Pickes ie Oe ete ggg mg To the' president of a med- | bile Association Memberships. Biodsinting ant pholestatic copies Get ér 'ee "a oe § ; CONS , anes ; : Pleasant fs eet ate cael ae ae an Gee ane tee 7 Bo APPLIANCES ae eee OPERATION IN HISTORY ium size manufacturing com "leasont dianified, aood pay Building Trades three years: 723-028) Painting and Decoratin 452 SIMCOE SOUTH A CARGO OF PORCELAIN '10--Farmer's 'Column pany, located within commut sna Nore NO ekOS ierice ORE ee Te ae' -Ys ROOFING, hot tar and ar hingles 3 3 72 , | tas IN A SHIP AT THE BOTTOM OF | (peap AND CRIPPL rm stock F of east Toro BSary GUT" 0 Cor ls, FOr. tui D ORE ROOM.? iG, and gravel, shing - 23-0011 oN AN i ED farm stoc ing distance of east Toronto information contact him 'at NEED MOR KOUM repairs, iarge and small jobs. AND H. PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, inte ~ | JAPAN'S INLAND SEA WAS RECOVERED) picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm a : : j 723.8029 HOME Roofing and Construction és rior ana exterior. Free estimates and TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower gn A, CENTURY. AFTER THE SINKING |. [z7rone. Teenhane collect Hampton: 265 The president: being \cicsaly fs Carpentr ow prices. Telephone 728-2834 = igre, all chanas antenna nstalled, --.. BY LOWERING OCTOPUSES nes involved in all facets of the ---- pol N Painting ip nging shawa upply Limited, Taur % IMPROVEME NTS SacRERTION SO6K~% ____ [POAT NOW! Painting, (paper hanging ton Road East, just east of Rilson Road, INTO THE WRECKAGE 11--Pets and Livestock business requires strong 4#¢- CAR SALESMAN > trim work, re ecoratir 4 _ane bivesrocn ; ' modeling and general repairs. Telephone Schmidt, 725-9572 5 Pancnel COAT HANGER CEES ae TO ears CHILDREN'S PONIES, 40-44", perfeci| retorial: assistance in meet fina A hn 725-7 - - ' psa ets, $75-$100° dell si Adgitions ite jenn. 725-7066. Plumbing and Heating FORMED By NATURE FROM A a Fela ho Ata Bets, $75$100° delivered. Telephone 1-985) ing the heavy.demands on | For new and used cars. Ideal aceantiane: Rodis A 1 FIR. TREE f s avert | work cond All bene- Dentistr areas | RANCH OF A ; his nositic working conditions ene Call us vd y ELECTROLYSIS | Submitted by Rita Casey, BOWL AND VASE AS THEY WERE fennel yang "board. pups. Pro-| position ee , c ALLER cone OR, S ROBERT BROWN, Dental sur, Plumbing Discount | Bellevue, Wash HAULED BACK TO THE SURFACE Se tec, cearaig. sive serv] Apnlicants should be mo its. Apply in person ¢ Oh eon, 17: * sha Te! 7 Kine beer Seadimin im. 1967. 1900) ts z Ranc 5 y JAMES ALLEN & SONS pte a a aa eee 149 Brock St. North 723-464] bs eee te £1200 Shirts, Cozy-J Ranch Kennels, 655-4662./ ture, age 25-40, with good Nicols Motors Ltd. hci Dressmaking WHITBY 668.6601 | Removol of supertuous hoi eeetbiy "pied" Tecnose "amt: | personality and appearance 401-Dunidas €., Whitby Suolity Is what we build making : Marie Murduff .will be in_/8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sal pone |. Executive secretariat exper~ paar DRESSMAKING ard alterations, Rea) =~ Baca 97 98 ond 00 : : td healed tilted SIBERIAN HUSKY puppies, _ ered. | ' sonable. Telephone 668-899 Direct tc 1, plumbing sup 2 awa Sie 28 and 2 Cust = The perteck pet jm iom- aae ience is essential anda de- | LICENSED MECHANIC RO FING DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted suits plies tk ihe venosha Hotel on NOW IESE. STOMIZED DRAPES gog Road, RR_1, Bowmanville ree in secretarial science | at i. 1 these dates for pointment 0 x ' 9 12 tidal New eet eee pe eee, ett alip-; Plumbing a ee ana ppointment, SIX SERVICE BAYS SAVINGS UP TO 50% [aquariums repaired, custom bullt,! desirable ion nae mening sein all vib beds. eat Tem i supplies ES RIDE toToronto;--twe - y £ IMITED TIM NLY original new and some old style for sale. ! ene fits merican otors Home tmprovements DRESEMAKING,- Tage ul ing, atterations, s OE Taree even fe Re ud after FOR FASTER SERVICE ee a ME ONLY 725-2647, For interesting diversified ©} dealer. Apply in person to: J by professic y t nable rat 2pm 9 pr o'cloc nity o stth You f Wer Al ICNIAACRI - -- - i : LA Nae Tag BE WN garg = 2 BI (unite nate wotiwtg| WHEEL ALIGNMENT sPeciAL | M8 C |neatirat "akan "SURStRG any] work. plecsont environment | Nico. 44 ne et WARRISOD me nich . SATURDAY to5 pr 2 fter fiv | hey iodc y= are > c ining, M strain, y P.! i) C. RUSS HARRISO ALTERATIONS. and all types of sew CLOSED V PAR ECBAN aes lll monde Vise ine DRY oa & DRAPERIES |Broad, 114 Elgin East | and good salary and benefits, | icols Motors Ltd. sr z 7 F. Hughe toor CLO WEDNES nouth ic rec | . ye ox em | 25-3219 9 ed reer : 3--Sportsman's Column wheel alignment, inspect and | bib dah eral ieee: Reclame in Ete 401 Dundas E., Whitby, me repairs and remodeili J 4 elinc i oodles our specialty. FERRANO PAVING DRESSMAKING AND 4 new and used mater Ressonane HUNTING LICENCES and used correct castor and comber GacoaeE ; oe : Free pick-up and delivery; boarding and | fidence to: |EXCECLENT OPPORTUNITY. Larae ness, Guaranteed W ations, men's ladie's, childr rates, Estimates free, 723-1191. J, Foley. SUn% Bought, sold ar 4 Ammu- align toe-in and toe-out te euareitor in 12 Bee s Ane. 75 a s, worth | train na Doberman Pinschers and Ger-| M pai fy. Mas opening for a local resi- 7 Bond St. East ¢ gown alterations a# specialty 3 tion a ng supplies. VaHey R aie shee ALPE ht 20'er best offer;.|man Shepherd Puppia for sale, Dachurst dent wi usiness or. sales background, =iRTEEN YEARS' © 86. Rug - Upholstery Service Bond St. West cus condition $7.95 roe Write Box 83703, Oshawa Kennels, 655-388 Box 84042 Reply stating personal history, Soice PEARS exer Shirok ao eter ' oe - arts extra-if required i , , |tion and experience to Box 82595. Osh. Sensing. Fm oven LADURY ethyl Rag Se nectar -- MI RIN, aE Ln dite /OME inka aA MOMOINY soe MERE, Gitte | OSHAWA TIMES ve Ti ar te one 576-1578, % ead tN ENS a8 pats carburetor plus 375 Corvett a 4 "laa TH SAP aR art TROBE REI BRICK AND BLOCK work and general % 'elephone 576-1578 i 725-9332 TAXIDERMIST -- Richard Flewell, RR ex and solid. lifters, 7254sas, |Raad Worth, Oshawa, Tenia oe EI PRINTER rt Soop tet sere Walicer cae repairs. M, Lafontaine Construc 725 DRESSMAKING, designing, alterations. ew PEER Pats. fiaremont, Ontario. Deer heads BRAKE SPECIAL _ aes {LARGE LOCAL PRINTER requires ex- Writ 0 ore Manager, Sunnybrook, 2756 professionally done at reasonable rates Wide selection of Fabrics birds, «mall animals mounted. Also rug! ,yac, ; SNOWBLOWER, ° Lawnboy. New condi-/FIVE - YEAR - OLD Apaloosa gelding, |Perienced person for offset copy prepar-) py eee ee is - all Mrs. Ne 2 Lup ve Mhitby @ Workmanship Guaranted work N popular cars First ton," Say be seen at Moring's Garage, white with black markings. Black stud jation department. Art ability an assetiYOUNG MAN 2] or over required in : five Oa ane Quality Ravaline, 4 wheels 1373 Simcoe Street North ded show saddle, martingale and bridle.|but not essential. Wage to ability. Good!retail men's store, men's wear or re CLASSIFIED RATESS Gardening and 'Supplies er udget terms---Free | 4----Motorcycles $14 ' __|CHEST OF DRAWERS, six drawers, {lighway 2 Courtice. 723-7441. company enetity, Apply 57 Simcoe/ tall, sxperieace an asset. All inquiries a t r : jbamboo bar and stools, Juno floor clean. |SH : ss | Str ou reated confidential. Write box 84046, pony. : 0 floor clean-|SHETLAND SHEEP DOG (miniature ¢ uw | Gus: ates TT VELEN BONNeVING, "S62 cs. 3000 Plu¥ $2.00 per wheel jer-waxer-polisher, combination heater Collie) puppies, registered. Ajax 942-|COOK, short order. Good starting rates JOshawa Times. Bird Feeds' e Over 2 0 years experience s. Many extras. Telephone 728-6189 oh : and fan. Telephone 725-6106. 2688 INight shift, South' End Restaurant, 5,|CONSTRUCTION laborer wanted Inimec | THE FURNITURE CENTRE (47 TRIUMPH TWIN, Ai, $575. Save WHEEL BALANCE PACE HEATER and two oil drums and QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE again| co" Street _ East. __|diately. Telephone Ashburn 455-3921 Wild Bird Mix i 90 Simcoe St. North p rs CE SPECIAL one, used Racine refrigerator, very good|available, all breeds. Telephone 728-9609. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES led. | SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME, $40. . - 196) BSA GOLDSTAR, $450 or best Including weights per wheel oreing. Condition. Telephone 728-6778 ---|Apply RJN Restaurant, Whitby. Tele-|per week salary, part-time, 6:30 to 10:30 nd Ganticwab PROFESSIONA offer. Telephone 66.3894 shes wheel. ._anvime 12--Articles Wanted phone 668-2061 Bm., four - five nights weekly, Intro» ' ee i akelees VARIETY of textiles, wide < ducing new exclussive lines. Ni Ni a SSE SASS Spa EES Large Sunflower SHOC ; 1. Wide choice of BABY-SITTER WANTED for four chil- n 0 selling, Charge O*percent 'odditi ge "i 9 RUG CLEAN | NG GMiéiine Equipment HOCKS, MUFFLERS, colors and prints, dresses made to mes. GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. \dren, live in. Telephone after 4, 942-\Ne2mes¢, ambition, bondable only requie if not peid w . Wheat 2 < FRONT-END WORE at sure. Rental service for bridal and Highest prices. Call. anytime. MacNeill's | ogog sites. Apply 516 2390 for interview, i Day. Serv C formal wear. Fabrics and Styles 163/Furniture. 668-5481, 668-6526. Cr. Corn i fSed ab Aled | COMPARABLE PRICES is J | EFFICIENT BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST for Bile Bind Eeuday Free Pick-Up and Delivery eos Fovihe t ANTIQUES. Glassware, picture trames,|iocal farm organization. Experience fer 19--Male or Female e Bir d FREE! Purnace Cleaned, adjusted free, l¢wellery, buttons, china, etc. Mrs. R.|payroll required. Reply to Box 116, Whit- Ho Feeders Angus Graydon |Guaranteed trouble-free winter if 'you Owen, 1177. Kingston Rd., Whitby, \by elp Wonte tanging r i ; urchase from W. A : Eee ener ara, ea 728 6254 WORLD oEST CENTRES purchase from Western il Company.| WANTED -- Toboggan, 6 {t. preferably|MIDDLE-AGE lady for baby-sitting anal Va SELLING Sh is NM { SevOREOES 4 good condition. Telephone 725-8155. ight house work. Wilson Rd., South area.| : 5 Rhoades 'is \ NOWMOBILE FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new was ee <1 n t. Telephone 728-7703. 3 E 10 RE-UPHOLSTERY experts, Estab PRICED The New Home of furniture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons'| 13----Articles for Rent. ee ee ee abled xperienced Mester Dog Feeds shed 20 "years. Workmanship guaran me DOMINION TIRE STORE Home Furnishings; 424 Simcoe South LICENSED HAIRDRESSER - no exper teed. Free estimates. C Abpea. KA FROM s pathacadalied Pa el a SES - of ie y = == lience necessary. Apply at Guida and} REAL ESTATE SALESMEN ND MEMORIAMS Purity Dog Meo tressés re-built, furn reticiined 17 Park Road South USED TIRES, most all sizes. B. F. Good Tab! L {Dino's Hairstylists. 109 Byron St. S., r - $2.50 for the first 25 words and 6¢| chow Shovels {Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue,, Time Payment Plan Available | Phone 725-6511 rich, 88 King Street West. 725-4543 ie Leelee pare, St | Whitby. eoch therenfter, plus 13¢ ner line of ' 725-031) | ' | = -\ELMER will buy of sell your furniture Lda id LP ead celta |SIAMESE KITTENS, males and erse; 25¢ additional charge if not po Water Soft. Salt CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and ee ot Heiss ners |. USED TELEVISIONS, reconditioned,;and appliances or sal ya Free, Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal mates. No phy ho on Suaser?, fe) for fast_moving Real Estate within & days Bibanies Maik Euvoek fauivind, Fisk Gailinates. bea our auto ni on: A en. ee j$29-_ ane Op. Buys sell, rent and service, |pick-up. 263-2794 Wear, Men's Formals, White |ResponsiBLe PERSON"? ; | office. Over 300 new homes CARDS OF THANKS ae iat : : rial for re-covering. Slip covers made Reshek olaih aT ER ab a RP AE Bad __... |25" VIKING television, wainut console,, Fox Furs, Min Stoles children, while mother Lae Rossiana| Plus good supply of resale $2.50 for the first 38 words and 7 Wire Concentrate to order. Dalton Uphojstering, 75 Charles; complete stock of snowmobile [Buy AND SELL --.Good used furni-| three years old, in good condition. Tele Jand Simcoe area. Telephone 728-4034 af-| - listings. Immediate financing each thereafter with 25¢. additiona Bidoia & Canary: Mik rect, 723-7212 trailers and accessories, ture, sppllances, antiques. 723.9241, 19\Phone 728-6502 SARGEANT'S RENTALS 'ter four. on resale properties. Good charge if not paid within 8 doys e -- a8 snowsuits, etc Le dM 463 c 95.32 PART: TIME evenings, 5 to 9:30 p.m.| commissi ine COMING EVENTS Cooper-Smith Co Sales and Service UNITED VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, | 9--Market Basket Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 - |5159 an hour, arranging eppointments | fidanval arrangement. For SoS FE aienioy $2.00. 1c ole} ) ~O. a ea ae [brushes, ete. Pick-up, delivery. '94n.0213, | - TV RENTALS -- Alcon Furniture and for salesmen.' Must "have @ pleasant; confidential interview call $2.38 par Inch (display); $2.00 tor ty aaa Oshawa Janitor RENTAL AND MARINE Flerning Vacuum Service, Main. Street,| Appliances, 452 Simcoe $. Phone 723-0011 |telephone voice and be able to work | Word Ads ? a ¢ C Oshawa ~--- 555 King St wee 9. | WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital oeds, waik-jon fer own. For interview. telepnone JOHN KOSTENIUK st 23-4 Z (a7 ervice East at Wilson, 728-5565 BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE | ers, reducing machines, sick room ALICTION ALE . hed rniture or anything h lies, A t IN SALES BRVAER Troe? ae Spaeth renin Mpniee 0 1g You have plies, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644 |NEW DRAGON Restaurant requires ex- $2.38 PER FR ERION fices, Churches, oie as larwood Ave, North City Trading Post Store, 446 hime SCART AENET, Fitty to one hundred |Perienced waitrest, weekends only. 4 to, GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD, DEADLINES BLUE-GRAS Homes ae plead seeaud comic. Ba : Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-|3over 25. Neat appearance. 728-7509, | Realtor meet Full Cleo bi i GLASS REPAIRS to aluminum "and | Quels, parties, weddings. Bar, Kitchen,|277 Simcoe Street South. | m, DA REvIOUS All- G N <) ecbals feaning ervic wood windows and aluminum scree | parking. 723-7726. HOUSEKEEPER to live in, full charge! 942-3310 yreen Urse ry Provided Telephone ales and sérvice, snow e pick-up and delivery. 728-2284 | 'of Oshawa home and three children % AND FOUND \ 798-6015 728.0715 three manufacturers CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE, Aji M | t h 14--Business Opportunities| Salary good. | Write stating salary a voi at me BLICATIO | 2 ] : : 4 pes and sizes of tr i ; ces, 0 j : H Sod Gr owers ' from, $695 up, Save' james Wr Mite, Gee ee C n OS M3885 | HOW TO EARN MEMORIAMS and GUARANTEED REPAIR to $ $ on tent and snowmobile : nea - oar an | CARD OF THAD tors: Welcome ental gig $$ TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, cash } |TUPPERWARE OFFERS unlimited op -| MORE MONEY -- CARD OF THANE cy sail he ee ae ee tiailets; $129 up7 2 recapped Ireeaten hows Chen" Ee eee on | ALL IN | portunity to housewives for parttime or! = AAENY Gnd WOMEN 4 ' oe snow tires $23.95 up. Trailer makes, Call your Royal dealer, 728-3664 } fl time employment, Earn extra holl-| an CLASSIFIED -DISPLA : ~|MOTORCYCLE, small engine service $2 u i | 2 P - | day cash selling Tupperware. Telephone mi, da 2 Instruction e-ups, minor ). Parts,) hitches made and installed av Bll dd SPECIAL seit afiructure,| er usne ~~ GARAGE | 668-6806, 723-0377 | 1! need a full or part-time am doy p % supplies, storage e $12. most cars hanne| antenna, $50 = = ooeaareas ea | erson to hel REGISTER NOW for Hawaliar "yo9s | ors. vision 2-5) 4 YPIST -- Must be accurate, electric Pp n to help meet the de- ANE essons, private or class oh y gulter P and K Glass and Bla BOOK NOW! We buy used ORIENTAL 6 FOOT by 9 foot rug. Tele-| | ~- RESTAURANT Wpeeriter Top wages. Write PO Box mand for a much needed ser- Se organ, 318 French $t., Oshawa 986-429 In of Ni cars, trailers, and snowmo- phone 668-8964, or apply Subway Trall- | POST OFFICE peace vice for motorists. Pleasant, * i): ch. Naik + i er Park, 1010 Dundas Street, Lot 41 ere | Z d f p2 9 N vi ry biles j } nv e - sie a rors tw 3, sium fehfaig ahh Ky OPEN DAILY TILL 10 P.M LLOYD BABY carr A L G @) M A | |18---Male Help Wanted N ified, 'good paying work. " bi . aor airall ho sin good condition: 30" . gl ee An excellent investment for | Rie noone oe ag | Peeper ened: Decesory BU re ae m 1c . $30 or best offe 1 ex inves | i i PROBLEM Hue fet MacDONALDS TEXACO 'cite Rant ,o° en afer OR anargie persons nthe vill [eae ee Fer fe rdeernaticn RENTALS. §1.50 sabieinto Wa is We see ce as KING STREET EAST : 1 gic p in the village eg phone 576:3351] ' \ e idee ae yee es as BUY "AND 'SELL -- good used furniture | . of Taunton, Two bay garage Full Time Salesmen . e ¥ r po st past Bad Boy's Store nd appliances. One location only. Pret i iis Ais Si rd mort. NACUUM. and polisher repairs, all 576-1250 Furniture, 444. Simcoe South. 723-3271, " Thickson Rd. N with gas pumps, plus 3 bed-. | ond | COCKTAIL WAITERS and cocktall wail: e > makes, new hoses shes, hew motors FIBERGLAS FENDERS + a | : . ij room apartment above. Trade } |ress required, Apply Mr. Campbell, Hotel erie 24 tur tiack bees ck Up and delve). 7m : ; rom $29,95| Whitb pads niga C be P Genosha. No phone calls, please tise e the : ' & Scents ees = and up. New and used auto parts, Re-! alhi Y | . your present home, present ommission Salesmen wd Pa tbe RO w id CHRIS CRAFT built starters and generators. 117§ Nelson | financing now °6%, or new OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Urgently oe ee . Pl RR Bing cepelte pearing < EC eahe, | | financing can be arranged for for [required one ambitious experienced AK aan ain ier veuehine traclace SALES fe jreal estate salesman or saleslady, 0} ; ' ./ eisai Gord Whitby, 668-2774 : CHRISTMAS CARDS, boxed, half price you. For more informations | LIOQUIFEEDS LIMITED jwho likes to make money. Good ra re 0 Meiau y. Ritson Centre, 438 Rit ; | Call, SHIRLEY MOSKAL, | mission arrangement. All replies. contl . sd ; ; son uth) Open daily to 10 p.m B \| | all, = SHIRL SKAL, dent onfie 04 Crestliner ; A ; ntial. R. Martin Real Septic Service ; : EMERSON RADIO and stereo combin OWMANVINE | 723-4134 } 195 Winnett Street 172 King Street E., Suite i0l." eal i NEED CASH to S SEPTIC TANKS ation 0 stereo albums, perfect * Ps GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE & r H sh Mo on calls Walt r yen or $350; or best offer -for Re riaer ator WOODSTOCK, Ontario ah TIME TAXI DRIVERS. Day shift, RESPONSILE FOR FRRORS IN ADVER- ne ae sPeists. Street West quick sale. 728-1975 = -- residents te red 68-t64\ over. Whitby st Fe : 5 rre' TISEMENTS SUBM TTED OTHERWISE ce Als Pit TWO LARGE SPACE heaters, in good Cvse | PART TIME Tel: A/C 519-537-5651 hei THAN IN WRITING NOY FOR MORE /fdentte any Surveyors condition, with tanks, $100.; one Quebec OcKer oysiemM START AT ONCE | REOUT ERED CRAY "technician re NSERTIO? " =} ime a F 7 7 veater resser none | ' I ime an on h VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor CUT ATESD EU OREe, as pila Boat. Creer el one. Me ALeR eT a8: JED One | } Salary Good Commission {Occasional Saturday and sunday. heels PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN Office 47 Prince St. Res Elgir ae Seven y under new management | F | I y e "ersonnel Department, A Pi TERTION IN. WHICH ERROR occurs Mortgages E. 775-688 Mens Bie a Supply L1d.,/ BABY CARRIAGE, jolly jumper, baby ' | MAN OR. WOMAN Att abe ie ue of our NA ering General Hospital, anamn es carrier, all like new, all for $35. Guide! SPECIA Supplying established loca- Cts oO -sarmers. i Sen Se eho este ex the tt DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Or ; 8 a ' " ee Pr 9 ONS! oca : i e right te SECOND MOR TGAGE fee ane Rorewel af pec slialtss pive.| 14 FIBERGLAS BOAT, 33 HP Evinrude\Uniform, complete, new, size 14. $10. cid f a f 55 tions in your area with the deliveries made vio our own '20---Real Estate for Sale . MONEY prints. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632 Rae tras YRosn. Teleohone 66 {22 CRIB, CARRIAGE and playpen. All in >! a€ oF bee Ib. 55e sensotional new fresh brew. | transport. We need full-time : afl Many extras ph very good condition. Telephone 728-5404 j ee | i f liter PAY MO TV2-Redio Repuirs eT ne phone Hinds Ib. 63c | ed coffee ot 5c-a-cup on the | salesmen or it you are al- aiuoneible P 7--Swar ond Barter Sh a eee Fronts Ib. 47c spot at plants, offi | ready calling on farms you $ nea GIs 1ETAC $00, Telpohona MARDI ; pot ot plants, offices, ete. | salads ae i . $ $068 1yTON, "60 Buick, "6 Austin B50, 2nvlime Vy Pig Ib. 44c | | rey Wish {9 Carry. Our pro: eehogat : : $ $i 34 Bedford Var tot every. CONTINENTAL BEDS trom $29.95, nai-} | Exclusive with | ducts. os an sera Write or atte t 4 ¢ fn plumbing, new ang a h price, all sizes, headboards cut wrapped and frozen | elephone as above for fur- | > ent-50. per cent off Chinn, rf ) me { : : | oF nave i race SEN CAORT CAGES cenl-$0_per_cent otf pee Faclory--outiel.-723-3889 tet us supply_you with grain | AGuue ane SS hea ther details: REALE LTED>-REAETORS e NO BONUS nights Updo Ragin 347. No money conn | ted beef cut, for your con- | '"~ _| 124 Dundas St. West, Whitby IT'S FASY TO PLACE A PROMPT SERVIC agen ai ie cervice, trades. Bill Hamilton,| Yenience, for your home free- i : TIMES ACTION. WANT AD MPT SERVICE 8--Articles: for Sale HUA lc PR a ee Ne TESS Bree ig bet YOUNG MEN \668-6843 -- 728-4241 - = sian ieviceiowenastie 'nad Ata is m inancing avail- | | EXTRA INCOME ge examples hased on | 942.3310 DOMINION Sir CLEARANCE n Furnity "82 South, 72 and App! facet ITYPEWRITER, standard, $20; portable, | able with reasonable deposit, hardwood, | Peterborough. 742-4234. Call Classified Direct 1 ™ err YAS ya 497 2 TELEVISION FOE agp Peas i $35; electric typewriter $95, adding ma Telephone 623-5578 rs 114% 5 Kitchen and Dinette Suites I 2 to 4 hours y LF 6 per mont ' pees e Suites, |chine $20., electric adder $40, 723-4434 Closed Wednesd eal iethang jours per week rom a four room basement 2 16% per annu FOR CLEANER SHARPER lovely 5 p ites with high | sates, new and used, hockey eauip i ays | spare time. For further infor- To assist manager in local apariment with its own 4 pc, depending on amount hor TV RE EPTION backed chairs, wood 'grain. [ment and. sticks at bargain _ prices. caWADaN <aoise ce } mation Box M83383 branch of coast to coast bath is a very desirable feature t ro Bee farnepeclauintad on the Bur Owe olin backs. walnut erbee Cycle Centre, 204 Bond St. E., 725-6344, |FAMADIAN CHOI [Red Brand beet: i si | chain organization. Exper- of this 3 bedroom bungalow in Se ear reducing balance: ite tables. $69.95. Many {CASH REGISTER, meat counter, and|ib. Cutting 'and wrapping 'free. Open NEVER: CLOSED dence unnecessary, in. educa South East Oshawa, Furnishings } F ee 7 |shelves. Telephone 723-0257 |Sundays. Lansdowne 3 tion field i) CAC. REALTY LID. | more all slashed in -price Le ibe cial DLT Se RESTAURANT AND ton Tay Doe must be able. | go with the: house. Good open 2 : RE iY LD c n WILSON'S FURNITURE [FANTASTIC -- Silver jewellery, Indies' |ONTARIO NO. 1 WINTER potatoes, de. | to cvonverse intelligently, mortgage at 7% e OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | 728- 5] A3 ar HA MiP ie sandals, rosewood deccrative pieces, etc.|livered or apply 14 Rockcliffe Street TOBACCO STORE | 1. Aged 18-26 as 5 STF ~ 20 Ch CH $7 from india, Reasonable rates, Orders | Telephone 77 3 GOOD LOCATION > Neat 1h Boba FAMIL Y HOME ; ] ' : 17 3 E rane 4 es Dd Corner Bond and Divisior FOR SALE --. USED' taken by sample. Call 723-84 ISPECIALIZED FREEZER orders, also Apciy 5. Able io sch Mmae l 3 E e - BOWLING BALL and bag, 10 pin, 12- {custom Cutting beef, pork, or moose, 2c. pply : | e start mmediately. orge bedroom brick bunga- 6--Marir MORTGAGES. TV SETS pound ball, slightly used. Asking $15./tb., cutting and wrapping together," 5c 154 William Street SAL : low in Whitby cloe to schools 7--Swor Telephone 576-0244 i open Sundays. "Lansdowne IGA 725-2173 ARY: and shopping. Only 6 years old. ee : rst mortgages arranged on conditior CHEST OF DRAWERS $8., double bed a Ponelle: 9--Market a HARA hector Henk ne T V, TOWE RS $39,, tricycle $7., record 'player $45. FIGURE SKATES (Bauer) girls, while, A, SUCCESSFUL, long-established inch | $1 10; Weekly Haha d recreation room or 4th se ae eee TRIO TELEVISI single bed $25., 'kitchen set $25, chinalsize 6, like new. Telephone 725-8155. end verily" storm, Simece St, 1966 sales, om in, basement. Carries fate Be e or bonu i MBUILT - ON cabinet $29., electric stove $19., crib __|$109,000. Must sell. Illness, Easy terms. | for $103 including taxes per 2--Articie | Leddohie IN 728 5143 $20., television $39., radio $10., Jacket! Call Jerry Coady, J. Wilkinson Realtor, | For interview call 1 month at 6349 a Anicies fc Rec aud Pia aie ca AT OUR O rs Heater $10., washer $20., electric guitar} Ra LLRs one | 725- 254] a. 4--Business Opportunitien : ie oromaes. Aang ee 35° Division "St 35, microphone' $29, ie couch $45., :| S |TWO-BAY BP service station for rent, | Jean Hedge 728-4539 ag a pe pee eae er ised Shales Sy shi' on omeone teers cot | 9 - noon Doreen Aston 728.9758 ere rote 2% pen h for less RUTHERFORD'S BUY YOUR HUSBAND or wife used| |licensed mechanic. _Telephone 725-1730. George N Bs eo without notice | ay furniture for Christmas. Valley Creekt| Want INURSING HOME = Gormley. Licensed | ml Rose ever 728-4241 Rh : | j Se m groups, Living Room, |728-440! | ants |20 patients; 16 rooms on. iwo-tere. lo! athryn Armstrong 723-1884 M. F. SWARTZ | | Bedroom, Dining Room, |STOVE, 21-inch Guerney, for sale, in| Showing good profits. Owner, selling REAL ESTATE mon nn me Ee | | $399. $499, $599. $699 good working order, $35. or est Sree Your jfor health reasons, may stay awhile to 6 King Strack East UPPLY | 7D. Pay sons in mediate deliv. | Telephone 576-1436 | [install inexperienced buyer. Price SAL S COTTAGE 0 SUPPLY LTD. | Faw w Iparmionaton it mail rit| 17 joaalt ate Wee eee Ghee ESMAN (CHEMONG LAKE) ae 4697 ee ae { 5; re, excellent condition, $75, Telephone | ont' ants |Hamilton. 522-0178 seas Reduced to $9,800 with TMMEBIA TE "MONE y ed idle RU JTHERFORD' S {598-0481 afier 6 p.m ER FES Wanted for Oshawa office. $2,000 down. Fos, wi Cluck 'Bact HE Ritgant . ~ | asy pay. i - 56 Simcoe St. South miebaghaes Tee seal Gt oliea aNeL abet | | Inquiries treated confident- Must be sold i pity e SA i or, cook stove, three-piece | 4 First. and. second . mortgage 723-8131 723-8132 SUNWORTHY wallpaper, 'a price sale terfield, antique bedroom suite, treadte} PHONE NEED A | ially: Call W. Baldwin, ma- pace duty hydro) 2 piece : bis scontinued patterns while they last, | sewing machine in g condition. | ath. Lovely lot 100' money available. Call John Edgar Paint and Wallpa Telephone 725-2593 | a | Mager, Hf x 150°. i Ipaper, 34 King St, | Telephone | All f Koster ae Gettin Real Estate | | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50)" |TELEVISIONS, 17" table model, $29.;| JOB ? | Cin ae including 2 L | Y w Limited. Fast T.V. Service GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, 1a ae ce monn, ew Pere ee ' W FRANK Call Anne Egiers, OAs & on, getrigerator, 'etc $34.5 A Courteous | Read Help Wanted | : Cocks Limited, P.O, Box 535, | what you get with Clascified Ads. "Phon 723-1092 NOW for an adowriter, e CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at low cost Je, | 728-5154 9am. to Q em. lar v TELEVISION | if china corner cabinet ut five-piece , bedroom guite, one} ate-leg dining room table, and four) ining room chelra, Telephone 723-2765. NE WALNUT FIREWOOD, dry, mixed | maple, beech, w birch, ete., 12" and 2 Te aclivered. 728-6852. . ay Ad-visor Ads Daily In EXCLUSIVE BRIDAL aown and ve,. Will be happy The Times size It, Reasonable, Telephone 725-1767 | after ¢ p.m. | to help you ae aes eee eter eee aa RLTR. : REAL ESTATE LTD. 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa PUT AWAY a tidy sum by renting that : apartment. Phone 723-349 728-7585 apt, for rent ad in ihe tines sit ee ne er ee ee ee : eee ff Real Estate for GUID REALTY LIL REALTOR 16 Simcoe St 723-528) NORTH-EAST AR 1 @ Enoy the comfort 2 storey, 3 bedroom hor a recreation room. Hot v heating system, baseboo jators, three entrances fr side, lot 50' x 150'. A it hos o ouroae: call to's LOOKING. FOR A ORCHARD ? 1} @ 10 acres -- 92€ verious apple trees, loc miles from Oshawa on < good road. Small investm little work in your spar will bring those extras you can always use. Do it, call today. e NORTH-WEST AR I] @ Features in this 2 | bungalow are large mod chen, clean living room, bedrooms downstairs, drive, garage, secludei yard, very close to bus and. shopping. All yor $13,900. e JUST THE PLAC TO MEDITATE IV @ Just the home fe tired couple, lovely 3 bungalow, aluminum sid stone front. Landscaped g real quiet. To inspect, | night. e PRICE REDUCED COMMERCIAL PROP V_@ Opportunity locat commercial business or sion or nursing home. W: 9 room brick home, with front entrance and pave ing. On one. of Oshawa thoroughfares, o prime for a dentist, doctor o outlet. For details and to please call now. e FOUR BEDROOA VI @ 2 storey brick pe $13,900. located in No Oshawa. Large lot 90' Enough cement blocks o erty to build a garage. | particulars, ah tonight. SOUTH-EAST ARE vil @ A lovely house preferred area with pave and carport. Large panel! reation room. Built-in oven and fan in modern | Reasonable down payme Price $21,500. To inspe tonight. e RESTAURANT VIIL @ Simcoe Street Well located, very good tion, new furniture. Ov leoving the country. Lis enly $7,500. for @ quic e SIMCOE SOUTH 1X @ Eight-plex showing lent return. Parking, sto fridges. For full port enquire tonight. a REVENUE PROPER X°@ This brick front, 2 building is in immaculate ition and has just beer pletely renovated. An ide for offices or a barber There is a 2 bedroom ment on the main floor a bedroom apartment upste hardwood floors. Full ba with 1 piece bath and completely fenced back All this on Oshawa"s thoroughfare, phone ton inspect a 3 BEDROOM X! @ bungalow with | recreation room. Paved di and garage. Extra large lot. Immediate possessio price $19,300. Phone for an appointment to | Located in the North-Ea: e COMMERCIAL PROPI X11 @ 3 stores and 2 apc on a large lot 98' x 1 Oshawa's. main thorou An excellent opportunity great investment, For fu' iculars, call tonight. e FULL PRICE $15,4 XII @ A nicely decora bedroom bungalow, with covered with hardwood, t broadloom. A view of Lal ario and the lot complete ced in front and rear. Th lawn has paved patio are tonight for more informa e EAST OSHAWA XIV @ Handsome 2 year bedroom bungalow with c a pleasure to work in tl chen with built-in stov oven and dining area. pleasant 4 piece bath wit ity, and an extra door t room, On « quiet stree carries for $133. per ¢ including taxes. e Oshawa Office: Ernest Mueller 728 Grace Thomas 728 Len Bissell 725 Roy Flintoff 725 Jack Graham 728 Jean Peacock 725 Evelyn Cassel 725 Vernon B. Corson 723 Joe Drapak 723 Steven Englert 728 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668 Morris Fogel 723 Leon Manitius 728 Ted Mendyk 728. Hilda Mooney 728. Lloyd Corson 723 Lucas Peacock 725. Dick Young 723 WHITBY OFFICE George Nymeyer 728. Doreen Aston 728. Kathryn Armstrong 723: Jean Hedge 728. GUIDE REALT LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South 723-5281