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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1967, p. 13

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) played the part had ig withdrawals from shop where she had ing part time. She ted of stealing about th of clothes. 'SELL FULL HITURE ! yu can that er, S over ur 9 ct ;. We ill too! , Ltd. rnishings 725-2686 s Yellow. Gruen sion automatic matching expan- REG. 82.50 SALE $49.50 GET, ARGE or ASH "S |Thanksgiving feast, since the Bre lye tele flocks tranquil-| wade bird's legs tend to snap like|/Zers to prevent such accidents : : oy hs , rg matchsticks when it grows too INTELLIGENT TURKEYS? What to do with utility pipes as ; ' 7 % a a moe femme heavy One tolerant man, who has,on a rec room ceiling? Paint 'i € zB es sais vise reg raised turkeys for nearly 40) em a ie oy Bete the ' NOT FOR FAMILIES years, claims they -sometimes|Céiling and joists behind them a of. GEORGE $ JUNIOR CWL HOLDING FUND - RAISING SOCIAL BINGO The monstrous turkeys aren't/show intelligence. "I've seert flat. white. Voila! an abstract! intended for a family dinner, the sing sur Home-made articles will Greek Catholic Church. some one will win and be- mats decorated with Ukrain- put they will be dent? tae nk apes rigs rane SAVORY TIDBITS be featured as prizes at a Mrs, William Yasmanicki, hind them are two quilts; ian embroidery will restaurants and food-processing dea he: said poe ; ee social "bingo next Monday president, right, and Mrs, one a _ multi-colored star among the twenty prizes to plants Turkey farmers use a great oe eae of qaite Dress evening, organized by the E. P. Hyrcanuk, left, dis- quilt and the other, appli- be won in this fund-raising Plenty of turkeys of all sizes assortment of antibiotics and Place a Aidtuersa adie Ard ink Junior Catholic Women's play a doll , dressed in qued in blue and yellow. event for the parish. are available for the 1967 holi- vitamins to keep their Ablingtel one oh) st cae fou ely League of St. George's Ukrainian costume that Pillow cases and : place --Oshawa Times Photo" day season. The U.S. Depart-\charges in good health. A gob- Ala radact aaa Ge alae " e: x ment of Agriculture estimates bler suffering from mud fever, tic pick for easy ie cdling Atherfold, secretary; -. M_rs.|ceeds of the bazaar. and tea production this. year at 125,600,.0r--blue-comb;--responds--nicely Brot! aay entti--bacon--t SOCIAL & PERSONA Thomas Simmons, treasurer;|will go to the Crippled Chil-/000 birds, a new record. Califor- to terramvcin ; brown, Remove picks Serve Mrs. Ian' Lee, sewing; Mrs.}dren's School and Treatment nia, Minnesota, and Missouri A Massachusetts farmer. in hot ar ; io tn George Mamel..a, district rep- Centre are the leading producers stalled electric heating pads on 19 sagan ae moore 2 neds resentative; Mrs, John Morton, ir, and-Mrs. William Skit- The lot of a turkey grower is|the floor of his erooder house = Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department Mrs, Joseph Voermans and Mrs.\teral Central Park Boulevard 2 & happy one. An experi-'so the poults would not get cold SOCIAL NOTICE John Crowley, - telephone CON- couth, 'celebrated their 15th enced and exasperated farmer feet. In Virginia, some turkeys} : The Oshawa Tennis Club held} Mrs. Norman Fisher, guestYeners: Mrs. George Simmons. wedding 'anniversary on Tues-/¢XPlained why: "Turkeys are are fed wild violet. buds, a ENGAGEMENT | Sp and Mrs. Samuel Cayer, social day. Married in Toronto, Mrs,| beautiful to look at, fragile as delicacy reported to give the Mr.- and Mrs. Benjamin Ed - Its annual banquet and dance|speaker at Kingsview United conyeners: and Mrs. Raymond Skitteral is the former. Mar.|2" orchid, and stupid beyond meat finer grain and flavor. : ny \ on Saturday 'evening at the|Church women's meeting, dis-/Drumm, sick convener, The No- 5; Marsh of that city. The|Delief." ; Whether fed flowers or the ward Pankhurst, Oshawa, wish Tennis Club. Ralph Harlowe,|Played her unique centennial vember meeting will be a pot couple has resided in Oshawa| While drinking water, a standard high-protein feed,|!® announce the engagement of president of the club, intro-|Project of eighteen dolls. The luck supper next Wednesday. fo, five gyears, having first, Young tom may become hypno-;more turkeys wind up these/their. eldest daughter, Susan duced the head table guests, dolls were dressed in costumes Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Attersley,|ranging from 1867-1967 an 1867 and Mrs. G. D. Conant, one of|travelling dress with peplum, the original tennis organizers injan 1895 Gibson girl with long Oshawa, also Miss Anne Fedy,|full black skirt, an 1897 bicycle tennis director, Ronald Guilti-/costume, an 1899 duster coat nan, vice-president; Ralph Mc-\for the open carriage, a 1914 Kendry, and Mrs. McKendry, |narrow hobble skirt, a 1966 new Mr. and Mrs. James Wyllie,|maple leaf plaid short skirt and Miss Margaret Froud, Mr. and|@ 1967 doll with straight long Mrs. Raymond Petre, past|hair in a (ent-like dress. Mrs president; Mr. and Mrs. Sid-|Clarence Skuce, Mrs. Harvey ney Dodsworth, Mr. and. Mrs.{Skinner and Mrs. Theodore Wil Willfred Dodsworth and Ron-|Kins assisted with the progra ald Little. The Social Planning Council, Mrs. Donald Jackson, of the)8% Organization comprised of will n-|representatives of all the social Ice Follies show, was entertai services in Oshawa, recently ed recently at a dinner party} held at the home of Mrs. Jack set up a committee to explore| aay, Taylor, Glengrove Street. nursery in Oshawa, and if this 4 also in Ottawa. Mrs. Porter was! with th - 3 e ec q ie help of Mrs. Philip . Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Evenissineed exists, the ways and) cua ores ae her sister's bridesmaid at the|Lawrence and Mrs. Ross Scott 2:00 P.M. and Barry E. Mills were the/means for setting up such 4! Dorothy Brows. af Belleville wedding in Westcliffe-on-Sea,!and Mrs. Edward Simpkin are ae R guests of Mrs. J. Conroy and'service. The committee is cOM-|.ng the regional advisor, Miss Essex, England, 50 years ago. jin charge of the choir booth. f eq Koom. Miss Kathy Conroy of St. Cath-|posed of Mrs. George A. Ruth Smith cor Lindsay ' Miss) Mi souanh Corey and Mie Doors open at 2:00 p.m. = arines at the formal opening|Pearce, chairman; Mrs. as Cezarina Wysocki, of Oshawa | Richard tl is de aot -- ; + . awn rarir ys , : 3 + vo or ee ee out lewis Gece oe the chit wil We the a the |conveners of St. Mary of the "Fil ' ea opic WL e "The anging|People Catholic Women's alle jg Bian cnn rt ie alae atc Role of Government and Con-|League "Tree Lights'? bazaar! PAR KWAY | V and roy is a participant in the rid- ing events. The 9th scout mothers' aux- Mrs. George J. Minielly, Swit-/Mrs. Walter Atherfold, zer Drive, entertained the con- veners for the Pioneer Fair and tea which will be held at Cen- tennial United Church next Wed- nesday evening. ecutive for the coming year as follows, Mrs. Gordon Leddy, president; Mrs. Clifford Harper, vice-president; Mrs. Walter pale a HOLIDAY BRIGHT from the Camelot collection spiration for this graceful, of sleepwear, loungewear enchanting robe with its and robes made from this free-flowing back and wide same nylon fabric, it will cape sleeves. It is made of make a delightful gift for the new georgette in three the woman on your list wha "CAMELOT" was the in- colors -- Guinevere blush, enjoys leisure and lovely white and jousting pink. things. : One of the many items . --By Tracy Adrian FOR THE FINEST Custom and | EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 "Free Customer Parking While Shopping at Our Store" Ory Goods & Draperies | | i 72: Simeoe N. | '|to develop a_ giant invisible legs, |tion, |monsters Mr. and Mrs. Earle Webster, ™ade their home in Whitby t a o and new products such as bone-\Dodslev, s of Mr Mrs Masson Street, and their daugh-| Residents of Oshawa between Fommep pag Oe a less anheer rolls and roasts Gorton Dodsley Onis mn ter, Miss Jane Webster, attend- eee and 1939, Tt. Colonel and/dent's Ball, this popular social|Growers foresee the day whenitario, The wedding will' take ed the convocation exercises at athe A ia pe celebrated|eyent has become a fund rais-|{he convenient roasts -- andjplace on Saturday, December, ie ¢ jars A eh : [Albert College, Belleville, re- ae A oo ue aneAne ing project for Oshawa Rotar-|even chops and steaks from/23, 1967, at two o'clock in St cently. Miss Webster received); ; At ty a n+ uesday.lians and their friends giant birds -- will appear year-|Gertrude's Roman Catholic her secondary school gradu- olone: Toslan served as round on the table. Church, Oshawa ation diploma and was the reci- pient of a number of prizes, among them, the jing at Adelaide House on Mon- Mildr ss land's sister, Mrs if there is a need for a day| whitby will pny ue un and Mr. Porter, of Oshawa are Miss jsequent Legislative |Health in Toronto, Mrs. Walter Johnston hasjnight will be President Kenneth jcons _nted to open the bazaar/Crone and Mrs. Crone; vice- jand tea sponsored by the Wom-'president William Minett and en's Auxiliary of the Oshawa/Mrs. Minett and dance. chair- Police Association. This eventman Dr. Douglas Lang- will take place in St. Gregory's)maid and Mrs. Langmaid Hall next Thursday. The pro-!Dinner will be served at 8:00 MacKenzie | tawa |Robertson_ scholarship and the' cided mn {Florence MacKenzie trophy. dian Army since Mrs. E. S n' Develop-|to be held next Monday in St iliary held a meeting recently.|ment."' Miss Wysocki is em-|/Mary of the People parish hall past ployed as solicitor and counsel president installed the new ex-|in the Ontario Department of the Rotary Charity |Oshawa Golf Club on Saturday Their Receiving from 7 Major of the Ontario Regiment jand in 1942 was posted to Cana- Headquarters, where the couple has re-jon daughter, |ties, Creighton (Madge)|gift items will be displayed for The Business and Profession and her husband are in Ottawalsale at booths arranged by Mrs Women's Club of Oshawa\ this week to attend a small!Gordon Rae, Mrs. William Gill, celebrate its twenty-fifth|Sathering of friends anniversary at a dinner meet-|0f another daughter, Mrs, E. T. K Barnett (Barbara). Mrs. Tos-|Pugh. The Girls' Auxiliary and at the home| H. S. Porter 15 p.m. at Ball at the BLACK'S A very collection special better dresses . . . a-kind. These are little dinner dates, thot over dance floors, beauties whirl brocade and laces, NOW IS THE TIME TO Ready Made MS AVEAY, | A SMALL DEPOSIT DRAPES ||) wr in the latest Shades ond | fabrics eo Serene | BLACK' mony one-of- the modest lovies that keep intimate bare and lustrous gracefully . luscious style es, both waltz and floor length for all goy occasions of the holi- day season. Wools, knits, puffed "The House of Style For The Fashion Wise" PARTY DRESSES of LADIES WEAR LTD. Open Fri. Unti 19 p.m. jer reports from experience |important to {Colin Parks have charge of the Ot-|tea-room at St Temper and legs still present problems. 1 Wheameon THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 16, 1967 15 Fragile Drumsticks, Bad Temper || Mar New Breed Of Giant Turkeys. Turkey are trying/tized by the movements of his} bird withjown head, and drink on until pinfeathers, sturdyjhe drowns. | and a pleasant disposi-| Turkeys often wander aim-| lessly in a downpour and catch) pneumonia, simply because} they can't find the poultry} house door. If a newly-hatched| turkey were not taught to eat, it would _ starve Growers| spread feed underfoot, hoping the poults will peck at it and get the -idea. It takes little to stampede a flock of turkeys. A paper flut- tering in the wind may cause the birds to dash hysterically to a corner of their pen and pile jup in a fatal crush. Some grow- breeders So far, they've bred 70-pound whose white pin- feathers are barely noticeable Gobblers are generally bad- tempered; even smal! toms are formidable. "'A big 25-pounder will flop you when he gets mad," a veteran Virginia grow- A turkey's drumsticks are as} breeders as to hungry people gathered at a days in TV dinners, meat pies, Easy Recipe | For Corn Wine By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ingredients: 1 pint corn, 2 Tbs. raisins, 1. gal. water, 2 lemons, 1 orange, 4 Ibs. sugar and yeast nutrient. Soak the corn overnight. Crush in mincer and put into a crock with the rai- sins, chopped. Add lemon rinds, thinly peeled, fruit juice, sugar and yeast nu- trient. Pour on boiling water, stir t dissolve sugar, leave until cool. Add yeast. Keep covered in warm place for ° three weeks, Stir daily, Strain into fermenting bottle and fit tap. Let ferment thoroughly. Clear and bot- tle l iS if - WIFE PRESERVER Mary Elizabeth, to Gary Wayne Mrs. Clarence Keith and Mrs ----____ he Mark's Bazaar Saturday afternoon. Novel- needlework and attractive St. George's A Mr: i Centre Stre sell Lloyd Beatty, Flutter and Rus- John Mrs, Mrs the Junior Auxiliary have a candy booth and a variety booth BAZAAR SATURDAY, NOV. 18 nglican Church et, Oshawa BELECTROHOME Think About Tomorrow To Give You The Best Today | See the CARTIER STEREO HI-FI -today--at -Parkw ay-T¥--This wide, 27"-high, 19 3/16" deep THIS CAN BE YOURS NOW FOR ONLY ........ One Yeor Warranty On All Parts and Service We Service What We Sell... TELEVISIO 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH styled, Discernment Series is a beautiful model to fit in any room, Finished in Walnut, Mahogony,; Burgundy- Fruitwood,--Classic Fruitwood or Antique ry. 29 transistors, 23 diodes and 2 tntegrated circuits, 6 speakers with Dual "1015" record changers, Provisions for remote and satelite speakers; Mode! S610. 60" French Prov 749.50 , Ourselves PARKWAY N 723-3043 Contin From. Ou KI No Nicer Gift up 7 Thar ort Our Great Annual 37th Anniversary SALE Sporlswear LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Tonite Frida y & Satur d ay With Further Drastic to PRICE AND LESS LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 2 ---- REMEMBER ----______ We Carry By Far The Largest Stock of Sportswear in Oshawa cmos Reductions MUST BE CLEARED NOW ! AT REDUCED PRICES ALL SALES FINAL A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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