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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1967, p. 14

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 16, 1967 eo detnnntceniannanninns a Toronto last year and de- decided to live in Montreal during the Expo season (CP Wirephoto) Osaka, site of the next world's fair in 1970. Peter, from West Berlin, and Anita, of Melbourn et in Anita Short and Peter Gromotka load their mini- bus prior to leaving for Skilled Labor Replacing Cooks In The Kitchen NEW YORK (AP) and more restaurant cooks are expected to do st what moth : Romance Follows we want to take in the Olympic Expo To Japan Games in Mexico too." From Mexico, Anita and MONTREAL (CP) -- Just a Peter will travel through Cen few days after the closing of tral and South America, Peter's -Expo..67,ayoung engaged cou- second time round "ple left Montreal to attend the "'I have lots of friends whom 1 "next world's fair, Expo 70 in have been corresponding with -Osaka, Japan, still nearly three Since my last trip, and they ped wil sure, be very help- "years away "ees I am P* ors do--reach the frozen Anita Short and Peter food locker for easy-to-fix Gromotka met Toronto last The travellers expect to be in meals year and with Expo coming up Rio de Janeiro by the end of *decided to come to Montreal next year and from there they will tackle the east coast of Afri Peter, who is from West Ber-| Porat ate thay. will Basie more than double he next 10 lin, found himself work as their way to Europe ontinuing Yeats and much of the growth is the Canadian pavilion : inheeah ys ti © expect caus f instits Cook tn : On. overland across Asia ta Japan. °xPected because of institution oo The U.S.frozen food industry expects froz food sales to Anita, who is from Melbourne,| wwiite in Europe. we will al buying il | * li found herself a job at the Ba-| i} Deters carente in West/, Industry sourcéS say frozen varian beer garden on Lai," i aed food sales topped $6,200.000,000 Berlin, possibly for five weeks S ta -~ aid Anita : 760,000,000 in 1965 "After Japan, we'll: go to Aus projected at tralia to visit my parents. If j97% Peng likes it there we might The market ar MN brightest is How much money have they Ronde, Expo's amusement area. She also picked up secre- tarial work with a Japanese company in Montreal Anita and Peter have bought a 1968 Volkswagen bus, com- plete with camping equipment ast year, compared $5,- h Sales are $15,400,000,009 in that appears ols, hospitals feeders and other ma First stop on their way to Japan|2¢ the start of their mammoth «phe day of the cook in the was Toronto journey? No more than $500 citchen..is. vanishing,"..6ay 4 " there we will trave W.Dutcher of Le Sueur, Minn., en a U.S. to A or PARTY CANAPE who has j ended a. vear's California and we will be mar. When your next party rolls|term as president of the Nation ried New Year's Eve," Anita 2round here's a canape thatial Association of Frozen Food said w win. favor with everyone a matter of Generously spread buttered tchen."' CIRCLING GLOBE toast fingers with finely forcing the Peter, who has seen both the chopped hard cooked eggs mix-|mass-feeders New York and Brussels world'sied with mayonnaise. Arrangelpared foods fairs, is eager to see San Anto- two whole Norway sardines)McNulty, an official nio's HemisFair. dove-tail on each and top with)zen food! packers "We will see some of it butia sliver of pimento. i Frozen items frozen pre Edward I of the fro eliminate the More - economic level | CHILD GUIDANCE SELF-CONTROL VANISHES _ Angry Parent Loses Ground pn ch nd sei | trol and patience rarely gets | In Battle Over Homework _ itis ciita 'ver ehoot 'Tessons this child over school lessons. They just do it for want of self- By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD and self-regard' in or tti th : : Over the years, I have dis-|Utopia w at. Want of putting themselves, in cussed the big problem involved par hee og on meee imagination, in the place when a parent tries to help the) °T 8'W4ys Prevalied, of the child who is supposed to child at home with his school am distressed as I !magine be learning from a school book assignments. The problem re-/Scenes tonight throughout our or school assignment. Yet the volves around how the parent/nation, of thousands and thou- parent attempting to help a and child feel toward each other S2nds of sorrowing children|child has the vantage '.ground. at this time, especially around|"ying to learn in the presence | Most of the learning trouble the how the parent feels toward the|ol @ heartless, angry, violent/child has then is created by the child. This feeling may vary all/Parent presuming to help them. parent. Pe ithe way from violent anger in|! can hear some parents shout-| Of course, the "parent may the parent and discouragement in& like maniacs, reviling the|need to require the child to be and despair in the child, to pa-| hopeless. youngster, over read- at a certain place at a certain tience and calmness and gentle-/'"8. Spelling and arithmetic, time with his learning tools. But jness in the parent and success-|With such shrieking words as|this parent can't really com- ful achievement, hopefulness|. °nery'", , "dumbbell",/mand this child to learn and to Nts akar SSA ACRE ONAN ----/|"If you'd only try and pay at-/enjoy success at his efforts to tention!" I can, in my imagina-\do so. The helping parent can need for workers to peel P0- tion, see some of these children'set the stage so the child may tatoes, - mix hamburger EE running off weeping and trying enjoy achievement; as a part of eliminate left-overs, he says. It'tg escape the torture, only to this stage is a calm and hopeful becomes a matter of heat and have to endure it again tomor-|atmosphere. id bles row night COMPASSION MISSING LIKE CENTRAL KITCHEN Who are these terrible par-, What usually causes the par- Then, too, some restaurantjents? They seem to be no re chains prefer to hire one high-|pector of social, economic or ed-| salaried chef working in a cen-jucational levels. Among them the child makes. For example, tral kitchen where food for all|may be college professors, il-)when the child is corrected once} the other restaurants is pre-|literates, public school teachers,/in the spelling of a word, or} pared, frozen and shipped out. 'doctors, lawyers, day laborers,|reading of a sentence, the par-| New items are coming oul housewives, ministers, mission-|ent assumes the child will stay| every day, says Dutcher. Cur-/aries, nurses, welfare workers|corrected, that he won't make --those of any educational orjthe same mistake again. stake| -jent to feel anger instead of un-|(in some grade schools) of hav- derstanding are the mistakes|ing outstanding readers read WANTS IMAGE CHANGED YORK, England (CP) -- The! Before discarding old gar "|Anglican Archbishop of York, ments, remove the buttons. Sonne iad Sci eyo be|DF. Donald Conga, tld clergy sting them To kep handy or made again, the parent is an-|men at his diocesan conference : gered at the repetition of the|they must 'get with it." He said| é error, angered that it didn't they should throw out old| How to relieve stay corrected. HOUSEHOLD HINT looking the fact that a mistake made once is likely to be made the child Control and compassion and for| Any parent who will use the|hymns and introduce new ones ees Kidney sense he was born with will try|which appeal to the young ge-| relief from the not to allow himself to be vexed/neration. 'Why should lusty! systemic condi- ? tion causing the at all over any blunder or mis-) take the youngster makes while|)°U"® men and women refer to eet ance at a lesson, Hard as it may be| themselves as frail and trem- rest better. Dew to exercise such understanding|bling sheep?" he asked. pend on Dodd's. and compassion, this surely is Po Scans SSE RAPE TERED ETSI goal for the parent to strive to-/ ward. A simply principle for, 'every parent or teacher to hold in mind and heart is the need toll find ways for the child to enjoy success at learning, The greater his success, the greater will be his interest and effort. ST. GREGORY'S CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE 5th ANNUAL My fellow parent, when you ; Mm CANDLELIGHT BALL with his lesson, the moment you' at feel vexed at him, even as soon J : . St. Gregory's Auditorium SATURDAY, NOV. 25th sides, go away from him as |unfit to be in his presence, Steve Macko's Orchestra 6.00 Per Couple |PARENTS' QUESTIONS Dancing from 9-12 Dress Optional Q. Do you believe the practice | FOR RESERVATIONS 725-1878 aloud to their classmates is what it is 'cracked up to be?" A. No. This practice can} make the rest of the classroom | feel inferior, when they are not eager to-listen. 1 sehienonmeain rently, about 1,200 items are frozen, including such dishes as snails and knishes i "The comer in frozen pre pared items is Chinese food," says McNulty. Some in the industry see more combination foods available for the housewife, such as foods with sauces. Fruit frozen in bags which gradually thaw when the bag is placed in cold water is another. Frozen juice concentrate in cardboard type cans with flip-open tops similar to beer cans also is in the works. Frozen meals for two or more are becoming popular. SATURDAY MORNING JUNIOR TYPING CLASSES Open to Pupils from Grades Six, Seven, Eight Attend either 9:00 to 10:30 er 10:30 to 12:00 Everyone should know how to type os early in life as possible. Registrations are being accept- ed for Day School Classes -- Six Courses Available OUR GRADUATES GET JOBS! FREE LITERATURE ACT NOW! Dial 7125-3375 M. €. Barnett -- Principal Here's the perfect Knowing Grandads, Deserving Mo It's the "College" Study Lamp. Anyone who reads deserves the College" Study Lamp for Christmas For a student it can mean better marks, and for older people it means ort when reading. The "College" Study Lamp eliminates shadow and helps prevent eye strain and fatigue. See it at y and department stores everywhere, Just look for the College" tag.. What better gift could you give? Christmas Gift for bright teenagers, Sincere College men, Sweet Grandmas, a Values Lip To 15.00 ony 9.97 _ or even Hard-working Santa Clauses. Importe LEATHE Ora for your gift selection in black or _browa, minating Engineering P.S. She'll never know 'how little you paid. ONTARIO HYDRO College Study LAMPS eveilable ot... EATON'S In The Oshawa Shopping Centre f Cherney's FURNITURE WORLD 80 King St. E. 728-1641 Oshawa Shopping Centre 728 tudy Lamp Vhite is avail- LAMPS LIMITED 30 Eglinton Ave. E. Toronte 12, Ont. 487-3461 | d What a mice way to say "Merry Christmas" to a lovely ledy whe receives one of these handsome imported handbags in smooth, gleaming calf or richly-gramed Morocco. Im distinctive stylings, into these suede-lined handbags im the sizes and shapes she wants is hound to meet with her approval. Come to Handbags in Walker's rity for lighting standards. %. YH You'll find hundreds of outstanding gift values, like these, for everyone on your list--during Walker's Gift,Spectacular Days! >, Sud d Suede-Lined R HANDBAGS -4626 & 5 King Street East, Bowmanville 623-5451 Housewife buys jar grape juice from a Tor supplier, Firm sells { Home Wine- A Pastime F By R. J. ANDERSON Canadian Press Staff W: Take 40 pounds of che and 30 pounds of sugar. thoroughly in any kind o' or tub, let sit for 30 days you've got a nice, dry win Let the mess sit a longer and you've got a s wine. Good, too There's only one { wrong with this simple re for homemade wine. The porter who obtained it tried it out forgot to ask a question: What kind of « ries? Using large comme cherries purchased in a market, the result didn't proach the quality or have kick of the product turned by the high school teache Laval, Que., who provided recipe and a sample. Further investigs "showed that he used s cWerries that grow around Montreal. He pi his own. His easy and inexpen formula is only one of m available almost anyw' now that the making of 1 and beer at home is lege seven provinces--all but N Scotia, New Brunswick Prince Edward Island, BECOMING POPULAR A Cross-Canada Survey The Canadian Press _ sh that the manufacture of ho brew has hecome a_ pop' pastime across the coun possibly as a result of he post-war immigration Europe where making | FROM MOL

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