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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Nov 1967, p. 19

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: 20--Real Estote for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 16, 1967 2] | | WwW. : : FI -A R ef q |20--Real Estate for Sale _{25--Houses for Rent ( j |FIVE-ROOM house, cl school ps ADS s 0 S B 0 R N F REALTOR LIMITED . FR A N K R | ( AR D $5,000. DOWN lly, decorated, in Whitby. 'Telephone 725. Re 645 after 6 p.m REALTY LTD Serving Oshawa and District REAL ESTATE LTD. LTD ¢ BUYS 5 BEDROOM HOME i mopeRN &room bungalow with al- " . tached in Whitby, $1 reactor _| Real Estate Ltd estado 40 King Street Eos oo LTD. REALTOR INCLUDES le ig ; ; flowing stream references considered. Call Gord 723-2265 . PHOTO MLS REALTOR 21 King St. W. 623-2503 : Core Reo! ste bs i BROKERS ; DOWNTOWN AREA PARK RD. S. AT 401 Bowmanville Field stone front, double gar- |THREE-ROOM, unfurnished house, beth Male Help Wanted 16 Simcoe of. 3, 218 Dundas St. E EXCELLENT VALUE 7 room, 2 storey, immaculate INVESTMENT PROPERTY | age, 400 sq. ft. family room pci pp ong Ry = ioe Joh, garage. its nila ate! BERNA oi asia ce he > HiehWway $14,900 -- 5 room brick shape and new furnace, mod- 576-0330 623-3393 2 semi detached brick homes with fieldstoine fireplace, |couple. Reasonable rent. Telephone 728 723-5281 " Whitby -- 1% storey home with ot kitchen and bath, paved Member Oshawa ond District with total of $175. monthly four bedrooms, have wall-to Heid iri ec cieeidasehicia EXPAN DING : hi private drive and garage. vat A real my " $14,500. Real Estate Board income. Plus extra 66' x 130' wall broadioom, attractive Re Pd § oa Dacenibey. An Si-teom, twe : Vaaahinn (haond abABacine with reasonable down pay- ree | bldg. lot. Close to shopping kitchen with dish washer and trai iocation, S138) Grontnty. Teepe COMPANY e Whitby 668-8826 | Everrhing in seed shape in ment. Balance. on | open JUST REDUCED 1250 ACRE STOCK FARM | veo. $17,900, -- terms, corlon floors, balcony off din- |iena sn MeN: There Close to school, bus service mor' gage wi early posses- . | NEWTONVILLE | ing room overlaaking a wood- |CENTRAL, "LARGE. two-storey brick 1@ ae ik the Toronto 364-6622 and walking distance to mod- ston Lovely well-kept bungalow, three, 9 etc of buildings. Terrific 14 faci ne eo i ee . ee ap Joni S150 monthly *"immediste Ford b : [ . | e@rn shopping plaza. Will sell bedrooms, paved drive and gar- ' | 3 acres of excellent garden und, one four piece bath- Suk. Cen Mae meee 4 4s opening in mainten- Township 2. rg tari Good Oshawa FIRS 157)| fast io et tel toon. | _ SPEND CHRISTMAS age. Hollywood kitchen. Profes- ue ta 4 pondsy. | and orchard land %4 mile east room, one three piece with. |pm; Selahood Bros tia. yuaiza ice department for sew- sized lot 80' x 20 in 8 a yl your own new home, lear sioinally landscaped yard, Alu- : : p| of Bowmanville. Very nice peers tiled wall.in shower |THREE "binosiow, avaliable ' i quiet area on a paved roa $1,500. DOWN bedroom, electrically heate A ning on front window | storey and half home with oll | lossession by December 10th now, close to south GM and shopping th ne oe Strictly residential. Ideal place HARMONY VILLAGE Immediote possession, 6 room attached garage, lot fully Slee ts al eects Call PAUL-} 180 ACR a conveniences. New oil furn- | Asking price $34,900 a ee ee th several years exper- for your home site. Call today) +i. 2 ear old elect listed 9 2 storey brick home in cen- | landscaped, choice Downsview INE BEAL, 725-0239. | TYRONE ; | ace. Ideal for young family. ty : ~ orhastusaaoicbibciie ice. Only experienced for more information. room brick home with attach- tral area, monthly poyments | Park location. Call now for | 8 room home, large barn, | 634% mortgage. Contact Bill Millar 725-2557 pap be byl bedroom bungelow, rsons need apply. Write NORTH EAST AREA ed garage, fireplace, family of $90.00, low pani 'ond | oPpointment to inspect. NEW RESALE | Peta ey aN pay | 4 BEDROOM HOME | 725-1186 conven ent. to ache Oh ee SI 2 room, 4 bedrooms, stove in good shape Brick 3 bedroom bungalow on Taig wishin W 7 £ Monrnly._ Reval enees 120-7700) Il @ This lovely home on Regent fridge, broadloom included DUPLEX Ps ; . ae 1 | On 132' x 267' lot in Orono. ° a AMSON $135. MONTHLY, twofamily dwelling, Box No. 84210 Drive, features a living room| must be seen to be appreciat- COMPLETELY Near Oshawa Shopping Cen- Sue ese biaue Hae Me Z ESTATE SALE | 4 pce.. bath, Finished rec | Real Estate cane acts ome Phos oe _OSHAWA TIMES with large planter, 4 piece bath) ed. Call for appointment to RENOVATED tre, 4 bedroom apartment for H : Oo ae act 157 acres on Highway No. 2, room. Washer and dryer ine ---- ---- Generel 'Motors plent: Telepnane -------- 3 with vanity of main tines ane inspect. Lovely 76 starey framehome owner and 2 bedroom apart- hia Saiahtt ae $1 A A a Mavens, cae oat room cluded. $13,500. | 725-0239 , 2 piece bath with vanity off the ovel | ment to lease, attached gar- : "| brick home. Painted barns | IDG Neen IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Three-bed- CAR SALESMAN pe therentlon 'room: thot feat- 2 BEDROOM good as new. Reasonable | age, 'double paved drive, suelo re Call pony 30' x 90', plus loafing barn, $1,000 DOWN { STOVE, Jie: WASHER, room horn 7 lose to public and sepa- 1 new and used cars, Ideal ures a natural stone fireplace BUNGALOW weal papers required --- | patio, large landscaped lot, hi ae lean an ate Large stream flows through Frame bungalow near Black- | DRYER Ue ols, $110, monthly, 723-7463 " ate » Ide and bar. Divided kitchen with ; priced to sell. Large rooms; | jb oadioomed living room, tor- located only 15 miles from Osh-| farm plus several springs with stock. Oil furnace. Conven- | 1 ot ae W MODERN three-bedroom home, srking conditions. All be 'ak| Only $12,500 and il age, Situated north 9 , $18,500, Oshawa, detached jeleciric heat, broadioom, ner | south i : Ugg ample cupboards, double sink y Z One Yeu 'ul bal wee ro ginal floors plus many other | BUILDING LOT pond sites. Must be sold at iences. 162' x 137' lot. 3 bedroom bungalow in truly Aotors on Dwight Avenue, 725 's. Apply in person, and spray, built-in china cab- be the proud owner of a part of city |. extras. Shown by appointment | | once to settle estate. Asking | spotless condition. Owners 711 between 9 and 5, : inet, sliding pocked door separ-| cute little home in Oshawa $3 900. DOWN only, Lovely well treed building lot $58,000 --- $20,000 down, SPLIT LEVEL forced to move, Many extr HOUSE FOR RENT -- four rooms and Nicols Motors Ltd. ating the kitchen from the rest uu pect tu) trees, sone : i : located only 15 miles from c 623-37 home on %4 acre on hwy. 35. inelded jn ie y OS: | bath jwith finished ree-room. Telephone 401 Dundas E., Whitby of the home, Plus paved drive) g99rdens, dining room, living Gige 5% t90m sorey | 4 BEDROOM |; Oshawa City Limits, Paved all -3393, 728-7518 Lots of trees. Very attroc- | : = ee Gf ORO La coche eno Nee and carport with utility locker.| foom, sweet nile. Kitcnen, brick home with garage and | Asking $14,500. for this im- road. Asking $2,600. Coll or Toronto 923-9174 tive home and lot. Only $11,= ' rie te bile (Modern three-b 2 ; : built-in barbecue in back jood «size fenced lot. Oi) | 1 728-1678 stead vr ICENSED MECHANIC Bilger ye rere - rrg93, 900. yard, Don't. hesitate. Call eating low taxes. Priced at | OE UlDIR 1a Srey ctr Ones. I 668 wa eee | Ane om, Sot ener a3 SP yeraacicie Sih ROUEN: Teeneee Rew To see. Ticen et ' i Now. : } : | laide East, so close to all ser- | . | 65 . st $15,900 and good 4 Ken Hockir 623-5055 35 ACRE FARM i er ee ee eal working conditions, all e | | A for the bal vices, schools, etc. Call now EARLY POSSESSION Sede all epi sp = H MILLEN 26--Apartments for Rent nefits, American Motors VALENCIA ROAD $16,500 fy ARENDS OL A Pear for appointment to inspect. Pat Yeo 623 3077 Three bedroom brick home, . pA ABIRBlaik tas hate altel vb a aler. Apply son to: 1! @ Three bedroom home on} , Well kept three bedroom brick Terry Masters 623-3792 all conveniences. 30' x 70' Real Fs a Ee eee a nice quiet street, large land- ee ing PN 3 Ce a cas ALBERT ST. | back split, with finished rec- yal Ae Rafuse Grereeue | barn, water bowls. Stream, eo! Estate Ltd. Realtors $.3:3 3°55 5.5 $ $ : , larg r leeesiee macaena | oe Barnoski 723-57 Nicols Motors Ltd. scaped lot, shade trees. Just! 6, St Lawrence St. in Whit- Enel 99% storey home and Large older 7 room, 2 storey, esl Lente re eao Tn Ron G pare Oicr | pond site. eee! ' c f listed. Asking $11,500. Owner) by 'Selling today for this low a 6 room frame home. Good just @: few: blecks tron down: re 2 re HY 9 3 | Dick Metcalf 623-5293 [FULL-TIME SALESMAN, Classified Ads SA V F 401 Dundas E., Whitby will give possession in 30 days.| price listed above incon peobarhy ak pres town, large lot, reasonably Yaut ae OO erat Cal! Roy estac 6 see eons | Harold Peck 986-4252 $e ba you around the clock, Dial 723- Ti ENY" ODPORTUNITO lcce | : res : S HALL, 728-551: Roy Foster Orono - | ay ny hes opening for", local res ae. porticator' pee Fel RETIRE IN WHITBY time with future possibilities. dic gad fow, low down | : | Weston Banister Garden Hill wie ora 983. 3274 ey oe: a P with business or sales background 1 gahe ' | Large lot--excellent location | | COUNTRY LIVING 797-2215 ' Shih ESA RS Sale ra Pad a---summer roperties FY sete peraooal sinters, souce: 150' x 250 LAKEFRONT | Clean 3 bedroom brick, close Good for business, home also 10 ACRE Five yoom. bungalow with new Howard Forder Brooklin | For Sale or Rent rienes. Vv ith cud f earl by bus ane shopping, peed has ao cig he office building lets, just east of bathroom and new 70 ft. well.) ¢ B p ae 3853 Uy B. Id | £ TRUCTIONSUaborer wanted imme: § 1 é @ with a lot o trees 'Our rive wit carport, ence: space a or further in- City limits oh paved road Good size lot of: 70 ft: by 170 seorge Beoton Port Perry ea or Ma i anles "eal west giles yard, only $18,900. . | formation. | Aeeauick oh these (otk, | ft. Three nice sized bedrooms 985-2987 | McMULLAN & Co. RETIREMENT Retired ie | to Store Manager, fli. & from the city of Oshawa $14,500 IMMACULATE OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE | Auniney siding Call IDSO S ire OUup es ; 5 | WIERSMA, 728-5683 JOHN F ees Be ° Just what you have been look- | CONDITION | Dial- 720.4678 | Daeevend Guaranteed_Lowest Mele or Female $ JUST LISTED ing for a 6 room brick home 1%4 year old brick bunga- | "Jos Maga 725-9191 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . 120 Dundes West Two nice retirement homes Rents in Town Help Wanted Sid a ee rie y ages a es of ae etude te taeoaie ore | Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 Cutest 3 bedroom brick --bun WHITBY ' paatibeas | just recently available. Both Oshawa's Most Convenient wi arge ; ' hd 3 | Mark Tomi 723-1206 galow, built by a perfectionist. | e | ore in village of Norwood, Location HOWTO EARN room. Excellent. 6% mortgage pana 0 taking advantage of High Schools. 61%%- mort- | aa . Tomine ya ae Hich deep basement." Located (668- 6201 Reasonably priced i Very clean and nicely kept r gage, good monthly pay- John O'Driscoll 725-8585 only 3 minutes from Oshawa ore | Shopping, Bus service within MORE MONEY -- home. It iso real bargain for oe ments. Hollywood kitchen, icky Ge 738 ae Shasning Cente Monthly pave! REAL ESTATE LTD. | Contact Gerry Romsey at the easy, walking dinenes: MEN and WOMEN i $15,300. Call tonight for in- special light fixtures, many -- = ments only $122.00 including| REALTOR | COMMERCIAL LAND Marmora office (613) 472- Bachelors $80 mon. pene full 82 spection e OPEN extras, Must be seen to be Ww. MEMBER. O.D.R.E.B. principal, interest and taxes at} | Two bedroom older home on 3432 or write One Bedrooms $98 mon 2 a full or port-time Bo 714% OPEN MORTGAGE appreciated e list exclusive & M.L.S only 614% N.H.A. Mortgage. | Bowmanville nicely landscaped lot. This BOWES AND COCKS T . Bed $105 i KEITH Call ._DOUG CARMICHAEL, | bungalow is in excellent cor- J COCKS balsa chet doped mon. | LIMITED | Free parking, fridges, stoves, rson to help meet the de- ind for a much needed ser- e for motorists. Pleasant, VI @ Only 2% years old, brick bungalow located on a deep 300 foot lot, loaded with extras, gar- dition and only 3 minutes 623-3] I | from downtown Whitby, con- | sists of living room, dining GLENRUSH A lovely three bedroom bun- galow with attached garage laundry facilities. Coll 728-1678 between 9:00 m. and 5:00 p.m. Marmora, Ontario HOUSE | | | 723-7463 or Toronto 922-7970. | | : 65 ACRE FARM: with lovely PETERS gerd sang paying "gtr ce age, recreation room, extra room Ot Oana: te Ww necessary bu in basement, paved driveway, in One snawa § most Ge- ; | I kitch Ty 2 | c cor is. For full information iaae Woden Aspens Close to ST. LAWRENCE | sired oreas. Large family kit- | riko pore e Verney | etl et ratatlig mninek: | On Gincenk. Lake j one 576-3351 schools and transportation. Very ST. EAST chen, broadioom in the spec- REA . | 623.7437 ; . Y Carries for $80 per month. | $8500, new three bedroom | TAIL WAITERS and cocklall wait good terms. Call us to inspect} WHITBY lous living heey firariocs in EALTY LTD., 728-7328 | 623-743 ' wun' | cottage with kitchen cup . jall walt. | ec oom, throoms, | Ve ACRE LOT: with school | 4 quired. Apply Mr. Ci this home. roa | choo! boards, half log siding, stain a Ne phone 'cals, please. Hotel WILSON RD. NORTH | plus many more features, 103 KING STREET EAST | house Shed and well near (3 UNIT APARTMENT) ed. Sliding glass door to sun- Real Estate Ltd. RTUNITY | KNOCKS =" Urgentiy VII @ Large lots are becoming] | Come in and see the two-| | For full particulars call Realtor | REAL ESTATE LIMITED LARGE wade i. Bowninnelis Brock St. older brick home on deck. Down payment now, REALTORS eed Fey Pag Pay ordaat very rare, especially ot the ask-| | storey, 4 bedroom beauties 723-2265 ee | REALTOR | Call & Veno aa, yaar : large landscaped lot, 54 x | Payments next year. Call ERISRE RE seh ind kes to make money. Good com- ing price of $6,400. Located in | UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY-- | 506 Simcoe Street South YOY é 37. 130' This income home | Keith Fairblairn or Toronto i prrangement. All replies contl- the North-East Area, ond being OPEN DAILY Mike:Belmonte 576-1908 | § room house, oil heating, BOWMANVILLE: Centrally | shows good return on invest- | direct line 364-747) M Real Estate, 76-1200. , ' | OSHAWA oose ete 85' wide by 184' deep. TO AiR Gan aK George Twaites 723-2008 _| bathroom, 10 acres of land Ce located. 3 bedroom brick | ment. List price $19,300 | Bowes & Cocks | s e U . Willard Johnston 728-1066 | mear Hampton. Act fost! 728-7585 home. All modern conven- | 10 ACRE LOT j Limited | mr Rau 2 ears or Willey |_____-_} | frwin Craikshonks 728-5205 | Soll, Derethy Vivien, 263- | i Coe end Ditict | (erect: Asking $15.00, 1 win stream" and hardwood | P.O. Box 535 an , | : | n' S| " nd Distri Tevene ! ' eRo | ith stream an ardwoo: | + 2 : TERED CRAY 7 PRESTIGE HOME $11,900 Mel Dale 623-5638 | | a erms. Call Mrs. McRobbie | With stream ond hardwoe Peterborough 742-4234 part-time and for. onvcal i Vill @ Excellent 2 storey home : | Maible Boudreau 728-2233 LOOK HERE! -- Brick du- | | 623-7159 | 'bu 2 Ta S00, Y* |ROR SALE -- Rice Lake -- Threaded apartime and for on-call, duty, ith attached double garage on| Townline north Oshawa on o Ed Drumm T2G9048 > Sie ei 4 nutty cid | Valucble Property | 35 ACRE FARM ee room lakefront coftage, furnished fieest apartment nel Department, Ajax and Pick- forge lot 116' x 540' with 99' x 121' lot with low toxes, Irene Brown 725-3867 | eos F y Gees bl rhsae MER ace baa | piace. Inside conveniences, $10,000. Cali| General Hospital, 942-2320. @ orgs only $180. per year, school Mare Wail 553-1388 | complete with stoves and re 25 acres vacant land. Osh- | manville. Good chicken barn $1,000 DOWN 728-1208 after 6 p.m Pe ae ned sb beoadd of preparty Spac- bus at the door this 5 room are 3 728-9 7 frigerators. A chance of > | awa city limits. Zoned res 3 bedroom bungalow. Call G. | 83 x 181' large lot with --__-- * h Real Estate for $ r Sale lous sia, foes seporate dining fie Nera cen be. beuent Dany oe a an lifetime with on income of idential. Excellent invest VanDyk 623-7437 plenty of shade trees, Just off |21--Farms for Sale wit room with excellent view © ) eg er : $250.00 per month and only ment potential. $2,000 per N High ist \ 5/000 bo' ge landscaped lawns. Extremely with $2,000 down call today. | Bill McFeeters 725-1726 | $3000 down Call Elmer | acre $16.000 CUAL Price: for 8 | ga sop, anmey: LM Price inating a eaulome to 'rea a Cable TV avon catehen wit atom built i 4 | rick bungalow: wi facilities in ho Beth Cal G R | F F | N o pre Pepto alto nee el BRICK BEAUTY OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Fredin, 725-2753 tise cards. Al mami. coumeie SCENIC LOT [om Sandy, 725.8010. W. 0. Martin Real boards, four good sized bed- The 4 bedrooms separate DUPLEXED -- Seven room Building lot. near four corn iences, Call G.-VanDyk 623- | 19 looking Osh bole REAL ESTATE LTD. rooms. This home has to be| dining room, fireplace in liv- Member of the O.D.R.E.B. house, two bathrooms, pri- ik Daplae. GF Mioline poten: 7437 | Vendo will a joo Ae awd. -192-_Lots for Sale O h R REALTOR teen to be oppreciated. ing cae sabes ith dhied WE LIST & SELL M.L.S vate drive. Asking only $14,- | tial. $3,800 cash | BOWMANVILLE: Lovely 3 | KerTER ey al Lae | snawa ental room - 9 i | fs ret ays Ss ee 'a 34 Harwood Rd. S. BUNGALOW patio, and 'nicely landscaped / MORTGAGES ARRANGED | et eee he | Newcastle bedroom brick bungalow with | Chuck Love 668-4539 | "Must be sold this week Agency ; ot, close to public and separ- | : x inished_basement----on 1 Alvin Puckri 4: jo lot, "x 166' situat- AJAX 1X @ 8 yeors old in lovely! ote peel, in goed faa: 360 King St. West, Oshaw joatiog on Ahie ere Ore: or One "building" fot: "Excetient bathrooms. Call Mrs. MeRob- Tim Vipond peated oe ee ee Superb apartment aécommee 942 3310 shope. Close to transportation,| dential Call hae t! 9 est, Oshawa =| perties, phone Joe Crawford, | location in built up subdivi- | bie 623-7159 im Vipond 668-8562 ed north of Oshawa. Owner dotion in all paite ef ihe ij schools and shopping. Almost ri Jee tl eels ice | 723-1021 sion near Hwy. 401 Clover- | "3 3 Doug Winstanley 655-3642 will accept any reasonable oy ioc finished recreation room has : | | leaf. Asking $2,400 | COUNTRY LIVING: 3 bed 1? 6ffar Call John Dewi 728. | VALIANT T, COURTEOUS, FREE plastered walls. Located in e| BUSINESS LOCATION | $1,500 DOWN -- Five room '5 ak | room bungalow on 2 acres Bowe ew 2 DEVELOPMENTS LTD. | us now. We will give good residential area. Ideal for | brick bungalow, hardwood -Acre Lake | with double garage. Low eorge yieven | er 725-3557 J. B. LTD. | @, genuine aporoisal on tha liver who. 1¢: OOkINb. fOr 0 Garden centre, rental shop, floors, forced air heating, full 50 ocres, 3 road frontages, | taxes. Asking $18,500. Call | McMullen and Co. Realtor | " " ir property, home or bus- good resale value | AC manufacturing boat basement. Asking only $13,- year - round creek, Excellent | G VanDyk 623-7437 REALTOR 725-9934 -- 728-4283 is; Ask for. Ruby Mather . | sales, factory are only a few REALTY LTD., REALTORS | 500, home is vacant, pur opportunity for a private |[-- sas OETA Sete | 12-ACRE LOTS 723.6022 : Q suggestions of business, that ' | chaser can have immediate club for fishing and hunting. | : Phone 623-5300 | lot ;, ; extension 2]--942-3310 ADELAIDE ST. WEST 124 Dundas St. West, Whitby 9 8 lots to choose from. Only a | could be carried out at this | possession. Phone Bill Rat- 28 miles Oshawa. Must be Country Living Gordon Beech 623-5265 | $1,000 DOWN PAYMENT | X @ Come and see what you) location on Victoria St. in 668-6843 - 728-4241 lif 44 seen to be abpracloted | 4 Sib | PICKERING ; | cliffe, 655-4457 be app ated | with easy terms on balance con purchase for $21,900.| Whitby. Have a look ond | r Rossland Rd. W Bancroft area -- close to theatad hein ot O «how | $85. MONTHLY repeal bien full Three bedroom brick bungalow;| make an offer. WHITBY SPLIT LEVEL CONSIDERING SELLING? Whitby | 3 Lake Paudash, 1,800 square | within commuting distance : Ample four room warm apart: 'e, two bedroom frame hollywood style kitchen, 4 piece Custom built executive h | Client with $3,500 down Triplex near Hwy. 401. In Spacious three bedroo fh ft. ranch style bungalow, i Haley : ' . vs ne, newly decorated. Good bath with vanity, panelled rec-| COMMERCIAL BLDG. featuring 3 badroons 'eroe vl wonts older 2 storey brick | come $240, Brock Street lo | brick Pakealed with attached double garage, rec. room with | ae Dui eae ene gong rece d. Immediate possession - reation room with bar, laundry) Doing a thriving business on ing room, family size kitchen| ome in good condition, 3 | cation. Future commercial po garage, oversize kitchen with fire place, 3 washrooms and f i or barerkant: Re ond Fil | 942-3310, ask for Vera room and work shop, This home| No. 2 Hwy. in Whitby wth with double sink. Lorge den| oF 4 bedréoms, very anxious! tential if rezoned: "Asking built-in stove ond oven, large | many other extras. Has to be $4,500, THIS VIEW alone is worth what pair jean ent includes shko. hos a carport ond paved drive) plenty of room for expan- with walk-out to patio, 2 bath-| Please call Earle Allen, 725 $23,500 - $3,000 down | fGrAIIy. (OSI: OA SIA level | sold in 3 weeks for $19,500 loriyetive'. tintias fe pe ne B ouhawe ented Park Rood 'on 7 BEDROOM BRICK and the back lown is enclosed} sion. Living auarters for own- | rooms end attached garage.|_7782 | broadioom in living room, | °F best offer. [Ferms avalible, Cail erie Wison, 728-| Hillside. Call H. Keith 'Ltd for privacy with o basket weave} €r plus 2 apts. Can be con- Conveniently located near, Call 728-7585 extra 3 pc. bath off master Bowmanville -- Well built desl ablbtaa Realtor, 723-7463 or 576- [23--Real | Estate | Wanted _ 033 verted into an office complex Afier 9 om bedroom. Double paved drive- and wall Kept 106 Boney, 6 > fireplaces, recreation fence. e schools and church. Carries for} ob with little cost. Present owner | . ¢ : | G [ bl fl A ny Mauss ic ooroae. A REAL BUY Np RR GAME Can fe | $104. per month including} Uy e anc Clive eeuliccah oe way, large lot 100 ft. by | room home, garage and large 9g use that must ri X! @ 2 storey home in good ical taxes : cCullough 723-7843 150 ft. Very close to Sep- | private lot. Asing $16,500. | REAL ESTATE WANTED seen to be appreciated, BS condition, located in the south- Miche Saud | REALTOR Rod Kruger -7900 | arate and Public Schools. | ' stantial down payment. F west area. Three bedrooms, din-| N.-Von den Broek 668-2675 FULL PRICE $14,900 Bob Johnston 725. 6788 Priced at just $24,500. Coll | Apartment building, with 3 TRADE YOUR PROPERTY Regency Towers | 942-3310, ask for Vera Ing room, living room and hot] Clare Shank 723-5145 Three bedroom bungalow on 623-7461 erie Wilson 725-9750 Irwin. Cruikshonks now at | self contained apts. One on a-new N.H.A, duplex con PREMI shko. water heating. Included are T.V.| Gordon White 668-6337 * large 66 x 134 ft. lot with apple _Bill_Baldwin 942-3376 |. 728-5205 apt. has. 3 bedrooms and is taining 2 apts. live in one | ER BAY RIDGES aerial, storms. Call tonight for} Vivian Halligan 942-0296 trees and extra building, Alum- $2,000 DOWN electrically heated. Large | apt. -- rent 'the other. Use 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. full particulars Olive Ferguson 576-3637 inum doors and T.V. aerial. Ex-| North of Bowrhanville, 3 bed- NORTHEAST AREA Schofield-Aker 'Ltd. | double heated garage with | your home as the down pay- Free hydro, parking, drapes, 500. .down. Carries $165, e Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 cellent location ond reasonoble| room home on large lot. ask- | | Realtors eee pests panPe invest- ment. To see if your home stove, fridge. uding everything. Three JUST LISTED Dave Johnson 668-8826 toxes, Whitby near 401] ing only $11,000 and carries | Enjoy the comfort of this two STORE & APARTMENTS ment f dfoiteds | qualifies for trade, please 725-2227 room back split, paved XI! @ This is an older home on} Marlow Hancock 723-0288 for $80. a month. | storey,. three' bedroom home ENTS In village north of Bowmaen- | call without obligation = ae ery eras e, cothedral ceilings, fin- a quiet street. The bus stops} George Abramoff 723-4871 . Doreen Aston 728-9759 | with recreation room, hot Locaiee ae seid Street ville, service station arene | JOSEPH BOSCO. Realt ONE. AND TWO-BEDROOM --_apert- d rec room. Call Ralph at the door. 2 bedrooms, dinin D. Vickers 576-2476 George Nymeyer 728-4241 BOWMANVILLE water oil heating system ont ot Ritson, coped Gee. | ad | P ¢ OSU, INeOIIOr Mette available. Good location, mececn 9 | ; 9 em, Brick building presently used | nd bodyshop combined. Very | von'9 well maintained building. Stove, refrig- lerson 942-3310. room, lovely large lot, just the} Roy Soley 723-4726 Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884) Close to Hospital 8 room baseboard radiators, three en os four saartments, Good po- | good opportunities for the ral petted Pali d facilities suppIIOG, Yete WHITBY spot tor a retired couple, cosy Andy Keys 728-0196 | Jeon Hedge 728-4539 home with extra upstairs trances from outside, lot 50 tential. Driveway ond Garage right party, Asking price | your} edi AR = od NEN OTD fireplace in the living room, To} George Sullivan 668-6226 | apartment rented at $80. a x 150'. And yes it has a large lot.' Asking only $22,- $18,500 | SELL YOUR share Mere BOY ihe homey atmos. 500. er. to 1 mortgage inspect, call tonight. es iis eae | month, asking only $17,500. oarage: Call Morris Fogel at 500. with terms. Call Jack Neor Pict 145 | HOME NOW ! Nonquon Road, ere rent sult ies monthl e UIDE REALTY sTebys r Picton -- acre ur budget, and the f 2. Attached garage'to'e'§ NORTH-west --> [2° FOR SALE BOWMANVILLE =| Y23-s281 ener | Bepieby jeveninas 725-3398; | farm, 135 acres workable | * alle 'enioyments Our 'Sauna® Room "and room home with storms 4 BEDROOMS McMULLAN 8 room, new. brick, 2 storey Martin Rd. executvie type | . 728-5123 ers penis. ised e pill ous: | Call 576-0330 inalls, nd figh speed «waters vor can screens and a_ doubl i bungalow with living room 25 | ---- | forge barn and other build- | . enjoy all these facilities, with the | . Large living room and ay © Ve offer Ve sneompar home, Just eost of Oshawa, x 12 with fireplace, lot 88 x | LOOKING FOR BUYING or SELLING 0G8 1 good Sepair.. ASKING. | H. Keith Ltd. Hell ha specious Mona Lite ng room. Ideal. loc oble_value tn. this: splitsievel Electric heot, 4 room down | 165). asking only $20,900 AN ORCHARD ? b price $23,000. Terms. Give REALTOR Se ee Tas oe ane Call 9 - ideal location. home with attached garage. Loc- CO with 2 piece washroom. Four 'Terns = 2 eer Contact: - us-an-_offer. | = eres Caer a8 further interme: }. ii Aces wa S20 scungaan HAROLD. SEGAL URGENT! Waiting client tor 9004: home, 13mm UNA pm. Gallen ated in Oshawa's most sought ; ; : rooms upstairs with 4 piece Business 725-3557 Phone us-for-@ ten-acre tot. "|romina, Lioyd Metcalt Real Estate Lid Ralph Anderson, 942- 0... ious -apple trees ONE BEDROOM apartment, stove, re ed. efter area near RS. McLaugh- : Located 7 PICKERIN : lin_Collegiate: Wall - to --wall 72523557. patnicer Lek pe x Aen 17 COURTICE AREA miles from Oshawa on an Residence 725-1772 Just one lot left. with front- . [Telephone 728-4678 grigerator, newly decorat Adults G | di acre lot with 572 feet - an ue f lonly. Betwaen 5-7 broadioom. Master bedroom 14}; mmediate possession. fronts, Biklns Gniv £8900 open good road. Small invest- | | B McMullan age a wo roads for the | only." Betwee om. acre lot, $22,500. Full x 12 to accommodate your mod- 30 acres vacant land. eleven pee pha sa Pact Y ; ment and little work in your | ig orice of $4,800 |24--Stores, Offices, Storage| = wadon ~ : spare time will & Co. |WHITBY CENTRAL -- two room ice | town area, pear (eur corners, Telighona bring those suite, main street of Whitby. $45 month. e. 3 bedroom brick home ern suite. Better by for to come "BUILDER'S LOSS" | miles north east of Oshawa, | 728-503 36. . divided basement. Gar and j ; BUYING SELLING $ s = see for yourself. Asking] Two new bungalows featuring 3 oF extras. dollars you always can |NORTH OSHAWA. | s springs, bu: nm R Four-bedroom split! ly, All r ond fruit trees. Minutes only $26,500. with 6'%9%| attached garages located in vahalis hy S08) Bend ANY PROPERTY use. Call Morris Fogel, GUIDE | |/evel, double attached garage, large lot, ONE OPEN MORTGAGE iH: Kelth Ltd Realtor 'resale FURNISHED basement apartment, 1 Metro. Call 942-3310. mortgage. e - the North East crea with one $450. per acre. A Good Man_To Know Is REALTY Ltd., Realtor, 723- |5s05 Heblwaat pe Call Dost Awan, S76) $2500. down, $13,700. full |POR RENT oni = |close fo, south GM, $55 monthly. Tale: for Vera Krishko. Wer NORTH OF mortgage at 7% -- Builder Please phone John Penicka CLARE McCULLOUGH 5281, 397 . Martin Realtor, 728-5103. Mia he sean an a [eS an acuch ke sean, Shorea) |phone 728-4997 ; Toronto Bus. 923-5733, Ans. NORTH WEST -- Three- and four-bed- ie: P goge |book store. Now vacant. Simcoe Street EXCELLENT basement apartment for We List and Sell ALEXANDER PARK says to bring offers -- IM- Sar 366-4101. Bus "728. | $1000 DOWN - $12,500 for small bungalow |T0om, new NHA homes. 7 per cent mort- balance. Detached 6 room south at four corners, Heated. $175, a|fandyman. Live in during comple. XIV. © a smoll home to start] MEDIATE POSSESSION -- LH Z 7585, Res. 723-7843. m north Wes! part of Oshawa. interior sages, 'carports or _ garages, Two bath-| bungalow, double garage. |month. Call Jack. Appleby after $_p.m,|tion for s45 monthly. Equipped and. part- 5 A ' S. ¥ ' maculate condition. New furn e mily rooms. ose to 7 y furnished. Call Ti 5 M.L.S. houteKesoing in or. for Mom Sel Herold Segal ot 725- 4 GOLDSTEIN W. FRANK REAL ESTATE [and new 4 piece bath. Will carry. tor Schools, bus and shopping. Located on a| Elderly owners ee es |7a3 3398, Boishood Brothers Limited, et Se ies a 5 ive j r bd . $105 per month - PIT. Call Lloyd La-| Quiet court in one of the better areas of | Sale, possession ec. -- -- snitnepei earnest ni + privat en Den 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. one at fe tele Ie Hollywood REAL ESTATE (Brok _ REALTOR toy af W. "Co Dougan Realtors + 795-108, jO8f@Wa. Trades accepted. call Ernie! 1967. * |WAREHOUSE for rent' 800 square feet. trance, heat and water supplied. $2 Sim- MBER OF O.D.R EB itchen, separate dining area, (Broker) FIVE ROOM bungalow - brick - South' TWELVE-NINE, Full aski Wilson, 725-9750. W. Frank Real Estate| |Telephone 725-2621. scab Ay LR A = cthdah abot sun porch, New forced air furn-|* "ESTATE SALE" 72 ] poe Oshawa, $3,500 will move you in|ciean duplexed' home each oe etinlslell i 728-1656 | ani TWO ROOM and five 'room unfurnished ace, Full price $12,000. 8-516] or Christmas, Good value here at $17,/having two bedrooms. Terme call (82000 DOWN, 3 bedroom, 2 storey home| if |25---Houses for Rent apartments, main floor, central, tele COTTAGE e TWO STOREY 900. Fa a oars Lloyd La Latoy at Bessie Crysler, 723-2925. W. 0. Martin Irv good repair. Large kitchen, living phone 725-5346. . altors ~ * Q EA rein inf ont PONCHO DNY AUER ot a Realtor, 728-5103 room, 3 piece bath, full verandah. COZY, VERY | i (CHEMONG LAKE) HOME OF DISTINCTION Re siaiaar adi JUST THE HOME for a relired couple|pupLex -- i ie te |WIN Neate) clowe ty ees Sl Fear" unfurnished' ground sor sepen , ve in one apartment ai |, ground floor, re d fi ' Consisting of four large bed- on a nice, quiet street, close to shopping, partm ind |$84,.14 MONTHLY. Three-bedroom brick | NEW sepa ice to $9800 with XV @ You will appreciate the 9 F Jarg DUS. Stops at dont. Levee Ie, Meni": |rent the other to pay your monthly|home only 9 years old. Lot size 75' x Bropplog. aad price $11,400. Carries for . ate entrance, parking facilities, hydre 100 down. Easy payments. Quality immediately upon enter-| "OMS, and featuring double |sold to settle estate. Yo Inspect call|corrvina charges. Built-in stoves, broad-|200._ Nicely landscaped, taxes only|R ee Mean A Ge Detached H uke Teleehons Ti ee t be sold. 4 rooms, ing this ranch bungalow with gorage, private drive, oil |Vern Corson, 723-9785 or Guide Realty eon ae Rete heating. Bullied Real|$351.82. Immediate possession can be|~ 2. paid eal Estate Ltd., Realtors a e OMES south. Telephone _ 725-2915. : Limited, 723-5281. arranged. Call Shirley Moskal, Griffin|JUST LISTED! Modern three-year-old - |THREE ROOM apartment, refrigerator vy duty hydro furnace and located close to ley Moskal, year-old) : apartment, refrigerator biel Me ges ed nied quonied garage. Hollywood} i) services. Must be sold to |INCOME HOME. House Foam, COZY AND. clean, This brick bungalow|nece Cetera Lid. 723-e18¢ bungalow, three badrooms, Hollywood] 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms, some | and stove, private bath, private entrance. t y x 0 itchen with ample eating area. settle estate. Call Hareld two kitchens, usual c base.|'5 Prefect for those wishing low cost}NORTH OSHAWA. Clean five-room brick |Stove, fri er eying into apartment. with 2 baths and garages. wane December 1. Telephone 72% urnishings including 2 For convenience, an extra stool] ¢. 00) 325-3557 ment, parking space. $15,900. Down pay- living, 'Large modern kitchen, sun room,|l/2-storey, only fifteen-nine, oll furnace. lineluded. Elche We Actions and sheet, UNBELIEVEAB Rents $150. to $175. Schools |; s. Buy now and save. and shower in basement. Paved ep at -3557 or 725- ment 1511800. Oa Ma. 6. Newell Realtor, |Po'. Me eaatun te yoda low Germs. Call John Morissette, 728-4891. W. |All for the low asking price of ars el In the imimedita cores, 15 fanee CONTAINED two-bedroom _apart- Anne Egiers, Bowes & drive and hed 2 'oronto, -2957, }-2367 or Pickering 7 L at an|O. Martin Realtor, 728-5103, with $5,000. down. Call Bill Hi ment with garage, in good north end ged lot. Phone 942-1621. asking price of $12,500. See It today, | ¢ i ger aarp ale hi tubbel, 28 | minutes from:commuter serv- location: Call BoD Johnston Realty. Lid. tien : a he +1621, You'll love itt Call. Ethel Tranter at-726.|EAST OSHAWA. Lovely two-bedroom |3475. H. Millen Real Estate Ltd., ; ; tg . 2 'bere ie ee yo at erent it Al see a pleasure LADY OWNER ws been hepey In this real VALLEY SPECIAL. Only $26,900/5917 or Thomas. J. Hogar' Realtor (hoe brick bungalow, paved drive, | garage, Realtors, $4 650 ice. Shown by calling 576-1050, 9 fo show you this home. home, but wishes Yo. move clorer fo her for ania. three bedroom brick 00d sone) immo_envilme, pote Realtor 3 Ravary,, 576-3701.;W. MEADOW "LOT Something really dif- : : 728-1 s [SUBLET = ge te Pela aoe se BASEL RES Ob work. She will miss her built-in stove ' $1,000 DOWN. Compact two - room " erent for that wnew home. A refresh- - ; masansaCRS and oven, her four-piece bath with van- cy tee oie Soar oa ee home, new aluminum siding; casiuee MODERN room, split level brick bun-|ing, bubbling stream on the 'back por- . 28-1678 Sasa here Seana Hacc' ity with extra door leading to mastérirooms with vanity, Attached garage, in|!t,, !ow taxes. Call Bob Johnston, 725- galow with 4 bedrooms, Hollywood|tion with a small pond. A dream site. per Suite ow Schall clade eeanne aaa ASSES ITCHES bedroom. If you like a carport on south |ravine lot. Being sol ge, 1/9365, Johnston' Realty. Kitchen, 'separate dining room and many|2 miles from Oshawa, $8,500 ~ over 4 H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. /SECOND FLOOR apartment, private en- side facing a quiet street with a ra lot. Being sold below replacement | _----~-_~CSOn Neely. + ____iextras, Close to schools and t ta-|acre. Call Bob Welly at W. L. ; ; . s * ltr heat h erage man bet vine |cost with a first mortgage at Cy r|BRAND NEW HOME lon. $ fi Fanspoties iy at W. L. Dougan! Commercial building on Main ance, heat and. hydro included, he ween 20 and 24 short walk away, you might like tolcent, Call Ernie Wil: sy OME for sale in New-|tion. $5,000. down with present mortgage|Realtors - 725-1109 | REALTORS monthly; also room, $25 monthly. Apply ct to switch jobs six or seven LIMITED buy this home. |! hope. 40," Call Joe lpritk 'Real Ectete tron" 725-9750. W.|castle, - tully decorated, one mortgage,|at 62 per cent. Call now 576-1411 J ceases tasaonennstonenr ssa | St., Port Hope. 6 suite newly 160 Montrave, 576-1904 i "many cases the change will be Drspak, 7299680 of Guide Reait Fel bel oda AEM nhl ee three bedrooms, full basement. $2,000|Wilkinson, Realtor ae d, full f Id- | rae" ally new career. 5281, ie NEW DETACHED h Tull" price $i6.|90WN. Full price $15,900, For more in: : -- _ GET 'CASH FAS lecorated, full occupied, old --- -- --|$115. MONTHLY, two-bedroom --apart- place to look for the best jobs 16 Simcoe Street South - 900, 6\4 per cent interest,--plaster, ma-| formation tele 866. pe areenon te pee ra ri Te ar boliging. oinple parking: a inetd ton ter noes AN Peat emreler, eve. Pena reun lelp anted" 7 IMMED! a ¥ te ' ss . vi tation room, combine iv. mi = e jouse, Avaliable e- id area; adults only. Pl fl lassitied Section, Whether. you're peg PR eo thar lng ait ga PR Lad Mg ag cig gh le Mg a gy ei ACTION. eLAgeieaes [eember 2; 4s. Good' neighbourhood. uits only. Pie ay fed or looking for a better lob 7. 5281 HOG ised: Call Jarry Condy." 1. Valee. lower bat bay ho canal + |tri-level, y two bathrooms,|and landscaped. 6 per cent NHA mort- 63940. No calls after 6 p.m. ' 23 a ° num siding | fam! . ra AeeictcelRisl. yclelRealtbads FURNISHED OR « ry isp Waniet', newt con Reslter, a76-14i1, and oorhit, yea, ding feom, Whitby. Near gil scheols, pegs, or can be refinanced, No agents, ADS 725 3662 |rive ROOM bungalow for rent. Apply'one bedroom, elderly jek oN ren 'AAery entree, 094,800, 468-4440, 28-525), Modern Grill, 345 Ritson Road South, Telephone 728-5264, evenings,

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