common 15 cents, Dec. 15, 1 Dec. 1. inson, Little and Company common 20 cents, Dec. 30, 1 Dec. 15. Barex Trust, 8 cents, M1, record Nov. 17. @ PRODUCE .ONTO (CP) -- Wholesale ail carton eggs average fed prices quoted by the ment of agriculture as of ssday: A large 45.4; A me- 38.4; A small 28.8. Wholesale price to stations fibre cases quo- a committee of whole- gg dealers: extra large large 38-39; medium 32- nall 22-24; B 27-28; C 20. er prices: Canadian Commission tenderable ; buying 39 score 62; sell- score 63; selling 63. 19 5 Star, ans selecting (only 1d re-blending art telling 9, ? Trade 'Diatrtiated ty Koy Feateres $y niente, = < SRS J OKAY=T JUST GOT AN IDEA INVENTION ! FOR AN HOPE HE DOESN'T, STEAL 1SAAC NEWTON'S 1OBA Toio mi MY INVENTION WHAT IS T CALL IT IT? APPLE-COLA! BLONDIE 'T'S IT] |WE HAVEN'T NAMED IT WHAS I'M SELLING CALLED?! |YET AND We'RE NOT SUBSCRIPTIONS SURE JUST WHEN < {T'S COMING OUT TO ANEW MAGAZINE LI'L ABNER TO SUBSCRIBE TO A MAGAZINE BUZ SAWYER os THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, AND HERE'S AN OLD CANNON BALL,,, November 16, 1967 25 BRIDGE Bur, BOY, WHAT A PLACE TO SEARCH By B. JAY BECKER FOR HIDDEN TREASU (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer, Both sides yulnerable td to " © King Festures Syndicate, lan. 1967. World rights reserved WN GENERAL, GET ON THAT ROPE.,.GET DOWN THERE GO TWO MORE BAGS OF GOLD; JANE ARDEN "ay" DADSAYS NOT ANOTHER Uem |\ SENTS*UNLESS WE ENTER THE SADIE HAWKINS DAY RACE !! ® | [QWHAT's SO BAD ABOUT THAT ?_) WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" IT LEADS TO és D>) HIPPIE. CHILDREN MARRIAGE?! i? Ati REMEMBER ff THERE ARE PRESENT."" GA\ i} NUBBIN 7. Wort cighie renee BD King Feareres Syndicate Ina. 1661 BZIN' HIT BY A CANTANKEROUS GOAT // Byetimen ew _1047, Wedd has romnved a om U6 JULIET JONES 4 "DELMONICO HAS COVERED ABOUT A HUNDRED YARDS-- COUNTING HIS RETREAT TO HIS IN GOAL... NO "MAGREY MANAGED TO GET ONE FINGER ON HIM-- BUT HE'S GOT A CLEAR FIELD WITH THE GOAL LOOMING IN FRONT OF HIM, GREG FALTERS... AND FALLS TO HIS KNEES! "MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER MY, LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY DISHES...I'> LOVE TO GO IN AND WALK AROUND../ SECRET AGENT X9 NOW IS THE TIME TO CASH IN-ON THE SAVINGS ! YOUR PRESENT CAR, MIGHT NOT LAST THROUGH WINTER! SEE US TODAY ! TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buffalo Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffaio Channel é--Toronto Channel #--Buffalo Channel &--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborough | THURSDAY SVENING 5:00 PLM, 1a--Rocky and his Friends N--Jericho 8--Mr. Ed 7--Flintstones entle Ben 4--Perry Mason 3--Trailmaster 5:0 PLM, W2--Flintstones &--Truth or Consequences 7---News 4--Let's Go 2--Of Lands and Seas 6:00 P.M, N--Plerre Berton 13--News, Weather, Sports 6--How's Business 7--Movie 6--Rango 4--News, Weather, Sports @--My Three Sons 6: PLM, 12--Premiere Theatre 1\--Mothers-in-Law 4--News 3-+-9--News, Weather, and Sports 2.4--Huntley-Brinkley News 7:00 P.M. 11--That Girl §--Flying Nun $--Four Winds to Adventure $--Day It Is 4--Movie 3--That Girl 2--News, Weather Sports » PM. J--News, Weather, 7: P.M, 1--Hockey 9--Star Trek 2-8--Daniel Boone 7--Batman 6--Accidental Family 3-N.Y.P.D, 4:00 PLM, 7--Flying Nun 3-612--Hogan's Heroes 230 P.M. 9--I1's Happening itched 3-6-12--Telescope 2-8--Ironsides 9:00 PLM, 9--Dean Martin 7--Carol Channing 4--Movie CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Garner 6. West Indian agave 11. Passage- 10. way, 12, Armistice ~--'16. 13, Sap tree 14. Sphere of 18. action 19, 15, Before 16.Harangues 20. 17. Warning 21, signal 23, 20. Kind of 24, piano 25. 22, White ant: po I GAVE. MY WORD TO DON PEREZ... WE WOULD TAKE TWO BAGS ONLY, > a ' 49109864 | hAKS42 WEST 5 )AQ1098654 42 #10 97532 oK75 O33 48 4259768 600D! TOBIN'S KEYS GOT ME INTO THE T iy -7 BASEMENT. THE LAB IS SOMEWHERE ~The Mery Griffin Show 29. Plowed 36. Amerte BUTTHIS CLIFF MILLS MOTORS 266 KING }7--Honeymoon Race 4--Andy Griffith 3-6--Mr. Dressup W398 3¢ A.M. | | 1i--Marriage Confidential | } 9--Mr. and Mrs $-2--Hollywood Squares 1 4--Dick Van Dyke 3-12--News Weather, Sports 1i--Little People 9--Teronte Teday 4 2 1--Mevi é--tuncheon Date 4--News and Weather) Sports 12.10 P.M. 3--Super Heroes 12: P.M 1--Photo_ Finish 8--Eye Guess 2--Merv. Griffin 12-6-4-3--Search for Tomorrow 12:45 PLM 12-6-4-3--Guiding Light 1:00 PM, 12--Movie li--Mike Douglas 9 e ng ginia Graham 7--Fugitive | 4--Meet the Millers | 6--Luncheon Date 3--Movie Ls P | 44--As t--Let's 2:00 P.M, 7--Newlywed Game | 4-6--Love's a Many Splen- dored Thing $-3--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M. 12--Calendar 1--Perry Mason 9--Peopie in Cenfilet 7~--Dream Girl 4--House Party | 6--Coronatien Street 2-4--Doctors 3:00 P.M |9--Magistrate's Court | 7--General Hospital 4--Te Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 | 2-t--Anether Werld | 3:30 P.M, | 11--Bullwinkle | 9--It's Your Meve 7--Commander Tom | 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 14---You Don't Say | 4:00 PLM, 11--Super Heroes | 9-1 Love Lucy &--Match Game | 4--Secret Sterm | 3-6-12--Bonnie Prudden | 1--Mike Dougiae 4: PLM. | 11--GilNigan's Island ¢ quences | 3-6-12--Barney Boomer 26, Ancient 1 Syria: 6 AJPIE T IRI! IAI CIALV. R Ci]. TIRIE UINTS E TAIT) E/SIElT FIRIABEMIE |T MRAIMIA, IEJAIVIE ISIMSIAIL (AID. AJOAIR' F{AIR|O RUT ISIElS RS: ! Sit MPLA) TIN[DIS: S/AJV[AIN| TMM Ale [UIT TIS|e PIEJAIK(S Yesterday's Answer 39. Punctua- tion mark; abbr. 40. Greek letter 7 18 19 | poss. " 27. Assume 2 28. Miss 1 Negri 14 = WAY... 2 THINK THIS IVE SEEN THAT WERE SUPPOSED IS A BETTER PICTURE + MAN A LOT OF PAINTINGS Yi 29. Whirlpools [15 0. At sunlight 32: Bathedin [77 35. Frosting 20 38. Active 39, Strict 26 41. Reclines NS. 42. Comforted 28 43. Big Y 4 44. Muffles BEEZ DOWN 32 3S [36 [37 1, Sport WWW. 2. Fibber .) 39 [40 3, Excep- tional 4 42 4, Entire 5, Born 4 44 6, Gaze rie 1S A GOOD SPOT TO PUTAKINKIN | | THE MURKLEY'S' BRAINWASHING For Dollars, eg 4--Truth er Cense Opening lead--eizht of elubs, Believe it or not, this hand occurred in the expert game at jNew York's Cavendish Club a jfew years ago. It is clear th West had the bit in his teeth when he went six spade ingle-handed, would have happened to at that mtract is not at since South gallantly, but jt ame to rescue by bidding six notrump. West doubled and led the' eight of clubs i It ARRANGING MY OWN POWER | Faure! / ult to de. when he saw ith had a good hand 1 and so did South, but the two didn't mesh well at six notrump doubled -- respecially vu able It was easy enough for South to win the club lead in dummy | with the ki but reaching his hand to cash the hearts posed quite a formidable task. In a jdesperate effort to salvage something from the wreck, de- \clarer cashed the ace of clubs jand ace of diamonds, and then led the ten of diamonds, hoping West had started with the K-x jand would have to retirn a spade or a heart | But the roof. caved com: HUBERT |pletely when East wor the dia- x jmond with the jack cashed \f bs, and led a spade, A GREAT IDEA, THE AIRLINE Hl sep \) LETTINGA WIFE GOHALEPRICE | [fot cic cs nie foares oe eee oe. ON A BUSINESS TRIP WITH HER} |diagggnds and chubs were led, i! -C HUSBANDS LETS GO, pepe e had to retain the K-J-7 'G ' 10 Spades as a stopper of sorts. ee s DEAR. | | The jack of spades lost to; the queen and West then cashed => the king of diamonds, on which South discarded still another heart, Since West had only spades left (he had earlier dis- carded the ten of hearts), he cashed the ace and South now made the last two trigks to es- " ve ivy \cape for down seven -- 2,000 --F AG WMS |points. | A very restrained North then YOU'RE 80 DOLLARS} |quietly pointed. out that West OVERWEIGHT. SIR-- pea probably not have made y six spades doubled! | Hames Man Recalls Past MONTREAL (CP) -- Harness racing may be becoming a jyoung man's game but one per- json you will have a tough time |convincing is George McLear. | McLear soon will be 73 years lold but he is just as active and Z --__--________.. |keen about racing today as he jwas when he broke into the lias il sport more than 40 years ago. i The doughty veteran checked : ' # jinto Montreal's Blue Bonnets ibe § THE LTD. W. _ 723-4634 Poy --J YOUR HEALTH Religious Beliefs Curb Transfusion By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Cc alparticle i are necessary Dear Dr Molner t have a particles Ww mu a ar 1 ae i' Yjra e in Ogdensburg, N.Y., when friend whose religious beliefs|for making the blood clot, albu-/ harness racing was strictly a forbid taking blood in transfu-|min and other ingredients. county fair sport, marvels at to- sions, She was taken to a hospi-| Thus for some purposes non-|qay's purse structure at major tal because of hemorrhaging. organic solutions may be used,|tpaoKs, I asked what she would have but for other purposes there is) While he came in at the tail done if a transfusion had been no substitute for whole blood. end of the bonanza, McLear has ordered to save her life, and she This obviously poses a medicalinaq some success in the big replied, "They have something problem if a person's A ids money ranks in his own right ae > rou i ace beliefs prohibit whole bloo if > H vg Fie igi give you in place |} 4 : His most memorable horse . was Wee Irish, a trotter. Is this so? Is there anything) Dear Dr. Moiner: Whatiy.j., who died last pete i ac . clngubee fat: 1 r at CARI Uc Lb ee e147 H which replaces blood complete Causes fat knot nd what can age of 12, earned $147,772 during Raceway: recently with five {horses, He intends to drive two jof them himself. The other three will be handled by Bobby Huntress, one of the few women |drivers in the sport. | McLear, who can recall earn- $18 with the winner of a 1? en! ne about dan- ly?--Mrs. J.M. done about th Is it dan-this racing career and hdd a. What she' says is true in part, serous to have m removed?! best time of 2:02 for the mile. but there is nothing which can --Mrs. G.K | -------_----- + replace blood--entirely L-presume vou mean localized! Her "reference evidently was jumps of fai known as OTAS | QUEENIE to solutions "containing "salt;'or fatty tumors, which are a! sugar (glucose) or sometimes rather common complaint | other materials, and the so-| The cause is not known: the) called "plasma expanders' jumps, or benign tumors, are} which are introduced into a vein'the result of fat cells accumu-] to combat shock lating in a small area, mixed} In cases of shock from loss of!with fibrous tissue. They are blood, merely the addition of;common at the nape of the neck fluid by transfusion, to increase and in the :trunk, front and} the total volume in the circulato-|back,; and can appear else-| ry system, is helpful. The use of) where | plasma (that is, the fluid por-) OEE TS: tion of blood, with most of the REMOVE THEM solid particles removed) is well) Ordinarily _ noth ng | done known. about them. The >» harmless and have no y be- USE GLUCOSE come cancerous no A glucose solution is given to/ way to prevent them, but if they} do, Miss--would provide. nourishment (in the|become large enough to be Un-| -- you be interested im cele form of sugar) when a patient/comfortable or a nuisance, or} brating a rather profite is unable to take nourishment/are unsightly it is a simple mat-| able stock-split 2" by mouth. ter to remove them surgically. | pie Gis "Saline (salt) solutions, some-. For the most part, they re-| times with other materials main rather small, and oftenjharm to one's health? I am a added, are often given to main-|only the patient realizes thaticollege student, very active in tain the proper mineral balance|they exist as.small lumps below/sports, but like to smoke. I in the body, as well as to keep|the skin. |never smoke more than three or adequate moisture in the sys-| They can become quite large|four a day. 1 need some honest tem, as can be necessary if ajoccasionally, I have seen one on/advice.--T.B.N. : : patient is unconscious or unable/the thigh which grew to the size} No, if you can keep it limited to drink. jof a melon. It didn't appear to|to three a day. But if you can However, whole blood also|bother the patient until an ulcerido so, you are lucky. That's the contains many other compo-|formed at the tip of this large|trouble with cigarets--the sub- nents, red cells for transporting mass. Then it was removed ltle, gradual impulse to smoke oxygen, white cells to combat {more. For that reason you'd be infection and remove waste) Dear Dr. Molner: Do two orjsmarter to quit now when it materials, platelets and otherithree cigarets daily do much would be relatively easy. , ete, :