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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Nov 1967, p. 9

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SHAWA TIMES, ovember 17, 1967 .IDGE _ JAY BECKER 'd-Holder in Masters' Championship Play) YOUR PLAY re declarer with the at Six Hearts. North ee of clubs which you would you play the AK3 N 9863 we $9 re declarer with the at Five Diamonds. ; the nine of clubs, you play the hand? s one of those sure- icts which you are make against any with correct play. b, draw trumps, and \-K-Q of spades. If are divided 3-3, you 1 a diamond from the fourth spade, so ey are unevenly seven of spades in i lead the three of f South follows low, eight. Regardless of rth wins with the or queen, you have the tricks. He must you a ruff-discard, diamond. If he re- diamond, insert the returns a high dia- vy low from dummy. ys guard § against ible 4-1 distribution h-South cards. follows to the first d from dummy with in with the ace and diamond. If North insert the ten; if he ) jack or queen, you more than one dia- If North shows out nd diamond lead, } from dummy and then resign. vay of playing the be to win the club, s, and rely on the . heart finesse. This you a 50% chance the contract, but it ye the best method iprove your chances trumps, clearing it, and leading the des. If South has the des, your worries ration of the king of ver. After he cash- must return a heart iff and discard, and the contract either | be dealt the A-K out one deal out of nis substantial pos- Id not be ignored. inesse is available he apade play falls. 'lage Ags Vorship FE GEORGE, B.C. ie congregation at | Church was given one recent Sunday en the church or- into a few bars of the Bride. they thought there mistake, But down ne pretty Margaret to exchange vows old Richard Arnett. Taylor said he had in mind for a Jong nen the right couple lim, he suggested a rformed as part of service. Why? sO Many marriages h, mostly of people d with the church, e feel we're simply a ritual which is ed to the total wor- hristian church." r said he hoped ers would perform larriages, although not become a com- sted they should symbol of the fact e belongs In Chris- brief Floyd-Arnett nded, the couple the remainder of service, which in- wo congregational '-sermon on Chris- P ited Church, mar- fficially considered as in the Roman 'ch, but Mr. Taylor Mf sacramental na- eee a JEENIE a DR KEN SHAW, right, mas ter at arms, Oshawa Naval Veterans' Association, pi sents a glittering new drum ne o-~ : - NEW DRUM MAJOR'S MACE FOR NAVY CADETS -- major's. mace, to Ld.-Cdt. Len Fowler, left, while Lt Dave O'Flynn, centre, Com- manding Officer of the BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Three Drivers Convicted finite ie inmietttih? so of te Impaired Driving Charges | ed and drove off BOWMANVILLE drivers were convicted on charges of impaired driving by Magistrate R. B. Baxter here Tuesday. Each was fined $50 and costs or seven days and each had his licence suspended for three months Evidence showed John Com stock, 430 Garden Ave., Peter- borough, had been stopped on the Macdonald - Cartier Free- way, west of Courtice Road, and held for the. arrival of a Bowmanville officer. A breath- alizer test showed 1.6 parts of alcohol per thousand, Richard V. Anderson, 896 Grierson Street, Oshawa, was stopped by local police as he drove out of the liquor store parking lot. Evidence given in- dicated he staggered when he walked, his breath smelled strongly of alcohol and his eyes were bloodshot, His car was held and the driver sent home by taxi when the charge was laid Ralph Thomas Pippy, Saga- more Hotel, Mimico, was re- turning to Toronto late at night in his tractor trailer after mak- ing' deliveries and pick-ups all the way to Picton, He was trav- elling partially on the shoulder of Highway 401, a police officer said, raising a cloud of dust and slowing traffic to a crawl. He told the officer he thought he was east of Newcastle, when in Farmer Committed OWEN SOUND (CP) -- Nor man John Beacock, 67, of Kep- pel, Ont., was committed for trial at the next sitting of the Ontario Supreme Court follow- ing preliminary hearing Thurs- day on a charge of non-capital murder. Beacock was charged in con- nection with the © Halloween night shooting death near Wiar- -- ton, Ont. of David John Mole, a youth identified earlier as David John Crawford. Brian Hewitt, 16, testified he and Mole went to Beacock's farm home the night of Oct. 31 and turned off the electricity leading to the house. He said Beacock came out of the house carrying a 12-gauge double-barrel shotgun and turned the power hack on At that moment, the youths rushed up to him and tossed balloons filled with water, Hewitt said He said as they turned to run away, he slipped on a muddy spot and then heard a shot. WHITBY Country ond MUSIC Mon., Thurs, | Fri., Sat, Meals and Snacks In Our | Dining Lounge. | ANNRENE Western IH Admission $3.00 Per Couple T h re ejreality he was almost to Osh-Jeach and the remainder re jawa. | [FINED $500 | When the assistant of a Toronto theatre attended lthe Grand Prix at Mosport, he idid not expect. to be fined $500 and costs for illegal possession of beer, Bernard Mask and his room-| mate went in Roly. Morris's car.} Morris told the court he and a third man bought the beer the night before, and placed it in the trunk of Morris's car, At Mosport, they drank two pints manager 1 Age Law To Change OTTAWA (CP) -- The mini- mum age of criminal responsi-| bility would be raised to 19 or 12 from seven under a draft revi-| sion of juvenile law now being} studied across Canada Copies of the draft have been form the basis of discussions to be held at a federal-provincial| onference on the subject. The! government said today it hopes the conference can be_ held early next year { Under the draft revision, the 59-year-old Juvenile Delinquents lAct would become the Children and Young Offenders Act. The term juvenile delinquent would disappear in "an attempt to eli minate the stigma that is: al tached to the expression." Young offender or child of ender would be substituted, with the young offender ranging from 14 to a maximum of 17, and the child offender ranging from 10 or 12 to 14. At 17, a per- son would be dealt with as an adult. The committee found that under a 1908 statute, children of 7 are still being sent to reform school. Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S | | | Adult Dances { Dancing Every Sat. Night At CLUB SCUGOG ISLAND -- Music By -- | "The Serenaders" NEW YEAR'S | EVE DANCE Tickets Available Now Phone 723-5731 or 985-3008 sent to the provinces and will ; "RCC Drake' to whom it E /60 miles east of Montreal. gers--were detained in hospital, Ww leased after treatment for mi- nor injuries. visibility. as Quebec's first bliz- \the province 'not on another track vere snow \had something to do with it . but it could have been anything the fault, a defective switch, thing... of days for us to find out." igers aboard the passengeriout of that car. Quebec's First Blizzard | Causes Train Collision DRUMMONDVILLE, Que.|train, a Rapido express bound (CP) -- Investigators continued) from Quebec-City for Montreal, today to try to determine the ' cause of Wednesday's q ' collision between a CNR passen-|tween it and a long freight train ger and freight train near thision a single track crossing farm-'lice, the Ontario Supreme Court was told Wednesday. i a head-on| nen the collision occurred astern Townships community land five miles east of here. Three of the four diesel en-| Three persons -- all passen- hile about 40 others were re- The crash occurred in bad'railment driven to Montreal by bus. A CNR spokesman said the be.(Year-old Toronto man told po |lice |killed in a gun battle with po gines of the two trains were de-|charged railed and fire broke out in one|murder of of them. Several freight cars|Dixon, 40, and the $1,656 rob also were derailed. Hydro poles|bery of a beer store Oct. 21 were knocked down in the de-!1996. oS The passengers who did not|fied zard of the winter swept over require hospital attention were! wounded in the right shoulder said he could remember nothing | "T was half asleep when the|about the gun battle jcollision occurred at a "'rela-ijcrash occurred," said Laurent! Detective Ewing said tha tively slow speed." He could not|Michard, a 2l-year-old lumber- pe . when Maskery was told .that jsay why one of the trains was! jack i u y was told th THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 17, 1967 9 ; {Constable Dixon lay critically | wounded in hospital after a .38- calibre bullet was taken from. abdomen, he replied: "If he was shot with a .38 bullet, then E ot him Accused Wishes Death TORONTO (CP) A 25 The trial continues WORLD LEADER Ontario is a world leader in photographing forests from the he wished he had been Clifford Maskery is on with the attempted Constable Robert rial - -------- trial ' Detective Forbes Ewing. test that Maskery, who wa Dancing Saturdays ', COUPLES ONLY "JERRY REIDT ORCHESTRA | ~ wr "The impact tossed me| The spokesman said the se- against the luggage rack. Far storm 'could have/ther along in the car I could see a young girl who was lying on floor. Someone said she broke her leg, but nobody seemed sure, I could see both it will take a couple;engines on either side of the tracks . they were burning There-were about 120 passen-/like hell. I was very glad to get | . human error, a track de-| any OSHAWA ITALIAN RECREATION CLUB Monthly Dance 8 P.M. Sat., Nov. 18 St. Mary's Auditorium 532 Stevenson N worn out. Mr. Shaw made at the time in Halifax par- ticipating in an unveiling of was presented, looks on the formal presentation to The Navy Vets donated the the Cadets, on behalf of a naval monument there. new mace -to the Cadets, Naval Veterans. Earl pee HA -. replacing one that was Myers, president, was away |the vehicle went out of control, thit the shoulder, careened ry lacross the road and struck a \shawa t } { mained in the trunk 9 ; | "i | When a special duty officer in eo vee of Digest aed ond the asked Morris, who was sitting ne fog ne 'es § ical SILHOUETTES the car. ¢ en the tr | gh the fire wa impaled} in the ar, to open th runk LAH 'Benes and went throueh| ik he indicated Mask had the keys ' Mask, who was standing near by, came over and opened the} trunk, giving the officer ms name and address. Mask was charged, "You were both attempting to deceive," said Magistrate Bax ter. "Morris let the officer think Mask owned the car and the| beer. Mask. knew the beer was there before the officer arrived and went along with the decep-} tion. Bearing in mind what the owners are trying to achieve at Mosport, and that the success or failure of their project de pends on. what goes on out} there, I am fining you heavily." TWO FINED Two Bowmanville brothers) were charged with careless driving last April and the case was remanded to this month be-} cause one was in hospital with severe injuries. Each was fined pox orice OPEN DAILY 12.9 'sae, $25 and costs or five days "vidence showed 'John. Ed ward James Bentley, 21, Pros- pect Street, was driving when OF ALL THE CREATURES OW EARTH- ONLY MAN HUNTS HIS OWN KIND At: 1:40 - 3:30 5:25 -7:20 - 9:25 rails of the bridge on Highway| Van en nn a tt te ll of the o the pavement Ronald Bentley, 16, picked his brother up, placed him in the THE BIG FUN DANCE OSHAWA CHORAL SOCIETY Under the ° PRESENTS THEIR EXPO PROGRAM With Grest Artie MR LARRY MARSHALL n of Mr. Hugh Mart iu n EASTDALE COLLEGIATE, Harmony Rood North SATURDAY, NOV. 25th at 8:15 P.M, ADMISSION. $1 $1.00 Students der mitted Free he Disc Shop, Oshawa Shapping i Alto Music Shop, 455 Tickets Centre Simcoe Avoiloble at the Henderson's F South q Fost 'ar and pushed it to get it start Friday, Nov. {7th Subsequently he car reportedly hit the guard JACK HARDIN he rear of the vehicle Betty Richordson Ronald, who had no driver's licence, was fined an additional $10 and costs, or an additional three days. They asked for a week to pay their fines. ' Dancing 9 p.m. to 12:30 Admission $1.30 Dress Cawol APPEARING THIS WEEK "THE NIGHT RIDERS" Starring PAUL McKNIGHT of CHLT-TY, radio and stoge AT THE ESTABLISHED HOME Of Country & Western MUSIC IN OSHAWA HOTEL LANCASTER Glamour!...Speed!.. Spectacle! MARRY | __.OR DIE! Power And Wedioc SEVEN ARTS PRODUCTIONS FEET 4 leon SAX ROHMER'S THEBRIDES OF COLOR FU MANCHU CHRISTOPHER LEE-DOUGLAS WILAER Added. Shocker a SYNDICATE iN HISTORY! B82 TODAY OP LL lle, net There are two kinds of people in his if) RO GOLDWYN MAYER verses Grad Poix WW SUPER PANAVISION AND METROCOLOR FOR CHOICE RESERVE SEATS CALL 725-5833 - MGM 725-5562 Sun. thru Set. shown ot 8:15 Wed., Sot., Sun. Matinees 2 p.m. NO : me, 3 THIS WEEK , See You Next Week... @ ° ALL COLOR SHOW ° Se ia acc | LEE MARVIN SHARRON ACKER "Point Blank" ALSO - | Second Attraction ELVIS PRESLEY we IS tee "Harum Scarum"' BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:30 SHOW STARTS 7:15 _ BUY SELL T pocket around DAILY se Don't store those "no longer-needed" articles in your basement or attic -- ACTION WANT AD i43 Pat money in your later --- Remember Christmas is just may be buying it, or selling it look > to the TIMES ACTION AD Columns for 24 WORDS... . 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS L acti IT I--SELL IT! HEM with an economical TIMES now, for things you may need the corner, so whether you RESULTS. Only... 3k. 723-3494 | CLASSIFIED up-tight world: his victims and his women. And sometimes you can't tell them apart << Shean Gokdey-ddever presents Advi? Bemmardinmn Winkler Prodocfion LEEMARVIN -- ' "POINT BLANK" -- SS, is ADULT entertainment ANGIE DICKINSON TODAY °-- FEATURE AT:... 2:00 - 3:55-5:55 7:58-9:55 KEENAN WYNN-C. thOYD BOCHNER-MIC# in METROCOLOR Panavision" A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE

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