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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Nov 1967, p. 15

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DECEMBER DEADLINE FOR CITY INDUSTRY ON AIR POLLUTION © Oshawa industry has until bit quicker," he said. 'We've strument placed atop city hall micrograms is regarded as an dustrialist - there's no return to One of the firms at present cerned'; said a GM spokes- po lg A ag phone to let them . 1 to announce plans had a lot of complaints from by the province to measure the "excessive" figure, yet in June, be shown on paper. engaged on an_ anti-pollution man, : ; sy se air pollution Me residents in the area of two solids content of the air in mic- 158 micrograms was the figure LEGION OF FILES planning program is ae on In fact the firm's war against At present the company is basheries , : factories, in particular. rograms per cubic metre. recorded Dr. Watt says he has only : dirty air dates back about 20 in the process of converting And, at the moment, the "The time lag was a good Most complaints are received the local bylaws and _ public tario Malleable Iron Company years and it has been a con- all its boilers from pulverised city's three main industrial --gpportunity to assess the prob- LIMITED AREA about the ordinary products of complaints with which to mon- -- Lid tinuing process, enlarging with coal to oil burning, said Stan- complexes are making !ast-min- jem and to make plans, but I This is not intended to. he a combustion. And this field of itor the problem and despile Said R. T. Wilson, plant man- -- each new shop, ever since ley Taylor, plant engineer. So ute bids to complete plans by don't think they did very much." @efinitive method and, in fact, apartment incinerators, out- the fact 'hat he has little ac- ager: "'There's still a lot of BELL RINGS far two have been converted but the deadline, Dr. Watt, who is allowed to is only accurate for a very lim- -- door fires and smoking chim- tual training in the field, he planning to be done and we're In places where smoke is- work on the third has been held It won't be too soon for the spend 10 per cent of his health ited area around it. Being in neys has to be kept under con- is tackling the problem with a talking with people from all sues from downtown chimneys, up by the summer's labor city's air pollution officer, Dr. department time on the prob- the city hall locatiog its find- «tant surveillance to'make sure . legion of files, determination over the country to see what -- monitoring equipment has been strikes is to be done and the best way installed which measures the The third, coal burning, of tackling it density of smoke and records boiler will be held in reserve "'We're a month, or so, away it. If the density reaches dan- over the winter and may have from it', he added ger level an alarm bell rings. to be used at peak - load per Meanwhile, at General Mot- G.M. has large amounts of iods ors, air pollution is an old en- scrubbing equipment in use 'or "People watching our stacks emy."' Air pollution has sudden- cleaning air and if any of it will see the difference the oil- ly become a novelty but it's no is not working efficiently it's burning program has made al- novelty as far as we're con- not long before a resident near ready," said Mr. Taylor. James Watt, who says at least Jem, says city pollution "is two of the firms have been, not that bad a problem" and f dragging their feet since the he considers the health. risk two - year period of grace he- small, though it might be gan. troublesome for acute asthma "They are co-operating on and bronchitis sufferers. pollution, but I was disappoint- The city gathers| no actual ings are not applicable to down- that costly programs town Oshawa or any of its more taken by the companies are "The trouble is that because industrialized sectors not invalidated by household- pollution isn't stopped just like But even in that location, it ers : that, people think that we're showed that last summer, dur- And with even a medium siz- sitting here doing nothing. ing June to September, the sol- ed firm expecting to pay $250, One politician said, 1 believe, ids content went above the ac- 100 -on its scheme, pollution is he could solve the pollution ed that in the two - year wait- pollution density information ceptable level at least twice. | an improper expenditure item problem overnight. He should ing period they didn't move a and the only guide is an in- One hundred and twenty-five with both householder and in- try it," said Dr. Watt \ erro nnn nar rn T) TT anni - ™ " . i CJ -- | ; CARDS TO SPAIN? : Bs SERDING CARDS vont, Loree-Year Sentence | On Narcotics Charge -- | Magistrate Admonishes mas present for everyone & | he Sines | under- and hard work, their close connections with South America. Only mem- bers of the Americas union are eligible for the three-cent sending a Christmas card to Spain -- it's a one-cent reduc- tion on the four-cent charge charge." for unsealed cards sent out- The post office has released side of North or South Ameri- final mailing dates for de- ca and United States posses- livery of mail before Christ- sions. mas. Local mail should be Why four cents to Britain, posted before Dec. 17, out-of- France or even Portugal and town points in Canada before | Ld three to Spain? Dec, 13, and out-of-Canada | -- @alI- Jax an W. E. Mann, Oshawa post- points before Dec. 8§ master, doesn't know. He said, "It's one of these curves they throw at us." | A number of postal em- dies, United States posses- ployees in Toronto are also unaware of the reasoning be- hind the one cent-saving. Cyril Reader, a public rela- The three-cent charge for iQsHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1967 mail to North, Central and | ' South America, the West In- AJAX (Staff) 4 20-year-|Although he left school at the aceite --------~ |old Ajax man, who pleaded|age of 15, he obtained a welding guilty two weeks ago to altrade and had no problem ob- e sions and Spain is for un- | charge of trafficking in nar-|taining work. There was, how- sealed cards weighing less | I L1O! i dl iS cotics, was-sentenced to threejever, a pattern of laziness on than two ounces, and having years in penitentiary by Mag > part of the accused. no more than five words of istrate H. M. Jermyn when he| "The unwritten. words of the tions officer for the Toronto greeting appeared in court Thursday for|pre-sentence report indicate a post. office, has the explana- And it's still three cents for | sfentence pattern of laziness where he tion. "Spain is the only an unsealed-card to any part O Ose al i |Before-passing. sentence on!could lie around all day, go out, outside country to belong {9 of Canada, as long as there Robert Murray. the magistrateidrive his little ear, drink cof- the Postal Union of the Ameri- are no more than five words said A recent report states/fee and peddle drugs. Why a cas," he said. "It comes from = of greeting PORT PERRY (Staff)--None.to include a $1.25 hourly wage|there are 4,000 addicts in Can-|person with a welding trade | . es |breaking the 'strike at the H.|the working week from 42% to/trade and the samples of mari-|tario indicates the accused is in A M ] B d W. Gossard garment factory /40 hours |juana you gave to the youngirebellion. A rebellion of what n arlo unicipa Oar will be going in to work next| At present Mr Turner|people in this area can lead young people of 20 years do in week, claims a union spokes-|claims "the sky's the limit" for;/!0 a more pote nt type ofjthis country, which has put him - = . . a om t Price "The picket line at the fac-|majority of the women there The people from whom you) nell said e S u 1v1S10n |tory will be so strong, no one|are earning $1 an hour jobtained this marijuana are do-|ON TRIAL will be able to cross it," says| Slated to be heard Dec. 29 atjing a great disservice to this, Defence counsel Henry Pole TORONTO (Special) -- Thejveloper. There is a gravel road.|James Kitts, organizer of the|Port Perry court are a series|country. There are people injlack said Not only the $8,500 as the sum to be paid to|cluding a granular base pave-| Workers' Union of incidents last month, in\age to face life. You have not| There ae ee others who the city by Alan W. Banfield for|ment with curbs and gutter but' Mr. Kitts angrily rejected the|which picketers and_ strikers Only put your mother and fa- should be before the court on consent to subdivide land on the|no sidewalk, on Athol, partlyjcompany's interpretation of the clashed, with hot coffee and to-,ther into a terrible position, youjtrial. The first which should be southwest corner of Athol Street|paid for by the developer ofjinjunction against picketing|matoes as the weapons. |have put many others into ajon trial are all the organized awa. city out of the general rate |Supreme Court earlier this aie ae ee alliogo riled Rip ys The ruling came as a sequel! The city argued that consent) week L b ( hers to tear their h \8 nll See ae aa to an appeal to the OMB by the|to the Banfield application, He said according to his law- ador rou of what you have done. There et aid radio and "television. city from a decision of the Osh-|should be subject to payment ofjyer's reading of the document, B k U . hem : 200 ogg gee net eg aa ne an ei, ® iwho have e edge) juan: its ¥ aval uty. which granted Mr. Banfield's|on city council policy respecting| granted Of the 20 charges laid} ac Ss non ' anne sain wer howe paOpIe aie application for subdivision con-| subdivisions. down in it, 14 had been reject-| porRT PERRY (Staff) ~ The wre : nas mariiuana aalitng it and sent. | At the conclusion of the hear-\ed, including a demand by the/Toronto and District Labor! OU are Cong te ern ithe sie je cellingd BwAy SGOk The city did not contend that\ing in Oshawa, the board re- firm that the number of picket-| disservice to the country andjthese people getting dio served its decision to permit the|ers should be restricted to one.!sypport any International : eg : . that the condition of payment|city and Banfield to negotiate) 'There is no restriction on the\Ladies' Garment Workers union|t? hide in. halo whey hap oT rie nd gras for services as stipulated by the|the amount of compensation.;number of picketers,"' said Mr. plans for a boycott of goods| trafficking, grin agent pr A hed 1 ree vided for by the committee was inadequate. The board has now reported: |Kitts, "as long as they don'tl<sold by the H. W. Gossard oy Fe ae eee: bpealeonteg TER ahes aha is divide the land into six lots and/parties have been unable to)a big step forward for the labor' A spokesman said union mem-| "'There is a life sentence pro-| © t of marijuana and its then to build six semi-detached)come to any common agree-|movement, to have a picketing|bers may picket stores andjvided for this charge of iap.jcistios of mae he eat reridences, ment. In the best judgment ofjinjunction refused. We're going|plazas informing the public of|ficking in narcotics," said Spe-| nctety is the third group There are sanitary sewers,/the Board, the respondent (Ban-|to go right ahead and carry on|the union's feelings about the|cial Prosecutor Hugh O'Connell of should been tial We Farewell, all paid for as localjthe appellant (the city of Osh-- He also rejected the firm'sjits goods can best be described as a little igthobl bd Pang Bg improvements. The storm sewer|awa) the sum of $8,500 as a con- claim that 14 workers had been! In another development, the|professional in the game off FL. hey 4g caaith ¢ da was paid for by another de-ldition for consent." jbanned from picketing. He said|company received a postpone-|narcotics. During the hearing ha of tenetaiion hich pea "enjoined" -- they may con-jlations Board hearing into alstated he knew what he was . Urban Renewal Plan Dr afts 33": Picketing as long ax they union request that three workers{doing and was profesional in|"*Riastng fo the accused Mf do not make trouble. : jbe reinstated. The hearing will|the matter. When arrested the! pollack a "he got involved Local 199 of the union went|be held Nov. 30. The union,accused was wearing a beard): a web that he did not know : on strike at the factory in early|claims three women were laid-|and was more of the beatnik|! 4 . : sa taken back although new work-| Mr. O'Connell said the ac: BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL. PLA the company. It wants thislers have been hired. |cused is from a good family.| M s T ck g Drafts of parts one and two|proval of them, they will be | | oving Tu Town minister Rev. Jere- tion in a play called "In- the opening night of the |o¢ Oshawa's urban renewal plan|!aid before the urban renewal| . . | | . miah Brown, raised arm herit the Wind." The state three-act play at the Town jare already in the hands of the\°o™mittee, which includes al ty ] k C t | Secretary L d 0 S d "f 7 » pad) ; " a | | portrayed by Albert legislation in Tennessee for- Hiall in Bowmanville last jrepresentative from the Central l ova ommunl y | ands Un 91Ge night. The Bowmanville G. A. Wandless says. ition, the inch jay | . ® a8 q d d | BOWMANVILLE (Staff)-- An | f ; provincial government daughter Melinda, kneel- Bible. Prosecutor Matthew High School. play will be | 'They are being looked overjand Con. Ralph Jones, a mem- e icatin all ddition ecommende estimated $2,500 damage was ing, played by Cindy Ayre, Harrison Brady, right, por- staged again tonight and ingle ceagre things ber of the planning board. Rico Pg ck | to a moving truck, : ; ' as y s ' ; : i : a Lee SPR .. |rec n D for sg a -- ere -- by a Anderson, Saturday night. Grade nine ike that are concemnen,)" he This meeting is expected) Members of the Slovak com-!vations which began last Sep-|of Murray W. Milne ah secre.|!oaded rg -- Bla it er who has been teachin restrains ev. oy : ' Itary ard -|wi ontrol on Highwa s bout 350 a6 y fae in th ses eared 2 cision will then be made as to ly-renov '1 tion job is the centennial project tary to the board, _ AN else Went out OF ous bs a nukes About 350 persons attended participating in the play. We and the engineering de-\1 4. much can be made pail ia newly renovated club hall on at the Slovak comiinie mencing salary of $9,513 per|2 at the overhead bridge at ve Lee Corrects aati when this isiable to the press Ritson Road South, Saturday at' The hall, at 470 Ritson Rd. §,,/22"U™ [Bowmanville's west end limits e are correct, affd when this is : 3 p.m | . ish gis List bat son' Thurs i i q an: ti loyed by the Scarborough|JUSt Defore n y- consultants, Murray V. Jones|one. which will contain any rec- Guests at the dedication, ban-/tions had been made to the hallj°™P.0¥ lity He scheduled to| The truck went through @ J and Associates Ltd.. Toronto." |ommendations," . said . 1 bay and ae will be His Ex-/until this year. The tall will|MUMCIPant : \ He eal: these arte of the|Wandless, "and this should be ieiraps Aor tea ct nee, ete Service approximately 400 per-| cit, council agree to the ap-|its side along the CPR tracks study would not change the pic-|Completed by the end of March! : POD Of Se Sense: SONS ointment 35 feet below. | stud; ge the p A ech ig eae ace ern Rite; Rev. Steven Adamjak| "No effort has been spar Maelatbatanced ly ture much, but were really anj9F early April, which is accord-| 96 c+ vfary's' Slovak Catholic| a thle Prete spared 'o\""He will serve a probationary] The truck, owned by Expo uage CLLOTUCLIGAT ines fot what as ere gt ae os cty coun church: Mayor Ernest Marks' 'oshawa's "save Sic POo@ as months. "xpress lines of Torontg and « ' ish w ahs is wi en go to city coun-|- re Marie: ge | a, ys Michael)" qi olork Rov Barra ey pepe he M They establish what the prob cil and the various bodies con.|@%4 Mrs. Marks; Mr, and Mrs.|Karas, vice-president of the| City clerk Roy Barrand, whojdriven by John Ronald Marsh, : z ' : : j : ; : | oR 7; t ./cerned, rales Bary 4 i | " es, in addit to his mir , we ving a GM work- What might be termed an in-|tal, board of education, Hills-|will review the financial im- _ Following aeparimental | Ans le "The proof of the pudding is|2¥@ riding; Mr. and Mrs. John being in mind, Slovaks in Osh. [aUtibs. pre tg y Mrs a eee deniers fonts West Hill to depth budget calendar has tree [oa Manor management com:|plications of the proposals with GET RAISES Raine og Pe ete an | ai Z Frank Markson, to review 1968/™ittee and the business and in-/Mr. Markson and make recom- usiabers ot the public utili Nee ie ae cues i Atenthers a Circle of PERM | Goa ee Meetatig, [occasions about the volume of| The driver was not injured i 'witl ~ommittees |dustri y . is-|me i »j ro) ae eS y are prepared to go. ; : nl Bra breach : ; 10.!\vork involved and said he hadjand the damage to the furniture estimates with committees, |dustrial development commis mendations to council, jties commission and the chair-| Agreement for the study be-| Milan R. Stefanik, a Slovak cul-|'This Saturday will mark an-|rork eaKane reevands and montants of the truck could not heads of departments, commis-|S!0n. City council will deal with the'man were recommended for ajtween city council and CMHC tural group which was formed|other milestone in the hearts of! ' , | sti sions and authorities within the be es imated. of the workers who have been|minimum and a reduction of|ada. Marijuana is in the drug could not find work in our On- man wages, but the union claims the drug before this court," Mr, O'Con- Ontario Municipal Board has set/There are similar services, in-|International Ladies' Garment/of assault charges arising out Yorkville who haven't the cour-| accused should be on trial here. and Farewell Avenue in Osh-jabutting lands and part by the|handed down from the Ontario \terrible position You havelgroups who provide. narcotics i j tk " awa committee of adjustment,|$11,457.72, basing its statement|the injunction had not been te the Glee Ge. vour peddling ofl" "Recently a television Bite consent should not be given, but \Council last night agreed toline people. Quit finding a hole|free. Every young person could Mr. Banfield proposed to, "It now appears that thej;misbehave themselves. This is!Company. LIFE TERM largely to blame for the asso watermain and sidewalk on/field) should be required to pay' with picketing." 'firm and urging them not to buy/of Whitby. 'The accused -- six unior rs i n members ha 4 lew: c d been | ment yesterday of a Labor Re-|two weeks ago, RCMP officers cenerations have not Had. to E | s ba V | a " si st si th Pl nnin D rt n October, to back up demands|off earlier this year but not|type." jhow to get out of | \for its first labor contract with t planning department, director) yortgage and Housing Con -| Kerekes, condemns his bade teachings against the gag H ng pora Brown. te. grade 13 students are |said. about mid-December, and a de-|munity in Oshawa will dedicate|tember. The two-storey renova-| Darwin's theory of evolu- han Mr. Milne, who is at present done, they will go back to the| "Part three is the important 2 |was built in 1939 and no renova- lcommence duty:on Dec. 4, if/wooden railing and landed on lems are," he added. Clifford Pilkey, MPP for Osh-|Circle' "With cultural. well.|488. been carrying out the|30, of 1097 Woodbine Ave., To- ; fg DN awe a ages |Puhky; Mr. Mrs. S. B.jaw re sely x Q established by city treasurer. in the eating," said Mr. Wand- 3 and: Mrs, 8. 3ilawa are immensely proud that Beuchler, complained on several! Newcastle. i i f x s to keep ur y it; The calendar is divided into|budget on three dates, There $250 incfease in the amount of was signed on June 6 in 1934, raised $20,000 for reno-\all Slovaks in our community.' dade: Medias uP oe group. _ - ee parts, _with_early_discus-| will be two preliminary reviews their annual honorariums by' 'The federal. government _ is Creation of the time-table fol-|sions and presentations takingjon the evening of Jan. 18 and|board of control yesterday. contributing $30,373 or 75 per 8 lows adoption by city council/place from Nov. 28 to Dec. 15,\Jan. 25, followed by adoption|Mayor Ernest Marks said the |cent towards cost of --thel sa ¥ = of a motion proposed by Ald.|followed by three board of coh-|and authorization on Feb. 5. 0 | rates for commissioners of $249'scheme, which was estimated| Gordon Attersley in September/trol reviews on Dec. 18, 19 and) Ir. Markson should then getiwas fixed in 1949, and at that/to take 10 months to complete. for preliminary budget discus-|20. These will be in three sec-/th? green light for his applica-|time the chairman received! The liaison committee held} ; sions to avoid surprises when |tions, 9.30 a.m., 11 a.m. andjtion to the Ontario Municipal|$500, but ten years later he wasjone meeting with consultant| . the final figures were presented, 2 p.m., with time left on Dec.|Board for a capital expenditure given another increase of $500,|Murray Jones on July 12 t Making their early us| for a one-session review of|quota -- and the taxpayers of|making a total of $1,000. If ap- which was closed to the 'press. ; | | sions will be the public utilities|budgets outside the regular pro-|Osshawa will be told the full proved by city council the new|Mr. Wandless said this meet- commission, public library|gram. janiount of their financial obli-jrates will become effectiveling was one of clarification! - board, Oshawa General Hospi-| On Jan. 8, board of control! gation to the city for 1968. from Jan. 1. lonly, : : CHRISTMAS BOX | CITY ENGINEERS aaa Eight Per Cent Raise Recommended . | P.M. DM. City engineers are to get an eight per cent increase in salary, retroactive to March 1 if a board of contro] recom- mendation made at yesterday's meeting is ratified by council. "A nice little Christmas box for them," commented Con. Robert Nicol, but Con. Mar- garet Shaw was indignant. "We have hired all these en- gineers over a period of 'two years," she said. 'We have half Mayor Ernest Marks said the matter could be raised at the budget discussions, jand Con. Ralph Jones wanted a list of all those engineers currently earning overtime. "What would happen. if it was decided to cut 'X' number of dollars from the budget of the public works department?" asked Con. Nicol. "I vyould like to see a lot of the work con- tracted out as a rnatter of policy." increase as: "'eminenjily fair." --_A--- mene owe ea eae ear en eree eee nes er vew ee teve ewe we veer nse eeean He said if he had felt otherwise he would not have brought it before the board. The engineers filed their origi- nal request in October 1966, he added, and it was only now being implemented "Tt is all the result of policies initiated by previous councils," said Con. Nicol. "But we don't have to go along with it," said Con. Shaw. and had to go along with their recommendations said Con, Jones. Mr. Murray said delay. in making the award had occurred by the application going through "normal channels."' He said he would give the board the total amount involved when he had worked it out. Other senior personnel were granted the eight per cent in- crease, but not retroactively. All cent increase this month, as many 'chiefs as Indians in Describing himself as the "We are running the show employees concerned are non- a RRANGED bi city for ge think we should council's watchdog in these mat- now." union. k « = i eee ea scuss this before giving ap- ters, personnel officer David The city had hired the War- The city's union personnel Fee ee era ert Re eee proval." Murray said he regarded the nock Hersey firm of consultants were also given an eight per SLOVAK HALL RECEIVES MAJOR RENOVATIONS +++ Dedication Services Saturday At Ritson Road South Building

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