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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Nov 1967, p. 18

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PERSONAL PAN A emallsze electric fry. cas (a Se es Seah Oi. Pewee 1, ' Proper Stocking Care Means Trim Appearance, Longer Wear By ELEANOR ROSS ng. Here agag. eng? ep Meo matter sow beautiful the 2 Sreccset how expen . If there are exreseve snmp vot ahere the seel creomiercemer fey certe: bey ao larger 'oe Tne 2 frie any wag ore sheer bats of "te sincking earl TOR fess makes a mpertection "pte? Steckings 6 wad. Ther sk We ere BUSIN Seckngs st onger . el cme ve ween the wearer frigent ant mre ~ wag and sure reor sails ace smonie - ¥ Wi wams 'hey 42% ioe wasting tome ther weer : OSHAWA TIMES straigm afier the & 2 Vest ooo 2 warm me b = ar oe PICTURE te- ue ses 2 E o hy Accountants anes RE-PRINT Accountants _--_ 2 tear wz aaa BOB CLANCY'S Accounting | § ~~ = Ducount ; 'omplete bookkeeping service, 17 PROPER METHOD gp gr So Street N., 725-0397. Res, 723-76 te war 6 Seckng 5 pot om _-- GORDON R: DAY, Certified < , Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshaw cael Avesiable ot ping Centre, 725-9953, eeu es . JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered A oe : i Over NU-WAY PHOTO sed Trustee, 17 vaend a oh cain te oc Gat SERVI phone 723-4833 z d LE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. -- Cell Mrs. Ederi 951 Kies & CE tered 'Accountants, Licenced Trus e Creer bankruptcy, 572 Simcoe Street r regeatered merece a is e, Shows Oshawa. 728-7371. : < 8x10-- HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., end ts we femet tack ze 725-2090 5x7 ips each tered Accountants, thane st s . x --o Building, 187 King St eet East, O ; ; 2 3 coch utae! nsasor's. T. Hopking, ¥2 sa e me 4j a -- £. Beadle, CA, E, Lukow, CA mae ee 4 ' y 65 ? - _ ? ° . pee " ped o ion SUZAN N E BELL DRAFTING and Reprod 2 * . Ltd., 52% Simcoe Street North, 7 BE ALON FOR BLN Biuerifing_ end photonic cae ere ' = HAIR STYLI NG Building Trades 7? - e z er z 7 pe a . sas 4, A i NEED MORE ROOM ed . . + extrs nie d nniversary Special HOME > a . . Perm Fonte Sige ee aes IMPROVEMEN 6 eccr A nce $16.06 Fez S170 tr = $18.00 Additions -- Alteration mn at. 1 3 : 4 VIT CUETYT CROCHET CIEPy Rez. $15 for $12.00 Reg. $1250 fer $10.00 Recreations Rooms z te . we eesti lt Coded, Vile Ole EVES TUES. - W ie Call us : ; VES. - ED. & THUPS TILL WOV 30% 1 on Miss W orld Faints spleens ea ¢5 par ome arte --e ee a request for 5 John St. W., Oshowe 725-4341 shite ies & © Orig, FT aliiis er ; Nga - : ' e re nekira Baxsz. Dyes 4 se -- i ec . 'E _----_-- Kartied She 725-6126 At anno uncement _-- : wie wie Tea. ws a sal z in oe me ~ __ "Quality is what we build a 7 lal . = e s . 4 Of Her Sovereicnty *™ ca ROOFING 2 4 g24 Se + i 3 New or Old LINDON wae eee 2 ¥ P i ene ate i . ¢ rove 2 Home Improvement Beil, wor ---- i ae : C. RUSS HARRISON cons . cance é 725-3219 TERRANO PAVING, 10 years I ness. Guaranteed work, 19c. squer 17 Bond St. East. 723-5841. FIFTEEN YEARS' experience In repair and renoveting. Free est no obligations. Cunningham. 728-7: BRICK AND BLOCK work ( repairs. M. Lafontaine, Constructi 3756. CLASSIFIED RATESS worD ADS Cash -- | insertion of 24 words edditional words, 5c each; 3 cc tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24 lional words 1344c each; 6 cc tive insertions of Ba words, 5.76; tional words 24¢ each KITCHEN Quickly and Easily! Can Be Yours Charge--10 per cent additional if not paid within 8 doys Method of counting -- Less th words count os 24 words, each initial, figure or abbreviation cot one word; phone number coun words. BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents tional charge if not paid within IN _MEMORIAMS $2.50 for the first 25 words ¢ thereafter plus 13c per | verse; 25c additional charge if ne within 8 days. CARDS OF THANKS. $2.50 for the first 35 words ¢ each thereafter with 25¢ ade charge if not poid within 8 day COMING EVENTS $2.38 per inch (display); $2.00 1 first 20 words and 6¢ each the (Word Ads) AUCTION SALES $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTIO # DEADLINES ¢ WORD ADS 4 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION IN MEMORIAMS and CARD OF THANKS 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column---4 p.m. day previous umns or larger--l0 a.m, doy Pp CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled publication will be charged one insertion. BOX NUMBER RENTALS $1.00 While every endeavour will be m forward replies to box numbers advertisers os'soon as possible, cept no liability in respect of | damage alleged to arise through foilure or delay in forwarding s plies however coused whether by gence or otherwise. The Times v be responsible for replies uncoll in 20 days. REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL Ni RESPONSILE FOR ERRORS IN A 'TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHE THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR THAN ONE INSERTION OF AN VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND PRICE CHARGE FOR A_ SING SERTION IN WHICH ERROR 0% The Oshawa Times reserves the r clossify advertising according proper classifications. In the cases of display advertis The Times will not be held resp _autinenasieenstionmaeroumoae for more space than that whi actual error occupies. The pul eR : endeavor to reproduce all adve i = {T'S EASY TO PLACE A Jaxearsahwar ae TIMES ACTION WANT A Cell Classified Direct a decongestant cold capsule 723-3492 By KOBERTA ROESCH 1 'evua Z az tar Lae ae 2 er r pe OVER 13 DIFFERENT DESIGNS In CUS ang a TOM BUILT KITCHENS TO CHOOSE se gypre FROM such of French Provincie telien F . A ae cial, 'notty pine, Modern etc In different patterns, colort, merble end woodgrain tops, with o choice of Arborite or Formica Post Form - rolled counter tops). There is also 5 different designs in Vanities. Prices to swith : : Bathroom budget. Also suppliers of general contrec ity of advertisement if any inacc tors throughout the ares in any form are contained the aioninh oro vo oe MOVED ae we oe | INQUIRE ABOUT COSTS TODAY that helps clear stuffy nose fa ; : / 2 365 FRENCH ©) curb sneezing, relieve sinus CLASSIFICATION: pressure and ease breathing =e 4--Motorcycles 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment --Swap and Barter 8--Articles for Sole 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column 11--Pets and Livestock 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articles for «Rent 14--Business Opportunities 16--Agents Wanted 17--Female Help Wanted on Bayer Decongesta Ca a s nt ea le Help Wanted : psu 2o--Real Estate tor Sole 20a--Summer Properties 21--Farms For Sale 22--Lots for Sale 23--Real Estate Wanted 24--Stores, Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 26e--Expo Accomodation 27--Rooms for Rent 28--Room and Boord 29--Wanted to Rent 30--Automobiles for Sole STREET = 1) --- YOU ARE UNDER NO : OBLIGATION TO BUY! police pes ae, Cr 6. Art thick <hinred |r of Rodden co 7. Get zion nenne ar : avoid persona pape 8. Feed yoursell with cont & @ L i TD. | AND PEMEMEED, for the other symptoms of & i I i Phone 723-0221 i t--he ecnirass ant the fever, take hapirin for ary. PROV, | ' ke Only 2 capsules for All-Day, All-Night Relief Now, for tre srntfies, sneezes, the rasal miseries of 2 colt, get mew Beyer Decongestert Capsules 1Z hours brings all-cay, a& neve 2 cot, relieve your . Dear Sirs Please send me my 50x cash refund. enciose the Bayer Decongestant Capsules package. t reliet, So y nes2)| witeres with new Bayer Decongestant NeME Fat peat Then yOu" contider.ce ) ; 5 French St., Oshawa . 31--Cor t © fest, active rehat bapion relieves the aches and 32-- Trucks for Sele Sele omobiles Wanted performance + Bayer Capsules, Box 3000, Aurore, Ontarie tamdy. Offer expires Apri 15, 1968) ability will qualify you for equa! cons derstion when opportunities z rive to a@vence in your che geld 34--Automobile Repoir -- 35--Lost ond Found me oe riaret ecg pert of The Beyer Compery, weitat. burere, Ortare ayes it ions 38--Coming Events 'isi Meee SOR SRK ERE SE OR UR: NR AE EEE IR See Sy Poi 39--Notices 10¢ 45 the fever in rronitat. Store Hours: Monday Thru Friday 8:30-5 p.m Seturdey till noon | EVENINGS -- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

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