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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Nov 1967, p. 6

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Fridey, November. 17, 1967 : Canadian Icebreaker Circles North America DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP) --jmuch of the north. Thére are no Capt. Paul Fournier, skipper ofjaids to navigation and you "go the Canadian icebreaker John|by guess and by God," he said A. Macdonald which returned tolin an interview. port Thursday after circumnavi-| The ship followed the coast of gating North America, said pos-|Alaska to the northern tip and sibly the most notable* thing|Sept. 28 entered the permanent jabout his ship's voyage was thatlice pack. The ice is up to 30 feet jnothing went wrong. thick and in September there | The Macdonald is the thirdjare heavy snow storms. Any \Canadian ship to circumnavi-jopening in the floes freezes al- gate the continent. The previous! most immediately. jships were the RCMP's St.| The ship smashed its way {Roche and the RCN's Labrador.|through the ice on a course plot- The Macdonald left Halifax|ted by helicopters and ice patrol |July 1 on her regular supply|planes that flew out from Point mission to stations in the west-;Barrow, Alaska. By Oct. $ they' ern Arctic. reached the North Wind. They She was ordered Sept. 25 to|were free of the ice by Oct. 8. the assistance of the U.S. Coast] The Macdonald put in at Seat- Guard icebreaker' North Wind,|tle 'where the coast guard was which had a broken propeller|very good to us' said Capt. and was caught in 'ice northwest! Fournier. of Alaska. The Macdonald will now re- Capt. Fournier said "naviga-jsume her normal winter duties 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES mart 'A Division of the S. 5. Kresge Company Limited 'Church Elder Testifies Dismissal Justified | TORONTO (CP) -- The dis-ing "half the church to kick out missal of three former trustees|the other half and take over." from Winnett Memorial Baptist}Mr. Wright said he was a found- Church in nearby Oakville was|ing member and a trustee of the constitutionally correct, church|church from September, 1959 to elder John Nicol testified Thurs-| April, 1964, when he was noti- day |fied by letter that he had been Mr. Nicol is one of four elders | dismissed. being sued in an action before) mr. Wright denied that he had Mr. Justice Patrick Hartt of the| caused a disturbance at church Ontario Supreme Court, The! : other elders are Teofil Buchnea,|Services or kicked holes in the Arthur Johnston and Wendel/floor of the church. He admitted Vincent that police once were called Stanley Wright, Arthur Sweet: | atter he and the other plaintiffs jing and George Routledge arelrefused to leave @ church meet: suing the elders for .reinstate-|; ment as trustees and members|----- very F DISCOUNT > BOMBSHELL ACRYLIC SHELLS Dainty lacy shells in a complete range of sizes. Choose from a rainbow of colours. THEY SURVIVE George Harris, left, and Barry Ritch file past Sister -- The case resumes} BILLION ILLITERATE seer _------ -- St Their counsel, Claude Thom-| About 1,000,000,000 adults are Reg. Kmart price 2.99 Tice core ia iy ine ales son, said the expulsions were|completely illiterate and can't Pal naB ~ write their.own names. Special Discount Price carried out as means of allow- Saturday only ee | as Falling ] Wotrries Le Chalet Dining Room and Tavern | are very pleased to Announce the Opening CUTOUTS BRING BIBLE STORIES TO LIFE ee ' Mre J.C. Reynolds, wife ventist Church, makes the of the Bible with her flan- 1 ly 40 juniors attending the ba of the pastor of the. Col storv of the Call of Abra nel cutouts. Sharen Milner program of stories and Le Chalet Banquet Room DISCOUNT F oiscouns VANCOUVER (CP) - British BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL Columbia's. herring fishing in- lege Park Seventh-day Ad is one of the approximate- Telephone Calls, Letters ham seem to come right out 'i { shi} k : songs for juniors while their (Corner of Centre St. and Colborne St., Whitby) | parents attend the evange- With two Elegant Roome Te Serve You, Accommodating 300, lectures held THE REGENCY ROOM... Suitable For up to 200 Guests, THE NELSON ROOM .... Suitable For up to 100 Guests Perfect for Wedding Receptions; Bowling Banquets, Dances and Service Club Meetings . . . Book Now For Your Christmas Party -- Coll dustry, once a $5,000,000-plus a year concern, has fallen on evil days. Some 700 members of the United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union are appealing to DARES Special SKIRT listic this week in the main audi- torium of the church. Two nightly French Creme Threaten Montreal Man Lowney|$3.95 and toppled to 76 cents atjof both Carbec Mines and Mata ient of Carbecione point Thursday's trading;chewan Canadian Gold said "aj| Matachewan Ca-|before closing at 95 cents conspiracy to undermine' the nadian Gold savs threaten-/ Mr. Nicol said he had re-.companies is said to have been ing letters a telephone callsiceived numerous letters of in-juncovered and confessions ob- have warned him to get out of|timidation and threats to force|tained. his two companies him out of the companies. Mr. "These MONTREAI G. Nicol Mines Ltd intimidations ap- said to eight-year-olds have their own program. in another room 668-4377 ---- --" LENGTHS Choose from a variety of fabrics in @ good range of fall and winter colours, BISCUITS A tasty will enjoy. treat thot the whole family 1 tb. pkg. Kmart Specie! Discount Price 2: 99: Kmart Discount Price 1.99 waxes the federal government for aid because of cancellation of the winter herring season, which usually runs from Dec. 1 to May 15. Pre-trial Blackout Mr. Nicol issued a statement/Nicol's spokesman the/ peared to coincide with waves Thurs after a day of hectic|threats have continued "'both byjof selling in the two stocks," it trading { ed the com-|letter and phone" since last added \ QUEBEC (CP) -- Rene Ie- One: Pay Only tarte, a Quebec criminologist, alue of the twolJuly. Saturday Only bined n i : te Niel ident The heaviest pressure he is in fi f pl mining --listed on the Ca-| Mr. Nicol is former president), ig cael says he is in favor of placing a nadian Stock Exchange--by of Midepsa Industries Ltd., ajS!! ed during the month o Sep restriction on the publication, an} and in one period of whether written or verbal, of 0 with extensive| tember | deposits in|four days approximately 1,000; sue racee ae 'S'shares of Matachewan were lit- @ major engi lly ie neering corporation erally dumped on the market A statement issued on behalf "Since then the 'Selling has} = -- \been very constant in both Ma- tachewan and Carbec. Every ef- fort has been exercised to main- more than $19,000,000 Matachewan anadian closed Wednesda} 7 reached a low of 5 day, closing at 64 Mines closed Wednesday at 2 /f Gole nd Per cents cents. Carbe interests of the shareholders. DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Boys' LAMINATED JACKETS the facts surrounding a case be- fore it comes before the courts Testifying before a royal com- mission inquiry into the admin- {stration of justice in Quebec, Mr. Letarte' this week con- demned what he called the sen- sationalism of some newspa- pers. Often the publicity accord- ed a case constituted an even Regis Debray Could Face i: 't sittin Winter weight jackets with @ quilted rayon lining. Tailored of hard wearing Tweed effect fabric with knitted cuffs and collar. Sizes 8-16, heavier sentence than that In the last few days the con- which the accused should face. 30-Year Prison Sentence 32:22:02 confession has been obtained! s CAMIRI, Bo ~-, The Bolivian penal code gives from the parties concerned." | with MO i O-SKI Reg. Kmart Price 12.87 5 rench Marxist |judges a free hand in deciding) Marcel Gagnon, a spokesman| On Display Now et . . = k s possible who is an accomplice and the for the two firms, said Thurs-| . Te) 1 ee F : Special Discount Price S aces & { | Join the GO people this winter--there's a new, white world term as he and jegree of guilt day " : SWISS CHALET PARK Ledbathie : ; ae sei ; ae a of fun waiting for you on your MOTO-SKI. Seven new '68 GREENWOOD, ONTARIO SATURDAY ONLY await the The prosecution produced evi- I ere is no question of. the models in bright orangy-red sport many new performance- eoeeeonccre court Scr i for toda € Debray andiunderworld having been in- proven features, including lighter weight, extra thick seat day tN aes : oe : g a A} olved in this situation. It was) Proven features, including lighter weight, ex i e APPLIANCE pd for Debray Busto ok part in the life t ae ee , 'an Seu nteal cushions and rubberized cleats for extra stability and traction! 491 Ritson Rood South . ; Tay u ust speculators wr u A * 90-year sente f Ay the guerrilla camp, ir Sloet their haaak By ah Gary Arrange your winter fun now forthe whole family--see us for OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LTO. artist Ciro Bustos. Debray, Bus-'standing armed sentry y, healthy companies. | Oeeeana cient sa libl alii acai N alalalal tos and three Bolivians--Salus- 544 argued there is no distine-| "Legal action will be taken $799.95 Boek. Sena ay 4 Rocabado \ ; i : : From $799. érk Rd. $., Oshewe DISCOUNT tion between combatans andiagainst those responsible and BOMBSHELL Vincente SPECIAL were tried|.., ; were ed others in the on, murder and ,;,, forma-ithe evidence we have now is in 'the hands of our lawyers." guerrilla CHRISTMAS DECORATING K 1001 ideas for holiday glamo the whole family. Regular 2.4§ FOR PRICE 88 SAKE PENNANT 100% NYL ALL STAR BOOT SO} CORDUROY SHIRTS In the smart Ponderosa style with pile trimmed cuffs and collar. Choose from @ good selection of fall and winter shades in sizes 8-14. Special Discount Price 2.47 SATURDAY ONLY Thank you, ( Sir Robert Burnett: "That's how. a Martini should be!" FLUSH Makes bathroom cleaning so much easier, Kmart Discount Price 20 ox. size Men's one sizer Z FOR PRICE ' a ut OO both me re living with th i L ae vie i s0 ony see But if the res conclude the BOMBSHELL defendants ed part of ar TIMEX TIDE armed band which killed and 3 2 Ib. 10 ox. box, wounded officers and' soldiers| Compare 1.09 they could be convicted of mur-| FOR PRICE 69° 2 P.M, SPECIAL SAKE ELECTRIC WATCHES An excellent gift suggestion at a tremendous saving. J oe On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby PLEASE -- NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS der under Bolivian military law. | Sie by Stor HONEY WINE you can still taste the sensation today Today, White Satin Gin is just as special, just as palatably sensational as it was in 1770 when Sir. Robert Burnett invented his London Dry formula. Satin-smooth, decisively dry, White Satin is a tradition that's been kept alive by generations of good taste. Take a taste and see. Donne May Play Set for the little I, ' Kitchen Ware 12 pee. set. COMPARE 2.98, f 'OR PRICE l 88 e SAKE set 6 P.M. SPECIAL Girls' 7, 8, 10, 12 PERMA PRESS BLOUSE Prints or plains. FOR PRICE 99° SAKE Kmart Discount Price Saturday only eee reer eeeerons "white satin | The Premium Gin Fine '

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