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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Nov 1967, p. 8

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DONALD DUCK im Wak Dinany Protections Work Rights Reserved _BUZ SAWYER BLONDIE HEY; IT'S 1640... TIME TO FIND THE MINI-SUB AND START FOR OUR RENDEZVOUS POINT WITH THE YACHT, G7HIRTY MINUTES LATER, 'Buz. AND SITTING DEAD IN THE WATER 30 FE! THE SURFACE, STOP THE ENGINES We'VE Be CONTACTED THE MINFSUB... A REEL IN,GIRLS. WE'RE GOING TO PICK THEM UP, | i =i { i! 8 TM BUSY--] DON'T HAVE TIME [| TO PLAY GAMES TODAY:+J AND I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO \w sal ALL R' KEEP JANE ARDEN NUBBIN IGHT, GENERAL.... WELL JUST THE TWO BAGS OF GOLD W HAVE.,,..BUT YOU'RE NOT SHARING IN IT/ ogee BILLY, PUT ZOME FIREON THAT) | EN FEET BELOW...... THEN WE/LL TAKE THE GOLD AN! APISTOL SHOT/ WHAT'S GOIN' MAKE TRACKS OUT OF HERE/ ON UP THEREZ speees YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE TO ENTER THE SADIE HAWKINS DAY RACES". OUT, Hippies // THE OTHER PASSENGERS OBJECT?" NOW erick our Your Y/ | HEAD AND BAY *AH!/ | | Channel 2--Buftale lsc 3--Barrie @ King Focteres Syntienmn ben, 1967, Werke vighan vomervod, SECRET AGENT X9 NOW IS THE TIME TO CASH IN ON THE SAVINGS ! YOUR PRESENT CAR MIGHT NOT LAST THROUGH WINTER! SEE US TODAY ! 1S MUCH ROUGHER fo CLIFF MILLS MOTORS 266 KING TELEVISION LOG Channel 4--Buffale Channel 4--Torente Channel 7--Buftale Channel &--Rochester Channel %--Toronte Channel 11--Hemilton Channel 12--Peterdorough | | PRIDAY SVENING 5:00 PLM. Friends 1--Daisies #--Mr. Ed. IF j | Reewy ane" Hie es HENRY © King Facnee Spices TEN YARDS FROM SCORING GREG FALLS TO HIS KNEES AFTER Benner BRUSHED BY THE HAND OF A LUNGING TACKLER= DELMONICO'S DOWN! BUT IF THAT WAS A TACKLE THAT PUT HIM DOWN, SOMETHING REALLY | FER" came's over, mr. JULIET JONES 4--Shazzan 4--Perry Manon S--Mevie | 5:38 P.M, 12--Flintstones 1i--Accidental Family #--Truth or Conse | quences | f--News |4--Let's Go Lande end Bees P.M. , Weather, e 1i--Pierre Berton 8--Hew"s Business? T--Movie 4----Sports Magazine 4--News, Weather, Sports 6:6 PMA, 12--Road West 11--Petticoat Junction 9-6-3--News, Weather Sports News @-6--Huntley-Briakiey News ~~ V4 0 * i--Tarzan 4--Peopie Are Funny 3--Voyage News, Weather Sports MICKEY MOUSE (NJ PE i= --_ an pl, ipa | Lid j 1 COME IN TO TURN OFF THE SHOW! ved CT OUT SCENES Workd Rights Rescrs | en GRANDMA GOLLY, YOUR STUFFED TOY BEAR MUST BE TAKING YOUR NAP FOR YOU' [.AND I DON'T)) [HUM/..LITTLE LEROYI JUST BEFORE COMING ( HERE TO BABY-SiT I {WOULD BREA a, GLASSES MUGGS AND SKEETER HEV, SKEETER! I AKA GENIUS! LET ME SHOW You MY LATEST NOTHING PICTURE"! Fraterme Soaficnta Yon. O67. World rights reserved. x 612---Rat Patrol | 4--Wiid Wild Wet @--Tarzan 2--Movie 8:00 P.M. 1i--My. Three Sone 9--Movie 3-6-12--Get Smart 0 P.M. | y1--Run for Your Lite 28--Star Trek J--Hondo | 9--Anovie | 4--Captain Kai 9--Off fo See the Witerd 1:2) PLM. ¥--News, Weather, Sperh 7:30 PLM. 7--Oft to See the Wizard 4--Gomer Pyle, USMC 3-4.12--Tommy_ Hunter 9:00 PLM, 12--Movie +--Movie 4--Movie 11--Dragnet 7--Will Sonnet? 2--Accidental Family 0:00 PM, 1--Merv. Griffin 9--Big Valley 7---Judd 2-8--American_ Profile 11:00 PM, 2-3-4-6-7-8.9-11-12--News Weather, Sports 1.18 P.M, li--Plerre Berten 11:20 PLM, 4--Viewpoint Vas P | 2.8--Tonight 11:38 PLM, 3--Movie 11:40 PLM, 12--Movie 11--Movie 1:45 PLM, %--Royal Winter Fair éMevie 12:15 a.m, | 9~Parry's Probe Movie 12:48 A.M, SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. 1]--Sehnitzel House 8--Davey and Geljath 7--Spider Man S--Cluteh Car on s ; A.M, 11--Ontario + Schools | @--Three Stooges 7--Recketship 7 3--Hercules 4 A.M, 9--Buddies 4--Frankenstein Jr, 2--Mr. Magoe A 9--Santa Claus Parade 6--Film Short 4--Herculoids 2--Dick Tracy 9:45 A.M. 3-6-12--Santa Claus Parade 10:00 A.M, 1i--Ed Allen &--Fiintstenes , Gumby - in 4--Sinbad Jr. 10:38 A.M, 12--interlude N--Hobby Time CROSSWORD 3:0 | N--Spetlignt 9 -Batfink 4--Space Ghost 6--Cousin Bill $-2--Samson and @elleh 7--Journey | 3--Popeye 1:00 AM, 8.3---Birdman %--Spider Man 7--King Kong eorge of the Jungle §--Skipper Sam 6--Cousin Bill | 4----Superman Aquaman | }--Littliest Hobe 2--Ant-Squirre! 12 NOON 12----Ontario Schools 9--Movie 7--Beatles é--Daktari +News $-8--Top Cat 12:38 P.M, 1--Outdoors Unlimited 4--Jonny Quest 3--Western Jamberee 2-8--Coo! McCool 1:00 P.M, 11--Gadabout Gaddis Super Six 7--Championship Bowling 4--Rural Review 3-6-12--Tennis 2--Upbeat 1: PLM, 11--Wrestling $--Super President 4--Roadrunner 2:0 P. 1---Movie 7--Buffalo Bilis Highlights 4--Forest Rangers 3-6-12---British Empire Games | 2--Greatest Show 2.30 FM | 11--Moment of Truth | 7--Wide World of Sports 4--Littlest Hobe 3:00 PLM, | 4--Movie 2--Checkmate PLM, 4:00 PLM, 11--Litfle People 9---Pro Football 8--Dobie Gillis 4--Film Shorts 3-6-12--Water Polo 2--Wrestling 4:30 PLM, 11--Parade 6--Wrestling 7--College Football ACROSS DOWN 21. Cross- tL ane ST ISIAjL 1. Gulf of 1, Plant threads [A SE EE ee recent insect 23. Sheep's [ejale OIRIAITIE|S headlines 2. Completely coat ic UIR| FE E tl t 6. Long, 3. Constella- 26. Strike {S/P}! NIE ulti sharp tion 28. Flow BaBne posal teeth 4. Greek 29. Bitter SPIRIAL|S 11. Cleaner letter almond Blals K E D) aa I aa 12. Aside 5. Island flavored jA/S|T1! y 13, Gap oft liquor ERR MMC els 15. Layer Venezuela 30. Slant- on ---- 16. Pronoun 6. Music ing Yesterday's Answer 17, Resting note 'type 43. Sciences 19, Man's 7. Likely $1 Ireland 45. Harvest name 8. Tack 34, Average 48. Girl's 20. Moisture 9. More 38, Devout- name 22. Below: verdant' ness 50. Burmese naut. 10. Indian 40. Flavor- gibbon 24, Greek blankets ing 52. Address letter 14. Vend plant abbrevia- 25. Plural 18. Condemn 41, Confections tion di 27. Maton ae a a a GY 7 Te |? [0 circle 29, Firearm " YY 32. Moroccan ry < natives 8 O, 33. Gain 7 4 Yi 35. Card cs Y Y -- 4 24 36. Tantalum: [20| |#! (7722 mi sym. ry 37. Support YW) 25 |20 WY, df = 39. Butt 39 130 em) 42. Nike 44, "The exe . 3 34 V/A35 46. Nickel: WY Y 1/4) sym. V//)39 140 [41 47. Pine ae WY al y trees pa > 44 4s 46 49.King ook ed 4 Y Arthur's CY 49 50 51. Strok Y c) fe 0 s2V/ 53. Brown ' CY 54. Thing =4 Y of value Y - &. WWI battle '-n RELAX, MRS. CORRIGAN'THE PROCESS Wimmean | THE EMERGENCY IF YOU FIGHT IT-- GENERATORS THE LIGHTS! THEY RE GOING ARENT WORKING, J out! ~y ~EUSTIS! GET UPSTAIRS! Wie SEE WHATS WRONG! THE W. -- 723-4634 HUBERT HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR! AS A SPECIAL TREAT, MOTHER HAS COOKED YOUR FAVORITE DISH OF CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE! YOUR HEALTH Baker's Cyst Treatment Depends On Severity By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD swelling behind my knee which/nursing, you have to start out er's cyst. Can it be treated with-|you start with the idea that "I be able to get around?--M. T. soon it becomes all bottle. tendon of the calf muscle runs, |feeding babies. It is, therefore, bursitis in al particular location, and may re-| Dear Dr. Molner: I have been sult from injury, strain, pres-jtaking birth control pills but sure, possibly arthritis of the;somehow miscounted and am knee, jpregnant. I continued the pills Like other cases of bursitis, 1t}for about five or six weeks. I may be severe or mild. Therejhave been told by various peo- may or may not be pain; whenjple that T could have an abnor- discomfort occurs it depends on|mal baby because of this. My the amount of swelling of the|doctor wouldn't give me a di- | | | | bursa, and while it may becomejrect answer, and I am out of quite painful, you would still be|my mind with worry.--D. able-to get around. Ht is possible but-not predicta- Sometimes injections of hy-jble. I wouldn't worry. The risk drocortisone are used; in milderjof abnormality from this ap- cases no treatment may be nec-:|pears slight. essary. If hydrocortisone does not improve the condition, then! Dear Dr. Molner: Is oleomar- surgical removal may be neces-|garine less fattening than but- sary but this is done only injter? cases in which pain and the size; Is it all right to use the water of the cyst create problems. an egg has been boiled in to MISUNDERSTOOD make a cup of tea?--W.M.R. Perhaps I misunderstood your| Calorie value of butter and answer but I'm afraid many po-|™ost margarines is the same tential nursing mothers might| Yes, you can use the water. misunderstand, too.--Mrs. R. B.|Boiling has sterilized it anyway. Your're right; others did mis- understand. from a woman whose hushand|sround on top of a septic tank didn't want her to nurse the|drainage bed?--B.W.F. inconvenient." She wasn't much take the chance, The septic tank convinced herself and thought|and tile field colld fail and con- she could use a bottle some of|!aminate vegetables. Risk _ is the time. greatest in vegetables growing With such a reluctant start|in the ground, of course. there was mighty small chance| pI ReATR Ra Riot that she would make a serious MOST OF THEM DRIVE effort at nursing. A baby can ac-| About 95 per cent of all people cept the occasional bottle wit'-jentering Canada travel by pri- out difficulty Lut if you areivate automobile. Dear Dr. Molner: I have algoing to do a successful job of has been diagnosed as a Bak-|with the intention of doing it. If out surgery? What will happen|can use a'bottle any time nurs- if I do not have surgery? Will Ijing isn't convenient," pretty A Baker's cyst is a swelling of| You can't be half-hearted the bursa at the back of the/about it. And as you know, I knee--the bursa over which the/thoroughly approve of breast- Dear Dr. Molner: Is it safe to The column in question was|¢a! vegetables grown above the baby because it would be "too| Personally I wouldn't want to THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 17, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) TEST YOUR PLAY 1. You are declarer with the West hand at Six Hearts. North leads the ace of clubs which you ruff. How would you play the hand? 49765 Ne) @AK2 vAxKsi03 |M.) 999862 oA842 | OK 1068 +-- kK 2. You are declarer with the West hand at Five Diamonds. North leads the nine of clubs, How would you play the hand? 4a 3 1493..' S Azose We 4 Qi78 8 AQs $K105 1. This is one of those sure- trick conracts which you are certain to make against any distribution with correct play. Ruff the club, draw trumps, and cash the A-K-Q of spades. If the spades are divided 3-3, you can discard a diamond from dummy on the fourth spade, so assume they are unevenly divided, Ruff the seven of spades in dummy and lead the three of diamonds. If South follows low, finesse the eight. Regardless of whether North wins with the nine:+jack or queen, you have the rest of the tricks. He must either give you a ruff-discard, or return a diamond, If he re- turns a low diamond, insert the ten; if he returns a high dia- mond, follow low from dummy. These plays guard against every possible 4-1 distribution of the North-South cards. If South follows to the first diamond lead from dummy with the nine, win with the ace and returna low diamond. If North follows low, insert the ten; if he produces the jack or queen, you cannot lose more than one dia- mond trick. If North shows out on the second diamond lead, play the ten from dummy and South must then resign. 2. One way of playing the hand would be to win the club, draw trumps, and rely on the success of a heart finesse. This would give you a 50% chance of making the contract, but it would not be the best method of play. You can improve your chances by drawing trumps, clearing the club suit, and leading the queen of spades. If South has the A-K of spades, your worries about the location of the king of hearts are over. After he cash- es them, he must return a heart or yield a ruff and discard, and you make the contract either way. South will be dealt the A-K of spades about one deal out of four, and this substantial pos- sibility should not. be ignored. The heart finesse is available later on if the spade play fails, Marriage Belongs In Worship PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. (CP) -- The congregation at Knox United Church was given a surprise one recent Sunday morning when the church or- =\ganist broke into a few bars of Here Comes the Bride. At first, they thought there had been a mistake, But down the aisle came pretty Margaret Floyd, 20, to exchange vows with 23-year-old Richard Arnett. Rev. B. H. Taylor said he had had the idea in mind for a Jong time, And when the right couple approached him, he suggested a ceremony performed as part of the worship service. Why? "We have so many marriages in this church, mostly of people not connected with the church, Sometimes we feel we're simply carrying out a ritual which is quite unrelated to the total wor- ship of the Christian church." Mr. Taylor said he hoped other ministers would perform Sunday marriages, although they should not become a com- mon practice. He suggested they should serve as a symbol of the fact that marriage belongs In Chris- tian worship. When the brief Floyd-Arnett ceremony ended, the couple took part in the remainder of the worship service, which in- eluded two congregational hymns and a sermon on Chris- tian marriage In the United Church, mar. riage is not officially considered a sacrament, as in fhe Roman Catholic Church, but Mr. Taylor said it is "of sacramental na- ture."" QUEENIE imneeSi Sian Pattee. Sat eet "I know I live across the hall ++ did you HAVE to remind me?" KEN SHAW, right, mas ter at arms, Oshawa Naval Veterans' Association, pi sents a glittering new drum BEFORE THE MA Three D Impaire BOWMANVILLE Thre drivers were convicted o charges of impaired driving b Magistrate R. B. Baxter her Tuesday. Each was fined $5 and costs or seven days an each had his licence suspende for three months Evidence showed John Com stock, 430 Garden Ave., Peter borough, had been stopped o the Macdonald - Cartier Free way, west of Courtice Road and held for the arrival of | Bowmanville officer. A breath alizer test showed 1.6 parts ¢ alcohol per thousand, Richard V. Anderson, 89 Grierson Street, Oshawa, wa stopped by local police as h drove out of the liquor stor parking lot. Evidence given ir dicated he staggered when h walked, his breath smelle strongly of alcohol and his eye were bloodshot. His car wa held and the driver sent hom by taxi when the charge wa laid Ralph Thomas Pippy, Saga more Hotel, Mimico, was re turning to Toronto late at nigh in his tractor trailer after mak ing' deliveries and pick-ups al the way to Picton, He was trav elling partially on the shoulde: of Highway 401, a police office' said, raising a cloud of dust an slowing traffic to a crawl. He told the officer he thought h was east of Newcastle, when ir Farmer Committed OWEN SOUND (CP) -- Nor man John Beacock, 67, of Kep pel, Ont., was committed fo trial at the next sitting of the Ontario Supreme Court follow ing preliminary hearing Thurs day on a charge of non-capita murder. Beacock was charged in con nection with the ~ Halloweet night shooting death near Wiar ton, Ont. of David John Mole, ¢ youth identified earlier as Davic John Crawford. Brian Hewitt, 16, testified he and Mole went to Beacock's farm home the night of Oct. 3) and turned off the electricity leading to the house. He said Beacock came out 0} the house carrying a 12-gauge double-barrel shotgun ane turned the power hack on A' that moment, the youths rushec up to him and tossed balloon: filled with water, Hewitt said He said as they turned to rur away, he slipped on a muddy spot and then heard a shot. WHITBY Country Western : MUSIC Mon., Thurs, | Fri., Sat, | Meals and Snacks In Our Dining Lounge.

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