10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 20, 1967 get"? It looks good on pape should know it. We were married 17 years. Can Deceived Wife Forgive And Forget? -- Dear Ann Landers: I wish you g n would stop -giving stupid, un-|forget? All right, then, don't. realistic advice to wives whose/Keep husbands have been unfaithful.|alive by rehashing the past at) © t a womanjevery a Resy Poel peeoelh the tor-|know his deceitfulness has de- tures of hell to 'forgive and for-|stroyed your faith and broken Ann, but human beings just/few cutting remarks in the pres- don't operate that way and youjence of the children. thought our marriage was aSidone to you? And don't forget] { solid as the rock of Gibraltar./the ultimate punishment. When You don't want to forgive and the painful memories opportunity. Let him) | r,lyour heart. Cry a lot. Drop a Why should the skunk enjoy 'their respect after what he has My husband was doing well in/ne wants your love, oblige him,| >) his profession, Our children/put keep the love-making|; were a credit to us. My home/wooden and mechanical so he'll was his castle--or so I thought.|know your heart isn't in it.) | And then those ugly little clues|Force a little smile now and|_ began to pop up--every wife|/then to make sure he knows you whose husband has cheated/are trying to be brave. knows them well. Makeup Sg ES as he returns he's too tired for con- But it will be too late. versation, let alone love. Dear Ann Landers: My boy Finally you tell him of your),; 4 : han! suspicions. He couteien {ue yer ciit month, ig ob ---- mage Miter wrote to you a month before he| * aaee nothing to him. He'll left and asked if we should " never se her agai. He Tonk CO™® PEN ang posal pea a re oe = wait). I didn't listen to your ad- ory > ove ° vice and accepted his ring two dren to put this out of. your ph 5 t ; i ys before he shipped out. ae San ee Se SSE I realize now I made a big ; After a while he'll get fed up smudges on his shirt which he/ it, the sub-zero temperature| | bi oe bgt seve \ wd La aa poo at home and he'll tell himself he} © Salle BRL vagy won't be home has a right to seek warmth and | comfort elsewhere. By that time ¢ for dinner. Then he announces you'll have decided that maybe} THAT OLD stand-y of dear old mom, jersey, is now being used for things for the mini crowd (in this Picture the photographer happened." "Never mention the incident again." How in God's name can I forget? Do you have an answer for me, Ann Landers? --Betrayed Dear Betrayed: Yes, I have an answer for you--and for the hundreds of other wives who wrote as you did. The next thing I know he hands me your column and youre, 0, adel Forse ones nome, Tm vo mized! Mom's Od Standby, Jersey Is Now A Swinging Fabric ts cut off the model's | mistake. I want to send his ring] The diamond - ss uemts back and tell him it's over. My up I don't know what to do. This time I promise to take your ad- vice. What is it?--Sorry Now Dear Sorry: If your boyfriend is fighting in Vietnam the last thing he needs is a_ shaft through the mail. Wait until he comes home and then give him the jolly tidings. That old stand-by of dear newest love of the swinging de- signers. Current couture collections THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TUESDAY Tuesday could prove a very profitable day, with stars stimu- lating lofty ambitions and indi- cating advancement along many lines. In your enthusiasm, however, don't scatter ener- geies. Concentrate on immedi- ate goals and follow direct jare dominated by wool jersey. [British fashion houses are run- jning up little things in jersey Ageless Beauty Woman's Heritage'. tome reasons that made jersey so popular for mom for ora) tans than a ceatury|®®, Many years make it popular e woman was considered|"it? youngsters: it's comfort- miadle-aced at thirty. Today jable packable and stretchable. "life begins at forty" and with] The young like to sprawl as) all the wonderful medical de-/MUch as the mature like to) velopments and scientific cos-|Sit and the giving qualities of old mom, the jersey knit, is the] metic discoveries, it is possible paths toward their attainment.|for a mature woman to be 'An interesting new proposition|astonishingly attractive all her| 4s worth your serious considera-/life! tion. Presenting a youthful appear- FOR THE BIRTHDAY ance is a matter of figure, Tuesday birth facial care and make-up. yo Z pono nd Indicates that] mature women fight a con- you can achieve a great deal/*tant battle with the bulge due/ to over eating and lack of uk te ee ES exercise. At 40, a woman needs lent five-month cycle where fi-|@PProximately half of the Mege nancial matters are concerned, |7t* required in her teens. It and still further uptrends along|'#kes sheer will power to cut these lines are prophesied for down on one's intake of food, early July, next September and|¥* this is the only way to October. This does not mean|!0se unwanted inches. that you should go overboard in| Cosmetically, the mature spending. On the contrary, it;)woman should review every will be important to avoid ex-|aspect of her make-up and travagance and risky specula-/select cosmetics from the light- tion--especially during the firstjer and softer color ranges. In two weeks of next April, mid-jfact, a woman's cosmetic May and early June, Late De-jchoice should in many ways cember, January, late April and/correspond with the make-up all of next October will be ex-|that the fresh young teenager cellent for iob advancement and|needs -- natural and pretty (or) business expansion. rather than striking. January, May, late June and) The mature woman should late July will be highly propi-'steer clear of heavy bases or tious periods for romance and, |pancake-type foundations which if you are single, there is the/tend to clog the pores and possibility of a sudden marriage|accent lines and wrinkles on during any one of these months,|the face. A light matt make-up Good opportunities for traveljis usually all that is necessary. and stimulating social activities) Most important beauty aid are happily forecast in January, |for the not-so-young skin is a July and September, of 1968. | moist, tropical beauty oil which A child born on this day willjshould always be smoothed on be endowed. with a_ keenlyjas an invisible make-up base analytical mind, great tenacity|before applying tinted make-up. of purpose and enormous degree|It is a shortage of moisture, of will power. |just as much as oil, that causes enn ero ------ithe skin to lose its smooth. ness. Preventive care cannot jbe over - emphasized for jwrinkles are far easier to pre- |vent than to cure. jersey appeal to the sprawlers and the sitters. "It has a controlled elas- ticity," says Frank Bratman, |managing director of Jersey- \craft, a Yorkshire mill. "This allows the wearer movement in a garment without getting it out of shape. "It's easy to wear for an- British wool jacquard jer- sey dress and jacket come in off-beat color combina: tions of bottle green-fuch- Sia-mauve; mauve - olive - aubergine; bottle green- mauve-orange; and navy- bottle green-fuchsia. jother reason, too; no two human shapes are the same and, because of this elasticity, jersey will mould itself to the body and adjust to the wear- jer's dimensions." | The new jerseys range from fine wool single-knits to heavy double-knits. Single-knit wool jersey bonded to silky tricot can be ade up into inexpen- sive garments that do not need ining. New designs range from zig- zags to jacquards in a whole palette of shades. Next tex- tures resemble corcheted wool and Donegal tweed. BOYCOTT TOO MUCH BELGRADE (AP) -- A Yugo- slay man caught stealing choco- late from a self-service store burned himself to death after slyear-old Jennie the saga of|W0rld because the hard work I _|ists and tycoons, couples and _ [singles and families and conven- _ |tions who constantly come to it |summer sports and the cultural, . |social and entertainment events ; |the resort offers in abundance. Three Loves Build A Career Work, Knowledge And People By ROBERTA ROESCH and my husband and I moved to Love of work, love of knowl-|8 farm and took in boarders edge, love of people are three of|back in 1914, my first jobs '4. that in my hard-working life I had so very little time for for- mal education. When I received one honorary degree as Doctor of Humanities I found myself actually saying out loud: 'I feel like Cinderelle.' " To make up for her lack of hooling and pursue her love of the routes to building a life atjincluded being chambermaid, the same time you build a ca-|Scrubwoman, chivken-plucker, reer, if Jennie Grossinger, own-|!aundress, hostess, waitress and er-hostess of the world-famous] bookkeeper. Grossinger Hotel and Country] 'The route from those jobs to Club in New York's Catskill|my present role running this Mountains, is any criterion. hotel with my son and my In a memorable hour spent|4ughter was often a very hard with her after her working day,|JUmey," Jennie added. "But I I learned first-hand nd 75. wouldn't change my life for the Grossinger's success: from the have loved has helped bring the day it began as a rundown|¥°rld to me. knowledge, Jennie has spent her' non-working hours in endless self-education to help her fulfill her inner self and meet the public well. How well she has achieved these aims comes alive in the Jennie spirit which permeates all of Grossinger's and makes each visitor pause for a word with the smiling blonde woman at the dining room door who sits on a stool and greets her guests) farmhouse that had to take in|SINGLE REGRET boarders till it grew to its| "My only regret," she said, whenever she's able to be there. present status as a 1,300-acre wonderland for the thousands of celebrities and champions, typ- for fun and food, winter and "Before Grossinger's began, I started my 'career,' if you want to call it that, as a 13-year-old factory worker in a New York sweatshop," Jennie told me. "When my immigrant parents IT'S TRUE! Every Day! for discriminating decorators "FREE PICK-UP Efficient Measuring end installing . . . | Interior Decorating Service in your You're NOT Going STEADY ? | more people decide to go steady to BAKER'S for | their Drapery and Carpet Cleaning. BAKER'S do i} such a thorough, efficient cleaning job, few people | can resist them. Call BAKER Carpet Cleaning Co. || for fast pick-up and delivery. | | hen ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" -- "Over 80 Years Experience" Every Week! More and and DELIVERY" Home with no | Cleaning Co. 926 Simcoe N. his friends began avoiding him, a Belgrade newspaper reported. Obligations . . . HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 725-3144 CALL ZENITH 9-9100 We Pay The Charge ve nee | A soft brush-on blusher will J give a hint of color to the| jcheeks. Apply it while smiling] jin the mirror. Because eyes! Ineed definition, use a soft lilac| ee g jor pale gray eye shadow. Char- jcoal eyebrow pencil is neces- sary if the hair has been allow- Use a clean blackboardjed to go grey or silver and eraser to remove steam, fog|lashes should be-darkéned with from the inside of car windows/a little mascara. Choose a_lip-| and windshield. 'stick in a soft rose shade. Los MOLES _ To Experienced Drivers It's a challenge to improve your driving ability. To The Accident Prone An opportunity to help clear your record, To The Beginner. "A MUST" A course money can's buy which will help you pass your test with ease. OSHAWA TRAFFIC CLINIC consisting of Two -- 2 hour classes 7:30 P.M. -- COURT ROOM OSHAWA POLICE STATION TUESDAY, NOV. 21 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE get the message that there can be no other, and that your real life is about to begin... it is good to know that at Birks there are diamonds you can trust... for quality, for value, forever, TRUSTED THROUGH THE GENERATIONS When you suddenly THURSDAY, oCoT! is the GRAND OPENING of ea as | Jock's Carpet Mart | FACTORY ae ay HAVE YOU SEEN | THE MACLEOD OF MACLEOD? NOV. 23rd Shape up to the _festive season in Whirlwind Prints " lovable These lovely-as-snow-flowers prints bloome- ing on blue or skintone grounds will set the mood for all your glitter 'n glow dressing for the social whirl ahead. Nyion tricot bandeau has an extra touch of help In its Fibrefill padding. A and B cup sizes 32 to 36. 2.50 Lycra® powernet long leg pantie girdle reinforced with a front panel for firm control. Sizes S, M, L. 5.00 Oshawa Shopping Centre -- 728-4626 & REMOD: THE GENERAL M. Stefanik Slovak Circle Oshawa held a banquet dance in its freshly opened and completely ovated Slovak Nati hall, Ritson Road South, Saturday. Guests from United States and Que were among the four | dred plus who attended climax of the Centen project. Both the upper lower halls were filled a two-way loud speaker | CHILD GUIDAI Undue Prot May Prolor By GARRY C. MYERS, } I have often urged pz and teachers to be very p with the shy, timid child a aim to gradually cultivate dihood and courage in hi may be that some of us 2 patient and considerate o shy child, that we unduly long his shyness and tim Apropos is the following from a Michigan mother 18-month-old youngster. "She became frightene strangers when she was quite one year old. She i: tinb better--slowly--but really bad. At present, it : to be particularly grown When one is around, she be close to me at all times never warms up. These don't try to force her, don't even look at her. She has to sit on my lap at re ants. "My teen-age niece has SOCIAL NOTIC OPEN HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ga 532. Cromwell Avenue, w: pleased towelcome their tives, friends and neighbe their home, on Saturday vember 25, from 2:00-9:00 on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. A. R. will be pleased to receive relatives and friends at home of their daughter, A. -E. Kitchen, 149 Ad Avenue East, Saturday, vember 25, 1967, from p.m, - §:00 p.m. and fron p.m. -- 9:00 p.m, on the sion of their 40th weddin niversary. Sale! Full Le AND BRIL SAR' BRAND NEV FALL ARRIVA 463 RITSON RD. S.